We Need a Protestant 90s Giuliani, Sort Of

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Welcome back to the channel. I Discovered something.
Maybe maybe this is well known. Maybe it isn't but I discovered something that I feel like makes a little bit more sense out of some of the stuff we're seeing on the streets during Pride Month and The transsexual stuff and things like that.
I mean, obviously there's really no making sense of that But I feel like I understand it a little bit more than I used to and and actually there's some things that I've Witnessed in my own life and in movies and in things like that that that I never quite understood
But I feel like I get it now So if you don't know this, I I lived for I don't know eight to ten years or so Maybe something like that in New York City, you know, we'll never forget
This one friend I had and this guy, you know, he's always very much into drugs, you know, he's also very much into fashion
He he was heterosexual as far as I knew But you know you could see some of the stuff that he would like, you know
I could see how someone might say, you know, maybe is ambiguous as sexuality Anyway, I remember one time there was a girl visiting him that was you know
Kind of like the kind of girl that would go to raves and stuff like that I remember one time they were they were, you know, not right in the head if you know what
I mean and They looked at me and and they were like we are the candy kids
I Didn't understand what they meant by that. I didn't ask because I was a little bit creeped out by it
That was just that was it. I never really looked into it again and never asked him about it This is someone I used to hang out with every now and then
I never understood what he meant by that He also was the kind of guy that would sometimes just like dress up in very weird outfits when we went out and You know, even sometimes
I even were like costumes and things like that I never quite understood what that was all about But you know again, it was
I mean, I thought it was pretty funny, but I never really got into it you know and then there was
There was a couple of movies that I saw some things that didn't make sense either like there's a movie that I used to watch
Called American Psycho. I don't watch it anymore. It's pure debauchery but In that movie, there are some club scenes where he's in a club and people are like again
They're like wearing costumes and it doesn't I don't think it's a Halloween party. They're just like wearing these like flamboyant
Costumes and he doesn't like these people very much in the movie he's kind of like a yuppie and Then there's the but he's at these clubs with all these people that are dressed up like freaks
And then there was also a scene in the movie kids, which is a very it's an it's another creepy
Just kind of a strange movie I would not watch it these days But I used to watch it every now and then back in the day very disturbing about young kids like, you know 14 to 16 year olds, you know, and they would go to clubs in New York City and I always thought that that seemed so outrageous like you can't get into a club when you're 14 years old like At least because that's what
I knew of New York City when I was there I was already, you know my 20s and you know, they're
Relatively strict about who gets into the clubs and party and bars and stuff like that and things like that I always thought that was outrageous and then
I heard about I don't even know how this came up But I watched a video about this movie Party monster.
Have you have you seen this movie? I don't think it's a movie that you'll want to watch It's about it
Macaulay Culkin's in it. Seth Green is in it. Marilyn Manson is in it I don't really know who's who what's what in the movie?
but it's about a guy a real -life guy who was like a club promoter in the 90s and He was a you know, he was homosexual and all his friends were like homosexuals and they would dress up They would dress up in these weird outfits.
Like here's a here's an example of the kind of thing that they would do You know, here's a guy who just kind of you know, just kind of weird wearing goggles.
That's just kind of strange This is the guy the main character Michael I think is his name
Michael a late a league a leg. He's dead now. He overdosed on something But this is
Macaulay Culkin. This is how he would go out like like like this is what he would do not on Halloween Just like all the time, you know, this guy was part of their crew he wears chicken costume and then there was this guy who would had goggles, you know, kind of like a
Captain's hat and he would wear these angel wings and actually this guy the whole story here is this guy in real life
This guy killed this guy one day in a drug frenzy and this is a story about this like movement of weirdos that would dress up and it was like they would all kind of they were all kind of gay or Ambiguous and they would dress up like women and they would have flamboyant, you know makeup and stuff like that And some of it was just outright insane, but some of it was like they're trying to look like a girl
I mean it was it was dressing in drag and just dressing outrageous and having like and and sometimes they'd have horns and like, you know devil stuff like some of the stuff that we see today on Twitter feeds and stuff like that and It certainly seems like what was happening back then in the 90s in the clubs is
Kind of what they're trying to push Just in general life out here where you've got, you know transsexual story hour
But it's like not like just a guy dressed as a woman It's like a guy dressed as like a demonic woman with like, you know, weirdo eyes and fangs and horns and so that that's the kind Of stuff that these guys would do when they went clubbing nightclubs in the 90s
And this was back when New York was really seedy Like if you go to New York now a lot of people think New York is still seedy
But I got to be honest with you. There were certain parts of New York that were pretty you know, creepy and weird
But a lot of New York is very commercialized very I'm gonna say clean but like that's a relative term.
Of course, there's still garbage in the streets, of course But it's just more of it. It's like it's like it's more like going to Disney World than it is going to you know, like a seedy place with like peep shows and you know
Prostitutes on every corner kind of thing like the prostitution is still there But it's hidden right a lot of the seedier elements of New York They're kind of hidden and stuff like that back when these guys were roaming the streets these freaking they're freaks
These people are freaks and they were all they were all drug addicted and stuff like that Back when they were going out in the streets like you could go to Times Square and you know
You might be the only one there like it wasn't like it is now where you go there. There's a hundred thousand people in Times Square It's not like that back in the 90s in the 90s
It was a very seedy kind of place a very shady kind of place lots of drugs everywhere You know, you walk around you step on a vial of crack that kind of thing needles stuff like that That's not how
New York is anymore and there's a very specific reason why New York is not like that anymore and you might think that New York is degenerate and Awful and and still kind of like that relatively speaking and relatively speaking.
You're right But but compared to the 90s New York is a much safer place than it used to be
It's just a fact and there's a reason for that But this is something that I just think this is so interesting and maybe you're not maybe you don't care about this
But but back in the day like the people that used to do this In fact, the guy who wrote this book is a guy named
James st James who's a transsexual or a transvestite I should say because there's really no such thing as a transsexual
James st James is a transvestite He told at the time he described this as you know
This is like, you know, we were kind of dressing in drag. We were kind of just dressing up for fun
But it was all also intentionally infantile like it wasn't we were being intentionally childish
That's what we were doing. We were and if you look at these, of course, this is childish This is how people like like kids might dress up like except for this one, you know
No kid of mine would ever dress up like this but but kids might want to dress a bit of chicken costume and jump around funny or wear goggles for no reason or something like that like So like they knew that this was childish like they knew this wasn't
Like I mean it was legitimate to them in some way, but they knew it was kind of illegitimate
It was a counterculture, right? Like they knew that And and and and it's it is it is illegitimate.
It's not what a Human an adult human should be doing with their time They knew that at the time and now it's being sold as if that this is legitimate
Like this is actually something that's normal in normal life. No, this is something that needs to be in the back alley and only there and Eventually not even there like people that want to dress up like this and be freaks like this
Need to understand that they're not being legitimate. They need they're they're being infantile. They they need to hide this
This is not something that they should tell anybody about this is a shameful thing And now of course these people weren't ashamed of it
They were going out and stuff like that But it would only go out really at night doing this kind of stuff like this wasn't to be at the public library
They knew their place wasn't the public library. They knew that if they went there They knew that they would probably be arrested for indecency
Probably be frisked to see if they had any drugs on them, which they always did right they were on drugs But but this is the thing like they they knew at the time
This was infantile and the thing is here's what I want to say. They they know this now They know this now and I think for a lot of these freaks and these are freaks people that dress up like this and try to push it off as normal They're freaks
You know what I mean, and they're made in the image of God and so of course we don't treat them Outside of the law of God or stuff like that But but one of the most loving things you can do for to these people is to not
Placate them to not to not let them Not indulge their fantasy that this is normal behavior.
This is not normal behavior This is behavior that they should be ashamed of and that feeling of shame is a very good thing if they're feeling shame
They should feel shame and they should hide this and they should not do this. Of course number one They should repent of this kind of thing
But this is shameful this is shameful and back in the day, you know, yes they were going out in public but they would only go out at night and they would only go out in their little clubs and Things like that and this was not something for normal life
Now, of course, it became a spectacle in New York and they used to go on talk shows and stuff like that and they became you know, like they essentially became professional freaks that people would gawk at and Things like that like that's what they did.
And so of course there were there were they were trying to sort of Mainstream it to some degree but it was still mostly just a spectacle like it was like a money -making scheme for them
They knew it wasn't legitimate. It's not a normal thing to do Very strange very strange and back then it was something that kids would do they used to call themselves the club kids and they really were kids.
I mean they were young kids and This was something that was some somewhat tolerated in clubs
Like you could be 16 and go to a nightclub Dressed like a freak and you know do drugs and all kinds of degeneracy
I mean you you know, I'll let you kind of figure out what I mean by that and it was relatively tolerated until quite frankly
Rudy Giuliani Rudy Giuliani among other things Rudy Giuliani I mean he set out to clean up New York, right and you might have some things to gripe with about Rudy Giuliani's tactics
Or his style or even like everything that he did obviously I'm not endorsing everything
Rudy Giuliani did but Rudy Giuliani set out to clean up the city and clean up the city He did and not talking just about the club kids, but although he did end this
I mean this this came to an end in large part due to Rudy Giuliani. There's just no question about it
He said you know what? This is degeneracy. There's drug. There's rampant drug use. This is complete open
Degeneracy we're gonna put this to an end simple as that and he did it He went out and he cracked skulls and he did it did the same thing with the
Mafia It was the same thing with the Mafia. He that was degeneracy to a different kind of degeneracy But he's like, you know, we're gonna put a stop to this
Rudy Giuliani gets should get a lot of credit for Improving New York City and he definitely improved
New York City When I lived in New York City, there were still lots of problems and it was definitely a socialist kind of paradise at the time
Well, not quite a paradise, but it was still some pretty socialist But because of the work of Rudy Giuliani, can you imagine a guy like Rudy Giuliani?
Taking the reins of New York City. I Mean the guy listen he didn't he wasn't perfect I'm not
I'm not singing the praises of Rudy Giuliani in Toto, right? But he cracked some skulls that was that was a man who knew how to use power and he used power and in Many ways he really cleaned up a lot of things
Some would say he hid them, which I think that's a start. You got to start somewhere eventually
Eventually like like here's the thing like there's nothing wrong with pushing back the darkness from the light, right?
So saying you're not if you're gonna do degeneracy, you're gonna do it in the back alleys, right? That's a start That's a good start. So they the degeneracy is still there, but it's hidden.
It's it's something that's shameful people know It's shameful. They hide it from you. They're not open about it anymore Obviously, it can't stay there though We got to clean up the back alleys too, right?
But that was a there's a guy who knew how to use power and I got to be honest with you as Christians we need to embrace that we really do
We need to embrace that, you know, there are so many examples of so many there are good examples
I'll say that of men good Christian zealous for the Lord kind of men in Old Testament that knew how to use power and You know if if there were, you know, loser
Big Eva types and loser like pietist types back then I'm sure there were They would say oh, this is not the way of Christ.
This is not the way we we don't that's unbiblical And it's like well, yeah,
I mean, you know, you could say to Nehemiah all day long That's unbiblical But at the end of the day Nehemiah got results and the
Lord commended him for it The Lord remembered him for it as he asked I mean Nehemiah made no bones about it
He told the Lord remember me for this work that I did for you and I could just see it now those Pietistic, you know, you know, oh you getting their holy robes on that is not the way
We must burn power We must have a this must be good news for the secularists to like it's just it's just what about the
Hindus What are they gonna say if we like that kind of thing? We really need to work on this one this there
I mean, I'm not the guy to do it. I'm not an academic. I'm not I'm not I'm not that I'm not that kind of guy, right?
I'm more of a I'm more of a like like big picture kind of guy more of a yeah
I'm gonna move the Overton window kind of guy but but one thing is is for certain like Christians need to learn
How to use power We need to get power and learn how to use power
Obviously, I'm not saying that people are gonna be converted due to your power So don't get all stupid on me because I can see some of you getting stupid on me and say no
Powers more important than the gospel to you. No, that's obviously not what I'm saying
Obviously the gospel is how you change hearts But Christians need to learn how to clean up the freaking streets as well
You see what I'm saying? The church is there to preach the gospel and to change hearts
But Christians need to learn how to clean up the freaking streets as well for all of the degenerates that refuse
The call of the gospel that doesn't mean that they refuse it permanently But I'm saying as long as they're gonna continue to do this kind of thing
We need to get some people with sort of the shrewdness of Giuliani in the 90s to clean up the streets in a
Christian way That's something that is legitimate That we need to put more work and effort into that We need to figure out how to do we need people like Nehemiah that are willing to crack a few skulls metaphorically speaking allegedly for the
Lord For the Lord, I don't know how else to say it.
So I'm just gonna leave it there. God bless you I hope you found this video helpful. By the way, don't go out there and start watching party monster
I I don't know. It sounds like that movie would have a lot of degeneracy in it. I probably well,
I'm not gonna say probably I would not recommend you watching it because I've read a little bit about it and Even reading it made me feel like I needed to take a shower kind of thing
But but this this transsexual stuff that we're seeing during pride month. This is stuff that has happened before It's happened before in dark alleys of New York City Even in the dark alleys of New York, even when
New York itself was an entire dark alley Even then they still kind of hid in the dark alleys
This is something that's happened before It's been put to an end before by Giuliani And it can be put to an end again by someone who can wield power
Better than Giuliani more godly more zealously for the Lord than Giuliani if Giuliani can clean up the streets of New York Doing it for whatever reasons he was doing it those of us who are doing it for the
Lord can do it that much better I I don't really know how else to say it. I hope you found this video helpful