I Just Got Burned!
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Costi Hinn and his ministry For The Gospel:
- 00:05
- Hello, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today.
- 00:11
- I want to thank you so much for joining me for this podcast. Today is much more on the lighter side of things.
- 00:18
- Many of you who know me know that one of my dearest friends is a man named Jim Osmond. He is the pastor of Kootenai Community Church in Sandpoint, Idaho.
- 00:29
- And a couple of months ago, he had another one of my dear friends named Kosti Hinn come and preach at a conference that Kootenai Community Church was hosting and on the
- 00:40
- Word of Faith, the Prosperity Gospel. Of course, Kosti is Benny Hinn's nephew and Kosti was saved out of that movement.
- 00:48
- So, Kosti was preaching at this conference and at the end of the day, I believe this was on a
- 00:53
- Saturday, at the end of the day after his messages, then Jim just did a Q &A session with Kosti and my name came up.
- 01:04
- So, without any further delay, I think you might enjoy this. Watch this. Well, if I leave,
- 01:10
- I'll have no family. I'll have no money. I'll have no food. I'll have no friends. I can't pay rent. And so, now you forsake all for Christ.
- 01:20
- But I still, like people, there was a safety net. They're like, move out here.
- 01:26
- We'll help you. Okay. But even then it wasn't like, hey, we'll save you from heresy.
- 01:32
- It was like, whatever. It's Kosti. It's cool. It only came out after. So, I don't know anyone else who did it, but I bet they're out there and I bet they're wondering.
- 01:43
- There's got to be someone going, I'm done. Maybe one day they'll call you.
- 01:49
- Can I move to Sandpoint? Live in somebody's front yard? I'll pitch a tent. They're likely to call me for sure.
- 01:56
- Not Kosti. I called Justin. I knew stability when I saw it. That guy.
- 02:02
- You haven't seen him walk then, have you? That is the definition of lack of stability.
- 02:17
- And you're allowed to say that. He tells me I should write
- 02:22
- Hallmark cards. When Jim texted me that,
- 02:31
- I literally LOL'd. I literally laughed out loud. I thought that was one of the funniest things
- 02:36
- I've ever heard him say. And I've heard him say a lot of funny things. And before you think, oh, how can Jim say that?
- 02:41
- That's so politically incorrect, whatever. I call myself a little white cripple boy all the time.
- 02:48
- I am not politically correct. I don't mind the term crippled or anything like that because that's what
- 02:54
- I am. And so Jim and I have that kind of relationship and you're not going to offend me if you refer to me as handicapped or crippled even.
- 03:03
- It doesn't bother me in the least. So, I thought it was funny. I hope you do too. Jim is a great, great guy.
- 03:11
- Fantastic preacher. He's written some good books and I will put links to Jim's website where you can get his books as well as Kosti's website where you can get
- 03:24
- Kosti's resources down there below in the description because Kosti has several books as well.
- 03:31
- And he is also a fine man and a fine preacher of the Word of God. I have a great deal of respect for both of these men.
- 03:39
- And I thought that was funny. So, I hope you did too. And thank you very much, dear ones, for this rather light -hearted video.
- 03:47
- Until our next time together, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of His Holy Spirit be with you all.
- 03:55
- I called Justin. I knew stability when I saw it. That guy.