The Unconverted “Believer” (3): God Justifying the Ungodly


Greetings Brethren, In our discussion of the nominal Christian, that is, the one who claims to be a believer but who is still in sin and under God’s condemnation, it is important for us to address the classical Protestant teaching of justification. Justification is an essential and important aspect of true salvation. The Word of God teaches throughout its pages that God pardons the sinner and regards him as righteous through faith alone. But there is much misunderstanding with respect to the content of the gospel when considering this matter, which has resulted in many who are only Christian in name, but not in life. Further material:


And then pray for us, please Acts chapter 5
But a man named Ananias with his wife Sapphira Sold a piece of property and with his wife's knowledge
He kept back for himself some of the proceeds and brought only a part of it and laid it at the
Apostles feet but Peter said Ananias why is Satan filled your heart to the lie to the
Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of The land while it remained unsold did it not remain your own and after it was sold was it not at your disposal?
Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to man, but to God When Ananias heard these words he fell down and breathed his last and great fear came upon all who heard of it
The young men rose and wrapped him up and carried him out and buried him After an interval of about three hours his wife came in not knowing what had happened and Peter said to her tell me whether you sold the land for so much and she said yes for so much
But Peter said to her. How is it that you have agreed together to test the Spirit of the
Lord? Behold the feet of those who have buried your husband or at the door and they will carry you out
Immediately she fell down at his feet and breathed her last when the young men came in they found her dead and they carried her out and buried her beside her husband and Great fear came upon the whole church and upon all who heard of these things
Now many signs and wonders were regularly done among the people by the hands of the Apostles And they were all together in Solomon's portico
None of the rest dared join them, but the people held them in high esteem and More than ever believers were added to the
Lord multitudes of both men and women So that they even carried out the sick into the streets and laid them on cots and mats that as Peter came by At least his shadow might fall on some of them
The people also gathered from the towns around Jerusalem Bringing the sick and those afflicted with unclean spirits and they were all healed but the high priest rose up and all who are with him that is the party of the
Sadducees and Filled with jealousy. They arrested the Apostles and put them in public prison
But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out and said
Go and stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life
And when they heard this they entered the temple at daybreak and began to teach Now when the high priest came and those who are with him
They called together the council all the Senate of the people of Israel and sent to the prison to have them brought
But when the officers came they did not find them in the prison So they returned and reported we found the prison securely locked and the guard standing at the doors
But when we opened them, we found no one inside Now when the captain of the temple and the chief priest heard these words, they were greatly perplexed about them wondering
What this would come to? And someone came and told them look the men whom he put in prison are standing in the temple and teaching the people then the captain of the officers went and brought them but not by force for they were afraid of being stoned by the people and When they had brought them they set them before the council and the high priest questioned them saying we strictly charged you
Not to teach in this name Yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you intend to bring this man's blood upon us
But Peter and the Apostles answered We must obey God rather than men the
God of our fathers raised Jesus whom you killed by hanging him on a tree God exalted him at his right hand as leader and Savior to give repentance to Israel and forgiven forgiveness of sins and We are witnesses to these things and so is the
Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him When they heard this they were enraged and wanted to kill them
But a Pharisee in the council named Gamaliel a teacher of the law Held in honor by all the people stood up and gave orders to put the men outside for a little while And he said to them men of Israel take care what you are about to do with these men for before these days
Thudias rose up claiming to be somebody in a number of men about 400 joined him
He was killed and all who followed him were dispersed and came to nothing After him
Judas the Galilean rose up in the days of the census and drew away some of the people after him
He too perished and all who followed him were scattered So in the present case
I tell you keep away from these men and let them alone For if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail
But it is of God, but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them You might even be found opposing
God So they took his advice when they had called in the Apostles They beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus and let them go
Then they left the presence of the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name and Every day in the temple and from house to house.
They did not cease teaching and preaching that Christ is Jesus Let's pray
Heavenly Father you are a great and glorious God and We're thankful that the teaching of the
Apostles has continued today Because their teaching is truth. You are truth and Lord.
We are grateful that we know the truth We're thankful for your Holy Spirit who teaches us in truth
Who convicts us of our sin and helps us to understand the path that is set before us?
We pray Lord that we would walk in your spirit We pray that as we go to those scriptures and as we read and as we study as we
Listen to the sermon being preached. We pray that the Spirit would take these words and implant them deep within our hearts
Lord help us to understand your truth and help us to live them out help us to be disciplined in these things
Lord, we pray that you would bless this time together. We pray that you would bless the sermon. We pray that The words that come from this pulpit would be your truth and that they would deeply affect each one of us
We thank you Lord in Jesus name. Amen Well, let's turn to Romans 4 this morning
And we'll begin this morning Reading how the Apostle Paul called upon the
Old Testament scriptures the Hebrew Scriptures To prove that God justifies
Ungodly sinners through faith alone apart from their works We have already sung about this.
We read about it in the scriptures and here we have the really the heart of the matter the heart of the the teaching here in the book of Romans and We'll give attention here first to Romans 4 1 through 8 and then we'll consider its context
What then shall we say that Abraham our father has found according to the flesh For if Abraham was justified by works.
He has something to boast about but not before God For what does the scripture say
Abraham? Believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness
Now to him who works the wages are not counted as great but as debt
But to him who does not work but believes on him who justifies the ungodly
His faith is accounted for righteousness Just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom
God imputes righteousness apart from works Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven whose sins are covered
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin In our discussion of the nominal
Christian and this is the third Lord's Day which we're dealing with this matter and By nominal
Christian, we mean the one who claims to be a believer, but who is still in sin and under God's condemnation
But he's not aware of it, perhaps It's important for us to address the classical
Protestant teaching about justification For justification is an essential
Essential important aspect of true salvation and so the Word of God teaches throughout its pages
Old Testament and New Testament that God pardons the sinner and Regards him as righteous through faith alone
And so we'll consider this matter today by using the following outline God's justification of the ungodly through faith alone will explain the doctrine the teaching
Secondly justification essential to the gospel, but not the entire gospel.
It's so incredibly important to understand Thirdly what kind of faith results in God justifying the sinner and Then fourthly we want to emphasize that God justifies the ungodly
Through faith that's important, too And so God's justification of the ungodly through faith alone
The Protestant Reformation is commonly said to be gone in Germany during the early ministry of Martin Luther It was of course a movement throughout northern
Europe in which Christendom returned to the authority and sufficiency Of the Holy Bible while breaking away from long -held unbiblical tradition and practice
The result was that people everywhere broke away from Roman Catholicism and in particular its teaching respecting the way of salvation
At the heart of this separation from Rome was the Protestant understanding That the
Holy Scriptures teach that God justifies the sinner through faith alone The Westminster Shorter Catechism stated this foundational
Christian doctrine in this concise way Biblical way Question 33.
What is justification? answer Justification is an act of God's free grace whereas wherein he pardoneth all our sins and Accepted us as righteous in his sight only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us and received by faith alone
Rome Rome of course had taught for centuries That people were saved from sin through the merit of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
They certainly Advocated that but with the addition of personal faith generated good works between the two
Christ and your efforts you could bring about your own salvation and This could be shown in a number of sources
But it's quite clearly expressed in what the Roman Catholic Council of Trent Declared which was really an effort to counter the
Protestant Reformation and so it was convened and it met over the course of a number of years but it was asserting
Rome's teaching against what the Protestants taught and So in that official
Catholic document, which Rome regards as inspired and as authoritative as Holy Scripture It declared that those who held to the
Protestant teaching on justification were cursed of God That's what they officially say regarding me and you if you believe what we had asserted about justification about what the
Westminster Catechism says about Justification you are cursed of God That they who believe in a spouse this doctrine were damned by God accursed of God And so here are a few of the formal statements of Trent and Canon means rule
You know a finding a rule official rule again This was the Word of God to them as authoritative as Scripture Canon 9 if anyone saith that by faith alone the impious is justified in Such wise as to mean that nothing else is required to cooperate in order to the obtaining the grace of justification
And that it is not in any way necessary That he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will let him be anathema so Rome officially declares if you believe
Justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. You are damned Canon 12 if anyone shall say that justifying faith is nothing else than confidence in the divine mercy
Pardoning sins for Christ's sake or that it is that confidence alone by which we are justified.
Let him be accursed and then Canon 24 if anyone saith that the justice received is not preserved and what they meant by justice is
Justification if justice is received received is not preserved and also increased before God through good works
But that the said works are merely the fruits or signs of justification Obtained and that's certainly what we assert that the
Bible teaches But not a cause of the increase Thereof that is the increase of justification.
Let him be anathema and so Rome is on record of denouncing decrying the foundational major teachings of the
Protestant Reformation And so it was this denied denial rejection the way of salvation taught by historical
Protestants Roman Catholicism That was really the issue with the
Reformation R .c. Sproul wrote this regarding Rome's position and Reality the
Roman view of the gospel is expressed at Trent was that justification is accomplished through the sacraments
Initially the recipient must accept and cooperate in baptism by which he receives justifying grace
When you're baptized as a baby you're justified He retains that grace you can lose being justified
Until he commits a mortal sin Mortal sin is called mortal because it kills the grace of justification
You can lose your salvation The sinner then must be justified a second time and this happens through the sacrament of penance
Which the Council of Trent defined as a second plank or basis of justification for those who have made shipwreck of their souls
The fundamental difference is this Trent said that God does not justify anyone until real righteousness in here's within the person
In other words, God does not declare a person righteous unless he or she is righteous
So according to Roman Catholic doctrine justification depends on a person's sanctification
That's why you have to go through purgatory they say because only after thousands of years the tens of thousands of years through that you come out purified then
You are fully truly justified. It's based upon you becoming holy Then you're justified by contrast.
The Reformer said Justification is based on the imputation of the righteousness of Jesus The only ground by which a person can be saved is
Jesus's righteousness, which is reckoned to him when he believes the
God justified sinners through faith alone is taught throughout the Bible and Perhaps it is set forth most clearly and fully by the
Apostle Paul in this epistle to the Romans particularly the first four chapters of Romans and So let's consider the teaching of the
Word of God Respecting this matter by first considering the teaching of the Apostle leading up to Romans for the passage
We read verses 1 through 8 It's very important that we understand what the
Apostle was stating and why he stated the truth set forth in these eight verses the
Romans for Romans is an epistle or letter Which sets forth the gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ to a church that Paul had never visited in person
We do not know a certainty when or how this church was founded But it's likely that there were
Jews and perhaps some Gentile proselytes who were residents of the city of Rome That had traveled to Jerusalem during the
Feast of Pentecost shortly after the crucifixion resurrection of Jesus and There they heard the salvation through Jesus Christ.
They repented of their sins perhaps on the day of Pentecost Embrace Christ in faith then returned to Rome where they had begun this
New Testament Church Paul had long desired to visit this church so that he could him better ground them in the content of the gospel
That's what he stated in the opening of his letter But because Paul had been unable to travel there
He wrote them this epistle to set forth the doctrine of salvation and its application To the life of the church.
It was in Providence. He couldn't go there. Otherwise, we wouldn't have this letter Thank the
Lord for that In the first three chapters of this epistle Paul presented the need of all people everywhere for salvation
That was available only through Jesus Christ He declared the entire world was guilty of sin before God and that all would one day stand before him in judgment
God had created established his world and righteousness Having revealed his law by which all mankind were to order their lives, but none did so All have sinned and come short of the law that God established and one day
God would judge that world Judge the world by that law So here are
Paul's inspired words But in accordance with the hardness in your impenitent heart
You're treasuring up for yourself wrath and the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God who will render to each one according to his deeds a judgment of works awaits us
Eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory honor and immortality
Would interject that's the life of faith But to those who are self -seeking and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath
Tribulation and anguish on every soul of man who does evil of the Jew first and also of the
Greek but glory honor and peace To everyone who works what is good to the Jew first and also to the
Greek for there is no partiality with God We're all going to be judged according to the same standard the law of God For as many as have sinned without law that would be like Gentiles who never heard will also perish without law
Later, he says they do have the conscience that will condemn them a law of God written on their hearts
And as many as have sinned in the law that would be the Jews who had the written law of God will be judged by the law in the day when
God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel a General judgment of mankind according to their works the standard being
God's law Well, everyone is in need of two qualities in order to stand before God in judgment and escape his wrath for their sins
First the sinner is in need of God to forgive him of all his sin Forgiveness second on judgment day the sinner will need to be righteous
That's not just a cancellation of guilt of sin The sinner must be found to be righteous in accordance with God's law
When God examines him he must be found to be in perfect accordance to his law
But how could anyone hope to escape the justice of God when he or she is brought before Jesus Christ and is judged according to his holy and perfect law everyone would be condemned for his sins and Everyone would stand without the righteousness that the law of God requires and demands of all people everywhere
Paul reasoned that no one could or would be able to stand Exonerated of sin and no one would be found to be perfect in righteousness.
No, not one Paul declared that God had revealed through his law the universe universality of mankind's guilt and Mankind's inability to save himself no effort put forth by a sinner
Even if he were to desire and strive to obey God's law No effort could save him from certain condemnation on the
Day of Judgment the law of God condemns all mankind Paul wrote now we know that whatever the law says
It says to those who are under the law That every mouth may be stopped
That all the world may become guilty before God and therefore by the deeds of the law
No flesh will be justified in his sight No one will be exonerated on the
Day of Judgment because they have been led to moral life so called Even if that morality is an effort to conform to the law of God No one will be justified in his sight for the law was never given as a way of salvation
The law by the law is the knowledge of sin But Then the
Apostle set forth the good news of salvation the gospel For sinners from the just penalty for his sin through faith in Jesus Christ God could and would forgive a person's sins and provide his gift of righteousness
To the believer in Jesus Christ that would enable him to stand justified that is righteous on the
Day of Judgment and So Paul wrote but now the righteousness of God apart from the law a different kind of righteousness not
According to righteousness by keeping the law but now a different righteousness is
Provided by God apart from the law and it's revealed being witnessed by the law of the prophets here.
He's saying the Old Testament spoke about these things Even the righteousness of God Through faith in Jesus Christ to all and upon all who believe
For there is no difference for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Whom God set forth as a propitiation by his blood in other words through Christ's death
He satisfied the justice of the law of God. He propitiated the wrath of God, which mean appeased
God's wrath God is no longer angry and full of wrath toward believers in Christ In order to demonstrate his righteousness
Because in his forbearance God passed over the sins that were previously committed Talking about all the believers of the
Old Testament. He passed over those with view to the death of Christ on the cross He Did that in order to demonstrate at the present time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus and So God is not unjust in forgiving great sinners.
He is just in doing so Because his justice was satisfied when
Christ died in the place of the sinner And Although it's impossible for fallen man to atone for his own sin and to stand righteous on the day of judgment
God has provided a way that he can be just in his dealing with guilty sinners and yet not
Condemn them and damn them for eternity by his grace alone God saves the guilty sinner through faith alone who's deserving of his eternal wrath
Who is incapable of standing in his judgment the sinner who truly believes in Jesus Christ Will be found free from the guilt of all his sins and will stand righteous on the day of judgment
When the sinner believes on Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior God freely and fully upon the exercise of that faith
Forgives him of all his sins and gives to him the gift of righteousness
Which will enable him to Stand righteous before Jesus Christ who is the judge on judgment day?
God justifies that is he declares the sinner to be righteous even though he isn't in himself as of yet Not through his works of obeying
God's law but through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone who had kept God's law fully and perfectly
Jesus Christ died upon his cross in the place of the believing sinner and thereby atone for his sins
Satisfy the demands of justice of God's law and because Jesus Christ lived a
Perfect life a righteous life a life in full conformity and obedience to God's law
He Jesus acquired a life of righteousness that is then Credited to the account of all those who believe on him as Lord and Savior So if you're a true believer in Jesus God regards you as righteous as Jesus Christ himself
It's not just that you've never sinned, but you are as holy and righteous as Jesus Christ is
Incredible no wonder. It's good news And so by God's grace alone through the sinner's faith alone in Jesus Christ alone
He or she will stand before the judge on the last day Forgiven of all his sins and as righteous as Jesus Christ himself
Because of the righteousness of Christ credited to his account The escape of the sinner from damnation on the day of judgment is due wholly to one other than himself
Not through your effort it was through his effort On behalf of the sinner God alone save sinners through Jesus Christ alone.
He is the only way of salvation Well now we come to the teaching of Romans 4 1 through 8
In which we read of the Apostle Paul calling upon the Old Testament scriptures to Substantiate what he had just been teaching in the first three chapters
That God justifies sinners through faith alone He called upon two persons famous persons of the
Old Testament To declare that they were brought into a saving relationship with God not through works of righteousness that they had done
But solely and wholly through faith alone. And so first we read that Abraham was justified by God through faith alone
Romans 4 1 through 5 Again, what then shall we say that Abraham our father has found according to the flesh?
What did he discover? What did he learn about God how to relate to God in his life? For if Abraham was justified by works
He has something to boast about at least among people not before God For what does the scripture say and then here
Paul quotes? the book of Genesis Abraham believed God and it that is his faith his belief was accounted to him to Abraham for righteousness
Now to him who works the wages are not counted as grace But as debt if you earned it by what you did
God would owe you something And that's not grace by definition But to him who does not work but believes on him who justifies the ungodly his faith is accounted for righteousness
And so Paul cited Abraham from the Old Testament to show that the Hebrew Scriptures Set forth the same teaching as he had just declared to this church
God justifies people apart from works That is the good deeds that they do or have done or might do should do want to do apart from any of that God justifies believers to the instrument of faith alone
It's not because faith has any value inherent value it's because faith Connects you to Christ and so it's
Christ who justifies faith brings you into the union and connection with Christ Who alone justifies?
So faith is the instrument that God uses to bring you into relationship with Christ to benefit from his life and death
Paul Cited Abraham from the Old Testament show that the Hebrew Scriptures taught this and The Paul quoted from Genesis 15 verse 6 and here's a context from this verse from which this verse is taken
After these things the word of the Lord came to Abraham. This is before he was renamed Abraham To Abram in a vision say do not be afraid
Abram. I am your shield your exceedingly great reward But Abram said Lord God, what will you give me seeing?
I go childless and the heir of my house is Eliezer Damascus And Abraham Abram said look you've given me no offspring indeed one born in my house is my heir
And behold the word of the Lord came to him saying this one shall not be your heir But one who will come forth from your own body shall be your heir and he brought him outside and said look now toward heaven count the stars if you're able to number them and he said to them so Show your descendants be and he
Abraham believed the Lord and he God Accounted it to him Abraham for righteousness
And that's what Paul quoted in Romans 4 Years before this occasion
God had called Abraham to leave her the call days and travel to Canaan God had promised
Abraham that his descendants would Be great in number and they would inherit the land in which he was dwelling as a stranger
But years passed and Abraham had no children He was he and Sarah were childless
And if he were to die without having a natural child then Eliezer of Damascus his head servant his steward
Would inherit his estate But then God revealed himself to Abraham declaring that his own physical offspring
Abraham's offspring would inherit his blessing from God and that his descendants would one day be a great mighty nation and they would inherit
God's promises to Abraham and so even though Abraham was an elderly man at this time
He was 75 years old. He believed God's word to him He believed
God could bring forth life from this dead body he believed in the God of the resurrection and At that time then
God declared Abraham a righteous man righteous in his sight Isaac would not be born for another 25 years.
Abraham was a hundred Amazingly is miraculous obviously But he was righteous all that time
Here the scriptures declared that Abraham's faith was credited to him as righteousness
Notice it in the example of Abraham set forth in Romans 4 1 through 5 There's no mention of God forgiving
Abraham his sins now We should assume he did but there's no mention of it by Paul Paul brought up Abraham to show that the emphasis
God credit credits the gift of righteousness Who faith alone apart from works? That's why he cited
Abraham Well, then Paul called up King David as a witness and That's what we have in verses 5 through 8 of Romans 4
King David had been justified by God through faith alone also Two greatest men of the
Old Testament yet. They weren't saved by their good works their own merit. They were saved through faith And Paul cited what
David had expressed regarding his knowledge and assurance that he related with God Not according to his works, but due to the grace of God through faith.
And so here's Romans 6 and 7 Just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom
God imputes righteousness apart from works David talked about this
Celebrated it sang it Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the
Lord shall not impute sin And so Paul quoted
Psalm 32 1 and 2 Which David had written a thousand years before David was a righteous man as far as fallen men are
Or can be but he was a guilty sinner before God who is holy But he knew that God had saved him from his sin through faith alone
And he said a man is blessed when he sees this and understands this Notice that David wrote of a state of blessedness in terms beyond what was testified in the passage to which
Paul cited Abraham as having Been justified he talked about God crediting righteousness to Abraham But when he brought up David he talks about how
David's sins were freely forgiven as well as having righteousness imputed to him and So Paul wrote of the gift of imputed righteousness to David in verse 6 just as he had declared of Abraham But Paul then wrote of the forgiveness of the sins of David in verses 7 and 8
Blessed are those whose lawless deeds and that's what sin is breaking God's law
Lawless deeds are forgiven whose sins are covered Blessed is the man to whom the
Lord shall not impute sin. He doesn't hold sins against that man And so the
Old Testament scriptures validate Paul's teaching as the truth of God regarding the sinners justification through faith alone
God had justified both these notable Old Testament persons through faith alone The early leaders of the
Protestant Reformation had set forth the vital importance of this doctrine of justification through faith alone to the
Christian faith John Gerstner He was a Jonathan Edwards scholar. He was
R .C. Sproul's mentor he wrote Martin Luther called justification the doctrine by which the church either stands or falls.
That's how important it is Calvin declared it the hinge of the Reformation The Roman Catholic Church at the
Council of Trent where it dealt with the Protestant Reformation Recognized justification as a central doctrine at issue.
That's why they talked against it. They knew it was central This doctrine is the core of the gospel.
It is indispensable The Reformed Church of the 16th century was purified by reaffirming clearly this doctrine while Roman Catholicism was destroyed by denying it
And Luther further stated these words this doctrine is The head and the cornerstone it alone begets nourishes builds preserves
Defends the Church of God and without it the Church of God cannot exist for one hour
For no one who does not hold this article or to use Paul's expression This sound doctrine is able to teach a right in the church or successfully to resist my any adversary
This is a heel of the seed that opposed the Old Serpent and crushed its head for ever to Genesis 3 15
And that is why Satan in turn cannot but persecute it Whoever departs from the article of justification does not know
God and is an idolater For when this article has been taken away, nothing remains but error hypocrisy godlessness and idolatry
Although it may seem to be the height of truth worship of God and holiness and so justifications faith alone in Jesus Christ alone is the only way that God pardons guilty sinners and Thereafter regards them as righteous before him we affirm this teaching as essential and Foundational to the teaching of salvation the
Word of God the Holy Bible However, it's very important now we're getting back on to our main subject the unconverted believer
It's very important. We understand that justification which is essential to the gospel is not the entire gospel and This is where it falls
It fails it is proclaimed as though it were the entire gospel and This is how many people have become nominal
Christians coming short of becoming true converts of Jesus Christ They have been taught that they are sinners as all other people everywhere to which they would agree
Relatively few would disagree They were then told that God loves them and that Jesus Christ died for them paid for their sins they then were told that if they but believe this is true after all the
Word of God teaches this truth and they'll be forgiven of their sins and Then often they are led in a prayer to accept
Christ or receive Jesus in order to assure that they truly believed The one can understand the truth of justification through faith alone
Be convinced that he's justified through faith alone can stand in a pulpit and teach Justification by grace through faith alone and yet still be under God's condemnation and sin
There are several reasons for this self deception First oftentimes nominal
Christians are taught and assured that if and when they exercise a single act of faith
Saving faith is lifelong faith, but there's an emphasis on a single act of faith in an evangelistic crusade
They are taught God then and there justifies them in other words They're told that the faith expressed in a sinner's prayer is saving faith now it may be but More often than not it's not
And so please understand the prayer offered in a sinner's prayer may be an expression of saving faith.
I Read tracts left and right for weeks and prayed that sinner's prayer
I bet you 500 times and was still unconverted We're not saved through prayer.
We're saved through faith in Jesus Christ Saving faith is not a single act of faith, but it's a faith that begins and continues through the life of a believer
But there are many who are led to make a single prayer of faith Which they themselves may have sincerely believed at the time
But that faith was but a temporary ascent not a faith that would thereafter characterize his thinking or govern his living
And the Holy Scriptures describe saving faith in this way. The just shall live by faith
If you're not living by faith, you've got a reason to be concerned for your soul
Saving faith is not a one -time decision and one cannot biblically believe that God has justified him upon that single act of faith
God has promised salvation to the one who believes Present tense we've emphasized this in the past not to the one who at one time believed
Frankly doesn't matter. You know what? I believed in the second week of January of 1972
Although it was life -changing. What matters? Am I believer today? Am I going to be a believer next week?
Ten years from now. Am I going to be believing when the Lord returns? Saving faith is lifelong not a one -time decision
Saving faith is not a one -time decision God has promised salvation to the one who believes not to the one at one time believe and What is all important is again what you believe now today and what you continue to believe through life
Yes, there was a time when you first believed but for the true Christian that was but the beginning of a life of faith
Not just a one -time act of faith and yet so often in evangelism. That is what's taught.
It's one Time act of faith. You're now saved you're forgiven
Christ righteousness has been credited to you and they go off thinking they're saved and yet there's no Manifestation of a changed life.
There's no life of faith. They're unconverted But now they think that they are saved and they populate churches they're all over and Preaching and teaching off into those churches are doing everything keep these people in man
You don't want to be too strong or direct because you'll run them off and you will run them off when you present, you know biblical
Christianity that involves a cost and a consequence a Second reason for self -deception for the cause of much nominal
Christianity is that the reformed doctrine a justification by God's grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone is frequently assumed and Proclaimed to be equated with the gospel.
That is the gospel I heard a pastor in earth probably 15 years ago. After all the gospel is justification by grace through faith alone
Well again, you cannot have the gospel unless you believe this doctrine. It is foundational. It's essential, but it is not the entire gospel in other words
It's assumed that justification through faith alone is the gospel and that salvation itself is fully obtained when one is justified through faith alone
They are one in the same But justification through faith alone, although it is essential and foundational to salvation it is not the entire gospel
Justification addresses the sinner's need to be saved from the penalty of sin but justification does not address the need of the sinner to be saved from the alienation of sin or From the dominant
Dominion and power of sin Justification doesn't deal with that Or from the very presence of sin which one day will happen when
Jesus returned Salvation is broader than justification Although one cannot be saved apart from being justified
Justification speaks of God forgiving sin and of the believer becoming righteous before God But justification does not speak of an actual change in the believers character or behavior
The biblical gospel is salvation from sin through Jesus Christ in all of its forms and manifestations
If we're saved from sin, we're in need of more than just God forgiving us of our sins
We use the illustration last week a week before Adam and Eve needed more than just for being forgiven of their sins to return to the garden
Their whole bent on a life of sin had to be changed Please Understand that Paul's presentation of the gospel of salvation is not limited to Romans 1 through 4
But often it's presented as if it is regarding the four arenas of salvation mentioned above Paul addressed first the
Salvation from penalty of sin through the grace of justification in Romans 1 through 4
But then toward the end of Romans 4 and through chapter 5 Paul wrote secondly of the believer salvation from the alienation of sin
That he characterized a sinner before becoming justified Paul argued that God recovered the believer unto himself and to other believers through the grace of reconciliation
Particularly in his adoption as a child into the family of God. That's a part of salvation too and Justification doesn't directly address that We are adopted into the family because we are we are justified
Paul Also addressed salvation from the power of sin in his teaching respecting progressive sanctification
Which he set forth very thoroughly in Romans 6 and 7 and into chapter 8 and then of course
Paul Wrote in the fourth arena of deliverance salvation from the very presence of sin and our glorification
This will occur upon our resurrection from the dead which is set forth in later portions of Romans chapter 8
Biblical salvation is from sin and all its damning results in one's life
But too often when salvation is offered by which a sinner could be forgiven. He'll respond to that offer
Yes, I want to be forgiven of my sins Everybody in the world wants to be forgiven of sins.
That's what that's what drives religion That's what drives the Muslim and the Hindu and the
Buddhist They want to be right with God because they got a sin problem and you tell people this is how you can be forgiven of Your sins freely without doing anything.
They'll jump through that hoop But tell them all so it's going to deliver them from the sin that you're currently living in and see how much of the salvation
That you're the salvation that you're presenting they want If you present salvation as deliverance not only from sins punishment, but a life
Dominated by sin in which a believer departs from his sin and follows Christ in faith and obedience many will pass on the offer and The result is what we considered from Proverbs 30 12 couple weeks ago.
There is a generation that's pure in its own eyes They've been taught that yet is not washed from its filthiness
This matter can press best be expressed in that the gospel of salvation is Jesus Christ himself
He's the good news in Saving faith were brought into spiritual union with Christ Which assures us that we will receive the full scope of salvation from sin
That is in him is set forth in the scriptures in short We are in need of more than the forgiveness of sins, although that is certainly essential and then a third reason why there is deception about this matter in the error
Although in the passage of Romans Paul explained fully and clearly that God justifies sinners through faith alone
Actually, he was not telling sinners in this passage Specifically and directly what they must do in order to be saved.
He's telling them how God saves them He's not telling them what they are to do in order to be saved directly
But this is the wrong assumption and assertion made Please understand what we're saying here.
This is important We can prove that this is true by considering the absence of any word
Regarding the command or the need for the sinner in coming to Christ for salvation to repent of his sin
Paul says nothing about the need to repent of sin in this passage There's no word of repentance in the direct context of Paul's presentation of justification
There's one reference to repentance back in chapter 1 or chapter 2 rather When he talks about the goodness of God that leads people or should lead them to repentance
But other than that word repentance in that passage in Romans 2 Paul never mentions the word directly
He never gives the verb or the command to repent He's just setting forth how
God justifies ungodly people to faith alone Now aside from this one verse in Romans 2 the word repent is not found in Romans It Was not
Paul's intention to lead these people to Christ But to explain to them that it's God in his sovereign grace who brings the people to receive and experience salvation in all its fullness
For his and our glory However, when you look elsewhere in the scriptures you see this matter of Repenting of our sins turning to God everywhere in connection with the forgiveness of sins
And so in consideration this matter of repentance, let's could just consider some verses and I gave a list of them here
Mark 1 14 and 15 now after John was in prison Jesus came to Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God saying the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is hand repent and believe in the gospel
Two things repent every sin turning to God and believe in the gospel and in that context.
It was the gospel of the kingdom Which was the gospel of salvation which we'll show in a couple weeks
Luke 13 They were present at that season some who told him about the Galileans whose blood
Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices It was a cruel ruler Jesus answered said to them do you suppose these
Galileans were worse sinners and all other Galileans because they suffered such things I tell you no, but unless you repent you all likewise perish
You know they could blame that on wicked Pilate Jesus himself introduced the second scenario or those 18 on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them.
That was an act of God Do you think that they were worse sinners and all other men who dwelled in Jerusalem?
I tell you no, but unless you repent you will all likewise perish Repentance is essential
It's as essential as faith Acts 238 the day of Pentecost Peter Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins repentance is essential and You shall receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit that will enable them of course to experience changed lives Acts 3 19 and following 20 repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out
Notice your sins cannot be blotted out unless you repent Clearly he says that Act 17 30 and 31
Paul preaching to the Gentiles in Athens truly these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent
Because there's a day he's appointed. He's going to judge the world in righteousness Acts 26 19 and 20
Paul talking to King Agrippa I was not disobedient to this heavenly vision But declared first to those in Damascus in Jerusalem throughout all the region of Judea and then to Gentiles that they should repent
Turn to God and do works fitting befitting or consistent with repentance Luke 5 32
Jesus. I've not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Luke 24
The Great Commission in Luke he said to them thus it's written thus It was necessary for Christ to suffer to rise from the dead the third day and that repentance and remission of sins
They're connected should be preached in his name to all nations beginning at Jerusalem Acts 5 30 31 the
God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered by hanging on a tree Him God is exalted to his right hand to be
Prince and Savior to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins Forgiveness connected with repentance
That's what it is to believe on Jesus you turn from sin you turn to Jesus You turn away from living and sin you turn to live for Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and that's what faith is isn't it and Then acts 20 he's describing.
He's talking to the elders of the church at Ephesus He couldn't make it to Ephesus He called them to come the 20 miles down to Miletus and he met for them met with them and when they had come to Him he said to them, you know from the first day
I came to Asia the Asia Minor Western Turkey in that in the manner I always lived among you serving the
Lord with all humility with many tears and trials which happened to me by the Plotting of the Jews how I kept back nothing that was helpful but proclaimed it to you and taught you publicly and from house to house testifying to Jews and also to Greeks Repentance toward God and faith toward our
Lord Jesus Christ repentance and faith and so we see that the
Responsibility for the one becoming a true Christian includes involves a true and thorough turning from sin unto
God. That is repentance But even though the verb repent however is not mentioned in Romans This is not to say that the idea of repentance is not suggested for it is
But Paul does not address the matter until Romans 6 There he wrote of the fact that those who have come to Christ for salvation had and had been baptized had died to sin
That's repentance, isn't it? This is what happened when they came to faith It implies it in their conversion.
They had repented of their sin He appealed to these Christians in this church at Rome that this was the implication of their conversion and baptism
He wrote for if we have been united together in the likeness of his death Certainly, we also should be in the likeness of his resurrection knowing this that our old man
It's not talking about your sinful nature. It's talking about your life before Christ your old man
Was crucified with him. It's God is dead. It's over So that the body of sin might be done away with that We should no longer be slaves of sin for he who has died has been freed from sin sins
No longer the ruler of our lives Christ is But in addition we can read descriptions of what occurs and experience of salvation in these verses first Peter 1 1 and 2
I'm gonna dive in there. He talks about the elect who are saved through the sanctification of the
Spirit This is where the Spirit sets them apart and changes them transforms them
Sanctification of the Spirit for obedience That's what salvation entails and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.
There's the forgiveness of sins Grace to you and peace we multiply Salvation is not just the forgiveness of sins.
It's a new life in Christ Signaled by Repentance turning from one way of living on to another way of living a new life in Christ Behold if any man is in Christ his new creation old things are passed away.
Behold all things become new 2nd Corinthians 5 17 2nd Thessalonians 2 13 and 14, but we are bound to give thanks to God always for your brethren beloved of the
Lord Because God from the beginning chose you for salvation and then he talks about the means by which he brings salvation through Sanctification by the
Spirit. This is the change that has wrought within you and Belief in the truth that's justification
In which he called you by our gospel for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ So there you've got
Justification sanctification and glorification all wrapped up in this matter of salvation and the good news involves all of this
Not just forgiveness First Corinthians 1 30 and 31 but of him you were in Christ Jesus who became for us wisdom from God and righteousness and sanctification and Redemption that as it is written he who glories let him glory in the
Lord And so take note of the many references cited regarding the imperative the command to repent of sin
Turned into God believe on Jesus Christ and for salvation The fact is there's no salvation for the believer
I put that in quotation marks without accompanied repentance from sin and turning in submission and obedience to the
Lord Jesus Christ one must repent and believe or The believer is a false
Christian Who is not exercise true saving faith in the Lord Jesus the true the fruit of true faith is repentance from sin turning on to Christ unto
God Now this is important here
It should be recognized that though the command to repent is often placed before the command to believe
Repentance actually follows faith or accompanies faith For repentance is the fruit of saving faith.
You wouldn't turn from sin unless you believed what God said about it, right? That's already an evidence of faith
Repentance is also a gift of God of God's grace but our need and desire to repent of sin and turn to Christ is due to our faith and what the scriptures tell us and command us and When you tell people they must repent that will lead them ultimately to put their faith in Jesus When they've tried and failed tried again failed then they come and they bow wholly and fully to Jesus Christ alone
We also cited verses in which salvation is set forth as sanctification and belief
Whereas true belief or faith results in our justification God's grace of sanctification shows itself in repentance
Repentance is a fruit of faith, but it's a it's a grace of sanctification, isn't it? People only repent of sin because of the grace of God in them
He commands all men everywhere to repent But our repenting of sin is a manifestation of the sovereign sanctifying grace of God We command people to repent those who do repent we know it was because God was at grace working grace in them
That's the conclusion of the Apostles when they heard about coronation this household when they heard these things they became silent
They glorified God saying then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance on to life
Repentance is a Work of God's grace. It's not something you work up Something that God has to do in you or it's not going to happen
It's your responsibility to repent, but you're only going to be able to if God gives you the gift of grace
And so thirdly what kind of faith results in God justifying the sinner. That's the important question to answer and There are a number of verses that speak of the blessed promises for those who believe
John 3 18 whoever believes Present tense in him Christ is not condemned
But whoever does not believe is condemned already because he's not believed in the name of the only Son of God John 3 36 whoever believes present participle resin tense and the
Son has eternal life Whoever does not obey the Son notice how believing and obedience are put here in the same context
If you believe on Christ, you're going to obey Christ perfectly None of us do but that is that is the way you live
Christ is your Lord your Savior and certainly without faith. It's impossible.
Please him Of course saving faith itself is due to the grace of God Operating upon within the soul of the one who believes
Ephesians 2 8 9 for by grace you've been saved of course Through faith and that not of yourselves.
All of it is of grace It's a gift of God not of works if repentance were a result of your working it up You'd have a whole lot of reason for boasting.
I Repented you didn't Pat me on the back I've arrived because of what
I did rather than you know No, you know repentance is a work of God's grace in the soul
It's your duty your responsibility, but it's not going to happen unless the Lord enables
Saving faith is not the product of man's understanding of will apart from the grace of God saving faith
This is the product even the outworking of God's grace in the soul So we might say that God saves people through faith not because of faith and that's important He saves his people because of Christ alone
Not because there's any inherent value in faith But God uses faith to bring his people to receive the blessings of Christ as Lord and Savior It's a very sad and unfortunate fact.
However that there are multitudes I fear who assume that any kind of believing in Jesus may be regarded as saving faith
It's thought that if a person believes he's to be regarded and treated as a Christian But the subjective faith that is of a saving kind is qualified by the
Word of God and That's why we frequently refer to true believers or saving faith
What is faith? What kind of faith is it that God requires? Saving faith is the faith of God's elect according to the scriptures
It is a faith that is produced and sustained by the grace of God And so the scriptures teach that saving faith must have three elements
It first must be based on an understanding of truth. You have to have knowledge
Second there must be an affirmation that knowledge is true I sat under professors who knew more
Bible than all of us put together, but I knew they were unconverted They had the knowledge, but they didn't believe it was true
There must be an affirmation of truth and then there must be thirdly a trust and commitment to that truth
One must believe and act upon that truth. Faith is a three -legged stool remove one of these three and it is not faith
Kim Riddlebarger, he's a Presbyterian pastor in Southern, California a good man Express it this way according to this historic
Protestant understanding faith is seen as a composite of three necessary elements knowledge Assent and trust that is one must have knowledge about the
Christian message No, no tits ha Latin word knowledge Which involves the intellect one must arrive at the conviction that what the
Bible claims is in fact true Assentious or assent where in the intellect comes to believe what the con that the content of note idea is
True and last one must believe what the Bible says is true to me. I Must act upon what
I know and believe to be true fiducia trust in Christ, which is an act of the will But saving faith has that is born sustained by the grace of God Has certain characteristics that distinguishes it from faith that does not save the soul from God So what a saving faith looked like and we're gonna have to court probably give a whole message.
It talks about this Not too far in the future, but I listed some things here It's not exhaustive first when one has saving faith
He humbly acknowledges his guilt for sin before God and that he is incapable of doing anything to remove his guilt or remedy
His condition I am undone. I am I'm a goner God unless you do something
Second the one with saving faith has come to understand that if he's to have salvation It must be to the mercy and grace of God alone for he believes rightly.
He's deserving of damnation By the just and holy God who holds him accountable for what he does in this life
Third the one who has saving faith has heard and believes that only through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone as his
Lord and Savior Can he receive salvation from God? It's through faith alone just as we sang in that wonderful hymn by Horatious Bonar not by anything that we have done
Not by our tears or sincerity our commitment or obedience or it's not even because of our faith it's because of Christ and Our faith brought us into Union with Christ who saves us
He knows there's no amount of good works or intensity of feeling or sincerity by which he can atone for his sin
Forth the believing sinner knows and seeks to repent of his sin before God Knowing that his faith must be manifested in his turning from living in and for sin to live before God in Christ repentance fifth saving faith is seen in the desire and purpose to obey
Jesus Christ as Lord Jesus said why do you call me Lord and do not the things that I say?
Lots of people call Jesus Lord, but they're not doing what Jesus Christ has said.
They're not Christian Now all of us fall short all of us fail, but the desire and the bent of a person with saving faith
I want to do your will Lord Jesus and I lament when I'm stubborn and resistant and fail to do so But if I had the desire of my heart
Lord, it would be never to depart from your side Never to think or do anything that is contrary to your will that's the heart of a
Christian But that's not the heart of those who? Who think that they're forgiven of their sins because they accepted
Jesus and then they're living life any way they pleased Picking shoes from God's commands in the Bible.
Yeah, I think I'll go along with that because I want to but no That's not for me. That won't work in my life.
That is the testimony of an unconverted person That's where we are
Fifth saving faith is seen and desire and purpose to obey Jesus There it is six saving faith is a persevering faith since it's born of the grace of God it continues
By the grace of God and the power of God they're kept by the power of God through faith unto a
Salvation ready to be revealed in the last time future salvation and Seventh he who has saving faith has come to see believe that all
That he must know and believe regarding his salvation of sin is contained and set forth in the Bible alone
The Holy Scriptures, it's not Trent. It's not Rome. It's not the Pope. It's what the
Word of God says In short saving faith that is one subjective faith what
I believe Must be based and informed on objective faith What is believed and that objective faith is set forth in the
Bible the Word of God? Alone, and we'll conclude with this word and this is incredibly important I think there are a couple people in our own
Congregation sphere of our congregation that need to hear and understand this. I notice one isn't here today
God justifies the ungodly Through faith We may conclude with a return to the passage which we began particularly
Romans 4 5 Paul wrote but to him who does not work, but believes on him who justifies the ungodly his faith is accounted for righteousness
We give a great deal of attention to the responsibility to repent of sin and turn into God as well as Exercising faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation
But it's very easy to think but wrongly About this matter and as a result greatly struggle in believing on the
Lord Jesus Christ the wrong thinking follows this line I must repent of my sin in order to have salvation
But I cannot repent of my sin for it's too powerful sin is too powerful for me I've tried and tried
I've prayed and prayed but to no avail I cannot truly believe on Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior for I cannot repent of my sin.
I'm lost and without hope And that reveals wrong thinking Here's the solution to your difficulty
The Word of God declares, but to him who does not work, but believes on him who justifies
Not the godly the one who's repented He justifies the ungodly
If you turn to him purposing to leave your sin and come to him in faith then do so believe on him
It's his responsibility to save you to deliver you from your sin you don't have the ability you don't have the power
And he may have already put the desire in you, but you don't have the power Trust in him to do so That's why even though repentance and then believe repents often set first If you repent it really is a manifestation of your faith
You come to him as an ungodly person a condemned person looking for mercy and grace
Lord, I repent in that I'm turning to you now You better clean me up.
You better break the power of this sin or I'm a goner and So repentance itself is a grace.
It's a fruit of faith The failure to repent of sin should not be a preventive
From you believing he justifies the ungodly You can be an ungodly person a wretched person
Walking in here this morning and go out a righteous person in the sight of God freely forgiven of sin if you believe on Jesus Do for me that which
I cannot do myself. I've tried I failed and I know that there's nothing
I can do I'm a goner But Lord Jesus I'm Believing on you as my
Lord and my Savior He'll take over and he'll clean you up and you'll find this gift of repentance being manifest in your life
Because you're believing on him who can do it because you can't do it yourself and it's foolish to even try apart from the grace of God Amen May the
Lord help us in these things Father thank you for your word and thank you for the freeness of the gospel
That you invite ungodly people to believe on Jesus for the salvation of their soul
Help us our God to affirm this and to declare complete and true and full gospel to a lost world
And we pray that we would see many converts coming into the kingdom of God as they turn from sin
Believe on Jesus Christ in purpose to live before you for it's in Jesus name.