Russell Moore Doesn't Want You to Count the Cost

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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All right, well, so yesterday I got quite a big bite taken out of me.
That's bite. B -Y -T -E See what I did there? Bite. Got a bite taken out of me
Just kidding. Well, I guess that's what happens though That's what happens when you do a video about something that you don't understand Which I found interesting because many of the criticisms in the comment section and elsewhere
We're saying AD you don't understand. You don't get it. You need to do the research and I'm like, I know that's what
I'm saying Like I don't understand why that's so frustrating for you, but I don't I don't get it and I'm admitting that So why do you feel the need to tell me that I don't get it?
I'm admitting that but no problem there I don't want to talk about something. I don't understand. I'd rather talk about something that I do understand.
That's Big Eva and Russell Moore in particular now, one of the things that I love about the parables of Jesus Christ Is that he often references something just in passing like he's just assuming something that is obviously true
But is very problematic for all the communists and socialists in Evangelicalism today one example that I've often used is the parable of the vineyard workers.
So you remember that parable? There are people in the square they're just idle They're not working and the master of the vineyard sends them to the vineyard and says, you know work for me
I'll pay you, you know, what's fair and all that kind of thing And then at the end of the day, it turns out that everyone got a different salary
Everybody got the same money, but they work different hours so they had a different some people got a low hourly rate some people got a high hourly rate and The assumption of the parable is that Jesus just assumes this he says, of course, you know
Whatever you agree to work for you've agreed to work for that's only between you the person who owns the vineyard and the worker
The person who owns the labor and so nobody else can get involved in that. It's just the business of those two
So he just assumes as obvious that there's such a thing as private property rights
And you know, there's no there shouldn't be a minimum wage set by the government and stuff like that Obviously, that's not what the parables about but he just assumes that fact as if it's obviously true because it is
That's a good example, it's very problematic for communists but very obvious to people that live in reality
But there's another one that I think is pretty interesting that comes from Luke chapter 14
This is a parable where Jesus is talking about counting the cost, right? And if you want to follow
Christ, you're gonna have to give up Everything to follow Christ Christ has to be your master your
Lord He's got to be the one whom you fear the one whom you're working for the one whom you love and everything else in Comparison has to come at a very distant second and the way he makes this point is he tells a parable and so here's how
It goes. This is the words of God Christ says this for which of you intending to build a tower does not sit down first and count the cost
Whether he has enough to finish it Lest after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish it all who see him begin to mock him saying this man began to build and he was not able to finish or What King going to make war against another
King does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with? 10 ,000 men to meet him who comes against him with 20 ,000 or else while the other is still a great way off He sends a delegation and asks for conditions of peace.
So likewise, whoever you does not forsake all that he has Cannot be My disciple now, we understand that this is not a parable about going to war, right?
It's not a it's not a parable about It's it's not really about building a tower or going to war.
Those are just examples that he's using Regarding following Christ, right? So we know that that's not what the parables about but there's a principle here that Jesus is
Assuming is true that I think is obviously true but grifters and scammers and many people in Big Eva want you to not do and That is to count the cost to think ahead to to not always be just living in the moment
But to consider what the consequences of your actions are This is something that is obviously true.
And when you think about your normal life you do this all the time but scammers and liars and essentially propagandists for Big Eva Often encourage you not to do this
This is this is something that ties together a ton of what I criticize on this channel even
Bitcoin to some extent And I don't mean Bitcoin as an idea and as as an as an entity as a thing
What I mean is some of the pitch men for Bitcoin and I'll explain that in just a moment But let me talk about Russell Moore first if you remember about a year ago
Russell Moore wrote that stupid asinine article for whatever it was, you know
Washington Post CNN well I don't remember where it was what was but he wrote this article that basically was for all of the economic shutdowns and lockdown and the lie essentially was this he said if you're against the
Economic lockdowns and shutdowns then you're basically putting your portfolio in front of live
Yeah, you're people are made in the image of God And it's like he basically made it seem like you're being greedy like you just want to gain a few percentage points in your portfolio and you're willing to trade lives for your portfolio and at the
Time I instantly knew that that was an asinine ridiculous argument But I didn't quite put my finger on what it is
He was trying to get you to do and what he's trying to get you to do is to not count the cost
Not think ahead because of course we can save lives doing all kinds of things
But if you don't count the cost you could actually put yourself in a worse Position when it comes to saving lives than you were in at the outset and every day that passes
I've been made more and more correct on that if you shut down entire segments of the economy people will suffer and People will die as a result of that And so this this whole idea that you're trading lives for money is stupid because you're not trading lives for money
You're trading lives for lives. And so this is what I said from the beginning But the whole point though is that Russell Moore knows that most people won't think ahead at least most people that still respect
Dr. Russell Moore for whatever reason that they do I can't imagine why you would but some people still do they're not going to think
Ahead, they're gonna think in the immediate term. Okay. How do I save grandma right now? How do
I make grandma happy right now? And by the way, this didn't make grandma happy most older people what didn't want to shut down the economy
That was a fantasy that they wanted to shut down the economy Because most older people are actually decent at thinking ahead and counting the costs, right?
So if I shut down the economy all of a sudden the GDP and the output of Products and things like that goes down and then everything's gonna be more expensive because the supply is down But the demand remains the same or maybe even goes up and so we're gonna have a situation where it's gonna cost $10 to buy a loaf of bread where it used to cost one dollar and that's gonna hurt people especially poor people in the long
Run, like it doesn't really think it doesn't really take too much thinking ahead to count the cost of the insanity of shutting down the economy
But Russell Moore encouraged you not to count the cost. He's all a moment the image of God It's right.
Everyone's made in the image of God Which is why you have to do things according to God's law because God knows what's best for those who are made in his image and so You got to be careful when someone is telling you not to count the cost to not weigh out the risks or the benefits
And the costs with you know with the risks and all that kind of stuff They're encouraging you not to and pretending like there are no risks
There are no costs because that's really what Russell Moore was saying He was basically saying look There either are no risks or costs to shutting down the economy or they're so minimal that it's almost a sin to consider it
That was the evil part about it, too Where he basically made the case that if you're considering the economic costs of shutting down the economy
That's almost like a sin. You're almost saying well, I'm more important My money is more important than those lives and it's like like that's the presentation that he put forward
But really when you break down what he was actually trying to get you to do He was trying to get you to not count the cost and that is what a foolish person does
That's what a fool does pretends like there's no costs. There's no downsides. There's no risks to these kinds of Wide -ranging ideas and things of that nature
It's the same thing with the woke church, by the way The same thing with the woke church stuff because you know on the one hand they want you to say well
Just say black lives matter. Just say it I mean we're in the moment the cultural moment doesn't cost you anything to say about black lives matter
We just got a bit social solidarity and it's like no no I'm not gonna say black lives matter because here's the reality that there's a cost associated with supporting that organization
There's a cost associated with even appearing as if you support that organization and it's a heavy cost in my opinion
You see this is the thing like you remember of course JD Greer he's like let's spare each other the the quoting of statistics right now
Like he doesn't want you to count the cost like look if I throw my lot in with this communist
Organization on the lie that cops are killing blacks like hotcakes. That's a lie, by the way
So if I throw my lot in with communists who are lying there will be consequences to that there will be drastic
Consequences to that so to pretend like we shouldn't even think about those consequences.
We should not count the cost That's essentially what he's saying when he's saying let's spare the facts and statistics right now
He's saying no. No the black people need you. They need your comfort. They need your support. Don't count the cost
That's a scam. You see that's the that's the reality of how a scammer operates if somebody's coming to you and saying, you know
You we've got I've got this idea and there's no risks. It's perfect It's near perfect and it's like the best thing ever and you know, you don't don't even worry about the vulnerabilities
There are no vulnerable vulnerabilities. It's just totally perfect There's a high likelihood that person's trying to scam you.
It's a lie It's propaganda and I just don't I just need to just let's take a step back when somebody is
Presenting it to you like you have to act now you have to do it now You know what? I mean like and and and then they want to shut down any kind of conversation about the cost
Then that's that's a very good warning sign that that person is attempting to pull the wool over your eyes in some regard
This is what I think is off -putting about Michael Saylor's presentations because I don't have a problem
I've said this many times and I'm sorry. I'm talking about Bitcoin again I don't have a problem with people who want to hold
Bitcoin I don't have a problem with people who like Bitcoin and think there are benefits to it I have a major problem with people who pretend like there are no vulnerabilities
Vulnerable ability vulnerabilities. There are no downsides to it Too stupid to pronounce that word correctly
There are people who act like there are no downsides or any risks associated with it
I have a major problem with that that that's that's again trying to get you to not count the costs and the thing is like Everything has costs and benefits or maybe not everything but usually things have costs and benefits
I had a guy in the comment section saying that It's Bitcoin is so great because he could take his entire wealth with him in a thumb drive
Thumb drive and that's a great thing and I agree that is that's actually a really good thing right to be able to take a
Store of value that basically doesn't really take much space up at all You could put it in your pocket and take it with you
Like if you if you had the same amount of wealth stored up in gold or silver or something like that It might be super heavy
I mean depending on how rich you are and you wouldn't be able to travel with it quite that easy So that is a benefit. Yes, but let's not pretend like that idea of holding your entire wealth in a thumb drive
Doesn't have risks. Of course, it does have risks It has risks and it's not necessarily ideal for many many situations and so it's like I Don't have a problem with anyone who you know wants to tout the benefits of a certain thing
Right a certain item or a certain You know idea or even Russell Moore if he thinks that there's benefits to shutting down the economy
I don't have a problem with him saying that What I do have a problem with is when he pretends like there are no downsides or if there are they're just very minor
And everyone's an idiot if they go with those downsides and in Russell Moore's case He likes to pretend like everyone's a sinner if they're actually concerned with the downsides, right?
Like that to me is the sign of a scammer. That's a sign of a con artist
That's the sign of a liar Because even Christ like like there is no downside
Long run to the gospel. There's no downside You can't lose if you accept the gospel and you trust in the
Lord J to Jesus Christ He has vouchsafed your journey. You can't lose You will be with him for eternity.
You will have your sins forgiven You will have you'll be raised into a newness of life and there's no doubt about it.
Like there's no Risk to that if you want to live with Christ and and to and to rule and reign with Christ you can do that risk -free
There's no downside to it But even Christ as he's presenting that says right but the thing is though you do have to give away
Living in the flesh you do have to give away trying to feed your your fleshly desires and your sinful desires like you do there is a
Cost that you have to count. So if you're not willing to do that Then there's no this is that you mean there's no other option here
You have to be willing to do that. And so it's like even with the greatest thing ever no risk completely vouchsafe journey with Christ He still implores you to count the cost because Jesus Christ is not a scam artist
He knows that depending on the person and you might not think it's worth it If you want to live in your sin and you want to indulge the flesh and all of that kind of stuff
It won't be worth it for you So, you know, I just I just find that to be Completely rampant in so much of Big Eva thinking
I used to think that Big Eva Was was was thinking like a child like they just didn't have the capacities to think two steps ahead and stuff like that But I don't think that's what it is.
I think Russell Moore can think two steps ahead He understands the consequences and stuff like that But he doesn't want you thinking about it because it would go against his agenda.
I mean, he's trying to serve Two masters here. He's trying to serve the people in the
Great Reset as well. He's a communist He's a socialist and we get that and so he doesn't want you thinking about the consequences because he's trying to scam you follow
Christ and count the cost and assume that counting the cost is Always what a wise person does before they do anything.
I hope you found this video helpful and guys Bitcoiners I love you guys. I do don't take a bite out of me and That's all