Ex-Muslim: THIS Is the Way to Share Christ! | Pastor Reacts

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Are you someone who wonders about sharing your Christian faith with a Muslim? Especially when you look around and notice that a lot of Muslims are hostile and argumentative? Then this video is for you! Link to original video: https://youtu.be/guM7pdzPnkg?si=2Ttzx89p-yp56iIB Go check out this man's channel! https://www.youtube.com/@denis.falcon Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WiseDisciple Wise Disciple has partnered with Logos Bible Software. Check out all of Logos' awesome features here: https://www.logos.com/WiseDisciple Get my 5 Day Bible Reading Plan here: https://www.patreon.com/collection/565289?view=expanded Get your Wise Disciple merch here: https://bit.ly/wisedisciple Want a BETTER way to communicate your Christian faith? Check out my website: www.wisedisciple.org OR Book me as a speaker at your next event: https://wisedisciple.org/reserve Check out my full series on debate reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqS-yZRrvBFEzHQrJH5GOTb9-NWUBOO_f Got a question in the area of theology, apologetics, or engaging the culture for Christ? Send them to me and I will answer on an upcoming podcast: https://wisedisciple.org/ask


As a former Muslim, now a Christian, a lot of you have been asking me how to share your faith with a
Muslim person that's in your life. This man knows something that I've been talking about for a while now. It's not about knowing how to win an argument.
It's about knowing how to win the man. It's about knowing how to win the woman to Christ. Speak the truth in love and watch how people's lives get changed by the power of the
Holy Spirit, including the most difficult people, including your friends who don't believe like you, including
Muslims. Amen? Are you someone who wonders about sharing your
Christian faith with a Muslim? Especially when you look around and you notice that, hey, a lot of Muslims are hostile and argumentative.
Well, then this video is for you. Today, we're looking at a former Muslim who became a Christian and he's going to help us understand how to effectively communicate with Muslims on behalf of Jesus Christ.
And who am I? Well, my name is Nate and this is Wise Disciple. This ministry is dedicated to helping you become the effective
Christian that you were meant to be. That includes understanding how to effectively navigate conversations with Muslims, but not even
Muslims, you know, people of any faith. As you watch this video, if you think it's helpful, make sure to like and subscribe and even share this with somebody else.
It just helps me to get the word out about this ministry. As a former Muslim, now a Christian, a lot of you have been asking me how to share your faith with a
Muslim person that's in your life. Now, I'm not going to sit here and act like I have secret conversion formula because I don't.
The secret is Jesus. But I will share with you three things that have helped me when I've ministered and shared my faith with Muslims, unbelievers, whoever it may be.
First things first. You know what I love about this? You have a guy who came out of the
Muslim faith and he's going to talk about, well, I hope, what it's like to engage like a
Muslim, like what it's like for a Muslim to engage a Christian too, right? From the Muslim perspective.
That's interesting to me because we see a lot of YouTube Muslims engage Christians and they're usually steamrollers, you know, they usually talk over people.
They're so argumentative. It ends up being a complete waste of time. So hopefully he's going to address some of this. You have to understand the difference between a fruitful versus an unfruitful conversation.
Now, when I was a Muslim and a certain Christian person tried to tell me about Jesus and who he was,
I manifested with a lot of rage and anger and I resorted to name calling and insulting and everything like this.
Now you might be like, but I heard that Muslims really respect Jesus. I didn't have an issue with Jesus until I was told who he really was.
The Jesus of the Bible is completely different than the Jesus of the Quran. I was told that he was
Lord God in the flesh and homie, I just couldn't accept that. But see, what's interesting about this is, again, if you look at Muslim apologists online, they all appear to be cut from the same cloth.
You know what I mean? And it sounds like that's what this guy used to be like, which
I suspect is an interesting byproduct of the Muslim religion. When a Christian apologist is being argumentative and disrespectful and steamrolling people, right?
We can call that out and appeal to the Bible and particularly the teaching and the example of Jesus to correct this person.
Who is the Muslim apologist modeling himself after? When you share your faith with a
Muslim, there is going to be some sort of resistance. However, every person is different. Some will want to engage you in a conversation and share scripture with you.
And they'll be like, I read this Bible verse and it doesn't make sense. See, but then with your own scripture knowledge, you're able to show them the context and you're able to have a civilized conversation.
That's what I call a fruitful conversation. Seeds are being planted and watered. That's a beautiful thing. Where it becomes unfruitful is when the reaction is argumentative and it starts getting into cutting each other off, insulting each other.
Essentially, I will see you on the day of judgment. This is when the conversation is no longer fruitful. You're getting knocked out of love.
I've ministered to certain Muslims and I went into it with love. And I was thinking, man, Jesus is so real to me now.
I know I have a similar upbringing to these people. I'll be able to share and they'll put their faith in Jesus right away.
But that's not what happened. In fact, the conversation got very argumentative. I was getting cut off.
I was cutting them off. They began blaspheming and talking crap about what I believed in. Homie, I got in my flesh.
I was no longer ministering in a spirit of love, in a spirit of compassion. The Holy Ghost was no longer part of the conversation, bro.
This is precisely what the Bible teaches against. It's, I'm so glad that he's highlighting that.
Look at what the Bible says. Proverbs 18 verse 19, a brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city and quarreling or arguing is like the bars of a castle.
In other words, don't argue with people. If that's you, right, you're someone who you have this thing in you,
I don't know, to just always dispute. You're, you're very adversarial all the time.
You want to argue all the time. I encourage you stop playing this video right now and drive yourself to the
ER and get that surgically removed from you. To try and engage someone who has become offended is like trying to overtake a massive army.
Why? Because a person's emotions are very often an insurmountable, like an obstacle to overcome when trying to engage them with the truth.
And it's not just Christian versus Muslim. This is a Catholic versus Protestant. This is a
Republican versus Democrat round earther versus flat earther, right? Whatever the disagreement is, emotions become a big problem when they get all stirred up.
That's why the Bible says to strike down arguments and not people look at this second Corinthians 10 five, we destroy arguments in every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God.
And we take every thought captive to obey Christ. Notice we're not wielding our weapons against people.
Somebody in the background needs to hear this again. We're not wielding our weapons against people.
Christian, pastor, teacher, leader, we're supposed to strike down the arguments that they have become taken with.
See, boy, I don't think enough of us really appreciate what this means. We are so caught up with the way that the world engages itself, that the way people in the world engage each other.
And so, yeah, man, if somebody punches you, you punch them back twice as hard, right? We're just giving them a taste of their own medicine, right?
Wrong. That's not what Christians are supposed to do. It's amazing how many people who go to church still don't understand this basic principle that Jesus taught.
Well, okay, Nate, if we're not striking down people, then what can we do, right?
Can we slap them upside the head with truth? Not even that, man. We're supposed to love them.
We're supposed to speak the truth in love. We're supposed to be concerned with their wellbeing and be concerned with blessing them.
Even when they're arguing with us, Nate? Yep. Even when they're arguing with us, do you realize what changes hearts and minds faster than anything else?
Faster than whipping out a wittier response than the one that you got. It's when a person looks at you and says, man,
I want to be like you. There's something about you that's different. You've got something.
It's like the special relationship that you say it's with God. I look at you and I respect that because I respect you.
How can I be more like you? And how did, that's the question.
Like, how do you create an environment where this can happen? And also at the same time, engage others on behalf of Christ.
Love the person you're talking to. Don't argue with them. Don't lose your temper.
Don't ruin your witness. This man is definitely on the right track. I said, hold up. Wait a minute.
Let's put the dukes up. And that's where you're going to hurt yourself and you're going to hurt the person you're ministering to. You gave them the reaction they wanted and the devil got the reaction he wanted.
Because the devil doesn't want you to share your faith, homie, especially with Muslims. Now, after unfruitful conversations like that,
I would go in private and the Holy Spirit would really speak to me. And the Lord would be like, what are you doing? Where was the love in that?
Is that what I did to you? No, God showed me his love. And that's what led me to giving my life to him.
Which brings me to my second point, your own personal relationship with Jesus.
You see, you can't share something with someone that you don't believe to be true. That isn't real to you. If someone claims to be but no one knows they're
Christian and they don't have a desire to share their faith with anybody, then it's probably because they haven't met Jesus yet, homie.
Think about it. In life, when we go to a nice vacation and we have a really good time, we tell people, bro, you need to go here.
It's phenomenal. If we go to a good restaurant, dog, you got to eat at this place. It's so good. We experienced something that was so nice.
We got to share it with others. So if I've experienced the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the one who took all my sin away, who gave me a new heart, who took away pain, shame, depression, you best believe
I'm going to share it with everybody because it's real. And when you have it, I like this guy is, uh, his channel name is
Dennis Falcon. Um, I'll leave a link for in the notes. You should definitely check this guy out. He's so right. What he's highlighting right here is it's something that we really need to wrestle with.
The Bible does not separate out the content of your words from the fruit of your own life.
I'll say that again for somebody in the back row, the Bible does not separate out the content of your words from the fruit of your own life.
These things are actually two sides of the same coin. That's why we see passages like this.
James chapter two, verse 22. You see that faith was active along with his works and faith was completed by his works.
And the scripture was fulfilled that says Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness.
And he was called a friend of God. You see, it wasn't just that Abraham said words like,
I believe you, God, I believe God. No, the Bible says that Abraham proved that he believed
God with the fruit of his actions. It was by his actions that we know that he meant the words that he said.
That's the consistent understanding of the Bible. Both should be present. Both sides of the same coin should be present in the one person.
But we don't look at human beings this way in the 21st century. We have compartmentalized people into arbitrary categories and arbitrary division so much so that many of us, we walk around and we act like our beliefs and our actions are actually two separate things.
And they're not. And so a lot of us can go to church on a Sunday morning and we can raise our hands and we can, you know, sing at the top of our lungs.
We can clap at the good word that we just heard preached. And then we can go home and for the rest of the week, live like hell.
We can't do that. Friends. You, you, you certainly cannot ball up your words and then throw it at a person like it's a dodge ball.
Why? Well, because you cannot separate out your words from your actions. You can't preach to people about the love of God that led to the cross and also be the biggest jerk that anyone's ever seen.
And non -believers are watching us, ladies and gentlemen. It matters what we do just as much as what we say.
A personal relationship with Jesus. You're hungry to read the Bible and study and learn.
You see, before I wanted to share my faith with anybody, I wanted to establish my faith, reading the Bible 24 seven.
I've read the Bible through and through many times, bro. But every single time it's like I'm reading something different. It's speaking to me in a new way.
And when your personal relationship with Jesus is there, you're able to speak and minister from that because a
Muslim person is going to ask you questions, homie. They're not just going to accept it. They're going to give you scripture. Now, if they know more scriptures than you, bro, what does that make you look like?
No, I'm not saying get caught up in, I feel like I just don't know enough of the Bible. I'm not going to share my faith. No friend. You're always going to feel like, ah, maybe there's something more
I should know. That's why these conversations are so beautiful because God can use it to benefit the person you're sharing your faith with.
And you, I've shared my faith with people and they ask interesting questions and I don't sit there and lie to them. I'm like, you know what, man, that's a really good question.
I'm going to go see God on that. And I go and I seek God on that. And I keep reading the word and it's revealed to me and it makes my faith even stronger to where the next time
I'm sharing my faith with someone in that question arises, I'm able to speak to them. And there's so much. I love this.
I love this. You know, uh, I was talking to Peter Boghossian about this a couple of months ago, somewhere along the way, many of us in the church, let's be real, mostly guys, ladies.
Am I right? It's mostly a guy thing, but we have become allergic to the type of humility in saying
I could be wrong. Let me go away and think about that. Like what this gentleman is saying that right there, that attitude is the quality necessary to learn and to grow.
And when you model that for the right kind of people are going to lean in and they're going to find that to be incredibly refreshing and they're going to find it hopefully to be incredibly inspiring.
They'll, they'll want to be like you in that regard, much fruit from it. Muslims, they're going to want to engage you in a conversation, go back and forth.
So it's essential to know your word because it will be easy to tell if you're a hypocrite or not. I look at it this way, if someone claims to be
Christian, but when I'm analyzing their life, right, because people of the world, people who are Muslim, they're making observations just like we all do.
Hmm. This person claims to be Christian and I would do this as a Muslim, but they're living in complete sin and they're not even sorry about it.
They're drinking, they're smoking, they're getting high, they're sleeping with everybody and there's no repentant lifestyle.
They're so angry. They're so depressed dog. Our life is the same. What on earth would I change my life for?
Why would I put my trust in Jesus if it's not even working for them? We are. This is what I was just talking about a moment ago.
Okay. Now let's be fair to our brothers and sisters. A lot of folks are all caught up in this hot take mentality.
And so they'll give a hot take. That's actually an incorrect read of the Christian. Muslims do this just as much as anybody else.
And so that's not fair to Christians when this happens. However, I'm reminded of first Timothy three, where the overseer is told not just to have a great reputation with believers, but to be well thought of by outsiders, those that are not part of the church and who are not saved, right?
That's not just for overseers too, by the way, this is for all Christians. Look at this. By the way,
I got my trusty Logos Bible app here open and ready for you. This is the app that I use not only to read the
Bible with you here, but also for my own personal studies every morning. If you've seen a video, then you've seen me talk about Logos many a time, but I actually turned down sponsors quite a bit, except for this one.
It absolutely will bless you in your studies. Go check out Logos .com forward slash wise disciple and avail yourself of the discounts that we're running right now.
I think it's going to bless you. Romans chapter 12, verse 17, repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all if possible, so far as it depends on you live peaceably with all this is.
This is also commensurate with what Jesus told his disciples about letting their light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven.
Again, this leaves no room for giving people a taste of their own medicine. This leaves no room for punching back twice as hard.
Why? Because non -believers are watching us and our actions can speak the truth just as much as our words can.
We're ambassadors for Christ down here. We represent him and it says we put our faith in Jesus. We're a new creation in Christ.
All the old is passed away. I looked completely different before Jesus and after Jesus, and that's evident.
A Muslim will be able to see that. An unbeliever will be able to see that. Anybody will be able to see that. Coming to my final point, prayer and reading the
Bible. This is essential. I've ministered to Muslims, right? So, you know, it's funny. I had no idea how this was going to go.
And a part of me was wondering, is he going to give the one slam dunk argument that just annihilates the
Muslim faith, right? I was curious, but that's not what he's doing at all.
He's hitting three things, right? Don't argue with a Muslim, bear fruit in keeping with your words about Jesus, right?
And know God's word well. Why is he focusing on all this? Why aren't there any slam down, knockout, you know, uppercut arguments up in here?
Because this man knows something that I've been talking about for a while now. It's not about knowing how to win an argument.
It's about knowing how to win the man. It's about knowing how to win the woman to Christ. And that's more than, you know, getting the right answer on the test question.
That's about helping folks to see the love, grace, and mercy of our God from our changed hearts.
Who extended grace and mercy to us when we did not deserve it. And who desires for us to extend it to others in the same spirit.
See, here's a question that no one's asking, right? Why did Jesus perform miracles?
Have you ever asked that question before? You do in your own Bible studies and you ask that question. If you think about it,
Jesus doesn't heal very many blind people. Like if you count them up, right? He certainly doesn't heal all of blindness in the first century.
He doesn't heal every leper that he met, every paralyzed person that was walking around him.
He doesn't eradicate hunger. He doesn't eradicate poverty. As a matter of fact, he says that we will always have the poor with us, but he does heal certain people at certain times.
And the question is why? Pay attention, friends, because Jesus is teaching.
Jesus is not just Lord and Savior, okay? He's the teacher. And just like a good
Jewish rabbi in the first century, he uses the circumstances happening on the ground, things happening in real time around him to teach about God and his kingdom.
Every miracle had some kind of theological lesson attached to it. But watch this. Every miracle by Jesus was a good work of Jesus.
How do I know that? Do you remember the time that Jesus was questioned by the Pharisees about healing on the
Sabbath? Look at this. This is Matthew 12, verse nine. So he went on from there, Jesus, and entered their synagogue.
And a man was there with a withered hand. And they asked him, is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath so that they might accuse him?
He said to them, which one of you who has a sheep, if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will not take hold of it and lift it out?
Of how much more value is a man than a sheep? So watch this.
It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath. Notice what he did not say.
He did not say, so it is lawful to perform miracles on Sabbath. So here I go.
No, he said, do good, do a good work. Jesus is equating his miracles to good works.
And what did he do with his good works? He spoke the truth. Do you understand guys?
Do you understand two sides of the same coin? You and I are most likely, you know, we're not at all going to work the miracles that Jesus worked.
We're not going to live the specific life that Jesus lived. Okay. But guess what? We can perform good works to those who desperately need to hear the truth.
And at the same time, we can speak the truth. It's both. It's both.
The Bible teaches both. Speaking the truth in love. By the way, the love that we express to one another through our actions, that is what
God desires for us. By the way, what do you think love means in the Bible? Love in the
Bible is not a fuzzy feeling of butterflies in your tummy when a beautiful person walks by. Love, particularly in the
New Testament, should be understood more like a verb. This is a love that is expressed through your deeds, through your actions.
And that's, I mean, I hope you can appreciate this. That's way bigger than what a lot of us are doing right now.
A lot of us are getting online and arguing with people we don't even know. Or we're walking up to somebody cold on the street and then trying to dump a bunch of truth or facts on their heads and then walk away.
Let me encourage you, ladies and gentlemen, God has called you to something much greater than that. And because it's greater, it's going to take up much more of your time and it will produce much better fruit than what you're seeing right now.
Oh, but Nate, I can't spare the time. Why? Well, I got to get back on Twitter and slap some people upside the head with the truth.
No, you don't. We all need to wrestle with what the Bible expects of us as Christians.
And I suspect that's exactly why this gentleman made this video.
So we can appreciate what God is trying to show us. Don't be like the world, be like Jesus.
Speak the truth in love and watch how people's lives get changed by the power of the Holy Spirit, including the most difficult people, including your friends who don't believe like you, including
Muslims. Amen? All right. Well, I got a little excited.
I got a little amped. But now it's your turn. Have you ever engaged a Muslim for the Christian faith? How did that go?
Have you ever seen someone get saved because of the love that you showed them? Let's compare notes, guys.
Let's help each other out in the comments section. Amen? If you made it this far, the wait is over. Sign up for the
Patreon right now. You got to do it. You can watch these videos before they make it to YouTube and provide feedback. You can join me for exclusive live streams.
You can read the Bible with me. There are thousands of people going through the Bible study together right now.
It's an amazing time to be on the Patreon. The link for that is below. I hope to see you there. I'm going to return soon with more videos, but in the meantime,