Exclusive Interview W/Captain Brad Geary


We are thrilled for this opportunity for an exclusive interview with Navy Captain Brad Geary on the heels of an exclusive article released by our friends at the Sentinel, which can be found here: https://republicsentinel.com/articles/exclusive-how-navy-leadership-misled-the-public-after-seal-candidate-death Captain Geary is now being represented by our good friend Davis Younts at Stand With Warriors (standwithwarriors.org) -Get the NAD treatment Jeff is on, go to ionlayer.com and put "IONAPOLOGIA" into the coupon code and get $100 off your first three months! https://www.ionlayer.com -Check out our new partner at http://www.amtacblades.com/apologia and use code APOLOGIA in the check out for 5% off! -You can get in touch with Heritage Defense at heritagedefense.org and use coupon code “APOLOGIA” to get your first month free! -For some Presip Blend Coffee Check out our store at https://shop.apologiastudios.com/ -Check out the Ezra Institute: https://www.ezrainstitute.com/


When the scribes and Pharisees asked our Lord about the greatest commandment, he replied, you shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
So why do we hear some of today's most prominent pastors saying things like this? It had everything to do with how we talk about the
Bible and specifically or along with that, what we point to as the foundation of faith, which for most
Christians, unfortunately is the Bible. We need to do better.
We need to love God with all our hearts and stand unashamedly on the rock of his word. We need to love the
Lord with all of our souls and respond to the worldview issues of our day with the wisdom and discernment that comes only from him.
We need to love the Lord with our minds and understand the calling of God's people in every area of life in God's world.
We need to love the Lord our God with all our strength and face the work of building a life -giving,
God -honoring culture. Join us for four days at the Cultural Leadership Academy as we consider how the gospel influences all of life and culture and the role that we have to play in applying foundational
Christian thinking to every area of life. Non -rockabodas must stop.
I don't want to rock the boat, I want to sink it. Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie?
Or are you gonna bite? We're being delusional. Delusional, yeah. Delusional's okay in your worldview.
I'm an animal. You don't chastise chickens for being delusional. You don't chastise pigs for being delusional. So you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly okay.
It doesn't really hurt. It's the unhop on, man. Yeah! I got it.
What? What? Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men.
The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men lauding them for their courage.
Go into all the world and make disciples. Not go into the world and make buddies. Not to make brosives. Don't go into the world and make homies.
Right. Disciples. I got a bit of a jiggle, Nick. That's a joke, pastor.
When we have the real message of truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not.
And Jesus came and said to them, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold,
I'm with you always to the end of the age. Matthew chapter 28, verses 18 through 20.
What's up, everybody? Welcome to a very special episode of Apologia Radio.
This is the gospel heard around the world. Want to encourage everybody as you're getting on today, share this episode.
It is exclusive right now to Apologia Radio. Very important discussion and you're going to see why in just a moment.
I'm Jeff, the Calm and the Ninja. That's Luke the Bear. What up? That's Zachary Conover. Hey guys. Director of Communications for End Abortion.
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Bonson family. So we are having an important episode today.
Article just dropped this morning on the Sentinel and we'll try to put that into, we'll link that into the description of this episode when we're done here and so I'm gonna have the bear lead us into this discussion and take it away.
Right on. So yeah, we're super excited. I'll introduce my guest here in a second. This came onto our radar back in February.
Actually, we were at our man camp and just two people the same day brought up Captain Brad Geary from the commander at BUDS in San Diego and super awesome
Christian man and we're gonna let him explain what's going on but before that, before I bring him on, I wanna play this clip from BUDS class 234, probably the best documentary
I've ever done on YouTube. I think I just watched it for about the sixth time to find this clip.
Yeah, I know you've watched it a lot, yeah. Super good. So this is towards the end and this is on San Clemente and I found this clip and I was so excited because it's perfect for what we're dealing with today.
So here, Gabe, I got that pulled up. I'm gonna play this here real quick. 10 pushups per item.
10 pushups per item? Should have said five pushups per item. Geary and Engineering are caught breaking the rules.
Geary's nickname is the Reverend, earned because of his steadfast refusal to curse out loud. The Reverend will now pay in full for his sins yet he knows that BUDS is a game of wits as well as honor and it always pays to be a winner.
160 pushups? All right, what about the three?
That was my script, Chief. You can do whatever you want. Oh, I know it's your script. There's no doubt about that. You're earning it.
You might as well keep it. All right. Go get wet for your pushups. Roger that. Where are you gonna do the pushups?
Right outside Chief's room. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, 50.
All right, let's reach it out. What happens after the pushups? Free and clear, we get to take our gear and well, we still have a lot of cleaning to do tonight, so it'll be a late night.
I had to get wet because I had candy in my locker and we're supposed to have it in the fridge. So I broke a pretty big rule.
To break rules, you gotta be willing to pay the risk, you know, if it doesn't pay out. Ready?
I'll do 50 more. You guys could cheat, but is there a plan that there's always someone over your shoulder?
Yeah, I mean, you get to be in BUDS and integrity issue all the time.
They don't think it's probably worth it to get caught cheating on it. They know if they know they get caught, they're gonna get hammered.
Plus, like, Chief leaving us to do it on our own, that's a huge display of his faith in us that, you know, we're gonna do what we need to do, you know, we made a deal with him to earn our stuff back and that's a big deal.
I would never, I'd never cross Chief. The way I see it, it's done and over with. I don't think they'll be doing it again.
All right, so how many push -ups was that for Candy? How many was that?
About 200? I think it was about 200, maybe? Yeah, probably, yeah, that was a lot.
Although it was worth it. Well, let's find out. Brad Geary, welcome to the show, brother. Oh, we lost his audio.
Oh, we lost his audio. Gabe, you got his audio? Hey, no, I'm here, sorry about that. My fault, operator error.
Appreciate you having me today. Thank you very much. It's funny to me that you found that old clip. That's a good memory.
Well, I was thrilled when I found out you were gonna be on, because I was like, yep, I know right where I'm gonna find a clip of him.
So yeah, how many push -ups was that, do you remember? It's been so long, I'm not 100 % sure.
I do think it was somewhere upwards in the 400s, if I remember. Ah, well.
Yeah, yeah, it's been a hot minute since then. Goodness gracious. So, full circle, huh?
We were talking about this at the intro. You were made famous for buds when you didn't really want to, and now you're in the spotlight again for something you don't wanna be.
That's right, yeah, full circle. But a lot of people don't remember that that was filmed pre -911, and that was when the
Navy was looking to increase their recruitment for Naval Special Warfare. And as a class, we protested when we found out we didn't wanna be filmed.
It's not why we were joining the SEAL teams. And we were, to quote Chief Tresise there, hammered for our protest and told to just do it.
So we did it. And then over the years, people tried to find us, figure out where are they now. I thought it was pretty funny, because I went dark for decades at that point.
Very much valued staying in the shadows, never wanted to be in the limelight. So here we are at the end of my career, thrust into the very limelight
I've been avoiding for quite some time. Yeah, so why don't you just give us a brief rundown of your career and what's brought you to this point and why we got you on today?
Yeah, I appreciate that. It's been a fantastic career.
I've been very fortunate, very blessed. Obviously, you saw the beginnings of it. I was married when I started that program.
My wife and I, I graduated college the very next week, got married. And the week after that, drove to San Diego to start our life together there in Coronado.
Bounced all over the place. Did a lot of East Coast -based SEAL teams early on. Came back out West for some postgraduate degree work.
Back East for more rotations. You know, after 9 -11 happened, this is another thing people, they stopped filming us after the
BUDS 234, we hit third phase. But it was later in SEAL qualification training, right as we were about to graduate when 9 -11 happened.
My original plan with my wife was five and out. I didn't see this as a sustainable lifestyle for a family, and that's what
I wanted the most. Everything changed that morning as it did for so many of us across.
And from then on, we just kept feeling called to fulfill a duty and a service greater than ourselves.
So we deployed countless times. We moved eight cross -country moves to include out to Hawaii at one point.
And culminated out there in a commanding officer tour I was very fortunate to get, where we partnered with our submarine brothers and our undersea element.
And then finally culminating most recently where I was provided a bonus opportunity to command our basic training command, which is where it all starts for all
SEAL and SWCC war fighters. Never in a million years back when 234 was filmed did I ever imagine
I would be back there on that grinder, building our next generations of SEAL and SWCC.
But I'll tell you of all the cool operational things I got to experience overseas and the fun
I had tactically, the most fulfilling job yet was at the production factory there, pouring into this next generation, pouring into our cadre.
And every single day you go home from a job like that and you know what you did. You positively impacted a human being.
And that's something that's not measurable. It's something that'll carry forward for decades beyond my career.
You know, we serve here, but when you finish up, your name's on a plaque somewhere and you're quickly forgotten.
It's just the way, the nature of the beast. So what a legacy to leave by pouring into these next generations and give them the baton and they are equipped and ready.
I'll tell you that. That's amazing. That's awesome, brother. So yeah, where are we at today?
What's taking place in your life and what do we need to hear from you today? Well, you read the article.
There's a lot of unanswered questions and I'm very thankful for the congressional support and senatorial support we have right now.
And I'm thankful for them asking these hard questions and for listening to me. You know, we faced a tragedy and it's taken us to a place and a path that I did not wanna be on.
I already mentioned, didn't wanna be in this limelight. Everything looked good for us to continue on in our Naval service.
And unfortunately that is now changed. Hmm. Yeah, I know,
I don't wanna forget our other guest is on as well. And that's your attorney, Davis Younce with Stand With Warriors, our good friend who's been on several times.
Davis, I wanna bring you in real quick and say hi. Hey, brother.
There he is. There's that beard shining through. So yeah, I know there's only so much that Brad can say right now that's going on with this.
So as his lawyer, what would you like to add to that? Before we shift to Davis, let me just highlight real quick to your point there.
And I appreciate you saying that. I should have let off this whole thing with just a reminder that anything I say out here is strictly my own views, personal, not reflective of any of the
Navy's positions on any of these or Naval Special Warfares. And in addition to Davis, we have my other attorney,
Jason Wehrman as well. Back to like never in a million years did I ever think I'd have two attorneys working with me to help keep me, keep from stepping on my own feet here.
So now over to you. Sorry about that, Davis. No, that's great, brother.
Nowhere is there. Yeah, and Luke, we can kind of approach this a couple of different ways. Jason can really give kind of the nuts and bolts of where we're at on the legal case.
He's been working with Brad from the beginning, fighting this fight for a long time now. So he can give you real specifics of where the legal case is at.
And then I can certainly kind of talk to big picture and why I was so interested in getting involved with this, why
Stan with Warriors wanted to take on this fight as well. Perfect. Let's go for that. Jason, welcome to the show, brother.
Thanks very much. I'm glad to be here. And I'm really thankful that you've given us the opportunity to get
Captain Gary's message a little wider than we already have. And we've gone pretty wide. Where we're at is, you know, back when
Seaman Mullins passed, there was an investigation almost immediately. That investigation was really hastily done in my opinion.
I was brought in about the time that Captain Gary was given a notification that he was gonna be sent to nonjudicial punishment.
It just didn't seem right from the start. We hadn't really been provided any documents related to the investigation at that time.
In fact, in order to view this unclassified investigation, I was forced to displace from Colorado where I practiced to Virginia and sit in a
SCIF, a secured compartmentalized information facility used for classified information to review an unclassified document or a series of documents.
That, I've been doing this long enough, that set off some bells in my head going something's going on here.
But once I got ahold of that investigation, we saw the holes, if you will, and the hasty rush to judgment.
This led to us filing an administrative response to that investigation, pointing out all the problems with it, soup to nuts.
The offer of nonjudicial punishment was retracted. They went back and did a whole other investigation, thousands of pages long.
At the end of the day, they found that there were minor procedural variations at BUDS that you would probably find in any command.
And then ultimately, substantiated what we knew to be true that in my opinion, that Captain Gary and his cadre had executed a professional curriculum from the start.
Despite the findings of this investigation and these minor procedural variations, we were immediately notified that he was again going to be sent to nonjudicial punishment.
And at that point, we had a decision to make and looking at all of the issues covered more specifically in the
Sentinel and then other news press releases we've gone through, we refused nonjudicial punishment.
We said, absolutely not. We'd rather be tried at court martial and defend ourselves than to submit to this farce, as far as I'm concerned, in an attempt to scapegoat
Captain Gary and his cadre for odd purposes, at which point now we sit in limbo.
The command has said, hey, we're gonna send him to a board of inquiry, which is an administrative hearing seeking to kick people out of the military.
They've recommended that that occur, but that was months ago that that happened. And I filed some appropriate responses there to include the fact that given the evidence we found so far that the secretary of the
Navy and the Navy itself is disqualified from acting in this case and we asked it to go up to DOD instead.
But despite our filings, despite our requests, they've just kept him there working at desk, told to stand by until they decide to do something.
And that's where we're at today. So how was that, Captain Gary, for a quick summary? That was about as quick as you can wrap up the last two and a half years into a two -minute summary.
I would also add that as part of this whole process, we recently just decided enough waiting and we requested to retire in lieu of that board.
That request has to go up to the secretary. I'm not sure whether he'll approve it or not, but we have asked that.
And thankfully, I am grateful that my command has endorsed that request and advocated for it for me to just move on to the next season of life.
So of all - If I could briefly be a lawyer there, it's not in lieu of that board. They haven't issued anything on the board.
We've just said, you know what? It's time for Captain Gary to move on to bigger and better the way he's been treated. So we actually submitted what's called an unqualified request for resignation because there's more
Captain Gary can do in this world than the Navy's willing to allow him to do at this point. So the
Sentinel article, it's republicsentinel .com. It's an exclusive how
Navy leadership misled the public after SEAL candidate death. And the intro goes, when
Navy's enlistee, Kyle Mullen died after Hell Week two years ago, the nation was falsely led to believe that training conditions under Captain Bradley Gary were instrumental in his demise.
So that's where this all starts. And now we're sort of at the tail end of things. Can you,
Jason, can you bring us just a little bit into that discussion so that our listeners, our audience understands what happened and the details of like what happened and what led to this and what are some of the things that were ignored via evidence and those sorts of things?
What do we need to know? Sure, I mean, again, it's, there's so much to try to encapsulize it all,
I'll do the best I can. I think everyone's aware that Seaman Kyle Mullens passed away immediately following Hell Week.
And that generated an appropriate response to include an autopsy and the rest.
That autopsy found that among other things, he died of pneumonia along with contributing factors that may have been at least, depends which investigation or autopsy we're talking about.
The autopsy actually found that he died of pneumonia with contributing factors being an enlarged heart.
An investigation related to that incident originally found that performance enhancing drugs may have been a contributing factor to the death.
From that point, the Navy has taken, an inordinate amount of time and an odd focus on placing the blame, not on Seaman Mullens and what might've been some health issues that were impacting him, but instead, almost immediately blaming
Captain Geary and his cadre for procedural variations or conduct that just isn't supported by the evidence.
Where we have run into problems, more significant problems through the last two years or so is that it appears that this decision to pre -judge
Captain Geary occurred very early on, that there are reports that somebody at the
Secretary of the Navy level considered any mention of Seaman Mullens' health problems or the facts involving performance enhancing drugs as victim blaming and that we weren't going to victim blame.
This, I believe, shaped much of the autopsy determinations and the autopsy testing that was done.
For example, there was only a standard tox screen done, not something that would have tested for performance enhancing drugs.
Oddly, much of the evidence was not retained in methods that could be later tested. And then, unfortunately, as part of the natural process of releasing the body, they lost access to additional evidence that would have explained exactly what went on here.
And so at the core of this has been a confrontation of top
Navy leadership and their choices in this matter, and specifically around the public responses and kind of shaping of the narrative that is most egregiously demonstrated in a press release that we have evidence was changed where originally a press release from the
Secretary of the Navy was going to go out that said something to the effect of,
Seaman Kyle Mullens died of pneumonia with contributing causes or contributing factors, including the enlarged heart or cardiomegalia, as well as performance enhancing drugs, which is what the first investigation determined was likely true.
We then learned that based on requests from non -Navy persons that the
Navy decided to change their narrative and explicitly state that performance enhancing drugs were not a contributing cause to Seaman Mullens' death.
And that has really been a falsehood that has tainted this investigation from the get -go and has been much of our primary focus to try to expose what is the truth in this matter, and ultimately, as we view it, and ultimately to defend the honor of not only
Captain Geary but his cadre and the medical personnel at Butts. That's very helpful. Thank you so much for doing that.
Davis, onto you, if I may. Davis, how did we find ourselves in this situation?
It seems like over the last couple of years, the Lord has allowed Apologia and yourself to be sort of standing up for our
Navy SEAL brothers and our warriors. I'll just bring everyone just quickly into that conversation to bring
Davis in so you kind of know how we're connected to this, and the Lord seems to keep doing this with us. Years ago when the
COVID vaccine thing was happening and the Navy SEALs were being threatened, even with jail at the time, or the loss of their careers,
Navy SEALs got ahold of us, and we had a private meeting in Virginia with a bunch of active -duty
Navy SEALs that were gonna resist the jab, and they were gonna resist it on the basis of their Christian convictions and their
Christian worldview. And so we met with them privately. We had an entire day with them. I think it was from somewhere around 8 a .m.
to almost 10 o 'clock at night. Bunch of Navy SEALs from different teams. It was a humbling experience.
And the Navy SEALs that day took a vote and asked that I would be the one that would break this story to the media.
And so we were able to communicate with numerous outlets and we were able to organize how to do it. Davis was with us that day.
That's a miracle story in itself and how we got connected to Davis, and he got there. Believe me, I can't share that right now. Go watch the past episode on that.
And so we were able to drop the story and expose what the Navy SEALs were facing, the tyranny they were facing, and with the jab.
And that pulled back a lot of that tyranny. And Davis has been involved since the very beginning with that, and now he's involved with this.
And so Davis, when you and I have approached this in defending the SEALs from the tyranny of their own government at times, and exposing stuff and making sure that their plight is known, because like Captain Gary says, they wanna operate in the shadows.
They don't wanna come out in the open. They're the silent professionals. We've been advocating for them in these times, and we've made sure that people understand that these are
Christian men, they're godly men. They're our best warriors, the best warriors in history. But when they take these stands, they do so because of their
Christian commitments and their fidelity to the word of God and the Christian worldview.
And so that has a lot to do with what's happening right now with Captain Gary. And even with what Davis, you would be doing involved with this, you're doing it because of principle, you're doing it because of ultimately
God's standards and the hope that we'll live in a world with truth and justice and a world that puts down lies.
And so Davis, give us some of your input on this. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for the opportunity to do that.
Yeah, this is one of those situations that's perfect for Stand With Warriors, why we started it with Apology at Church, why we wanted to do that.
Captain Gary is a strong, a faithful Christian with an outstanding testimony who simply wants to serve and do his best, right?
Do justice, live up to those standards. And this is a situation, this is a case, once I looked at it, talked to Jason and got involved, to me, and I'll say things that Captain Gary can't say, and these are my opinions, so they shouldn't be attributed to him, but this is a situation where the
Navy has come in, the big Navy has come in, it is absolutely victim -blaming, but this is an opportunity by some in the
Pentagon, I believe, to try to take over what I see as one of the last vestiges of the military that's doing things well, which is this training for these
Navy SEALs. Navy SEALs haven't been made woke yet, and there's this constant agenda of dumbing down, of lowering standards, and Captain Gary is someone who has stood up to that, who has tried to hold things to the standard, and in this case, he's acted with integrity.
The reality is there was evidence, there was information available, there was suspected performance -enhancing drug use by these candidates, that's what's dangerous.
Absolutely, this training is dangerous, absolutely people will get injured, these are Navy SEALs, this is what we have to put them through to prepare them for the mission, but the reality is
Captain Gary and his teams were doing things to call this out, they were trying to investigate these performance -enhancing drugs and other things, they were turned down, legal told them no, they weren't able to do their job well to prevent something like this, and they did things by the book in this situation, but in the fallout from this, there was an issue of the overriding agenda and mindset at the
Pentagon was don't blame a victim, how dare we blame a victim, that will be uncomfortable, we're gonna change the narrative, we're gonna find someone to blame, we're gonna find someone to scapegoat, and unfortunately, in this case, it was
Captain Gary, and just, there are small things in this investigation that are just deeply, deeply troubling.
For example, they did this autopsy, they collected samples, and when they test for drugs, there's a normal talk screen, when you're testing for steroids and other performance -enhancing drugs, it's much harder to do, there's another step involved in that process.
Here, they never did that testing, and then they release a press statement and they come out knowing, big
Navy knows, they didn't do that testing, and they say, well, there was no toxicological evidence that said that performance -enhancing drugs were involved, leading the
American public to believe, oh, they did drug testing, and they found no evidence of performance -enhancing drugs, that's simply not true.
So this narrative was altered, but again, you have to understand why I'm so passionate about this case, is I see this as a microcosm of what we're dealing with when we have
Christian men who want to hold to a biblical standard, who wanna have equal weights and measures, who wanna do this right, who wanna preserve the best parts of our military, and they stand up, they tell the truth, they won't compromise, and this is what happens.
So that's why I was passionate about this, that's why I stand with warriors, the team with Stand With Warriors wanted to be involved with this, and we wanna help.
I can't even begin to explain how expensive this has been for Captain Geary, and what this has looked like, and Jason has deferred legal fees and other things, he's done everything he can, but just the little steps of going to a
SCIF to examine documents in this case has made it complicated. So part of what we're hoping to do through Stand With Warriors, just like we did for Navy SEALs, is get people that are interested in this battle to donate to Stand With Warriors, and the first priority with the money that comes in from that is going to be to support the legal defense.
We think this has to be done well, and it has to be exposed. The other thing we're hoping for, and I would ask people to do, is contact your congressmen and senators.
We are pushing, we are pushing to get a hearing on this in Congress to talk about what's happening.
We don't wanna see, I don't wanna see Big Navy come in and take over this training in such a way that's going to lower the standards and prevent us from being able to have the most lethal fighters in history.
So I know that's a lot, I didn't mean to grandstand like that, guys, but that's obviously why I'm passionate about this situation.
No, I love it, I appreciate that. So just to clarify a couple things, and I don't know who wants to answer this, but from reading the article, it sounds like they found the
PEDs in Mullen's car, I believe. And so I know you guys had mentioned that Captain Gary, you've been trying to look into the use of PEDs, specifically at BUDs.
I mean, is that, in your guys' opinion, is that a pretty significant issue right now, or at least two years ago when this took place?
It's a great question, and I can offer, having done multiple tours within our basic training command, in any industry where you value physical performance, there's always going to be a temptation for candidates to cut corners, look for shots, right?
You see it in the professional sports industry, it's going to happen. And whenever there's a demand like that,
I'd offer that the black market can probably keep up at a faster pace than we can keep up to test.
There's a reason why it took so many years to catch some of these professional athletes out there when you had all the science in the world pouring into it.
We've been trying to catch up to that for a while. We've been very limited by resources and authorities, but yes, we look into that.
I'd offer also, though, there's been a lot of hyperbole out there in the news, making this seem like a bigger problem than it is.
We bring in men of integrity and character who come to our doorstep. They're also young men, and young men make mistakes.
Shocking realization to all of us that guys from 18 to 20 years old will sometimes make bad judgment calls.
I don't know if you guys have ever experienced that in your lives, but join the club. So we do our best to deter that.
When these guys come to our front doorstep, even though it's already prohibited, we make them sign another document that I sign as well as the commanding officer.
It's a written agreement that we all say we are going to not do these things because it can cause health problems when you combine that with our arduous training.
We have to understand the full clinical picture of every candidate because if something goes wrong in some of the most high -risk training in the world, our world -class physicians and corpsmen and medical professionals need to know exactly what they're treating and what they might do, which could contraindicate with some other chemical that might be in your body that they don't know about.
That is a critical piece of the information here, and we've done everything we could to go after this. When we first started hearing rumors about it, we brought in drug -stiffing dogs as a deterrent factor for the candidates, very well knowing that drugs don't sniff pets, but we did it simply as a deterrent factor.
We asked to search vehicles knowing that candidates would likely be hiding them in their vehicles, and we were told, no, we don't have those legal authorities.
Had we been advised accurately in that moment, the first thing we would have done was searched our
Hell Week vehicles, knowing those are the most at -risk candidates in our population, we would have discovered these drugs, and we would have stopped
Hell Week immediately, 100%. There were things that we tried to do, but were unable to get after the problem.
I'd also like to offer, and this has been publicly released by multiple people within this investigation, so I can comment that when we talk performance -enhancing drugs, the things we found were not cans of protein powder.
We recovered injectable testosterone cypionate that had Pakistani labels on it. We recovered injectable human growth hormone from the
Netherlands, anastrobil, sildenafil, other unknown vials of other liquids.
Beyond all that, what else has been released in the press is that we had NCIS -recovered text threads with Kyle discussing this with four other people in various threads, admitting to injecting, and not only that, asking about where do we procure more, contacting said drug dealer and arranging payment for these services, and admitting he had a bad reaction in his buttocks at the injection site from apparently a bad batch, indicating that some of these drugs they were procuring on the black market from Pakistan might have contaminants in them.
By the way, none of those vials were ever tested for these contaminants. We just don't know.
There's so much information out there that was never pursued, and I later found out those other text threads with other people talking about using drugs, those were other candidates of mine, and we had that information within a month and a half of his death, and yet that was never disclosed to me.
So I was allowed to continue commanding some of the most high -risk training in the world, accepting blind risk that other candidates in my formation that we had evidence to support were using these drugs that was never disclosed to me.
Wow. Interesting. Davis, one of the things that you mentioned was justice, equal weights and measures, and that's been so at the forefront of our pursuit in methodology, even in our past experience in dealing with the jab issue and trying to defend the
SEALs and break their story, is that we've approached this with essentially a Christian worldview in terms of biblical law.
I mean, we talked a lot that day with the SEALs in Virginia Beach trying to encourage them that they were actually the ones who were righteous in what they were doing and their resistance, that they were actually holding to the principles that the nation was set up on, and that is primarily the principle of lax rex, the law is king.
We were there trying to encourage them as Christian men and as SEALs that they put their hand up to swear an oath before God to defend that constitution and hold to it.
And so much of all of that that's led into our modern context in terms of the constitution, the
Bill of Rights, even case law examples that we had started with John Jay, the first Supreme Court justice, he's appealing directly to the
Bible, quoting the passages. So much of what we have behind us that we try to stand on is from the biblical worldview,
God's standards of justice. And in this case, in this case in particular, it's very revealing.
You have an example of accusations being made, but from a biblical perspective, we would always start with what every
American is supposed to instinctively understand. And that is the assumption of innocence, right?
This person is gonna be seen as innocent until I have proof of guilt. So that means from a biblical perspective, accusations are made, people are throwing in accusations.
And what all of us are supposed to do is stand right there as a neutral judge saying, let me have equal rights and measures.
Let me show no partiality. Let me make sure that I'm hearing the independent lines of evidence.
Let me assume that the person who's defending themselves is telling the truth and that they're innocent. Let me assume, and let me have the assumption right here that the victim is actually possibly innocent.
And so I just gather at that point, what does the actual independent lines of evidence say? Let me do what
God's law commands and that's do a cross -examination of witnesses. Let me gather it all, stand in the middle.
And I think what you pointed out, Davis, is it appears that in this case, because we've gone so far from Lex Rex and biblical standards of justice and receiving accusations and all of that.
In this case, it just is immediately, like you said, the cultural mindset of never blame a victim.
It just, let's assume that, let's just go right away with the assumption that this guy is wrong and this guy is right before we even had a chance to do the examination.
Like where's the cross -examination? Where's the independent lines of witness and testimony? And again, I'm only bringing this up, Davis, because I said it's instinctive in the
American. It's supposed to be. I think most of our, I don't think our teenagers and young adults even understand anything about law or what the bill of rights is and the assumption of innocence, all of that.
But it's supposed to be instinctive anyways. That we assume the innocence of the person being accused and we wait patiently, carefully, with wisdom and prudence to gather the evidence before we close our mouths and bite down on a position.
As we wait, we wait to receive, our mouths are open, and then we finally bite down after we've received both sides of the story, right?
I mean, the biblical example is, in Proverbs, one person's case sounds true until another one comes to examine them.
And I think if any of us have lived in the world for more than 10 minutes, we understand that you find that a lot in the world.
You hear one person that tells a story and you're like, dang, I can't believe that guy did that to you. I can't believe that girl did that to you.
Like you hear the story and you go, it sounds so convincing. And then you actually hear the accused and you get the evidence and you go, man,
I was duped. It's completely the other way. There's a whole other side to this. And that's what biblical standards will do to the world is they'll protect the innocent.
And they'll actually make sure that we properly accuse people. And so Davis, speak to that in terms of when you approach this, you said you want to use equal rights and measures.
We want to appeal to justice. When you're involved in this, what are you doing? Yeah, I think we have to start with the question of who is
Captain Geary and what has he done? And I just want to say this, from the beginning of his Navy career, you can look at his record, and I only met him recently, right?
An absolutely impeccable record. He's always only ever done what the
Navy's asked him to do with absolute integrity, putting his sailors and the mission first. That's who he's always been.
And then you get into a situation where there is a tragedy, but the fact of the matter is there's evidence that even when this individual came in and went through MEPS, there was potential evidence, there was indicators of performance enhancing use before he was even cleared and sent to this training, right?
So what I say is there is a system and process in place. There's a lack of accountability in our military because we've been infiltrated with principles that are primarily based on secular humanism, not on biblical principles.
It's an oppressor, oppressor, pressy mindset. It's a mindset that makes political careers of leaders more important than the truth.
And we see that at play here. So you have someone like Captain Geary who is known, who is known by the Navy to have absolute integrity, received the highest awards, done everything, put in this critical position after an outstanding career.
And I think even going into this, there are people that knew he was not going to compromise and Captain Geary hasn't talked about it, but Captain Geary is one of those leaders that stood up during COVID.
When people came to him and they said, I have a sincere religious objection to this jab,
Captain Geary would look at that and he would recommend approval of those accommodations. One of the few that actually did that in spite of the fact that his boss said,
I'm not gonna approve any of these, right? So those are the things that are going on behind the scenes. So I believe, and this is my opinion, but I believe even going into the situation where you have this tragedy that exposes the fact that perhaps
Big Navy, perhaps there's problems with the process. Perhaps Big Navy is not screening people the way they should be.
Perhaps they're not willing to take this performance enhancing drug issue that might be there head on.
And they don't wanna be blamed for the fact that Captain Geary was trying to stop it and wasn't allowed to do that. All of those things are on the background when this comes forward.
But again, I think it comes down to the fact that based on his Christian faith, his character and integrity, his outspokenness on those issues, people knew he was not gonna compromise on this and he was gonna seek the truth.
And I think that's where a false narrative was created because somebody at the Pentagon believed it was easier to give a narrative that doesn't blame a victim, it doesn't blame the victim than it is to tell the truth.
And if you're gonna do that, you have to have a scapegoat. And so that's the thing. I say scapegoat, I mean, I'm talking biblically.
Captain Geary has been made a scapegoat in this to blame other people for failings within the system. And again, that's why
I think this is so important. I'd like to jump in and add some context here too. This isn't even about me per se.
Someone else telling this story to recently, a new friend of mine, he said it really well. I'd had a lot of success in my career up until this moment and God had blessed me abundantly.
And he looked at the whole thing and he said, what's revealing is that you were on a pedestal that you discovered was an altar at the last moment.
And so that's really interesting. I like that. I said, you know, the follow -on to that is if it had been an altar of truth, if the sacrifice of my career was the requirement because I happened to be in command when we were unlucky and had a candidate come through and make some terrible decisions, then
I would walk to that altar and I would give myself up willingly. My career is over one way or another here.
This isn't about me at all. The problem is the truth was compromised. And so it was a false altar and not just me, my instructor cadre were vilified.
This is about them. They served honorably and professionally. And I could tell you example after example, you've read some of the stories
I've posted on LinkedIn, these stories of warfighter production about what I saw in a day -to -day business in absolute professionalism and trustworthiness with these men and women that were instructing our next generation's warfighters.
So to see them publicly vilified as this, you know, my words, not the article, but this
Mongol horde and painted to be just an out of control group of instructors really bothered me.
It really bothered me. I see trust as a very important part of leadership. There's a lot of leaders out there that love to talk about, you know, you need to earn my trust.
Well, that's great, but trust is bilateral. And what many leaders forget is the need for as leaders, us to earn the trust of those that are entrusted to our care.
They have to trust us to lead. They have to trust us to stand up for integrity. They have to trust us to back them when it's appropriate.
And it's really easy to do that when you're getting awards as a command. It's very easy to do that when everyone's talking about how great you are, but that's not what's happening right now.
And so the way I see this is this is me fulfilling the trust they placed in me as their commanding officer to stand up in their defense in a season of hardship where they've been vilified.
It's unjust. I can tell you, they call me and write me and message me regularly how disenfranchised and frustrated and betrayed they feel because nobody stood up to defend them when they were painted to be such negative instructors.
And I knew factually they were not. So this is me defending them and I'm risking a lot to do it.
I'm breaking our code of silence to do it. I'm doing my best to do that professionally and honorably, but this is me fulfilling that trust.
This is part of my oath of office. This is me adhering to the values that I say are important to me come what may.
And beyond all that, our values have to matter. Honor, courage, and commitment have to matter.
The SEAL ethos has to matter. Truth matters. We have to adhere to truth even in the small things or they turn into very big things which can now compromise the entire spirit of the organization.
If we subvert those values for any other reason, any reason at all, the ends don't justify the means, that rots the entire organization from the inside out.
And if that happens, the SEAL trident becomes a piece of stamped metal that you can buy at the commissary for 12 bucks and that's it.
And it becomes worthless. I refuse to let that happen. This isn't vindication, this isn't vindictiveness, this isn't anger speaking at all.
Every step I'm taking is out of love for the Navy, love for Naval Special Warfare, a desire for us to adhere to the truth, to the things that we say we stand for, and to protect my cadre from being further vilified.
That's integrity right there. Thank you, Captain Perry, right there. That's awesome, thank you so much. Well, I'm gonna leave it at that. And Davis, I'm gonna have you finish up with letting people know specifically how they can help and where they can go.
And if you guys, if you brothers would, just stay on until the show finishes here. I wanna run something by you as well in private.
So Davis, let's finish up, let everyone know. Yeah, we'd ask anyone to go to standwithwarriors .org.
You can donate there to that organization. Again, you guys know how that started, that was started for the benefit of Navy SEALs.
That's what we're gonna do here. There's not a lot of overhead or anything else involved in Stand With Warriors.
It is simply going to be dedicated until as long as we need to to fight this fight with Captain Geary and make sure he's defended well because it does matter.
And we're hoping to get to Congress so that these issues can be addressed so we can see long -term changes. So standwithwarriors .org
is the place to go to do that. And I would encourage anyone listening, it really does matter. This is a situation where it does matter.
We are getting some traction now in Congress. We have individual congressmen that have broke this story that have gotten information from the
Navy. They're willing to push, they just need to understand the issues. They need to understand it matters to the American people. So contact your senators and congressmen, talk about Captain Geary, talk about the need for this to be investigated.
This is a weaponization issue. We'd love to see the Weaponization Committee take this up and move forward. So that's what we're asking for.
Excellent. Thank you so much, Davis. Captain Geary, thank you for your faithfulness, brother. Thank you for your stand.
Davis and Jason, thank you for joining us today on the show. Like I said, hang out just for a few minutes here. As we wrap up,
I want to run something by you. All right, everybody. Share this, please. Share it far and wide.
I know, you know, kind of a unique show today, important one. It's an exclusive interview with us about this, breaking the story here with visual media.
So we're honored to be a part of that. God has somehow, we didn't ask for it or look for it, it's just what he's done.
Keeps putting us right into the SEAL community to support those men and be an encouragement to them.
And we're honored by that. We're thankful for that. So before we sign off today, I'm gonna encourage everybody, please go to endabortionnow .com, sign your church up, go out there, save some lives with the churches around the world that are doing the same thing.
If you haven't been catching up lately, just know that we are about to face the most brutal and bloodiest aspect or part of this
Holocaust that we've been in. You have a number of states across the country that are putting abortion law into their state constitution.
And End Abortion Now is working on bills of abolition and equal protection across the nation. We're also working to thwart some of these ballot measures that are happening in Arizona and in other states.
But we need you to please be a part of it with us. You're gonna need to be prepared. Believe me, you are gonna need to be prepared in some of these states where these bills, these ballot measures pass.
It's gonna be worse than ever, ever before. From conception all the way up to birth. And so that's what we're facing.
We need you to stand. We're not at the end of this battle by any means. We're essentially at the beginning of faithfulness in this battle.
And so we need you to join us. Endabortionnow .com. Please also go there to give. We are a small ministry.
God is using it to do very big things, but we need you to stand with us financially. Also want to tell you that this broadcast is brought to you by NADD.
I got my NADD patch on. Everybody's talking about my NADD patch. Where's your
NADD patch? I forgot mine. My shipment just came in last night. I got it and I'm feeling so good.
So I have a long sleeve shirt on right now so you can't see it. Speaking of performing, human performance enhancement, but this is of the legal and good kind.
It's a blessing. I wonder if they could use that at Hell Week. It's a gift. I don't know. I think it'd be helpful for everybody to do.
Because listen, NADD, go look it up. Benefits of NADD. You're going to see all kinds of scientific research and studies on this.
It is phenomenal. Most of the time, oh hey, I was talking to Justin. We got a friend, a member of our church,
Justin. And so he's a medic and he does IVs and he also has a side job where he does the, you know the, can't think right now.
The IV bags, the mobile IV bags. So they'll hit you with a Meyers cocktail and you know, he wants some vitamin
C and some, yeah, you feel really good at times. I know they could use that at Hell Week. Yeah, get replenished.
But he does that and he also has done the NAD and he says before you give it to somebody else, you have to do it to yourself.
And so he's, I was like, well, how was the NAD? Oh, through an actual IV. Well, because everybody knows the
NAD, the NAD IV is torture. Like you feel like an elephant's in your chest, your stomach hurts, but you get through it and you feel like you're
Iron Man, like you can bust through a wall. Because NAD, they call it the fountain of youth as a chemical because you have an abundance of it when you're young.
When you get older, you lose like 50 % of it and it's used in like almost every biological process in your body.
And so anyway, so he does it. He says he does it himself. He said it was absolute torture.
He's like, it's so, so hard. He said at one point he's like, I think I'm okay. And so he's like, let me turn it up.
Let me turn the drip up. And he said that it hit and he was just like, whoa, he like dropped into the seat and turned it down.
So I share that with everybody to let you know as beneficial as NAD is in IV, and it is very beneficial.
Famous athletes do it, people do it in medicine and to heal faster from injuries, all kinds of stuff people use it for.
It's very expensive. You can pay upwards of like 850 bucks to $1 ,000 for the IV injection and it's extraordinarily painful.
Ion Layer, our boys over at Ion Layer, they support this show, they created a medical patch that you put on your arm and you keep it on for like 14 hours and you get the
NAD into your system over 14 hours and guess what? No pain. No pain.
You get all the benefits of NAD in your system with no pain, no pain, no pain. What's up, bro?
You and I are the 80s movies buffs. Every time I quote an 80s movie,
Zach is on it and he'll start quoting more of the movies. Funny, because I miss the 80s for the most part. But then you don't know any 90s movies half the time.
Well, you know if it's Jim Carrey, you know those. That's true. NAD, get it at ionlayer .com.
I do it and I'm doing it anyways. And the stuff we do on Apologia Radio where we tell you about stuff and people to support us is stuff that we use, we believe in and so I'm gonna use
NAD. Lord willing for the rest of my life, it's been a blessing to my wife and myself and so go to ionlayer,
I -O -N, ionlayer .com. You go there, you can sign up and put APOLOGIA in all caps into the coupon code.
You get money off and they support the work of APOLOGIA when you do that and so if you wanna invest in your physical health and well -being, go do that.
And so that's ionlayer .com. Luke? Hey, Brad, I gotta ask you, do you have one of these right here?
I don't know if you can see this. Like some sort of a battle axe? Yeah, yep, that is a battle axe from Amtek Blades.
I know a guy. I do not have one like that. I know a guy that you know. Actually, it's funny,
I was telling him, this is from Bill Rapier. Careful, careful. He even made a special one that says APOLOGIA on the spine there but Bill and Brad know each other.
Bill's one of the reasons that we got Brad on here so you should hit him up. He may be watching this live. Bill, if you're watching this, what's up brother?
Brad could use one of these. But we, Brad, I'm sorry,
Bill is one of our sponsors and partners with us. You can go to amtekblades .com, put APOLOGIA in the coupon code and get 5 % off and then he also matches the 5 % to end abortion now.
Yes, sir. And this is very sharp. I've already cut myself on it. Yep, as soon as Bill handed it to him, he cut himself at man camp.
Sliced, within about 30 seconds. It didn't take long. It did not take long at all. And then Pastor Zach, big hairy
Pastor Zach, just like touches it to his arm, just barely wipes and all the hair came off the front of his arm. He literally shaved his arm.
They are sharp, sharp blades for sure. And then another Brad that we like is of course
Bradley Pearson, who we'll be having on our next APOLOGIA radio episode from heritagedefense .org.
Please, if you're homeschool, sign up. It's relatively affordable. APOLOGIA in the coupon code, first month free.
Heritage is important. Speaking of tyranny and all those sorts of things, heritage is important for Christian families, especially in the context we live today with the woke movement and all that's going on in terms of people with children, gender reassignment surgery, all those things.
And Christians disagreeing with that worldview, being vilified, accused of hate speech and all the rest.
Heritage will be there for you if any three letter agencies or anybody else shows up at your door as a
Christian for your beliefs, something you post on social media, anything at all, you're homeschooling your kids. If they show up at the door, you call your attorneys over at Heritage, you hand the phone over to them and say, please talk to my attorney.
And so get defended with your Christian household. Go to Heritage. We love those guys.
We do it. And so we encourage you to do it as well. Thank you all for joining us in the episode today. We are, right after this show, live, actually cutting a show with Bradley Pierce that we may even drop early, like as in tomorrow, because it's an important conversation we're having.
It won't be live, just to clarify. No, it won't be live. We're gonna record it right after this and then go and probably drop it for you all tomorrow.
So be on the lookout for that important show, talking about some of the details of the debate we had last week.
And so thank you guys all for joining us. We'll catch you next week right here on Apologia Radio.