The Judgement Seat of Christ (Heavenly Rewards)

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All right, so this morning we're going to be looking at the subject of the Judgment seat of Christ, which is also called what?
The Bema, right so in Greek the word is Bema and It's translated judgment seat
It's used many times in the New Testament These are the only two verses talking about the judgment seat of Christ But the term
Bema or judgment seat is used many times for example The Roman governor
Pontius Pilate is said to have sat on his judgment seat or on his
Bema in John 1913 King Herod sat on his throne or Bema as he gave a speech in Acts chapter 12 verse 21 so there's many many examples of the word
Bema or judgment seat used in the New Testament But of course what we're talking about this morning is the two occasions where the
Apostle Paul used the term Bema To speak about the judgment seat of Christ.
So that's that's the topic. We're going to be looking at. Yes Is Bema a
Greek word? Bema is a Greek word, correct Right. So that's the term
Bema. So let's begin by turning to Romans 14 This will be the first passage we look at And it's our understanding that the judgment seat of Christ Occurs at the end of the church age when
Jesus returns to take the church to heaven at the rapture believers will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and At that time we will not be judged for our sins.
Why? Right, our sins are already Forgiven our sins have been judged on the cross.
So the Bema is a judgment or an evaluation based on our works of Christian service so most of us
I think are familiar with the Olympic Games the winners go to a
Bema Bema basically in Greek mean several different ways that's rendered but it's a raised platform or a step so you think of the
Olympic Games where the winners stand on a Platform one's this high another one's this high and then the the gold medalist gets the highest
Step and that's kind of a good way to think of it when we stand before the judgment seat
Some of us will receive great honors Some people will receive maybe a lesser honor they'll get the bronze medal
There might be some who really don't get many honors at all But it's good to stand before the judgment seat of Christ To stand before the great white throne judgment of Revelation chapter 20
Well, that's what we talked about last week where those will be cast into the lake of fire, but this is for Christians It's unto rewards
Look at Romans 14 verses 10 through 12 Paul says but why do you judge your brother?
Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ For it is written as I live says the
Lord every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God So then each of us shall give a count of himself
To God, all right, let's turn to the other passage 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 10
This is just an easy way to remember it Romans 14 10 2nd Corinthians 5 10.
Well, at least you got the 10 Yeah, I'm sure there's another way for very good, thank you.
Yes Marcus Where is that quote from as I live says the Lord every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God It is a quote from the
Old Testament, of course Paul quotes this in Philippians 2 about every knee shall bow Does anyone have a cross reference?
Can anyone? Yeah, anyone with an open Bible and their margin should be able to look and see the
Old Testament reference so Raise your hand if you have that Nobody has
I'm sure you can find it out later I wasn't paying attention. Oh, I got it.
Yes Isaiah 45 .3 nice.
I say a 4523 very good. Okay. So that's that's what Paul is quoting the
Old Testament book of Isaiah All right. So these are the two passages where the Bema or the judgment seat is referred to Romans 14 10 2nd
Corinthians chapter 5 Verse 10, let's read 2nd Corinthians 5 10
Paul says for we must all Appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive the things done in the body
According to what he has done whether good or bad
And I just like to read what John MacArthur says about this verse
He says this describes the believers deepest motivation and highest aim and pleasing
God the realization that every Christian is inevitably and ultimately accountable to him the judgment seat
Metaphorically refers to the place where the Lord will sit to evaluate believers lives for the purpose of giving them eternal rewards
The idea that every believer is going to either die or be raptured and we're all going to go to heaven and everyone's gonna
Get the same and everything's the same for everybody's false Some will receive a greater reward
Than others. I just like to stop here and give you my understanding of when these rewards are handed out
Yes, it's at the judgment seat of Christ, but I believe that these awards are first enjoyed
During the millennial reign of Christ, so it'll be in the kingdom where people first experience these rewards for example in Luke 19
Jesus gave a parable of the Minas who remembers the parable of the Minas This is what he says.
Well done good servant because you are faithful and very little Have authority over ten cities
Some of you members of Morris corner who have been around for many years Remember our last pastor pastor
Larry Riddle who believed or hoped that in the millennium He could be the mayor or the ruler of Morris corner.
Remember him saying that the mayor of Morris corner Well, you know he's on the right track because that's the type of thing your reward you would be in charge of this this area or that city or as Jesus said have authority over ten cities and The second came this is continuing with what
Jesus is saying in the parable master Your Mina has earned five Minas and Jesus said likewise.
He said to him you also over five cities So your reward could be you know
The mayor of this city someone might be the mayor or the the ruler over ten cities
So, you know, we kind of laugh at that But that really is what Jesus said as as the illustration in 2nd
Corinthians just a piggyback on that idea 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 2
The Apostle Paul told Christians at Corinth. Do you not know that the Saints will judge the world?
That word judge can also be translated to rule or to govern
So in the Millennium at least one aspect of the Christians reward can be their position of authority or Responsibility and the
Bible says after all we shall what rule and reign with Christ So just like any nation has you know
The king or the gut or the president and then under them governors and then local rulers
That's the same type of thing that's going to happen in the kingdom Age any questions about that?
So that's the where the rewards start in the Millennium And of course the
Apostles Jesus said in Matthew 19 28 That the Apostles will govern what the twelve tribes?
So I believe the rewards will be handed out at the judgment seat of Christ which again immediately follows the rapture they will be enjoyed or exercised in the
Millennial reign of Christ for that 1 ,000 years and then it just continues on into eternity
Revelation 21 verse 24 Talking about the new heaven and the new earth
It says the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light God's glory in the kings of the earth
Bring their glory and honor into it. And in Revelation Jesus speaks to believers and he said you are kings and Priests So that that's
One at least one part of what our rewards will look like. Yes.
Do you see a connection here? to the verses or thinking and Hebrews that says
Scenes were surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses These I mean that's what a witness is a witness like I was a cop
I was often a witness right or I would summons other people that witness things and that and of course
We're surrounded by these all these, you know heroes of the faith that are witnesses and judging
I wonder so how would that tie in? That's the question. I'm not sure it does it might but Right now
I I can't think of how it would tie in But if you think of it in a few minutes, let me know.
No, okay Okay Back to John MacArthur's statements about 2nd
Corinthians 510 and the judgment seat of Christ He makes this statement about the things done in the body
He says actions which happen during the believers time of earthly ministry
That's those are the things that we're being evaluated for what we've done in ministry.
So and well, that's the pastor That's the deacons people who are in the ministry wrong You're all
You're all in ministry. You are you all have a service to to perform
So he says this does not include sins since their judgment took place on the cross
Ephesians 1 7 Paul was referring to all those activities Believers do during their lifetimes which relate to their eternal reward and praise from God What Christians do in their temporal bodies will in his eyes have an impact for?
Eternity I Remember one time I was teaching on this subject and a woman said to me
She said I don't I don't care about rewards in heaven. I just want to get to heaven
Well, I I understand getting to heaven is the most important thing and I'm sure this is not what she meant by that But to say you don't care about rewards is really the same as I don't care about serving
Christ yeah, I Pretty sure that's not what she was trying to say But it's like I don't care about Obeying Christ.
I don't care about doing anything for Christ because you're rewarded based on your obedience and and how you serve
So if you don't care about rewards You need to care about rewards
Yeah, sure, yes mark don't we cast our crowns at his feet anyways
I mean what we receive we see receive crowns like five different crowns. I know
Right, and we'll receive those and but don't we don't we give them back to him anyways?
Sure. Well, but what would that mean though? I mean this always comes up in Revelation was at chapter 4 chapter 5
The 24 elders are the ones who cast their crowns before the throne. Does that where that comes from?
Fair enough, but what does that mean? It doesn't make sense that the Lord's going to give you a reward and now
I never mind here. Just take it back That's not what it's saying The rewards come from him.
He's going to be glorified in in these rewards It's just another way of us serving
God So I think that might be the analogy email Right, right
Amen, yeah. Yeah, we're not doing it out of some sort of selfish Motivation we are doing it because we love
Christ and Christ told us to serve if you love me keep my commandments But we do get rewarded for our service
You know, we're not working for our salvation we all understand that so how
What what's the what's the result of our service? What are we working for to see
Christ glorified? Amen, that's the motivation But we do get a reward for that and it's to see him glorified even more because that's really what we want
Right. Okay any other hands or questions? Okay So, I think it would be a mistake with all that said
I think it would be a mistake to say Or think that okay, we should just focus on Kingdom work as some people would call it, you know just focus on Ministry like you have to be a missionary or you have to be a pastor or in some sort of full -time
Christian ministry to get a reward. I think there are many other aspects of rewards
It's not everyone's gifting to preach or to be an evangelist to be a missionary. That's not everyone's gifting.
I personally think a Wife a mother who respects her husband and raises her children and the nurture and admonition of the
Lord She's going to get a reward a husband who loves his wife and provides for his family and leads his home as Christ would
Have him to lead. I believe he's going to get a reward Whatever Christ commands us if we're faithful and carrying out what he says we can get rewards for all sorts of different things
So you don't have to be in the ministry to receive rewards just being faithful and whatever
God has called you to do you can get a reward Larry Well, not necessarily working for the reward but Working I mean
Matthew 633 says but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these other things
You know God's going to take care of it for you. I was talking to the gentleman Here a couple of weeks ago who works at the
Springfield rescue mission. Yeah, and And he said, you know,
I don't I don't make a lot of money here, but it's not about the money he said it's service and he said because of The service that he does there.
He said he was able to buy a house a Year or two ago and there's been things that have needed to be repaired
Mm -hmm, and he said God has made a way that I can get these repairs that Didn't cost me anything.
Yeah, but God Provided away. Mm -hmm. And so he's viewing his service as Working for the kingdom but the benefits
You know things that he needs God provides. Yeah and takes care of Yeah, and we have to admit that the
Bible doesn't really spell all this out It's not real specific about some of the rewards and what they're going to be
Exactly how we're gonna look at the crowns. That's about the closest we get to specifics But I really do believe that there will be
You to take any given church you might assume well pastors and or missionaries will get the most rewards
That's not necessarily true It could be somebody in the pew that doesn't really get any of the accolade
They might get far more rewards than anybody else. So it's all about your faithfulness to God and service to God So keep that in mind, all right, so let's look at these crowns this is along the same lines turn to James chapter 1
Get a few specifics how many crowns five crowns? There's the crown of life the incorruptible crown the crown of righteousness
The crown of glory and the crown of rejoicing now depending on your Bible translation
There might be a slight difference in in the and how their title But yeah, you're turning to James 1.
Yes Marcus Yeah, so let me just give a brief summary of what these crowns are the crown of life is for those who persevere under great trials the incorruptible crown or imperishable crown is for those who demonstrate self
Denial The crown of righteousness is for those who are looking for Christ's return who anticipate the
Lord's Coming they desire that intimacy with God The crown of glory that one is specific to those in ordained
Ministry and then the crown of rejoicing or crown of exaltation is for those who are busy
Engaging in the work of evangelism, so that's kind of a quick summary of the five crowns, but we're gonna go through them
Which one is the one? First denying yourself
Self denial would be the crown of the imperishable crown Yes, James chapter 1 verse 12
Who would like to read James 1? 12 Less is a man who perseveres on the trial, but once he has been approved he will receive the crown of life
Which is the Lord? Which the Lord has promised to those who love him Okay.
Now this crown is also mentioned in Revelation chapter 2 as well Revelation 2 10
Says do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer indeed The devil is about to throw some of you into prison that you may be tested and you will have tribulation ten days
But be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life
This is also sometimes called the martyrs crown any of you
Have you read the book Fox's book of martyrs? Okay, I envision these people is getting a lot of rewards
I mean if you are willing to be burned at the stake for your faith Obviously there there's going to be a reward for that.
So this is the martyrs crown the crown of life You're giving your life for Christ But in return you get the the crown of life you have everlasting life and a great reward and glory
Let's turn to first Corinthians 9 25 And Speaking of that cloud of witnesses that Marcus mentioned
What did it say about those who gave their lives for Christ who died the world was not worthy of these people
So first Corinthians 9 25, this is the incorruptible or imperishable crown as you may know
Self -control or self -denial is said to be one of the fruits of the
Spirit and By the way, these words in Greek translated crown. The word is
Stephanos and It refers to a crown of greenery like like a wreath on your head
Maybe you've seen pictures of the ancient Olympic Games and and that's what they would have they would have greenery on their head
So it's like a or how many of you have seen that? You know what I'm talking about, right? Yeah, so this is what would be worn by athletes after A victory that was very common back in that culture
Marcus on that denying yourself again This is what I'm Lose weight deny myself
Okay, but Jesus said if anyone would come after me let him deny himself
Right, if anyone would follow him and of course, we're all supposed to follow him. We're all supposed to be followers
This is one element of the gospel that doesn't often get preached They come to Christ and your life will be made so much better and you know, that's true
That's true. But what about all that? Stuff about denying self Yeah suffering, right first Corinthians 9
I'll just read 24 through 27 And you want to deny self because you're your own worst enemy
So denying self is a good good thing first Corinthians 9 24 through 27
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run but one receives the prize?
Run in such a way that you may obtain it and everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things
Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown
Therefore I run thus not with uncertainty Thus I fight not as one who beats the air
But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection Lest when
I have preached to others I myself should become disqualified
Matthew Henry says this about this passage from first Corinthians 9 He said the
Apostle presses this advice on the Corinthians. He sets before himself and them the danger of yielding to fleshly desires or pampering the body and its lusts and appetites
Holy fear of Himself was needed to keep an Apostle Faithful, how much more is it needful for our preservation?
Let us learn from hence humility and Caution and to watch against dangers which surround us while in The body, you know, you may want something
But you do yourself a favor by not giving it to yourself So we need to eat even with little things something that may not be that big of a deal
So I want I want a piece of pie for dessert tonight Well, I'm not gonna give it to myself tonight
You know, that's a real simple thing But training yourself to deny self with the little things that's gonna come in later on when you get tested with something bigger because you're used to denying self
All right, and let's continue on 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 12. That'll be the next one
So the incorruptible crown is for those who demonstrate self -control or self
Denial and they are able to persevere in that it's a pattern of behavior
Not just well, I did it at one time All right So this is the crown of righteousness 2nd
Timothy 4 8 which again is promised to those who love the Lord's appearing You know, if if you don't believe that you're ever gonna see the
Lord appear I don't know. Is this crown available to you? I'm not sure I'm not sure.
I think we should all just going back to the sermon from last Sunday The Bible teaches the imminent return of Christ any generation could be the generation that sees the
Lord Return, so I think those two things tie together All believers may have the
Holy Spirit, but Paul says in Philippians 1 23 that it was his desire To depart and be with Christ not everybody who's indwelt by the
Spirit really has that attitude Sometimes we we want to cling on to this this life.
I'm not ready to go yet Lord How many of you I don't you don't need to raise your hand But how many of you if you're honest you would say that right now
Lord. I'm not ready to go yet Well, but you need to be ready maybe it's not the
Lord's will that you're ready that you're gonna go right now Well, we all need to be ready. There is a man who used to attend our church years ago and Just In a day just all of a sudden gone
You just never know we need we need to be ready and that shouldn't be something that we look at I'm afraid
Oh, no, this could happen to me We need to have the attitude all the part and be with Christ to live is
Christ, but to die is what? game game Game So we've talked about the return of the
Lord and all these passages first Thessalonians 4 and the Lord's imminent return
So in light of that look at 2nd Timothy 4 verse 8 Paul says finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness
Which the Lord the righteous judge will give to me on that day.
What's the day? The day of the Lord comes back and not to me only but also to all who have loved his appearing so my understanding to get this crown you've got to be looking and Waiting and ready and anticipating the
Lord's return. If you have the idea of I Never gonna see that it hasn't happened in 2 ,000 years.
I don't know that it's ever gonna happen That crown is not going to be yours most likely
All right, first Peter chapter 5 verse 4. Let's turn there This is the crown of glory.
Now. This one is unique. Okay, this one is specifically for You know, some people use the term clergy.
I don't really like the term Clergy, but this would be for those who are in ordained ministry or full -time
Christian ministry First Peter chapter 5 again for context, I'll read verses 1 through 4
Peter says the elders who are among you I exhort I Who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed?
In speaking to other shepherds. He says shepherd the flock of God, which is among you serving as overseers or bishops
Not by compulsion but willingly not for dishonest gain but eagerly nor as being
Lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock and When the chief shepherd appears you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away
All right. Now, let's turn to first Thessalonians 2 and we'll look at the fifth and final crown that's mentioned
This is the crown of rejoicing this is also Sometimes called the soul winners crown.
What's a soul winner when you think of soul winning or a soul winner? What do you think of?
Evangelism right now someone that's involved in the process of someone's salvation
Right. There's a verse It is winning souls is wise
Amen. Yep I'm Philippians chapter 4 verse 1
Paul says therefore my beloved and longed for brethren my joy and crown
He says to stand fast in the Lord beloved. So Paul viewed the people that he won to Christ as his crown
Yeah, some of you Can think of somebody it's like that that guy's a Christian because I worked on him.
I shared the gospel with him I prayed for him or her and now they're That they're confessing
Christ. They're baptized. They're in church serving God and I was instrumental in that It's like they're your crown, you know and and that that's what
Paul is saying that these people in the church that they are His his crown. Yes Marcus and that's what we are
Who for the joy set before him endured the cross? We're the joy
Hmm, and that's kind of amazing when you start to think us because we know we know
We can actually influence God's emotions Sure, or it's we can bring pleasure to him.
Yeah, the church is given to Christ as his as his reward or as his gift
But again, this this is something we Need to realize there will be levels of reward in heaven in the kingdom in heaven probably throughout all eternity different levels of Reward we talked about this last week with with hell.
Somebody asked me Do you think there are different levels of suffering in hell? There's some what was it
Dante's Inferno, there's some book where it talks about the levels of suffering in hell I mean that may be fiction, but it's true enough that there are different levels of rewards in heaven different punishments of well
Condemnation in in hell Just to say a few things about that and loop 12
Jesus talked about those who would be beaten with many stripes and those who would be beaten with few stripes
Romans chapter 2 verse 5 speaks of those who are storing up wrath for the day of wrath
Obviously some people are storing up more wrath than Than others so there will be different levels of punishments in hell.
There will be different levels of reward in Heaven, you know, Jesus is not a communist
He doesn't have this equity agenda where he's gonna make sure that everybody gets the same
No matter what and everybody's at the same level wrong. You get what you work for Because that's actually just so that's what's going to happen rewards in heaven and this is the award or reward for those who engage in Evangelism First Thessalonians 2 19 and 20 he says for what is our hope or joy or Crown of rejoicing is it not?
Even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at this coming for you are our glory and Joy yeah, you had some
In Luke chapter 12, I don't have the reference in front of me read the whole chapter
Yeah, he's keeping me on my toes this morning First Corinthians 3 that's where we're headed next so turn to 1st
Corinthians chapter 3 Any final comments on the crowns?
Oh Okay in 1st Corinthians 3 This is the passage just kind of something you remember those who are saved yet.
So as through fire The idea is There's some people.
Yeah, they're they're saved. They're going to heaven. But yeah, like that They're gonna go through the fire to get there and like what does that mean?
I don't know. I Don't know God our God is a consuming fire I got too close to the fire and singed his feathers, right?
Yeah, yeah, I Saw that cartoon when
I was a kid was it trying to make a connection to the New Testament hard to hard to do All right
Marcus behave yourself let's stay on track here 1st Corinthians chapter 3
If you want more on this topic I did at least two sermons one was titled the judgment seat of Christ That was from 2nd
Corinthians 5 and then I did one several years ago from 1st Corinthians 3
You search on YouTube Morris Corner Church and these titles they should come up.
The other one was saved yet So as through fire, all right 1st
Corinthians 3, let me just kind of explain the context. I know The Roman Catholic Church teaches this is this is actually purgatory.
This is what they would say But that's obviously not what is in view here.
Why? Because there is no purgatory Okay, if there's a purgatory then the the atonement of Christ on the cross wasn't enough
Because now you have to suffer to get there and and more prayers are needed to get people to heaven
So there is no purgatory. Although that's what they would claim. Here's the context of 1st Corinthians chapter 3
Paul refers to himself and Peter and Apollos he refers to Them or himself as fellow workers, right fellow workers.
The church is described as God's building Paul Said that he laid the foundation
Okay, so he founded the church at Corinth and others built on that foundation
So Paul founded the church. He laid the foundation. The foundation is what? Christ right.
No, no other He's the chief cornerstone. No other foundation. Can anyone lay than that which is laid which is in Christ Jesus our
Lord So he founded the church Apollos and others built on that Foundation so that's kind of the context here
And first Peter to talks about this a little bit when he says that we are all living
Stones being built up into a spiritual house, but look at 1st Corinthians 3 starting in verse 11 This is what
Paul says for no other foundation. Can anyone lay than that which is laid which is
Christ? Jesus now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold silver precious stones wood hay
Straw each one's work will become clear for the day will declare it because it will be revealed by fire and the fire will test each one's work of what sort it is
If anyone's work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a what a
Reward if anyone's work is burned he will Suffer loss, but he himself will be saved yet So as through fire, so when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ for some people, this is a great
Time and you receive that reward you do get the idea though that some people might suffer a little shame and They're gonna suffer a loss and they don't get any reward and that might not be a pleasant thing, but They're still saved right?
I mean, I just envision it this way It's probably not the way it's gonna work but you come before God with all your work and Lord I've done this and I've done this and I've done that and really what you're pointing to is wood hay and stubble and Jesus who has the eyes like a flame of fire just gonna look at it all
Just gonna go up and smoke and you're gonna get into heaven but smelling like smoke and you might walk in and people are like But you're there, you know, that's good as probably not the way it's gonna work but That's how he's describing it, right?
so our works are going to fall into one of Two broad categories and then different levels from there.
What are the two categories? You know, basically what's going to endure and what's not going to endure?
Wood hay and stubble or wood hay and straw or gold silver and precious stones What's the difference between these two things when exposed to fire?
Yeah Yeah, what is fire due to gold that refines it it refines it right you expose
Hay to fire. It's just yeah, it's going up Revelation 1 14 says that Christ has eyes as a flame of fire
So at the judgment seat of Christ, he it's not you say judgment seat and the word judgment gives you
Like there's a negative connotation to the word judgment. So the best way to look at it maybe is he is going to evaluate
You and your service here in this life There are some ministries
Where Jesus is not the center of things at all The Bible is never preached sometimes never even opened it's all about you and self -help and motivational speaking and success and the pastor's face is plastered on all of Their material and if anything is said about the gospel of the glory of God It's a footnote at the end that lasts about 15 seconds.
I'm not the judge, but I envision a Ministry like that where the pastor is even rich and famous and everybody, you know, the world loves him.
I Kind of envision a ministry like that as an empire of straw What was it for? You made some of the heathen feel good about themselves
What's the long -lasting value there Yeah, and then
I think of a missionary that no, but nobody even knows their name and they went to some remote part of the
World and they weren't preaching motivational speaking They were preaching
Christ and the gospel They may have even been hated by the world and many of the missionaries did give
Their lives and I just think of the two It's that missionary who's going to get that Great reward, so I'll just close with this