She Actually Thinks She's A Pastor...

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we need to talk about a woman on Twitter who actually thinks she's a pastor.
Our crazy modern world is redefining virtually everything, even the definition of basic things like marriage and gender.
So it should come as no surprise to us then that the world is also trying to redefine the word pastor.
In this video, we see an example of a modern counterfeit pastor with a new and exciting idea about how you should do church.
Watch this. So the rumors are true, and before anybody else tells you,
I want to give you the information myself. I did start an online church for women only.
Every Friday at 12 p .m. Central Standard Time, we all gather together from across the world and worship
God. It's called Holy Girl Hotspot, God's Wi -Fi, and He is delivering people, and miracles are happening.
We are experiencing the prophetic, and the glory of God is there.
And I'd love for you to be there today, too. So just comment the word soon, and I'll get you the link, sister, because it's not going to be the same until you arrive.
God bless you. I'll see you today and every Friday at 12 p .m. Central Standard Time, Holy Girl Hotspot, God's Wi -Fi.
Bye. All right, let's break down what you just watched. As cringy and painful as it was, I think this is important.
First, we need to talk about her whole approach here. She markets the video as a pastor confessing something, with the implication being that it's something bad.
But in reality, the information is actually good. See what I did there? Isn't that clever? You thought she was going to be doing something bad, but in reality, she's just starting a super cool, trendy online church for just women.
The incredible irony here is that she is doing something bad. She just can't see it.
For one thing, she's making a mockery of what biblical church actually looks like. You see, contrary to what your pop megachurch pastor may have told you, a true church gathering is not something that can be achieved 100 % online.
Now don't get me wrong, you can watch a church service and you can worship God genuinely by singing the same songs that your church is singing on the screen.
You can even be very encouraged spiritually watching your pastor give a sermon through the screen as well.
And really, we all know this to be true. I mean, think about it. Suppose I walked up to a 90 -year -old veteran of the
Korean War and said to him, I know what you went through out there, buddy, because I read a book about it that was published 70 years later.
Or suppose I told an avid outdoorsman that I had hiked Yellowstone National Park and had seen the beauty of that place just because I saw a video of somebody doing that on YouTube.
Physical and relational experiences cannot be replaced by pixels on a screen, and we all know this deep down.
Hebrews 10 24 -25 says, quote, And let us consider how to stir one another up to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
Physically meeting together with the body of Christ is commanded in Scripture, and we can't just replace it with something else.
Now, to be clear, obviously there can be exceptions to this. For example, if you are sick, there's no reason not to watch the church service at home.
Or if you live an hour and a half away from your church and your car breaks down on the side of the road. There are endless examples, and the point being, we don't need to get legalistic.
But hanging out with a group of Christian girls on Zoom is not church. Not even close.
And that brings up another point. I'm concerned with videos like this because they treat church as a consumer product.
In fact, it sort of treats church like a Bilgerone sandwich. You don't like onions or tomatoes? Well, we can just take them off.
And in this case, if you don't like getting out of bed or don't like being around men, don't worry. We have an online church just for women.
Ta -da! You see what we did there? But again, this is not church. The church is for men and women and children to worship
God. Not just whoever you want to hang out with on that particular day. And that's the whole point, really.
It's not just about you. It was never supposed to be just about you. It's about the collective.
The entire people of God. You see, the church is not meant to be like getting McDonald's door dashed to your house while you watch reality
TV on the couch. It's supposed to be like a beautiful Thanksgiving meal with your whole family gathered around a table and a crackling fire in the background.
But somehow, we have decided to switch these two visions, as if eating McDonald's by yourself over the sink is somehow more freeing.
Just because you're not responsible to anyone else, that somehow makes it more joyful. And unfortunately, a lot of these bizarre ideas happen to be coming from one particular wing of evangelicalism.
I mean, you heard this so -called pastor talking about people being set free and experiencing the prophetic glory and things like that.
This kind of vague, supernatural language is all too common amongst the groups who are trying to change the way church is done.
And I can't help but think that these things might be connected. When your whole Christian life centers on getting a new, fresh word from God and hitting a new, mountaintop emotional experience in worship, the danger is that you look at the historical practices of the church and basic church practices and say, that's boring.
I want something better, something more exciting. To be clear, it's not only the charismatics who do things like this.
I don't want to just pick on them. And there are many continuationists out there who are doing great work. But I think even many of them would agree with me that these kinds of videos are really getting out of hand.
So please, let's get back to the basic truth, the word of God that will never change and will never fail.
And stop listening to every so -called teacher online who walks by trying to distract you with what's new and shiny.
Instead, hold fast to the truth and serve your church joyfully, for the glory of God. Please pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video.
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