FBC Morning Light – October 5, 2022


Encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today's Scripture: Ezekiel 35-36 / Proverbs 27:23-27


Well, a good Wednesday morning to you. Hope your week is going well thus far. Here we are in the middle of it already, aren't we?
Well, today we're reading in Ezekiel 35 and 36, and Ezekiel chapter 35 begins with the
Lord pronouncing a prophetic judgment against Mount Seir.
Mount Seir stands for the small nation of Edom. Edom was closely related to, geographically and,
I guess, relationally, you know, familially, with Israel.
And the reason for this prophecy against Mount Seir is because of their attitude toward the punishment that God had to inflict upon His people,
Israel. So listen to what the Lord says. He says, Behold, O Mount Seir, I am against you.
I will stretch out my hand against you and make you most desolate. I shall lay your cities waste, and you shall be desolate.
Then you shall know that I am the Lord. Well, why? Why was He doing this? Because, verse 5 says,
You have had an ancient hatred and have shed the blood of the children of Israel by the power of the sword at the time of their calamity, when their iniquity came to an end.
In other words, when Edom saw that Israel was being destroyed, as again, as a punishment from the
Lord, Edom didn't help God's people, didn't provide any shelter, instead did just the opposite, joined in in the slaughter.
He says, And so the Lord goes on to say, Therefore, as I live, I will prepare you for blood, and blood shall pursue you, since you have not hated blood, that is, you haven't hated the bloodshed of your distant relative
Israel, therefore blood shall pursue you. Very clearly here, the
Lord does not have much tolerance for a long -seated, bitter attitude and animosity held in the heart towards someone else.
And, I think this serves as a challenge and a warning to us, you know,
I'm sure that there's probably been people in your past that have really done you wrong, and it can be pretty easy to hold on a hateful, bitter spirit toward them, instead of, you know, basically just moving on from whatever they did, you know, however they offended you, grieved you.
By the way, a little caveat here, there have been some who say what
I just said, and said it in relationship to those who have been physically or sexually abused as children by somebody else, by a parent or a relative, and it has scarred them, scarred them deeply.
And they hear what I just said, and they say, well, wait a minute, look what this person has done to me, am
I supposed to just let them get away with that, and not deal with that?
No, that's not what I'm saying here, and don't misunderstand that. That person needs to be held accountable, and justice needs to be rendered.
What I'm talking about are the offenses that take place between people, you know, just the knock -down, drag -out stuff that happens in the course of life, and, you know, somebody says something and it offends you, and rubs you the wrong way, well, what do you do with that?
What do you do with that? Do you put it in a gunny sack and hold on to it, and harbor that against that person, and then there's this long -standing, seething attitude that you have toward that person who has said something about you, or said something to you, or, you know, some way offended you, or grieved you.
Well, what happens then when that person is hurt? See, how do you respond when that person is hurt?
I almost guarantee you that if we have been gunny -sacking attitudes of bitterness toward another person, when that person is hurt in some way, deep down, we smile, we rejoice.
And what the Lord is communicating here, through the way He deals with Edom, is
He doesn't appreciate that. He doesn't appreciate that at all. We don't gloat over the pain and misery of others, even if those people who are in pain have somehow caused us pain.
We don't gloat in that. We grieve that they have been in so much error that they had to be brought to such pain and misery.
So let's be careful about how we respond when God brings chastening or judgment upon another.
Let's not gloat in it. Instead, let's humble ourselves and realize that, you know, but for the grace of God, there go
I, there go I. And then let's pray that God will use that chastening or that judgment upon another person to bring them to a great place of repentance and a restored relationship.
What a joy that would be. All right, well, listen, I hope you have a good rest of your Wednesday, and let's pray and ask
God to bless it. So thank you, Father, for challenging us with this, because all of us have the tendency, when we're wronged or hurt by somebody, to get bitter about that and then hold on to it and then gloat when they're hurt.
Oh, Lord, deliver us from such attitudes, we pray, and we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, well, have a good rest of your