FBC Daily Devotional – October 1, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well a good Friday to you. First day of October. September is in the books and here we are.
We're on the entering into the last quarter of 2021. Well I hope the first three quarters for you of this year have gone well, that you have grown much, you've learned much and you can look back on those three quarters and see how
God has worked in your life and blessed you, provided for you, met your needs and gives you something to think about and pray about for the last quarter to finish out the year well.
Well today we again are returning in our Bible reading to 1 Samuel and reading in chapters 20 and 21.
Just kind of a follow -up to the day before yesterday when we looked at the jealousy of Saul and how it really infected his heart and his relationships.
We see it rear its ugly head again in today's scripture passage and I want to take just a minute to highlight that and then look at another challenging matter related to David.
But with Saul his jealousy now has so controlled him that he actually attempts to kill his own son.
And if you know the story, if you've read the passage, you know Jonathan and David had this very exclusive friendship.
They were the best of friends and Jonathan had nothing but respect for David and David for Jonathan.
Jonathan knew full well that he, Jonathan, wasn't going to succeed his father as the king, but that David would.
He knew that, he understood that and he loved him anyway. And they had this wonderful relationship to one another, but Saul loathed
David, hated him. And when he found out that his own son, Jonathan, was, expressed such loyalty to David that Saul in his jealous fury tried to take
Jonathan's life, throwing the spear, trying to pierce Jonathan through and send him into eternity.
Oh, how destructive, how absolutely destructive is this sin of jealousy.
And as we talked the other day, we want to make sure that we don't allow it to fester in our hearts in any way, shape or form.
But the other thing I wanted to look at was this situation with David when he, he goes to Himalak, the priest, and he deceives him.
He's not honest with him. He tells him the king has sent him on a mission and he's left so quickly that he didn't even have time to get food and supplies for his men and even weapons.
And can, can Himalak help him out? And of course, the priest gives him the bread, the bread from the table of showbread and gives him
Goliath's sword and sends him on his way. He's been, he's been hoodwinked,
Himalak has. Now, if David had told him completely the truth, Himalak still might've helped him.
We don't know. And, and maybe he would have, maybe he wouldn't have, but there is, there are some consequences that are coming down the road for David's deception here and tricking
Himalak into helping him. And, you know, even though David was a, was a generally a good man and you know, he was
God's choice to take over Saul's reign, he had his moments of fear and desire of self -preservation and that led him to, to make some questionable, if not wrong, choices.
And I think this is one of those. How much better it would have been if he came to Himalak and he said, look, you know,
Saul is filled with fury and jealousy against me. I, I have to escape.
I need to find protection. And all of my men here and I are, we're starving. Can you help us out?
And maybe that Himalak would have said, oh man, I can't do that. He'll kill me if I help you. I just can't help you.
And well, okay. Then David and his men have to go somewhere else and have to figure out something else to do.
But Himalak and his family would have survived the wrath of a wicked
King. Now it's not David's fault that Saul was filled with wrath and rage and ended up taking
Himalak and his family's life. But you know, David set him up and set up the conditions that made it easy for Saul to lash out in such a way.
You know, there's that old adage, honesty is the best policy. And that is true. It really is.
It may not always be the most convenient thing for us. It may not always get us what we want, but in the long run, it is the best policy.
So I think the challenge for us is when we're tempted to fudge on the truth because we think it'll be better off for us.
We'll get, we'll get, we'll get what we want that way. Life will be easier for us that way.
In the long run, it could very well come back to bite us. Now, honesty really is the best policy.
And I hope that just seeing this situation with David, and then in a couple of days in our reading, we'll see the consequences of this thing.
That we'll just see how important it is just to be truthful, just to be honest.
You know, we're living in a period of time in our nation's history when our confidence in the truthfulness that's coming through the media, the mainstream media coming from our government officials is at an all time low.
I mean, it is at all time low. I, you can't really hardly believe anything that's coming out of the mouth of any official.
I mean, that's the way we feel because it's like we're hearing disparate voices.
We're hearing contradictions. They said one thing one day, and then it turns out that that was a lie.
That wasn't true the next day. And, and we're left frustrated and, and where is all this going to end?
Where's all this going to lead? Well, let's let David's mistake give us some insight, give us some understanding.
It doesn't end well. A policy of dishonesty, for the, even for the sake of saving image, it doesn't end well.
Let's be truthful people. Father in heaven, help us, help us to be honest, truthful, forthright.
We pray in Jesus name. Amen. All right. Well, have a good rest of your
Friday, first day of October and good weekend, wonderful day, Lord's day. Again, Ron Burnett going to be speaking at the
Faith Baptist Sunday morning and evening, Lord willing. I hope you can make it if, if that's, if at all possible.