Kenneth Copeland Did A Good Thing!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So I recently heard about something that Kenneth Copeland did, and it seems that for once in his life,
Kenneth has found a way to do something right. And for those of you who don't know, Kenneth Copeland is a prosperity gospel teacher and faith healer, which means that he believes
God has guaranteed health and wealth to all Christians in exchange for their faith.
But apparently the old broken clock Kenneth Copeland has found a way to be right twice a day. And that's what
I want to talk to you about in this video. It was recently reported that conservative TV and radio personality
Glenn Beck had, with the help of Kenneth Copeland's own private jet, rescued many people from Afghanistan as the terror threat in that country grows daily.
I am a person who has been seriously critical of Copeland in the past, and that is what prompted many people to ask me why
I hadn't made a video about his good deed. I was told that I was ignoring Kenneth's noble actions because I have a vested interest in refuting his ministry.
Okay, fair enough. So I decided to make a video about Kenneth's good deed and talk about it biblically.
Most notably, I want to tell you why this hasn't changed even a fraction of what I believe about Copeland, and I don't believe it should change the way you see him either.
Allow me to shed some light on this topic using three points. Number one, I want to make it absolutely and abundantly clear that what
Kenneth Copeland did here was a good thing. He used his private resources to save innocent lives, and that is a noble biblical thing to do.
So bully for you, Kenneth, and bravo. James 4 .17 says, whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.
And this is a case of someone doing the right thing that they know they ought to do, so again I say, good job to Kenneth Copeland.
That's a sentence I certainly never thought would exit my mouth on this channel, but I digress. And I move on to point number two, which is that Kenneth Copeland is still a dangerous false teacher regardless of this good deed.
While this was a good thing to do in God's eyes according to his Word, Kenneth has not won
God's favor here, and this does not make Kenneth's ministry a biblical one. This is true for the simple reason that our works can never win
God's favor. According to Isaiah 64 verse 6, compared to the holiness of God, quote, all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment.
Moreover, in light of the constant error and heresy and unbiblical statements that exit this man's mouth to deceive others in the name of Christ, this is really the least he could do.
Kenneth Copeland has literally said in the past that God is the greatest failure in the Bible. Check out my video on that, link in description.
As I said when I made a video about this statement, Copeland is wrong because God is perfect and by definition
He cannot fail. In Isaiah 46 10, God says, my counsel shall stand and I will accomplish all my purpose.
God accomplishes everything He wants to accomplish and He never fails to do so. That's what this passage says.
But Kenneth Copeland thinks not only that God fails, but that He is indeed the greatest failure in the entire biblical narrative.
Any man who preaches that kind of doctrine is a blasphemer who all Christians should avoid wholeheartedly.
First Timothy 6 3 through 4 says, quote, if anyone teaches a different doctrine that does not agree with the sound words of our
Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing.
So in keeping with what the Bible says about false teachers, I say to everyone watching this,
Kenneth Copeland is a fool and a simpleton. He is leading people to hell every single day and he encourages many well -meaning people to dishonor
God by joining him in his false teaching and donating to his ministry. This brings me to point number three.
I would even make the case to you today that Kenneth Copeland has led more people to hell than he has saved from death in Afghanistan.
We can figure this out just by using simple math. According to Glenn Beck's Twitter, his project has saved roughly 5 ,000 refugees from the war -torn nation of Afghanistan.
Now this, I believe, is an awesome thing, but let's take a look at Kenneth Copeland's ministry, shall we?
His YouTube channel, for instance, boasts over 326 ,000 subscribers.
For those of you keeping score at home, that's over 65 times the number of refugees whom he saved from Afghanistan.
So once we take a look at the actual facts and statistics, it becomes clear that Copeland's deceptive and unbiblical ministry is doing much more harm than it is good.
This man is much more dangerous than he is helpful, and the facts bear that out. So while I do think that we ought to give credit where credit is due with respect to Copeland's good deed here in Afghanistan, that doesn't mean we ought to turn a blind eye to the false doctrine that Copeland preaches.
My main point here is this. We can hold two views simultaneously so long as they are both biblical.
Someone can do good things and still be a false teacher who is leading others to hell.
This is becoming a major problem in the Church today, especially for people who are particularly emotional, let's say.
There are huge ministries like Bethel, Hillsong, Kenneth Copeland's ministry, and Joel Osteen's ministry, etc.,
and all of these organizations do some good deeds. I mean, after they pay their head pastor his millions of dollars, there's bound to be a couple million left over for homeless people, right?
Here's the point. Don't allow yourself to be fooled by the good deeds of a false teacher.
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11, 13 -15, such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.
You can't expect men like Stephen Furtick, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, etc. to walk up on stage with the words false teacher tattooed on their forehead permanently.
The Bible tells us that bad teachers will disguise themselves as good teachers, and we all need to understand that.
Think of how many cult leaders there have been in history. They're not usually awkward, oddballs that like to hang out in the back of the room and sit by themselves mumbling weird things under their breath.
No, they're good -looking, nice, kind, compassionate individuals with big personalities, and those are the people who are going to deceive others the best.
Those are the people who are going to put on the best show for the public, and we need to be wary of them. So let's pray that the church would be more discerning in who they allow to lead them.
Let's pray for Kenneth Copeland and all the people he's deceiving. Pray that they would turn away from this foolishness and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.