Matt Slick Bible Study - Depress-chatology



Matt Slick reviews the depressing side of eschatology


One minute, that's it So you guys like the radio show? All right,
I'll make you laugh. We're live.
Hey, how are you all out there? We've got a full house here tonight. That's nice I guess the topic does generate the attendance doesn't it you guys are really interested in eschatology
All right I plan to be doing some more studies on this and and stuff so What we have here tonight is
Deprescatology because it's gonna be depressing and it's eschatology hence Deprescatology I did not come up with that term, which
I wish I had then I could boast about it But somebody emailed once you call it to press catalogy.
I'm like, yes That was awesome. And so that's what it is. I forgot it was I'd give him full kudos for it
But I just forgot his name. Anyway, so We're gonna be doing at least three parts to this
So tonight what I want to do for an hour is go over the issue and the rebel I'm gonna try and make the
I will make the case that we're going through the tribulation and then go through the seals the trumpets and the bowls and You can already see everything's there.
You already got all the answers. It's all right there But what we're gonna do is go through the scriptures and there'll be a lot of redundancy
I want you to see from the Word of God and Next week my plan
We'll see how it goes. I'm doing a lot of frantic preparation for this the plan is to do an analysis of the
Christian Church and I'm going to name names and I'm going to mention heresies that are common in the church that you may go to churches teaching heresies and I'm not gonna pull any punches and if you will get offended quite frankly, it's not my problem it's the issue of the
Word of God and That's that and in the third week. I want to do stuff on the condition of our society and the apostasy of our society
I'll be doing a little bit of humanism next week and paganism in our society paganism has taken over in our society and we're gonna be talking about the judgment to come to America it's coming and It's not gonna be fun.
So does that sound really good? Alright, so let's pray We're gonna just jump right in and see how it goes
Lord Jesus, we thank you so much for your great grace. We thank you Lord that you loved and have just Desired us from eternity.
I don't know why you would but I'm grateful Lord that you have and that you've died for us
I know Lord that you said to pick up the cross and follow after you and that we would have tribulation and Lord my goal is
To have your words and speak your words for your truth and ask
Jesus that That all who would examine this study would do so with the
Bible open and checking everything with Scripture We ask this Jesus In your precious and holy name.
Amen All right Now My glasses so as you can see the opening slide here
I've got over 50 slides so far and It's going to be well over a hundred by time.
I'm done probably and next three weeks. We're only going to go through 40 ish to 50 range.
I forgot what you'll see If we get that far tonight Save your questions for later.
Okay, so Depressed catology the end times period is going to be bad and we are going through it
All right, it is gonna be bad. We are going to go through it I am NOT the kind of person that will try and ear tickle you
I'm not the kind of person who's going to say here. Here's a nice diaper and a blankie make yourself at home
I know that a lot of false teachers and pulpits will do that I know a lot of false teachers out there and false converts
Will tell you what you want to hear to get you comfortable to get you into the church if I were to be suddenly thrust into the pastor to some church with a thousand people
I would warn the elders and say let me tell you I'm going to be preaching the truth and the attendance is going to go down But he preached to get rid of the false converts and get the true converts
Ready to be equipped and changed to become warriors for the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what I believe we're supposed to be doing
Now, I believe that I Really do I Look every opportunity
I can to witness I eavesdrop whenever I can So that I can start a conversation in fact,
I was out I think was Friday night or Saturday night last week or whatever was but I can't remember and Went out with some friends and I'm using a restroom on outs
I had to walk me outside of a ice cream place and I heard I purposely was listening any Conversation to stick my nose in and I literally heard a woman say when
I'm ordained Really you're gonna be ordained. I'm right in there Turns out she was in the
Anglican Church and gonna be ordained for the a deacon a deaconess Okay, I'm not gonna go too far on that Depends on how it's defined and the other girl within 30 seconds goes.
Are you Matt slick? And she records my voice. So maybe I talking and so for an hour.
I sat there and did a Bible study with them I've looked for opportunities to witness. I really do.
I hope that you would too I hope that the Holy Spirit is filling you to such a degree that you've got to speak for him
You've got to live for him whatever capacity it might be doesn't mean you have to be witnessing all the time
But it does mean that you're gonna know your gifts and we'll do that sometime talk about some gifts some other time So I'm getting page to be on chat rooms
Seriously I get page So here we go. The end times gonna be bad.
It's gonna be really really bad now I really spent a lot of time trying to get good graphics over there and It was kind of therapeutic for me because there's so much going on.
Okay, I need to find a good graphic and This is destruction Okay, I thought it's kind of cool, you know, it's kind of a destruction thing
I don't know if you like that or not, but I thought yeah, that's good and I thought about putting a little you know, a
Bambi doe, you know deer prancing and then Something I don't but I figured now probably not
You know a little graphic in there All right. So let's get right into it. There could be two ages.
This is the eschatology of Jesus and Paul Jesus and Paul taught this age in the age to come
That's what they taught. How many of you have heard that show me your hands. How many have heard that taught in church? Okay, how many have not heard this taught in church?
All right Why have you not heard it taught in church when Jesus says in Mark 1030?
but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and Farms along with persecutions and in the age to come eternal life
Luke 18 30 who will not receive many times as much at this time or this age and in the age to come eternal life
This age in the age to come I could spend a lot of time on this We could go through the issue of this age and the age to come
This is the eschatological position that is presented by Paul the Apostle. It's the eschatological position that is presented by Jesus Now, why is it that the churches aren't teaching this?
I'll tell you why because there are too many are loyal to the traditions Too many are loyal to things that they have been taught and haven't fully examined
And so what they do is they just tote the line the traditional line They've been in whatever it is, and they keep going forward one of the nice things about my past It's gonna sound odd I moved 26 times before I was 12 years old and I went to 12 different Elementary schools my move here to Idaho was number 40 dead serious
Now I went to Calvary Chapel. I Went to non -denominational churches.
I went to a Lutheran College and a Presbyterian seminary I have preached in all kinds of churches and in Southern, California I did pulpit supply for about four or five years and I would drive a hundred miles sometimes preaching three churches in one day and I would go to the elders and say what particular denominational thing do
I to be sensitive of here? I wasn't there to offend But I would learn that there are certain things that certain we don't go here.
We don't go here now I wouldn't ever preach on something that it would compromise. I mean,
I'm not going to compromise my preaching But there's plenty of things to preach You're just there to fill in the pulpit for one Sunday or a couple of needs.
I had any problem with that But so the thing is I learned that different groups have different affiliations.
No, I was baptized by Chuck Smith Okay, I used to go to Chuck Missler's Bible study.
If you know who Walter Martin was I used to sit under Walter Martin for two three years.
I had the privilege of meeting him Now I've got all kinds of experience so you know what because I've had to study
Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses and Islam and Christian science and unity and UFOs and the occult and the
Raelians and Iglesia Ni Cristo which I haven't published anything on yet I've had to go through and look and say they say that about this text.
Let me look at the text I don't have it a nominational thing to go. Hey, what's a denominational answer? What's our traditional answer?
I just go what does it say? What's it say? That's what I do And I'm not saying
I got everything right, but I'm saying it gives me an advantage of going here and saying well This is what it says.
I Don't have to I'm not loyal to anything except my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm a hard hardcore five -point
Calvinist I'm not loyal to Calvinism Okay, I'm not if something better comes along.
I'm there I'm not loyal to five points. I'm loyal to my Lord and my
Savior Jesus Christ I happen to be a five -pointer because I think that's what the scriptures teach. You don't agree.
That's okay But I am trying to live according to my convictions before the word before my
Lord That needs to be in the pulpit on a regular basis and I said in the radio today
I know I'm preaching a little bit here, but I said in the radio today I said this what every single time I get to the pulpit to preach.
I'm nervous Not about public speaking. I have no fear public speaking the bigger the crowd the better.
I'm fine That's not what scares me what scares me is I'm getting up there to preach the Word of God and He's gonna be listening to me and that bothers me because I'm gonna have to face that judgment
A lot of people have said to me over the years Matt. You're gonna have a high place in heaven I said you have no idea I'll be grateful just to make it
Because I am a teacher. I'll be under double judgment So I take the
Word of God seriously. This is why I want you to do the same thing That's why I'm showing you. This is what the scriptures say
Now about the study that I'm going to present. I do not have all the answers There's stuff in Daniel 6 7 8 9 or stuff in Zechariah.
There's stuff in Nehemiah that relates even in Genesis there is stuff all over the place that relates to everything that we're going to be talking about and There's I have you put enough stuff in here
I'm just now realizing I forgot this and I forgot that other things that need to be in here But we'll get to some stuff later now
The rapture happens, but it's after the tribulation check out what Jesus said But in those days after the tribulation after that tribulation
The Sun will be darkened The moon will not give its light and the stars will be falling from heaven and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken then they will see the
Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory and Then he will send forth his angels and will gather
Together his elect from the four winds from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven After the tribulation the elect are gathered you get that after tribulation the elect are gathered.
It's not before After now some people will say no, I thought the great tribulation
You know We can go through all kinds of little nuances about this great and that great and not this and whatever it might be
But I'm gonna tell you he said after the tribulation I want I'd suggest you to do Matthew 24 and Mark 13 go read the context
Go see what's going on because you'll find out that they asked Jesus. What is the sign of your coming?
What is the end of the age? What's a sign of the end of the age and you're you're coming back one coming back?
Not to not a half return at the rapture He kind of comes down a little bit and then goes back up with us so that we can escape
The judgment that's going to come to this world that we can escape because we're Americans And we don't have any battles and wars on our homeland
We can escape because we're entitled because America's that great we can escape because it suits our needs
That's not how it works in history. That's not how it's worked with Christians in every single nation
That is how it works in the world is that the light is sought to be destroyed by the evil one and this ideology in my opinion a pre -tribulation rapture is not heretical
But it's dangerous potentially now what I mean is it's dangerous if someone puts their hope in it
Other than Jesus if you put your hope in Jesus, but you believe in preacher praise God.
No problem Okay, who cares really not a big deal But if you say no my hope is in pre -tribulation rapture because I'm not going to go through it and that's what you're looking at Then you're committing idolatry.
You're putting your hope and a blessed hope in in being taken out before Jesus comes before the tribulation occurs instead of in Jesus and going through and enduring now how many of you have gone through?
crap Tribulation stuff as a Christian. I certainly have now if God has said right after right before I get saved.
Oh, by the way, I Got to tell you what you're gonna go through because of your faith. Who are you?
I'm the Lord God. Okay So so what's gonna happen? Oh this If I sign up this is what's gonna happen
Yeah, well don't get raptured out. I heard about that from the preacher just now get raptured out a problem I don't get to have problems. Do I don't
I get a nice bank account? Don't I get a nice woman? Don't I get a nice car? Don't I get nice health?
Don't I get all of that because I have a wonderful life and it's your best life now Okay Don't I get that and then it no that's false teaching.
Okay. I can't do God's voice very well. All right It makes me cough
This should be like no no, I got my yard clippings right there This is yard clippings folks these juices right here
That's what I call them yard clippings. I do I call them yard clippings. All right.
Oh, wait a minute Yeah after the tribulation, right? Okay. So wait a minute. Here we go too far. Yeah, there we go
So harvest is at the end of the age then he left the crowds and went into the house and his disciples came to him and Said explain to us the parable of the wheat and the tares
And he said the one who sows a good seed is the son of man and the field is the world that asked for the good seed these are the sons of the kingdom and the tears are the sons of the evil one and the enemy who sowed them as the
Devil and the harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are angels That's what it says the end of the age the end of the age the harvest is at the end of the age
So when's the harvest the end of the age? When's the elect gathered at the end of the age? There's two ages this age and the age to come and the age to come eternal life now
We have eternal life right now first John 5 13 But what is talking about is a full resurrection the full redemption of the body all of that going on All right, that's what it's talking about the full everything
We're not given in marriage in the age to come that means at the end of This age at the age that we are in now at the end of this age
That's when the harvest is the harvest is when the angels go out and gather people together
That's what it says now Let's see Jesus came out of the temple and Was going away with when his disciples came to the point out of the temple building and said he said to them
Do you see not see all these things? Truly I say to you not one stone here will be left upon another which will not be torn down as he was sitting on the
Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things happen the destruction of the temple and what we the sign of Your coming and the end of the age.
They even understood the end of the age and he says in verse 31, he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and They will gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the sky to the other
Now this happens to have to do this trumpet is the last trumpet and you can look on that chart that I've given you
It's the last trumpet and maybe we'll get to this later Man I'm thinking, you know,
I'm thinking I probably should have done a six -week course on this and really gone through slowly Maybe I'll think about polishing this up and doing again in a few months if you guys are interested
Yes, we're at it No, not yet. It will be it will be all right, so The Rapture comes like we'll get just gives if you don't have the handout
Sorry, I didn't think people are gonna show up this many people show up. I'll just give your email address to Lindsey raise your hand and She'll give it to me or I'll give you that.
We'll figure it out. We'll uh All right. So let's get back to this. The Rapture comes like a thief
I'm skipping a lot of stuff folks. I could go through the trumpets I can go through the last trumpet the day of the
Lord all this stuff and show you That we're going through the tribulation. But for now,
I'm just going to get through this quickly This is 1st Thessalonians 4 16 2 chapter 5 verse 2
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air And so we shall always be with the Lord Therefore comfort one another with these words now as to the times and the epics brethren
You have no need of anything to be written to you for you yourselves Know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.
The day of the Lord is the rapture He's talking about this He's going to come back with the trumpet
And it's the day of the Lord's what he's talking about. The chapter break is unfortunate here. Not a big deal 2nd
Peter 3 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens will pass away with a roar
And the elements will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth and its works will be burned up Now wait a minute because how it's supposed to be where did all the chalk go
Man no, seriously. Hold on man It's not me anymore
Skinny Deadline I can't go over here Okay Oh, thank you
All right. He got me back All right When we do total depravity, I'll have you come up here and do show and tell okay
Now All right. So here we have the uh
We know from the previous verses that the day of the Lord comes like a thief That's the rapture the day of the
Lord right right there. That's the rapture That's what it says Here it says in 2nd.
Peter 3 10 the day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens melt away now Traditionally what is taught unfortunately here in America is this period that we are here
And there's gonna be a thousand year reign and then the new heavens are here But notice the day of the
Lord Comes like a thief the rapture the day of the Lord and new heavens and new earth
Where is that thousand years? They both are said to occur at the same time
Right there The day of the Lord when the rapture occurs the day of the Lord Excuse me The day of the Lord that comes like a thief of the nights the rapture day of the world that comes like a thief
Is that the uh new heavens and new earth? The day there's only one the day of the
Lord. There's only one Jesus says after the tribulation the elect will be gathered
This is the chart you could look at I would suggest that what you do Is you take this chart open up your bible and simply do this?
Just do this Okay this age
Okay age To come All right
When's the end of the age? The end of the age is here, right? Right there makes sense
The end of the age is spoken of that's when the judgment of the wicked go you guys check it out You guys check it out go map map it out go do your own scripture references go look
The end of the age is when the judgment of the wicked happens So there's judgment i'm going to put it here judgment at the end of the age
The wicked are gathered at the end of the age I'll talk about that in a second the elect are gathered at the end of the age go check out these scriptures on your own
The harvest is at the end of the age The new of the resurrection is also at the end of the age
Go check it out. It's right there also Jesus return is at the end of the age
All this happens at the end of the age The day of the lord is the same time as the resurrection
Which is at the end of the age? That's the day of the lord, right? Day of the lord where here
The day of the lord is when the new heavens and new earth are made So new heavens You see
I'm, not even done with all this. Hold on. Let's keep going You see what this says? When you go and you map this out on your own
Go home Take this sheet Read through the scriptures draw this up and see what happens
See if i'm wrong As it was in the days of noah
So shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man for they were eating and they were drinking and they were Giving in marriage till the day that noah entered the ark and a flood came and took them all away
Two men will be in the field one will be taken one will be left That's matthew 24 in luke 17
As it was in days of noah So shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man for they were eating they were drinking They were giving in marriage until the day that noah entered the ark and a flood came and destroyed them all
The ones who are being given in marriage the ones who are doing all this stuff are the ones who were destroyed They were the wicked
Matthew 24 We know that the ones who were giving in marriage being married were the ones who were taken are the wicked
And in luke 17, they asked jesus Where are they taken and he answers them at the end of the chapter in luke 17 where the body is the vultures gather now
The reason i'm bringing this up. This is I forgot the exact references, but it's matthew 24 luke 17
The reason i'm bringing this up is two men in the field one is taken one is left We are taught over and over again from church upon church that that's the rapture
It's not the rapture Now the rapture occurs that first thessalonians 4 chapter 16 following That's not the rapture
Two men in the field one taken one is left The ones who are taken are the wicked and they are destroyed and are taken to a place of judgment
And yet what blows me away is that over and over the churches and the bible studies i've gone to Over the years.
Oh, that's the rapture and nobody nobody checks They just say it they just repeat it.
They just believe it and excuse me Not only I do this in bible studies and screw up everybody's bible studies to the point where It's best if I don't go to a bible study
Because I screw them up I ask questions I challenge them I give a quote my reference but they don't like it
They're polite But when I walk in they don't say much anymore And then it turns out man.
Is that okay for us to say? Was it where we write about that? I don't want that. I want them to go to the word and check
Why is it? That so many people are believing this pre -trib thing is out of matthew 24 luke 17 when it's not
The point is are we being bereans act 17 11? The bereans are more noble -minded because they checked even what paul the apostle said against scripture
I want you to check what reverend slick says against the scriptures
You check what I say against the scriptures. That's your obligation and that's your duty You check what
I say against the word of god if you think i'm wrong you come talk to me because maybe I am wrong
I'm, not saying that with a challenge No, maybe I am I don't have all the answers.
I study a lot of things and guess what I mess up I thought you're going to say amen to that because you're right there usually
So there's more here. Look The harvest occurs at the same time as the judgment of the wicked
The judgment is at the end of the age The weeds are gathered and bird at the end in the age the resurrection of the good is on the last day
The resurrection of the good is at the end of the age The resurrection of the good is on the day of the lord The elect are gathered at the end of the age with the sound of a trumpet
At the last trumpet the dead are raised and the rapture occurs Therefore the resurrection and the rapture occur at the end of this age, which is a day of the lord
Which is his return which is the last trumpet This means the rapture happens then at the end of the age not seven years prior to it we're going through it
Now if you really want to have some fun the wheat and the tares go to matthew 13 30 and Allow both to grow together till the time of the harvests.
I'll say to the reapers first gather the tears I didn't even put that in here.
I'm going to modify my study again and expand this and make it better The first one's taken when the harvest occurs at the end of the age
The first one's taken at the end of the age of the wicked I don't have the verse up.
It needs to be there The first one's taken At the end of the age are the wicked
He says we'll say to the reapers. I know you're looking and if anybody's got their bible open looking you will see
That's exactly what it says First gather the tares. That's what it says and gather the wheat into the barn.
It says first gather the tares That's what it says How many have heard that be taught from the pulpit
If I were preaching if I had my church if I were teaching I would teach that and you want to know why
I teach that Because that's what it says That's what it says that's why
Here's what it says. So this is what i'm going to say now The first ones gathered are the tares why because it says gather the tares first.
That's what i'm going to say The first one's gathered are the tares. Is this stuff? I don't have to I don't have any loyalty to the domination
I don't have any lutheran presbyterian calvary chapel Catholic loyalties catholicism heretical.
I don't have any loyalties to anybody And I can say what I want. It's really nice having my own radio show.
You don't like it Goodbye You know my bible study there's a door you don't like what i'm saying turn the channel
I don't care. There are advantages to having asperger's seriously I have asperger's and plus you add that i'm always right about stuff and uh
That's right Lightning bolts coming. Okay, you ready? So we're going through it now some of you are going i'm not so sure still that's okay
Check it out. Check it out. Check it out The tribulation
Yep tribulation is before the return of christ. We're going through the tribulation. Let's see Hold on We'll get questions later
Um, so we're going to go through the tribulation period we are going through it because the tribulation normally
Okay Normally what people say doesn't really matter If you want to say a thousand years you want to hold on to that.
There's a seven year period Okay But the elector gathered here not here
All right Everything happens here here here here
Somewhere I heard that on tv here here. No, it's bill cosby Okay.
Um, let's go through the seals.
All right, not navy seals All right, revelation six one and two
Then I saw when the lamb broke one of the seven seals and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder come
I looked and behold a white horse and he who sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conquer first seal conquering the second of the seals
Revelation six verses three and four when he broke the second seal I heard the second living creature saying come
And another a red horse went out and to him who sat on it It was granted to take peace from the earth and that men would slay one another and a great sword was given to him
So we have war Now we have famine
Rome revelation six five through six when he broke the third seal I heard the third living creature saying come
I looked and behold the black horse and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying
A quart of wheat for a denarius and three quarts of barley for denarius and do not damage the oil and the wine basically for a day's wage work all day for one quart of wheat
Famine is occurring The fourth seal there's death which makes sense following famine when the lamb is revelation six verses seven and eight
When the lamb broke the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying come
I looked and behold an ashen horse and he who sat on it had the name death and hades was
Following with him authority was given to him Over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword with famine with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth so death now terror
I looked this is okay revelation 6 12 through 17 I looked when he broke the sixth seal and there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair
And a whole moon became like blood and the stars of the sky fell to the earth and a fig tree casts its upright
Oh as a fig tree casts its upright figs when shaken by a great wind now, obviously I'm skipping a lot of things
I could focus on couldn't I? I'm going to do this and do a three months course now There's so much to talk about what the fig tree represents
All this stuff out of the sky But anyway, verse 14 the sky was split apart like a scroll When it was rolled up and every mountain and island were moved out of their places
Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave
And every free man hid himself in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains And they said to the mountains and to the rocks fall on us
And hide us from the presence of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb For the great day of their wrath has come and who was able to stand
Then there's an interlude And you can read about that in revelation 7 9 to 17.
There's no wind on the earth 144 000 for every tribe of israel.
That's a whole other. I mean, there's so many topics. We could just spend a half hour on The great multitude of the saved are before the throne of god in the interlude
The seventh of the seals the designation the time of the seven trumpets silence in heaven for a half hour preparation for the seven trumpets so The first seal is conquering maybe the antichrist is there we're not sure
Second seal is war third seal is famine fourth seal is death fifth seal is martyrdom sixth seal is terror
Seventh seal trumpets begin Let's go to those trumpets
Well They're all right there for you to check it all out One third of the earth is destroyed revelation 8 7 the first sounded and there came hail and fire mixed with blood
And they were thrown to the earth and a third of the earth was burned up and a third of the trees were burned Up and all the green grass was burned up the second of the seven trumpets
One third of the sea is destroyed Revelation 8 verses 8 and 9 the second angel sounded in something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea
And a third of the sea became blood and a third of the creatures which were in the sea And had life died and a third of the ships were destroyed
Maybe that's an asteroid. Who knows? Asteroid that breaks up and hits multiple oceans.
Who knows? If you guys know an asteroid just passed within a million miles of earth enough to cause global, uh,
Calamity if you guys are aware of that it just passed A third of seven trumpets revelation 8 10 and 11 one third of the water is destroyed
The third angel sounded and the great star fell from heaven burning like a torch and it fell on a third of the rivers
And the springs of waters the name of the star is called wormwood and a third of the waters became wormwood and many died from the waters because They were made bitter the fourth seal
One third of the heavens are darkened revelation 8 12 and 13 The fourth angel sounded and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were struck
So that a third of them would be darkened and the day would not shine for a third of it And the night in the same way
Then I looked and I heard an eagle flying in midheaven saying with a loud voice. Whoa Whoa, whoa to those who dwell on the earth because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound
So what it looks like is I would say I'm not saying it is this but it makes sense
An asteroid some large meteor hits because waters all over the world are destroyed.
Um, A third are gone third of ships destroyed third of the oceans destroyed and the sky is darkened to some degree
It makes sense that it's going to be a celestial impact. Is that what's going to be? I don't know now some will say matt this is all spiritual stuff about angelic stuff and then you get into uh,
Full frederism and i'm not gonna get no there's all kinds of varieties of explanations Generally speaking
Prophecy is literal So I like this last statement here
Woe to those who dwell on the earth because of the remaining blasts What what this isn't bad enough?
Everybody's going to be coming here to idaho because we're going to be fine here Now this is a little bit of a longer one.
This is revelation 9 verses 1 through 12 And I know it's small print. Sorry about that folks. I'll read it
Then the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth And the key of the bottomless pit was given to him
He opened the bottomless pit and smoke went up out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace and the sun and the air
Were darkened by the smoke of the pit Then out of the smoke came locusts upon the earth and power was given to them as The scorpions of the earth have power and they were not permitted to kill anyone but to torment for five
Months and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings a man the appearance of the locust was like Horses prepared for battle and on their heads appeared to be crowns like gold and their faces were like the faces of men
They had hair like the hair of women And their teeth were like the teeth of lions don't ask me what all this means folks
They had breastplates like breastplates of iron The sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots of many horses rushing to battle
They have tails like scorpions and stings and in their tails is a power to hurt men for five months
They have as king over them the angel of the abyss his name in hebrew is abaddon and in greek
He has the name apollyon Pretty grim, isn't it?
Something bad is going to happen i've heard Theories. Oh, well, it's it's a new weapon coming out.
It's a it's a black hawk helicopter. It's whatever um, maybe
I'll just throw some other things for fun Um, maybe it is genetic experimentation gone bad uh, they are already starting to Move genes from one species to another
And let me tell you a story Uh, I took classical greek in college And classical greek makes koine greek look like kindergarten
And uh, anybody can speak classical greek, uh is it's impressive flat out
And there was this one guy who'd come into class, but he'd only show up for tests and he would ace them all the time
So i'm studying 18 hours every day No food. No sleep Forgot what my wife looked like And uh,
I can barely pass And i'm not stupid Of course, i was taking everything else 27 units, whatever blah blah.
I said to this guy. Hey How come you can do this and he's it took me a while to jimmy this out of him and he said well
And he wasn't boasting. I I kept you know, he goes look we're our family.
We're all geniuses And he was humble about it and I go Okay, I can see that And I said, so what do you do he says he reads the book the first day
That's all he has to do He just shows up for the tests and answers everything And he leaves
So he has an arrangement with the college to do just that Doesn't have to go to class Just reads the books shows up for the tests
Aces him And goes on and I said must be incredibly Wonderful to be that smart and he said
Oh, i'm the dumb one in the family And I said, what do you mean you're the dumb one and they said the government has my brother
I said, what do you mean? He they have him. He says. Yeah, he's got his got my brother They're working on stuff when
I said, what are they working on? And he looked at me. He said human cloning And I stared at him and I said they've already got it.
He goes. Oh, yeah They've been cloned this is back in the late 80s I know some other stuff i'm not going to talk about some other things.
I know But that's just that's hearsay. All right, that's all it is but Mankind is such that because of the doctrine of total depravity, which is revelation out of scripture
The nature of man is that he's ungodly is full of evil without the spirit of god upon him within him
He will seek evil one way or another And on the human level sure an atheist can give a guy's wallet back
But on the divine level nobody does anything good. Romans 3 10 11 and 12 the heart's desperately wicked deceitful.
No man can trust it jeremiah 17 9 We are by nature children of wrath. Ephesians 2 3
The only reason that the world isn't already dead Is because of the mercy of god now
Jesus, excuse me. God said in genesis 2 17 the day that you eat of this fruit you will die
Talking to adam they ate of the fruit they died that day the death that they suffered was the separation between them and god
And that's isaiah 59 2 ezekiel 18 4 Romans 6 23 these verses talk about dying and separation from god
Now i'm personally of the opinion that things are going to get so bad. We'll talk about this next week That if god doesn't come back and stop it, we're going to kill ourselves
That's what I honestly Absolutely believe that mankind will destroy itself if Jesus doesn't come back because I believe it's a gigantic historical prophetic.
I told you so The day that you eat of this adam and he represented us 1 corinthians 15 22 romans 5 18 he represented us
He's talking to us It's our way. It's our nature One more thing about this in apollyon.
I have a quote on my website joe's witness literature Apollyon is a good angel to them
Look it up on my website and you'll see Let's move on Um, and the sixth trumpet is way too much to read.
It's revelation 9 13 through chapter 11 verse 14. I just summarized it We have verses 14 through 19 four angels released 200 million men army where third of mankind is killed by three plagues um
You'll we'll find out later that the euphrates river is dried up There's a dam on the euphrates river right now and it can divert the euphrates river
The 200 million man army can only be populated by china Which is on the east probably comes through Probably what's going to happen?
In chapters 11 chapter 11 1 through 6 two witnesses who prophesy for 1260 days And shut up the sky so there's no rain.
I'm not even going to get into the 1260 days thing don't have time Uh, this was meant to be a single hour of how to depress you and now it's turning into a little bit more
I'll probably get into this stuff later Uh, the two witnesses are killed and and then two witnesses resurrect after three days three and a half days
There's going to be great earthquake and 7 000 people killed in a particular city All right in the seventh trumpet the seventh
Uh, then the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become like the kingdom of Our lord and his christ and he will reign forever and ever the 24 elders
That's probably the church who sat on their thrones before god fell on their faces and worshiped god saying we give you thanks
Oh lord. God the almighty who are and who were because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign
Now this is a little bit of a problem for me and my amillennialism Because to be honest,
I believe christ is reigning now He says this kingdom is not of this world and satan was bound when he was here.
Matthew 12 22 to 32 and so, um Here he says he's about to take his reign so I could then say well
Maybe it's a kind of rain that's a little bit different than with the kingdom now and we get into some differences But let me just tell you
I don't have any problem admitting. Hey, you know, this is a problem for my view All right Every view has problems.
No single view has every answer Okay, just let you know that every view has its issues
So just you guys have to make up your own mind. I'm just telling you what I believe All right, which happens to be the right one.
Okay, let's go All right Uh, the seven trumpets summarized
So we have uh, the first trumpet a third of the earth is destroyed a second trumpet a third of the sea is destroyed
Third trumpet a third of the water is destroyed the fourth trumpet a third of the heavens are darkened the fifth trumpet bottomless pit is opened
Oh, man, i'm getting depressed The sixth trumpet army from the east comes out and the seventh trumpet christ reign for it.
Wait a second first I already messed up. Didn't I? Well, that's right. That's right.
Okay I've done so many things with this file. I'm back and forth. Hope I don't Repeat things and mess up.
It looks pretty good. I'm good. It's all good. Okay Because it's been in my head it's like what part am
I doing now? Let's go to the bowls seven bowls of wrath. You know, it was really hard to find an old looking bowl
Like that It was it was hard But I thought I did okay with that. What do you guys think?
That's a pretty good old looking bowl That's good All right, and that's a nice trumpet.
I thought about doing you know, satchmo, but I thought that's probably not gonna do well All right
The first of the seven bowls revelation 16 2 so the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth and it became a loathsome
And malignant sore on the people who had the mark of the beast and it worshiped his image the mark of the beast
We're going to be talking about that. Maybe later. It depends on how much longer we go about the antichrist Because I got some interesting stuff to say about the antichrist right out of the bible
The second of the seven bowls revelation 16 The first one was revelation 16 2
So this is revelation 16 3 the second angel poured out his bowl into the sea and it became blood like the dead
That of a dead man and every live every living thing in the sea died Now before a third of the things in the sea died now every living thing in the sea died
Do you realize what's happening? The earth is dying It's dying if the oceans die we're dead
The oceans are where our water comes from It's the food chain that we you know for the ocean.
Okay, that's dead We only have that which can grow on land
And a third of that's already gone and a third of the waters are already destroyed Now This is not comforting this is not your best life now crap it's not
Comforting and this is disturbing when I was doing this.
I'm like jeez I don't want to go through this And I don't want to go through it and I don't
But I believe that god has a way of preserving us through tribulations Tribulations He has a way and i'm trusting him if he allows us to suffer before him and before people
Say we're captured What if i'm captured because I say homosexuality is a sin because it is
And islam is an evil religion because it is What if I say that? And they arrest me
And they send me to a A camp for adjustment and I don't adjust
Then what are they going to do? hitler already had a way And the muslims they like to behead who knows
Who knows who's going to be in control? Because the antichrist if he's in control we'll get into that Make a deal with the covenant out of daniel 9 27 with israel
Who knows what's going to happen how it's going to happen who it's going to be made with? Who are going to be the ones? Now i'm not saying
Hey I will do fine if i'm captured and they're going to behead me I'm, not saying yeah.
No, no sweat. Bring it on. I'm not saying that I'll be looking how can I get out of this situation?
if god Decrees it That that's to happen to me then so be it. I don't want it to happen
Nevertheless, not my will be done, but your will be done This is what we have to face. We want to pick up our cross
Luke 9 23 Matthew 10 48 you will in the pick up your cross and follow after christ Or pick up your best life now and follow after joel ostein
And the false converts That are all across america. You wait when we get to the issue of the church and its apostasy.
I'm going to name names like joyce meyer I'm going to name names like the pope kenneth copeland
Some other false teachers out there and i just have enough time sorry to do what
I want to do Let's just go on So the sea became blood already read this one
The third of the seven bowls revelation 16 4 through 7 waters become blood This is reminiscent of one of the other ones
We already said and the third angel poured out his bowl and into the rivers and the springs of the waters and it became blood
And I heard the angel of the waters saying righteous are you? Who are and who were a holy one because you judged these things where they poured out
The blood of the saints and the prophets and you have given them blood to drink. They deserve it
And I heard the altar saying yes, oh lord. The almighty true and righteous are your judgment.
Did you know that we're called the saints? Go to first corinthians chapter 1 verses 1 and 2 to the church in corinth to all and everyone who are called saints hagioi
That's us fourth of the seven seals
People scorched by the sun the fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun and it was given it to it to scorch men with fire
Men were scorched with fierce heat and they blasphemed the name of god who has the power over these plagues
And they did not repent so as to give him glory Now who knows what this is? Maybe some this celestial problems that we're having
And our ionosphere is destroyed, I don't know the magnetic whatever is destroyed and the cosmic rays get in I don't know
I don't know But it's bad Revelation 16 10 to 11
Fifth of the seventh bowls when the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast
And his kingdom became darkened and they gnawed their tongues because of pain And they blasphemed the god of heaven because of their pains and their sores and they did not repent of their deeds now
This is talking about the unbelievers Not the believers there's hope Okay, because they would not repent
We've already repented Now the preacher of rapture people got it easy It doesn't apply because we're not here
Really? Go do the chart put it all together and see are we here? We're not here Six of the seven bowls revelation 16 12 through 16 euphrates is dried up armageddon
The sixth angel poured out his bowl in the great river of the euphrates and his water was dried up so that they would uh so that the way would be prepared for the kings from the east and I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon out of The mouth of the beast out of the mouth of the false prophet three unclean spirits like frogs
For their spirits of demons performing signs which go out to the kings of the whole world to gather them together for the war
The great day of god the almighty behold i'm coming like a thief notice that phrase Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes so that he will not walk about naked
That's due with righteousness folks and men will not see his shame and they gathered them together to the place which in hebrew is called
Armageddon, or you know it as armageddon Three unclean spirits like frogs. What do frogs do?
hop Two men the field one has taken one is left maybe
Were they taken place of destruction jesus says at the end of luke 17 Could this be similar just what's going on?
Don't know. How many of you have been to israel? You've been to israel.
Have you seen megiddo? the valley Okay um
We're going to try and go in 2018 So if you guys want to go Let me let me know.
Um we're trying to go set up something for About a year and four months from now
To go to israel. I've been here before And uh, if I go i'll be teaching and things like that With some others that we're trying to set it up from people in utah now
Megiddo I can still see it We're up on the hills And i'm looking down.
I wanted to see megiddo the valley And so walked up and I took a mental picture.
I got pictures, too My mental picture i've been there wow It is huge.
It is a valley. It's like a bowl And the armies of the world can gather and not even fight
Because there's just enough distance and they come down in the middle and they fight Been there You got to go
I've seen golgotha I've seen it with my own eyes. I've walked through the tunnel of hezekiah
I've seen this hillside where judas was hung It is enlightening
Hope you can make it Hope I can make it should be able to save up and do what we got to do and This is my brag
Sorry, this is braggy ish complete narcissistic braggy ish
You know what the kumon caves are right where the desi strolls are found And I actually was able to hike up and go into kumon cave one
In oh that to me is like yeah take that i've been in kumon cave one
And uh I just love it. I just love the idea. I was I don't know why all the other stuff i've seen and uh
Let's get back into that See as soon as I boast look what happens Yeah, okay
That's weird, oh I touched that that's what did it? Okay So the euphrates rivers dried up looks like armageddon is going to happen looks like the 200 million man army's coming out
It looks like that's it. All right Seventh of the seven bowls And the seventh angel poured out his bowl upon the air and a loud voice came up Out of the temple of the throne saying it is done and there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder and there was a great
Earthquake notice it says a great earthquake. Is it a world earthquake or is it a local earthquake?
That from a certain perspective, I don't know such as there had not been since man came upon the earth
So great an earthquake was it and so mighty the great city was split into three parts and the cities of the nations fell
Looks like it's going to be global Babylon the great was remembered before god to give her the cup of the wine of his fierce wrath and every
Island fled away. I'm not moving to hawaii incidentally And the mountains were not found and huge hailstones about 100 pounds each came down from heaven
Upon men and men blasphemed god because of the plagues of the hail Because this plague was extremely severe a hundred pounds
No, I won't get into that I was not going to say something stupid Trust me it was stupid
Okay, the first bowls soars the second bowl seas become blood the third bowl waters become blood the fourth bowl people scorched by the sun
Fifth bowl darkness sixth bowl euphrates dried up armageddon seventh bowl earthquake and hailstones
So here's a little chart Seals conquering the war famine death martyrdom terror trumpets begin the trumpets column
Third of the earth is destroyed a third of the sea is destroyed Third of the water is destroyed a third of heavens are darkened bottomless pit is open 200 million men army from the east
Christ's reign is foreseen The bowls we have the sores the seas become blood the waters become blood people scorched by the sun.
There's darkness Euphrates dried up armageddon occurs earthquakes or earthquake should be in hailstones
Now You can see that there's similarities between the seals trumpets and bowls
And when you look at each paragraph because i've only summarized how do you take a whole paragraph? But there's lots of stuff in it and summarize it into one word for the chart
So it's not that easy but If you you can see if we went through stuff
There's a lot of similarity and some people think that these are just simply different perspectives of the same basic events
Maybe maybe not This is a tough topic to nail down everywhere
We haven't even gotten into The promises to israel. We haven't even gotten into the promises of the church
We haven't got into the mark on the christian Even there's lots about this then the rebuilt temple
There's a lot About this i'm going to be continuing to have to study this and put things together probably take me months before um, i'm
Halfway confident I would say All right. Now We've been about an hour right now.
So we have an opportunity for me to quit And then next week I can start on the antichrist or I can spend 10 minutes
And talk about the antichrist Antichrist How many wants the antichrist
Oh, I tricked you. I tricked you Aha Oh, you're all heretics man
Oh, that's right. Eat your own way. That's true That's right Okay You ready?
What's that? Who just oh i'm this deceiver i'm the tricker
I tricked. All right Actually kind of occurred. Hey, wait a minute while i'm saying this I could okay All right
So, uh, let's go to uh Let's go to something here.
I'm see how long we can get to this. Let's just keep going It'll probably take a little bit longer 10 minutes. I think it's worth it um
Because events in time to the tribulations we're going to have the spirit of the antichrist the apostasy of the antichrist
And uh, i'm going to go over a little bit of each of these right now But next week the apostasy of the church i'm going to go into them in detail
All right. So here's the spirit of the antichrist right here 1st john 2 18 children.
Is there a nice kind of antichrist figure there? It's kind of spooky -ish Yeah, okay Children it is the last hour and just as you heard that antichrist is coming even now many antichrist have appeared
From this we know that it is the last hour in first john 4 3 And every spirit that does not confess.
Jesus is not from god This is the spirit of the antichrist of which you have heard that it is coming and now is already in the world
Now you need to read first john 4 saying that that jesus is not the christ who's come in the flesh
Jesus now, this is john who wrote this And john says in the beginning was the word the word was with god.
The word was god word became flesh So what he's talking about here is the incarnation What the spirit of the antichrist is is he is denying the incarnation of jesus as god in flesh
So who's the spirit of the antichrist the joe's witnesses? Absolutely Who's the spirit of the antichrist the mormons because the mormons are not teaching the true and living god is becoming uh flesh but a god
They're the spirit of the antichrist Now ultimately the roman catholic church is too but for different reasons not because of what's listed here
And every group and every individual that denies that jesus christ is god in flesh Is of the spirit of the antichrist?
The attitude and the spirit of antichrist. They are the enemies of the gospel So last night i'm i'm on the web
I'm talking to some atheists And I was paged in to you know, can you talk to these guys and I talked to him?
And I said lots of things over about a half hour period 20 minutes half hour period But I said,
I mean I gave intellectual defenses. I gave biblical defenses and I came back and I said look You guys
Don't want god You don't affirm him You want your own sovereignty
You deny Who jesus is? I didn't say you're the spirit of the antichrist, but I said
You have been given over to a judgment upon your mind romans 1 18 to 31.
Need to read this I said I said guys i'm not angry at you.
I don't hate you I'm, not pointing fingers and saying yeah. Yeah. Yeah, my heart goes out to you
You're lost and I don't want you to go to hell you are on your way to hell because you're denying the true and living god
And judgment's coming and I said it and I I mean I meant it And I said i'm not
Trying to be offensive. I'm just telling you this is what's in store for you This is what's in store for you
And they received it as a loving warning All right Now the other side of me could have said you guys are of your father the devil
You deny the true and living god and you are on your way to hell and judgment is upon you right now And you're working even harder to make others just as much children of damnation as you yourselves already are
And both of those would have been true How strong do we want to be? Well, that's up to you and the holy spirit what you want to do and how you want to say it
But this is something we've got to understand we as christians have to have the guts to be able to say what the truth is
Women are not to be pastors and elders Homosexuality is not an acceptable alternative lifestyle
Islam is a dangerous and evil religion. The roman catholic church is apostate and false
Paganism is running rampant Our country has given up on god and has adopted pagan philosophies
And judgment is coming to it and we who are in it are going to suffer through it as well
Because that's what happens to christians all over the place even as rome was falling christians were being persecuted
Don't think we're going to escape it because we're christians And we're here in america
Don't think it now Many deceivers have gone out into the world those who do not acknowledge.
Jesus christ is coming in the flesh This is deceiver and the antichrist The spirit of the antichrist that's what it is the chronology of events here in second thessalonians 2
The arrival of the antichrist is in accordance with the apostasy of the church. You can see it in the yellow on the left And I can read this whole thing, but i'll just get down to verse 3
Let no one in any way deceive you for it That's the return of christ will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction
So concomitants or simultaneous arrival The apostasy of the church, this is why next week i'm talking about the apostasy
Can't it has to happen before the antichrist can come in you understand The antichrist can't have his place if the church is doing his job
But he's coming And the reason he's coming is because the church isn't doing his job You know, i'm almost unbiblical
On purpose Jesus is coming back. The antichrist is coming new heavens new earth, but i'm trying to push it back as far as possible single -handedly
I am fighting against all of this stuff and i'm gonna i'm pushing back I I feel like I got a paper towel.
There's a tidal wave and i'm like Yeah, yeah, see I stopped a little bit of it
One drop I will fight until I can't fight anymore
I can't keep quiet about my lord. I can't keep quiet. I've got to To say more about him
I beg that god use me even more and more and more I do i'm 60 years old and i'm starting to fade and I I hate it
And I want to be around as long as possible to be used by him as much as possible And I pray that even my death will bring glory to him somehow
If it's possible That's my hope How can any christian not have that kind of a hope
I don't understand that how can any christian who dwelt by god not want that not
You know a horrible death. I'm not saying that I mean to be used of god to say lord just use me
Just whatever it is a musician in a church setting up equipment working online
Sitting there and doing where I know he does whatever it is Whatever it is that your gifting is what's that?
We love you aj that's right sometimes Everybody's got giftings.
I don't understand how people can be just haphazard about it. I'm aggressive Okay So we have the spirit of chronology of events,
I don't know if this is well Anyway, the spirit of the anti -christ has to come first Which is already here the apostasy of the church has to come we'll be discussing this next week now
The anti -christ makes a peace covenant with israel stops the sacrificial system and we have the destruction of the temple 70 ad
We've got some things going on about that. Trust me. There's a lot of different things that can be interpreted and understood.
This is not that easy Daniel 9 27 and when he he will make a firm covenant with the many interesting go to romans 5 and look up what the many is
The many for one week But in the middle of the week, he will put a stop to the sacrifice and grain offering on the wing of abominations
Will come one who makes desolate Even until a complete destruction one that is decreed is poured out on the one who makes desolate.
We get some yard clippings crab grasses in there so We have uh, daniel 9 27
A covenant is going to be made this talking about the 70 weeks maybe i'll have to do a whole study in the 70 weeks and then the 1260 days and So much heresy so little time and they got to do this
Oh, we got so much stuff, okay now Now what
I want to do we got another five minutes or so I want to talk about who the antichrist is and if you're out there listening
You're not going to like what i'm going to imply. A lot of unbelievers are not going to like it so Possibly withered right arm and blind right eye possibly
Zechariah 11 16 through 17 for behold I'm going to raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for the perishing seek the scattered
Heal the broken or sustain the one standing but will devour the flesh of the fat sheep and tear off their hooves
Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock A sword will be on his arm and on his right eye his arm will be totally withered and his right eye will be blind
Now some say this is the antichrist some say it's not i'm putting it in here because I think it leans that way
It may or may not be I lean towards it being that On the day of judgment who's on the left and who's on the right?
The goats who are damned are on the left and the ones on the right Are saved what's destroyed on this man the right side
Okay The right and the righteousness and we get a nice little pun in english.
It works nicely But notice what's going on the right arm, which is a symbol of strength and some other stuff in the bible
And his right eye they're destroyed now. Some people think that this is an attempt on his life the antichrist and he's resurrected
Okay He's possibly homosexual
Jewish ancestry and an atheist who has help from satan Wow, here we go
Daniel 11 37 through 39. He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers.
Now that implies of jewish ancestry But maybe not but okay gods of his fathers or for the desire of women
Okay Hence probably homosexual Nor will he show regard for any other god for he will magnify himself above them all any other god
So it looks like he's an atheist Jewish descent homosexual atheist, okay I say no, it's question mark and I say possible homosexual possible this i'm not saying that's what it is
Maybe maybe not Verse 38 but instead he will honor a god of fortresses of strength power
Some people think this has to do with satan a god whom his fathers did not know
He will honor with him with gold silver costly stones and treasures So maybe he's gonna be a satanist people say well an atheist couldn't be a satanist.
Yes, they can That's not our issue He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god
He will give great honor to them to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over the many
Here's the phrase again and will parcel out land for a price It's going to be in control
He's not going to be a good guy And I just now said something a whole bunch of stuff not politically correct so we don't have to read this whole thing, but Revelation 13 11 through 18 i'll read the underlying stuff
Looks like he's gonna have a fatal wound healed and it performs great signs mark of the beast can't buy or sell without the mark so verse verse 12 12 he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence
And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast beast whose fatal wound was healed a fatal wound
Was healed he performs great signs what would happen if this great leader
Remember the church is apostate and because the church is apostate the world's apostate even more so For the church is the salt
The salt lost its saltiness Then there's degradation everywhere His fatal wound was healed.
He performs great signs And that means the unbelievers everywhere are going to be flocking to believe in him
And it's going to be what they call it When a crowd goes crazy with a mob
What? Mob mentality, right Mob mentality is what i'm worried about Uh that even fire comes down from heaven blah blah blah verse end of verse 14 who had the wound of the sword and has come to life
Down to their place where it's uh underlined mark on their right hand on their forehand. You got to receive the mark of the beast now
A lot of people don't know this i'll go over this quickly In english
We have We have one two three we have a b c in greek they have alpha beta gamma
And these are also One two three as the letters go on the numbers go on. So these are the same
We have two sets. They have one So every Letter is also a number.
So what is this in english? Right zero. It's an o now.
What is that? Okay Um, but what is that the end of a word tion now it becomes a vowel
Okay, so you see we understand the context that circle means what it means in context and they did too
So when you have a word in greek, you also have a mathematical value and that's called
Let's do it do it in greek. Sorry, it's called this Uh, I think it's one
I think it's one or two m's sorry Probably one m. But anyway gamatria So the name of the antichrist in greek adds up to 666
That's what it means Six is a number of man man was made on the sixth day Now just for fun
This is jesus I don't like that That's jesus.
That's jesus christas When you add up the letters Male is circumcised on the eighth day eight people in noah's ark.
Jesus was raised on the first day of the week first One plus seven is eight You're gonna do this jesus christas
Won't get in too much more The antichrist name in greek 666 immaculate the trinity
Incarnation of evil. He's a man etc. Okay Um, so Very loosely
Spirit of the antichrist has got to be here. The apostasy of the church has got to occur The tribulation begins when the antichrist makes covenant with israel
And we're going to be here for it we're going to be here through it That's it we're going through it if we're still alive
We'll be through it. Okay now We're done. Okay that says end for now, but i'm going to show you this is what we're going to do next week
You like that graphic? Is that pretty good a good graphic for apostasy of the church? You think that's good?
See temple. Okay What Lord of the rings I had to really work to find that kind of make it fit
So I need feedback, you know, it's okay. All right now Let's see. We can wrap this up a little then we'll take a break
Bathrooms are upstairs and uh, then we'll do q a and let me tell you I don't have all the answers all this stuff
I'm putting it together. I'm seeing what it is and developing a line that I see the scriptures teach
I already have contradicted a lot of what um Traditionally is taught when jesus comes back.
The first one's taken under the wicked Two men the field would have taken one is left. That's not the rapture
When the rapture does occur It's at the same time the day of the lord comes like a thief which new heavens and new earth are made
See I don't teach the normal stuff that people teach and I try and show it out of scripture You've got the charts.
You've got this stuff the grids what i'ma suggest is take it home And go look at it. And if we didn't get one
The sheet to sign up for the emails and we'll send it out and for those out there in um, wherever you are land
I'll see if I can figure out how to put this on. Uh on. Yeah, i'll put on karm someplace Just go to what's new
The what's new section we'll figure it out pdf Okay We'll get a link we'll do stuff.
Okay, so let me pray. We'll take a break five ten minute break then we'll do q a Remember next week apostasy of the church we get to that i'm planning to do the condition of our society
All right. We'll see what the order really is Lord jesus, we thank you for your great mercy for your grace.
I ask lord that you would be with everybody here That you would comfort them Lord, this is sobering.
This is difficult. This is not ear tickling It's not comfortable Lord, I ask that you would however
Let them know how much you love them And how much you desire? Them to be in fellowship with you, but sometimes
Just as you have granted that we believe You also grant that we suffer philippians 129
I ask lord that you would sustain us And that you would keep our eyes on you and that through our lives and even if suffering is necessary That all of it would be for your glory
That it would be for you lord Or teach us to take our eyes off of ourselves
And put them on you To learn how to love you and also learn how to love our fellow men In jesus, we thank you we praise you we ask all this your precious name.