Is This The WORST Progressive "Christian" Sermon Ever?
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Apologia Studios:
Alpha And Omega Ministries:
Canon Press:
Conversations That Matter:
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Right Response Ministries:
The Reformation Red Pill Podcast:
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Ligonier Ministries:
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- 00:00
- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth. In this video, we need to react to one of the worst progressive
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- Christian arguments I've ever seen. So, as many of you know, we are continuing our crusade against the woke progressive so -called church.
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- What they preach is nonsense, and it needs to be refuted using the true Christian worldview as given to us by Scripture.
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- And with that as our goal, let's check out this video of a female so -called pastor giving a sermon in favor of LGBT activity, and she claims that Jesus would approve.
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- Watch this. Some parts of the church will hang out in Leviticus and hang out in Deuteronomy and be super concerned about whether a man lays down with a man or with a woman.
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- They'll read that Scripture in Leviticus, and they'll say, see this right here?
- 01:01
- This is wrong. You see, a lot of people think that progressive so -called Christians actually have some decent arguments.
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- In reality, they use the same ridiculous nonsense arguments over and over and over again, and they hope that you won't notice.
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- The inconvenient fact is that we did notice, and we're not letting them get away with it, though. Literally, just listen to the average progressive
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- Christian talk for about five minutes. In no time at all, they will tell you exactly what they believe and exactly how foolish it actually is.
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- Case in point, let's break down this video. What is this lady pastor actually saying? That conservatives don't like gay stuff because they read a verse in Leviticus that Jesus never talked about, etc.
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- etc. In this argument, we have the same tired old assumptions that they always give us.
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- One, that Leviticus is not relevant for today. And two, that Jesus doesn't care about Old Testament law and did not acknowledge it as valid.
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- Both of these assumptions can be disproven with a two -second Google search. But first, watch this video where she continues her rant about the
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- Old Testament. Check this out. So here we go again.
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- Conservative Christians are so dumb. They quote a verse in Leviticus about LGBT stuff, and they don't even know that just a few paragraphs later in the very same book, it talks about how you're not supposed to eat pork.
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- See? Conservative Christians use Leviticus against LGBT people, but not against people who eat bacon.
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- And the reason they do this is because there's a lot of money in pork, but no money in supporting the
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- LGBT worldview. Okay, first, just let me say this. What rock has this woman been living under, and what on earth is she talking about?
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- Does she actually believe that traditional Christians have all been bought by big pork, and that's why they don't call it out?
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- And what does she mean that there's no money in supporting the LGBT worldview? Take a look at this post where a user on X shows all the major companies that prominently and publicly display their approval for Pride Month.
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- Again, this is the exact same nonsense that progressive Christians always offer, and there's no foundation to it if you do about five seconds of research.
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- Now, secondly, let's get into the biblical side of this. The historic teaching of the Christian Church is that the
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- Old Testament ceremonial law is not binding on Christians for today. In other words, laws about pork, shellfish, and mixed fabric clothing are part of the law given to Israel to set them apart from the nations around them.
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- It is not the law given to all God -fearing people in all times. That's never what it was meant to do.
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- So are conservatives just making this up? No. In Acts chapter 10, Peter, a Jewish man who held to the
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- Old Testament law for his entire life, was given a vision from God. In this vision,
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- Peter was told, quote, rise, kill, and eat. When Peter said that he would not be found guilty of eating anything unholy, according to the law, the vision responds and says this, quote,
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- And again, this isn't some hidden interpretation that we came up with years later. No, it is documented for Christians for all time in the book of Acts.
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- Elsewhere, in Colossians chapter 2, it says, quote, So that would exclude
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- Old Testament festivals, which were mandatory for Old Testament Israel, but are now fulfilled in Christ.
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- And just to be clear, besides a few weird, relatively small groups within Christianity, conservative
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- Christians are not trying to put the entire Old Testament law on anyone. They've never been trying to do that.
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- So the question remains, why are Christians selectively using Leviticus when they condemn
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- LGBT stuff? We still haven't answered that. Well, the answer is because laws against sexual immorality are not ceremonial in nature.
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- They are part of God's unchanging moral law that apply to all people, not just Israel.
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- How do we know this? Well, because the Bible tells us it explicitly. The Old Testament says, quote, in Exodus 20, verse 13.
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- And Romans 13, 9, which is in the New Testament, reaffirms the command not to murder.
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- And it even says that these commands, quote, are summed up in this word. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
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- So why do Christians stop using the ceremonial law and continue to use the moral law? Well, because that's exactly what
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- God told us to do in His word. Yet the progressive pseudo -Christians, like the one in this video, continue to accuse us of cherry -picking the law without any biblical rationale for doing so.
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- And this brings us to a more important question. Why do they continue to say these things about us even when they know that they're false?
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- Answer? Because they're acting in bad faith. They don't actually have any interest in biblical truth or a reasonable conversation about it.
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- To put it simply, they are enemies of God who want to take down the church and participate in whatever unbiblical behaviors they want.
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- It's really that simple. And speaking of bad faith attempts to dilute the truth, watch this clip.
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- We're not worried about the poor, but we're worried about this sex, right? We're worried about, we're not worried about the
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- Jackie Spanx, but we're worried about sex. We're worried about the women.
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- We're worried about the gays. We're worried about bedrooms.
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- I was trying to see if I could say that better, but I can't. We're kind of obsessed with bedrooms since Constantine, since Rome, since...
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- I'm just going to say Jesus was not obsessed with bedrooms. Jews are not obsessed with bedrooms.
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- So effectively, she's saying that conservatives are obsessed with what people do in their bedrooms, but Jesus, who they claim to follow, doesn't care about that stuff at all.
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- In other words, conservative Christians care about law, but Jesus cares about gospel. This is yet another one of these baseless arguments that they trot out over and over again.
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- What did Jesus actually say about the law in his own words? Well, in Matthew 5, 17, he says this, quote, do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.
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- I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. And the way in which he fulfills them is described in the rest of his teaching.
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- And frankly, in the rest of the new Testament in general, for anyone who is actually interested and isn't acting in bad faith.
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- So no, this is not a hidden teaching that traditional Christians have been keeping in a dark cupboard somewhere behind the youth group's goldfish.
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- No, we have been very clear about it over and over and over. But the progressives refuse to get the point, and they're doing it intentionally.
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- So next time you're tempted to lose your mind because of a progressive Christian, just don't. Instead, humbly and confidently stand on the truth of God's word.
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- Refute this nonsense and speak the truth in love for the glory of God. Please pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video.
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- And check out the ministries linked in the description. Like, subscribe, hit the bell, and subscribe to our
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- Rumble channel. And these are the amazing people who make this channel possible with their monthly support. Today's highlighted channel supporter is
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