Centering Whiteness - It's Real

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well, it has been quite a week, quite a week indeed.
I was out fishing earlier and the ice is out and so it's, you know, open water and I haven't caught anything, so I had a lot of time to think.
And I was thinking about, you know, Guinan being nominated to the Supreme Court and just, you know, it's been really hilarious to watch
Evangelicals try to defend her nomination. She's awful, obviously awful, but they're, you know, they're trying their best because, you know, they really need a chocolate goddess to worship.
So in any case, Guinan's been nominated and she's going to be a Supreme Court justice, no question about it.
And I've got, you know, people defending, you know, maybe it actually really is a complicated question how to define a woman.
Science says it's not an easy answer. It's just really funny. Tom Buck had highlighted Dwight McKissick.
He's very neutral. He's not a Republican or a Democrat, but, you know, defining a woman is actually very difficult for Dwight, Pastor Dwight McKissick.
I'm sure it is. I'm not even of the opinion anymore that that woman was lying or that Dwight is lying.
I think they really don't know. Like, Dwight McKissick is literally so damaged, his brain is so damaged, that he actually doesn't know how to define the word woman.
In any case, so yeah, so there's that. But, you know, I've moved past all that. I'm thinking at deeper levels here.
And this morning I had just a eureka moment. It was just like one of those things where, you know, you got the light bulb that goes off.
I'm there, I'm fishing, you know, I'm trying out a swim bait. I've never caught a fish on a swim bait before. So I'm just trying to work the swim bait and all that.
And all of a sudden, just like that, I had a brain spark. And I started realizing that, you know, when it comes to the politicians that are promoted, you know, and the judges and things like that, there's a certain kind of minority person that is promoted these days.
And I got to be honest with you, I never believed in the centering whiteness thing, but I think they might be onto something.
Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about. Let's pull up a little image of AOC's boyfriend.
Now AOC is a Boricua sister. You know, maybe, who knows, maybe I might even be related to her.
This is her boyfriend. It's AOC here. Let's take a quick look. This is
AOC here, obviously Boricua sister. I could be related to her. She looks like people in my family.
It's very, very much so. Here's AOC. And then we've got her boyfriend here. He certainly seems to be a bit of a ginger.
You know, he's pretty white. Let's just face it. So there's AOC's boyfriend. Let's take a look at, well, this is why
I thought of it because Guinan's husband. Let's take a quick look here. Everyone was swooning over how much she said she loved her husband.
I mean, I don't even know how she can identify her husband, but hey, that's me. But yeah, if you notice here, so she's being celebrated as a chocolate goddess and her husband is, well, as white as white can be.
So that's two for two. AOC's got a white boyfriend. Kitanhi's got a white husband.
Let's check out, hmm, who could be someone else they could check out here? I don't know.
Think this one through. Let's check out Sonia Sotomayor. Yeah, let's check out
Sonia. I don't think she has a husband anymore. I think she might've gotten divorced, but let's check out her husband.
So Kevin Noonan. Here it is. Kevin Noonan also seems as white as white can be.
It's like an episode of the movie Powder. An episode of the movie Powder. That makes absolutely no sense,
AD. What are you talking about? So that's three for three. Three white husbands of these celebrated and just wonderful, you know, black and minority candidates.
I don't know. I mean, I certainly think that this, this certainly seems like a white person trick. Like, like if white, listen, white devils are, are very sneaky.
And if white devils were out there, I think this is the kind of trick they would do. They'd put out these, you know, there's got some Puerto Ricans, we got some blacks, but really behind the scenes, you know, they got the white person pulling the strings and all of that.
Let's, there's a few others. Let's think, let's think this through. Oh yeah. The other one was Kamala Harris.
And I kind of knew this one as well, but I had to double check Kamala Harris, you know, beautiful black woman.
Let's check out what her husband looks like. Kamala Harris has
Jewish husband. And you know, let's just face it. He's a white dude. This is Kamala Harris.
This is her white husband. This certainly seems to me like a trick. This is centering whiteness underground.
This is like an underground way to sensor center whiteness. It's like, yeah, sure. We'll give you a, a beautiful black or Boricua face to look at.
But in reality, we got the white person behind the scenes, kind of making sure that things are going according to the white, the white man's plan.
You know, I'm starting to be convinced by this stuff, this social justice stuff, my whole channel. It might be, I might be living a lie friends.
I might be living a lie. This has started to convince me, you know, I wonder if this even applies to lesbians like Lori Lightfoot wife.
Now, obviously this is not her real wife. This is like, this is like a pretend wife because you know, a woman can't be married to another woman.
That's obviously insane, but let's check it, check this out. See if it, if it goes. Yeah. I mean, sure enough, there you go.
Sure. It really is
Beetlejuice. So sure enough, even when you're pretend married, your wife, again, is a white, is a white person.
I, Amy Elshalim, Elshalim, Elshalim, Eshelman, Eshelman.
So she might have a Jewish white, wife as well. This is just very interesting.
We just went five for five, everybody five for five of celebrated black and Boricua politicians and judges.
And behind the scenes, we've got a white spouse pulling the strings. Let's just face it.
This is exactly what a country steeped in white supremacy would do.
They would give you someone to look at the OCs really it's blacks and Browns that are running the show.
But behind the scenes, what you're not seeing is they're all always the white people are back there pulling the strings.
I gotta be, I gotta be honest. I'm sorry, Jamar. I'm sorry. You were right. I was wrong.
Our country is steeped in white supremacy. Let's just face it. Let's try one more. You know, everyone was celebrating
Cory Booker's speech. Oh, you ain't gonna rob me of my joy. You ain't gonna rob me of my joy.
Oh, glory. Hallelujah. Like we got, let's just check out Cory Booker because Cory Booker, you know, if he's got a white wife,
I'm going to be very, very, well, I'm not going to be surprised at all.
Cory Booker wife. Oh, he doesn't have a wife. He has a girlfriend. Rosaria Dawson is his girlfriend.
Well, but this fits right in because we all know that out of all the black actresses out there, white people like Rosaria Dawson the most.
That is, that is very clearly the case because she's kind of got like that quirky sort of nerdy, you know, attitude and stuff like that.
And we all know white people love their nerds. So yeah, this is, this fits right in. I mean, yeah, sure, sure. She's a, she's a person of color.
Let's, she's an actress of color. Let's just call it what it is. She's an actress of color, but she's the actress of color that a lot of white people like.
So therefore this fits right in. We went six for six, everybody. Six for six.
Centering whiteness amongst blacks and Puerto Ricans in politics. I think,
I think the channel's over. I think I got to cancel it. I, I was wrong. Kyle, you were right. Kyle Howard was right the entire time.
So was Jamar, Justin Giboney, Jackie Hill Perry, all these people really behind the scenes.
We've got a white person pulling the strings left and right. We're in a, we're in a racist country, white supremacy steeped in white privilege.
And that's really all I've got to say about that. Anyway, I hope you had a great week. I sure did.