WHY They're ALL Going to Become Christians! | Pastor Reacts
Patrick Bet David sat with Wes Huff and made a prediction about some famous people that are about to convert to Christianity! They also discuss why atheism set the stage for the meaning crisis and we're about to get right into it!
Link to original video: https://youtu.be/YqTQEIe4q80?si=L2ozBPc0e49jcgff
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- 00:00
- Patrick Bet -David just made a very interesting prediction about some famous people that maybe we all know that are about to convert to Christianity.
- 00:07
- Take a look. I'm actually very optimistic about the future. And by the way, here's a crazy prediction I'll make to you. I think some weird people are gonna become
- 00:13
- Christians next two years. But that sparks a discussion about what times we are actually living in right now. And also why atheism is completely bankrupt and has set the stage for the current meaning crisis in our culture.
- 00:24
- So let's get into this discussion. I'm gonna break it down for you and talk about what this means for us. And as always, where all of this connects back to the
- 00:31
- Bible. So let's jump right in. Welcome back to Wise Disciple.
- 00:37
- My name is Nate, and I'm helping you become the effective Christian that you were meant to be, which entails understanding why and how people search for God in today's culture.
- 00:45
- Make sure to like, sub, and share this one around, but only if it blesses you. I think this is a big opportunity for, like when
- 00:51
- I watch what Charlie Crook did in the last 12 months on TikTok, it's like, whoa, amazing.
- 00:57
- You know, the other day Trump's talking about why would I wanna shut down TikTok? Look at the numbers that we have. We're doing this, we're doing that, we're doing this, we're doing that, we're doing this, right?
- 01:04
- And so what is that? What does Charlie Crook get credit for? I think one of the things I give Charlie Crook a lot of credit for, Charlie Crook goes on school campuses and sits there and says, ask me anything.
- 01:14
- Is this the one, Rob? Zoom in a little bit on the data with this. It's cut off. I have to go find the original. Yeah, but just zoom in on the bottom. I'll show, that shows how many views on the bottom.
- 01:20
- 2 .4 billion views. Team Trump. Donald Trump, 1 .4 billion. Kamala Harris, 1 .3 billion. Charlie Crook, 1 .3 billion. And you see at the bottom,
- 01:26
- Taylor Swift, 251 million. Beyonce, 131 million. Kardashian, 121 million. So why would we take down TikTok? I think -
- 01:33
- So this is really a conversation about opportunity. You know, we Christians are poised to speak to the most people in the quickest manner possible about God and his word today.
- 01:45
- Think about that, you know? That's just where we find ourselves in the 21st century. So, I mean, are we gonna get rid of TikTok or not?
- 01:54
- Maybe, I don't, but that's not the question. The question you should be asking is, what is TikTok for? If it can be used by Christians to glorify
- 02:02
- God, even though right now it's being used for, yeah, I don't know, like making ridiculous dance tutorials or something, well then maybe we shouldn't shut it down.
- 02:12
- I mean, that's basically what Patrick Bette David is suggesting at the moment. I think today, believe it or not, I think it's the season where a bigger
- 02:19
- Billy Graham's gonna come that's using the tools. I'm actually very optimistic about the future. And by the way, here's a crazy prediction I'll make to you with us being here right now as well.
- 02:26
- I think some weird people are gonna become Christians next two years. Oh, and I agree with you.
- 02:32
- And I think we're already starting to see that with the Iron Hercules and others where we're seeing a resurgence. Oh, I'm talking bigger.
- 02:37
- Yeah? I'm talking bigger. I'm talking to some guys that people would never expect to go there. I think that's happening next two years.
- 02:43
- No, I think you're right. And who would that be? Who are we talking about, right? Are we talking about Joe Rogan, Taylor Swift, whoever your favorite
- 02:53
- Hollywood celeb is, maybe the entire Hollywood ecosystem? Like, who are we talking about?
- 03:00
- It's funny, like five years ago, if somebody would have made that statement, I would have been like, you're out of your mind.
- 03:06
- You know? But man, we have seen some big influential folks come to Christ recently.
- 03:13
- And yeah, not who you would think, like Kat Von D, Russell Brand, or even
- 03:19
- Nick Cave, right? Of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. I mean,
- 03:25
- I don't know if you're as old as I am, but that should shock you if you know who Nick Cave is.
- 03:30
- Anyway, of course, nothing is impossible with the Lord. Amen? Let's see if PBD makes any more specific predictions here.
- 03:37
- And I think we're in a particularly interesting age where you had the new atheism with the
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- Richard Dawkins and the Daniel Dennett's and the Sam Harris's. And I think we saw those seeds planted and they grew into dead trees.
- 03:48
- And people realize that if you tell individuals that they're just a product of timeless matter plus chance, that they have no ultimate meaning, then they're gonna struggle in finding purpose and drive.
- 03:58
- What do you think happened with Sam Harris? Do you think that's what it is? No, I think the new atheism, as it was articulated in the early 2000s, was a movement that was largely motivated in print and was theoretical, but actually the practical implications were dangerous.
- 04:10
- And that people, even people like Sam Harris, have realized that they are inefficient to actually be applied in real life.
- 04:17
- Yep. Well, and atheists have admitted this though, right? So folks like Richard Dawkins, Peter Boghossian, they've admitted that new atheism, as well -intentioned as they thought it was, ultimately led to things like, well, culture, the tea movement, right?
- 04:36
- You know what I mean? The tea and the LGBT. New atheism led to these kinds of things.
- 04:41
- No question. As a matter of fact, take a look at this real quick. Do you think I would, it would be unfair for me to say that the new atheists perhaps cleared a path by killing
- 04:52
- God, again, for these new religions to, these new quasi -religions, pseudo -religions, to flourish?
- 05:01
- 100%. Is there a link? It's absolutely true. Of course it's true. Now the question is why?
- 05:08
- And the answer, you know, or one of the answers is because people are meaning -seeking creatures.
- 05:16
- So there you go. You don't need a psychology degree to understand this. As it turns out,
- 05:22
- Viktor Frankl was absolutely correct. He wrote a book called Man's Search for Meaning. You should take a look at it.
- 05:29
- The reality is the moment that you kill God, right, which is a phrase taken from Nietzsche, you move into this hypothetical world of your own making where your autonomy reigns free and you no longer align to a transcendent moral standard.
- 05:45
- Now, is God really dead? No, absolutely not. But you start walking around and acting as if he is.
- 05:51
- What happens to people who were created to live out a specific purpose and discover objective meaning but reject it?
- 05:59
- The answer is they try to find it in the wrong things. They try to scratch the transcendent itch with spiritual poison ivy, and it leads to all kinds of disasters.
- 06:10
- And so that's why you see, I think, people becoming the quote -unquote spiritual but not religious, and the new age becoming far more popular than,
- 06:17
- I don't run into atheists in the like Richard Dawkins types anymore, I don't. I run into a lot of people who are into manifestation and meditation and Christ consciousness and all of this kind of esoteric, very vague,
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- I want the things I like about religion, but I don't actually wanna be held accountable to anyone or anything.
- 06:34
- I'm finding that more and more, and that's also empty. And so I think you're 100 % right in that we live in a particular age where the clarity that's gonna be spoken into the confusion
- 06:45
- I think is the truth of the gospel message and Christianity. Again, that's because Christianity ultimately satisfies the longing for real meaning and purpose in everyone's life.
- 06:56
- That's the clarity that Wes is talking about. And you know what that feels like practically?
- 07:02
- It feels like peace. This is what Jesus offers us all. Matthew 11, verse 28,
- 07:07
- Jesus says, "'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, "'and I will give you rest. "'Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, "'for
- 07:15
- I am gentle and lowly in heart, "'and you will find rest for your souls.'"
- 07:21
- But this peace is not manufactured and short -lived. This is an objective peace that transcends us and is given to us as a free gift from our creator.
- 07:34
- So don't get it twisted. You know, there are manufactured moments of peace that people can offer us, you know?
- 07:41
- The prophet Ezekiel characterized it like this. This is chapter 13, verse nine. "'My hands,' this is the
- 07:46
- Lord speaking, "'will be against the prophets who see false visions "'and who give lying divinations.'"
- 07:51
- Verse 10, "'Precisely because they have misled my people,' and here it is, "'saying peace when there is no peace.
- 07:58
- "'And because when the people build a wall, "'these prophets smear it with whitewash.'"
- 08:03
- And then the Lord goes on to say, "'Say to those who smear it with whitewash, it shall fall.'" Which is interesting because Jesus made a similar point in Matthew 7 about the house that will not fall.
- 08:13
- You remember that? So there is such a thing as peace where there is no peace. It's like a whitewash covering that masks flimsy walls.
- 08:23
- The walls may stand for a time, but they're eventually gonna fall down. That's what happens when you seek meaning, you seek purpose and peace from anywhere other than its true source.
- 08:35
- PBD said at the outset that there are gonna be some celebrities and people in high places that are going to become
- 08:42
- Christian next, and I hope he's right. But I also suspect that it's going to be because they are going to realize by the power of the
- 08:48
- Holy Spirit that their pursuit of meaning is still leaving them as empty as ever before. That's how a
- 08:55
- Joe Rogan is going to get saved, amen? If Joe Rogan is someone who is genuinely seeking truth, he's going to come to a crossroads.
- 09:04
- It's inevitable. And maybe he's already there, you know? But he's going to have to choose to continue down the path of truth, which ultimately leads to Jesus Christ, or turn away from it and choose another path.
- 09:18
- But man, I pray that he seeks the truth no matter where it leads, you know? Now, there's one last question that PBD asks, and it's a good one.
- 09:27
- With as much antipathy and hostility alive today, are we living in the same kind of biblical times as the
- 09:34
- New Testament? Comparing today to when you read about the city of Corinth and how immoral it was, and you see many times a comparison being made of Corinth with the modern -day
- 09:43
- Las Vegas or whatever some of these other cities that we have in America. And of course, you don't know the definite question.
- 09:49
- Well, I mean, we can talk about Las Vegas if he wants to talk about Las Vegas, you know? I was a pastor out in Las Vegas for a number of years before that,
- 09:57
- I was an unsaved person working on the Las Vegas Strip in the casino industry. You know,
- 10:02
- I've had all the jobs, man. I was a valet attendant for a while. I was a cards dealer.
- 10:08
- I was a bouncer at a nightclub, you know? And I've seen a lot of crazy stuff. We can talk about that if PBD is interested in that.
- 10:14
- You know, when I make this comparison, I'm just curious to know what you're gonna be saying about this. So how do you compare today's times to biblical times,
- 10:20
- Corinth, that era? Oh, I think the time period that we live in is much more emblematic of the early church in those first few centuries of its existence in that you have a culture that was very much accepting of, say, promiscuous sexual ethics and idolatry and was open to things and misrepresented and misunderstood
- 10:39
- Christianity fundamentally. And some of the earliest critics of Christianity referred to Christianity as the religion of slaves and women because it gave agency to these groups that were marginalized within society.
- 10:50
- So funny, the mob's been around always and it confuses and gaslights people all the time. Definitely, and Christianity were accused of, Christians were accused of being atheists,
- 10:56
- A, being the negative participle, and then theos, meaning God, because they denied that the gods existed, and anti -social. It's funny because a lot of atheists get upset because they do not believe that Christians have or can understand what it's like to be an atheist, right?
- 11:12
- Well, as it turns out, not only do we know what it's like, we were killed for being atheists before it was cool to be an atheist.
- 11:19
- So chew on that cut for a moment. Because they wouldn't participate in the goings on within society that were inherently religious.
- 11:25
- And so it's in this context that Christianity, grassroots from the bottom up, eventually goes from 11 scared disciples hiding in an upper room when
- 11:34
- Jesus is crucified to fundamentally taking over the Roman world within half a millennium.
- 11:41
- And it's because of the faithful witness of the Christians who were being persecuted, and yet were still proclaiming
- 11:48
- Jesus as Lord, and were fundamentally speaking into the society that they lived in with a message that overturned the norms, because it gave people purpose.
- 12:00
- And ultimately it gave them truth, that the idea of God stepping out of eternity changes the paradigm.
- 12:07
- So there it is again. It just cannot be overstated. Christianity is one of the few religions of the world that can provide ultimate purpose.
- 12:18
- I mean, Judaism, you can make the argument Judaism as well, although speaking as a Christian, Judaism is a religion without its
- 12:23
- Messiah. So there are those who recognize Jesus as the Messiah, and there are those who do not.
- 12:30
- But those of us who do are the ultimate fulfillment of God's people who recognize the Messiah, the
- 12:36
- Lord and Savior who has come in the first century. Because of that, Christianity provides objective meaning and transcendent purpose.
- 12:45
- And let me say it one more time for the back row, ladies and gentlemen, it's because God is the one who provides those things, not us.
- 12:54
- And again, I mean, we're all in that journey. We're all searching for meaning and purpose. Even those who reject
- 13:01
- God are doing so. The marketplace of ideas, as well as of worldviews, is not devoid of the promise of meaning and purpose.
- 13:09
- Everywhere you turn, some worldview or ideology is promising meaning and purpose. But these all fall short, because only
- 13:18
- God can provide what you seek. And the only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ. Look at this.
- 13:23
- This is Colossians chapter two, verse eight. Paul says this, see to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
- 13:36
- Now, notice the dichotomy of imagery here. Paul wants to point out that there are all kinds of philosophical and even religious systems that exist, but they are all empty.
- 13:49
- That's what Wes said a moment ago, right? However, Jesus Christ is fullness.
- 13:55
- In Christ, the fullness or completeness that you seek dwells. Look at verse nine. For in him, the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily.
- 14:06
- Many of you know what this emptiness feels like. You've been chasing peace and meaning in all the wrong things, instead of the only one who can give it to you.
- 14:16
- Jesus Christ is the source of meaning and purpose. And, you know, not just the subjective feelings that are fleeting, right?
- 14:24
- That come and go with the tide, but I'm talking about a deep shalom, a shalom, shalom that originates, it originates outside of you, because it is part of the process that God is going to perform for the whole world.
- 14:42
- You know, God is putting the world's brokenness back together, including you and me. That's where real meaning and purpose rests.
- 14:51
- We have to find it in the transcendent God. We have to receive it as a gift from him.
- 14:57
- And that's how you will ultimately find peace. Paul goes on to say this, this is chapter three, verse 15.
- 15:04
- Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.
- 15:11
- Again, notice, where does this peace come from? It doesn't come from you. It doesn't come from philanthropy.
- 15:18
- It doesn't come from a special diet or thinking positive thoughts. It comes from Jesus Christ and him alone.
- 15:26
- And the only way to have it is that we have to let it rule in our hearts.
- 15:31
- It is something that we receive as a gift from him as we abide in him. Actually, so I like how
- 15:38
- Isaiah puts it. Look at this, Isaiah chapter 26, verse three says, you keep him, so the
- 15:44
- Lord keeps him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you.
- 15:51
- Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. Ah, there's that picture again of a rock that will not fall.
- 15:59
- And the way to have this peace, to understand our objective meaning and purpose is to keep our minds stayed on God, ladies and gentlemen.
- 16:12
- In a world searching for meaning and purpose and peace, the God of Christianity says, come to me.
- 16:20
- Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden. I will give it to you. I will give you rest. I love it.
- 16:28
- I love it. I love the moment that Wes Hough is having.
- 16:34
- And I'm just praising the Lord that more and more people across multiple platforms now, right, are hearing the message of Christianity, along with a strong defense at the same time.
- 16:45
- So let's keep praying for Wes and for folks like him to be used by God, spread the good news of the kingdom to everyone who needs to hear it, amen.
- 16:55
- All right, now it's your turn. Is PBD right? Are there gonna be some huge celebrities and influencers that we couldn't even think, whatever convert, are they gonna convert to Christianity in the next two years?
- 17:05
- Who do you think that's gonna be, by the way? Let me know in the comments below. As always, since you made it this far, you definitely need to jump over to my
- 17:11
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- 17:16
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- Biblingo link below and use wise disciple 10 at checkout. Hey, I'm gonna return soon with more videos, but in the meantime,