F4F | Chuck Pierce Prophetic Doubletalk RE War in Israel


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God.
So I did very recently a very long episode looking at what the Bible says regarding Israel and who is true
Israel and who isn't true Israel. All of this in the context of the current conflict that is going on in Israel.
It is here where we're going to take a turn into the lunatic fringe. Unfortunately the lunatic fringe in the charismatic movement in the
NAR and Pentecostalism has taken over the mainstream of those movements and as a result of it we have to note that there's a very very stern warning in Scripture and one that applies in this particular case and it's not a flattering prophecy.
It's a very stern warning and a prophecy about what's going to be happening in the days before the return of Christ and we're watching the fulfillment of it in our day.
We're going to be listening to Chuck Pierce, a supposed prophet, a supposed apostle at at Glory of Zion.
He was recently featured on the Strang Report and Strang is the guy who runs
Charisma magazine and so we're going to listen to a part of what it is that Chuck Pierce has to say and we're going to note what's really going on here.
This isn't prophecy. This isn't God's voice. This isn't the Spirit speaking. There's something far worse that's actually taking place and I'll explain it here in a minute.
So let's whirl up the desktop shall we and let's go to our web browser and so at the time that I recorded this this was shortly after Hamas's attack against Israel.
The Strang Report from Charisma magazine. This is his YouTube and here's his interview at least a portion of it with Chuck Pierce.
Hello I'm Stephen Strang and welcome to this special edition of the Strang Report podcast. I am so excited to be able to talk to Chuck Pierce, one of the foremost prophetic voices of our era.
What? And is he wearing a...is he in prison?
Is he...just had to ask because I mean it looks like Chuck Pierce is, you know, they're filming him inside of a prison.
He's got the orange jumpsuit on or something like that. All right, foremost prophetic voices of our era.
No he is not. Chuck Pierce is not a prophetic voice of anything.
If he's actually speaking and these are words of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit then we're in trouble.
The universe is doomed. So I'll give you more as to why
I think that if you haven't already figured it out in a minute but let's continue. And if you know me, you know
I'm a Christian journalist and I've been covering the spirit -filled community and the prophetic movement for a long time and I remember as Chuck was coming up and just starting people to talk about him and hearing him speak, he and I were just reflecting that he actually came to our headquarters here in Florida sometime around 2000 and I remember he gave us insight prophetically because I think all of us need to live our lives according to the
Bible of course but we have to understand what the Spirit is saying. Yeah you need the
Bible but what you really need is Chuck Pierce to tell you what the Spirit is saying. Chuck Pierce is not hearing from God.
These are not words from God the Holy Spirit. It's blasphemous to say so by the way. And now with this war in Israel and it's not just a skirmish, it's just not the infitada, it's a war.
It's a war between Israel and Hamas and it's serious and if you've been watching my
Stranger Report podcast you know that we've been covering it, we've been talking to different ministries, some of which we're raising money for, but today
I want you my viewers and listeners to hear what God is saying. You want them to hear what
God is saying. Listen to what Stephen Strang just said. I want you,
I want our listeners to hear what God is saying. This then falls into the the area of prophecy.
So again I would remind you, okay, we are under orders from God the
Holy Spirit in 1st John chapter 4 verse 1. And let me just zip this back just kind of so we can focus on it.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit. Test the spirits to see whether they are from God.
For many false prophets have gone out into the world. So Stephen Strang legitimately is, the reason he's had
Chuck Pierce on his podcast is because he believes that what
Chuck Pierce is about to tell us that these are words from God and that he is really speaking via the
Holy Spirit. Okay, we continue. There's no one better in my opinion than Chuck Pierce.
He has no one better, no one better at saying nothing. A long history, he has insights, he was one of the first people that I ever heard say that China was going to become a major threat to our country and this was back when it was practically a third world country and that of course has happened and there's a lot of things that are still to come about but that is just my endorsement of Chuck Pierce and his ministry, not everyone.
Alright, so note this is a full -throated endorsement of Chuck Pierce and his ministry and this is what the
Spirit is saying regarding the war in Israel. He understands Chuck Pierce but I think the prophets in the
Bible... No one understands Chuck Pierce. Let me back that up so you can hear this again. ...are still to come about but that is just my endorsement of Chuck Pierce and his ministry, not everyone understands
Chuck Pierce. Nobody can. Nobody can understand Chuck Pierce.
Chuck Pierce traffics in a technique called double talk, and I'll explain that in a minute.
But I think the prophets in the Bible were misunderstood too, so let me start by welcoming you.
The prophets in the Bible actually gave real prophecies, they were from God, and they spoke lucidly.
The Bible is actually understandable. To raise Chuck Pierce's nonsensical gibberish, non -lucid word salad sentences, to compare him to the biblical prophets is blasphemy and I'll explain more why in a minute.
You're just getting my opinions at the moment. I mean you have such a busy travel schedule and you're able to fit in this podcast which we're gonna get online just as quickly as we can, so why don't we start by you telling us what you think is happening.
He's obviously doing the zoom call from the Folsom County Prison. ...with this war that happened in Israel almost 50 years to the day from the
Yom Kippur War. Well I believe the timing is so important for all of you listening because...
Alright so now Chuck Pierce has begun his words from the
Spirit. This is what the Spirit is saying about the war in Israel and I'm so glad the closed captioning is on because you cannot diagram these sentences.
Let me back this up. Here we go. Well I believe the timing is so important for all of you listening because what happened was history made a shift back in September.
I think we've had a podcast, Dave, about this. In September of 2019 we started into a new era historically.
In Hebrew it's called a pay era. No it's not. Atah lomo v 'nevriz.
You don't know Hebrew and he's referring to the Hebrew letter pay which back in 2019 they were saying that that was the year of the of the mouth.
Okay this is nonsense. And one of the reasons you always look at Hebrew is because our covenant is a
Hebrew covenant and once you understand timing because God set his covenant revelation in time.
We're in time. God's not in time but the whole Word of God is built around Shabbat, firstfruits, and then the feast time and the
Lord did that to keep us in a harvest mentality and what happened starting in September of 2019 we entered into this war era.
It's called a pay era. Okay let me explain the technique.
Okay there are fellows who make a living in entertainment, corporate entertainment, doing what
Chuck Pierce is doing right now and it's called Double Talk and there's a fellow by the name of Kevin King.
You know this video was put out 12, 13 years ago now and it was a promotional video. Basically you know him basically offering his services for the purpose of roasting people to of you know of kind of confusing them all for fun but watch the technique here because what this guy does what he this is examples of this is all for entertainment but what
Chuck Pierce is doing isn't for entertainment this is for deception so watch the tech you don't know are you staying in this hotel oh okay well that's good because you know you know it must be necessary in order for others to save face if the problems can bring the subject whenever possible to involve all the participants who would not normally have as much input under these working conditions that seemed like is that it was a good point the many requests that are made to fulfill the expectations from the first moment that you even consider the time that it takes to create the obligation lots of time lots of it takes lots of time and what do you think about the low -barrel tapings and backs around the corner when they had its own way for all the ones to get involved
I mean were there 60 40 I don't know I don't know I just don't know if they all see a need to react on short notice in each of these steps more closely before the issues can even be addressed with the committee
I'll go with that we were just curious now I'm gonna point this out like I said this is for entertainment purposes if you go to the front of his video of the front of this video listen to what he says hey
I'm Kevin King my double talk interviews are the perfect way to put your key people on a pedestal of course while they're up there the audience will be falling out of their seats laughing but don't worry in the end they look like heroes because everyone comes away with the understanding that clear communication is the secret to success in any business ah so he's this is entertainment with kind of a message about the need for communication so I don't know if Kevin King is still offering his services anymore as a double talker but you get the point that is exactly what
Chuck Pierce is doing he's engaging in a technique called double talk he is not saying anything at all he in fact the whole point of what he's doing this is same technique it's he's just mastered it beautifully and so listen again to what the
Spirit is saying about about the the war in Israel right now and watch the similarities between him and and Kevin God is built around Shabbat first fruits and then the feast time and the
Lord did that to keep us in a harvest mentality and what happened starting in September of 2019 we entered into this war era it's called a pay era it's an era of coming face -to -face face -to -face with the
Lord face -to -face with the enemy and every year you progress it's not like linear when we think time you're moving from one year to the next year to the next year and now we're at the year in Hebrew 5 7 8 4 which is we're headed into 2024 in our calendar but when you start looking at for you see that where the war and what we began to prophesize starting in August was that the war would take you up to the gate see for is linked with the concept of going through the door going through the gate and all of a sudden we knew that this war would take us totally up to the gate of he wasn't prophesying this war back in August of this year by the way you can go back if you go to glory of Zion org they have if you go to the watch section they have a prophecy center and if if Chuck Pierce had legitimately prophesied the war in Israel back in August of this year they would be pulling that video forward and saying look how accurate how amazingly accurate
Chuck Pierce's instead when you go to the Prophecy Center you get fruit loop prophecies and that's the only way
I can describe them so let's let's take a look at just a few examples shall we we're not doing prophecy bingo at the moment so let's just look like the river calls champagne and it really did and it was like the cork popped and you began to bubble over and you begin to pour out and show everything and I saw people stepping in your river and when they did they became effervescent they became filled with life so the name of this prophecy is let the cork of your river pop okay well what about this one there's a new identity for Wisconsin oh you
Wisconsinites yeah that is just some good news I'm sure let's let's take a word over Wisconsin and the
Lord said I'm changing the way you eat in Wisconsin you have been known for being one identity of who you are but I am going to feed you in a new way over the next six months and you're going to burst out of your old identity and burst into a new identity
I say Wisconsin's got a new bursting identity thingy coming regarding their eatings and stuff skimming off the milk off the top and I am rising up the meat from the bottom
Wisconsin it is time to eat meat and come into a new discernment because I am watching this state and orbiting to say to you that old meal that you have set on my table has caused you to be constipated wait what?
that old meal has caused you to be constipated this is not, oh my god
I gotta back this up this is too funny hang on that old meal that you have set on my table has caused you to be constipated it has clogged you up it has caused you to put a frown on your face clean off the table remove the plate remove the tablecloth and reset it for the serving of meat that I'm bringing you you're not just milk and cheese you are meat and I'm going to stir it up and flush out the systems of yesterday alright you
Wisconsinites get ready for a colon cleansing good grief this is not
God the Holy Spirit in fact I said at the beginning of the program that this is far more sinister than that and let me explain so when we test the spirit this spirit fails this isn't
God the Holy Spirit speaking at all this is non -lucidity and it's very easy to see what it is that Chuck Pierce and others are doing they're engaging in the technique called double talk that's where you say words and you put them together in sentences but like the sentence blue sleeps faster than Tuesday you got a noun and a verb and stuff like that and throw in some adverbs and next thing you know it sounds like you're saying something but you're not this is something that Chuck Pierce has been trafficking in for decades and the fact that anyone would think that this is
God the Holy Spirit speaking through him or that the Holy Spirit has anything whatsoever to do with this man's ministry shows that we're in a very bad space and let me explain 2
Thessalonians chapter 2 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him we ask you brothers not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed either by a spirit or a spoken word or a letter seeming to be from us to the effect that the day of the
Lord has come let no one deceive you in any way that day will not come unless the rebellion apostasia that's what we're in right now comes first and then the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction we're at this point the rebellion in the body of Christ against God's word and with the false prophets and the false apostles and false anointed ones aplenty let's just say pay attention things are starting to get interesting right?
so and then the man of lawlessness was revealed the son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself against every so -called
God or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of God proclaiming himself to be
God do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things and you know what's restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains it will do so until he's out of the way and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the
Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming okay?
so the demise of the man of lawlessness it's an interesting thing I like to think of the man of lawlessness as being the last man standing on the day of judgment and Christ kills him with the breath of his mouth does the opposite with the man of lawlessness as he did with Adam when
God created Adam created Adam formed his body out of the dust of the earth and there was his lifeless body and then
God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and so Adam became a living being by God breathing into his nostrils and he becoming to life man of lawlessness his ending is the exact opposite ending of Adam's if you think of it they're kind of like bookends and Adam and the man of lawlessness each have a different demise and they bookend each other perfectly but watch this starting at verse 9 of chapter 2 of 2
Thessalonians the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders we've been experiencing a lot of that for the past few decades and ramping up even more so nowadays all of the deliverance shows the deliverance and breaking of generational curses and nonsense by the so -called demon slayers and the
Catherine Cricks of the earth and all the nonsensical shows put on by Benny Hinn and others including
Catherine Kuhlman false signs, false wonders these are not real so the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power, false signs and wonders and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved and that's the problem that we see in so many charismatic churches they do not love the truth they're not interested in the scriptures they don't trust anybody who reads the
Bible with any kind of rigor at all therefore, God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness and this is the only way
I can describe it if you think that Chuck Pierce is hearing from God that his non -lucid double -talk word salad which he puts forward as thus saith the
Lord prophecies if you think that that's actually the Holy Spirit and that his prophecies are true they're neither true nor false they don't make any sense which means they're actually false if you actually believe that God the
Holy Spirit is speaking through Chuck Pierce you're under this delusion you're under a judgment from God and you need to beware because things are not going to go well for you the fact that you think that Chuck Pierce is speaking words for God when it's obvious to anybody with two brain cells that he isn't that means you're under this delusion that God sends you are utterly under a judgment of God and you need to listen to what
I'm going to say because what's called for right now if you think Chuck Pierce is legitimately hearing from God you need to repent you need to cry out to God to forgive you for believing the blasphemies that have come out of this man's face and believing that that was
God the Holy Spirit when all you had to do was read your Bible and you would have figured it out pretty quick that what he's saying isn't true at all and that that's not
God the Holy Spirit and so if you anybody who thinks that Chuck Pierce is from God is under a delusion you have to consider them under God's judgment because it is so obvious I mean it's obvious to two and three year olds that this man is cuckoo banana town right so let's come back and let's listen to more of his of his blatherings regarding the war in Israel against our enemy and I want to encourage each one of you you have a great promise on the other side but this year is a year of war for that promise and we're seeing it always start with Israel and because God's always going to look at him look at Strang doesn't even know what he's saying he's always going to give us an example from his covenant land and so we are right in God's timing perfect with this war and I know it's a very difficult thing to watch we have many many friends in Israel my kids have lived there for ten years we still have our house we still have our ministry center there and we're using that as much as we can use it for what's going on right now and we're staying in touch on both front lines the south
Gaza front line and the north front line which that's a real danger right now that we're really praying about so this war is
God's war that's the first thing you want to know it's God's war and it's God's war against the terrorist of his covenant and if you look at it like that it will help you understand better what's happening and one more thing before you ask me something is this year is also one of the words that's linked with this year's chaff so one of the things
I began to share we had an incredible gathering at Feast of Tabernacles and head of the year and one of the things
I began to share was this will be a year of great division because it's a year of separating chaff from wheat so one of the things
I prophesied and it's just the Lord just called me up on Saturday morning of head of the year and I began to prophesy how the nations this will be the year of sorting out the nations
God's going to be sorting out his goat nations his sheep nations and we as God's people are going to have to keep a kingdom perspective or we're going to get lost in the emotion of what's happening yeah, diagram those paragraphs and those sentences what he just said he didn't say anything yet Stephen Strang of Charisma Magazine legitimately thinks that he has something to offer the body of Christ again, this is double talk if it seems to embrace the entire meaning of the show if they were the ones that were getting involved with the pot swatter trace to catch up on a lot of times said it wouldn't be fair what was that?
when the handle over set up next to the in the lobby of the hotel and they turned over on the side but I didn't know how many there were 60 or 40 what is he talking about?
right what is he talking about? that's what people need to be saying
Chuck Pierce is a deceiver and anybody who believes that this man is from God and that he's speaking words from God is under a delusion a judgment of God prophesied in 2
Thessalonians 2 you need to repent there's just no way around it so hopefully you found this helpful if so all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description
I'd like to give a quick shout out to those of you who support Fighting for the Faith and your members of our crew without you we could not be doing the work that we're doing so I want to say thank you for making it possible to serve the body of Christ with the warning work that we do if you'd like to join our crew you can find a link down below that'll take you to our website where you can join our crew and support us and thank you for everyone who does that and so until next time may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.