So Tauren Wells Preached At Elevation Church…

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a sermon from Taron Wells. For those who don't know,
Taron is a Christian music artist. He has over 1 .5 million monthly listeners on Spotify, and some of his most successful songs are
Known, Famous For, and Hills and Valleys. More than this, Taron is seen as one most promising up -and -coming young Christian artist in the entire world.
But unfortunately, he is directly associated with Lakewood Church, which is the church of famous false teacher
Joel Osteen. So obviously, his doctrinal background is cause for serious concern.
But of course, none of that doctrinally unsound association and training in the prosperity gospel is a problem at all for Stephen Furtick or Elevation Church, who willfully invited
Taron to give a sermon to their congregation. The sermon is entitled, The Year I Saw.
This video will be a general biblical analysis of that sermon, which happened to be viewed over a quarter of a million times on the
Elevation Church YouTube channel. Watch this first clip. Elevation Church!
Man, what do we do next, you know? So grateful to be here with you guys today, and I didn't come to play no games.
This ain't high school musical where I just say a couple lines and sing a few songs and entertain y 'all.
I really feel like I have a word from God today. And, uh...
So Taron enters the stage here, clapping and yelling and excitingly declaring that, quote, he didn't come to play no games or come just to entertain them.
Instead, he, quote, really feels like he has a word from God today. Of course, if this is true, then that would be a sharp contrast when compared to the usual teaching of an
Elevation Church, where almost everything is about hype, entertainment, and man -centered motivational speaking rather than the actual preaching of God's Word.
I know if you've followed this channel for any amount of time, you've probably heard this all before, but let's see if this time is going to be any different.
Watch the next clip and pay attention to the red bar at the bottom of the video. We're going to talk about that.
Watch this. So if, while you were watching that, you paid close attention to the bottom of the video, you will find that he first quotes
Scripture about 19 minutes and 20 seconds into this so -called sermon. Just to put that in perspective for you, the entire message itself was only 50 minutes long.
Having watched the entire thing, I can tell you that the first 20 minutes of this 50 -minute sermon consisted of Taron Wells telling stories and making jokes.
Again, let's put this in perspective. 20 minutes is roughly 40 % of the entire sermon.
40. That's almost half of the sermon without quoting or teaching through a single passage of the
Bible. Contrast this with the first clip, in which Taron Wells confidently said he didn't come to play any games and wasn't primarily interested in entertaining them.
No, instead, he apparently wants to give them a word from the Lord. But here's the important question.
If it isn't Taron's goal to entertain Elevation Church, then why did he spend almost half of the sermon entertaining them?
If the goal at Elevation Church is to give a word from the Lord, then why does it take so long for them to get into the actual word of the
Lord? These are important questions. One of the central goals of a real pastor, a teacher of God's Word, according to 2
Timothy 2 .15, is to, quote, be a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
This is one of the issues with Elevation and many other modern churches for that matter. The biblical emphasis is clearly on sound teaching, real, genuine instruction in the
Word of God. Yet oftentimes, in these modern hype churches, the emphasis is clearly on entertainment and motivational speaking.
But all of this has to do with the general method of preaching from Taron Wells, the general tone, which is again very concerning.
But in this next clip, let's get into the actual content of the sermon. Watch this. The story doesn't end here.
There's 60 more chapters to be written, 60 more seasons of life where you get to see who
God is and what he's capable of. So don't get stuck here. Don't get stuck in 2020.
Don't carry all of this with you. So in that clip,
Taron is drawing a conclusion from Isaiah 6 -1, which says, quote, in the year that King Uzziah died,
I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
And according to Taron, the death of King Uzziah is somehow a metaphor for something going wrong in your life.
Again, we can see the constant desire at Elevation Church to see the Word of God through self -centered glasses.
But then Taron goes on saying that your story isn't over. In fact, it cannot be over because after the sixth chapter of Isaiah, after the death of Uzziah, there are still 60 more chapters in the book of Isaiah.
That's a total of 66 chapters. And in Taron's sermon, this is taken to mean that God is guaranteeing bringing something new in your life.
He specifically says that, quote, there are 66 books in Isaiah. And that lets me know that the story doesn't end here.
If it's not good, God's not done. Then he says, quote, there are 60 more seasons of life where you get to see who
God is. So don't get stuck in 2020. So effectively, here's the point being made.
Things might not be going well in your life. In fact, it's very likely that they're not. That's kind of like King Uzziah dying, apparently.
But that happened in the sixth chapter of Isaiah, and there are still 60 more left before the book ends.
Therefore, whatever you're going through in your life, no matter what it is, it's going to turn out all right. It's going to change around because the story doesn't end here.
This sounds very encouraging, very motivational. But unfortunately, it's not real biblical teaching at all.
Not even close. This is nothing other than man -centered preaching, which misses the point entirely.
You see, just because Isaiah has 66 books, that does not mean that your problems are guaranteed to go away or that you have much more time left to figure things out, so to speak.
Job 14, 1 -5 says this, quote, man who is born of a woman is few of days and full of trouble.
His days are determined, and the number of his months is with you, that is, God. So it is important to recognize that God is sovereign over the timing of your life when your story begins and ends.
Just because Isaiah has 60 chapters left after chapter six does not mean that you have, quote, 60 more seasons of life left, as Tarrin Well said.
God has numbered your days specifically. How do we know if someone has 60 more seasons of life, or five, or even one?
And this is the problem with this kind of preaching. In its effort to motivate and encourage people, it utterly disregards the sovereignty of God and the true message of Scripture.
The book of Isaiah offers an endless amount of incredible revelation about God, and we should praise
Him that He would offer such a revelation to sinners like us. But the fact still remains, Isaiah is not a metaphor for your personal life.
You see, in an effort to motivate man, Tarrin Wells and Elevation Church have decided to read man into virtually every passage of the entire
Bible. So stay away from the false and unbiblical teaching of Tarrin Wells. Flee from the hype and emotionalism of Elevation Church.
Their doctrine is not sound, and their preaching is rooted in a dangerous, man -centered worldview.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
So let's pray for Tarrin Wells and Stephen Furtick, and really, Elevation Church, that they would all stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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