My Response To "Combat Wombat"! @ClickedTazer

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Hey guys, Colin here. Welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. And please don't forget to like, comment, share, and most importantly, subscribe and hit the notification bell to join the fight for truth.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers, viewership, and support. Let's get into the video. Well guys, when
I first started this channel, I must admit I never would have imagined that my downfall would come at the hands of a cartoon wombat.
But that's precisely what happened. After I made a video where I responded to rapper Lil Nas X's Satan Shoes and his corresponding satanic song
Montero, which if you haven't seen my original video on that, pause this one and go watch that now or this won't make any sense to you, link is in the description as always.
This video got quite a few views. In fact, it got the attention of a much larger YouTuber who calls himself
Combat Wombat. He does cultural commentary and gaming videos, I think, and has over 100 ,000 subscribers, so congratulations on that,
Mr. Wombat. In his response to me, he made many points about my character, my lack of intelligence, etc.
But that's to be expected, and I take it with a grain of salt. More importantly, he offered a lot of arguments against the claims that I made in my video, and I thought that I would take this opportunity to respond to a few of them for you here.
These arguments were also very commonly found in the comment section of my original video as well, so I think that this will be a good chance to kill two birds with one stone.
Just a heads up, this video may contain foul language when I play clips of Combat Wombat's commentary, so if you don't want to hear that, go ahead and find another video of mine that you may like instead.
Also, know that he's an agnostic, so that's the perspective, that's the worldview that he's coming from. And with that, let's get into my response to Combat Wombat.
Here's the first argument he gives, watch this clip. Seriously, watch it.
It's hilarious as hell, get it? And it's a great meme. He's also making a pair of shoes that have a demonic design.
The entire point of the song and the shoes is to piss off crazy religious nuts who tell gay people that they're going to hell for their sexuality.
And right on cue, crazy religious nuts are going insane over this. So first we have the argument that Lil Nas X is just doing these things in retaliation to religious zealots who told him he's going to hell for his sexuality and made him hate himself.
This is a horrible argument. According to them, everything you do is okay as long as you're retaliating against someone else.
Okay, by that logic, everything I said was okay because I'm just responding, I'm just retaliating, for lack of a better word, to his video, which is meant to make fun of Christians.
Of course, that's not actually what I'm doing, I'm just proving a point. You see how your point has been refuted by your own standard?
That's called a self -refuting argument. And it means that you need to go back to the drawing board and find a new point that makes more sense.
Also, I'm not really sure why I had this happen, but dozens of people were commenting, telling me that I told
Lil Nas X that he was going to hell for years because he was gay. I never once said that.
So let's get this straight. No one goes to hell for being gay specifically. They go to hell because they do not want to repent and be in the presence of God.
Everyone is born on their way to hell, regardless of their sexuality, and unless they trust in Jesus, hell is exactly where they will be when they die.
Romans 3 .23 says that, quote, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And Romans 6 .23
says that, quote, the wages of sin is death. The fact is, being gay does not make you a uniquely sinful person, but it does make you a sinful person, and you need to repent and trust in Jesus for your salvation.
Here's his second point. Rather, the Bible says, in Isaiah 5 .20,
Here we go. Time for him to bring up random fucking scripture that he interprets in any way he wants to suit his agenda.
I love when religious people do this. It says in Jebediah 69 .03,
The meek shall be turned, and their assets bona fide in their regret.
I think that means gay people are bad or some shit. Jesus called people out of their sin.
He did not encourage them in it. He said, quote, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. That's Matthew 4 .17.
So according to Matthew 4 .17, if my friend comes out as gay,
I should tell them to repent. Got it. Here, he basically echoes a very popular argument in today's culture, especially among progressive
Christians. It's something like this. Being gay isn't wrong, even according to the Bible. That's just your interpretation of the
Bible. See, this is completely untrue. And again, it's a self -refuting point. A lot of these people think that all literature and debate exists in a way that would allow a person to make it say whatever they want it to say.
The Bible has one valid interpretation, though. That is to say, it means what it was meant to mean when it was written to the people it was written to.
Whenever you hear someone bring up this point, just say this. Very well, if you believe that the Bible can be interpreted in any way you want, then surely you must believe that I can interpret your argument in any way
I want. And I have chosen to make your argument sound illogical and stupid. How does that make you feel?
See, the point is that if you write down a statement on a piece of paper and then bury it for a thousand years, when
I dig it up and read it, it still says what you meant when you wrote it in the first place. Now it may take research, time, context, and linguistic analysis to discover what the true meaning was precisely, but that does not change its clear meaning.
Next, he strawmans my argument by making it sound like I was attempting to use Jesus' quote in Matthew 4 .17
about repenting as a one -stop proof text for my entire argument. In reality,
I used Romans 1 .26 -27 in conjunction with many other verses, which makes it clear that homosexuality is a sin when it calls homosexual attraction a, quote, dishonorable passion.
Some have attempted to make the case that homosexuality in the Bible was really just pedophilia, meaning older men committing statutory rape against young boys.
This is merely an attempt by liberal Christians to try and justify their complete lack of hermeneutic consistency, and it's an attempt to change the singular historically valid interpretation that the
Christian Church has held for thousands of years. But that's a topic for another video. Finally, here's his third point.
We live in an age where fundamental biblical views of homosexuality and fornication are condemned and considered hate speech.
How the fuck is telling someone that because they're gay, which they have no more control over than you do finding women attractive, that they are evil, depraved, immoral, and are going to burn in hell for eternity, not hate speech,
Colin? Explain that to me. Now this was by far the most common argument used against me in the comment section.
It was something like this, what you're saying is evil and wrong because it's hate speech, mean talk, and bully language.
First, I need to make it clear that hate speech is a concept made up by far leftists to silence people like me who want to promote biblical values or present a difference of opinion from theirs.
It's not a real category of speech. It's not a historical category of speech. It's been manufactured to win arguments while claiming the moral high ground.
As such, I do not subscribe to it as a valid category of speech, and neither should you. When someone says you have committed hate speech, simply tell them that this is not a biblical category of speech, and therefore you are not ethically obligated to follow it.
Someone may say to this that the Bible condemns hate and promotes love, so hate speech is a biblical concept after all.
To this, I would say no it's not. If you can use the concept of hate speech against the Bible itself, which many people do, then clearly the type of hate the
Bible is talking about and condemning is different from the type of hate which is being used while engaging in hate speech.
Second, Combat Wombat says in the video that he is an agnostic. So in his worldview, we humans are merely evolved from pond scum which produced the first single -celled organisms that are our ancestors.
Without some transcendent creator though who declares moral value on these human creatures, why would it be wrong to commit hate speech against anyone?
Morally, when you tell me that I cannot call homosexuality a sin, you're actually pushing your subjective morality on me.
Why should I care about the moral opinion of someone who was randomly evolved from a fish? And why should he care about how
I happen to treat other evolved fish? There's no point. But here's my point. Without God, you have no consistent standard of objective morality.
You have no solid moral foundation, and therefore you cannot question my comments on a moral level whatsoever.
So I don't care about your intergalactic hate speech regulations at all. Here's a bonus clip.
Listen to this. You want to hear a prime example of how dumb this shit really is?
Apparently, if someone murders someone, they can still go to heaven if the victim's family forgives them.
But a gay person can never go to heaven. You could be a fucking saint. You could give to the poor, build treehouses for orphans, cure cancer, save the planet from intergalactic space herpes monsters.
But if you like men, eternal hellfire for you! Combat Wombat makes this bizarre point about how
Christians think that no homosexual can go to heaven, but murderers can. I'm not sure who told him that.
I'm really at a loss here, but it certainly wasn't said in the Bible. Now I know that there are some fringe Christian teachers who like to say this kind of thing like Steven Anderson, for instance, who
I made a whole video refuting, by the way, link in description. But this is certainly not a mainstream idea in the
Christian church. First Corinthians six talks about the fact that those who quote, practice homosexuality will not enter the kingdom of God.
But then the chapter says that such were some of you. So there were people in the
Corinthian church who were repentant homosexuals and they were quote justified according to the passage, which means that they are in fact going to heaven.
They have been justified by Jesus Christ. So, yes, homosexuals can absolutely repent and believe in Jesus.
In any case, that is my response to Combat Wombat. I hope you enjoyed it. And Mr. Wombat, if you're watching this video, just know that I'm not upset at you or offended at all.
I love you and I'm praying for you and I ask my followers to do the same. God bless. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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