F4F | Did Joseph Prince Prophesy the Coronavirus Pandemic?

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now we've been like your source for the latest on the global pandemic that is the heresy that has invaded much of the visible church and we've been covering it now for longer than 12 years.
You know, something like that. Okay, so what we're gonna do today, have you heard that Joseph Prince is claiming that he prophesied the coronavirus?
Yeah, he's claiming that he did. We're gonna go back and check his prophecy to see if it's a real prophecy, if he really did call it regarding the coronavirus and the pandemic that is.
There's a lot of Joseph Prince followers out there and I think they're more in love with his good looks and his amazing hair rather than his sound theology, but that's my personal opinion.
So let's whirl up the desktop and we're gonna head over to the
YouTube channel for Joseph Prince and we're going to go back in time.
We're gonna go to March 4th. So at the beginning of March is when he released this video claiming that he called it regarding the coronavirus pandemic.
It wasn't a pandemic at the time. We will check the record to see if that's the case and then we'll do a little comparative work of how accurate the
Bible is in their prophecies and what type of detail we can expect to see from real prophets of God.
Here we go. Now, where we are at, I'm so glad because the year has been trusting us with this crisis of this virus, but God is always ahead of the devil.
In fact, two years ago in one of my messages... So here's the issue.
Already we've got false doctrine. Scripture is very clear that pestilence and things of this nature, pandemics, pestilence, plagues, these are all from the hand of God.
Yeah. And so he's already engaging in false theology where somehow he's tacitly pinning the coronavirus on the devil.
Mm -hmm. Yeah. We've covered this in previous installments of Fighting for the Faith. Let's back it up and hit play again.
Let's see what he says. ...trusting us with this crisis of this virus, but God is always ahead of the devil.
In fact, two years ago in one of my messages, I actually... Something when I preach is in the spirit of prophecy.
I'll prophesy about the future. And you know... What he preached was in the spirit of prophecy.
Okay. This virus thing happened towards the end of last year, which is still 2019.
That's why they call it COVID -19. All right, but... Now, important to note, Singapore, you know, they got into this a lot quicker than we did.
Yeah, because it took a while for things to spread from China into Korea, into Singapore, and then over to the
United States. So keep that in mind. In 2018, I sort of prophesied, and I talk about a new strain of virus coming.
Stay back, watch. All right. Let me replay what he said there, because that's vital. He sort of prophesied.
Yeah, listen again. ...year, which is still 2019. That's why they call it COVID -19. All right, but in 2018,
I sort of prophesied, and I talk about a new strain of virus coming. Stay back, watch. All right.
In 2018, he sort of prophesied a new strain of virus coming. We're gonna demonstrate that this is not a prophecy.
Amen. So obviously... All right, so this is 19th of August, 2018. ...has done something in the spirit world.
God has released a healing, anointing, a new strain, if you would, of healing.
Yeah, let me back that up. This is as vague as vague gets. Amen. So obviously
God has done something in the spirit world. God has released... God has done something in the spirit world.
God is releasing what? Healing, anointing. God's releasing a healing, anointing.
Grab your prophecy bingo cards. This sounds like you might be able to get a few words. A new strain, if you would, of healing.
A new strain of healing. Uh -huh.
They'll perform such things that... such feats that we have never seen before. The devil is afraid.
He's playing catch -up. He's trying to create a new strain of virus, like Ebola and other kinds of strains of...
There it is. The devil is trying to create new strains of virus. Now, let me show you something here.
Let me show you something. And that is if I were to type in to a Google search.
So here we are, Google. Let's do a search. New... Let's see here.
New flu strain every year. There we go. New strain every year.
Overview of new flu virus strains. VeryWellHealth.
Okay. VeryWellHealth .com. Understanding the different types of flu. Even though it is a common illness, confusion abounds about what influenza is and is not.
Part of it stems from the many types of flu that exist. Influenza A, B, C, D, and talk of subtypes and strains.
Some types of flu are more likely to be serious than others as well. Any type of flu virus that has potential to create epidemic -turned pandemic -causing mass outbreaks of illness in humans and around the world in a relatively short amount of time.
In the past, some flu pandemics have caused very severe illness and killed millions. All right.
So influenza A, naming conventions. Influenza B, C, naming convention, breaking it down.
And so let's see here. I'm going to type in the words every year.
So what type of flu do vaccines prevent is the question. Flu vaccines are customized each year to protect against the strains researchers believe are most likely to circulate among humans that season.
Every year, the vaccine contains one influenza A virus, one influenza
A virus, H3N2, one or two influenza B viruses.
And the idea here is that why new ones every year? Because every single year, there are new strains.
There are mutations. So let me do another search here. New flu strain.
And I'm just going to take out the words every year. And a frequently asked influenza questions.
All right, let's see here from the Center for Disease Control. What's new this flu season? A few things are new this season.
Flu vaccines are updated to much better match viruses expected to be circulating in the
United States. And so they go on to give information about which mutated strains they're going to be, well, hopefully immunizing you against in the coming year.
So you get the idea here. And the idea is actually quite simple. Every year, there are new strains of virus that we have to deal with.
So what Joseph Prince said here is that the devil is trying to create new strains of virus.
No, it's God who brings these types of judgments. Scripture is very clear about this. And to say that, oh,
I'm prophesying that there's going to be new strains of viruses released.
Really? Yeah, that would be like me saying, you know what, I prophesy. Oh, here it comes.
Oh, this one's coming in here. Oh, clear download. I mean, my modem just connected to heaven right now.
And I predict that when the coronavirus pandemic has passed, that Delta Airlines will offer flights from New York City to Los Angeles.
There it is. You heard it right here on Fighting for the Faith. In fact, whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm getting another download.
Oh, yes, I am predicting that when the coronavirus pandemic has passed, Delta Airlines and American will offer nonstop service from Minneapolis, Minnesota to different places around the country and stuff.
Yeah, he's catching a problem here. This is as vague as vague gets. So I'm going to back this up.
I'm going to back this up and we're going to listen to Joseph Prince give his sorta prophecy in 2018 regarding the coronavirus.
Such fits that we have never seen before. The devil is afraid. He's playing catch up. He's trying to create a new strain of virus that they're like Ebola and other kinds of strains of.
He's trying to create new strains of virus. That is virulent against medical treatment and all that.
But just let you know. That is something against medical treatment. Yeah, they're already starting to have success in treating
COVID -19 using malaria drugs. We are in the best of generations.
The rapture can happen anytime. We're in a generation that believes that we don't have to depend on the ways of the world.
We are that generation that delights in God's word. That's why you are here. You are here. Really, we're the generation that delights in God's word.
You're here because you delight in God's word. You delight in God's word. That's why. All right, so there you go.
That was the prophecy and everyone's saying, hey, call it man. No, he didn't. He really did not.
We'll do a little comparative work here. And what we're going to do is we're going to look at some biblical prophecies regarding Jesus.
See what kind of detail they gave. Micah 5 too, by the way, accurately prophesied,
Micah accurately prophesied the city that the Messiah would be born in.
But you Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.
Yeah, so the ancient prophets called it regarding, you know, where the Messiah would be born,
Bethlehem. Also, the ancient prophet, I would note, Israel himself prophesied that Judah would be the tribe from which the
Messiah came, and so it is. Let's take a look at another text, Isaiah 714.
Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and call his name Immanuel, which means
God with us. And wouldn't you know it, the Virgin Mary, she was virgin at the time, she conceived and bore a son, and Jesus is none other than God in human flesh.
Isaiah called that with quite specific detail. Yeah, that a virgin would conceive.
Malachi 3, 1 is relating to John the Baptist. See, I'll send my messenger who will prepare the way before me.
That's one of the prophecies regarding John the Baptist. That's right, the Messiah had a forerunner who would prepare the way before him, and Isaiah chapter 40 verse 30 says, a voice cries in the wilderness, prepare the way of the
Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God, talking again about the ministry of John the
Baptist. That's very specific stuff. Oh, by the way, the prophet Zechariah prophesied that Jesus would enter into Jerusalem, his triumphal entry on the colt, the foal of a donkey.
Yeah, listen to what Zechariah says. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion. Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem.
Behold, your king is coming to you righteous and having salvation. He is humble and mounted on a donkey on the colt, the foal of a donkey.
Prophecy fulfilled on Palm Sunday with Jesus, and note the specificity here.
Yeah, those who hear from God prophesying the future usually aren't vague.
You know, I did hear that one so -called prophetess called it, you know, this year regarding 2020.
She said there would be a shaking in 2020, which is one of our prophecy bingo words. Back when
I was in the charismatic movement, there were so -called prophets and prophetesses prophesying shakings were coming.
Yeah, that's not a prophecy. That's just nonsense. Oh, Zechariah also prophesied that Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.
And listen to the details on this one, by the way. This is fascinating. So then I said to them, if it seems good to you, give me my wages, but if not, keep them.
And they weighed out as my wages 30 pieces of silver, and then the Lord said to me, throw it to the potter, the lordly price at which
I was priced to them. Yeah, the prophet Zechariah prophesied that Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.
Check actual amount there. Oh, and also that those 30 pieces would be thrown to the potter's field.
Yeah, that has something to do with the death of the one who betrayed Christ. Read your New Testament on that one.
And then consider the specificity of this prophecy. Psalm 22 verses 16 to 18 reads, dogs encompass me, a company of evildoers encircles me, they've pierced my hands and my feet.
That's referring to the crucifixion of Jesus. I can count all my bones, they stare and gloat over me. That happened to Jesus while he was being crucified as well.
They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots. Yeah, so you'll note that there is a big difference between the accuracy and specificity of the details given in biblical prophecy by real prophets and somebody like Joseph Prince who said the devil is trying to make new strains of virus.
That is not a prophecy. That's just nonsense. And for him to go on television and on his website and claim that he called it, he prophesied the coronavirus outbreak.
Like I said, that would be like me prophesying that once the coronavirus pandemic is finished, that airlines will once again start flying to different cities and things.
Yeah, that just kind of goes without saying because every single year there are new strains of viruses, mutations in the different main strains of influenza, and even the coronavirus is a strain of SARS.
So keep that in mind. Joseph Prince did not prophesy accurately the coronavirus pandemic, and for him to say so proves he's not only a false prophet, he's a wolf.
And that's kind of like the least of the things you have to worry about when it comes to Joseph Prince. He is a full -blown prosperity preacher, and he twists the grace of Christ into a prosperity message, and he's extremely dangerous and should be avoided like the coronavirus.
Yeah, shelter in place when it comes to being exposed to somebody like this. I think you get the idea.
So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in our description, and I want to thank you for your ongoing support of Fighting for the
Faith, and continue to pray for us in the world as we all are kind of sheltering in place right now as we're waiting for the hand of the
Lord to grant us mercy and move the pandemic away from us and make this a part of our past rather than our present.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.