What to do When Your Boss Tries to Control Your Health Decisions

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Alright, well getting back into the swing of things here, just a very short video today. Just wanted to first and foremost just call out my son here.
Him and I went fishing yesterday afternoon and we were just slaying these sunfish. We got a bunch of these pumpkin seeds, including a couple of decent sized ones.
I think they were even over, definitely over a quarter pound. These were like seven, eight inches long.
Got a couple of bluegill as well in the same range. And we also caught, AJ was so pumped, a little mini pike, a northern pike.
It was a new species for us, so my son was extremely excited, even though it was a tiny tiny one.
But we did pretty well, and then this morning I went out and I got a pretty large pickerel, at least large for the pond that I was fishing, and a good bass.
So I'm back in the swing of things, I'm getting things done. By the way, thank you for all the people who talked to me about fishing.
Thanks for humoring me there. I know a lot of you guys like fishing, so it wasn't really humoring me. But I know you wanted to talk to me about other things, so thanks for being willing to talk about fishing too.
Really appreciate that. Oh, this one young man. This family was awesome.
And shout out to this family, I'm not going to name you, but you're the one with 11 kids. But they were awesome, all their kids wanted to shake my hand and talk to me.
And I think his oldest son told me that he caught a sailfish or something like that, and a big one too.
Pretty awesome. Anyway, so shout out to you guys, thank you so much for your kindness and the kind words and all of that kind of thing.
Anyway, so I wanted to address this question a brother asked on Gab, and this is first and foremost on a lot of people's minds right now, so just wanted to address it for all of you, and I can't really tell you what to do of course, but I can give you my advice and my take.
Here's the question. He says, real question AD, as opposed to a fake one. Many in our ranks are calling for dudes to leave their jobs due to the jabs and face diaper mandates, which
I'm all about, but they aren't giving any practical advice on how to go about that. Go check the
Gab job board, is about all that you get. I'm a Navy vet that learned a skill that is very focused, air traffic control specialist.
I get paid almost $200k at the highest level of my profession. My skill is extremely limited, as already stated.
I would love to venture out on my own, but to get the income level that I'm trying to attain with what
I've already built isn't very likely, as what I do doesn't transfer over to much that pays at that level.
I know I can start something and get there eventually, but sacrifice, right? I've thought about cashing out my 401k and paying off the house, but as we all know how stupid that could be, maybe,
I don't know. I know that Yahweh is my provider, anyway, be blessed. So a little bit of a kind of a scattered question, there's a few things going on here, but basically what he's saying is that I've got this skill set that it's very narrow, but I could make a lot of money doing it.
And if they require me to get the shot, and I don't want to get the shot, and I prefer just to not get it and get fired, but if I do that,
I'm going to be sacrificing a lot of income. You know what I mean? My skill set doesn't translate to something that I could make the same, he says 200k here, the same 200k,
I can't make it somewhere else with the same skill set. And this is the thing, man.
This is the challenge that many people are facing right now, because I recognize that I'm blessed and I'm in a situation where I work for myself, so I'm not going to fire myself, obviously, and maybe my job might be harder if I don't get the jab, or whatever, but it won't be impossible.
So I can still make my income, you know, whether or not I get the shot or whatever. So I'm in a blessed situation, and I get that.
But he makes a good point, because there's a lot of professions where it's hard to go into business for yourself.
Like what I do, I can go into my business for myself relatively easy. There's not a lot of overhead costs.
And all I really need is a phone or an internet connection, and I can make some money, I could probably just do it even just with a phone.
But anyway, so what do you do in a situation like this, where, you know, yeah,
I mean, he can't start his own airline, right? He can't start his own airport to be an air traffic controller.
If he had the money to start an airport, he wouldn't be an air traffic controller. So the point is, what do I do, right? Well, practically, what do
I do? And here's the thing, guys. So like, if you, first of all, let's break this down.
If you've got a moral issue with the vaccine, right? Like in other words, if you think you'd be breaking God's law, if you got the vaccine,
I'm not saying you would be, I'm just saying if you believe that, then no matter what, you can't get it, right?
Because if you have a moral issue with the vaccine, you know, it's a sin against God, then you shouldn't do that, right, obviously.
So that's a side, that's a side note, you got to do whatever you can do to make money and to make ends meet and not compromise yourself with God.
Now, if you just don't want to get the vaccine, like I do, I don't want to get the vaccine, I don't have a moral issue with it per se, but I simply don't want to get it,
I don't think I should get it, I don't think I need it, and I don't think it really works. So like, I just don't want to get it, and I don't want to be bullied into getting it.
See, if that's your position, then what you need to do is do a cost -benefit analysis, because not getting the vaccine, we've been talking an awful lot about costs and benefits, and I've been saying like the woke church, they only talk about the benefits, they never talk about the costs, all of these, you know,
Great Reset pastors and preachers, all these propagandists for the government, Dan Darling, that Korean dude from the
PCA, these propaganda spreaders for the church, they're only giving you the benefits and pretending that there's no cost.
So we've been talking a lot about our enemies doing that kind of stuff. But the thing is, we can't pretend like there's no cost to not getting the vaccine.
You see what I'm saying? So like, let's not do the thing that they always do, where they only talk about the benefits and don't talk about the cost.
If you don't get the vaccine, and you're in a situation like this guy here, that might cost you, and you need to count that cost.
We need to make sure that the benefits outweigh the cost. If you're worried that the vaccine could potentially harm your health long -term, or potentially you could die from it, and that's what your opinion is, then really, when you think about it, the money isn't worth anything if you're worried about your health, right?
Your health is more important than your money. I'll never forget when I went to the doctor one time. We thought
I had a high blood pressure problem, and he was like, but I also have an asthma, so he's like, you want to take your inhaler?
Here's your prescription. I said, hey, does the inhaler affect your blood pressure? And he looked at me in the eye, and he said, well, even if it does, you need to breathe more than you need to worry about your blood pressure.
And that was such a matter -of -fact statement from my doctor. I really appreciated that, because it's like, okay, yeah, you're right. I've got to consider the costs of each one.
So even if my inhaler did increase my blood pressure, I still need to breathe. Like, I'm going to die from not breathing before I die from high blood pressure.
So you've always got to do these cost -benefit analysis. And so for this guy in the comment, brother, my advice to you is you need to really figure out why you don't want to get this vaccine, right?
If it's a matter of, and you believe, if you believe in your heart it's a matter of life and death, then no amount of money should counterbalance that, right?
But if it's a preference or something like that, I could see an argument saying, well, it's not really worth 200K to me to not get the vaccine, right?
So just make sure you're weighing that out for your specific situation and your specific family.
Honestly, the 200K is more meaningful if you have multiple kids and stuff like that, rather than if you were single, because if you're single, well, then you just decrease your lifestyle and you'll be fine.
If you're married and you have a lot of kids and you need a lot of money for whatever it is, maybe you live in California or something like that, where 200K is like middle income.
That's an exaggeration. But so you see like everyone's situation is different. So I can't tell you what to do.
I can tell you what I would do. And what I would do is I'd find something else because I'm not going to be bullied into taking this job.
And there's a lot of opportunities that you can sort of make your own income, sales opportunities, stuff like that.
If I was me right now and I had the family that I had and stuff like that, I might definitely don't quit, by the way.
Let me just say that one as well. Brother, if you don't have another job lined up where you're not going to need the vaccine, don't quit.
Make them fire you because at least then you have the opportunities to potentially get a little litigious on them and stuff like that and get your job back eventually and stuff like that.
So definitely don't quit. Make them fire you. But you got to weigh out all these things because if I'm a single guy, like I said, 200K, that doesn't mean anything to me.
I'd rather have the 200K than not have it. But I'd also rather not be coerced and manipulated into getting a medicine that I don't want to get than have the money.
If I have a family and I live in California and I need the money, you don't have any savings, stuff like that.
You got to weigh the cost benefit. And I think I'm not going to give you a black or white answer here, unfortunately.
One thing you might want to do if you haven't already, which is something that I've been kind of talking about for a long time, get a side hustle and start making some income another way other than your normal job.
Start doing it. Try some things out. Try a couple things out to see what you like and what works and stuff like that.
It's a little late in the game, at least for this round of insanity. But maybe we can get something in place for the next round.
Because here's the thing. It's not going to end here, right? It's not going to end with the COVID shot. They're going to start doing it with flu shots, most likely.
They're going to start doing it with the next cockamamie thing that they want to do. Whatever they want to do, they're going to start pushing it on you.
Because this is really not about health. This is about control. This is about power. They want to see what they can get away with.
Because if it was about health, obviously the natural immunity would be fine. But it's not fine because they want you to get the shot just because they want you to get the shot.
And so let's just say you decide, brother, that it's not worth missing out on $200k for you and your situation.
And you want to get the jab. You do the cost -benefit analysis. And the cost of giving up $200k to you is too great.
Let's just say that's you. Okay, fine. Go ahead and do it if that's what you decide.
But resolve in yourself that this will never happen again. You need to get another income.
You need to get some new skill sets that you can use the next time they want to start mandating ridiculous things.
Because it's going to happen again. Get yourself going right now. There's a proverb that's not from the
Bible. So don't hear me saying that. But there's a Chinese proverb, I believe, that says the best day to plant a tree was 100 years ago or 50 years ago.
The second best time to plant a tree is today. So that's how you got to handle this. And so that's my thing, man.
I hope that's helpful. I don't know if that really answers your question. But I'm not a purist on this, right? I'm not going to look down on somebody for getting the vaccine.
And I've talked to many of you who have struggled with this decision and ultimately decided to get it for whatever reason, even though you really didn't want to.
Listen, okay, I get it. And I'm not going to look down on you for that. But now prepare your life, your family situation, your finances.
Get out of debt. Save some money. Get a new job. Whatever it has to be. Prepare yourself so that you don't get manipulated into it the next time.
You see what I'm saying? Okay, this time you had to. Now never again. That's how you got to consider it, right?
I'm in a situation, and again, I know I'm blessed, that I'm not going to get it no matter what. You'd have to hold me down and stick me against my will at this point.
But I'm not a purist. I could see myself being in a different situation than the one I'm in right now and that changing.
So God bless you guys. I know so many of you are making hard decisions right now. Oh, one thing,
Red Balloons. Look it up. This is a company that was at the conference who has a job board that is specifically for liberty loving companies.