What Are We Waiting For?


Watch this short clip of Pastor Jeff Durbin speaking on the need for us to GO. Challenging words. We pray that you are both encouraged and challenged to GO. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/apologiastudios?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


You don't save one baby from abortion by being pro -life in your heart.
Don't kid yourselves. No babies are saved because you're pro -life in your heart. Because we talk about being pro -life in our
Christian ghetto with our Christian friends, in our Christian bubble, because we talk about abortion there, that will not save a single baby.
After I give you this verse today, there is no walking away from this. I want to forewarn you. When you read this verse, that's it.
You have no other choice as a Christian but to be in or to walk in indifference. Now, we're not all necessarily called to stand outside of an abortion mill all the time.
But we are all called to obey this verse. Rescue those who are being taken away to death.
Hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, behold, we did not know this, does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?
Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it? And will he not repay man according to his work?
And if you say to God, well, hey, I didn't know. What is God's answer? He knows that you know.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. If I do not do something about this issue as a
Christian, you got to start digging into the heart and say, do I really believe that it's murder? Do I really believe that it's my neighbor?
Do I really believe, do I really love this neighbor of mine? Just go. Goodness gracious, go.