Answering He Gets Us



If I messed up, then Christ also messed up when he messed up. No, Christ didn't mess up, but you did.
And the reason you did is because you're not looking at context. The reason is that Christians support the beast.
That's it. Christians worship the beast. Most of them. Whose names were not written in the book of life, they worship the beast.
Well, the beast is the empire of Germanic tribes, which we call now West German.
Christians are ten horns. Babylon is the church of Rome. That's a historical point.
If you are subscribed to the dispensationalism, you cannot find the Son. If you interpret the
Bible using hermeneutics, using context, looking at it in its grammatical literal interpretation, you can't be saved.
He just said that. His book says that. Welcome to Apologetics Live.
We're here to answer your questions and challenges about God and the Bible. Meet your hosts from Striving for Eternity Ministries, Andrew Rappaport, Dr.
Anthony Silvestro, and Pastor Justin Pierce. We are live,
Apologetics Live, here to answer your challenging questions about anything you have about God and the
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I don't know is a perfectly good answer. That's actually an answer, folks. This is a ministry of Striving for Eternity.
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We've got something for everyone over there. Cole is saying that the StreamYard link is broken.
It can't be broken because our guests got in, so you may need to refresh. I did set it up late, so,
Cole, you may just need to refresh. If you want to join, refresh. I know that it's working because our guest got in here and was able to use that link.
Therefore, I know it works. Maybe it's just a problem with you, Cole, just saying. We'll see.
He's pretty tech savvy. We'll see if he gets in here. With that, just some housekeeping things that we have.
I like to do an In the News section and different things. What we're going to do is talk about some conferences instead.
I'm going to bring our guest in first, Dr. Casey Butner. How are you, sir? Man, I'm doing great.
Thanks for the invite to be on the show again, Andrew. You are with First Baptist Church Orlando, correct?
No? Oh, I'm sorry. That's the church we're going to talk about. I'm sorry.
I would have taken that as a compliment about 15 years ago, but not today.
Yeah. Well, let me put something on screen here. You've got to love when they change the words.
They changed it from share to present. Why don't you talk us through the conference you have?
Oh, man, I would love to. Thanks for putting that flyer up. We're hosting Phil Johnson, Justin Peters, and Susan Heck.
December 10, 11, and 12. We have the rest of the information on the front of our website.
You see there at the bottom, bbcwg .org. This conference is geared towards exposing worldliness that's creeping into the church and calling all
Christians to stand upon sound doctrine. When I was talking with Phil back at the Shepherds Conference, he said, this is my wheelhouse.
I would love to come. It's such an honor to be able to have Phil Johnson come, and the same with Justin Peters.
He's been here before. Susan Heck has never. She's looking forward to coming as well, and she'll be selling her books as well.
Nevertheless, I'm excited because this is an opportunity of a lifetime.
We truly have an unprecedented amount of churches that are going woke or just embracing worldliness as a means to try and evangelize.
A lot of that, which we'll be talking about tonight. Nevertheless, these guys are going to be preaching towards these things and exposing them and giving us the scriptural solutions.
Susan Heck will have main sessions with the women, and then Phil Johnson and Justin will be preaching in main sessions where everybody is inside.
The unique part about this conference is it's live inside and outside, so we have big screens outside.
We're family integrated, so families can come and they can worship outside.
They can watch the sessions live outside, and they can see their children on the playground right there at the same spot.
It's a pretty cool campus here in Central Florida in the wintertime, so we have folks who are flying down already.
It's going to be a good time. Not only that, we have Classical Conversations homeschool groups that are going to be serving refreshments and snacks throughout the entire conference.
It's going to be good. We have another conference to talk about, and that is a very important conference,
I think, put on by Kootenai Community Church, and that is the
Cessationist Conference. Basically, the way this conference came about was the fact that we're trying to get filming done for the film, the cessationist film.
What ended up happening was there were a number of speakers that still needed to be recorded.
Their interviews needed to be recorded, Jim Osmond being one of them. When they were going to come up to Jim's church, and they asked, hey, can we just get
John Samson to come up, and that way they can save some money on doing the videos, and they ended up coming up with the great idea of saying, why don't we just do a conference with all the speakers that still needed interviews, and that way that's extra footage for the film.
Great conference to have. This is going to be November 18th up in Kootenai, Idaho.
This is northern Idaho. It will be the opposite of what Casey was just talking about.
These are the extreme weathers, but if you go in November to Idaho, you will look forward to December in Florida.
You can come fall out. Yeah, you can fall out. It's free for us, so come on down and enjoy a free conference.
We'll feed you well. Well, actually, this one's going to be free as well. Oh, good, really? Yeah, so I think they're going to do a love offering to kind of offset the cost,
I think, of the travel, but November 18th to the 20th, you can see the details.
I'm speaking Dan Phillips. I haven't spoken at conference with him in many years. Looking forward to being with him. Jim Osmond, who's the pastor of Kootenai Community Church.
John Rutherford is a pastor here in New Jersey. I've known him for many years.
Outstanding man. He has been developing a lot of work on the personal Holy Spirit. John Sampson, who
I'll meet for the first time. Justin Peters. I don't know who that guy is. I've heard his name somewhere.
He was going to be on with us tonight, but he had to go preach somewhere. Yeah, that's more important.
And then Kevin Hay, who I have not met. So this is going to turn out to be a really good conference.
I got to see the speaking itinerary, and it is hefty.
So I'm looking forward to this conference. It is going to be a lot of just great, great content.
And I'm going to say this. I'll say this in the beginning of the show. We usually say what to look forward to in the next few shows.
But I'm going to give you the rundown of the next few shows and let you know kind of where we're headed.
Because I mentioned the conference, and that has gotten some people discussing, because there's some people who think that maybe this conference is divisive or whatnot, having a conference on cessationism.
Well, we're going to address that. So next week, I will not be on, but Anthony will have
Dan back on. Dan Llewellyn, he dealt with prayer, the topic of prayer. That will be next week.
But the week after that, October 27th, will be Jim Osmond, Justin Peters, myself, and Matt Slick to talk about cessationism and whether it is divisive to the body of Christ, what is the biblical views.
It is, I'm sure, going to be a very interesting topic. Then November 3rd,
I'm going to have two ladies coming on, and we're going to talk about feminism and is feminism enslaving women today?
Wow. So that's what we got coming up. I do have an interesting video that I found before we get started in our show, the show part that we're going to talk about the main stuff.
This was, I saw this, and I just couldn't help but to chuckle. This is a woman who did a video saying if conservatives were like libs.
And so let's just watch and see what would a conservative act like if they were acted like a liberal?
Holy flipping poop, you guys! What a notification that Clarence Thomas is hospitalized.
Could this year get any flipping worse? Clarence, all you have to do is make it to 2024 and then
Trump will be president again. Barticles! If that happens to you,
I'll only have five other black conservatives to quote. Okay, so if you haven't seen, that was a complete ripoff of a liberal who basically did a, like literally was that upset, the liberal used all kinds of foul language, but not when
RBG was hospitalized and not going to make it, and saying, you just have to wait until Trump is out and Hillary can get back in and help us.
I thought that was hysterical. So you send me this video that we're going to start with.
I'm not going to play the whole thing. The whole thing is 35 minutes. If you have specific sections you want,
I'll let you do that. We could go to specific time spots, but I think the beginning of this gives us enough.
It does. And so I want to let you kind of, before I put the video up, if you could kind of set the stage for what we're about to see.
This is at a church. This is First Baptist Church of Orlando. This was during what?
This was a special, this was like a youth event. Was that what this was? No, sir.
Well, it sure seemed like it. Oh, man. You know, to set it up, it's real easy to know what should be happening during a worship service.
We worship God. We preach the word, and that's just not happening.
That's not happening at First Orlando. And, you know, according to the conference we're having, First Timothy 4 .6
says, in pointing out these things to the brothers, you will be a good servant of Jesus Christ. And so if you're going to point out in context those things that are not pleasing to the
Lord, then we should talk about these things and expose what is happening. Unfortunately, you'll see within just the first few minutes that which is not preaching.
The exact opposite of preaching. And if you are void of the Holy Spirit, if you're void of the ability to exegete the word of God and let the word of God work in people's souls, then you've got to substitute it with something else.
Here you're going to see humor. You're going to see just outright grossness, if you ask me.
To put this on the stage on a Sunday morning worship service and call it preaching and call it a worship service, there literally should be no one left at First Baptist Orlando.
I don't know why a single person sat through this, but there's three services now going on with what you're fixing to show.
Well, I think we can know why, but we'll get to who does the ushering and things like that in a moment.
Let's just play the beginning of this clip. And just remember, this is
Sunday morning worship service. Sunday morning worship service, folks.
And this is what you go to church to hear. We're going to have some fun today. I got jokes already popping in my head right now.
It's going to be awesome. We're going to have some fun. We're going to laugh. Some people think that you shouldn't laugh in church.
My response to that is always, what good father doesn't want to hear his children's laughter in his house?
So we get to laugh. It's going to be fun. I was hanging out with Pastor David earlier or yesterday.
He took me out to eat. It was awesome. What was that place? Hooters. Oh, that's right. It was amazing.
Okay. First off, I don't know if this guy actually knows
David there because he's kind of hesitated, like he was trying to remember the guy's name. So I don't know if this comedian was brought in just for this.
But Sunday morning, you're going to open up with talking about the fact that the pastor took you to a bar restaurant known for women poorly dressed.
And you think that's funny. In fact, I think the pathetic thing is, did you hear the audience laugh? Yes. And that's what is left there, those who are wanting entertainment.
When you sent this to me, right at this point, I'm like, do I have to hear more?
I really didn't want to, because right at this point, it is so inappropriate.
I mean, absolutely inappropriate to be talking about a restaurant like Hooters on a
Sunday morning. I was going to say at a pulpit, but they don't have one. I know. He just literally brought an entire worship service, which should be worshiping
Jesus Christ and His purity and His holiness, down to the depths of sin and depravity.
So everybody's mind is going towards that, which is sensual and even sexual. And he's going in the opposite direction right up front.
He showed his cards from the very beginning, and it doesn't get any better. In fact, he doesn't quote any scripture beyond what you'll see in this next couple of minutes of the clip.
And it's just off the jokes for the rest of the time. He's absolutely making God's house into a mockery.
It's awful. I couldn't believe it. And I felt the same way. I couldn't listen to the whole thing, but the introduction tells it all.
Yeah. So we'll play a little bit more of it. I'm not playing all of it, but it, yeah.
So let's hear a little bit more. We're just playing. I didn't go. I went by myself, man.
So he just said that the pastor went by himself, and people are laughing at that. you know, what's he doing there?
He's like, I'm spiritual. I wouldn't go to a place like that. The pastor would. So do you, do you know, does he actually know that the pastor
David or no, you know, I don't know. I think he's been there before, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Most, you know, times you're going to, you would go out to eat with a guest speaker and spend some time together.
You know that. So I wouldn't be surprised if they don't. So I don't know the answer to be honest with you. Yeah. But it's not like he's from that church or anything like that.
Right. So, because if that's the case, I mean, what it would say to me is that here you got a church. So what they did is they brought in comic relief for us in place of the preaching of the word of God.
Yeah. So, I mean, the people in this church, they have nothing because they're, they're getting, they're going to get this instead of, you know,
God's word. Like, is there any comparison? None. I mean, so we were going to do a whole show on the abuses of church, you know, and think of the pulpit, but we're going to,
I want to focus a little bit on this and then we're going to, we're going to spend and folks, I'm going to encourage you to share this out now because we're going to spend a good part of this episode going through this new campaign that we see going on.
He gets us. If you haven't seen it, we're going to play clips of their, their commercials. And I'm just going to say, if you think that what we heard so far with this
Michael guy in first Orlando is bad, I got news for you. The show is going to get worse, like much worse.
I'm just saying it's, it's not good. All right, let's, let's hear comedy.
So we're going to laugh. It's going to be great. Here's a cool book. So there's three verses of scripture that's going to apply to what I'm going to talk about today.
There's three verses of scripture. If you want to write them down, I highly recommend you write them down because later on when you read them,
I think they're going to pop in a new way. Okay. Before he gets to it, before he gets those passages, killing me.
What do you, I know what I want to say. I'm going to let you, so what were you going to say? There's three verses of scripture that apply to what
I want to say. I mean, that's the epitome of using
God's word to accomplish the means that you have. It's the opposite of exegetical preaching.
The difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning is so beyond their comprehension.
It kills me. And so, I mean, the very basis of preaching is not taking an idea that we have as if we know more than God and we know better than God on how to communicate truth to people.
And then use the Bible to accomplish our goals. It's like we're
God. So basically, again, he's laid his cards out on the table.
We can see exactly what he is and what he's doing. And this is who Danny and David have brought to the preaching platform on a
Sunday morning. You know, comedy. Okay. If you're going to do something, do it on a different entertaining.
If you're going to do fellowship or whatever, you know, something like that. Have fun as Christians, whatever.
There's nothing against that. But this is supposedly preaching. Well, okay. But here's the thing.
You're bringing out the fact that he is using Scripture for his own means.
Yes. Well, but I see, I don't see a problem with that. You know why? I don't think he's actually going to get the
Scripture right in the first place. I don't think he's going to have any of these passages in context, but let's give it a shot and see.
Michael, take it away. As a result of what we talked about today. That's pretty cool.
He's playing with the microphone stand. So the three verses are Jeremiah 29, 11. You write it down, sir.
You're not writing. You just go memory. Okay, that's fine. Roll with that. Just roll with. Okay. Jeremiah 29.
Hey, why is the guy? I have to write it down. It's the most quoted verse out of context in the world.
I mean, why would he have to? I mean, most people know Jeremiah 29, 11, but in case you don't allow me to read this to you and let's see.
I just want to see if he's going to have this in context. I, something tells me he's not, but this is what
Jeremiah 29, 11 says. I know the plans I have for you.
Declares the Lord plans for welfare and not for evil to give you a future and a hope.
That sounds so great. I bet he's not going to continue reading in the context, say versus 17 and 18.
Thus says the Lord, a host behold, I'm sending to you on them, sword famine, pestilence. I will make them like vile figs that are so rotten.
They can't be eaten. I will pursue them with sword, famine, pestilence, and make them a horror to all the nations of the earth to be a curse, a terror, a hissing, a reproach among the nations where I have driven them.
I bet he's not going to read that into the context. I bet he's also not going to ask the question, who is this written for?
Because verse 10 tells us verse 10 for thus says the
Lord, when 70 years are complete for Babylon, I will visit you and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place.
We know who this is written to, and it's not us today. I'm sorry, folks.
If your favorite life verse is, is this
Jeremiah 29, 11, you are out of context. It is.
It's just this. The reality is when you look at that verse, it was written to those who live through the
Babylonian captivity. And that's not you.
I know. I know. Pastor Casey, you think I look old enough to have actually lived through the, but I'm not,
I'm really not. Okay. You look like an ad kind of guy to me. Yeah. I mean, so does
Jeremiah 29, 11 have something for us? Yes. It shows that God was faithful to the Israelites when they were in 70 years of captivity, that God kept his promise.
And we can, we can know that he will keep his promises to us, but let's see what, what else he has to say.
What I would do too. I'm like, I'm going to be writing stuff. But anyway, so Jeremiah 29, 11, and then there is
John 10, 27. That's a good one. Okay.
John 10, 27. No, here's the thing.
I did watch this whole thing and I can honestly tell you after he refers to these passages,
Casey, he never got back to them. No. And so I never quite knew how this fit in, but here's another verse.
John 10, 27, my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.
Um, I don't think that means what he thinks that means.
Yeah, because he's going to, he's going to later on, try to give a gospel presentation, which is just really bad.
Um, and so, but I think what he's trying to say is that if we just, if we're listening for the voice of God, or, you know, if we hear him whisper to us, you know,
I think there's a, I think there's a good book. Uh, Oh, that's right. God doesn't whisper by Jim Osmond.
He needs a copy of that to realize that we're not going to hear an audible voice of the
Lord. Yes. It's just saying, but let's see what else we have then. Revelations three 20.
Okay. Revelation three 20 is his next one. And some of you already know that passage, another passage used out of context.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him.
And he, with me, um, that passage has nothing to do with Jesus knocking on the door of your heart.
He's not waiting to see if you'll let him in. Right. So this is,
I'm not even going to go beyond this. I, if you guys want to talk to yourself, I'll try to put the links in the show notes.
Okay. You can, you can watch that at your, I can't even say leisure.
You know that. So go ahead. I must give a plug for our church.
I I'm so impressed, especially with our Wednesday night crowd. Um, we do inductive
Bible study on steroids and it's written up in this 3d Bible study sheet. And if you go to the front of our website, bbcwg .org,
you can download this, um, for free. And if you email me, I will send you as large of a stack of these cars, but it's basically how to dig deeper into God's word and the probe, the text to extract the truth, to find out what it means.
And then you can apply it to the circumstances. Once you have seen what it is in context from the author to the audience.
And then once you extract the truth and you've interpreted it correctly, then you learn how to apply it. So you've got to move it across the pond.
So to speak, you've got to see what was said and done in context and their culture and their century and extract it and then move it to, um, your context.
So nevertheless, our people absolutely love doing 3d Bible study. And these cards are available to your audience for free as well.
So I just want to encourage and promote inductive Bible study. So this card is basically inducted
Bible study on steroids and we enjoy it. And our people are not fooled by these one -off verses that are just quoted once.
And then the speaker, the motivational speaker is off to the races on accomplishing their own goal at the expense of the
Lord's day, taking the word of God and using it for their own purposes.
I'm, I'm, I'm literally ashamed of what first Baptist Orlando is doing.
It made a complete U -turn. Yeah. It's, it's pretty pathetic. Um, Bill says to me,
Andrew Rappaport, why shouldn't, why should we expect the unregenerate to act like regenerated?
Well, that's a good point you make there because let's talk a little bit more about this church.
First Baptist Orlando. Now you've done some episodes with Justin Peters on, on his dedicate podcast, uh, about first Baptist and their, their praising of homosexuality.
They had a worship service when there was the shooting in the gay bar and by a
Muslim. And they ended up just ushering them all into heaven. Every single one, they gave all the names and did a service for them.
But now they have a new thing. They're trying to do to reach out to the homosexual community.
Uh, they believe it seems that the best way to reach people is to invite them into church, not to sit in a pew, but to do what
Casey? Yeah, to serve and to put their first Baptist church shirt on them, put them into places of service that are visual, that are seen like as in praise and worship as in greeting, as in baptizing, as in being baptized.
And the list goes on and on and on. It's very sad, but, um, this is the ministry that they're embracing the
LGBTQ inclusive, uh, approach. And, um, there's a lot of training going on behind the scenes to implement these things.
So there are still good people at first Baptist Orlando that may not, um, believe perhaps what, um, the prior episodes have exposed.
They may not, um, really truly see it yet, but the truth is rising to the surface.
It's own display. The facts are right in front of their face. And I'm really encouraging folks to step back and look objectively at what's going on.
You, you have to think and look at the scriptures rather than just believe what you're hearing, because all of this is so entertaining.
It's, it's, it, if you fall into being amused, then you'll be amused right to sleep.
And your missions money is not going to what you think it is within the Southern Baptist convention through first Baptist Orlando.
The worship there is corrupted. The preaching is corrupted. I don't know how to be.
Any clearer, but the facts are right here in front of us for them to put a comedian in the place of a preacher is further evidence of their ministry motives and the direction that they're going.
I think the thing is when you are going to encourage anyone to come into church, any unregenerate person, and you're going to have them come into church and then say, we're going to put you in a position where you're the face of the church.
You're the first person people are going to see when they come in the church. I mean, you don't want an unregenerate person serving in the church.
They're, they're the ones that need to hear the gospel when you put them in and they're serving.
And then where's that going to stop when you have some people who are not members of the church who are not looking to, to get saved and they want to be inquire.
Are you going to say no, now that they've been serving as ushers will know now they're going to be up on stage serving inquire.
Where, where does it end up stopping? And this is the abuse we end up seeing in the church.
We see that now we're talking specifically, we started from the pulpit. Now we're talking about the abuse that's goes on within the, the really in, in the allowing unregenerate people, but even worse, those who are outwardly against Christianity to serve in church.
Yep. Yep. Now I did not prepare you for this next one.
I know we want to spend a lot more time this in this episode, talking about the, he gets us campaign because I didn't know much about this.
I found out about it today. We've been doing research all day on this and, and freaked out at it, told it, mentioned it to you and you were like, yeah,
I've seen these commercials. And so we want to spend time there, but this, I know I'm going to apologize to you,
Casey. I know that this is going to trigger you. If you thought the comedian was bad, this is through this next video.
Let me set it up three. It literally, the title of the video is three pastors and a beer.
Okay. Three pastors and a beer. It's set up. It looks like it's a bar. Okay. The three pastors that we're going to see here.
Now this is in, this is Jeff Durbin, Doug Wilson, and Toby Sumtner.
Now I know some people ask questions a couple of weeks ago about Doug Wilson. I, on this one,
I think you're going to play it. I will say if you have, if you have young children, you may want to have them leave for a little bit.
That is really depressing that I have to say that when three pastors are speaking.
Okay. I'm just giving the warning. I'll give you your word. It's not a very long clip is it's going to be less than two minutes.
It's very pathetic that I have to set that up and say something like that. When you have three pastors get together.
And now this is part of the end abortion. So you want to go and watch something about ending abortion.
And this is what you end up hearing. You decide if you think this is appropriate language for a pastor.
All right. Ready to fight now. Okay. All right.
So, so let's talk. So, um, should we force women to wax men's testicles?
Yeah. The look on your face says it all. Yeah. That is what a pastor wants to sit down, have a discussion with two other pastors.
And that is how he wants to start a conversation. And, and this is part of his end abortion now campaign.
How do we win on ending abortion? is, is anyone in the world going to take a church serious when that's what they want to discuss?
Man. I mean, should anyone in the church take that? So, I mean, look, I'll, I'll work for all, you know, uh, honesty.
It's not the right word. I'm trying to think of the word, but you know, for exposure or disclosure, I should say, uh,
I do know Jeff Durbin. I don't know either of the other two men. I know of Doug Wilson, very little.
Uh, I think that Doug Wilson was kind of set off by that. Actually, you know, I'll just, you know, let me just play a little bit so you can see
Doug's kind of response to this. Is this a trick question? I thought we started, we'll start in the right way.
So he's saying that is starting at the right way. And, and Doug at least seems like, okay,
I don't know how to go here. Okay. So why, what's, what's wrong if, and so they actually, he wants to continue with that discussion.
And, and I was just flabbergasted. I now granted, I didn't watch past this. Um, Jeff is a, is a, a really nice guy, really smart guy.
Okay. So me bringing this up is not saying that everything he does is wrong, but we were, we were working on doing a show of abuses we see within church.
And this is not, well, it's in a bar, I guess, not a church, but it's, it's a ministry.
Um, Casey, I know I shocked you with this.
Yeah. Yeah. Your thoughts. Is this appropriate discussion for three pastors to be having, and then record this discussion and put it up for folks to watch.
The first thing that I would say is that he's not living above reproach on this.
And his very calling is at stake. What is he doing there?
There's no context. There's no place for this course jesting and joking.
Um, another thing that comes to mind is Ephesians four 26. Um, I'm sorry.
Down the sea. Ephesians four 29, let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only in such a word that is good for edification, according to the need of the moment.
So that we'll get grace to those who here do not grieve the Holy spirit. I think it, it's definitely garbage.
There's no reason why I should be talking about these things. And if you cannot say it around children, then you don't need to be saying it.
If you cannot edify those who are hearing, that is just terrible. So I would, I would simply ask him your calling.
My friend is being called into question by such gross communication.
What preacher does this? And I to agree with you, smart guy, brilliant on a street with apologetics, um, and able to debate anybody, even in the court of law.
And, uh, you can learn things from listening to him, uh, debate on the street, good apologetics techniques.
But, um, he has a worldview, an end times worldview that enables him to, um, utilize these types of means that, which
I do not share and do not think it's biblical. Yeah. No, Drew is saying here that, uh, they're talking about a new story.
I, you know, I, I'm, you know, some people ask him what's the context to be honest with you.
I don't care what the context is. Um, here's, look, this is, this is from an unsaved person putting a comment in here.
Uh, Dr. Joel Duff, who you guys may have seen comments when he was on with, on Jason, but he's saying stupor and Wilson are shock jocks of the pastor theologians.
And I wonder if that's what they're trying to know. I, like I said, it's, it's Jeff who's asking the question, but I just, you know, it's totally inappropriate.
I think. Oh yeah. I mean, consider this in Colossians three, five, therefore consider the members of your body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, greed, which amounts to idolatry for, because of these things, the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience.
And so you're actually as a Christian, Jeff, you're entering into a category that God calls, uh, that God labels the area in which his wrath pours down upon.
When you bring people's minds towards the immoral area and you stir that up, it's a technique that is not a biblical, uh, the shock technique.
That's not what Christ did. It's not what we should be doing. And we should not be bringing people's mind towards the immoral.
You're right. This gets me stirred up and I can't stand it. And I think that this is a, a, a holy, um, anger towards these types of things.
Then I'm telling you, Jeff needs to be corrected on this. He has a large audience and he needs to be taken people to the throne of God in an upward direction, not in a downward direction in these directions.
So I would say, Jeff, if you think I'm wrong, reach out to me and correct me.
Yeah, no, I, I, I agree. I mean, look, here's some comments. You know, Cynthia says very sad. Andrew Jeff Durbin literally cursed during a sermon.
Um, and he did, he, you know, he had in a sermon, he had set it up.
He, he may afterwards, I guess they made it sound like it just came out. No, he set it up. He basically justified it by using
Greek words and saying, well, that's, that's the foul language of their day. Um, no, no, you, you have to prove that case just because a word means garbage in the, in, you know, a, another language doesn't mean it was used in the means of foul language.
Yeah. Again, I must quote word right here in verse 20 is a chapter two of Colossians.
If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why is, if you are living in the world, do you submit yourself to degrees such as, and it goes through what the
Colossians were faced with, which is basically taking on worldly principles. You'd ask yourself if you have been raised up with Christ, Jeff, if you are saved, which
I'm not questioning the man's salvation, but you should say, since you are saved, you should be putting off all of these worldly things, putting off all of these negative connotations, putting off anything that brings you closer to sin or brings people through the influence of your preaching and teaching and YouTube podcast, whatever, closer to sin.
You should put those off to the point to where you are no longer associated with them at all.
You're separated to the point where you do not even say or mention or bring people close to them.
You're bringing people out of darkness and into the light. You don't have to dabble around and get that dirty to bring people out of the light.
Christ didn't. Yeah. Chris Hunhold says, I still think there is a far better way to address it.
They should not have broached it that way. And I'm agreeing. And Chris Huff agrees with him. Chris Huff says, you know,
I agree with Chris Hunhold's very, that's all caps, very inappropriate, uncalled for, for filthy.
Uh, but they are referring to a news story. I, I get that they may be referring to a news story.
Um, but first Peter one 16 says, be holy for I'm holy. There you go. You know,
Jason Cave is saying an abuse of calling for sure, but you know, here's unknown who doesn't want to give us his, his name.
Uh, but unknown says you have a very weak conscience, Andrew, and that guy too. Well, do we have a weak conscience or are we following scripture?
Let, let's see what scripture says. I mean, you refer to Ephesians five, Ephesians five. I'll start right in verse one, therefore be imitators of God as beloved children and walk in love.
As Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God, but sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you as is proper.
Among saints, let there be no filthiness, nor foolish talk, nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be
Thanksgiving. So unknown, you may think that I have a weak conscience.
The fact is it's not that I have a weak conscience, but I have a strong love for God and his word, a sensitive spirit.
This, this makes it really clear when you're going to say that you'd rather have filthy talk than you.
How much do you really consider what Christ died on the cross for? You really have a view that Christ died for that filthy mouth, those filthy thoughts.
That's what Christ died for. Those sins we commit. He suffered an eternal, an eternal punishment for that.
And, and people are going to just joke it off and think it's just funny. And then you're going to say, oh, well, you just have a weak conscience.
No, I have a high view of God. Right. And I have a low view of man's filthiness.
And if you don't like it, I'm sorry, too bad. But when you stand before Christ unknown, when you stand before Christ, he's not going to think that this is this sort of thing is something to be praised or laughed at.
He makes it clear in his word. Yep. Colossians 3, 8, but now you also put them all aside, anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.
And do not lie to one another since you've laid aside the old self with its evil practices and have put on the new self.
And so this whole passage is talking about putting off the old self, the old nature.
We have to die to ourself and get rid of those old practices and put on Christ and his holiness in every single way.
So all of these things, abusive speech, abusive language, immoral, filthy words, all those things are things that you put off because they characterize the old man.
And one of the things that nonbelievers hold inside of their heart and soul as a reason as to not believe in Jesus Christ or the
Bible is because of the hypocrisy of Christians. And Japanese have realized that, that he can't go out and act like a hypocrite lest he bring reproach on the cause of Christ.
Yeah. Now let me just say Chris Huff is reminding me, and thanks Chris, I forgot about that on his podcast, which is one of the podcasts at the
Christian Podcast Community. Just go to ChristianPodcastCommunity .org and you can find Matter of Theology. They did an episode entitled,
Watch Your Mouth, where they addressed this. So go listen to he and Drew talking about that.
Now, Unknown has a comment to you there, Casey. He says, sensitivity is weak.
Yeah. I wouldn't call Jesus weak, but yet he was sensitive. Yeah. If I do something that grieves the
Holy Spirit and I'm walking with him and I have a sensitive spirit as unto the
Lord, I'm walking with the Lord and I do something wrong. I know right away when I'm walking close to Christ, but when
I'm walking in pride and I'm walking far from Christ, I can sin.
And I do not sense that right away. It takes a longer time when I am arrogant and when
I am boastful and prideful and living in sin, it doesn't register as fast.
So what I'm explaining to these guys is to have a sensitive spirit before the Lord and do not grieve the
Holy Spirit, which we talked about there. Yeah. And so, so I want to,
I want to transition. And so we're going to get into what I want to spend a large amount of our time this, he gets us campaign.
But before we get into that, you know, because this may be a time people may want to have already put up, gotten themselves a good pillow to go to sleep at this point, because you know, they just wanted it to kind of shove over their head, over their ears.
And I get that. So if you want to get yourself a good pillow to stuff over your head, because I'm sorry, but if you think that it has not gotten bad yet, it's going to get worse.
I'm sorry. But get yourself a, my pillow and my pillow .com use promo code
S F E so that you can get yourself a good discount. And they'll know that you heard about them through us and that keeps them supporting us.
The other thing I want to mention is Logos Bible software has come out with Logos 10
Casey. I don't know if you got your copy yet, but if you haven't upgraded and you want to upgrade, what
I encourage you to do is upgrade to Logos 10, but allow striving fraternity to give you five free books, get the same 30 % discount, but get five free books from striving fraternity.
You just got to go to Bitly slash SFE Logos. So it's B I T dot
L Y slash SFE stands for striving fraternity, SFE Logos one word there at the end.
And if you go there, I'll have that in the show notes as well. But if you go to bit dot L Y slash
SFE Logos, you will be able to get 30 % off of the upgrade.
Just like you could do. If you go directly to Logos site, the difference is you get five free books from striving fraternity.
So I want to encourage you guys to do that. So let us get into this.
Now I'm going to, I first heard about this from one of the
Christian podcasters in the Christian podcast community. Her podcast is one little candle.
We were talking on something totally unrelated to this. And she talked to me about this and I knew nothing about it, but I will say if Rebecca, if you're, if you are still watching, come on in and join us.
You may be able to add some stuff from your recent podcast, but you can go to one little, one little candle and you can check that podcast out in her latest episode that just dropped today.
And I know, I don't think it's up on the Christian podcast community site yet. It will be, but she did.
She went through and checked out this. He gets us campaign. And I'm just,
I'm sorry to say it's this, this show, this doesn't get better. Okay.
And I'm sorry about that, but let me, let me play this, this one clip actually.
So this started, I don't watch TV. So I didn't see these commercials. You said they're popping up in your area, even down there, which do you remember which commercial you saw?
Well, vaguely we probably, we just, we just watch
YouTube videos and such like that. And we pop over to the history channel once in a while. And only while we were watching the history channel, we seen these commercials popping up.
He gets me and my wife and I all of a sudden just looked over and thought, wait a minute, there's been a switch here.
We're used to seeing LGBTQ, you know, commercials that are just promoting this like crazy.
And then all of a sudden you see commercials that are alluding to Jesus gets you, but it's way off.
So I don't want to give away the rest of before the folks see things. But we looked at each other. I thought, this is disgusting.
Yeah. I mean, there are things, you know, and I want to play these to show you, this is, this is a, um, let me get the, the, the amount again, it is a hundred million dollar ad campaign.
And they're looking to rebrand Jesus. Now that's important to keep in mind that they want to rebrand
Jesus because we're not going to see Jesus or representation directly of Jesus in any of the clips, but, um, what we're going to see, and by the way, you know, a
Facebook user had asked if, uh, the log us a link again. So it's
B I T dot L Y slash
S F E L O G O S.
So that's how you, I'll leave that up for a bit. Um, so they want to rebrand
Jesus and Chris Han holds from voice reason radio. Another Christian podcast community podcast says rebrand
Jesus. Oh, good heavens. This is going to be a train wreck. Oh yes, it is.
It, it really is. Let me play this first one. This is called the influencer.
Okay. This is, and you know, I'm, I'm just going off of the videos and what was on the website.
Rebecca had gone into comments that were made. Uh, that's why I hope she can at least come in and if not go listen to one little candle and see what, what the research she had done.
But, uh, this is the influencer. Let's listen to this. It's only 30 seconds.
So here's the video. And I want you to, to just watch the imagery of, of how this is displayed and how they're portraying it.
Because remember, this is the attempt to rebrand Jesus, to, to give this huge campaign as if Jesus needs a rebranding.
But that aside, what, what is it they think Jesus is? Let's, let's see the influencer.
There was an influencer who became insanely popular. Everybody started following him.
And one day he stood up for something he believed in. People got angry. The establishment called him an extremist said he shouldn't be allowed to share his views.
They would stop at nothing to shut him up. So they did what they had to do. They nailed him to a cross.
And it says, and it says there, he was canceled is what they say. So, all right, let, let's talk about this one.
The videos will get worse. I understand. Um, hey, Chris, he said, okay,
I already have a headache. Well, it's not going to get better. My friend, it's not going to get better. Um, if you looked at all the video and all the, the pictures, all right,
I want to, I want to bring some of the pictures up just so that, and put them on screen so we can see these.
What's the one thing that we end up seeing about these different pictures? What do you, what do you seem to be noticing that, that, that we see here?
Casey, where, where do you think most of these photos and, and, and all were taken?
Yeah. During the upheaval here in our recent, uh, writing and COVID -19 craziness.
Well, in the black lives matter, protests, black lives matter, protests, you're noticing you, everybody here in these pictures, right?
These are all the black protesters and, and the people from black lives matter. And then here you have the one with the, the white police officer, right?
Who's, who's facing off has a face off with a young black man. And when they say that, that, you know, that he, he stood for something.
It's the black man hugging the police officer with an angry face on, by the way, right?
But then you have the, the guy who's smashing in windows, a guy who's kicking in a door or something.
And all of this is the influencer, a bunch of, a bunch of people screaming and yelling at a black lives matter protest, right?
This is, you know, what they're saying. And then, and then, uh, a picture of phone saying, we got to silence this guy who's with me.
And what you end up seeing is there, there, this is the representation they're trying to say is somehow
Jesus was nothing more than a black lives matter. You know, writer, he, that's, that's how he was getting influence and creating influence.
Is this what influence is? This is what scripture says, how we're supposed to have influence, how, how
Christ had influence that he should, he should be out rioting and, and looting and trying to cause upheaval for the sake of social justice.
Yeah. Now, if that would have been the case, then Jesus would have partnered with Rome.
Uh, Jesus would have partnered with those who had that type of authority.
He, he would have taken on their power and utilize the world's power to achieve a godly means, but Christ doesn't need any of worldliness at all.
No worldly power, no worldliness at all. And he doesn't need to take it by force neither.
And so there's no rioting. There's, I mean, and everybody interprets
Jesus's righteous anger and turning over the tables at a temple incorrectly. Anyway, um, that whole scene was not a demonstration of, um, fleshly power, but nevertheless, this culture that is being portrayed ironically is what has recently canceled me.
And so this worldly culture that is being portrayed as Christianity on this commercial is in, it's in essence making normal Christians, regular
Christians, good everyday law abiding Bible carrying believers who are faithful to Christ look like they're wrong.
Mm hmm. Yeah. So, uh, Jason cave says Marxist indoctrination, perversion of the, of our
Lord, God help them. And that's, that's the thing, you know, Chris Huff says here, let me be clear.
Jesus was not a social justice warrior. And that's, that's the thing. This rebranding is trying to rebrand
Jesus into the culture's desire of what they want Jesus to be.
And really what I think it comes down to is that they are, they're looking to try to create, uh, a
Jesus that doesn't exist, never existed that they wish would exist so that they could feel better about their behaviors.
Mm hmm. Yeah, exactly. And we know what Galatians one, eight says, but even if an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed as we have said before.
And I say now, again, if any man is preaching to a gospel contrary to what you have received, he is to be accursed.
And this is most certainly a different gospel to try and rebrand Jesus. It's a different Jesus.
My thing, when I was watching these things and looking at it, when you're saying to rebrand
Jesus, that he gets us, that's the whole thing. The whole thing they're trying to say is that Jesus gets us.
He understands us. He knows where we're at. And, and he was just like us.
The thing is that you have a low view of Jesus and a high view of man.
Whoever produced these videos, they're, they're, they're pouring a lot of money, a hundred million dollars into these ad campaigns from now to the end of the year.
So there are all the channels and it's going to be, they want to have it everywhere. And they want to try to reprint
Jesus. But the, the Jesus they're rebranding is not the Jesus of the Bible.
The Jesus of the Bible was not trying to influence people to change culture.
He was trying to get people to repent of their sin. That's why they killed him because they love their sin and their power more than they loved
God. And these people think they're going to win the world over by appealing to the very things that, that God condemns.
This is no different than what we started talking about with first Baptist church, Orlando, when you're going to welcome in LGBT people to usher in your church and to serve in your church and say that maybe they're going to hear the gospel.
What gospel are they going to hear? Who's going to share it? Because now they're not going to want to share it because these people may leave the church.
Now you don't have people to serve. Now that they've welcomed in there, they're not going to hear a gospel.
They're definitely not going to hear it by a comedian who doesn't know his Bible. Right. And, and when you partner with worldly means, it falls underneath James four, four,
Hewitt altruism. Do you not know that friendship or partnership with the world is hostility toward God.
So therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Yeah.
This, this movement is seriously taking the shallower Christians who do not know what sound doctrine looks like.
And it's scooping them up into a movement to which they think it's Christianity, but it's pseudo Christianity.
It's not the real thing. In fact, whenever a movement like this claims, and I wrote this from their own movement here, they are introducing the real
Jesus. And whenever one, some, whenever you hear something like that, when you are getting rid of the historical, traditional biblical
Jesus and introducing all like, well, this century, we know who the real
Jesus is. And everyone else was wrong. Big red flags, right?
So they're humanizing Jesus. And like you just mentioned before, they're reducing his deity and they're elevating their own selves and making it kind of like friendship evangelism or relational evangelism or something like that, that is reducing the deity of Christ in order to,
I don't know, creative movement. You said there's a hundred million dollars being invested.
That is a lot. That's like, put that into the biblical gospel message. And maybe we could, we would see the change in our culture.
Right? I mean, okay. This one is called dinner party. Let's give a listen again, just 30 seconds.
A caring man took a walk. He saw people suffering. Anxiety ran high.
Hatred rose. I'll prepare a feast and bring them together, he thought, but some refused to join him.
He was heartbroken because he wanted everyone to be filled, not with food and wine, but with compassion.
Okay. So he says, Jesus welcomed all to the table is how they ended that one. Again, let me just show you some of the pictures, right?
The picture of someone in poverty here, you got a black man. Who's got, he's handcuffed with his hands behind him.
And there's the police standing over him, right? What does that give representation to again?
More, more of the, the black lives matter. Here's a, here's a picture of some, some people fighting. And then this one was interesting.
So you have the picture of the one that says, God hates you. But then this is where it says he was heartbroken because he wanted everyone to be filled.
And what do you see? It's a picture of all the police on one side and a couple of men,
Tifa guys standing against them. This is what he was heartbroken at what at the police.
Now, part of the argument they make is that Jesus was against the police.
If you watch, I'm not going to play all the videos, but in the videos, they show that he was, he was a rabble rouser.
He was a, you know, he stood up from the police. No, he didn't. He didn't do that.
In fact, if you, if you see when he was before court and illegal court, he was silent.
He didn't fight. He was silent. And he went to the cross willingly to pay for sin, not to change the culture.
Isaiah 53, seven, he was opposed and he was afflicted and yet he did not open his mouth.
Like a lamb that is led to the slaughter and like a sheep that is silent before it shears. So he did not open his mouth.
Yeah. So, so. Here's, here's from Rebecca and she's, she has the, this is the host of one little candle says the irony is non -Christian see right through the deception of the $100 million campaign ad campaign.
But those who claim the name of Christ are gushing over this, no spiritual discernment anymore.
And I think that's the thing that, that gets me is the world sees this for the fraud.
It is, but there's Christians who are praising this and should be outraged at this.
This next one is 15 seconds. Not much talking is really because of what they say at the end.
And it's infuriating. I, these, these are getting progressively worse. I get it, but this one is called the struggle.
So you have the woman in poverty. You got a guy washing his hands. You got some guy trying to fix a car girl at a computer where she's kind of looking upset.
And then the ending here, it says Jesus struggled to make ends meet too.
That's the whole idea is that Jesus struggled just like you to make ends meet all these pictures of people in poverty and Jesus struggled to make ends meet.
Really? Jesus struggled. Jesus had no place to lay his head. Yes, that's true.
He struggled to make ends meet. Peter comes to him and says, Hey, we get to pay taxes. What does he say?
Oh, go out to the lake, go catch a fish. And you're going to pull out of that fish enough tax money for you.
And I, Jesus is the creator of the world. Jesus creates everything.
Colossians says that no, he create all things, but he holds all things together.
This is the one he didn't struggle to make ends meet. He's the one that holds this whole universe together.
And so this, this infuriated me, this, this next one,
I can't, I'm just going to play the audio. I cannot even play the video because I find it too graphic.
This is meant to appeal to people for Christ, to what, for Christianity. And I can't play it on the video because I don't want you to see this.
And this one will probably get you Casey, even more triggered.
And we're going to have a, we have a special guest back backstage. I'm going to bring in, and I'm sure he's going to have some fire to bring down on this, but this is called the birth.
Just listen to this. This is one minute long. A young girl had a boyfriend. She got pregnant.
She was scared. How could she face her parents? What would they say?
Can't hide something like that forever. Her parents asked who the father was.
They assumed her boyfriend, but maybe it wasn't his. He loved her so much.
He offered to help raise the child with her. They married and found a small place. They had very little money and no insurance.
One evening, her water broke. It wasn't time to get help.
He delivered the child and lay him in a manger. Jesus was born to a teen mom.
So, so this is teenage pregnancy. And, and this is the, this is
God coming to earth and becoming a man. And they want to, and their focus is as if somebody knocked up Mary and, you know,
Jesus was born from a teen mom. I got news for you. Whoever put this video together at that time, every mother was a teen mom because teenagers were adults.
By then they knew how to act like adults at 13. The fact that 25, they still can't act like adults is a problem.
Yeah. There's no teenage years in the Bible to try to say that Jesus was somehow, you know, born out of wedlock.
And here you just had this teen mom who's struggling. Yeah. The video was out of context.
It's normalizing that. And today, you know, teenage pregnancy and by and large, the context is not the same as Mary's context.
So it's totally out. And yet you're right. It's disgusting. So yes, you're right.
That video infuriates me, Andrew. Yeah. Well, I'm going to bring in a special guest.
I don't see him on video, but he has not been on Apologetics Live before, but many years ago, he was a guest several times on my rap report,
Daryl Harrison from Just Thinking Podcast. He's also the,
I forget what this exact title, Dean of Social Media for Grace to You.
Daryl, welcome. Andrew, my friend, it's been a long time, bro. A long time.
Can you hear me? Okay. I can hear you fine, brother. Awesome, man. Yeah. Just want to let you know, since I was with you last on the rap report,
I've actually been promoted at Grace to You. So my title now is director of digital platforms where I still have the social media platforms for the ministry under my responsibility.
But there's other stuff as well, the website, the apps and all that kind of stuff. But just for future reference, bro.
That's all. And you happen to have like, you know, a top, what, one podcast in Christianity.
So just so you know. God is good, man. God is good. The Just Thinking Podcast. I'll tell you,
I'm speechless. I really am just kind of without words. When I look at what
God has done for Virgil and me with the podcast and the reach and the growth and the think, man, when
I was initially approached about the idea of doing a podcast, I turned it down. I said, I said, no,
I did. True story. I turned it down. Yeah. Well, I'm very glad you didn't.
You know, you, you can, you can say you're an award winning podcaster because you have gotten an award for your podcast.
But I know you, you commented on something about this on Twitter. And I mentioned to you, we were going to be doing this.
I don't know how many of these videos you got to watch that we played. But as, as Chris Honhold said, we know that you're going to bring the heat.
What are your thoughts with all of these videos with this? He just gets us campaign and their obvious view of trying to push a
Jesus that is pro social justice. Yeah. So let me just say up front, I literally just dialed in.
So I had not seen any of the videos that you showed or shared. Andrew, my wife and I were having dinner together.
So we just wrapped up. So I literally just dialed in, but I did peruse the website. I did peruse that.
He gets his website just to read that content for myself. And when I went out there, I went right to the about page and was just, it's, it's, it's, it's just a, a, a verbal, the verbal gymnastics that they go through to basically deconstruct
Jesus from really rob him to rob him of his deity.
I mean, he's, he's the list that they go to, to make this whole enterprise.
And I won't even call it a ministry. Just make this whole enterprise inoffensive, relatable, sentimental, emotional, experiential.
I could go on and on, but you look at how, and I was thinking earlier today, because I fired off a bunch of tweets in response to this.
You look at, he gets us and you, you have to realize they're no different than any other heretical ministry, where usually the heresy starts with robbing
Jesus of his deity. That's where it starts. So if you can rob Jesus of his deity, if you can remove him from the
Godhead, you remove him as, as, as being God, you remove that reality that he's
God. And we become a bunch of Joan Osborn. Do you guys remember that song by Joan Osborn back in the early nineties?
God was one of us. Yeah. Yeah. So that, so let me just say that he gets us.
God's not one of us. And you can read that in Psalm 50 verse 21. He's not one of us, but this is what he gets.
This is the approach that he gets us is taking. They are, they are deconstructing the idea that Jesus is
God and making him. It's like I said on Twitter today, this is, this is all moralistic, therapeutic deism, but without the deism.
They've made Jesus a, a therapeutic psychiatrist or psychologist who, yeah, he understands you.
He understands what you're going through. He wants to help you navigate that. And, you know, no idea of, you know, why
Jesus came to begin with, not biblically anyway. So we have this Jesus who came, you know, what
I call hippie Jesus is really what he's like. He's just, he just comes in here to hold up a peace sign and speak love, love, love, love, and throw tulip petals along the seashore as the sun is setting and just make you feel good about who you are, even though you may be neck deep in your sin.
So you don't even see the word sin on that website. Right. It's not there.
Yeah. So, so what I would ask the folks who are behind, he gets us, why do
I need Jesus at all? Why? If I don't have, if the issue isn't that I need a savior, that I need a redeemer, which if you could peruse that website from, from page to page on that site, you will not see that.
Why, why Jesus at all? That's the question I have. Why, why can't
I just watch Dr. Phil? Well, I cannot watch just Judy.
Why can't I just write a letter into dear, dear Abby? Why can't
I just go on Instagram and, you know, lay out all my troubles to my hundred thousand followers out there and see what they think.
So he gets us is just another attempt to widen the narrow road.
It's another attempt to widen the narrow road. See, here's the thing about the narrow road.
Jesus not only says that the road is narrow. He says that there are few who will find it. Why are we trying to make the few many?
You know, it's, I, you know, I'm putting this up for folks that can, can see this is the about us.
And yeah, read that. You know, look at the way it says right here. He gets us does not represent any church or religious denomination and is not a political organization.
Okay. I'm like, okay, fine. That sounds good. But the, the, the, the thing
I get, I find interesting is that they say it's not a political organization. And yet every video that I watched is politicized.
Sure. It was all social justice, black lives matter, Marxist agenda.
Yeah. And, and they're saying here, they say he, he gets us as a campaign designed to create cultural change.
In a way that people think about Jesus and his relevance to our lives, his relevance to our life is that we are sinners.
And he is the creator of the universe that holds the universe together. And he came to earth as a man and died in our place so that the punishment of sin that we owe was paid by him.
So we could be set free. That is the relevance he has in our life. I said, I said,
I said the same thing on Twitter today. I said, the thing Jesus gets about us is that we're all sinners. That's what he gets.
Yeah. You know, you know what else Jesus gets? Jesus gets himself. Yeah, this is, this is what
I mean. Jesus came because he's righteous. He's holy.
He's a God, a God of justice. He's a God of wrath. He's a, a, a, a, a
God of purity. The scripture says, describes Jesus as one who dwells in unapproachable light.
You see, but it's like I said, in one of our recent podcast episodes on just thinking,
I said, here we are. And he, he gets us falls into this category. We got people out here like he, like he gets us who think you can bring people to the light by turning off the light.
That's, that's what they're doing. They're turning off the light of Jesus, his righteousness and holiness and his intolerance for sin.
And here's the thing. What, what, what Christians, what we have to learn to do, we have to be very astute.
And I said this in our, just being an episode on evangelical deconstructionism.
The first thing we had, we're going to tie this to something you just said, Andrew, the first thing Christians need to do is to be able to, when we're looking at heretical endeavors like this is to learn to identify the language.
You have to learn to identify the vernacular, the phrase, cultural change. That's Marxism. That's Marxism.
That is just cultural sociocultural Marxism under the banner of quote, unquote, evangelicalism.
You have to understand, you have to learn the vernacular because what they do is what, and this is just leftist.
I won't even call it theological gobbledygook. It's leftist, moralistic gobbledygook.
And what they'll do is they introduce their heresies by tweaking the vernacular just enough to make you think it's biblical, make you think it's
Christian, but this is nothing but evangelical Marxism under the guise of Jesus being a social justice revolutionary, as opposed to being
God in human flesh who came into this world because he will not tolerate the sin that he gets us, says you can continue in and not bring any consequences for it.
Right. You know, Darrell, by the way, my name is Casey. It's great to meet you, my friend. Casey.
Good to meet you, man. I've enjoyed your podcast. Hey, you're right on. Just a little bit of a backdrop.
Our church just recently voted unanimously to leave the Southern Baptist Convention altogether.
And you hear my right on. I've been applauded by Darrell.
That's that's a. Hey, that's going to frame that somehow. And I am so proud to not be a
Southern Baptist right now, because I don't know if you saw the article to where Southern Baptist, the
North American Mission Board partnered with He Gets Us. Yeah, I saw that. I have to give
I have to give I give credit to Tom Buck, Pastor Tom Buck. Tom Buck is a pastor at First Baptist Lindale.
And it was Tom Buck's Twitter feed where I first saw that. Tom has receipts for all this, for all this.
So I'm just thinking back to our Just Thinking podcast episode on cultural denominationalism, where we focus quite a bit on the
SBC. And in my travels with Virgil across the country, we run to we speak at SBC churches.
We have many, many friends who was in the SBC. And I have pastors say to me all the time, well, we leave the
SBC. What are we? How are we going to support our missions? I'm like, well, how about giving the money directly to the missions?
Yeah. What a crazy idea. What a crazy idea. How about give the money directly to them? That's what we're doing.
Why do you need? Why do you need NAM? Yeah. Why do you need NAM? I'll wait.
I'll wait forever for an answer to that question. Why don't you just send the money directly to the missionaries?
Yeah. NAM is a joke. You don't, you don't know when, when
Pastor Casey says that they left the SBC. I mean, when I met
Pastor Casey, so we met at Shepherd's conference and it was, it was the
Shepherd's conference where social justice was, became the topic that there was the big Q and a, that everyone remembers.
And a lot of guys didn't know what social justice was. Pastor Casey would be one of them.
And he sat down. We sat down with him, spent a lot of time going through and explaining what it is.
And he couldn't believe that that would be in the SBC. And he was a very big
SBC pastor. I mean, am I wrong? You were, you were big into the
SBC. And so for you to, to be not only see the transgression, the transition you've done in trying to wake up the
SBC in Florida, in your leadership role, you had there trying to bring these things to light and then get to a point where you actually left the
SBC. I mean, Darrell's applauding of you and he doesn't know how much you were.
You were an SBC guy. You were very much an SBC pastor. You were involved at a leadership level in Florida and you walked away from that because they wouldn't hear.
And you did a lot to try to get everybody to see what's going on and what the danger of social justice. I know that you had us come down a couple of times to try and talk on these issues, to highlight to churches what's going on.
Yeah. And so it's a big deal that you, that you walked away from it. Yeah. We had you and Dr. Anthony down to do a social justice seminar.
And we even had pastors attend to thought that the seminar was pro social justice.
And I remember calling you guys and saying, okay, these are friends. These are pastors whom
I love. I have a long time relationships with. They, they are, they are coming here with their
BLM masks and, and they are really for this social justice thing.
And I said, do I need to call them and have a conversation? You said, no, we're we'll, we'll ease in and give the scriptural basis for where we're coming from and educate and move along.
And basically you guys did a great job in handling that seminar. And I did the same thing.
I just took a long approach with educating our people and worked hard within our association.
And that was the vice moderator then became the senior moderator of the greater Orlando Baptist association for the central
Florida churches with nearly 300 churches and was working. Like you said, very hard to try and bring truth to the surface.
But at the end I got the SBC boot. So I will admit, and Daryl, I don't know if you've ever had this experience, but speaking against social justice with a pastor's wife wearing a black lives matter mask in like the front row.
Yeah. You know, I haven't, I haven't had that specific experience, Andrew, but this is going to sound really weird.
Those are the experiences that I hope to have. And what I mean by that is, and I speak for my cohort,
Virgil Walker, Walker as well. We don't want to speak to the choir.
Right. We ideally, we want to speak to folks who either disagree with us or who are on the fence or who maybe have a leaning sentimentally to organizations like black lives matter and to the whole social justice movement and milieu today.
So I would welcome the opportunity to be speaking to someone in the front row wearing a BLM mask or a
BLM T -shirt, because remember this, and I'm trying to, I'm not trying to tout our own horn here, but I was thinking earlier today,
I know Candace Owens just released her documentary on black lives matter for DIYer.
Watch that. That thing's been being promoted all over social media. Well, the truth is just being a podcast.
We scooped Candace Owens by two years. We, we dropped six hours.
I think her documentary is two hours. We did six hours across two episodes of black lives matter and told you everything about that organization in the summer of 2020.
And when we did that here on apologetics live and you did it on just thinking, they actually had to change their goals.
They whitewashed their entire website. That was the first, it was the release. The first episode we did that shot us to the top of the
Apple podcast charge was the George Floyd and the gospel episode. But then three months later, we followed that up with the two episodes on black lives matter.
That shot us to the top again. And we did an expositional forensic overview of BLM, who their leaders were, how they're organized, how they found their money, how they weren't a nonprofit organization, how they found their money through other nonprofits, how all of their three founders,
April Garza, Opal Tometi, and Patrice Colors are all tied to Marxist communist nonprofit organizations.
and then the second episode, we walked you through the spiritual dynamics of the religious tenants that guide the three co -founders in leading that organization.
We gave you an overview of what the Yoruba religion is, that they all practice, how pagan that is full of animism and pantheism.
We walked you through all of that two years ago. Yeah. So with all respect, all due respect to Candace Owens, you're not telling us anything new.
Well, it is new for a lot of folks who follow her and not those of us, you know, look,
I've said this for a long time, that this is a few times that Christianity was ahead of the curve.
Usually Christianity lags behind. I mean, pastors think they're really hip and cool by doing 1980s movies.
Okay. They're so far behind the times, but this is one of the few times when you think about the statement we put out of the statement of social justice and the gospel.
Yeah. That was before people were really talking about it. This was the time when the, those of Christians here were the ones that were actually leading the way before the politicians and everyone else.
And things that I said, like you look at Antifa back then, you can't now, but before the election, and we did this on the show, we showed you, you go to the website and you click donate.
Where'd you go? Right to Joe Biden's campaign. Exactly. Right to act blue Joe Biden, right to act blue.
Or you go to some communist front organization. I mean, I've called a, I've called black lives matters. The biggest money laundering scheme in the history of her.
Yeah. And I have 20 something year career in banking and finance. I used to oversee money laundering activities for a former banking employer.
When I was in that field, I know how that stuff works. This is why BLM national is not a five
Oh one C three. Yeah. This is why you, you guys may recall a few months ago, Patrice colors came out publicly complaining about how the
IRS is going to require them to fill out a form 900. That's why she doesn't want to fill it out. Cause you have to disclose where your funds are coming from and where they're going.
Yep. You didn't want to do that. She called it racist to have to do that. Yeah. I can't imagine the money that's gone through there.
Every fortune 500 scenes. Yeah. Yeah. Donate to them. Hundreds of millions.
They're there. You look at their financial money, what I call it, money laundering org chart.
It looks like the mafia. Yeah. And the reality is, you know, this is the thing they have raised more money than the damage that has been done by black lives matter protests.
Right. And those cities and stores are still closed. People have lost their businesses.
You know, I was just telling, I was just telling Casey before we went live, you know, down here by me in, in Philly, while was made that this isn't a closed for while was, they got another one that they were going to open.
They decided they're not opening it and they may close the last one that they got left. I just saw that. I just read an article. The reason being is no one's doing, they they're just, the people can walk in, take whatever they want and nothing gets done.
Right. And so the, the, the cities are going to have no businesses because the first ones to go with a small businesses, because they didn't have some big company behind them to, to bring in new products and take the loss.
These guys lost their livelihoods. Right. Most of them are black. Yeah. So if the lives matter, they would take care of the black businesses.
Yes. Here's the thing. I hope I can remember everything that's on the top of my mind. Here's Andrew.
Fundamentally, the reason we're here talking about this right now, starting with the, he gets this facade is because we've got a bunch of Christians out there who are, who are afraid to make enemies.
Yeah. Our churches are full of cowards.
You know, the quote that I have been quoted, I've been, I guess gotten known for was a quote that I had said is that, you know, we do not water down the gospel because we, we care about people's souls.
We water down the gospel because we want to be liked. And quite frankly, we have to get over ourselves.
Yeah. I mean, you know, when you, when you think about getting over ourselves fundamentally, isn't that why you're a
Christian? Because you supposedly have gotten over yourself. You've, you've, you've acknowledged, you've acknowledged that, that what the
Bible says about you is true, that you're a sinner, that you deserve God's wrath. You deserve to spend eternity in hell.
I mean, so, so when you look at anyone who professed to be a Christian within the context of that reality, that should say that I've gotten over myself.
I've submitted to that hard truth. My life is no longer my own. I've been bought with a price.
I am a slave of Christ. Now you come out of one form of slavery, slavery to sin, to be a slave to righteousness in Christ.
Right. But, but we got a bunch of people, Andrew, that's not true. We, we, we've said on Twitter today, we've got a bunch of people who are professing to know
Christ, who are, who are in reality, just functioning moralists. That's what they are. They don't have no clue what the gospel is.
They have no clue how salvation works in God. They have no idea.
They're moralists. They really think, and this is what he gets. This is, that's why I say it's moralistic therapeutic deism, but without the deism, it's moralism.
It's Marxist moralism. And when you talk about, Andrew, what you said a couple minutes ago about what, what
Black Lives Matters does. Remember, Black Lives Matters is a Marxist organization.
The three co -founders whose names I mentioned earlier are self professed, trained Marxists. They said this about themselves and what this
Marxism fundamentally do. It destroys, it destroys. Marxism doesn't build up.
It doesn't resuscitate. It doesn't refine anything. It destroys and robs and steals and sucks the life out of entire societies.
And it's aimed at destroying the true gospel. This gets him, movement is relational at the expense of the true first step, which is repentance.
Right. So if you're going to try and reach people through making Jesus relational, basically you're adulterizing the gospel and you're replacing it with friendship.
Evangelism over the true repentance. John Baptist wasn't worried about making friends. Jesus wasn't worried about making friends.
Paul wasn't worried about making friends. They wanted to get the true gospel out and let the power of God and the salvation be through the gospel.
Romans one 16. You just, you just nailed it right there. This is right there, brother. We don't believe that the gospel is powerful anymore.
This is, this is why I kind of have a little bit of a love hate relationship with the idea of reaching people for Jesus.
We don't reach anyone. I get what people mean by that. I get it. We are to share the gospel.
Yes. Well, who does the reaching? The Holy Spirit does the reaching. The Holy Spirit does the reaching.
I don't reach anyone. I don't reach in all my efforts to share to evangelize.
I know, Andrew, you guys have done this for years. You've evangelized for years, decades.
I get it. But we have to understand we don't reach anybody. And that's what's wrong with this whole.
He gets his campaign. They think that through their sentimentalistic, emotional, relational, friendship, evangelism approach that on their website.
Well, we just, we just want to try to get folks more interested about Jesus. Are you kidding me?
Have you read the gospels? Have you read the gospel of John? Nobody is. I said this on Twitter earlier. Nobody wants these.
What did I say? I said, those what he gets is doesn't understand is that the
Jesus that they say, gets us, doesn't want to be got by the world. They don't want that Jesus to get them.
Now, the Jesus. Yeah. The Marxist Jesus. Yeah. The socialist Jesus. Yeah. I want to connect to that.
This is worse than friendship evangelism because this is the friendship without evangelism. I mean, they want to drop the evangelism because they don't want
Jesus, you know, and, and, you know, Daryl Cole here says, Daryl can't come in here and drop truth like that without a hammer.
We got to get that going. Anthony was commenting. He said, striving fraternity was, was out speaking in social justice early in the game as well.
And, and we were, you know, back, this was one of the reasons that, you know, you see that, you know,
Daryl, you were involved and were one of the 19 that were involved in getting that document together.
Yeah. I was, I was one of the original consultants. I was with, I was with John McArthur. I was with Josh bites.
I was with those guys in that initial core circle that brought that statement of social justice in the gospel together.
And listen, speaking about speaking out on social justice, I've been writing about this stuff on my blog since 2011.
So you were really behind the times, huh? I'm kind of slow. Yeah. Yeah. So let's, you know,
I'm going to, I'm just going to, you know, I know Anthony is not here. And usually when Anthony's not here, we don't do
Anthony time for those who are regulars. You know what Anthony time is. That's when we're going to go over the two hour mark and you're going, and you're going,
Andrew, it's 20 minutes to 10. I have a feeling we're going to go over time because I see the heavy hitters we have backstage.
So let me bring in the heaviest of the heady, heavy hitters. First, the, the cohost of voice, the reason radio,
Mr. And not to be outdone. We have the cohost of matter of theology,
Chris Huff. So the two heavy hitters are in here with Daryl. So I I'm sure that we're going to be, you know, getting a lot more higher being dropped.
What's up, D what's up? Yo, yo, yo, real time. I got to tell you, I love that cat, bro.
You know, I love you. I know you do. Go crazy, So they just read one more part from there.
They're about us and you guys can respond to this because I, you know, they, they end up saying this, we're not left or right and left and right.
Are in quotes, we're not left or right. We're not affiliated with any church denomination, but simply want to understand and relate to the authentic Jesus as he's depicted in the
Bible This compassion and love
Come up that's not To both to both that you're neither left nor right is not something to brag about Because when you look at that, what does
Jesus say what does Jesus say in Revelation? He said well, I wish that you were heart of coal. I wish that you were left or right
But so they're both in the middle Be virtuous about that's something to brag about.
No, it's not. No, it's not now notwithstanding their their heretical Tenets and precepts or whatever you want to call them
That's not anything that to count as virtuous that you're neither left nor right because again
It raises the question if you're neither left nor right if you're milk toast if you're like Steve What Steve Lawson says if you just have your feet firmly planted in midair?
What why do I need Jesus at all? That's the fundamental question that must be answered.
Yeah. Yep. Well, let's let's address this to you know And I've been very vocal on this
Lately is going back to Daryl. You know this right my favorite episode of JT a biblical exposition of unity
Why are we why are we and I think back to Daryl to a conversation? Oh, he dropped He's Disconnected, but he's coming back in here.
Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, bro. No. Yeah So why would we why would we seek to as as the professed professing evangelical church professing
Church of Christ Why would we seek to and I think back to a conversation you and I had in March? And remember what you said to me.
This is the Bride of Christ, bro. Yeah, this is the Bride of Christ Who Ephesians says
Ephesians says he wants a pure bride? Yeah Why would we join and unify in some some
Nonsensical ecumenical focus to join the pure Bride of Christ with this absolute nonsense
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, amen because I mean people are morbidly afraid of controversy as JC Rileson And that's exactly it
I mean, what did they say the biblical Jesus well first off You're not you're not even getting anywhere close to the biblical
Jesus you've got the cartoon character of Jesus that's in the dollar store hand
Here here's the thing we know from Scripture if you actually read Scripture What did
Christ do to seek and save that which is lost, you know? He came why because man the wages of sin is death men is men are dead and trespasses and sins
Christ came and obeyed the law that we couldn't obey for 33 seconds he did for 33 years in all ways thought word and deed did everything that the father commanded of him and Did so and we just discussed this on our episode last week on voice region radio when he came
He came as the lowest of society had to offer his announcement was to the lowest society had to offer
So yeah, you want to say he gets you he's been down that road. Okay, fine
But why why does that matter? When Christ came and he came the lowest of society there was that meant there was no social strata that any person could say well
Jesus, you know, I can't come to him But why do you come to him because you need your sins forgiven?
Jesus told the Pharisees I came to you know for the you know for sinners not for the righteous
Why did he come for sinners because sinners need? Salvation that they have they are born dead trust and trust born dead trespasses and sins
They have lit they as as Daryl said in their podcast this week Used you choose to sin because you want to sin because you were born in sin
All of that points to one thing that there's only one hope and that's Christ because he did everything you couldn't do
And he died the death that you deserve. So everything about this campaign about he gets us
Addresses none of that absolutely none of it. It basically says Jesus is your cheerleader
He is there to make you feel better about yourself He's there to cheer you on the sidelines and make you feel better about yourself
And while we're at it, let's attach as you guys just been talking about all of this social justice nonsense all of this stuff
Let's let's make that the focus so instead of attracting people to a
Christ who will Forgive them for their sins instead of trying to reach him for that They want you they want you to feel he knows what it means to be poor
He knows what it means to be oppressed. He knows what it means to be this He knows what it means to be that in all of that. They offer nothing
Nothing in those ads says anything about where there's hope in that What hope is it if if my
Savior? Was poor like me So what because what
Chris he gives up? Let me do this just before Daryl speaks and and because if there isn't enough heat here
Oh the heat just left. He just he just left on the
Optimate with he gets back in because it because more heat was here They're over you gonna say brother
Let me just say this to the heat so the heat miser gets back back on See here, here's the thing
Chris about what you just said The whole idea of Jesus as a Savior as it relates to what he gets us is propagating
We need to stop calling him a Savior because they don't posit him as that True, they don't posit him as that What as it relates to he gets us and everything that you read on their website you
Jesus It's not a Savior because they don't discuss him in that context. He's not a
Savior Well, that's the amazing thing is that he you know, they they end up saying, you know, they're not left or right
They're not political but everything they have in their videos are all political and then they say we want everyone to understand and relate to The authentic Jesus that's depicted in the
Bible Yeah Let me bring in another person back here to bring some heat in on this subject the man the myth the legend himself the podcast host of did a
K Justin Peters Hey guys
They're all how are you great my friend good to see you good good good good to hear you
Yeah, I'm not on camera because I'm in the midst of packing up for a conference that I'm flying out to in the morning
So I don't know very presentable right now Jet jet setting Daryl I'm hitting the airport in the morning myself.
Be safe, brother. Yeah. Thank you you too So yes
So, let me let me ask you this Darryl, you know a lot of what we're talking about We keep coming back to one word
I keep hearing over and over from you pastor Casey Chris Chris one word gospel
Darryl Could you help folks who may be listening to know we keep criticizing?
He gets us campaign on on the issue of the gospel. Can you please give us a gospel presentation?
Well, I'm not the best at doing this I would actually think everyone on this screen right now could probably give a better gospel
Presentation than I could but I'll do my best as the Holy Spirit enables me to do that. Right way to put me on the spot
Hey that you know If You prefer we can have the evangelist
Justin Peters do it I'm over troublemaker
We need a nice guy we need a nice guy, this is true We need a nice guy given this way.
Wait, you think Justin's a nice guy? You have not seen the people who don't agree with Justin's I've seen
I've seen Justin. I've seen Justin give the Justin Peters stare. Oh Yeah, that's a real thing.
That's a real that's a real thing man. Don't oh, yeah Let me kick let me kick that to Justin Yeah, no problem
Justin Could you give us a gospel presentation so people can know the difference with what we've been saying about he gets us in there
They're hey, we want to relate to Jesus and him change, you know change the culture type of Really weird, can
I take the mic back for two minutes from Justin before we had? Of course what I can't tell you is what the gospel is not
The gospel is not moralism Which is what he gets us is the gospel is not works righteousness, which is what he gets us is the gospel is not social justice
Social justice sanctification, which is what he gets us is the gospel is not any kind of ism
Whereby we reduce Jesus down to our level so that we can work our way up to his level
That's what the gospel is not Otherwise, you would not have needed Jesus for Jesus to come into the world as God incarnate
See what we have to remember is he Jesus was in the world as God incarnate. He wasn't just incarnate
He was God incarnate This is what he gets us forgets they totally omit they totally disregard that so what we have here is a
What he gets us is a horizontal soteriology Whereby we look at the imago homo.
We look at the imago The image of man and we compare ourselves to one another
Where we're equally sinful will equally I don't know how what he gets us will call they wouldn't call it sinful
But that we're equally equally broken. We're equally damaged as opposed to looking at ourselves vertically and Who are we up against the holiness and righteousness of God so I can tell you that that's what the gospel is not
Yeah Justin take it away, bro. Justin before it before you take it away.
We're now being invaded by by rodents There is a squirrel in the house
Hey brothers, oh for the first time that I think of the squirrel is on apologetics live
It's not the first time but it's the first time in a while. Okay, what's up, buddy? Hey, I'm doing good just finished.
I got a Thursday night Bible study that I lead So normally I'm driving back from Kalispell, but we did it via zoom tonight
So I logged off and saw you guys were still live and talking about this Yeah, well, you know, we're glad you're here and so you are the host of squirrel chatter podcast
So you shout out for that KT is saying you you're missing record in his gospel video is really good.
So Well, we'll have we have Justin Peters to substitute for Mike Riccardi so Justin what is the gospel
That's a poor substitute The Gospel is is this and I actually just got through posting a video on my youtube channel giving the gospel directly to Kenneth Copeland urging him to repent but This is the gospel that You are a sinner.
You have broken God's laws You are a rebel you have committed adultery at least in your heart.
You have lied You have blasphemed the name of God and word and deed and just like when we break laws on earth
There's a penalty to be paid how much more so when we break God's laws But because we have sinned against God who is eternal and of infinite value
The punishment of that sin is also eternal and infinite and if you die in your sins
You'll very rightly and very justly go to a very real place that the Bible calls hell Where the worm will not die the fire will not be quenched
There'll be wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth Smoke of your torment will rise up To God for ever and ever and it will never end that is what you deserve.
Your works will profit you nothing That's the bad news But the good news of the gospel is this is that God has made a way for you to escape his wrath
He sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth Jesus lived a perfect life one person two natures
Truly God truly man in this one person the God -man Jesus Christ Lived a perfect life to the perfect satisfaction of God and then willingly laid down his life on the cross
His life was not taken. He gave it and on the cross this perfect person
Offered his perfect life as a perfect sacrifice to perfectly satisfy the perfect wrath of God Died on the cross three days later bodily raised from the dead proving himself to be who he said he was
God in human flesh and If you will turn from your sin repent from sin and place your trust in Jesus Christ the bodily risen
Lord Jesus You will be saved you will pass from death to life old things passed away all things made new
Now repentance is something that few people understand One of the key elements to genuine repentance is to have what the
Apostle Paul described in 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 that is a godly sorrow over your sin the
Bible speaks of two different kinds of sorrow worldly sorrow and a godly sorrow a worldly sorrow over sin is nothing more than a guilty conscience a
Worldly sorrow is the kind of sorrow that says what would happen to me if my sin were exposed
What would be the consequences to me? And so we try to cover up our sin not because we grieve over but because we don't want the consequences of it and a worldly sorrow is is the kind of sorrow that says if I could get away with it if nobody would know
What I'm doing on the side if nobody would know what I'm looking at For example on the computer if I could get away with it.
Nobody would know about it. I'd go right back to it That is a worldly sorrow that leads to death
But a godly sorrow the Apostle Paul says leads to repentance unto salvation a godly sorrow is a sorrow that is vertically
Oriented a godly sorrow comes when we grieve over our sins because we understand that our sin grieves
God And we do not want to grieve him his person He has been so good so kind so gracious so generous so merciful so faithful We don't want to sin against him because it grieves him a godly
Sorrow is the kind of sorrow that David expressed in Psalm 51 when he cried out against you and you alone
Oh Lord, have I sinned? It is not that a Christian cannot sin we as Christians do
Stumble into sin, but genuine Christians don't swim in it. They don't relish sin.
They don't look for opportunities to sin They don't plan sin when we as Christians sin it grieves us.
So does your sin grieve you? There's a lot of people who want a
Savior from hell They want to get out of hell free card, but just as much as we should want a Savior from hell
We should want a Savior from our sin the person who wants a Savior from hell
But not a Savior from sin has a Savior from neither Yeah, so if you truly grieve over your sin
Then I would encourage you to go to the Lord if you're not certain of where you are your relationship with Christ go to Christ Cry out to him confess your sins to him
There's stuff that is if that is the cry of your heart that you want a Savior from sin come to him
Jesus says the one who comes to me I will in no wise cast out He will save you if you come to him with that godly sorrow over your sin.
He will save you You'll pass from death to life in your reward will be the person of Jesus Christ for all of eternity
That is the good news of the gospel Thank you for that and Then that's that is that that's the thing right there.
That's that what you just heard is the difference between What we're seeing from he gets us where they want to talk about this is because this is their gospel message from their own website and And I hope you'll hear the difference what
Justin just said and this This is about sharing. Jesus is radical love and acceptance of everyone
Though you may see Christians as hypocritical or judgmental. That's not what
Jesus was about instead Jesus offered Radical compassion stood up for the marginalized and stood up and understood the human condition and all its frailties
Because he experienced them, too Do you hear a difference there? Yeah I mean, that's there's a big difference between what?
Justin just said and that paragraph from he gets it. He gets us, you know
I Say make sure not muted. No, you're good. You're good. Yeah My favorite my favorite story of marginalization in the gospel is a story of John the
Baptist, but you never hear Folks like that. He gets this crowd
Talk about John the Baptist and and what he suffered as a marginalized person
So you have John the Baptist who no one would argue was unjustly in prison, correct?
We'd all agree of that. Yep. So the the the he justice crowd the evangelical
Marxist crowd defines marginalization or the Marginalized as a any group of people who have been treated unjustly in their subjective by their subjective definition
That's right. Oh you take but when you take John the Baptist see John the Baptist was objectively Treated unjustly, but it's funny how
Given what you just said about he gets us Andrew If you take what they say
About Jesus's radical love and acceptance of everyone and especially the marginalized
Well, why didn't Jesus do anything to rescue John the Baptist from prison? see
Jesus told John the Baptist disciples when they came to him with that message from John the
Baptist Where John was want to know if Christ was truly the one that he'd been waiting for or what was he to wait for someone?
else Jesus said go tell John what you've seen what you have heard the blind receive sight the lame walk the deaf here
Oh by the way, the poor have had gospel preached to them see social social justice.
Jesus would have said Go tell John That everybody's student loans have been forgiven.
Everyone has a job Was getting a universal basic income Everybody has a home with a subsidized rent.
Everybody's got All these material felt needs man. See that's social justice. Jesus.
That's so so we're dealing with two We're dealing with two Jesus's here. We're dealing with the biblical Jesus then we're dealing with social justice
Jesus see social justice. Jesus is the Jesus of he gets us That's that's that guy who?
as if When Jesus was walking on this earth for three and a half years he was as if he wasn't aware of The corrupt
Roman government as if he wasn't aware of matter of fact the corruptness of one of his own disciples
Yes As if he wasn't aware of the corrupt Cowardly heart of another one of his disciples namely
Peter here as if he wasn't aware of all these conditions over which he is sovereign and Omniscient But again, this is this is that deconstruction that we're seeing with Deconstructing Jesus and when you deconstruct
Jesus you deconstruct the entire message that he brought with him That's what we're seeing.
That's right Yeah, the lack of discernment would enable weak
Christians It's not nominal Christians or Christians at all to be taken captive Which was Paul's warning to the
Colossian Church not to be taken captive by vain philosophies and empty deception that's that's the grievance that I have is that we true
Christians really need to be heralding the truth in every way shape and form that we possibly can to snatch them from the
Flames and to keep like Jesus prayed in John chapter 17 keep them in your name dear
Jesus You know, it's dear God. We have really got to work hard to get the truth out there
I personally have those close to me that would be just Swooped up by this type of popular movement.
It grieves my heart that they do not see it on the surface for what it truly is and perhaps would look at me as One who has been canceled by this kind of movement as one who has been ostracized and perhaps wrong and alienated
But the truth is guys it is way narrow when it comes to where Jesus Christ really is
Few be it there who find it and we've got to share just like you did Darrell You were very wise to yield to Justin your gospel presentation spot on I Mean, I think everybody who was listening was most certainly moved
Tears my eyes You know and that reminds me of something too I remember
Paul Washer brother Paul saying that it's the initial look at the gospel that the Lord uses to save and It's an ongoing look at the gospel that the
Lord uses to sanctify us more and more into the image of Christ And so when when professing believers in the
Lord Jesus Christ when we don't know the gospel We aren't being exposed to the gospel number one
We're not being sanctified more and more to his image and then number two when we see stuff like this. Oh, it sounds good
Oh, it feels good No for the for the Possessing believer.
It should send red flags Yeah, so spot -on
I and I think that there's a In the this is the ear tickling that Paul warned
Timothy. Oh, yeah the marriage the whole seeker church movement popular church movement
The you know the weekly religious themed rock concert with a brief self -help message
That's you know, that is the ear tickling. That is the people accumulating teachers according to their own desires and Yeah, this is just another expression of that Mm -hmm
People believe that they're good inherently and this movement is telling them that they are good when
Jesus said none are good I was just teaching through the first verses of Ephesians 2 tonight
We are dead in our trespasses and sins. We are children of wrath That's one of the things
Dangerous about the social justice gospel is because it makes people think they're victims There is no way better way to inoculate someone against the true gospel
Than to make themselves Look or make them look at themselves as a victim if you see yourself as a victim you will never come to Christ Exactly, and that's spot -on
Justin. I mean when you look at their website, what are the hashtags, you know activism social justice oppression?
What are the ads oppression poverty all of these things? Everything about it is is tailored to make you seem like there's really nothing wrong with you
It's the world that you live in has not been fair to you and Christ is here Yeah, it's the system and so here he's your cheerleader to bring you through this
The problem is what did Christ say to his very own disciples? You go to John 15 18 if the world hates, you know that it is hate
Hated me before I hated you if you were of the world the world would love you as its own So here, you know, here's it.
Here's a campaign that says Jesus loves you in the world as you are Yet Jesus is telling his disciples if you're of me the world will hate you
You'll actually be in opposition to the world. And so there's this just massive dichotomy where they're trying to paint you as You're fine.
You've got struggles. Jesus is here for you. He's gonna he's gonna make you feel better that he's here for you
He's not really gonna do anything. He's gonna make you feel better in the meantime you can struggle against the the system and he'll be your cheerleader and Then there's the scriptures that say if you come to Jesus the whole world will come against you
It isn't just the system. It's the entire world and it's it's sinful proclivities and it's
You know soul -destroying a hatred of God That is it will come against you.
It's not just that life is hard It is now the whole world comes against you and coming to Christ is forsaking that world and forsaking the love of the world forsaking the love of sin that forsaking comfort forsaking
Having a cheerleader But rather turning your back on all of that and turning to Christ because he is so much more glorious so much more transcendent
So much more powerful and and he has done the one thing the world can never do for you He can remove your sin and he can make that's right
Chris brother. That's it I've been studying Ephesians this month and I've been listening to Lloyd -Jones walk through Ephesians and in verse 7 in him
We have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our what our brokenness our circumstances know our transgressions
He gets us Jesus and social justice Jesus All that does is it takes the spilled blood of Christ and says no
No, no that spilled blood that redemption. It's it's for your circumstances. It's your social
In him we have affirmation we have acceptance
We have freedom We have equality we have
Safety We have You know, we have all those
Worldly Sentimental sentimental mystic Attributes adjectives and characteristics in Christ But we don't have any of what you just read
Yep That's that's the Jesus what he gets this week we get all the All the things that I mentioned was social justice
Jesus But we get none of what you what you just read that Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus.
We get none of that That's right. The reason we get none of that because it's because the Jesus of he gets us
Didn't didn't it's not the Jesus that came to deal with that. They came to get to give us that I Had the
I had the opportunity recently So you may have heard of this, but the incredible opportunity Last weekend to Give the chapel message for the
Dallas Cowboys who were here in LA to play the Rams and I was with them for about half hour at their team hotel and Gave a brief 20 -25 minute message, but I tried to remind them that at some point
There are their playing days are going to end Mm -hmm and as as as Accomplished as it would be for you guys to win a
Lombardi trophy. I spoke to them out of James 112 what James talks about? the pursuit of the
Persevering for the crown of life. I said you guys are persevering every week in pursuit of a
Lombardi trophy. I Said well, let me tell you about that Lombardi trophy You can't say about that Lombardi trophy what first Peter says about your eternal reward you can't say that that Lombardi trophy is undefiled.
You cannot say that that Lombardi trophy will never fade away You cannot say that that Lombardi trophy is reserved with your name on it
You can't I said that Lombardi so it's gonna have a double Dallas Cowboys name one It's not gonna have your name on it.
I said with that crown of life That's gonna have your name mm -hmm, you see so I tried to give them some perspective there
And the reason I'm saying this as it connects to the to he gets us Is what he gets us is trying to do
We really shouldn't call that evangelical at all because I'm not if you're evangelical by definition
You're giving them the bad news and the good news not just a warped version of good news You're not giving that's not evangelistic
That's that's heretical is what that is I would love for the Social justice
Jesus folks to go read second to long second Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 and 9 Which are two of the most scary
Frightening verses about what hippie Jesus is gonna do at a future time when he's going to meet out
Destruction eternal destruction it says to all of those who disobeyed him You know all of those see that's the that's the this the same
Jesus that's talked about in John 13 34 and 35 over to love her love our neighbors is the same
Jesus has been talked to a second Thessalonians 1 So let's let's you're talking trophies.
Let me put this up here You see that there's the Vince Lombardi trophy. Yeah, that's it That's now
I'm gonna tell you what I took that photo I've handled that that trophy as It so what you see right there is the the owner's trophy for the st.
Louis Rams They the gentleman you see to the left.
That's my uncle. He owned the team What's that trophy worth He's he's in hell right now.
He heard the gospel over and over again And he and he ended up taking his own life
Had plenty of money had everything the world has to offer has the Vince Lombardi trophy right there and What what was it worth
That's that's that's what we're talking about I mean, that's the the the real element of what is at stake here when we discuss these things
When we have a group of people that create what they want to say is the authentic Jesus and they're replacing him
For the culture to see with a hundred million dollar campaign with a
Jesus that doesn't exist Let me let me read to you I won't they're asking they asked the question did
Jesus have fun This is what they say and And you know what
I'll put it up on screen so everyone can can read along and you This is what they say from the beginning we've wanted to share the real
Jesus as Some point along the way we realized that despite our best efforts to show a true and complete picture of him that image
Became a bit unbalanced. There it is not incorrect, but incomplete
We spent so much time Reflecting on heavier topics that when we stepped back and looked at the whole mosaic
We couldn't help but notice we weren't showing We were showing a picture of Jesus that was distinctly lacking joy and Say they refer to this video.
They have this video is a response to that a sort of rebalancing as it turns out
Jesus was no stranger to joy. He went to weddings He shared lively meals with friends he drank with them
He had so much fun and acted so freely around the dinner table
The uptight religious leaders called him a glutton and a drunkard He didn't worry about what would happen to his reputation
When he hung out with people that others thought were shady and He was always uninhibited in his pursuit of compassion and joy for others
Jesus let his hair down to Your response
Yeah, sounds an awful lot like Corey Asprey the writer of reckless love Self -aware, he's utterly unconcerned with what he gets in return.
He doesn't care about his own glory He doesn't care about his reputation. That is blasphemous of the most of what we know about eternal punishment in hell
Came from the tongue of Jesus while he was on the earth Was so blunt about the judgment to come and Now I I truly believe that Jesus did take joy in his times with his disciples because You know, but it wasn't this kind of Frivolous frivolity
It was he took a joy in teaching His redeemed
He took a joy in preparing them to lead the church. He took a joy in preparing them to write the
New Testament. I Have no doubt that he took joy in these things but This happy -go -lucky
Jesus they're presenting is not the Christ of the Scripture no, you guys remember the back during the
Early days of the Iraq War The the popularity of the who would
Jesus bomb? Bumper stickers ever seen those. Yeah Yeah, I actually talked to a lady who pulled in next to me to parking lot.
She had who would Jesus bomb? And I said, so, you know, what do you mean by that? Oh, well Jesus wouldn't you know
Be attacking anybody or anything. I said, you know, you asked the question who would Jesus bomb?
Have you read the book of Revelation pretty much everybody When they said, you know
Jesus let his hair down My first thought was well If you want to know about his hair read Revelation 1 hair white as wool eyes of flaming fire feet of burnished bronze
That put that Jesus put the Jesus in your hippie
Jesus pipe and smoke it Like he hung out with that lively meals with friends and he drunk to or he drank to like you know as If the drinking he was doing is there they're making it sound like he went to the local bar the local tavern
Hung out all night and was getting drunk with some buddies well
His backyard Well, I mean think about it this way so you just you just point it made the very point
I wanted to say What did they paint joy is? Somebody saying okay, where's
Virgil Walker? But everything about it is that kind of party atmosphere happy -go -lucky as jeans as Dean was saying
What does Jesus say about joy Luke 15 7 just just so I tell you there will be more joy in Heaven over one sinner who really ends then over 99 righteous persons who need no repentance joy
Joy, yes Joy is found in doing the will of the Father Joy is found in the proclamation of the gospel joy is being obedient to Christ Joy is found when a sinner turns to Christ from sin and is saved
What he had fun. That's your big. That's your big selling point So while you again you're going back to what is fun in this life for you
Be having a great meals together Hanging out being around people that you care about even if they don't exactly believe everything you believe or they practice things
They maybe shouldn't do but hey, we're not gonna be we're not gonna be uptight religious people Jesus himself, you know
Every once in a while you see the thing about well, Jesus hung out with with prostitutes and and and sinners and blah blah blah
Right. He went he was with them and he was preaching to them.
He was saying go and sin no more He was preaching the gospel to them. He was preaching from the
God's Word. He was pointing to a repentance and faith That was his joy But yet they want to take all that and Daryl said it earlier that take away
You know take away the deity of Christ take away the the salvation of Christ take all that away and just focus on well
He had these fun times. So therefore You should like him See that that that Chris, I think you just know, you know several things there
I want to say this and then I got a run guys But listen when we fundamentally break he gets us down That word fun and I'm trying to pit
Jesus as this some sort of Party animal who let his hair down and just like you said
Casey just just almost our squirrel just frivolously bantied about carousing
With sinners. Look, let's keep it real here. Okay, he gets us is a
It's offering sinners a heretical loophole to continue to engage in their sin
This is what he gets mentally Proffering fun having fun is just a code word for remaining and practicing your sin against what we know from first John 3 9
Where John writes no one who was born of God practices sin? In our most recent episode which we've dropped just yesterday.
I don't want to Give it all away, but I'll walk you through Five ways that the reality of indwelling sin
Operates in the lives of us as believers and I they all begin with the letter
D and every last one of those Is what and you'll understand the context as you listen to that.
So Every last one of those five is what he gets us is trying to avoid they're trying to avoid the
Accountability that each and every one of us even unbelievers we know this from Romans 1 We know that each and every one of us knows that according to Romans 14 12 each of us
At some point is gonna stand before God to give an account of himself. We know that But he gets us is trying to blind you of that They're trying to camouflage you to that reality under the guise of an experiential
Jesus who can relate to what you're going through So you don't need to save you for that what you need is a psychologist you need a therapist
You don't need to say you don't need a savior for that. What's that? What's he saving you from yourself? No He's saving for he's saving you from a nervous breakdown.
Is that what he's doing? Answers in the culture. Yeah Yeah Well guys, it's been great hanging out.
I got a really early flight in the morning. So Yeah, but he's not a he's not a good
Baptist he It's three points Haven't listened yet.
What are you waiting for? I'm working through it. It's it's hard the phone rings and people show up and you have
Legal duty things that you have to do like trying to keep people from going to jail. So How many days still retirement
Chris? We appreciate you coming in we appreciate all that you do for the body of Christ you keep keep
Bringing the fireman. Hey, man, these guys love y 'all. Thanks for supporting me and Virgil. That means a lot to us
They put this out here and I bet Daryl's gonna wish she didn't go but Because I've been
I've been wanting to bring this up from earlier because it's really this this was a question
I was gonna bring up for you guys But I think Rebecca really nailed it and she says and Rebecca by the way is the one that I said
She's she's the host of one little candle that did the episode that I where I found out about this But so she said
I believe he gets us is a result of our minion ism Thinking that we are the be -all to to end all in people's salvation that God's Passive in our salvation waiting for us to make the right moves
Well squirrel you got a shirt that says Theology matters. Yep Why don't
I so if Chris is showing that he's got that he's got one little candle ready to go theology matters,
I'll let you go then Justin and then Pastor Casey Chris and Chris Theology does matter and this does
You know, you can take it all the way back to Arminius if you want or all the way back to Pelagius The modern core of it is the revivalism of Finney and so there is mania
Yes, the character is mania revivalism that whole movement which has
Taken over The church in the West Or I mean you have the you have the unbelieving liberal church in Europe and in America you have the revivalist you know like it was it we are the be -all and end -all of salvation,
I think the thing that the He gets us people should be afraid of is
The fact that And he tells us quite frankly that we are dead in our trespasses and sins
That we are children of wrath That we are under his judgment
So we need to see that Communicated I Go back to you know, that famous RC Sproul quote, what's wrong with you people?
The problem with the church is we don't know who God is and we don't know who we are
And this is a false Christ that they are presenting. This is not a
Christ who can save Because this is this is this is a feel -good.
Happy -go -lucky Party time Jesus, you know Good time rock and roll.
And so yeah that that Justin nailed it with his gospel presentation earlier
You know repent and believe the gospel because you are a wretched sinner who has offended the thrice
Holy God and your only chance is to throw yourself upon his mercy
And The promise is that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved hmm, and so that that but we can't tell the good news without the bad news and the bad news is
This planet is full of hell -bound sinners who don't need
Someone to affirm them in their sin They need to repent of their sin and put their faith in Jesus Christ or the forgiveness of their sins
Justin yeah Arminians, yeah,
I fully affirmed that there are I'm not one to say that all Arminians are lost but I would say that Any Arminian who is a true regenerate
Christian does not understand his or her own salvation Correct doesn't understand it
Arminianism is is will worship. I sometimes call them will worshippers So, yeah every every
Every aberrant Teaching every aberrant practice found in the
Evangelical Church You can every bizarre thing you can trace it back to Arminians and or charismatic school almost all charismatics are
Arminians, but Where are the serious Arminian theologians? I mean, where are they?
They're like charismatic expositors. They just Where are they? There's lots of rumors of them exit kind of like Bigfoot.
There's lots of rumors these things There's a few brainy pictures out of focus.
But like I'm really trying to find a charismatic expositor I don't think they exist
It anymore Bigfoot, I mean find me a Bigfoot I'll show you a charismatic expositor.
So anyway You know, you could almost call a charismatic expositor continuationist
What's that? I'm sorry a continuationist. Yeah continuationist. Yeah, I mean
Where are the continuous expositors? Hence the reason hence the reason why you put this up But hence the reason for a to attend a great conference this
November up in Kootenai, Idaho The cessation is conference and and Chris and Chris you guys got to find a way to make your way up there
That's all three hours for me and and squirrel. I expect Because I mean just look at the lineup of speakers you got you got a knucklehead then
Dan Phillips Jim Osmond John Rutherford John Sampson Justin Peters and Kevin Hey, I mean, so how can you miss this?
Just saying not just thinking That's copyrighted
Pay royalties, I don't know if y 'all seen this There's a YouTube channel caught and I'm gonna have to go to because for the same reasons
I got to get ready for a trip There's a YouTube channel called the remnant radio remnant radio guys
Interviewed none other than Sam storms in the last couple of weeks and Sam storms who is as careful and conservative of a charismatic or continuations as there is
Even he said Benny Hinn Loves Jesus.
He's a believer. He's regenerate. He's got some wonky ideas on a few things You know, maybe some manipulative techniques, but he loves
Jesus. This is a man who loves Jesus I'm like Are you kidding me?
He doesn't know Jesus It's not a false prophet then the term literally has no meaning and Sam storms as careful of a charismatic as there is thinks
Benny Hinn is a Christian I mean, there's there's zero none not a discernment in the charismatic movement
When you start down that downgrade the only thing that can stop you is a work of the Lord a supernatural work of the
Lord says no stop you go no further and Sam storms and Wayne Grudem and others out there
Happen often. No, that's the that's the really sad thing is you do not see
People being brought up short on their way down that movement. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah Safe travels Thanks for coming in Justin and you know folks just to remind you
I mentioned this in the beginning but on the 27th Apologetics live Justin will be here with Jim Osmond and Matt slick.
We're gonna talk about that conference. The cessation is conference the gifts It'll be a lively discussion
But with no drinking. Well, we'll have the lively this lively dinner without the
And I'll just say Justin there are people putting in a hashtag Justin I win Saying Justin another
Justin I win episode It almost seems like people
You know want to hear about Justin I win so you you know, everyone should go to Justin I win calm and go find out what
Justin I win is really all about All right, so hey,
I I'm just it's the audience Justin Don't you have a pillow to sell or something
I Melissa saying my pillow and log us off the software.
There you go All right, so Casey, you know,
I'll put the comment back up so you can respond to it but basically the idea that he gets us as a result of arminianism your your thoughts on that yes sir uh...
you know uh... aside with steven lawson when he said the bible says uh...
nowhere that there will be many true profits but the bible says and uh...
matthew twenty four eleven many false prophets will arise and will mislead many because lawlessness increase and most people's love will grow weary and cold so it's just kind of things that we've we've really capitalized on so tearology we've nailed that down we see where uh...
this whole movement it's got that wrong but what about how we present the gospel what about the means what about the missions what about the great commission on how we do what we do uh...
the mission's philosophy of ministry and such because there's gonna be a lot of good christians who jump on board with this and say okay i'm game for reaching the lost that's why jesus came right uh...
he came to seek and save that which was lost and this is a big highly funded hundred million dollar movement i want to be on the winning team i want to see my neighbors won for christ uh...
what about that well here here's the problem jesus is a maker of men he is not codependent on money or any type of ministry especially a ministry that compromises and adopts the ways of the world if you partner with the world you make yourself an enemy of god god is not in this arminianism is works based and so is this entire movement so i'm against it i think this episode is much needed and i'm really proud to be a part of it and i hope it gets a hundred million views so uh...
chris uh... chris honholds you were in here first so i'll let you go next there i think uh...
a lot of what casey said is extremely important what why is everybody going to want to jump on this because they want to say oh i want to be part of something that's going to you know save souls i want to be something that gets people interested in jesus etc the problem is and this is you go back to the issue of uh...
that you know the quote about uh... the thing that went up about arminianism what's the point of arminianism what is the point of uh...
uh... phinney and the hot and uh... the anxious bench and all that it's about numbers it's about being able to coax or coerce or manipulate somebody into a profession of faith if you can do that if you can see it happen somehow you were successful and that's what we're seeing with he gets us it's another another world -based tool that we can use to say we've done something we were effective you know rey kumar would always be challenged how effective is presenting the law and gospel how many souls have you saved and so the issue isn't what have i done the issue isn't how effective is it the issue isn't how many numbers can we claim the issue is are we doing what god himself commanded us and are we trusting him for the results the results aren't our doing that's the issue we aren't the ones who save anyone we are the ones who are simply servants who should be satisfied to do their duty all right we should not be looking to say look what i've accomplished now i know a lot of people say oh no this is all about jesus and i'm sure that as dr casey pointed out that that's what a lot of people are going to want to get on board for but the problem is is ultimately it's a trust in a man -made mechanism in a practical solution a world -based manipulatory system that appeals to the flesh that appeals to what people have there this is another felt needs i mean think about it if it's all social justice based with so much of it is it's just another felt needs technique it's about saying we want to reach those people who feel oppressed to feel struggle who feel whatever it's just it's it's basically church growth network 2 .0
it's just another version of it so that we can say we've accomplished something because look at how much money was spent how many people were involved how many professions of faith it's like the crew it's like these massive crusades or look how many professions we made look how many people were involved look how many people served look how many people made came down and and signed a card that's what he gets us is it's another man -made technique that says we do this we we perceive that we think this will attract rather than saying here's the word of god here's what jesus did during the you know the road to emmaus he took the law and the gospel he said these are all the places where he talks about himself he expounded the word to his own disciples what what were the disciples doing they were going and proclaiming christ as lord they were going and saying you are you're dead in your trespasses and sins christ died for the ungodly repent and be and be baptized and and professing faith in jesus christ that's what they preached and did they go around taking tallies did they go around taking uh you know how many how big is the church gotten or anything like do do we see any of that in the epistles do we see any of that in acts none of it what are we constantly what are we constantly told to do in these in the word of god to proclaim the gospel to proclaim the word of god to exposit the word to trust god in his commandments and his word in his work and to give that to the holy spirit who will save who he will he gets us is nothing more than another church growth technique but this time it's divorced itself from anything having to do with christ deity the gospel salvation sin it doesn't even dress that up all it is is saying he's on the sidelines cheerleading you along as you continue to do what you're what you're doing there's nothing else that you it's not even that if you come to jesus you get a better life that's what i was saying about earlier where's the hope so what so what jesus grew up poor where's the hope at least the at least the god has a wonderful plan for your life as a train wreck as that is tried to offer something this offers nothing but a cheerleader it is it is church growth all over again repackaged but with social justice both yeah i must add to what you say in there and that the first sentence in the satanic bible is do thine own will and you're you're simply ushering people to do thine own will in this movement and speaking of idols it's one of the biggest reasons why our church voted unanimously to leave the southern baptist convention is because of its idolization of numbers and when rick warren gave his self -exaltation speech there at the end of the last southern baptist convention it was just simply proof in the pudding that what we've been saying is true when nearly everyone in that room and i was there watching near over 10 000 people stood and gave a huge round of applause for all of the gross exaggerative numbers that were spewed out of his heretical mouth and so when you see that kind of grossness celebrated by the messengers those whom actually show up and vote then you see clearly the direction of the southern baptist convention and embracing this type of ideology it's no wonder kevin eazell has partnered with this movement and now untold millions of dollars from the southern baptist convention north american missions board is partnering with this heretical movement apparently etzel he put out a notice today that they've withdrawn from it yes so so praise god for that but yeah he actually did make a rather a rather contrite statement that he did not do the research he should have done that was actually very surprising wow and i'm i'm probably too cynical in my old age i hope it wasn't just like paypal we're sorry we got caught that's not a repentance yeah are you saying you don't believe that paypal does accidentally someone was just joking around and put it in there i don't and that's what i told the customer service representative today when i had to talk to them to get something removed from the account so i could close it so they won't let me close mine they won't let you close yours they told me they said oh there's a problem with closing yours and uh so i've so if they give it again and kristoff will give this to you but they just since you brought up paypal if folks don't know i did mean to bring this up in the news section i forgot but so paypal has come up with they they put in their policy they slipped it in saturday morning when i saw the update to the the policies that they will fine people twenty five hundred dollars per incident if you do what they declare is hate speech or misinformation so so basically you have your bank account so this is paypal vimo is owned by paypal they they think they have the right to your money if you don't do with the if you say something that they don't like and you know i i'm just saying you know people like oh but they changed that they changed it by like saturday night sunday they changed the position and they've corrected that they've it's like okay fine but they've already revealed their intentions so i'll go to parallels economy or something else you know but i'm not going to sit there and allow my bank account or my credit card be tied with a group that thinks they have the right to my money right and so they just give instructions folks if you want to get rid of your paypal or your zelle or your uh vimo here's what you need to do first you need to remove your cards and your banks so they don't have access to that and if on paypal if you're if you're tied to like ebay or something like that you need to first get rid of those things and and remove those then remove all of your payments then once all that's done you can close your account make sure when you do so that you mark the thing saying delete all my data yep yeah well i had to talk to him today no i had to talk to him today because they had said i tried to close it and they said you have a pending transaction and i'm looking through i said i have no pending transaction so i called him was that was that transaction twenty five hundred dollars no no but it was a book order from free grace press that had already been delivered i had the books there's nothing pending about this and so when i talked to him they oh we'll clear that up and then i was able to well you know on twitter i saw that uh daryl had posted somewhere they had uh fifteen dollars that they're offering people to not close their account and uh daryl said well enough money yeah daryl goes i need twenty five hundred i said no daryl that's it's per incident and you make about a thousand comments a day that they would call misinformation so you need to up that quite a bit and he said yeah inflation a backpack on something that that uh hon holds just said about um you know the the numbers and everything and that is the thing about revivalism was visible results you can count the people that come forward you can count the people that sign a card or make a confession of faith you can't count the people who come to faith when you're out handing out tracts on the street you can't count the people who come to faith when you're doing a podcast and you proclaim the gospel and some guy in Duluth Minnesota hears it and repents and believes so the whole thing about revivalism and face it the southern baptist convention is a revivalist organization the whole thing about revivalism is visible results and visible numbers yeah you want to know what real church growth is you want to know what real church growth is it's people who are in already in the church who have already been redeemed and you as the pastor are preaching through the word of god and teaching them to grow in the knowledge and and love and the glory of jesus christ that's growth true growth teaching them to be obedient to the word that's growth and being faithful the gospel is ours to proclaim not to edit amen amen guys that yeah you're exactly right i must add to your your comment there it's been years that we've just been working through books of the bible at our church and it is a blessing to see your people growing in their faith it's a blessing to see them maturing and exercising the gift that god has given them and when you shed off all the pragmatism and you're no longer counting and worried about the numbers and all that and you're no longer a slave to those methods and you're just simply obedient to the word of god and you'll let him have the results whether they're larger results or even smaller results because if this pragmatic system was actually true then we would have to in fact call noah a failure and all the prophets failures in the in the in the gospel i mean in the in the bible these things have just simply gone contrary to biblical methodology and it's it's my hope and prayer it's the same as we all have southern baptist friends is that this truth would continue to permeate and resonate because it's biblical truth and it would take over our churches instead of allowing pragmatism and these idolization of numbers to take over it's it's really i'm telling you it's a burnout job description for pastors it makes them want to quit because they can't measure up it makes the congregations feel like they need to fire their pastor because they're not growing the church it puts all the pressure on the pastor's marriage and it ruins not only marriages but it burns out children who are pks because their dad is gone all the time and it's a slave to every single meeting every single ministry and he's got to grow this or he'll get fired he's this is so bad it's hard to even put into a conversation it it merits its own podcast but it is true but this this movement he gets us is tied to the philosophy that dominates in the southern baptist convention today and unfortunately it's really sad so nevertheless it takes for example if someone was going to come out from underneath all of these idols you can't just do it quickly you have to educate your people and walk with them on a journey years of teaching and preaching the truth and allow these layers these onion layers of false truth to come off and you adjust little by little by little you know a true shepherd can lead the sheep little by little by little i remember my new testament professor one time said this you can trim a sheep many times but you can only skin it once you can't take the skin off at right so we need to be wise in our shepherding long time in long time out is my philosophy on that and so it's been years of just working growing uh growing myself and and growing our people and now we've come to the point to where i truly believe we have a healthy church that is capitalizing on christ and christ alone and it has been a journey it's been wonderful so i i couldn't help but brag on fuel of baptist church and our people are lovely people are wonderful people who are so dedicated to the word of god at our church and and and continue to offer hope to all the pastors in the churches that are truly have grown up in the southern baptist convention as i did and uh and are starting to perhaps see some of these things i know that uh you mentioned just a few minutes ago that backed out but i think that his initial draw to this movement would be very telling and and see that other pastors and congregations too would be initially on the surface drawn to a movement like this because they have the wrong goals in mind and when you have the wrong goals they're not biblical goals you have goals that lift up the the self the ego of man to be able to count high numbers to be able to see those visual results as was so uh eloquently described to us through revivalism we have to be able to speak to these things and combat these things in order to start to turn things in the right direction the bride is worth it the word of god does the work you know we just simply are faithful to that it'll it'll happen it'll happen yeah yeah one of the things that you were talking casey was i was thinking of uh second timothy 4 -2 preach the word be ready in season and out of season reprove rebuke exhort with great patience good word and i was talking to a friend i was celebrating my 10th anniversary of parkside and he was celebrating his 20th anniversary the same year and i said so you're 10 years ahead of me give me some advice and he said that was what he said he said be patient he said i noticed last week that the church was about where i thought they ought to be after my third sermon they said that after being there for 20 years wow you know and and that that was some of the best advice was just be patient yeah right when we get focused on numbers when we get focused on results well we lose sight of what we're called to do yeah we have to lead them we need to and and this is something i think that we need to this is one of the things we need to teach our people you know what why do you guys want a huge church with a big budget and a big sound system and a disco ball what's the point of that wouldn't you rather have a solid church full of mature believers who are worshiping together on sunday and holding them each other accountable monday through saturday yeah you know in deuteronomy they were worn out to worship the sun the moon and the stars and all the canaanite gods and we have an american worldview whether our people realize it or not there is a definition of success that permeates our society that is now placed upon the church and so when pastors and people give way to the american worldview of success when they place a worldly definition of success upon ecclesiology you're now worshiping another god inside of the house of god yeah it's a tragedy so good yeah so you know let me do some we'll kind of end where we began because cole said this a while ago but you know when we're talking about first baptist church he said uh one thing that jesus doesn't have to bomb was michael jr's comedy set he did that all on his own so i think cole uh nailed that one or or gave a truth bomb there so but uh it's great having you guys on great having everybody a good good discussion and i think this is something i don't know about you guys this whole he gets us you know before today i never heard of it you know it just seems like this is you know just they're they're doing a huge campaign so everyone you're going to be hearing about this same thing different name yeah and so i hope that this episode has prepared you to be able to give an answer you know because you're gonna the these things are gonna come up and and it's like squirrel said i mean this is not new it's just a new name yeah i think of invictus i am the master of my fate i am the captain of my soul if you're in control if you're driving the ship you know better than invictus's philosophy of life yeah so let me just uh you know i know that there was a question here that uh michelle gave of or melissa sorry uh when are we gonna have another q a not sure i mean i i know the when we do the the open q a's they become some of the best shows because we never know what we're going to get um but uh let me just give you let you know what we are going to be having uh the next couple weeks for the show next next week uh if you remember back when anthony had dan llewellyn on talking about prayer a lot of people like that well dan's going to come back on next week october 20th i will be away they're going to do prayer part two which they said they were going to try to do october 27th uh we're going to have myself and jim osmond justin peters and matt slick we're all going to be discussing the sensation of sensationism the conference that's coming up the film that's coming up obviously matt being someone who is a continuationist jim justin and i not being a you know being cessationist it'll be a a good lively discussion november 3rd uh i was listening to melissa lex podcast thoroughly equipped and she had on with her melissa had amy russo who is co -host with her husband anthony on grace and peace radio but but amy has a background from before she got saved in in being a feminist and they were discussing feminism and some interesting things that came out i ended up contacting both of them said would you come on with the topic that feminism is feminism enslaving women we're going to take a look at the first second third wave of feminism and see whether the feminists today are actually enslaving the women to the very things that the first generation feminists fought for and so those are some topics coming up i will not be here on november 10th and november 17th and there will be no show on thanksgiving so the just so you guys have an idea of where we're going with what shows to be looking forward to i encourage you guys to share this if you're hearing it in the podcast um if you follow us on the podcast that would be great then you'd never miss an episode even when they go longer than you should be in bed with your my pillow but you're still up and so promo code sfe is right hey there's a lot of people that are looking for christmas gifts and i'm just saying their slippers are really nice they are really comfortable right now i mine are too and you know even even in the summer i wore them all summer and they were still you know but let me let me also end with one other thing is we are doing a special on a couple books at you know for christmas if you go to striving turning .org