Spiritual Warfare by Vicki Joy Anderson


Viewer Discretion is advised. Vicki talks about her new book "They only come out at night" and the topic of Sleep Paralysis


So, um, yeah, this meeting's being live stream so here we go.
Okay, so I'm Terry cameras though and I'm here with creation fellowship Santee and we're back after a long holiday break for our first week here in 2023 and we're glad to be back creation fellowship
Santee is a group of friends bound by our common agreement that the creation account as told in Genesis is a true depiction of how
God created the earth and all life in just six days, about 6000 years ago.
And so since we've been meeting online for the last two and a half years we've been blessed by a lot of great speakers scientists authors doctors professors journalists and a lot of other people who love the
Lord and have a message to share. You can find links to most of those presentations by visiting our
URL which is tiny url .com forward slash CF Santee so that's
C like creation F like fellowship and the word Santee which is spelled s a n t e.
And while you're there you can also see that we have updated that page with a list of our upcoming speakers.
We have speakers but doubt through almost the end of April and each one of them has a link to their ministry pages so you can find more information and make plans to attend those.
Tonight we're blessed to have as our first guest of 2023 author
Vicki Joy Anderson Vicki is was educated from the University of Northwestern in St.
Minnesota and her focus she does a lot of missions around the world and we'll let you let her tell us more about that but her focus is spiritual warfare which is such an important focus as she realizes that she's been called to bring light to darkness into a dark world and sometimes to talk to Christians about things that their churches either ignore don't want to recognize or just overlook and don't know how to teach correctly.
So we're thankful for her ministry and one of the books that you can find is, is her book that's called.
They only come out at night which is about sleep paralysis and she's going to be talking about some of that tonight and and some other things as well so Vicki will let you give more introduction about yourself and also make sure to tell people where they can read some of your works.
Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me I've been excited about coming and being with all of you, and just praying that the spirit guides and leads this conversation.
This is an endless rabbit hole with thousands of tentacles on it, you'd be surprised how many shows
I've been on where we're we're starting with the hub of the wheel we're talking about sleep paralysis, and pretty much anything spiritual warfare or fringy or conspiracy or everything that you're hearing out there now about transhumanism or the
Nephilim or the Anunnaki or the Book of Enoch what whatever your pleasure. It is amazing to me how sleep paralysis has its fingerprints, all over so many of these things that would be seemingly unrelated, which is
I think is one reason why it's important to talk about this and I think that's where I want to start.
You know I really struggled. When I felt called to write this book.
I, I've never thought that I would write a book on this topic, you know it's extremely personal, when you've gone through this thing.
When you've, you've had this experience your whole life, it's not the kind of thing you want to talk about openly people can think you're crazy.
They can think your attention seeking they can think you're mentally ill. They can think you're demon possessed they can think you're not really a
Christian. And when, when it is so closely associated with trauma, and with, with things that then lead to probing questions about your life and your upbringing.
I've always been an introvert and a somewhat private person and so it was somewhat of a nightmare, when, when
I realized that this was what I was going to be writing on, and right from the get go. I thought about Moses, who initially didn't really want to be a spokesperson.
And, you know, Yahweh did not appreciate Moses is arguing with that calling and all seemed to come off a little bit irritated and so Aaron kind of went in there in his stead, very temporarily we see
Moses taking the baton back pretty quickly but I was just determined that I was going to obey and and see where see where it led, but I really struggled with with writing about this for a couple reasons.
One reason is that I was afraid, you know, with the law of unintended consequences I was afraid that yeah my motive intention is to help people that have gone through this, my, my threefold intention with the book was
I wanted to bring glory to the name of God and his son Jesus. I wanted to set captives free and I wanted to expose the deeds of the devil, but the, the unintended consequences are that there could potentially be a bunch of people out there who have never heard of this.
And because it is a somewhat intriguing topic will become titillated by it and say oh what's this what sleep paralysis
Oh, you know, you know, we all have sort of this draw or this interest to the macabre and it's kind of like the proverbial train wreck that you can't keep your eyes off of and so I really feared that the book might be used to introduce the topic to people that would then go online and absorb every, you know, disgusting horrifying terrifying tale of sleep paralysis that's out there to be had and there are many, and that in doing so they would unwittingly open doors and and and have these attachments themselves and so I worried about that.
And I also worried about, am I giving attention or any sort of undue praise or glory to the enemy and talking about his schemes now the
Bible does tell us to expose the deeds of the devil. But I, I you know I was raised in a very old fashioned
Christian tradition where you bring glory to God and you preach the gospel and the Great Commission is to preach the gospel, not sleep paralysis and so I just want all of you to know that I did not go into this lightheartedly.
I didn't go into this with any sort of anticipation of all this will be a blockbuster.
This is the kind of thing that will sell books. It was nothing of the sort, it was a very difficult process it took three years for the book to come to from the the book proposal state to the publishing state.
And there were all sorts of spiritual warfare in there there were delays in there
I mean and obviously coven created a whole new wave of distractions and supply chain issues and all printers being out of paper and and I think the publisher got hacked and lost all the files and all you name it, it happened, but the three years was the, the time
I needed to come out of my anxiety and my fear and my doubts about whether or not
I was really the one that should be writing this book, and not someone perhaps more gregarious than I or more extroverted than I or or whatnot and so there was a lot of spiritual warfare, even going into the writing of the book and so in an answer to any critics that might say like hey why are we talking about this this is, this is, you know, this is, this is dangerous and we should just be focused on the gospel is because it is spiritual warfare.
And I, even though I've wanted to be a writer my entire life I never thought about writing about this topic because quite frankly,
I thought for a long long time that I was the only one this was happening to.
I did not know that it was happening to other people. I didn't even hear the phrase sleep paralysis, until I was in my 30s.
And at this point, I had already been suffering for about 25 years with with it.
I, I always knew even from a young age that this was something more than a bad dream.
I could tell, even at four or five years old, I would articulate it differently to my parents
I wouldn't say I had a bad dream last night. I would say I had another one of those dreams last night, and I don't know if at four or five years old
I necessarily would have used the word demonic I don't know if I understood that quite yet but I knew there was a devil because I went to Sunday school every
Sunday and I knew that Jesus was good and he had a, an enemy named the devil and so I did understand, even at four years old that there was something spiritual to these dreams, because the, the, the episodes would include being terrorized with voices in my head.
We're going to drag you to hell you're going to hell. Your parents don't love you Jesus doesn't love you, no one can hear you scream that kind of thing and so I, I, I got the sense that the characters, speaking to me were enemies of God and so what, what
I attempted to do at, at, at a young age as I would explain to my parents I had another one of those dreams last night.
And I, I don't understand how at the age of four, it must have been the
Holy Spirit, aiding me because most four year olds aren't very articulate. I was, I was able to observe and notice and communicate, even at that age to my parents
I would say to my parents. I don't know if I'm awake or asleep. Because I can see my room, and I'm always wearing the same pair of pajamas that I go to bed in.
And so it was confusing to me that if this was just a dream
How come it's always the room I'm asleep in, in a pair of pajamas I'm wearing. And so, from a very young age
I started observing these things and because it happened so frequently. I would start to ponder it, and I would ask myself questions.
And did I really see that, did that really happen what was that noise, and then the next time it would happen even though I was afraid, and I would do everything in my power to stop the scenario as quickly as possible, which
I would do by saying Jesus help me. I, I began to observe the things around me, and I began to take note of how very very different these episodes were from just a normal dream state.
And so one of the things that we were talking about offline here before we hit record was a lot of times, people that have sleep paralysis from a very young age and who have it continuously through life.
It's very often linked with some sort of childhood trauma. And there's all the obvious traumas that we talked about a lot you know there's the, you know, the sexual abuse and child abuse and it could be a parent's divorce, it could be witnessing a parent being killed, it could be a very tragic kind of an accident, or like a like a weather type condition so like surviving a tornado or an earthquake and it can be, it's not just the sexual abuse kind of things.
In my case it was medical trauma, I was born with a birth defect. And from, from 10 days old, until I was about 15,
I had one or two surgeries, every single year at my summer vacations, all the way through elementary school junior high and high school, all of my summer vacations were having a surgery in June, and basically sitting in bed, all summer, waiting for the blood to dry and the swelling to go down and the stitches to come out.
And a lot of times I was incapacitated because the, the reconstructive surgeries required bone grafts.
I was not born, I was born completely without a nose, so my entire nose is bone and skin grafts.
And so, in addition to my face being all tore up and swollen and bloody, some other part of my body, typically like the rib area or one of the hips, they would dig into those areas too to get the bone for the bone grafts and so I usually couldn't walk and I was in quite a bit of pain so my summer vacations basically all growing up were recovering and dreading the coming of the school year, where I would have to show up the first day of school with stitches still on my face, eyes still swollen shut.
One time when I was 11, I had these things called buttons that were put into my, they were trying to narrow the bridge of my nose because when they first built it, it was very wide and it kind of looked like a pig nose.
And so they were, they were grafting the skin in such a way to like create a narrow bridge.
And so to hold the skin in place. They had these big rubber buttons they look kind of like big contact lenses but they were thick rubber, and they had them on both sides of my nose that obstructed my vision, it kind of went into my eyes, and it was wired into my nose so instead of sutures it was like wire, all the way through my nose, and they were tight and they hurt, and they had a bunch of cotton wadded up to catch the dried blood so they had these dried blood cotton swabs in the middle and I had those things on for like five months because it went all summer and I had to show up my first day of junior high at a brand new school with kids
I didn't know wearing these horrendous things on my face. And so for for me.
I think where I was vulnerable, because I was raised in a Christian home, and at three years old four years old it's not like you're dabbling with these things it's not like you're playing with the
Ouija board or you're, you know, making a pact with the devil. I believe that I was vulnerable because I was enduring a lot of trauma, not only with the surgeries, which were scary and painful, and it was something that I had to do without my parents.
I think children's hospitals have come a long, long way in the last 40 years but in the 70s.
I would be a three year old, and I would be separated from my parents, and I would have to go into an operating room that had to be kept sterile.
And so I would have to walk alone with the doctors into this operating room waiting room, and I would, they would leave me there and say we'll be back when we're ready for you so you're just sitting there as a three, four, five, six year old alone in a waiting room, knowing what's about to happen your parents aren't there.
It's just it's very traumatizing for a child to endure that. And then eventually a doctor would come and get you, and you would walk on your own two feet into the operating room.
You would see all the nurses there, you'd see the trays full of knives and scalpels and scissors.
The doctor would lift you up on the operating table and tell you to lay down. And my mom,
I remember my mom telling me when I was probably about seven, you know,
God is light. And even though the light in the operating room that like the big light that's above the operating table, that's not
Jesus. But when you see that big light, let it remind you of the Bible verse that says
Jesus is light and it can be a reminder to you that Jesus is with you and even though we aren't in that operating room with you.
Jesus is there in that operating room with you. And I do believe with all of the bullying and the teasing that accompanied it,
I really couldn't get a break anywhere. When I was out of school, I was in a doctor's office or in a hospital.
When I was in school, I was getting teased. And when I was home safe in my bed at night,
I was being tormented by these sleep paralysis demons. So I was kind of in this traumatized survival state for probably 15 years, the first 15 years of my life.
And I really do believe that the reason why I didn't disassociate, the reason why
I didn't deal with DID is because of that providential moment when my mom told me as a young child, like,
Jesus is with you everywhere. And so what I would do is every time I had fear, every time
I had terror, whether it was in the hospital or having sleep paralysis, I would cry out to Jesus and Jesus would come.
And he was that protector and he was that one that would comfort me through his word. And even as a young child,
I had a lot of Bible verses memorized about anxiety and about fear. And so I would quote those verses and I would be comforted and I would be able to calm down and stay in that moment, but stay in that moment with his peace.
And I think that the understanding that Jesus was always with me and he would never leave me and he would never forsake me and he was going through all the deep waters and everything with me is what allowed me to not disassociate and have to deal with that whole realm of recovery and healing.
So it might seem like I'm getting a little off topic for sleep paralysis, but I really just want to give everybody the idea that sleep paralysis is very, very tightly tied to trauma.
The enemy, the devil, the demons, the fallen angels, these entities, these beings, whatever you want to call them.
Ephesians 6 .12 gives us names of several of them, these archons, these rulers, these principalities.
These things are bullies. They pick on the weak. They pick on the vulnerable.
And they pick on the things that they think are not going to be able to fight back, that don't have the resources, that don't have the protection.
And we even see this all over in the scriptures where Jesus was constantly telling people to watch out for the widows and the orphans and those who were blind and lame and deaf.
He knew that those people were vulnerable and he knew that those were the targets. Those were the low -lying fruit.
That was what these entities would come after. So to kind of move then into what is sleep paralysis.
First of all, I think it's important to note that the idea of being paralyzed while we sleep, there's nothing necessarily demonic about that.
That is something that God created in our design that when we get into deep
REM and theta levels of sleep, we are to a degree paralyzed. And this is for our protection.
This is so we don't act out our dreams. This is so we're not getting up and bumping into furniture or going outside and walking into traffic.
Or for married folks, you're not kicking or punching. You know, you think about PSD, like guys that come back from the war who can get aggressive in their sleep.
And so that paralytic state in and of itself,
I don't personally think that that is like, I like to give credit where credit is due. God designed that.
Our creator designed that as part of our sleep cycle. The demons, I think, like to capitalize on this opportune timing to look more powerful than they really are.
Because when you wake up and you can't move, that can be terrifying if you're visualizing something in front of you that you feel like you need to run or scream to get away from.
So I think that they are just capitalizing on that timing. But it is very possible to wake up in these altered states of consciousness kind of before you're fully awake and not have anything demonic going on.
And a lot of people will experience that. I've experienced that too, where you're kind of drifting off to sleep and you can't really move, but it's like a peaceful, almost a euphoric feeling.
So that in and of itself is not really part of, that's not really what we're talking about when we talk about sleep paralysis.
To be completely technical, what we're talking about when we say sleep paralysis is we're talking about a spiritual attack that occurs during the phases of our sleep where we're paralyzed.
But I think for the most part, when you say sleep paralysis, people understand you to mean that you're having some sort of an attack during that time.
So a classic sleep paralysis story, if you're going to, if you talk to 100 people with sleep paralysis, 90 % of them are going to have very similar components.
They're going to tell you that they wake up and they can't move. They cannot scream.
Many people will say they feel like they can't breathe or they're being choked. Some will say that they feel or even see some sort of entity sitting on their chest.
If you Google sleep paralysis or sleep paralysis demon and you go to the images, a lot of times you'll have these little ghouls and things sitting on people's chests and in the bed.
And people will talk about a dark, very evil, oppressive presence in the room.
And this is what I think is really fascinating. For all of the people that I have interviewed, all the case studies, and I've talked to people deeply entrenched in the new age, in the occult, atheists, agnostics,
Catholics, Christians, Muslims. And it doesn't matter what a theology these people do or do not ascribe to.
When they have this experience, all of a sudden they start using biblical language. They start talking about demons.
They start talking about evil. You know, these things that aren't even politically correct to talk about in waking life, right?
Well, what do you mean by evil? What do you mean by sin? People get triggered by those sorts of things. But when people have these experiences, regardless of the doctrine, regardless of their culture, they will say it was evil.
It hated me. It wanted to kill me. It wanted to drag me into hell. I've heard atheists who don't even believe in hell say that they believe that they were going to get dragged to hell.
So there is just a spiritual awareness that happens during these episodes where people really cannot deny that there is some sort of a cosmic or spiritual war for their soul going on.
And so that's the classic case. That's the classic sleep paralysis. But then you have people that talk about other things.
People will talk about out -of -body experiences where they feel their soul pulling out of their body and they can see themselves laying in bed.
You'll have people that then talk about astral projection where they get pulled completely out of the body and they're exploring realms or they're in some other place or they're flying.
There's people that talk about physical violence where they're getting pulled out of bed by their ankle.
They're getting slammed up against the wall. And then there are people that talk about encounters with the old hag or the incubus or the succubus.
And these are entities where they are actually violating the person in a sexual way.
And Hollywood likes to romanticize these types of encounters where these sort of astral vampires are just these sort of debonair, suave, handsome, romantic creatures and the sex is out of this world and all this stuff.
But that is not the way that people who experience this typically describe it. They describe it more like a violation.
They describe pain, shame. It's not described as a
I -want -that -to -happen -again kind of experience. So it runs the gamut by way of the actual entities that people are seeing.
Some don't see anything at all, but they just know. They just sense the presence. The people that see entities will say anything from a shadow man, a hat man, the incubus, the succubus, the old hag.
I've heard beautiful women, like a beautiful seductress, little girls or old women in rocking chairs in the corner of the room, black mists or shadows, shadows or gargoyle creatures with red eyes.
I've heard people describe leprechauns. One woman talked to me about it was like a jester with like bells on his toes.
Other people will talk about the alien greys or the little green men or sometimes they are like a combination where it is a gargoyle or demon -like creature, but it's only three or four feet tall.
And what's very fascinating to me is since the publication of the book, where more and more people are contacting me because they feel that they found a safe place to finally talk about this where someone won't think that they're crazy,
I am hearing a large number of people who are reporting visualizations not of entities or beings coming into the room, but they are seeing visualizations that are more of the technological persuasion.
I've heard people saying that they see their whole room, but it's in fiber optics.
I've heard a couple people explain that they see things floating in the air that like the whole atmosphere is like a screensaver.
Blinking and flashing lights. There's always people will remember the colors that they're seeing.
And more often than not, the colors are red and green. Green is the color associated with the astral realm and red is often associated in the occult with the devil and with Satan.
I don't know if that's specifically why it's always these colors, but you'd be surprised. I'll say to people, did you ever see anything that was blue or pink or white?
Occasionally I hear blue, but for the most part, people will see things that are in red and green.
And kind of as a little bit of predictive programming for people who like that, if you notice in the first Matrix movie, every single time
Neo is in the Matrix, everything's tinted green and Trinity, the spirit guide, only shows up in the
Matrix. She only shows up in the astral. And when he goes to visit the Oracle, he crosses over a threshold with Morpheus, the god of dreams, leads him to this doorway and he crosses the threshold and everything in the
Oracle's kitchen is green. Everything's green. And we see this in the Wizard of Oz as well, more so in the books than in the movie, but apparently everybody thinks it's green because they're all wearing green tinted glasses.
But Oz tells Dorothy, everybody thinks it's because of the glasses, but if you took the glasses off, everything here is green.
And so if you know these kinds of things, you'll see it all over in the movies.
And so a lot of movies that you think are about this or think it's about that, if you know the symbols, you'll actually see that it's actually occult blinds or it is esoteric.
It's actually talking about astral projection or soul travel or reality shifting to the metaverse or whatever it is that they're trying to pawn off on us.
And so I'm hearing a lot more people talking instead of the classic shadow person comes and scares me or I feel like I'm going to hell.
It's very much changing now and it's becoming now I think with the promotion of singularity, transhumanism, they are now trying to change this experience to probably better prepare and acclimate people for the 3D virtual reality sort of world that they want to foist upon us.
They very much want this world to be like the dream world. And so now instead of sleep paralysis always being a terrifying experience, people are harnessing this and they're going to what they describe as other realities, other dimensions, the upside down, the metaverse.
But not so much talking about the astral realm anymore. It's almost like that's becoming kind of an antiquated term for it.
And so now people are talking about how they're in control, and they can go to these various realities and they can, it's just a new framework of describing lucid dreaming.
Reality shifting is a new phrase, it's a new term. So it sounds cool and shiny and new, but it is ancient and it goes back thousands and thousands of years, it goes back into Sumerian tablets.
It's just lucid dreaming, where you can train yourself to wake up and have a sense of awareness or consciousness while you're asleep, and you can create these worlds.
Or you can travel these worlds that are already created. And so I do think that it's not a coincidence that the sleep paralysis phenomenon is slowly making its way into the technological age.
And people are now less and less afraid of sleep paralysis, as they begin to realize that sleep paralysis is a threshold or a gateway into these liminal spaces that lead into the spirit realm, where they can get esoteric knowledge or power or they can ascend to godhood or they can have astral sex or whatever it is that they dream of.
Sleep paralysis now amongst new agers and reality shifters is kind of that unfortunate door you have to walk through to get what you want.
So they train themselves to work through that fear, and to overcome the fear that comes with that sleep paralysis so that they can have these experiences.
And what's fascinating to me is when you talk to new agers, or you talk to people who are in Wicca, or you talk to people who dabble in the occult or white magic and we know as Christians, white magic, black magic,
I don't care what adjective you put in front of it, it's not a lord, but all of these groups have cleansing rituals that they do so like before you do a circle or before you do like a candle ceremony before you do a
Ouija board session, they have cleansing rituals that open and close all of these sessions, where they're in essence praying for protection because even they recognize that these realms carry with it a weight of consequences and nefarious interactions that they call them lower vibrational beings and kind of the truth that's a lie that they are taught is that when you go into the astral realm, there are lower and higher vibrational beings and you have to have the discernment, they don't use that word, you have to have the discernment to not get duped or tricked or sidetracked by the lower vibrational beings, because once you get to the higher vibrational beings, then of course those people are your friends, those people are going to give you the information or the experiences that you want.
And this is all just clever repackaged language because in the scripture, it talks about wolves in sheep's clothing, and it talks about discernment.
And so they still believe that but they twist it to say that eventually if you get into out of the lower realms of the astral realm and up here, where you're enlightened and you're special and you're chosen and you know there's tons of flattery involved with this, it's one of the ways that they can lure people deeper and deeper and deeper into this mess is you're a chosen one, you're gifted, you're a star, you know, you're of a star seed.
You sit on a galactic council, and you were brought to earth to help mankind and so it's filled with flattery which again is why vulnerable people are so susceptible.
Because when you have vulnerable people who have been sidelined in the world. They're looking for their community.
They're looking for somewhere where they belong somewhere where their love somewhere where they're accepted somewhere where they're beautiful.
They find these, these beings and astral realm who will say everything they've ever wanted to hear your special we've been waiting for you you're a chosen one, you have gifts.
We need you. And it's all just this, this, this breadcrumb trail to lure them deeper and deeper and deeper.
Unfortunately, once people are in the astral and they received this gift and eat that there's there's other things, there's other gateways to this too it's not just sleep paralysis, you heard about the ayahuasca drug use pharmacia all that there's there's many different ways that they can there's many different gates that they can they can drag you through right to get to these places but what they do is they, you know, it's kind of like to use a sort of, you know, a crude reference.
When you're on the streets the drug dealer will always give you the first one free, you know, here's your first hit you get it for free.
Well they're not doing you a favor, they're getting you hooked so that you'll have to keep coming back and the next the next hit is not free.
And so it's kind of the same concept. The first time you do ayahuasca or the first time you astral project, you're going to get that payoff you're going to get that high, you're going to get that experience you're going to get that overwhelming orgasmic glowing love light piece, the mysteries of the universe were unveiled, you know, kind of an experience.
And what many people don't realize who dabble with this is when they come back into the physical realm.
There is a gaping price tag hanging off of that gift that they've been given.
And that price tag is often that these entities have attached to them, and have have kind of traveled on their back piggybacked into the physical realm with them and a lot of people will.
Well, the people in the occult in the New Age don't want to talk about this because they want to advertise you know the good stuff.
You know, it's like the, the medication commercials where your life's going to be great and you're not going to be any pain anymore and all these things are going to be resolved and then at the end very quickly and indiscernibly they'll list all the side effects right.
And it's the same kind of thing that the New Agers don't want to tell you the darkness that attaches the depression, the anxiety, the sleep paralysis the nightmares, the shadow people the the paranormal activity, the havoc that it wreaks mentally physically emotionally relationally in in your family, and in your health in any number of ways.
Someone just sent me something the other day. I'm not really up on sports but it was one of the Green Bay Packers, and Aaron Rogers maybe don't quote me on the name but in the article it said that ever since he started going on ayahuasca retreats to Peru on the down seasons.
He now sees a hat man following him around in his waking life and he can't shake this this hat man.
And that is one of the dangling price tags you know you. Yes, we, we can find ourselves in these realms and we can explore and we can interact with these with these beings, and they can give you certain little payoffs to keep you hooked, but there is always a price tag attached to it.
So what becomes sort of unfair with the whole sleep paralysis thing is now we're not talking about people who have dabbled in this or who are looking for it we're not let's not talk now about the
New Agers, and the occultists let's talk about people who are having this happen to them, and they don't know why they don't know why they're being targeted.
They don't know what doors opened, or why this is, you know, and this is the focus of my book
I'm focused on the people. So, why is this happening to me and how, how do I stop this, because this is to borrow to borrow a term from the
UFO world. These sleep paralysis encounters are abductions, this is going into the bedrooms of Christians and people who love the
Lord and people who are minding their own business, and it is a forced abduction. We are forcing these people awake at night and out of their bodies and into the astral realm, and what's, what's even more alarming is that, just like dreams will wake up and we don't always remember what we dreamed and some people say well
I never dreamed. Well, you do you just don't remember it. Dreaming is a natural, it's a, it's a necessary function, and if we go years and years without dreaming and reaching those
REM states well we can actually become ill. And so it's that we don't remember a lot of our dreams.
And so what here's where some of the similarities are a question that a lot of people ask me is what if any are the similarities between an astral abduction through sleep paralysis and an alien abduction or a
UFO abduction. And there are actually several, several similarities they are very different experiences, and it's different beings and it's different circumstances.
This is not a cut and dry thing this is not true 100 % of the time. But what
I have found in my research and in the, in the people that I've talked to and in things that I've read from Jim Wilhelmsen and Tim Albarino and others is that very often, people that suffer sleep paralysis had some sort of childhood trauma and people that suffer the
UFO abduction version of the sleep paralysis experience, often, and again, this is not 100 % of the time, very often, they have experienced sexual abuse or childhood sexual abuse of some kind.
And so it's not an assumption you can make if someone tells you that as a child they had a UFO abduction experience.
You can't assume that they were they were sexually abused I'm just talking here in broad strokes. But some of the similarities in the abduction scenario is that when when abductees of UFOs tell their stories, they will say that they have no idea what happened.
They have no memory of it, but they they knew something happened, because there was missing time, so they became aware of the fact that hey there's two hours missing there's four hours missing.
And then, because of that missing time, they then seek some sort of, you know, hypnotherapy or regression therapy or, you know, other dangerous methods,
I believe, because when you're in an altered state of consciousness, whether it's drug induced, or it's ayahuasca or it's
When you're in altered states of consciousness, you are highly susceptible to suggestion.
And so if you're in the hands of a hypnotherapist or someone like that who has their own research or their own their own ideas of what they need and want you to say they can plant suggestions and those suggestions, whether they happened or not become real memories then to you and now you're traumatized by things that may or may not have happened.
So that's very dangerous. I'm always alarmed how many people in their attempt to be healed from these things that happen in altered states of consciousness will do more things that put them into an altered state of consciousness as a means of healing, whether it's meditation or hypnotherapy or anything like that.
So it's just yet another way that the enemy just just keeps people deeper and deeper in.
So here's where the abduction scenario in sleep paralysis becomes kind of scary and this is where we need the
Holy Spirit and we need prayer and we need discernment to to maybe figure out how to how to how to find healing and freedom from these experiences.
When we wake up in the morning, whether whether we're somebody who sleeps eight hours a night or we only sleep for no matter how many hours you sleep at night.
When we wake up in the morning. We aren't looking for missing time, because we know several hours have gone by and we know we've been in bed and so what can happen is it deep in the dream state, we can be abducted into the astral realm.
And while we're there, things can happen that we have no memory of when we wake up.
Now we might have a memory of the tail end of it, we remember the traumatic parts of coming back into consciousness in our bed and not being able to move and seeing or sensing a presence and calling on the name of Jesus and it going away.
We remember that part the same way. When you have a dream. When you have a nightmare, you'll wake up, and when you wake up from that nightmare you're afraid and your, your heart is beating and you're scared and you know consciously that you had a bad dream but if someone says what was the dream about.
Sometimes you'll say, I don't even remember. And, and so it's the same thing with sleep paralysis is you can wake up, and you can remember that traumatic moment as you're waking up, and your body is showing all the physical signs that you were in some sort of trauma, your heart is beating you're sweating your mouth is dry, your, your, you wake yourself up crying out to the name of Jesus, and you remember that portion of it.
But there might have been something that happened deep in the dream state that that you don't remember very similar to the people who have had the
UFO abduction experiences and so that is where prayer is needed because when, when we have doors open.
You know it's one thing where we can say like okay I played with a Ouija board in high school and we can so we can do, we can do war with that and we can take that to spiritual warfare we can pray about that.
Or we can say like, here's all the things I shouldn't have done or here's all the music I shouldn't own and so I'm going to get rid of this music and if you're dealing with something that was done in the astral realm and you have no memory of it.
This is where it gets sketchy, because the, the, the spirit realm the fallen spirit realm.
They are legalists, they do everything to the letter of the law.
That's advantageous to us because when we do the things that we need to do in spiritual warfare, they have to obey they have to flee they have to leave.
But if they have gotten us to come into some sort of agreement or covenant with them in the astral realm and we have no memory of it.
Now, this isn't to say that you can't pray carte blanche prayers you can't say, Father, if there's any chance in the world that I have made some sort of covenant that I don't even remember
I pray in the name of Jesus that you would break off all covenants Yes, obviously you can do that.
Because I have also seen people that have in essence lost their minds or lost their mental stability because they have been obsessed with trying to figure out why is this happening to me.
And in doing so, they're giving so much attention to it, that it almost serves as more of an invitation.
It can be almost a form of unintentional worship, when we give so much attention to these entities.
They love that. It's kind of like a child. We've all gone to restaurants or different places where a child is very aware of themselves, and they like to get attention so they'll do something that they know is cute, or they'll do something that they know is obnoxious because they want that attention.
And if you want to drive these kind of kids crazy, ignore them, and they will just keep escalating and escalating and escalating that behavior and getting in front of you and they have to get that attention.
And the demon world is very sophomoric and so they're like that as well. They love getting this attention.
And so, this is where a lot of people inadvertently, Christian and otherwise, get sucked in.
In the case of people who aren't biblically read, they have these experiences and even though they're terrified, they want to figure it out.
And so they go to the library, they get on the internet, they start reading this stuff and then as soon as they come across something flattering like, this only happens to people with a special gift.
Well, now they're getting sucked in, now they're getting drawn in. Whereas with Christians it works a little bit differently.
Why am I being targeted by these things, like what's happening? And all of a sudden, you become preoccupied with,
I'm going to pray every prayer I can find on the internet and I'm going to pray against every ancestral curse and I'm going to pray against every ancestor that might have been a
Freemason or might have been a part of the Scottish Rite or I got to get rid of every charged object in my home.
And there's a point where once you start to play that game, there's no end to the things that we have to repent of and get rid of because there's things that we don't remember and there's things that happened in our family's past or there's family secrets.
And so, it's almost like a game of Rumpelstiltskin, you know, like,
I'll let you off the hook here if you can guess my name, and you get into these sort of games with these things.
And so, it is possible to just pray and say, in the name of Jesus, if I have made any covenants or oaths or agreements with entities in the astral realm that I know nothing of, release me from these covenants,
Father, in the name of Jesus, amen, and just be done with it. But the problem is, is that a lot of Christians, it never dawns on them that this is something that's possible or something that could have happened.
And so, they get by with continuing to harass and continuing, we continue to see the effects of this in the physical realm and in our waking life because we don't know that we have these attachments.
And I do talk at length in my book in chapter four about this. The chapter is Threshold Covenants and Astral Agreements.
And so I won't belabor the point here, but I just kind of want to take a little break here just for a second because I want to make sure that I'm good with time.
And so, if someone could just kind of fill me in here as to how much time
I've got left over so I don't go too far. Yeah, you should be able to do about 10 to 15 more minutes, and then we can have time for some
Q &A after that. About 10 minutes because I think we got quite a few questions. Perfect, perfect.
Yeah, I want to leave plenty of room for questions because like I said, there's so many tentacles attached to this topic and a lot of times
I kind of focus on one or two and I really want to leave as much room for questions as possible.
So, just to kind of, I'll summarize a little bit with the book, they only come out at night,
Exposing the Dark Weapon of Sleep Paralysis. The book was published by L .A. Marzulli's Publishing House Spiral of Life and therefore the only place you can get the book is on his website.
So, L .A. Marzulli .net. If you go to Amazon, you won't find it. If you go to my website, you'll find it, but it's going to just take you to his site.
So, I just want to clarify that. And so, I just want to give people a little overview of what is in the book so you can know what to expect.
There's only six chapters and I'll just read the chapters here. Chapter 1 is
Sleep Paralysis, A Brief Introduction. Chapter 2 is Medicine vs.
Mysticism and the Cult of Asclepius. Chapter 3 is Theosophy and the
Theory of Transformation. Chapter 4 is Threshold Covenants and Astral Vampires.
Chapter 5 is The Clouds of Heaven and Merkava Mysticism. And Chapter 6 is The Adversary's Endgame and Your Way Out of the
Astral Matrix. So, Chapter 6 is really the practical. That's the handbook portion of it.
That's the how -to. That's the who's the targets? Why are they targets? What do you do before, during, and after a sleep paralysis episode to shorten them, to get rid of them permanently?
There's some prayer mapping exercises in there on how to kind of journal and really hone in on the source of these things.
There's some appendices at the end as well. I've got a whole bunch of case studies there at the beginning of every chapter as well as at the end of people's experiences.
Chapter 1 is an introduction to what is sleep paralysis. We're defining terms. I'm kind of giving people an overview on how to do research on sleep paralysis, the things to look for, to know whether or not someone really knows what they're talking about or not, or if you're getting fed disinformation.
I really went out of my way to include many aspects of this phenomenon in the book.
It's definitely written from a biblical worldview through the lens of Scripture. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and life.
The only way to come to the Father is through Him. But I also bring in the medical and the scientific explanations, philosophy, history.
I bring in secular people like Robert Monroe, who was kind of like the father of astral projection and these binaural beats that are so popular now, that brain entrainment that comes from Robert Monroe.
He called it hemi -sync, the synchronization of the frequencies of your left and right side of the brain.
God did not create the frequencies in the left and the right side of our brain to be of the same frequency.
They are different frequencies for a reason. When you entrain them or you bring them to the same frequency, it opens up altered states of consciousness, similar to yoga, similar to meditation.
And this brain entrainment is something that people do so that they can astral project, so that they can talk to spirits.
And it has to do with opening the third eye, kundalini awakenings, this stuff is all related, all of this new age ascension,
Christ consciousness stuff. And so that's all in there. So anyway,
I want to leave room for questions because I know that there's a lot of them and I tend to kind of babble when people ask questions, so I want to make sure
I get to all of them. So hopefully I gave you a good overview at least of what my research is and what to expect in the book.
And I just appreciate everyone's time and I just admire your attention spans.
I know it's hard to sit for 45 minutes to an hour and just listen to someone. And so just thank you so much for having me.
It's been great being here with all of you. Well, we admire your faith that we're still paying attention.
Just kidding. This has been very interesting to me and we do have some questions.
So thank you so much. That was a very, very interesting presentation. So let's get to the questions.
The first one. Oh, let me see here. Bill had a question about how do we know how long sleep paralysis typically last?
Does it or can it vary? Yes, it can. The average amount of time, and I'm talking about just that time when we are kind of coming out of it, that's usually 10 minutes.
Now, a lot of times it seems like a lot longer than that. I have heard some extreme cases where people have been stuck in it for a long period of time, but they say that 10 minutes is the average.
And I do talk a little bit about that in chapter one or two, because there are actually now ways through technology and through medicine that a lot of the aspects of sleep paralysis can be mimicked through drugs or through brain probing.
There's a certain region of the brain where if it's probed or electricity has gone there, a person will see shadow people.
And there is a drug called succinicoline, and it is a muscle inhibitor.
It is the drug that you get before you're going to be intubated. And you have to be sedated before you get succinicoline.
And what's interesting about succinicoline, and I do talk about this in the book because I think it's so fascinating, is succinicoline, the effects of it, the reason you have to be sedated is because there's psychological effects when you have that drug.
And it's exactly like a sleep paralysis experience. You can't move, you can't speak, you feel like something's on your chest, you feel like you can't breathe, and people even report feeling like they're going to be dragged to hell.
It's amazing. And so it can mimic that. But what's interesting and how this ties into Bill's question is, there is a threshold with succinicoline that lasts 10 minutes.
And that is what most scientific researchers say is the average length of time for a sleep paralysis experience.
Well, thank you. Yeah, when I was a lot younger, teenager, early 20s, maybe very early teenage years,
I had sleep paralysis. It was the classic symptoms when you first started your talk. Paralyzed, you're kind of awake, but you can't wake up.
And I don't know if I could hear things or not. You try to talk and even try to breathe, and I couldn't.
And it's scary. I was always scared, but I'd have to lift one hand or lift an arm.
Once I got one arm moving, I could get out of it. It was bizarre.
And this is the first time I've ever heard somebody talk about it. Wow. But I never saw anything like shadow people.
Now, I did see shadow people decades ago in the basement of my landlord's house. Wow. Stuff is real.
I remember Art Bell on late night radio, that all night radio program. They even had a song about shadow people.
I've seen them. They're real. And it was just weird. I wasn't scared, but I was always a skeptic of all this stuff.
Bill, this is Robin, and I appreciate your question, but you know that we're recording. And so if you don't want to be on the
World Wide Web, turn off your camera. Yeah, just a reminder to everybody, we are still recording.
And when we're done recording, then we can take off our cameras or put on our cameras, whatever. But thank you for sharing that.
That was interesting. And that was an interesting answer. I don't know, Vicky, as you were answering it,
I was recalling earlier today that I saw information about the upcoming
Davos meeting with the World Economic Forum. And I was looking at some of the topics that they have on the agenda and technology and everything.
And you mentioned earlier transhumanism. We've talked about that on our program before. And so the fact that people are finding ways to mimic doing this and doing it intentionally and what doors that is going to open and things that's going to lead to.
Carrie, I think you missed my question. It was just before Bill's. Oh, no,
I can. Yeah. Oh, okay. I'll just go ahead and ask it. Okay. So, when I was young, just as Bill was saying,
I was literally tormented during the day by people and then at night by this guy who looked like a tall dark shadow with a hat on.
And, you know, then there was a point where that went away and then just not too terribly long ago,
I was experiencing it again. And when you said the hat man, I was like, hat man, what do you mean by hat man?
Exactly how it sounds. There is a guy. And he, he appears in two different ways.
He can be a shadow, you can see the shadow of the hat man, so it's like a shadow man but you can definitely see a hat.
And people, it's interesting, depending on your culture, the hat is described differently.
So, in America, it'll be like the, like a fedora, or, or like a derby hat
I think. And yet in other countries where their, their hats are sombreros, it's like legitimately a different hat and so I've also,
I've talked to a lot of people from South Africa, a lot of the people that contact me want to tell me stories are from that region.
And the, the people that I talked to down there said we don't know who the hat man is, we don't see that guy. One of the cool things in the book, it was a super fun part of my research and it is pages of it is how, how sleep paralysis is perceived through the lens of, of all these different cultures, and what they call it and what their entities are and what they look like and it's fascinating to see how this is in, in every culture and they all have their own understanding of it but the hat man is interesting
Robin, if you, a lot of people they see the hat man during sleep paralysis, but many people will see the sleep paralysis in waking hours he appears in waking hours, but he also appears in a non shadow form, he appears where people are very descriptive that he's wearing a suit.
He kind of has like a 1920s sort of roaring 20s kind of look about him it'll be like a pinstripe like zoot suit with like the pocket watch people will talk about the pocket watch.
But his hands and his face are the shadow so it's almost like the shadow man put a suit on, so you still can't see a face or.
Yeah, that's the one I see is that with the suit on. Yep, that's the one that I and and a couple, the two times
I've seen him in my life, it was, it was wide awake it was I was not asleep in any way, and people have different theories, some people think that the hat man that the shadow man is the shadow of the hat man.
I don't know how you could come to any sort of solid understanding of proving that but.
And then there's also people that their theory is that the hat man is like an omen, but again it depends on who you talk to and this is why the misinformation is so rife out there.
Some people will say if you see the hat man, it's a omen of something bad that's going to come, but then there's people out there like new agers that say oh if you see the hat man you're really lucky because he's there to help you and he's your guide and so that's that's what gets so sticky about, about this kind of stuff is depending on who you're talking to, especially if you're talking to someone that doesn't have a biblical worldview, you're going to get any, any and every answer possible.
Yeah. Can you hold up your book for everybody to see the front cover.
Absolutely. So they only come out at night, exposing the dark weapon of sleep paralysis and your research is in there we have a person asking about your research and how you came to your
Yep, absolutely. So obviously not all the research is in the book, my, my, the first, the first draft of this book was about 1500 pages, and obviously you have to whittle it down.
But my research is kind of three fold. It comes from 47 years of experiencing sleep paralysis, on a regular basis.
It comes from case studies from all over the world, many of those case studies do appear in the book.
And then the third prong. Well, I suppose you could say four prongs the third prong would be.
I'm losing my thoughts here, the third prong is oh the just the research the reading I've done.
I was so curious about this that I started reading about dreams at 10 years old, and I still have the very first juvenile fiction book that I, I read on on dreams as a kid so years and years of reading, but also because I am a believer, the, this entire book was penned out of prayer and fasting, and I would,
I would not write anything until I felt that the Holy Spirit was telling me what direction to go, and I would,
I would be typing. Very often I would hit a brick wall and I would have to stop for two or three weeks at a time to pray and fast because I couldn't connect certain dots.
I would be praying, and the most bizarre internet search like ideas will come into my head where I would be picking words that would have nothing to do with each other and then
I would find these articles and research and things in the Sumerian tablets and you know the epic of Gilgamesh and all of these things would just pop up and so it was very much,
I just consider myself the co author here. Okay, thank you and Terry I'll turn it back to you.
Well, Robin Do you want to ask your other question about the frequency. Oh, I just recently,
I don't have paid I don't have cable TV or anything but I have trouble sleeping at night.
And so I was looking at things and I saw this advertisement for music that's played at our frequency, and you mentioned something about frequency and what did you mean about the frequency, because I was considering buying this, but then
I was afraid that, you know, I didn't know enough about it and I do not want to make myself vulnerable to, you know, doors or anything like that, not that I would
I mean I'm a firm believer, but you don't want to, you know, put yourself out there. So what were you saying about frequency.
Yeah, absolutely. So, it's interesting that even the language that the New Agers use to describe the astral realm they talk about lower and higher vibrational, and in fact ascension this whole like we're going to ascend into Godhood, what what they described that as as we become higher vibrational beings and they talk about how the reason why in sleep paralysis you hear certain sounds and you can hear like echoes and you're trying to move and you can see like you're like like six arms like moving up as you move your arm.
It's all. It has to do with frequencies and vibrations. I have an entire section in the very back of my book it's one of the appendices, where I'm explaining the difference between Eastern meditation and biblical meditation, because meditation is this whole getting yourself into deep deep states of relaxation and altered states of consciousness is is dangerous and if you're adding certain kinds of music and frequencies to that you're just, you know, enabling those those those entities to communicate.
So what what I would be really concerned with is anything that is being marketed as frequencies or vibrations or binaural beats.
That's brain entrainment that comes from Robert Monroe, the father of astral projection Monroe is the guy who in in the 1980s, was involved in a classified operation with the
US Army, the documentation has been declassified at this point but Robert Monroe was training the
US military, how to astral project now they don't call it that because it sounded too spiritual so they called it remote viewing, and a lot of people have probably heard about that but it's it's a form of astral spying and occult people can do this, people involved in witchcraft can do this and the military can do this it's a militarized astral projection.
And so, Robert Monroe, the guy who was training our US military to remote view and astral project is the guy that came up with brain entrainment and the hemi sync technology, and that is now being branded these days as binaural beats.
And I would even be careful I mean test every spirit, I would even be careful with Christian meditation apps because they're employing
Eastern meditation techniques of deep relaxation and wiggling your toes and being aware of your body and taking deep breaths that's that's not biblical meditation and so when you're doing that kind of stuff
I don't care if you know Chris Tomlin's playing in the background or you've got scripture playing that is
Eastern meditation. And I'll just give you a little scenario, a personal scenario.
About 10 years ago before I had gotten into this level of research and I hadn't heard of Robert Monroe, and my mom had passed away and I was in a sorry state
I was, I was really in some bad grief and. And so I found this app that was all
Christian meditation and it was all Bible verses and stuff is absolutely beautiful. And so I would listen to it as I went to bed to help me fall asleep.
And I stopped using the app because every single time, and I'm not using hyperbole here, you guys, every single time
I use that app I had sleep paralysis. Wow.
Um, and. Okay, there's a couple of new questions
I have a question too. I'm going to, I'm going to start with this one though, just a comment, kind of, of that.
It seems like it's very much tied in with hip hypnosis, and I know you made a comment earlier about how sometimes people who have gone through this, they end up trying to get relief by putting themselves again in an altered state of conscious but but all of this is a hypnotic kind of thing.
Right. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And what's, what's, what's interesting about where we're going with technology is in the past, these things were dependent upon our being in an altered state of consciousness in order to get through.
And so they had to have pharmacia involved, you know, drug use, being drunk, being in these various sleep stages.
But it could also be. There's emotions that we get in where you are in brief moments of ecstasy, which puts you in an altered state of consciousness and so if you are, if you are flying into a rage.
And this is where we see kind of like crimes of passion where people are like, like murder people in an absolute rage and it was not pre planned and they didn't know they had it in.
It's because we become susceptible. When we are in heightened emotion and I do write about this in the book, so it can be it you don't have to be drunk or asleep or in hypnotized or meditating.
If you're in a rage. If you have terror, or even in the sexual sense like during orgasm which is why a lot of people with sleep paralysis will talk a lot about the sexual component.
And I don't think that has anything to do with these entities enjoying the sex act
I think it has to do with keeping that state of that altered state of consciousness perpetuated so that these these episodes can can be longer and they can continue.
But with that said, the technology that's being put out there now, like with people now who have these wireless earbuds that they walk around all day in and that are attracting electromagnetic energy and being even being on social media, all day long, all day long interacting with it with a black screen, and just everywhere we go, you know, you can't even go to a gas pump without some sort of media playing what they're trying to do,
I think this is my opinion, they're trying to inundate us with this absolute inescapable input that is keeping us even during waking hours in altered states of consciousness and this is why every time you go to a doctor with so much as a hangnail they want to give you some heavy psychotropic medication.
They want to keep people perpetually even during the waking hours in these altered states of consciousness because like I said when you're in altered states of consciousness you become very susceptible to suggestion.
So if you're on some sort of drug or you're constantly tuned into something, and then you've got the news on or the
TV on, you know, and all of the programming is then getting layered on top of that quasi state, they're just basically,
I think, trying to keep us in this stupor 24 hours a day. Yeah, that's not surprising to hear we had a couple of years ago,
Nathan Jones was our speaker and he talked about devices of the damned.
I think that I think you might be familiar with Nathan Jones from lamb and lion ministries. Oh, that ministry.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And he talked about that like, you know, I mean, I mean we're here we are using technology to try to tell people about the
Lord, and about, and, you know, we do want to reach people and stuff but at the same time we know that that's not really the intent of technology, and and he really did a good job of laying out like just what the long term strategy is, and how, how
Satan is going to use that you know to accomplish his purposes before, before it's all said and done, but we know, we know what said and done means to.
Well, you know, Satan is not omniscient, he's not omnipresent he's not all powerful.
He has to mimic these things, and so he needs infrastructure, and so boots on the ground and technology is the infrastructure because if you look at all this stuff like GPS and, and and the whole all the tracking and this and that what it is is it's, it's a pseudo omnipresence, it's a pseudo omniscience, it, he needs that infrastructure, so that he can look like he has all these characteristics of God but he doesn't.
If you pull the plug on Satan he would not have any. Nobody would be fooled by him. Yeah, that's interesting.
So, um, you know, most of what you've been talking about is a sleep paralysis. I'm going back to something you said earlier about how sometimes when people wake up and then they have this feeling like heart racing and this, this very anxious feeling.
In your case studies have you talked to people who. So I have,
I've never experienced a sleep paralysis that you're talking about but there was one time, a couple years ago when in the middle of my dream.
I had something very intense that I could just feel the evilness of it.
And, and I'm pretty sure like I saw a demon coming out and it had very much to do with my son,
I didn't know where he was in the world at that time. And we've had a very strange relationship because I've watched him walk away from the
Lord. And it's been very sad, but I know like, like I got myself a two year subscription to a cardiologist and a lot of tests because of that I woke up feeling like something is wrong with me symptoms of a heart attack, but when
I look back on it, I know that it was something it was definitely something that was of a spiritual nature.
So I wonder if you've talked to other people like that who it's not necessarily the paralysis, but definitely in their subconscious or in their dreams they're experiencing things like that.
Absolutely. And I've also heard people not only physical manifestations but sometimes, and we all look, we all get up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes we didn't get enough sleep we we crimped our neck, we were dreading the meeting at work.
So you have to kind of put the dots together to form a whole picture here but there have been times where I've woke up, and there's no explanation whatsoever because I went to bed in a good mood
I don't have anything on my plate that day that is to be dreaded. And I will wake up feeling the same dread and energy drain and exhaustion that I typically feel after a sleep paralysis episode but I have no memory of the sleep paralysis episode and one of the things that I started praying and it's you know it's not an exact match.
But there is an interesting passage in the book of Numbers, where if a married woman or a young girl makes a vow to God that if the husband or the father on the day that he hears of the vow disapproves that as the husband or as the father, he can disavow her and she can get out of that vow.
Now it's not exactly the same because this is talking about vows she made to God. But one of the things that I've been doing as since I've become aware of the fact that maybe there's things going on in my dreams that I don't remember that have have consequences is when
I get up every morning, I just pray and I say, Father. If I made any covenants or agreements or oaths or vows in my sleep that I have no recollection of, as my father and Jesus as my bridegroom, you have the option on my behalf to disavow me of any covenants and vows that I've made and will you do that?
Will you break that stuff legally in the spiritual realm on my behalf? And, you know, it's a prayer of faith, because it's not written in Scripture to do this and a lot of this stuff we're talking about tonight, it's not explicitly talking, sleep paralysis is mentioned in the book of Job.
Eliphaz has an experience, I think, and I don't know if it's chapter four. Yes, it's chapter four.
Thank you. And so what I'm saying here is, you know,
I didn't know all this the first 40 years of my life, but now that I know it now, going forward,
I just do that when I wake up, because as you start to figure out what these things are up to, and as you start to realize, okay, this is their game, this is their strategy, they don't always just go away.
Sometimes they just come back in a different, more covert way, and they get sneakier. And so it's just something that I'm trying,
I'm just testing it out. I can't tell you whether or not it works or not. But it was something that kind of came to me one day in prayer.
And so I thought, well, I'll give it a shot, because God is my father, and Jesus is my bridegroom.
And so I have dual layers, I actually have a triple layer of protective headship, because I've got my father, too, who's a believer.
And so I've got my dad, and I've got Jesus, and I've got the father, and all three of these are layers of headship and layers of protection.
And so it's three shields that this enemy has got to get through before he can get to me.
Yeah, that's good news. I mean, it's good that we have some countermeasures to navigate through what's only going to get more intense and more real.
And I think that answers then Joyce's question, because she was a little confused about that you had mentioned that even believers could make some kind of a commitment in their sleep without realizing it.
Bill also has another question. Could people ever have died in their sleep for unknown reasons when it was sleep paralysis that was actually the cause of death?
Okay. The official on the record answer, like, you know, you talk about people, like, this is the big myth, like, if you astral project and you don't get back into your body before you wake up, you die.
It's kind of the whole, like, Nightmare on Elm Street kind of theory, you know. And so the general consensus is like, no, of course, you can't.
You can't get, like, lost in the astral realm, like, where you die, and then you're trapped up there.
If you die in your bed at night, your soul is going to be collected by the
Lord, the owner of that soul. It's not going to be trapped up in the spirit realm somewhere in limbo, right?
But with that said, even though there's not a lot of, you know, cases of death certificates with sleep paralysis being listed as the cause of death, there are things not really well known in America, but more well known in the countries where there are curses and there's witchcraft and there's witch doctors and things like that.
And I'll give you one example, and it's a little bit different, but a friend of mine,
I don't know if you guys are familiar with Jamie Walden of Omega Dynamics, but anyway, he's ex -military, he's ex -Marine, he wrote this book,
Omega Dynamics, and just excellent book where he's comparing the commission as soldiers in the
Army of the Lord to the Marine handbook, like the military commissions and stuff.
It's just, he's like a warrior kind of a guy, right? And so anyway, he had an experience recently within the last year or two where he received an email from someone like, oh,
I read your book and it was great. And you know, all this stuff. And she was presenting as a believer. And then at the end of the email, which he was reading on his phone, so he was scrolling, there were a whole bunch of pictures of the moon.
So it was just all these pictures of the moon. And he just keeps scrolling quickly to get through them because it's just pictures of the moon.
And he said, when he got to the very end, there was a picture of a horrifically frightening looking demonic entity.
And before he knew what was happening, I've never heard anything like this. The photograph manifested into three dimensions and leapt into him.
And he did warfare on his floor with his wife. He said he was having the equivalent of a heart attack, and that he wrestled with this thing, quoting scripture at it and fighting with it for two hours.
And if you talk to him now, a year or two later, he'll say he still can't talk about it without getting shook up.
And this is like he's, he's a Marine. He's not one of these like teary. He gets emotional when he talks about it.
It was very frightening. So the next day, he talked to the late Russ Dizdar, because Russ was still alive at that point.
And Russ was, he ran Shatter the Darkness. He worked with occult crime units and working with SRA survivors, survivors of satanic ritual abuse.
And he told Russ about it. And they got on a conference call with a missionary from Africa.
And the missionary from Africa said, this is the name of that demon. And Jamie won't say the name of the demon out loud for obvious reasons.
But the guy in Africa was very familiar with this demon. And he said, this is the demon that they use to murder missionaries and pastors of Christianity in this country.
And so they'll, they'll die in their sleep of a heart attack. And he said, this, the summoning of this demon requires blood.
It's, it's a, it's a human sacrifice. So someone had to die to manifest that demon.
I realize this is an extremely radical example, but it's something that's literally happened to...
You don't mean that Christians had to sacrifice somebody? Some of the occult had to sacrifice? Yeah, thanks for that.
The people summoning this demon would offer up a ritual sacrifice to summon this demon.
And then the demon was used to kill the Christians in the country who were pastors and seminary students and missionaries.
And it was a way of kind of innocently getting rid of these troublemakers because they would die in their sleep of a heart attack.
And so it would always just look like, hey, another 25 year old died in the sleep of a heart attack.
You know, nothing here to see, right? Well, we know what that is today. Yes, we do.
Yes, we do. Yep, exactly. So it's a radical example. I know it's pretty hard to believe.
But the fact of the matter is that this meddling with the spiritual realm and interacting with them and thinking that are our friends and taking counsel from them and learning from them.
It's a dangerous, dangerous game. They will play with you until they don't need you anymore. Thank you.
Okay, Perry. Yeah, well, that's that is the last of our questions, which is good because we're at our time.
So, Vicki, why don't you go ahead and tell people one more time where they can find you how they can get your book and about your website.
Absolutely. Thank you so much. So you can get me at vickijoyanderson .com.
It's Vicki with an I and Anderson is S -O -N, vickijoyanderson .com.
You can contact me through my website. You can go and see other shows and podcasts that I've done.
You can send me an email, whatever. The book, They Only Come Out at Night, Exposing the Dark Weapon of Sleep Paralysis is available on lamarzulli .net.
And you can get me on Instagram at vickijoyauthor. Okay, great.
And we are Creation Fellowship Santee and you can find links to most of our past presentations and also a list of our upcoming speakers by visiting tinyurl .com
forward slash cfsantee. And also you can email us at creationfellowshipsantee, that's s -a -n -t -e -e, at gmail .com
so that you can get on our email list. We never spam, but we will send you emails to our upcoming speakers that way so that you don't miss any.
And next week we have Sal Cordova and Genetic Entropy. Yes, or I believe the title of his talk is
What's Going to Happen to the Human Race? What is the Destiny of the
Human Race? So, but, but yes, he's going to talk about the subject of genetic entropy.
So, with that, thank you again, Vicki and if you want to stay back for a few minutes in case a couple people might have questions in the zoom room, that would be really great.