What It Means to Worship (01/17/1999) | NOTE: Low volume

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Pastor David Mitchell


going to truly see what it means to worship and I think it's a it is a thing that in this world this religious world that we live in true worship has been lost and also even worse than that it's been replaced with a counterfeit and so I think we'll see those things today and I'm excited about it but I'm excited about seeing what true worship is all about we're so happy to have each of you here our home folks and our visitors and we hope that our visitors will feel like home folks today uh in our you might note the bulletin if you're visiting for the first time we have a place for you to fill this out and tear that off and place it in the offering plates in a few moments we'd appreciate that if you would do that so we can keep track with you and find you and pay you a little bit later on I noticed that my grandfather just came in the back and it's so good to see you brother waters with us again and it's good to have you in the congregation let me say this about next
Sunday my wife and I will be away for four days and we will not be here on Sunday and we have a service planned that I think uh that will really touch your hearts what we're going to do is brother
Russell Brown is going to sort of serve as moderator and we're going to have several families in our church come and do one of three things or a of the above either sing a song preferably a hymn and or give a word from the word of God that you've been studying lately or give a testimony about what the
Lord's done in your life in recent days or a combination of some of those things and so if you and your family would like to be a part in that you might want to see me after the service today and just let me know you know
I really feel like the Lord would have us say something and we'll try to keep each family to around 10 minutes so that several families will have an opportunity that morning and also that afternoon what we're going to do when you get here next
Sunday we're going to put everybody's name in a hat and draw that draw the name so that you'll so that you'll know what time you're going to speak because some will speak in the afternoon service some in the morning and we want to be fair about that so everybody has equal opportunity to have the pulpit at 11 o 'clock
Sunday morning so brother Russell will take care of all that and the only thing that I hate about it is that I'll miss it so I trust that you will tape it brother
Tom tape it for us so that we can hear that when we get back but I believe that'll be a wonderful service and I don't think it'll be the last time that we do that of course we've done similar things in the past but I believe it'll be a wonderful day next
Sunday we might note also at 10 o 'clock on Wednesdays Mrs.
Sue Riddle is doing the ladies Bible class again up here at 10 o 'clock on Wednesdays that's back in session and we've also noted in the bulletin once again the different home
Bible studies and brother Otis and Miss B's home gives all the days and the times for that Bible study and we really highly encourage you to go to that I bring my entire family on Monday night which is a school night but we drive all the way over from Mahea to attend that class every
Monday whether we have homework or not because I believe it's that important to have my children sitting under that teaching so I encourage you to do the same well let's go to the
Lord in prayer this morning dear father we thank you so much for your word for it is truth and we thank you so much that you make it possible for us to worship you in spirit for that is the only way that you can be worshiped for you are spirit and we pray that you would teach us more about what that means today as we study your word together and we pray that your holy spirit would move in a powerful way upon the congregation today and that you would move about to each of us individually speak to our hearts and teach us things of the word of God and father we pray that there might not be a single individual who would grieve or quench your spirit today so Lord search our hearts right now during this part of the service and bring to mind any unconfessed sin that we might have from the past days and move us to confess and be cleansed according to first john 1 9 and father we just pray that you would do something in our hearts today that would make a change that we might know thee better and we might know more about what it means to worship you and we ask it in Jesus name amen let's get that brother fisher come now for the morning special brother