Do EXACTLY THIS to Hear from Jesus

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope

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This man says that with his formula of sitting down and repeating “In the name of Jesus I silence every voice besides the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,” you will gain silence in your mind enough to be able to ask God questions about what to do and when do it regarding fill in the blank situations. He “promises” that if you do this gnostic, mystical practice that has no Scriptural support whatsoever, you can hear directly from God always.


It's a beautiful day, got my Bible, I'm ready to go. I'm about to tell you exactly what to do to hear from Jesus.
I'm talking revolutionary, radical change in your life in how to listen and hear from God by doing this simple thing.
You need to sit down, okay, and have your questions in hand. Okay, Jesus, what do you want me to do about blank?
And Jesus, when do you want me to do that about blank? Those are the two questions. But before you do anything, okay, all you have to do is say, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Yeshua, okay, he knows exactly what you're talking about.
It's the name above all names. You say, in the name of Jesus, I silence every voice inside my head except for the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Pause for effect.
Okay, you still hear crazy thoughts? No big deal, let's do it again. In the name of Jesus, I silence every voice except for the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. More crazy voices.
Jimmy, what are you doing? That's crazy, why are you saying that? That's never gonna work. Oh my gosh, you're nuts. Okay, let's do it again.
In the name of Jesus, I silence every voice inside my head except for the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I promise you, okay, I promise you, if you do this, okay, it may take you twice, it may take you 10 times, but if you do it enough times, eventually, you will have perfect peace and silence in your head for once in your life, and it will stay there.
And every once in a while, you'll have to say that. In the name of Jesus, I silence every voice except for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
And when you do that, you will finally have that silence you so desperately need in this life to hear the counsel and wisdom of God.
Theology hurts people. I did a stitch from a man promising that if you repeat his formula, demanding that every voice in your head be silenced except for the voice of God, then you will have the silence in your mind necessary to hear
God. And my response to that was that it's nonsense, that God speaks to us through his word, and that the 38 ,000 -plus people who liked that video are being deceived by this man.
Then I started reading the comments on his video, my video response, and videos from other popular
TikTokers who claim to hear from God, and it broke my heart because you have many people, many of whom are true, genuine believers, coming to the conclusion that something must be wrong with them because they don't hear from God.
They don't hear God speaking to them. Everyone else is saying that they hear from God. Jonah Wiley said he had an argument with God last night.
Why can't I hear from God like they can? So I just wanna read some of these comments.
This one says, sometimes I think he speaks to me, but I always become skeptical and try to reason why I think it was not him.
It's a battle, sad face. I wish I could hear, sad face. Can you please teach me to have a stronger connection with God so that I can listen to him too?
I really want to hear him, but it's always just the voice inside my head. How can you hear him so well?
I want to hear him. Must be nice. I want him to talk to me. How? Teach me how to talk to God because every time
I do, I feel like I'm just thinking my own thoughts or is that God speaking? Wish I could hear him audibly, so jealous.
Wait, y 'all can hear from God? Crying emoji. But this one, this one really got me. This man said, one time
I got so angry at God because he just wouldn't give me an answer. Everyone else says Jesus spoke to them.
I guess it's only verses for me. Only verses? We're going to talk about God's word as only verses?
I asked this person how many times he's read through the Bible. Not once. Now he's working on it, he's reading the
Bible, but do you see what's happened? I feel desperate for any type of sign from God sometimes. Because of the bad theology on TikTok, this man and so many others are seeking new revelation from God when they haven't even read the revelation he's already given them.
And you become like those in Matthew 12 who demanded a sign because the voice of Jesus they had right in front of them wasn't enough.
They sinfully craved the sensation of something more. And let's go a little deeper.
Do you not realize that the Old Testament prophetic office foreshadowed Christ who has fulfilled it?
You agree that we have no more need of animal sacrifices and human high priest because Jesus is the true high priest and sacrifice who put an end to those things because they are fulfilled in him.
If you believe that, the only consistent position is to also believe that there is no more need of lesser prophets to be the channels through which divine revelation is revealed.
The finished work of Christ and the completion of the canon of scripture have brought an end to the office of prophet in the
Old Testament sense of the term. Therefore, to say that God is speaking directly to me today with a voice
I can hear either audibly or in my mind is like returning to the sacrificial system of the old covenant.
There is no need for it and it is a denial of the finished work of Christ as prophet, priest, and king.
Hebrews 1 says, God, after he spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions, many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in his son.
Jesus is the word of God made flesh who declared the word of God. Christ is God's final and definitive revelation of his word and will and he has spoken in the scriptures.
Don't be like those who Jesus condemned by not being satisfied, by being discontent with the revelation right in front of you.
Nope. Mm -mm. ♪ I feel like I'm losing my mind ♪ ♪ Is everybody in the world blind?