The Rise of The Roman Catholic Church (325 AD - 590 AD)

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Church History Lesson # 3


Next section this will probably be the last one we cover. This is the Council of Nicaea to the fall of the
Roman Empire so I've titled this the rise of the Roman Catholic Church or you could say the rise of the papacy and The Roman Catholic Church.
So this is from the Council of Nicaea 325 to the fall of the
Roman Empire which was in 590 so during this time period Christianity Even from the earliest days
Christianity was an illegal religion Right, you probably knew that because in the pages of Scripture remember the
Apostles are getting arrested and beaten and told do not preach in the name of Jesus so it was considered illegal in Jerusalem, but it was
Really a persecuted religion all throughout the Roman Empire But during this time period it went from illegal religion that's being persecuted to being
Tolerated and then made the official religion of the Empire. So the most change probably happened during this
Time period so how did Christianity become the official religion of Rome?
How did that happen? Well, there's kind of two versions of this story
You can't leave out the Emperor Constantine. Obviously, he plays a huge role in this
So I think everyone knows you should know the Emperor Constantine, right?
You've heard of him at least, right? Yeah, he's he's a major figure, but there's two different versions depending who you're listening to so Constantine converted to Christianity in the year 312
Supposedly He saw a vision of the cross and in the words in this sign or under this sign conquer
So he was a general he claims to have seen this vision. So he went into battle under The banner of the cross he came out victorious in the battle and he gave the
Lord The credit or so the story goes so Constantine said from that moment on he was a
Christian Even though he didn't get baptized until right before his death Whatever happened
Constantine did play a major role in this time period of History since he was the man who convened the
Council of Nicaea more on that in a moment. So people Here's what I say. There's two versions people tend to look at this in one of two ways
Either someone will say praise God that Christianity Spread and took over the
Roman Empire Praise the Lord. Well, that's one way to look at it. Another way you could see it.
Is that the Roman Empire? started to conquer or affect biblical Christianity, so Which is it?
So did the Roman Empire? Here's my question to you. I just want I guess this is your opinion
I mean, I'm pretty sure which which is correct. I certainly have mine. But again, this is where you're going to get into two different The Catholic Church will have a different answer for this.
So just in full disclosure, but let me ask you this question Did the Roman Empire become
Christian? during the 3rd and 4th century or Did the
Christian Church start to become Roman? Which happened, okay.
Yes Okay Let me repeat the question. Did the Roman Empire become
Christian or did Christianity start becoming Roman? What do you think?
What do you think? Okay, this is clearly laid out way back in the
Old Testament in the book of Daniel that Babylon would fall that Greece would fall Well Rome did end up falling and what replaced the
Roman Empire We'll get into this in the next section. But what replaced the Roman Empire?
the Holy Roman Empire so once the Roman Empire crumbles the only glue that's left to kind of hold what's what's there together is the
The Catholic Church or the Roman Catholic Church as it starts to develop So I would be of the opinion that at this time a yes
Christianity was expanding It was growing and God was doing a work. That's that's true
But at the same time because it became the official religion of a pagan
Empire the the Empire the paganism in the
Empire and Christianity. It just kind of got blended together. So you saw a lot of corruption During this time again
Christianity started off as an illegal religion in the Roman Empire Former emperors saw
Christianity as a threat Why because Christians pledged their highest allegiance to King Jesus and the
Roman emperors didn't like that Very much because they wanted to be worshipped as gods So at times
Christians faced severe persecution some Christians were even fed to the lions at the
Roman Coliseum just as a form of entertainment to To entertain the the pagans, but when
Constantine claimed to be a Christian He issued what is called a decree of toleration
So Christianity at that moment, it didn't become the official religion of the Empire, but now it had legal protection
So everything changed and I would say the handwriting was on the wall if you wanted to succeed in Roman society
It would benefit you to be part of the same religion as the Emperor like people figured this out for themselves
Constantine converted that's what he wants. So if I become a Christian Things are gonna go well for me.
So you saw a lot of people convert to Christianity Whether or not they truly converted.
I'm sure some did and some were false converts But that was sort of the situation and then in the year 380 under the
Emperor Theodosius That's when Christianity was made the official religion not under Constantine that came later
And from what I understand This is when infant baptism became a thing because Christianity, you know
What was Constantine doing whether his faith was authentic or not? He wanted to use
Christianity as a way to consolidate power to hold his Empire together
So, how did you become a good citizen? Well get baptized
So when you got baptized when you baptized a baby they became a Christian and kind of an official
Member of the Roman Empire and the Christian Church at the same time and by doing that to little
Children that was a way to kind of make it official instead of what I would argue the
New Testament Taught is that you should do it as an adult as your own Decision but when you start baptizing they there's a political element basically is what
I'm saying All right. Let's just cover one more thing. What is the
Council of Nicaea? I got this from the website got questions or G says the
Council of Nicaea took place in 8325 by order of the
Roman Emperor Constantine Nicaea was located in Asia Minor. That's east of Constantinople So he named the city after himself
Constantine If you know anything about him The odds are he probably wasn't a true convert he had his wife and child killed and Again, he didn't get baptized until right before his death and there were political
Reasons why he was using Christianity to concern so I only God knows his heart obviously
But there are some real questions about his sincerity and besides The whole thing with the vision, you know under the sign of the cross conquer that's
That's a hard sell for me. It doesn't seem consistent with what? Jesus taught but at the
Council of Nicaea Emperor Constantine presided over a group of church bishops and other leaders with the purpose of Defining the nature of God for all of Christianity and eliminating confusion controversy and contention within the church the
Council of Nicaea overwhelmingly affirmed the deity and eternality of Jesus Christ and Defined the relationship between the father and the son as of one substance
It also affirmed the Trinity the Father Son and Holy Spirit But they were listed as three co -equal and co eternal person
So this was voted on and settled at the Council of Nicaea So how do the critics use this who remembers the book the
Da Vinci Code? I? Remember was it 15 20 years ago wherever you went people were reading that book and then of course there was a movie and I'm Not against you if you read the book, okay, but what one of the things that The author was trying to say is that you know the
Catholic Church This was this is not what happened But the author Dan Brown was making the argument that the
Catholic Church Invented the deity of Christ the whole idea of the Trinity This is all just made up in the third or fourth century by the
Catholic Church Well is it wait isn't that what you just said isn't that what you just read no it's not
So here's the thing did the cat did the Council of Nicaea vote on these matters yeah, they did because there was a man named
Arius who was saying that Jesus wasn't God and This became known as the
Aryan heresy who believes in the Aryan heresy today the Jehovah's Witnesses Because they don't believe in the deity of Christ.
They say that God created Jesus first or Jesus is the first creation
So they say Jesus is not God they deny the Trinity and they'll say see this is all just concocted at the
Council of Nicaea wrong The church already believed in the deity of Christ the church already believed in the
Trinity. They were just Settling the dispute which was really started by one guy so at the council.
I think the vote was something like 314 to 2 does that sound like they just made all this up and decide no the church already believed this
But it was they're trying to just put this controversy To bed at the Council of Nicaea So we'll stop there and we'll we'll pick up around this
On this subject next week, so we ended last time talking about This priest named
Arius He presented his argument that Jesus Christ was not an eternal being
This is why the Council of Nicaea was necessary because he said that Jesus wasn't
God He said that Jesus was created at a certain point in time
This became known as the Aryan heresy, which is what the Jehovah's Witnesses Believed today that Jesus is the firstborn creation of God, but he is not actually divine so the bishops such as Alexander and the deacon
Athanasius they argued the opposite position that Jesus Christ is eternal just like the father is and Obviously, that's the position that won out in the council
So Constantine he prodded the 300 or so bishops in the council to make a decision by majority vote
Defining who Jesus Christ is and we talked about how the final vote was overwhelming, wasn't it?
to 314 to 2 is the number that I saw so it's really not like this was in question
There is just some fighting because of mainly this one guy in Constantine didn't want any fighting.
He wanted them all to come together. Let's make it official. So The point is people who say that the deity of Christ was made up in the fourth century
That they're just not being honest So the statement of doctrine the council produced is known as the
Nicene Creed this creed was upheld by the church and Enforced by the
Emperor the bishops at Nicaea voted to make the full deity of Christ the accepted position of The church so this was a very important time for Christianity and expanded at a rapid pace
Which is good, but a lot of false converts had been brought into the church So that was not so good because it was expedient for them to become
Christian now that the Emperor was a Christian Up until this point becoming a
Christian would not help your social standing. It's sort of like right now You know in the
United States of America becoming a Christian 40 years ago is probably the thing to do today
Not not as much So a lot of good things going on back then a lot of not so good things in 1331
Constantine ordered that 50 Bibles be made and distributed among the bishops so the canon of Scripture was officially decided upon by the end of the fourth century and This is important to just like with the deity of Christ It's not that the church created the
Bible that they didn't create the deity of Christ. They didn't create the Bible recognized or rather the the church councils
Recognized that these books were the Word of God The council's used the term received so they received the scriptures because no vote no
Council can vote this book is now the Word of God because we said so that's not the way it works
So they they were not declaring it the Word of God. They were receiving it recognizing that it was the
Word of God And that was in 341? The official declarations concerning the canon of Scripture were in the councils of Carthage and Hippo.
This was in the year 393 and 397 So the
Bible was it was made official. Yes these 66 books at the end of the fourth century
The Old Testament at this point is basically already been fixed The Jews had agreed on what the
Old Testament scriptures were there really wasn't a lot of Debating about that. It was the debate really focused just on a handful of New Testament letters
So the book of Hebrews the book of James 2nd Peter these things were discussed.
Are they in should they be in or out? But for the most part the church had already recognized the
New Testament books So there was great change during this time period from 325 to 590 great advancements were made
But again, there were new threats and new Challenges, so the Roman Empire started to crumble
There were the attacks from the outside the barbarian tribes but also moral decay and corruption from within led to the
Roman Empire falling and we said that the Catholic Church was really The glue it was the only thing
Remaining that was able to hold the remaining parts of the Empire together.
So the the church now is being called what? Remember the term universal, but the word universal
Catholic so Catholic Universal It was called the Universal Church because it was it was all over the known world.
It really was Everywhere, okay. What's this section section number three? What's this titled the rise of what?
All right, okay, so the rise of the Roman Catholic Church I Have to point this out the term
Roman Catholic if you think about it. It's almost like a contradiction because Catholic means
Universal everywhere, but Roman is a specific location. So how can the church be both
Roman and Located in Rome, but also Catholic and be everywhere.
How can that be? Why is it called the Roman Catholic Church? Yeah, well because the the
Pope the one who ended up rising to power he is sitting in Rome so The Bishop of Rome we could also call this section the rise of the papacy because the
Bishop of Rome So the Pope is the Bishop of Rome the Bishop of Rome is the Pope He over time started to make claims that he had supremacy over the entire
Christian Church and The headquarters of the you know, the it's the
Roman Empire. So Rome is the Headquarters, so that's the way it worked out Roman Catholic here.
You might find this interesting How many of you are familiar with the term pontifics maximus?
Okay Do you know what that was originally? Originally it was used for the high priest of the
Pagan Roman religion so paganism in Rome the high priest of the pagan religion was called pontifics maximus
But because the Roman Emperors believed that they were gods and that they wanted to control everything
Caesar Augustus, I believe was the first one to use that title for himself pontifics
Maximus well as the Roman Empire fell in the Emperor You know his power was going down and the
Pope's power was rising up guess who took that term pontifics maximus the
Pope So even today sometimes the Pope is called the pontiff
Have you heard that which basically means a bridge builder that he is the go -between between the spiritual realm and the physical or he is the bridge between Heaven and earth
I would argue. There's really only one bridge between Heaven and earth there is a man and that's the the
God man Jesus Christ But just as the Roman Emperors claimed to be divine
You can argue that some of the Pope's throughout history based on some of the things that they said and the way they acted some of them acted as though they were divine
And again the Pope even today is is called the pontiff
So that's a really interesting study pontifics maximus if you want to look into that more
So really there is a shift from the Roman Emperors to the Pope's so the Pope's After this time period they were really the they were the
King makers So they were the most important and powerful men in the
Holy Roman Empire so really this was a transition period in 325
That's not the way it was but it started to slowly evolve and and grow over time
Okay, so the Roman Empire fell and what replaced it the what
The Holy Roman Empire which some have said it really wasn't holy because of the atrocities they committed
It really wasn't Roman since it was made up of all these different nations and cultures
And it really wasn't an empire because they didn't nearly have the power that they did
Before during the actual Roman Empire, but that's what it was called the Holy Roman Empire So this is this saw this time period saw the rise of this man the
Pope Okay, any questions on that do you know what the term Pope means?
Pope It's it means Papa or Father So that's really a father
Papa the but so the Pope is the Holy Father, right? This is another title for him
Marcus Well, that that's when the transition was complete
I would say Well, I'm not sure about I'm not sure about that but 590 would be the first the first Pope as we would know the papacy today okay, so like I said, this is a
Evolution because originally the Bishop of Rome was not seen as the undisputed leader of Christianity He certainly wasn't seen as the leader of the
Empire. So at best the Bishop of Rome Was he he was elevated to this position because of his location
That's really what it comes down to sort of like the mayor of New York City is seen as far more
Important than the mayor of Northampton right for for obvious reasons. So if you're the
Bishop of Rome naturally, you are going to be seen as more important than some of these other bishops who ruled and In lesser -known places, so that's all part of how it how it happened
Obviously and I'll point this out again. I pointed out last time. Obviously the Roman Catholic Church would dispute this
They would say that we've had a Pope from day one They would say that Jesus Christ was the man who started the papacy and who did they say the first Pope was?
Simon Peter, okay. Now, let's turn to Open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 16.
We're gonna look at this claim That the Catholic Church makes they say of course they are the one true church
They claim they are the church established by Jesus of course, the term
Catholic is not found in Scripture that doesn't prove it obviously, but But this idea that Peter was the first Pope.
I think you can demonstrate that that that wasn't the case So, how do they justify this biblically?
Well, this is where we Get to Matthew chapter 16 They base it on Jesus's words to the
Apostle Peter one thing we will say is that Peter was a leader if not the leader
But he was a leader among the Apostles. I don't think you can dispute that But this idea that Peter was the first Pope man,
I just think this is pure fiction first of all Popes are not allowed to get married, right?
That's one thing, you know about the Pope Peter Was married in Mark chapter 1
Jesus heals Peter's mother -in -law And I have never met anyone who has a mother -in -law and not a wife.
I know what kind of deal is that? Nothing against mother -in -laws, but Obviously if he had a mother -in -law he was he was married also
Paul makes reference to all of the Apostles being married So Peter was married the
Pope cannot be married Another claim for the Pope's the Pope's claim. They are infallible, right?
You've heard of this. There's a declaration. The Pope's are infallible Well, Peter was not infallible was he
Peter is known as the Apostle with the foot shaped mouth he's always saying things that were wrong, not always but Peter was rebuked by Paul So that would have been an uncomfortable
Situation because Paul's acting more like the Pope and of course, that's not true either But and of course if the
Pope were married today He would know he wasn't infallible because his his wife would let him know that But All joking aside look at Matthew 16 verse 13
Yeah, I'm sure it says when Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi He asked his disciples saying who do men say that I the son of man am so they said some say you're
John the Baptist Some Elijah and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets But Jesus said of them but who do you say that I am and Simon Peter answered and said
You are the Christ the son of the living God and Jesus answered and said to him
Blessed are you Simon son of Jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you
But my father who is in heaven So Peter is the first one to make this profession of faith that Jesus is the
Christ the the Son of God and to say that he is the Son of God is
Really the same as saying you are God in human flesh that Jesus has equality with God that Jesus is divine
So this is the profession of faith that saves what does the person have to believe about Jesus in order to be?
Saved or to be a true Christian. They have to believe that Jesus is Divine he's
God in human flesh. Did Arius believe that no therefore Arius was
Excommunicated he was seen as being outside of the Christian Church Okay, so this is the profession of faith.
Jesus is the Son of God in the Old Testament the
Jews Called God what was the name for God that was used the most in the
Old Testament scriptures begins with an L Lord right God the
God the God of Israel was called the Lord. Well in the New Testament, who's the Lord? The Lord Jesus Christ.
So Jesus is the God of the Old Testament incarnate made flesh so Pete point is
Peter is the first one to Profess this and in response G Jesus bestows this blessing upon him.
So look at verse 18 Jesus says to Peter and I also say to you that you are
Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades or the gates of hell shall not prevail against it so the
Catholic Church says that right there is Jesus making Peter the first Pope The idea is that the church is built on Peter and maybe that maybe you think that that's what it's saying and we're gonna
I'm going to explain why that's a misunderstanding Marcus It's the profession
Jesus is the Christ. That's what he's gonna build his church on Well, I think another thing that confused them is he changed his name from Simon every time
Peter was making mistakes And what this what this mouth he'd say Simon Simon Simon But he said
I'm gonna change your name to see if I'm going to change your name this To the rock.
Yeah, so they say oh, well, that's That's why yeah upon this rock, but the rock the solid rock is the profession of faith
Okay, so you said you know what? I'm gonna say that the the rock is the profession of faith
Wrong maybe maybe Okay, so verse 18, this is the claim the
Catholic Church makes Jesus says to Peter You are Peter and on this rock.
I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it I will give you verse 19 the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven that's where you get the idea that people have that st.
Peter's gonna be at the pearly gates with the keys because Jesus said that You know, well, here's the thing Jesus said
Something nearly identical to the rest of the Apostles like two chapters later.
So this isn't unique To Peter. So what's happening here is Jesus really saying that the church is built on Peter You would have to know the
Greek or you'd have to at least look at the Greek to see what's happening There's a play on words in this passage so Jesus gives to Simon as Marcus said he gives to Simon the name
Peter which means rock okay, so the Greek word is
Petros and it means a small stone a rock like you would have pulled in your hand
Okay, so that's Peter the rock and then Jesus says so you're Peter the Petros the small rock and then
Jesus said Upon this rock different Greek word upon this Petra I Will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
So the church is not built on Peter Petros The church is built on Petra, which is a large immovable rock something like a
Boulder so it doesn't work out to say that the church is built on Peter so therefore
I believe that either the profession of as Marcus said that the rock on which the church is built is either the profession of faith in Christ or The the view
I'm more Prone to take would be that the the rock is Christ himself in The Old Testament how many verses are there that called the
Lord the rock? Let me just read a few first Samuel 2 to No one is holy like the
Lord for there is none beside you nor is there any rock like our
God second Samuel 22 to and he said the Lord is my rock and My fortress and my deliverer and then in the
New Testament first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 the Apostle Paul talks about Christ as the rock
So it's either the profession of faith in Jesus or it's Jesus himself
But it can't be Peter because Peter is not the Petra. He's the small Petros he's the small stone
Marcus Did this occur in Caesarea Philippi? Yes There's I have photos and was there and it is a very large stone face place where there's numerous carvings now
So forth and it's like a ledge Yes, there's ledges like Okay, Peter's the small stone, but the ledges are the
Petra, right? Okay. Yeah and of course First Corinthians 3 11 for no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid which is
Christ Jesus Jesus is called what the chief Cornerstone, so I would argue that the rock that the church is built on is
Christ and The church grows when people make a profession of faith in Christ But the idea that Peter's the rock and this is
Jesus making Peter the first pope again It's it's it's revisionist history Once the
Catholic Church evolved and got power and the Pope was, you know now the king of Europe Basically, they kind of went back and reinterpreted verses to make it seem like that as if they always believed it
But look at verse 21, let's let's just say for a moment Peter is acting as the
Pope now Well, what is the first thing the new Pope does? He rebukes the
Son of God Verse 21 Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things
From the elders and the chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised the third day
So when Jesus tells Peter what is gonna happen when he tells him the gospel basically
What does Peter do Peter took him aside verse 22 and began to rebuke him saying far be it from you
Lord This shall not happen to you. This is where you get the idea of the the apostle with the foot shaped mouth like he's
First act as Pope. He's rebuking the Lord like it's not looking good And It doesn't stop there verse 23 and Jesus turned and said to Peter get behind me
Satan For you are an offense to me for you are not mindful of the things of God But of the things of men, so if Rome is correct the newly appointed
Pope is Acting as the mouthpiece for the devil So I think you get the idea
Peter was not the first Pope The first bishop of Rome to have that kind of power that the
Pope's did come to possess The first man to have that kind of power over the
Universal Church was a man who knows the name Pope Gregory the first okay.
He's also known as Gregory the great. I'm not sure if he gave himself that name but Somebody gave it to him
There have been popes throughout history The ones that really sort of it's not it's not really funny
But they will call themselves Pope innocent or Pope innocent the second or Pope innocent the third and then you read about some of the things
They did and it's like how can you? Call yourself Pope innocent the third. I think is the one who commanded that all
Bibles be burned in the year 1199 I believe so The first Pope in the modern era once the church was established and can be rightly
Called Roman Catholic as Gregory the great so this brings us to the end of this era
So we talked about 325 the Council of Nicaea to Pope Gregory in the year 590
Before we move on or before we end this Lesson there's another important figure of this time that Be remiss if I didn't mention
This man who's heard of st. Augustine Okay, some if you live in Florida you call them st.
Augustine, but Augustine I think is how you say it Augustine was the
Bishop of Hippo in northern Africa He fought so Arius was one heretic who denied the deity of Christ there was another priest another man who is deemed a heretic his name was
Pelagius, so Augustine is known for fighting against the
Pelagian heresy this dealt with the nature of mankind The debate was is the grace of God necessary for salvation now those of us in the 21st century
Listening to that question we said well of course the grace of God is necessary for salvation, but Pelagius he taught that mankind had the ability in and of himself to Fully obey
God and to please God and you could be saved without God's grace so this was considered a heresy and Augustine was
The one involved in that controversy Augustine was the one fighting for the truth Okay, and both
Catholics and Protestants today not all of them But many of them still look to Augustine as a saint so he's considered a saint in both
Catholic churches and Protestant churches Also at this time there were several other church councils that are still recognized by both
Catholics and some Protestants and I'll close this segment by reading the Apostles Creed Which was formulated some time probably in the 4th century
We don't know the exact date the Apostles Creed contrary to its title was almost certainly not written by the
Apostles But it's supposed to capsulate the Apostles doctrine so Many Protestants and Catholics still hold to this creed and recite it today
So I'm just going to read the Apostles Creed and we'll end with this It says I believe in God the
Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ his only
Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit Born of the
Virgin Mary he suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified Died and was buried he descended into hell
On the third day he rose again from the dead He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the
Father Almighty From there. He will come to judge the living and the dead I believe in the
Holy Spirit the Holy Catholic Church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting