A Word in Season: Enduring Mercy Praised (Psalm 136:1)

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Subscribe to A Word in Season on iTunes podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...! For this special season of uncertainty, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions to warm our hearts to Christ and remind of the


Psalm 136 begins, O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.
The rest of the psalm takes up the second part of that first verse as a refrain. For his mercy endures forever, for his mercy endures forever.
Each time there's a statement, and this is the response. And it may be that the whole psalm is intended to to act like that, to work like that.
That one person, one singer would make this declaration. And then the whole congregation responds with this united testimony that the mercy of the
Lord endures forever. And so we, if we are believers, we're entering into this song of praise to give thanks to the
Lord for he is good, because his mercy endures forever. We're ascribing praises to God.
We're bringing to him the honor that is due to his name as the Lord of our salvation and the
God who has called us to be his people. We're acknowledging his goodness. We're declaring that all that he is, is worthy of our praise.
That there is supreme majesty, that there is divine kindness, that there is a heart that does good to those who need it, and that all that God is in himself then is displayed, is demonstrated, is revealed in the way that he acts.
It's quite likely that this language is resting upon one of the great self -revelations that the
Lord gave to his people in the Old Testament, in Exodus chapter 34 and verse 6, where the
Lord passed before Moses and proclaimed, the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long -suffering and abounding in goodness and truth.
And so the people are responding to who God is in himself.
You see, there's a sense in which even if God had done nothing for us, we still ought to bring our praises to him because he is in himself infinitely worthy of such a testimony.
And yet the song that rises from the hearts of God's people here is grounded in the fact that not only is
God good in himself, but he has shown that goodness in his enduring mercy.
The infinite fountain pours forth these ever -flowing streams of loving kindness.
It's the language of covenant faithfulness. God calling his people to himself, making himself their
God, declaring and making us to be his people, and then sustaining that relationship towards us, always demonstrating that rich heart of divine love.
And so the Psalmist here in Psalm 136 is really scoping the whole history of God's dealings with his people.
He's thinking about all the things that God has done and all the ways that he's shown himself good.
And that's why this Psalm has this refrain because everything that God has done is a demonstration, a further revelation of his enduring mercy.
And what they see looking back and what they enjoy looking around, they anticipate looking forward because when
God begins to show this faithful love, he will never cease to show this faithful love.
If you've never known God in his goodness, then now is the time to come to him as he makes himself known in the
Lord Jesus Christ to entrust yourself to his goodness and to rest upon his enduring love.
If you do know him, but perhaps you've lost sight of some of these particular kindnesses, then
I would urge you to consider again all that God is and all that God does and to begin to number out his great mercies until your heart is stirred to testify that his mercy does indeed endure forever.
And if you come today with a full heart and with a ready tongue, then let this be your song to the
God of gods, to the Lord of lords, to him who alone does great wonders, that he is your
God. He has made you one of his people. You may only be able to come by yourself.
You may be coming in the congregation, but let this be the testimony of your soul. Give thanks to the