Exodus - Introduction to the Old Testament

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Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


on the book of Exodus with an introductory study, of course, to the Old Testament.
We need to understand the foundation of the Bible, which is the first five books of the
Bible, but we need to have a basic understanding of the entire
Old Testament. The word testament simply means covenant, and it refers to an agreement between men, man to man, or between God and man.
Now, never man and God. Man never makes a covenant with God. It is God who initiates a covenant between God and man.
Now, as far as the Bible is concerned, the Old Testament is the record of the
Old Covenant, the covenant that God made with the Jews, basically, at Mount Sinai.
And the New Testament, basically speaking, is the record of the new covenant that Christ made in his precious blood.
Now, as we look at the covenant from a literary standpoint, the Old Testament begins with Genesis just as literature.
It begins with Genesis and ends with the book of the prophet Malachi, while the
New Testament begins with Matthew and ends with Revelation. That is from the literary standpoint, but from a doctrinal and dispensational point of view, and the word dispensation is in the
Scripture. It is a biblical word. From a doctrinal and dispensational point of view, that is not the case, for the
Old Covenant really began in Exodus chapter 20 and was set aside at the cross.
You might read at your own leisure Colossians 2 .14. Colossians 2 .14.
The new covenant began with the death of Christ, and it will continue with God's people from that day forward.
Now, in a broad sense, we might say that the Old Testament is the record of God dealing with his earthly people under law, so to speak, because grace is certainly involved in any forgiveness, and the
New Testament is the record of God's dealings with his heavenly people, the complete total grace.
The dividing line is the cross of Jesus Christ, and I might add it is not the blank page in your
Bible between Malachi and Matthew. Now, what was the purpose of the
Old Testament? Many Christians avoid the Old Testament. They think or feel that it has no message for them, and it's just a little too difficult to understand.
It's just dry history, but you must realize that the Old Testament was the only
Bible that the Lord Jesus Christ possessed. It was the only scripture the
Apostles had. It is the only word from God that the early church possessed in written form.
When Paul the Apostle refers to scripture, he was thinking and referring to the
Old Testament books. Practically every book in the Old Testament is quoted or referred to in the
New Testament writings. Now, let us consider briefly the fourfold purpose of the writings called the
Old Testament. If you are making notes, you might put Arabic 1, the word foundation, the
Old Testament. One of the purposes is to give a foundation. We as Christian people, as believers, would have no information whatsoever concerning the origin of the universe, the origin of man, the beginnings of sin and evil, the birth of the
Hebrew nation, or the purposes of God for the world were it not for the
Old Testament. Now, please make note in your mind that every New Testament doctrine can be traced back to Old Testament history.
An understanding of the Old Testament record is necessary if we are to interpret the
New Testament correctly. It is impossible to understand or interpret the New Testament correctly without an understanding of the
Old Testament. So, the Old Testament is the foundation for what we have and believe today.
Arabic 2, the word preparation. Preparation. The Old Testament reveals
God's preparation for the coming of his Son to the world. Now, in Genesis, we see the need for a
Savior and the promise that he will come through the woman, then through the Jewish nation, and more specifically, through the tribe of Judah.
The rest of the Old Testament just amplifies these basic facts and shows how
Satan, the great adversary, tried to destroy the Jewish nation to prevent the birth of Christ.
In Genesis 315, which is the Protoevangelium, it is the first promise of the
Redeemer, the first proclamation of the Messiah recorded in Scripture.
Genesis 315 also indicates that there are two seeds in the world, and they are in opposition one to the other, the seed of Satan and the seed of Christ.
And we see these two seeds in conflict from Genesis chapter 4 forward to this day.
So, we see the preparation for all of the dealings of the Lord and also the workings of the enemy in the
Old Testament. So, we have a foundation and we have the preparation. The third thing we look at,
Arabic 3, is illustration. The Old Testament is
God's picture gallery. In it, he shows his truth in types and symbols.
Those things are those people, ceremonies, symbols, and types that are pictures of a future
New Testament truth. The life of an individual would be a picture of Christ, and the symbols would be a picture of Christ.
Each New Testament doctrine, and this is so important, each New Testament doctrine has an
Old Testament illustration. Let me give you some examples. The Passover lamb of Exodus the 12th chapter is a perfect picture of Jesus Christ.
You might read John 1 29, John the 1st chapter the 29th verse, and also 1st
Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7. The Passover is a picture of Christ.
Another illustration is the Old Testament tabernacle. The Old Testament tabernacle illustrates the truths of the
Christian life. You might read the whole book of Hebrews. It's impossible, in my understanding, to understand the book of Hebrews without understanding the
Old Testament tabernacle and the functions therein. Of course, a well -known picture is that of Jonah.
Jonah illustrates the resurrection. The Lord Jesus Christ himself said, when the leader said, show us a sign, he said, an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign.
I might just parenthetically add that this is probably the most sign -seeking generation of all time since that first century.
People are running around looking for signs when the Lord himself said, an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign.
He said, the only sign that you will receive is the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights, so shall the
Son of Man be in the ground for three days, or in the earth for three days and three nights.
And so we see that Jonah is a picture of the resurrection, a picture of the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Another illustration is the anointing oil in the Old Testament. It is always a picture of the
Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Now, as you study the Old Testament, be sure, be very sure, to use the light of the
New Testament to dispel the shadows and to be sure to look for the person and work of Christ in everything you read in the
Old Testament. You might want to read Colossians 1 17,
Colossians chapter 1 verse 17. So the third purpose, after we have the first purpose is foundation, the second purpose preparation, the third purpose is illustration, leaving the fourth purpose demonstration.
Demonstration. My dear friend, the Old Testament is a practical book. It is not dry history.
It shows the failures and successes of the people of God. You can see God demonstrating his power in the lives of people, but we also see what sin and belief will do in the life of an individual or the life of a nation or a group of people.
Now, I believe that God recorded these sins and successes for our benefit.
Would you read at your leisure 1 Corinthians 10 verse 11. 1 Corinthians 10 verse 11.
As we see men like Abraham, Moses, and David overcoming their problems by faith, we have encouragement and hope.
Read Romans 15 4. The prayers of the Psalms and the practical counsels of Proverbs help us in our daily living.
One biblical scholar has made this examination of the Old Testament.
He says it contains many unfulfilled prophecies, unexplained ceremonies, and unsatisfied longings.
In the New Testament, we have the fulfillment of these prophecies, the explanation of these ceremonies, and the satisfying of these longings.
And all of this is done in the birth, the life, the death, and the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Now, let's have an analysis, a brief analysis of the
Old Testament. It is interesting to note that both the Old Testament and the New Testament have the same general structure.
For example, you can break it down one way, and I hope that in these studies we'll be able to break the book of Exodus down as we move into it, and have several different outlines or different ways of looking at the book.
But in the entire Old Testament, you might break it down as history, experience, and prophecy.
History, experience, and prophecy. And the New Testament will subdivide the same way.
For example, under the heading of history, we have Genesis through Esther in the
Old Testament. Genesis through Esther. In the New Testament, Matthew through Acts.
Matthew through the book of Acts. Also, under the heading of experience, we have in the
Old Testament, Job through the song of Solomon. The book of Job through the song of Solomon.
In the New Testament, we have Romans through the book of Jude. Romans through Jude.
And then in the Old Testament, prophecy. Isaiah through Malachi. Isaiah through Malachi.
In the New Testament, the book of the Revelation. Revelation. That is, in each division of the
Bible, we have historical events, we have personal experiences, and prophetic expectation.
Now the Old Testament gives us the history of God's earthly people, Israel, as they prepared the way for Christ's birth.
And the New Testament gives us the history of God's heavenly people, as they presently live for Christ and look forward to his coming again.
So we might outline the main messages of the Old Testament in the following manner. The foundation is
Genesis through Deuteronomy. Genesis through Deuteronomy. We have the foundation.
The basic foundation for the rest of the Bible is found through Genesis through Deuteronomy.
That is the foundation for the rest of the books of the Bible. Secondly, we have demonstration.
Demonstration. We're just outlining the main message of the Old Testament. Demonstration. Now, Joshua through Esther.
Joshua through Esther. We have this under the heading of demonstration. So what we mean is, God at work in individual lives and in the nation.
And after foundation and demonstration, we have aspiration. Aspiration.
We have Job through Song of Solomon. What this is, the aspiring, the aspiration of the people, the longings, the yearnings of God's people for their
Lord. And then we have expectation. Expectation.
And that would be Isaiah through Malachi. The prophecies of the coming Christ and the kingdom.
Now we have foundation. Genesis through Deuteronomy. Demonstration.
Joshua through Esther. Aspiration. Job through Song of Solomon. Expectation. Isaiah through Malachi.
Now if we relate this to the New Testament messages, we could break that down into the following outline.
Preparation of the New Testament is the Old Testament. Manifestation would be the
Gospels. Would it not be that Christ reveals the Father and finishes his work there?
Christ always magnified the Father. He said, I've come to do the will of him that sent me. He said, more than once he made that statement.
He also referred back to the Father always. He even said, when you pray say, not Jesus, you say our
Father. So this is the manifestation. And then we have appropriation. Appropriation.
Acts and the epistles. God's people live a life through the Spirit of the Lord. Appropriation.
Appropriating God's truths. And then we have the culmination. We have the preparation, manifestation, appropriation, and culmination.
The book of Revelation. God's program climaxes in the return of Christ to the planet
Earth. Now let me give you about five basic guidelines in studying the
Old Testament that I find will be helpful. First of all, Arabic one, gradual revelation.
Gradual revelation. In the Old Testament, divine truths are revealed gradually.
And we do not come into the full light of God's truth until we come to the
New Testament. Therefore, please beware of building doctrines on isolated
Old Testament verses, especially from Ecclesiastes and Psalms, and ignore the clear teachings of the
New Testament. Remember the old adage, the new is in the old concealed, and the old is by the new revealed.
God's principles do not change. You are correct. But his dispensations do.
So there is a gradual revelation of the truths of God in the Old Testament. Arabic two,
Christ. Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the key to the entire
Bible. And it is impossible to understand the Old Testament apart from him. One biblical scholar put it this way,
Christ is predicted in the Old Testament. Christ is present in the Gospels.
Christ is proclaimed in the Acts. Christ is possessed in the Epistles.
And Christ is predominant in the Revelation. What a beautiful analogy of the
Word of God. Now, every experience of the Jewish nation in the
Old Testament is a wonderful, beautiful link of the chain that leads to his birth in the small town at Bethlehem.
Bethlehem. Every experience of the Jewish nation is a link of the chain that leads to his birth.
Every type and symbol in the Old Testament is a picture of the wonderful Lord Jesus.
Look for Christ and the Old Testament will become a new book to you as you study the
Word of God. All right? Arabic three, accuracy. We have gradual revelation.
We have Jesus Christ the key. And we have accuracy. You will always want to use a modern translation of the
Old Testament along with your familiar King James. Now, I use the King James much, and it's predominant in my study and my ministry.
That is, but it is good to use a modern translation, not because the Bible has changed, but language has changed.
And there's no question that some King James expressions are meaningless today. Also, I might recommend a modern one to you if you were a chance.
The New American Standard. The New American Standard Version is a wonderful help in studying the
Word of God. And the Amplified Old Testament can be one that would kind of help along the way also.
But the accuracy is important in studying the Old Testament. That leads us to the fourth rule of study or principle and help of study.
Cross -reference. Cross -reference. Follow your Old Testament cross -references straight to the
New Testament. You'll usually have these in the center of the page of a Bible or on the borders.
And it'll have the verses of Scripture. Usually, it'll have the verse of Scripture where that thought or verse or verb or word appears first, and then the last verse that it appears in the
Bible. And then it will give you other passages of Scripture. But make sure that you run that all the way to the
New Testament. Run those cross -references and see what they mean. Be sure that you study each
Old Testament person, each Old Testament event or doctrine in the light of the
New Testament revelation. And then the fifth principle that we'd use in studying the
Old Testament. Remember, it's practical. Practical. It is not just enough for you and I to study the
Old Testament and find deep hidden truths about Christ and his salvation. We must learn the practical lessons and put them to work in our lives.
Remember that all Scripture is profitable for instruction and righteousness, and that certainly includes the
Old Testament. It's wonderful to understand historical truths and to understand and grasp doctrinal truths and dispensational truths, but blessed friend, if this study fails to lead into a practical truth, if we fail to transfer this into godly living and into a holy life, then truly and surely it is in vain all that we have studied.
So that's the Old Testament, an introduction to the Old Testament. Let us move to an introduction to the book of Exodus.
The book of Exodus. The Hebrew word for Exodus, for the book of Exodus, is pronounced
Shmot. S -H -M -O -T. Shmot.
Now the first five books of the Bible, Genesis through Deuteronomy, their name is derived from and shortened from the
Hebrew sentence at the beginning of each book, chapter 1 verse 1. Now in Exodus chapter 1 verse 1, we find the phrase, and these are the names of the sons of Israel.
And so the word Shmot means names because the primarily is concerned with the people of Israel coming out of Egypt, and they have names.
They are the children of certain people. Now the English word is
Exodus, and it is translated from the Greek word, and the Greek is the translation of the
Hebrew meaning Exodus from Egypt, or the way out, the way out.
Now the last five words of Genesis sound forth death, do they not?
In a coffin in Egypt. In a coffin in Egypt, in chapter 50 of the book of Genesis, the last five words.
So the people of Israel are in Egypt, in a coffin in Egypt, as was
Israel, Jacob, and Joseph. As they died and were embalmed, and their bodies were there, so were the people of Israel.
Now we know that that is a picture of death. The people of Israel had no life, they had no goal, they had no purpose, they had no deliverance, they had no motives, they had nothing.
They were just enslaved and in bondage, and truly they were in a coffin in Egypt. Now historically,
Shemot, Exodus, portrays the way out of Egyptian bondage for the people of Israel.
That's historically. Chronologically, it extends, the Exodus extends from the death of Joseph in Genesis 50, the death of Joseph, to the building of the
Mishkan, or which is the tabernacle. From the death of Joseph to the building of the tabernacle, that's where the
Exodus extends chronologically. Spiritually, it would speak to us and reveal to us the way out of sin's bondage, the way out for the soul, the way out of sin's bondage in the liberation of the soul to God and his blessed fellowship.
Now the time was approximately 145 years, from the death of Joseph to the building of the tabernacle, 145 years.
We can break the Exodus down into three episodes, three definite areas.
The first area is the black and gloomy area. The second area is a colorful scarlet area, and the third area is a scarlet diffused with a glowing gold.
The chapter breakdown would fit thusly. The black area, the gloom and the doom and the dismal part of Exodus would be chapter 1 through 12 36.
We would call that repression in Egypt, repression in Egypt.
The scarlet area, the second area, would be chapters 12 verse 37 through 18 27.
12 37 of Exodus through 18 27, we might designate it release to Sinai, release to Sinai.
The third area, the scarlet gold hue glowing with the glory of God, covers from chapter 19 through chapter 40, and to that wonderful section we give the title the revelation at Sinai.
Now the first area is overcast with the sorrow of the sons of Jacob and wet with the tears of Israel as they were enslaved in bondage under the
Pharaoh of Egypt. The second area is tinged with scarlet, the red, that is always suggestive ever so of redemption as God began to move in redemptive power.
The third area has the golden glow of matchless splendor. It is dominated by the mount of majesty and shows the power of God at Mount Sinai.
Reiterate what we had are just basically repeat just a little bit of what we said about the word Exodus is the
English word translation of the Greek word which means the way out and you as I said you might want to look at Hebrews 11 22 and just watch that word departing as it's used.
Now the book of Exodus basically just describes Israel's bondage and God leading them out of that bondage in Egypt and gives them that deliverance.
Now the key word in Exodus is redemption. Redemption is the key word of the whole book of Exodus.
Now you don't find it all that much as such but it is the theme. It is the key to understanding that particular book.
Now the entire book we've said is filled with pictures of our salvation in Christ. It's a picture of the believer if there ever was a picture given to us.
The word Exodus is used to be said in two places in the New Testament. Two places in the gospel according to Luke verse 9
I mean a chapter 9 verse 31. 9 31 when it talks about the deceased the deceased of Jesus Christ his redeeming work on the cross.
It is the Greek word that is translated out Exodus. In 2nd Peter 1 15 the word deceased again and it is the same context that it's used there.
And so what we're saying is there are three Exodus experiences in the Bible aren't there? There are three
Exodus experiences in the Bible. The first one is Israel coming out of Egypt.
The second one is Christ's deliverance of the sinner through the cross because the word is used in relation to his death on the cross in Luke 9 31.
And also the third Exodus experience that we see in the scripture is the believer the Christians deliverance from the bondage of this world at death and Peter used that word in 2nd
Peter 1 15. So we find those three experiences related to the word
Exodus and so we can surely see the Christian life involved in just that word can't we?
Bondage to sin, self, and Satan relieved from that bondage through what?
The death of Christ and Exodus released from the sin that permeates our lives and that controls us and a deliverance through the cross and then the believers deliverance from the bondage of the world in which we live through that thing which people call death that is does nothing but open up the portals of glory for us.
Alright now who wrote the book of Exodus? Well I'm convinced without any any doubt excuse me that Moses wrote it.
You know there is a contention about this it isn't maybe to you and me but in every theological seminary with the exception of about three or four that I'm aware of certainly in every
Baptist seminary and Methodist, Episcopalian, Roman Catholic, all the other seminaries there's great contention that Moses did not write the first five books of the
Bible not all of them and he didn't write some portions of those book that they would even agree that he did write and they're called problems of the
Pentateuch, problems of the first five books and this is one of the papers that I had to write in my
Old Testament course and yet I am firmly convinced from a study of the evidence as best as I can and a study of the
Word of God itself I have no doubt and neither do the most of the men that I admire and respect personally and those conservative scholars that I believe that believe the
Bible believe that Moses wrote that book and Moses wrote the first five books of the
Bible so I'm just sharing with you what I believe I don't have any problem with it I believe Moses wrote now
I do believe that there is one little phrase that's inserted over in Deuteronomy 34 where it says and God buried
Moses and no man knows a sepulcher to this day we have to admit that Moses didn't write that don't you think but that doesn't destroy the rest of the book nor the doesn't destroy anything about the rest of the books and so there's no problem with me there
Jesus Christ affirmed the Mosaic authorship of the book and I do want us to look at these two scriptures
I want us to look at John chapter 7 and if Moses didn't write them then
Jesus deceived us John chapter 7 verse 19 did not
Moses give you the law and yet none of you keepeth the law why go you about to kill me now
Jesus is talking to people and he's dealing with them these Jews and he plainly says in chapter 7 of the gospel according to John verse 19 that Moses wrote the law and we know the law is incorporated in the five books and the
Jews themselves the Hebrew people they'll even have it their name is the Torah it is the law and that's what they call it and that's what he called it now there is another one if you want to look with me at chapter 5 of John verse 46 for had you believed
Moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me but if you believe not his writings how shall you believe my words and it's writings plural so evidently wrote more than one book so I just believe he wrote all five of them
I don't have any problem with whatsoever I believe Moses is the author more specifically I believe that he wrote the book of Exodus now the purpose is what
Genesis is the book of the beginnings right Exodus is the book of redemption it records the deliverance of Israel from Egypt and it presents the basic historical facts about the origins of the
Hebrew nation and all of its religious ceremonies it gives us those basic historical facts now these are as we've said pictures of Jesus Christ they are perfect types of pictures and of the redemption he purchased on the cross there are many many types and symbols of Christ and the
Christian or the believer in the book of Exodus there are many too many to even number especially when you come down to the tabernacle the tabernacle and I might just say this something that you probably already know and I know
I've shared it to you the Bible spends more chapter space on the tabernacle in the wilderness than it does any other subject over 45 chapters of the
Bible is spent on the tabernacle and yet most Christians have a very nebulous understanding of the tabernacle and most preachers are in the same situation most teachers in Sunday school are the same situation and yet that's the one thing the
Bible spends more time on than anything else so I think we ought to learn something about it don't you sure why it's a perfect picture of the
Lord Jesus Christ now the book of Exodus also records the giving of the law and it is impossible to understand very much
New Testament truth apart from the understanding of the events and the symbols in the book of Exodus it is like a great key that opens up the prophetic truths in the mind of God all right let's look at some of the types
I want to give you several types types pictures people in the
Old Testament that are pictures of something in the New Testament and this is most important Egypt number one
Egypt Egypt now because I'm a Jew don't think that I hate Egypt don't think that I hate the
Arabs no just don't like what they do but love them right that's right
Jesus loved the Pharisees but he detested what they did and he abhorred what they taught all right
Egypt is a type of the world system it is a type of the world system in which people are involved opposing
God's people and trying to keep them in bondage so when it talks about Egypt you can correlate that is a picture of the world system we talk about going back down into Egypt tell about living in Egypt we need to get out of Egypt your preachers pretty rightly so correctly so getting out of Egypt get victory in your life why because it's the bondage of the world system all right another one is
Pharaoh Pharaoh is a picture Satan he is a type he was not but he is a type of Satan now
I don't want to bother you with a bunch of trivial facts but it's real interesting to study how many times it says that his heart was hardened how many times
God how many times it just says it was hardened and how many times he hardened you pick that out you pick it out on your own and if it bothers you
I'll give it to you but we'll pass it by just to stimulate your mind a little bit because if you don't understand those relationships very difficult to stand the sovereignty of God because God did move in that man's life all right here's a picture of the
God of this world isn't he who demands worship he defies God and he thinks he can enslave
God's people and that's exactly what Satan does exactly what Satan does he defies God he attempts to enslave
God's people Christians he certainly does and if you don't think he's trying to enslave your life my friends
I want you to know that somebody's driving me up the wall all the time if he doesn't bother you it's probably because he's too busy with me and he doesn't come around visiting you then you don't understand what the world is all about because he is everywhere and he get there in a hurry and his hordes are everywhere and they are real and we're in the spiritual war all right third
Israel is a type of the church Israel is a picture of the church delivered from the bondage of the world led on a pilgrim journey and protected by God and what we are huh sure we're delivered from bondage and we're on a pilgrim journey this is not our home we sing that song this world is not my home
I'm just passing through but my friend don't get camped out down here because about time to get camped out God gonna say it's time to go time to go no we're on a pilgrim journey and we are protected by God protected by God God builds a hedge
God builds a wall but you see you got appropriate now don't just think cause you're a Christian God's got a wall built around you nothing can happen to your life not so you have to walk if we walked in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ God son cleanses my sin if we walk in the light you can't live your life where you want to and have the protection of God God protects us and protects us in obedience he'll turn you loose and disobedience he'll turn you loose oh
I didn't say you get lost I don't believe that and I don't believe that I can prove to me from Scripture but my friends you can get our will of God and lose your life in a hurry
I'm gonna be teaching in my church where I'm a member on January the 22nd they've asked me because the book of Exodus and different men are teaching it out of a church we were fortunate to have some great people in our church professors and teachers and others in our church and they've asked me to teach on the brazen labor they asked me what
I'd like teach and I told my like teach on the brazen labor and I said well what I want to teach is not told my title he said let's change the title so I said well let's tell me teach on Christ our
Passover lamb and but I'm going to subtitle it how to prevent physical weakness sickness and premature death and that's by just making sure your life is spiritually correct before you take the
Lord's Supper but that comes out of Passover most people are weak physically and sick physically and are dead many of them
Paul said in 1st Corinthians 11 because they took the Lord's Supper without judging themselves and making their lives right before they ever touch it my friends it's holy you better not ever put your hand on it until you got your life right with God and just because you're
Christian won't make you immune that's important we understand that because why the picture of Christ Israel is the type of the church we're on a pilgrim journey we're protected by God but we are protected in obedience in obedience all right
Moses is a type of Christ the Redeemer God sent Moses to get him out God sent his son to set us free all right another one another picture is the crossing the
Red Sea the crossing of the Red Sea it is a picture of the resurrection which delivers believers from this present evil world and puts us in the place that God wants us to be it's just a picture of that all right now
I believe there's a real cross on the sea don't misunderstand me I'm not spiritualized I believe they really crossed him if they didn't
I don't know what happened Egypt you know I don't know where the army went because history tells us their army disappeared and so I believe it was a real sea and you can't convince them that it wasn't a real sea all right now another one is the manna now one night we're going to take the whole man and I'm going to show you every characteristic of manna there's a perfect picture of Jesus Christ its size its shape the way they got it everything is the first and we're gonna have us all on the blackboard for you nothing but a study on manna and one of our sessions of how it's a perfect beautiful picture of Jesus Christ even to the size the way it's cut and all that stuff it's just a gorgeous thing about the precious
Lord as we see it but of course it pictures Christ as the bread of life you might want to read John the sixth chapter in fact
I might just suggest that you read John the sixth chapter sometime when you get time Jesus has the bread of life all right another one is the smitten rock that rock that was smitten it's a picture of a smitten
Christ didn't sure we know that that's what got Moses in trouble Moses smoked that rock he was striking at the glory of the
Lord God told him didn't he said God says go over and you know you deal with that rock and he says I'll go meet you on the rock that's what
God said read it carefully Exodus and correlate numbers with it the passage in numbers God said what the
Lord said you go over there and you deal with a rock and when they won't want you get it you know the whole story well and he says
I will meet you on the rock I'll be standing on the rock so the Lord enveloped that rock with the Lord's majesty and glory so when
Moses struck that rock he was striking at the glory of the Lord I get you in trouble by as quick as anything
I know but that's what he did all right it's a picture of Christ through whose death the
Holy Spirit is given now Amalek A -M -A -L -E -K A -M -A -L -E -K
Amalek is a picture of a flesh he's a picture of a flesh opposing the believer in this pilgrims journey the desires and the passions of human flesh the old nature this longing after wrong never having to teach a child a lie just lies naturally you have to teach a child do right nobody had to have to teach
I never had to be taught how to lie and steal man it just comes naturally they just pick up anything
I know Christians do that they come in my office I put my pins and stuff man
I just hide everything and I take a quick inventory when they leave now not everybody but many why
I've been riding around an airplane and reach in here and pull out a pin you know where'd I get that and I started where'd
I get this pin you'll get some guy name on it I don't know where I got it just picked it up now I know you don't have any problems with that but every once in a while you know things like that just occur and but what
I'm saying to you is it you don't have to worry about it comes naturally and that's a picture of Amalek that old flesh desire to do wrong we are bent to do wrong we have to be rebent to do right and the only way
God can rebend us is he's got to break you and just like a leg you know the doctor doctor says well we can't straighten it out
I've got to break it doctor tells you Johnson got to break that leg before we get it straight that's what
God has to do he has to break that wheel in order to make it bend the way God wants it to be now
Amalek's a picture of that now of course the key type in the book of Exodus is the Passover that's the key type of all the wonderful Passover meal it pictures the death of Christ the application of his blood for our safety and the appropriation of his life feeding on that lamb feeding on him for our daily strength now we'll look at that excuse me a little later on now let's look at Moses and Christ in the time we have remained
Moses and Christ perfect of Jesus Christ in his whole life a whole life all right
I want us to look at him that comparisons and contrast and he's just a wonderful beautiful picture all right first of all let's just briefly look at him in his office in the offices that he held so you might want to be about three areas we'll look at in his offices
Moses Moses was a prophet was he not look at Acts 3 22 with me the book of Acts chapter 3 verse 22 for Moses truly said unto the fathers a prophet shall the
Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren chapter 3 of the book of Acts verse 22 for Moses truly said unto the fathers a prophet shall the
Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall you hear and all things whatever he shall say unto you now the
Apostles are proclaiming the Word of the Lord and so we see that Moses was a prophet and we also know that Christ was a prophet
Moses also was a priest Moses was a priest he performed many functions of a priest many functions he did around the tabernacle that were priestly functions when you break down the office of the priest the
Levites were servants they were servants of the tabernacle and the temple and the core fights and others also performed in the priestly duties and we may can show you one evening if we find some space or time or get to it maybe the encampment how they encamped around to show you where each tribe was located around the tabernacle and what their functions were and it wouldn't take long to do that if we can just maybe get it or we might can print or something
I don't know we'll work on that but you read these scriptures at your own leisure Psalm 99 6 and Hebrews 7 24
Psalm 99 6 and Hebrews 7 24 he was a prophet so was
Christ he was a priest so was Christ the reason he was anointed by God when he was baptized into the
River Jordan he wasn't filled with the Holy Spirit he's God Christ is
God he was no less God he was God in the flesh in him dwells the fullness of the
Godhead bottle he wasn't baptized with the Holy Spirit he was anointed because the law required him to be anointed 30 years of age
Bible says plainly that any one setting out on the priestly duties at 30 years of age he had to be anointed so he was anointed for his holy messianic office that he was about to set out on to serve as our great high priest he would die and he moved to the right hand of God the
Father he was a priest also a servant Moses was a servant and Jesus said
I did not come to be ministered to but I came to minister and if there's anything our church lacks today it is
Christian people who have a servant's heart we need a servant's heart we need to learn to serve one another and stop waiting on get by to serve us we're in the church to serve and we're in the world to serve that's what if our
Lord served surely you and I are not beneath it but it's one of our problems and it is with me and I and I'm confident maybe one of you might have the same difficulty you might read these verses
Psalm 105 verse 26 Psalm 105 26 and Matthew 12 18 105 26 and Matthew 12 18 all right servant he was also a shepherd you remember
Moses helped keep the flocks of the Midianites didn't he he was out there in the millions around the millions you know
Jethro and found a young girl out there he liked everything worked out according to plan for a while and he had a young boy
I think his name was Gershon wasn't it I think that's about right and he gave him that name why because Moses was an alien in a strange land but God wasn't gonna leave him there and so that's why he named it that so he was a shepherd you might read
Exodus 3 1 John 10 verses 11 and 14 and that's for me to you grab that one immediately don't you
John 10 I am the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd gives his life for sheep no more beautiful passage in the
Bible than that our Lord the Great Shepherd caring for the sheep us we believers all right he was a shepherd also
Moses was a mediator you remember in Exodus around chapter 32 we'll look at that you recall that whenever God said
I'm gonna destroy everyone and they made that golden calf and I'm gonna get them all this is all Lord don't lay this sin to them
I preached that message to you when I was with you last time so Lord if you can't forgive them then blot me out of my book the
Lord said that's not the way it works Moses you just gonna do what I told you do and when I visit them I will visit them and said
God played the people because they made the calf which Aaron made and so he was a mediator he was a go -between between the people and God which was also priestly duty but also a mediator we know that our
Christ there you might read Exodus 33 8 9 and 1st Timothy 2 5 that's another one's familiar to all of us there's one mediator between God and man the man
Christ Jesus those are familiar to us 1st Timothy 2 5 Exodus 33 8 9 all right he is also a deliverer
Acts 7 35 and 1st Thessalonians 1 10 now those are his offices perfect picture of Christ what
Moses did Christ did exactly the same thing in there also so that's what we mean by a type now let's look at his character how about his character well it's hard to understand because we have a misconception he was meek now what is me what's me to you and me you know what most people think meek is don't you most people believe that the word meat means passive Moses killed an
Egyptian didn't he buried him in the sand and next day found two Hebrew guys out there arguing around he said he went to the one who was wrong the
Bible says they said how come you're contending one he said who made you judge all of us what you gonna do kill me like that Egyptian bury me in the sand and Moses was afraid the thing was known so he cut out he left but you see in his character he was meek it just remember means this my friends it does not mean passivity it doesn't mean you just sit back and don't do anything it just means that you recognize that your strength and source of power and life comes from God and anytime
God wants to shut it off he can that there's no strength within ourselves there is nothing within ourselves it all comes from the
Lord and the moment God wants to shut your life off all he's got to do is stop your heart beating and keep it stop one beat and you're through and I'm through meekness means recognizing that he is the source of all and walking in that humility walking in that humility will it demand some passivity sometimes sure sure certainly takes two to argue you get one person who's kind of passive there won't say anything it's hard to argue something don't talk you know but we're gonna get the last word on because we're right and I know how that is and we work on that but it was me you might read numbers 12 3 then you might read
Matthew 11 29 Matthew 11 29 all right in his character he was meek he was also faithful say what you will about Moses once he got things moving he was faithful he was faithful and friends he had things confronting him you and I have never faced
I hope the Lord doesn't ever lay on my heart to go talk to Bretschneff or don't tell me
I got to go straight Tito out or Sadat Arafat any others I don't know what he you know what
Lord has in mind but well he give me a rod like that rock out there watch you let that thing turn but I'd go he give me and my brother a ride and I don't want to go
I do not want to and I would not assume or presume that I would but he was faithful Hebrews 3 2
Moses was a faithful man beautiful life that he had he was obedient oh for a while he had problems but my friends he became obedient he became obedient he raised those hands up and when those hands were up they won the battle when his hands fell boy
God had so much honor in him that they lost the man he became obedient and he was mighty in word and deed you might even read
Acts 7 22 and Mark 6 2 Acts 7 22 and Mark 6 2 that's in his character he's meek faithful obedient mighty in word mighty indeed many things we could say about him just basically his character all right in his history it's very interesting he was a son in Egypt he was a son in Egypt you study the life of Christ you find the same thing don't you he was a son in Egypt very same thing with the life of Christ he was in danger of being killed read
Matthew 2 15 and following Matthew 2 15 and following same thing applies to the life of the
Lord Jesus he was providentially cared for by God so was Christ so was
Christ as a young boy he chose to suffer with the Jews rather to reign in Egypt Hebrews 11 24 and through 26 so did
Christ didn't he they said we'll make you king and Jesus said I got to die I'm going to the cross he chose to suffer rather to that to reign at that time
Moses chose to suffer with the Jews rather than a reign with the Pharaoh but where do you find
Moses reigning don't you what about on the Mount of Transfiguration Jesus was there
Peter James and John they spoke to Moses and he lied sure yeah far better off than he would be on this earth all right also he was rejected by his brethren the first time and received the second time
Christ came unto his own but his own received or not but my
Bible tells me when he comes back that they will and I don't know how anybody can read Romans 9 10 11 and miss that if they'll correlate
Zechariah 12 through 14 find out God's gonna kill two -thirds of all the Jews but one third will turn
Paul plainly sets those so they will come out of Zion the deliverer who will turn away on Godless from Jacob that's in Romans 11
Christ already gone back to heaven he's already crucified dead buried raised and ascended and still he says there's coming out of Zion who's going to turn away on Godless from Jacob for this is my covenant to them when
I will turn away take away their sins he said as touching the gospel they are enemies for your sake but as concerning you know the election they are beloved for the
Father's sake and he says in all Israel shall be saved up there but how many is all only one -third two -thirds I'm gonna get zapped two -thirds because of their sinfulness rebellion and pride
God will kill Zechariah 12 through 14 he plainly says in chapter 13 8 and 9 of Zechariah he said that two parts will be taken care of by God but one thought will one third a third part will come to him he tried with the fire of God he tested his pure gold is tested and says they will call upon him he goes on down in verse 4 of chapter 14 talks about the coming
Christ and so this is exactly what happened to Moses as he went down the people didn't want to receive him now while rejected while rejected he gained a
Gentile bride didn't he the poor sure wasn't a Jew she was a
Midianite and anything outside of Israel basically in the general context is considered
Gentile what did Jesus do he came to the Jews they turned away from so what he do got him a
Gentile bride the church is basically Gentile but then Moses got him a
Gentile bride but he went back and got him the second time Jesus coming back and you'll take out his own he'll take us and then he'll go on and they will come to him all right he condemned
Egypt he condemned Egypt Christ condemned the world and we said Egypt is a picture of the world and Christ said what friendship with the world he said it through James James 4 for friendship of the world is enmity with God you can't be a friend of the world and a friend of God same time you can love people in the world but you can't love this world system and you can't be contended in it and we all know this and this is old stuff to you
I know also he delivered God's people through the blood Passover lamb Christ did on the cross didn't he sure blood without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin it's impossible if you want a witness to a
Jew just ask him where's the blood well we ain't got a blood why well we don't have a temple how come you don't have a temple well it was destroying 70
AD who said he's gonna get destroyed God said it would be and on you go you got him running all right he delivered him through blood then he led the people he fed the people and he carried their burdens in his heart he went to God with a many times so does
Christ lead his people feeds his people feed on the word it says and the written word reveals to us the living word the written word because he says they wrote about me now there's a contrast basically the contrast is this that Moses did not take
Israel into the promised land there's a difference he did not lead them into the promised land
Joshua had to do that the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ John 1 17 all right we've got about five minutes that I want us to to just basically go through this outline of the book and then we'll pick it up tomorrow night with another different look at it and we're gonna look at it three different ways the whole book of Exodus and then we'll move right on into the chapters and hopefully get through and I'm gonna read these to you in case you can't see them because I know that some of these good folks on this side are not able to but there are three
R's redemption righteousness and restoration all right redemption is
God's power exemplified God's power chapters 1 through 17 in Exodus Exodus 1 through 17 and under that we have three headings and under the third heading
I'm going to give you five topics that are not on the board and they're very easy all right under redemption
God's power chapters 1 through 17 num Arabic 1 you might put redemption
Roman numeral 1 God's power dash 1 through 17
Arabic 1 the slavery of sin and that's chapters 1 through 4 the slavery of sin chapter 1 through 4
Arabic to the stubbornness of Pharaoh chapters 5 through 11 in an amazing
God spent that many chapters trying to get that man right he still wouldn't all right 5 through 11 the stubbornness of Pharaoh Arabic 3 the salvation of God chapters 12 through 17
Arabic 3 the salvation of God now I want to give you five thoughts under that and we've already touched on on them
I just want you to put them under the salvation of God 1 in parentheses Passover Christ the slain
Lamb Christ the slain Lamb chapters 12 and 13 12 and 13 2 in parentheses crossing the
Red Sea resurrection chapters 14 and 15 and we get through you'll be able to teach this book anybody wants to listen to you don't tell them where all the mistakes came from they will be yours any truths you get out will be mine all right crossing the
Red Sea resurrection 14 and 15 the third number three parentheses three in parentheses manna the manna
Christ the bread of life chapter 16 of Exodus chapter 16 of Exodus four parentheses one parentheses
Passover to crossing the Red Sea three manna Christ the bread of life chapter 16 four parentheses smitten rock
Christ gives the Spirit chapter 17 verses 1 through 7 chapter 17 1 through 7 and then 5 parentheses is
Amalek flesh versus the Spirit flesh versus the
Spirit chapter 17 verses 8 through 16 all right and then
Roman numeral 2 that last ones Amalek flesh versus the
Spirit 17 verses 8 through 16 then the second Roman numeral 2 is righteousness God's holiness you see
God's holiness 18 through 24 chapters 18 through 24 of Exodus you see
God's holiness and if you can't see God's holiness in that I doubt very seriously if you and I would be able to see it anywhere else because his holiness is there all right
Arabic one the nation prepared that'd be chapters 18 and 19 the nation prepared chapters 18 and 19
Arabic to the law revealed chapters 20 through 23 chapters 20 to 23 now let me break these down for you put one in parentheses under the law revealed and just put the commandments
God word God word D G OD kept the
GOD dash W AR D God word chapter 20 the judgments you put two in parentheses the judgments man word
I have mine one parentheses the commandments and then I put in parentheses God word dash 20 and then two in parentheses the judgments and in parentheses
I put man word chapters 21 23 all right and then
Arabic 3 got one the nation prepared to the law revealed and Arabic 3 the covenant ratified chapter 24 of Exodus God ratifies the covenant means he approves it he says it's in force it's good it's intact all right then
Roman numeral 3 we come to restoration which always has to be under God's grace nobody can be restored in any way fashion or form that God's wonderful grace chapters 25 through 40 and then we have three
Arabics one the tabernacle described God describes what he's going to do chapter 25 to 31 and then
Arabic to the tabernacle needed because of Israel's sins chapter 32 through 34 and then the tabernacle constructed chapter 35 through 40 now it is easy for us to see and we'll close with this remark at 820 all right it's easy for us to see in Exodus the pattern of the
Christian life isn't it if we just stop and think about it every man is in bondage to sin in the world we cannot deliver ourselves any more than the people of Israel could get out of Egypt God had to send the
Redeemer Jesus Christ who delivered us through his shed blood which is pictured in the
Passover but not only are we saved from wrath by his blood but we are also delivered from Egypt the world by his resurrection we have victory over the world all right and this is pictured in the crossing of the
Red Sea now we begin our pilgrim journey on the earth we begin this with the
Holy Spirit guiding us which is pictured with a pillar of fire and cloud the
Spirit of God goes before and it's pictured in that how God led them God leads us now
God nourishes us with heavenly manna heavenly manna Christ as found in the word where do you find
Christ you find him in the Word of God and no one can be an effective Christian without the
Word of God it has to come from the Word of God and my friends anything else outside the
Word of God is subjective and it's fallible and subject to error and you may wallow in something out here that you think is
God or from God but you have no proof it's from God if it violates the
Word of God it has to be in chronological context it has to be in historical context it has to have dispensational clarity doctrinal consistency in order for it to be from God it isn't that God can't do anything it's just that God has set things in order and he's a
God of order and he is not a God of confusion he never has been and he isn't so we see how he leads us and we feed on the precious
Word of God now even though we often have a carnal appetite for the leeks and the onions and the garlic and the flesh of the world he still gets rid of this in our life and purges us through the
Word of God through the Word of God all right he gives us his spirit as living water to refresh us on our earthly pilgrimage now but there is always that battle against Amalek the flesh that battle goes on every day and you can't get the victory once and for all there's no such thing as dying itself today and it lasting you for the rest of your
Christian life as I understand the life of Paul and as I understand my own life and as I understand the lives of the great
Christian men of Christian history regardless of their denominational affiliation I find that those men and women and young people who walked in victory with Christ had a daily commitment to the
Lord a daily renewal of their life with the Lord Jesus Christ a daily renewal and it must be as we study the word and it comes through the
Word of God and through prayer now from Egypt to Canaan is not it is not a picture of our journey from earth to heaven they're not gonna be any battles in heaven on Jordan stormy banks
I stand well no I'm sorry because when they got into Canaan they had to fight they had to fight the
Hittites and the Jebusites they had everybody else to contend with there were giants in the land my friends when you get into the heavenly portals whatever it is there's gonna be peace joy contentment and blessings no it is rather a picture of us having peace in the middle of the storm having victory in the life where there are giants in the world so to speak the
Giants of bias the Giants of prejudice the Giants of greed the Giants of untruth the
Giants of all those things but you and I have a victory because we have crossed over but how tragic that most
Christians are wandering in the wilderness of Egypt and they've never gotten into Canaan and there's a big difference a big beautiful difference a big beautiful difference and that's what we want to find out about this week it is a picture of our spiritual journey from the world and a bondage and sin into the full inheritance that we have in the