Voting Democrat is Obviously a Sin. Here's Why.

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Pre-order my book: #NoDespair2020


All right, let's jump right back into this review response video for the
Defend and Confirm podcast about Christians voting Democrat. Before we begin I wanted to clarify two things.
Russell, the guy that you see on the screen here, he's the guy who interviewed me for this topic but decided not to post the interview.
He reached out to me, he said that a lot of you guys are pinging him and telling him to release the tapes and all that kind of stuff.
He actually may not have the tapes anymore. I don't know, I don't really, I don't really know what's going on. But he did clarify with me, and I wanted to pass this along to you guys, that he categorically denies that the reason he's not posting it is because he didn't think it went well for his side.
He denies that. I wanted to make sure to let everybody know that. Also, there was another thing that I wanted to clarify as well.
Somebody reached out to me on Twitter and said that he does not think that Russell and Sean are part of Big E or they're like on the
Big Eva track. And I get that, I totally get that. Let me just say what it strikes me as.
To be perfectly honest with you, this group, these two guys, they strike me as almost like controlled opposition.
Not to say that they're taking their orders from Big Eva, I don't think necessarily that's the case. But they're like approved opposition.
So it's like, you know, Big Eva is willing to sort of have these guys out here being opposed to critical theory and stuff like that.
And so they're definitely on the approved, you know, list, if that makes sense. So they're not, maybe they're not in the guild, but they're like, they're not friends of ours, but they're friends of theirs, or something like that.
How does that work in Goodfellas? I don't know, but there's like a category of people like you're not in the mob, but you're all, but you work with the mob, you're friendly with the mob, that kind of thing.
So anyway, that's just my opinion, though. I have no real hard evidence of that. It's just how
I see it, and sometimes you just got to call it how you see it. So I wanted to clarify those two things, and then jump right in.
Before I start, though, I have to say I've got two days left to pre -order How to Defeat the
Woke Church Movement. I'm about to send out an excerpt from that book to my email list, and so if you want to sign up for my email list, go to adroblez .com.
Adroblez .com. Sign up for the email list, and I'll be sending out a little sample from the book, so you can kind of check out what it's all about, and that kind of thing.
But I'll put the link to pre -order a copy of the book, How to Defeat the Woke Church Movement, in the description of this video.
I hope that you find it helpful. Let's dive right in. Proposition, fill in the blank.
Right. Because it doesn't. Now, we get that from understanding that sin is deceitful.
We have a, as Christians, a healthy understanding, a skepticism of our own hearts, our own cognitive abilities, and the way that sin can mislead.
Go ahead. This is interesting, because this is actually a point that I remember him making in our conversation.
He said that, you know, A .D., what you got to understand is that sin is deceitful, and so that even if you think that a person voting
Democrat is sinning, you have to understand that, like, they've been deceived.
In fact, he said that one of the—and I agree with this—Russell said that, like, one of the things he thinks the Democratic Party, the
Democrat Party, is expert at is tricking people with language, right? And so they say, we're for justice, but they're really, like, for the opposite of justice, and so they can—so
Russell was saying, you got to have some some sympathy, some empathy here, because your brothers and sisters in Christ, they've been deceived by that.
They're like, well, yeah, we're for justice, we're Christians, we're for love and justice, and the Democrats say they're for love and justice, and that's a good point.
I conceded that right away, because it's definitely true, the Democrats are experts at abusing language.
But you see, this is why church discipline is so important, and this is the point I made in our conversation, and Russell can probably vouch for this if he saw fit.
I said, yes, they're deceitful, Democrats are definitely deceitful, but that's why church discipline is so important, because if you notice,
Matthew 18 starts with a personal conversation. Brother, I know you're a
Christian, man, you know that we need to be about love and justice and things like that, but let me explain to you, brother, you might not know this, let me explain to you why the
Democrats are not actually for this, they're abusing language, they're trying to scam you, brother, let me show you, and then you take them through—it's a conversation, right?
That's the first step of church discipline, you have a conversation, you try to figure it out amongst yourselves.
And so my whole thing was, okay, if that's the first step of church discipline, right, a personal confrontation, a conversation where you exhort and rebuke and correct and all of that kind of stuff, why is that not on the table?
That's what we should be doing. So we should come out and say, okay, it's a sin to vote Democrat, and so now if I'm a pastor or if I'm a churchman,
I've got to go to my brothers and sisters in Christ. When I find out that they're about to sin or they are sinning, I confront them with that.
That needs to be on the table. If we're not willing to do that and we're willing to just say, well, you know, we're just gonna have unity, like that's—no one's ever going to realize that they've been duped.
Someone has to tell them that they've been duped, right? Someone has to show them that they've been duped, and if it gets far enough, someone has to do the hard work, that's tough love, but I—listen, you're not accepting this.
It's obviously true they have duped you. You have to leave. You have to leave now, and then, and God help you, hopefully you'll eventually see.
I think a lot of people would see. I think people who were excommunicated for voting Democrat would see. That's my belief, because if they're actually
Christians, they would see. If you go through the steps of church discipline, you don't skip any steps, you don't go from zero to 60, you don't go from confrontation to your tax collector, you don't skip stuff, you do it the
God's way. If you do it God's way, I think people would actually come to see their error. That's the key, man.
That's the key. Let's finish. Let's see what he has to say. Well, I was just gonna say, one of the common things that I like to say to people when
I'm having this conversation is just, think about how many times already in your life you have had a very strong opinion that you thought for sure was right.
You felt it in your bones. It had to be true. Maybe you spent a long time thinking about it, only to change your mind.
That's right. I mean, how many times have you been there? Too many to count. Too many to count, right. There's a flip side to this, too, which is not just the possibility that you've been deceived on some particular inference or issue, but there's a deceptiveness of sin in thinking that because I see something clearly and I know it's true, everybody else must see it with the same clarity.
If not, they're compromised. If not, they're in sin. Yeah, that's right. And that is just a lie from Satan.
Yeah, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. But again, we have to come at this understanding that God's Word is clear, and if it's unclear, that's our problem.
That's one of the things—I heard somebody say this, I don't know who this was who said this, but they said that the perspicuity of Scripture, the clarity of Scripture, is one of the doctrines that's being challenged the most in our seminaries.
That's one of the ones that seminaries are practically teaching against just in a straightforward way.
The Gospel, the Word of God, rather, is not clear enough for us to make pronouncements on things.
That's not true. That's a lie from Satan. The Word of God is clear. If we're not understanding it, or if we think it's unclear, that's our problem.
That's not God's problem. He speaks perfectly. He speaks with clarity. He speaks directly to issues that are important, right?
And so if we don't understand, that's our problem. So we need to figure that out, right? And so yes, we can hold on to things tentatively, or we can hold on to things with less sureness than others, but there are some things that are sure.
We don't just get to just sit on our hands here. We actually do have to make decisions, and especially pastors. They have to make decisions on things, and that's the job.
It's a hard job. It's heavy is the mantle, right? That's why I'm not a pastor, right? It's a heavy mantle.
People ask me if I ever want to be a pastor again, and right now I say no. I don't have any desire to do it, and that's just how it is.
And you know, you might not like that. Some people told me that that's wrong of me to say that, and wrong of me to think that, but that's just how
I feel. I mean, I don't know what else to say. But the thing is, like, it's a heavy mantle, man. It's a tough job, but you got to deal with it, because you still have to make decisions and stuff.
So it's like, yeah, there are things that we can hold tentatively. There are things that we're not as sure on, but we need to seek clarity.
We need to seek decisions and correctness and all this stuff and impurity and all this kind of stuff.
We need to seek to understand. But again, I have a hard time understanding how this connects to voting
Democrat, because the sin of voting Democrat is one of the easiest cases to make that I can think of in our political climate.
It is an easy case to make. John Lehman makes it. I agree with him. It's a very simple case to make.
I mean, I think Paul, once again, to go back to 1 Corinthians, he makes an allowance.
He has a lot of room for Christians who don't have all of their theological ducks in a row.
So like, let's just take celebrating certain holidays or eating meat offered to idols that he uses as an example.
Ultimately, those are theological questions, right? Remember, when Paul goes to give his reasoning, he makes a theological argument.
He goes, I know that these gods aren't real gods at all, right? So he's making a theological statement there. Now, that theology is what calibrates his conscience, stronger or weaker, okay?
So at the end of the day, a lot of these issues, they are theological in nature, and there are right answers and wrong answers.
But you just have to approach these questions with a kind of trepidation that says, not only could
I be wrong, but you could be wrong, and it's okay for you to be wrong. It's not okay for you to stay there, right?
It's actually not okay to be wrong. I understand his point, he's saying that we can still coexist, and we can still love each other, and we can still come to the table and all that stuff.
But it's actually not okay that you're wrong. Believing and actually spreading lies about God is a sin.
So sin is definitely not okay. But yeah, of course, there are certain things that we can coexist, and we can still have fellowship and unity and all that kind of stuff,
I agree. But I just wish that we're more than halfway through this podcast, and they haven't gotten to the actual topic.
I want to know what this has to do with voting for a party that's intending to do evil, and then accomplishes that evil, and I want to know what this has to do with that.
We don't want the weaker brother to remain weak, but we want to extend charity and have a category for someone who may even persist in poor judgments.
And that's where I want to go next. Let's make this practical. One of the questions we've got is, should a
Christian vote for a Democratic Party candidate in 2020? Can a
Christian vote for Joe Biden? Yeah. The answer is, of course, a Christian can do it. The real question is, though, should they do it, or is it legitimate to do it, or is it not sinful to do it?
Obviously, a Christian can do anything, but should they? Is it legitimate? Is it a sin?
That's the real question. Let's see where he goes with this. So, can a Christian do it? Yes. Well, yeah.
Should a Christian do it? Is this person you're asking, is it morally permissible? That's right. Now, that's kind of like the evangelical way, like the lowest common denominator, like, what can
I get away with? Can we? Can I? The answer to that is, obviously, yes, you can. Should I?
Right, right. That's where all these arguments... One of the things that I'm concerned about...
Let me answer, because like I said, it's not fair that we're not having a conversation. I mean, it's obviously not entirely my fault for that, but no.
So, no, it's not legitimate. And again, I would start with the very simple argument that there are some people that seek political power and authority, that if you look at what they plan to do, what they tell you they're going to do, it's not like they're deceiving you.
It's like they're saying, here's what we plan to do. If you look down the list, it's pretty much all evil from top to bottom.
It's all overturning the law of God. Not only the law of God, but just the natural order that God created.
So, it's like revealed law. Clearly, it contradicts God's revealed law, but it also seeks to undermine the foundations, the institutions that God created from the beginning of the earth, from the beginning of the universe, like basic stuff, like he created the male and female, right?
Or even more basic than that, that he created it all. He created it all. They deny that he created.
They deny that he created the male and female. They deny that male and female actually have legitimate meanings and stuff like that.
And they deny all kinds of basic fundamental foundational things. And so, no, it is not legitimate to try to empower a party that is so rebellious, that is so arrogant, that they think that they can overturn what
God has made sure. They can overturn what God himself has instituted, what he's created and stuff like that at almost every foundational point.
Like, think about it, like think of the first command, right? The first command that God gives to people, be fruitful and multiply.
He says to the man that he created, be fruitful and multiply.
The very first command that he gives, right? It's foundational. Be fruitful and multiply.
This is why I've created you, Adam, to be fruitful and multiply. I'd like you to make more people.
You know, that's what he's saying, right? And what is the Democrats party's foundations, right? Right now, what are they going for?
What do they always talk about? They talk about two things, right? They talk about the legitimacy of LGBTQ, whatever, you know, relationships.
And the necessity, the fundamental human right, the goodness, the wonderfulness of killing your own offspring.
So they promote unions that cannot bear fruit and the unions that can bear fruit, they promote killing your offspring if you see fit.
In fact, the population is getting too big for the universe. That lie has been going on for decades and centuries.
There's too many people in the world, so we just got to kill some of these people so that we can have a better quality of life. So God says, the first thing
God says, be fruitful and multiply. The Democratic Party says, no. In fact, that would be evil.
They overturn the foundations that God has established, or they attempt to, rather. These are the ones that Psalm 2 was talking about.
Why do the Gentiles rage? Why does the heathen plot in vain? The Democratic Party is the heathen from Psalm 2.
If you look at the Democratic Party platform, it is what is described in Romans 1. It is illegitimate to attempt to empower what
Romans 1 describes. This is not complicated, everybody. This is not a difficult conversation to have.
This is an easy case to make. It's one of the easiest cases to make that I could possibly imagine. Yes, if a party exists in order to accomplish
Romans 1 and make it good, and if a party exists to rage and try to rebel against Christ, like in Psalm 2, if a party exists to overturn the basic commands of God, be fruitful and multiply, it is illegitimate for a
Christian to be a part of that party and try to empower that party. That's illegitimate, obviously.
Let's get real here, guys. Russell, that's obviously illegitimate. Obviously. Sean, I know
I didn't talk to you, but you know that's illegitimate as well, right? Our conservative leaning friends, is that they will see that as an excommunicatable offense.
You're supporting a party that, as part of its platform, is pro -abortion, pro -homosexual marriage, pro -LGBTQ ideology, and you can't consciously affirm those beliefs and call yourself a
Christian because those are straight -line issues. Those are straight -line issues, and they're directly related to fundamental foundational things that God has instituted.
But it doesn't end there, brothers. That's the thing. Those are the things that get talked about all the time because those are so obviously fundamental and foundational to Christ's order that he has set up, the natural world, and his revealed law.
It so obviously contradicts both of those things that it's just such an easy bludgeon to bludgeon people to death with.
It's so easy to just keep hitting on that and hitting on that and hitting on that, and it's just so obvious. It's embarrassing that anyone would deny that, right?
It's embarrassing. But brothers, it doesn't end there. And you know this. You know this. All the rest of the details of the
Democratic Party platform also try to overturn the law of God. They're also sinful.
Their welfare systems are sinful. Their progressive tax rates are sinful. The way that they're attempting to try to make health care a human right is also sinful.
I mean, you name it. Climate change laws and policies, carbon credits, that's sinful.
The way they interact with other nations and the wars that they start and stuff like that's sinful. I mean, it's just the way that they try to make evil good and good evil, the way that they're against any kind of law and order, that's sinful.
The way that they defend and protect rioters and people that are causing mayhem, that's sinful.
The way that they attempt to draw a wedge between child and parent, that's sinful.
The way they seek to educate people, that's also sinful. It doesn't end with those two issues,
Russell, and you know that. No matter how intently, excuse me, no matter how intently you look into the camera or slightly away from the camera like this, it doesn't matter.
That's the way you're describing it here. It's not the end of it. You know that we have,
I mean, the only thing, listen, I looked at the Democratic Party platform. They're attempting to deregulate marijuana, which
I agree with that. I don't think it's right to ban a plant that God has created.
I don't think that makes any sense. So there's one small good thing that I think they accidentally get correct, because I'm pretty sure that they're not doing that in order to respect
God's law. I think they're doing that to cause more mayhem, frankly, because they're evil, and so they have evil ends, and even anything not done from faith is sin.
So even that is probably done in the wrong way. But anyway, so yeah, we talk about those two primary things because they're so foundational, as I've just described.
I mean, I just explained to you how it tries to overturn the very first commandment of God. It's Psalm 2 in action.
It's Romans 1 in action. Why do you think Paul talks about the things he talks about in Romans 1?
Because he knows that it's attempting to rot the foundations of God's primary commandments to his people, right?
That's why he goes where he goes. That's why he talks about homosexuality and things of that nature, because it's so foundationally twisted, right?
So obviously twisted. That's why he goes there. So yeah,
I think I made my point. Let's try to listen to a larger chunk here and see how they somehow make this the category of Christian freedom to attempt to empower people that want to oppose
God at every turn. Christian freedom, I guess. Yeah, but here's the thing. You really can, though.
Well, yeah, that's what I'm getting to. Right, exactly. So you have to have two categories. Yeah. You have to have—when you're considering brothers and sisters who vote differently than you, and you're persuaded that the party or the person they're voting for is morally evil, morally wrong, there's two groups that those people could fall into.
Number one, it really could be that you have someone who's pro -abortion in your congregation. Now, that is something that we cannot tolerate.
That is excommunicable. Yeah, that's a person who needs to be rebuked.
And Lord willing, we'll be reconciled back to congregation, and we'll see the error of that.
Murder is evil. There is no excuse. But there's a difference between that category, someone who's consciously affirming what is evil, and someone who consciously affirms that that is evil.
They believe that abortion is wrong. And yet, in their judgments, even if these are wrong judgments, they unintentionally contradict those very convictions with their actions, with their vote.
And that could even be further broken down into—somebody could just be doing that out of ignorance. Maybe they've just grown up always hearing that Democrats are the ones who do most for poor people, including children after birth.
That's right. Or it could be tactical. So let me give our listeners and our viewers an example of a conversation that I had with a brother who is pro -life, thinks abortion is evil, it's a blight on humanity, who nevertheless voted
Democrat. Stop right there. I don't believe this person. I simply don't.
I don't believe—and this is where I think that the pushback needs to happen. I actually don't believe you if you vote
Democrat but claim to think that abortion is the most evil thing. I don't believe you.
Because here's why. You would never, ever, ever, ever, ever say that and vote
KKK. Because here's the thing. And these pretend pro -lifers, they actually don't think that abortion is what it is.
They think racism is worse than abortion. It's worse than abortion.
That if you had a racist guy, like a racist—let's just say you had a Democrat who said this.
He said, well, you know, yeah, you know, I'm pro -abortion, you know,
I'm pro -abortion. I'm not like, I don't love abortion, but I think it should be up to the decision of the mother, right?
Like, it's not my business, you know what I mean? I'm not for it, but I think it should be an option, stuff like that.
And they believe all the same things that the Democrats believe now. This guy said, I talked to someone who said he's going to justify it somehow.
He's going to do it in a minute. We'll talk about the justification in a minute. It's okay to still vote for that person tactically, right?
Now imagine that that same guy, I'm pro -choice, you know, I'm not really for abortion and all that kind of stuff.
But actually, but also too, I think we should bring back segregation. Also, I think we should bring back segregation and I'm a
Democrat racist as well. Like, I just don't like certain skin colors. I just, I think that they're just like more animalistic than others and we need to restrain them.
And so we should bring back segregation. In fact, we should bring back some of the Jim Crow laws and stuff like that. Does, does
Sean, can Sean look me in the eye and tell me that that brother that he spoke with that supposedly thinks abortion is so wicked and so vile would still say, oh yeah, but tactically
I'm going to vote for that racist Democrat. No, he would not do that. No, he would not do that because this brother actually thinks racist beliefs are worse than abortion, worse than killing a baby.
You see, I don't believe people who treat abortion as if it's just another political issue.
I don't believe you that you're actually against abortion because you really don't think that what's happening at the clinic is really what's happening at the clinic.
And let me just be frank with you. I think all of us suffer from this a little bit. We've been desensitized to this killing, including myself, including myself, because I often think to myself, what if they were killing toddlers down the street?
What would I be doing if they were killing toddlers down the street? What would I be doing? Would I just be doing exactly what
I'm doing right now? Like, listen, guys, like I do stuff for the abortion issue, right? You know,
I do stuff. I've got receipts here. You know, I've got things that I do in my life, actions that I take in my life that should demonstrate,
I think, my, my beliefs. But do I do as much as I could be doing? What if they were killing toddlers down the street? What would
I be doing? I got an AR -15. What would I be doing if I knew that there was a building down the street killing toddlers?
So you see, even I suffer from this as well. So I don't believe any person who says they're pro -life, but they still vote
Democrat, no matter how they justify it, because if you just took out the abortion issue and put in racist, the justification wouldn't work.
And we all know that. We all know that. All these evangelical soy latte sipping, you know, leaders, they think racism is worse than abortion.
They think it's way worse than abortion. Prove me wrong. He said,
Sean, I think that the Republicans have had an opportunity to do away with abortion for the last 50 years, and they haven't done it.
And I'd so much despise so much of what the, I despise so much of everything else that the
Republican Party stands for, that even though it makes me sick to my stomach, I ultimately think that voting
Democrat will do more good than the Republicans who pay a lot of lip service to being pro -life, but who, in fact, don't actually use their institutional power to do away with this great evil.
So then that language, you may recognize it. So stop right there. This does nothing for our argument though.
So, okay, he's justifying the sin regarding the pro -life in a weird way.
We don't agree on even that justification, but he's saying I despise everything the Republican Party stands for.
Okay, great. You don't have to vote Republican. And I think that the Democrats will do more good. How? How will the Democrats do more good when their entire platform is sinful?
You see, we're not the single issue people. You know what I mean? I know that's the caricature. We're not. The entire platform is sinful.
Okay, so fine. You're not trying to empower the Democrats to accomplish abortion, even though that's their fundamental plank. Okay, I don't believe you, but let's just say
I go with you for a second there. And so you think that they're going to do more good by what? Overturning every single foundation that God has established, attempting to overthrow every one of them?
Their entire platform is evil. So you still can't vote for lesser evils, because look, some of the other parts of the platform are lesser evils than abortion.
I can understand that. Not every sin is the same level. I understand that. But you actually don't get a pass there either.
You cannot vote to empower someone to do evil. So if you think it's good, even though it's evil, that's still a problem.
That's still something you need to be rebuked and taught and confronted about. That's something that if you don't stop doing it, you should be excommunicated.
There's no relief here. That's a weird example, Sean, because the example is actually this brother that you're talking about is so twisted.
He's got such a deficient view of morality and ethics that he thinks that the
Democratic Party stands for good when top to bottom it stands for evil.
This is twisted. This is very twisted. Conservative evangelical friends,
I don't like it. It kind of makes me sick, but I think it's the best long -term option.
I think it'll do the most good for the most people, because that's the argument that you use in your vote for Trump. No, it isn't.
Not even close, my friend. No, it isn't. That's not the same argument that I use in my vote for Trump.
Not at all. The argument that most of us use for Trump, and I've seen tons of people make this argument, is that the
Republican Party and Donald Trump himself has some semblance of reality in his worldview.
He panders to Christians, and because he panders to Christians, he actually ends up adopting a biblical worldview, by proxy almost.
So maybe if you want to say, well, he doesn't believe it, I would actually debate you there. He actually has a fairly biblical worldview.
He's very influenced by the biblical worldview, the actual worldview. He operates in reality to a great degree.
But because he panders to Christians, he actually ends up operating in the Christian worldview a lot more than he otherwise would.
So that's why a lot of people support Trump, because there's some semblance of sanity with Trump. There is no semblance of sanity with the
Democratic Party. None. That's the argument. You've got either a worldview that's somewhat correct, or a worldview that's completely topsy -turvy, and there's no hope for it, because they tell you, this is what we're intending to do.
It's not like they accidentally fell into a topsy -turvy worldview. They say, no, no, we're trying to recreate the world. We're trying to recreate the world in our image, and forget about God.
They're intentionally doing it. So it's not the same at all, Sean, at all.
So you can't get away with supporting parts of the Democratic Party platform that are not as bad as abortion, but also upside down.
There's no harbor there. There's no safe harbor there. There's no quarter for you there. There's no foothold in the
Democratic Party. None. There is no foothold. No, the guy's an idiot.
He's a jerk, and I hate the way he talks. He's an adulterer. He's an adulterer, and he does all this stuff, and it makes me sick, but I'm going to vote for him.
That's right. Right. You see why these guys are approved? Because they go with the propaganda to a certain degree.
They go with Big Eva to a certain degree. That's not how it is. That's not how it is. I just enunciated one of the primary reasons people want to vote for Trump.
It's not the only reason, but one of the primary reasons. But no, no, they have the caricature of why people vote for Trump.
The caricature. It's ridiculous. So you could tactically choose that. What we're not saying here is that this is...
You can say that you can tactically choose it all day long, but you still have to... And again, this is why a conversation would have been better.
So I say, Sean, Russell, explain to me how you could tactically choose to do evil through the
Democratic Party because the entire platform is evil. Tell me one thing about the Democratic Party platform that is significant that they actually get right.
One thing. Just give me one. I mean, again, this is why you got to have a conversation.
Otherwise, you're just... Well, I don't know what you're doing, but you're doing something. Let's try to get through this, man.
I keep stopping it. I'm sorry. We're not being...
We're not of the persuasion that your vote, which candidate you choose in this election, for example, is morally ambivalent.
No, not at all. We're not saying it doesn't matter. It's neutral. You just kind of got to close your eyes and pick a direction. You and I both feel strongly about who the right candidate is.
Yeah. Let me also tell you that before we go further down that road, I think that brother's wrong.
Oh, yeah. I think he's way wrong. But that doesn't mean he's not my brother.
That's right. That's right. That's right, Sean. And we're going to stop here. This is the part
I find so perplexing about Big Eva Light here and Big Eva Regular.
You know what I mean? Regular strength. Because nobody is saying that church discipline, confronting brother's sin, taking it through the steps, excommunication means that I'm saying you are unregenerate.
You're an unbeliever. There's no hope for you. You're just... That's it. You're going to hell.
That's it. Nobody's saying that. Nobody's saying that. Because the Bible teaches us that God disciplines those whom he loves.
He disciplines sons. Right? That's what the Bible says. What I am saying is, yeah, your friend might be an unbeliever.
Definitely. Because to me, having a mind so twisted that you don't understand anything about morality, that you think that the
Democratic Party actually would be good in some way. That's pretty twisted, right? But for a regular kind of person in the pew,
I can blame your teachers mostly for that. And so I'm not saying that you have to say, oh, dude, you're an unbeliever.
That's skipping steps, right? That's skipping steps of church discipline. What I am saying, though, is if you agree that he's wrong,
Sean, then Matthew 18 begins right there. You confront him about his wrongness.
You teach him. Church, so much of discipline for your children or for people in your flock is teaching.
Right? You don't skip steps. You don't just go, okay, you're excommunicated, shunned, like Dwight Schrute.
Shunned. You don't do that. That's what pagans do. Frankly, a lot of Christians do that as well.
You don't like someone, you just shun them. That's wrong, man. That's wrong. Can't hold grudges. Christians can't hold grudges like that.
So we're not saying that they're just excommunication. Nope, no thinking.
Just do it. I'm not saying that, man. I'm not saying that. That's not how it is. But you have to love your brother enough.
If you're going to say that they're your brother, you have to love your brother enough to confront them with their sin.
And it is sin. You confront them with it. You teach them. You beg with them.
You plead them. All that stuff. And eventually, if they insist, nah, man, nah. I think stealing from the rich to give to the poor is good.
Eventually, you have to say, I'm sorry, but God disagrees with you. It's time to leave.
Go find yourself a church that'll teach you doctrine that tickles your ears, but it's not going to be here.
It's not going to be here. I care about you too much to let you sit and persist in lies and support them in their lies.
I love you too much for that. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with that? I know the world thinks that that's hateful, but who cares what the world thinks?
Talking about Christ here, the truth. The truth matters. We got to be devoted to it.
Anyway, we will pick up next time. I'll try to finish it next time. There's only about 10 minutes left. Hope you found this video helpful.