They STILL Think We're Stupid and We STILL Dont Play by Their Rules

AD Robles iconAD Robles


#BigEva keeps trying, and hopefully they will keep failing at convincing you to stop fighting for the truth.


We'd like to fight none of us like to fight. I don't like to fight None of us like to fight We consider lots of you allies and friends and things like that But a lot of you are letting dangerous things happen to the
Church of God you are you are abandoning your posts At the critical moment you're abandoning your post and we know how courageous you've been in the past.
We remember that stuff Think about Martin Luther, you know fight facing down the machine nailing the theses to the wall
Facing down the machine with courage. I could just hear the people saying well
Did you have to nail it to the wall? I mean couldn't you have submitted it and writing privately first. Oh My goodness
You think we're stupid. We're not stupid. We've read the Bible We know what Paul said We know the kinds of things that Jesus said we know the kinds of things that Peter said
We know the kinds of things that the Prophet said we know the kinds of things that the book of Revelation says
Not stupid We don't play by your rules anymore so I Was minding my own business over the weekend and I saw the gospel coalition
Tweet out an article and that's they pull out of as they often do though.
They'll post a link to the article They'll pull out what they think is the main thrust of the article and here's what this one says
It says quote consider whether you are in fact with every caustic tweet chipping away at your qualification for ministry and This was not a very surprising headline, of course
And but you know, I've addressed this many times in the past, you know There's this idea that if you're too mean or you're too aggressive or you criticize brothers and sisters in Christ I've been told literally that no matter what even if it's a huge threat to the gospel, you literally cannot criticize
The words of a brother and sister in Christ. I've been told that in fact that idea Blew up my church.
And so it's just a it's a false idea. It's false piety It's cowardice.
But anyway, so this wasn't a very surprising Article, but I clicked it because I you know, I'm interested in this topic
This is an idea that I think about all the time I know some people have the impression that I just I turn on the camera turn on the microphone and I just blast
Everybody and it's just not the case at all. I think very carefully about what I say I've made mistakes in the past and I've apologized for those mistakes
But I I think about this idea all the time And so I started reading the article and the article is not all bad
In fact, it says basically makes the case that you should examine yourself Are you do you just like to fight because we all kind of think of in our minds, you know
We all think of in our minds. There are people that we know that nitpick They just love fighting all the time.
We get this idea and and and and predictably this article doesn't name any names That's the that's the whole point like what they want you to do with this article is for you to think
Oh, he's writing about me. He's writing about me no matter how Non -caustic your tweets are no matter how calm your tweets are.
They want this to apply to every one of their Opponents and what we'll see in a minute is obviously they don't act the way this
Article wants you to act which is essentially to lay your weapons down. Don't be so aggressive. Don't be argumentative at all
Don't don't don't criticize all that kind of stuff. That's what this are the point of this article is but There is good advice here.
You should examine yourself. In fact, I retweeted this and I said hey It's a good idea for your pastor to know why your
Twitter handle to know your activities on YouTube Facebook and stuff like that. It's a really good idea because your pastor will guard your soul
That's his job. And so, you know, probably some people don't know this but my pastor knows exactly what
I'm up to online Exactly what I'm up to online and he's the kind of man who if I step out of line
He would say dude you stepped out of line and I've got other people in my life that that that have said this
To me as well. And and so I always take them seriously And in fact I'm gonna bring one of those guys up in just a minute
Someone who called me out and told me to get back in line essentially and I listened to him. I listened to him
Anyway, but but this article mentions a few Bible verses and Bible verses always get my attention
So if you want to make an argument that I should do something or I shouldn't do something or anything like that I'm not gonna respond to your emotional.
Please. I'm not gonna respond to your rhetoric What I will respond to though is Bible verses and so here's what it says
Here he says quote Some men just like the fight, but these are not real men real men are willing to fight when it's necessary But faux men are itching to fight no matter what the lesson is important for any
Christian and even more pertinent for Christian leaders We live in crucial times for the church, especially in the West There are skirmishes aplenty opportunities every day to go to war with our neighbors with our brethren with every
Twitter rando with an itching Itchy keyboard finger we are called to wage relentless war in our sin
Hebrews 4 to 12 and spiritual powers of wickedness Ephesians 6 12 But not every invitation to battle with flesh and blood ought to be accepted and rarely should such an invitations be given he goes on Consider whether you are in fact with every caustic tweet chipping away at your qualification for ministry
It is not manly to get up every morning thinking of the brethren as your enemies Not even the ones you disagree with on important matters.
The Lord's servant is not to be quarrelsome 2nd Timothy 2 24 Pastors are forbidden from argumentative
NIS 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 3 He goes on While the
Lord's violent cleansing of the temple may offer some model for Holy Zeal worth emulating He said an awful lot more about directly
More directly about blessing those who hate paying for those who persecute and turning the other cheek.
Those are direct orders okay, so I was going to just Tear this article apart and I mean that from a argument perspective not like I was gonna blast it
But what I was gonna say was I'm gonna talk I was gonna talk about Chipping this apart piece by piece and breaking it down to its components and its presuppositions and its assumptions
To show you that there really is no foundation here. This is just for the most part
This is just an attempt a tactic to get opponents of gospel coalition to stop
Because the reality is that that they know that this this has been effective This has been effective towards undermining the credibility of a lot of the gospel coalition
And so they want it to stop and you can't blame the machine for trying to protect itself, right? You can't
I totally get it. I would try to defend myself as well But I'm not gonna do that because I've already done that a number of times in fact
Yeah in the fight laugh feast Club if you want to become a club member, there is a article by the same author
Where I it's called jerks for Jesus something like that and I'd for like 30 minutes talk about breaking it down breaking down the components of this argument this idea and Showing you why it's not enough.
It's just not adequate And what's interesting here is I added this line about how the
Lord's example is Something worth emulating. Obviously it is you can't have one without the other you can't have
Kind words and blessing those who hate and pain for praying for those who persecute you and turning the other cheek without Also having the zeal for the
Lord that the Lord is the Shoda. So we you can't just say Arbitrarily, we can follow one part of his example, but not the other
Some of his commands but not the other so obviously there's some there's some movement here and I appreciate that I appreciate that because this is movement in the correct direction by this author
You can't have one without the other now go become a fight lefties club member if you want to see that whole video
It's I think it's very helpful. I Also went back and watched a video called
They think we're stupid, but we don't play by their rules anymore and this article basically addresses this entire argument about being too mean being fought too argumentative or fighting all that kind of stuff and The reality is like this this video which
I put out in July of 2019 Doesn't need to be changed at all to address this new gospel coalition article.
Some men just like to fight This video here came I think is the next day or two days after the founders ministry trailer dropped and I addressed this idea of look guys
I know you say you have a problem with harsh words and harsh rhetoric No, you don't because you do this all the time and that's the whole point of this video
And so I said look I prefer my imperfect way of fighting to your way of non fighting
You understand I'm saying like like you guys have let this mess happen under your nose and in many instances
You've participated in it And so excuse me if I want to fight it in a way that you don't like and I don't listen to your advice anymore
Because you don't want me to fight. We do not let our Ideological enemies our ideological opponents.
Let us dictate the terms of how we wage war I don't think these men are my enemies, but ideologically we're on opposite sides of the river
We're on opposite sides of the battle. And so no, I don't let gospel coalition dictate the terms of war.
That's not how we do this Anyway watch this video in its entirety.
It's it's very helpful seven. It's about 18 minutes long. It's very helpful It's about the founders ministry trailer, but it directly applies to this stuff as well but yet The Bible verses you you can't just dismiss these
Bible verses like like we have to take this seriously The Lord's servant is not to be quarrelsome
Pastors are forbidden from being argumentative. This is all correct Absolutely, correct, but we have to understand that there is a difference between being argumentative and arguing
There is a difference between being argumentative and arguing Here's an example.
This is Jason Allen Jason Allen retweeted Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders tweeted like a moron abortion is health care abortion is health care, maybe that's how he said it and Jason Keith Allen retweeted him and just corrected it abortion is murder now
I Have no problem with this this is not argumentative in my case this is making a point a man with a big platform is making a point about the insanity of Bernie Sanders claiming that killing a baby is somehow health care
That's insane and we need to address it as insane every single time Whenever somebody says abortion is health care.
You need to take them down to reality and say okay and what planet? Mr. Psycho is ripping babies limb from limb health care
And just let that marinate for a while that's fine, that's not argumentative That's making a point that is arguing, but it's not being argumentative.
Why what's the difference? What's the difference? Because I could see someone say why you why you got to be like that Couldn't you have said it in a nicer way?
I mean couldn't you have addressed him personally in a personal letter like why'd you have to do that publicly?
And the reality is that sometimes the fight comes to you and as this author says he says
Real men are willing to fight when it is necessary. I ask you Big Eva.
I ask you gospel coalition. I ask you ERLC How has it become to the point where we are saying you know what critical theory black liberation theology it
Impartiality all the time all this kind of insanity socialism Not ready just not time to fight yet, not time to fight yet who gets to decide when it's time to fight
See because we've seen Years of this stuff going on this mess going on and we waited patiently patiently
And you did nothing and so yes, I agree everybody agrees with this real men know when to fight and fight with the quickness and with brutality when necessary But they don't go looking for fights
I've said this many times if any intruder comes into my house. I will be
I'll tell you right now. There's a scene in in blood diamond where the father the father.
He's such a mild -mannered man If you've ever seen the movie, it's a pretty violent movie But he's a mild -mannered man his son gets taken by these warlords to be a child soldier and the whole movies about him trying to find his son and At the end
He he finds I think it's at the end or is in the beginning anyway he finds his son and and someone's like trying to prevent him from taking the
Sun and he It all he almost turns into an animal like he's just so aggressive, and he's just you know that just beastly
Come into my house at night try to hurt my kids and there will be no mercy Anyway, that's the point a man knows when to fight and he will win that fight when necessary But he doesn't go out looking for one.
He doesn't go to the bars looking for a bar fight He doesn't go looking for someone to fight. But look sometimes the fight comes to you and I'm gonna tell you right now in this fight.
I'll tell you exactly how this came to me First of all, I'm Puerto Rican Second of all,
I'm a Christian. I was born a Puerto Rican. I Grew up in my life as a pagan then
I became a Christian, right? And so I've got my people are Christians. My people are God's people.
My people are our true Israel, right? And then I've got this other part of my identity my ethnicity that God gave me.
It's a gift It's a gift from God my ethnicity. So I love Puerto Ricans I do You asked me who to choose between between Puerto Ricans and and God's people.
I choose God's people every time But I do care about Puerto Ricans I do care about minorities in the
United States because I have a lot of friends that are minorities in the United States Oh, here's what I see. I see cowards in the gospel coalition and ERLC talking to minorities like they're lesser and they're saying well, you know,
I I would take a sex a black african -american sex over an anglo -white
Talking about how you got to lower the bar for us Puerto Ricans talking about how we don't actually have to forgive You know because we've got a legitimate gripe, you know, actually we should demand some some affirmative action
We should demand some some reparations and all that kind of stuff And it's it's okay to to talk about our white brothers and sisters in Christ Like I'm scared of them with partiality and all that stuff.
I see people being platform that put minorities in danger spiritually Lack of forgiveness will kill you
Lack of forgiveness will kill you. I Reformer but then
George Whitefield might not even be a great these they're confusing the gospel and this puts minorities in danger in Danger, and so the fight came to me.
These are my circles. The Reformed Church is part of my circles Okay, it's not mine like I own it, but I'm part of it.
And so this fight came to me So, excuse me, if I decide it's time to fight it is time to fight
I didn't go looking for this fight In fact, if you look at my earlier videos, you'll see all the time and I still say this to this day
How this gives me no pleasure to talk about Matt Chandler like this. It gives me no pleasure to talk about Tim Keller Like this.
I love these guys. I owe them a gratitude. I consider them brothers even to this day I consider them brothers people call me naive for this all the time and it's okay
I'm committed to to believing in this objectivity of the Covenant stuff I'm committed to believing in people's professions of faith because despite what you might think
I Try to follow the verse believe all things love believes all things People call me naive all the time
And I'm okay with that I'm okay with that But I'm going to fight this error with everything
I have because I agree with John MacArthur This is a dangerous thing for the church in the
United States. This is a threat to the gospel message in the United States It's a threat to the gospel message among minority communities to let them believe this fake false gospel of social justice
So it angers me it angers me and so All I see is people say well, you know, you're a real man doesn't doesn't like to fight.
He just fights when necessary. It's necessary It's necessary and that's the point You see here's
Big Eva. This is the this is the thing about Big Eva where They're just there's so just Inconsistent, this is the inconsistency
We've sat by for years and heard gospel coalition people and call 45 % of the nation white supremacist with no evidence whatsoever
Here's a here's a situation that Joel Askell finds himself in he wrote a tweet that people really didn't like they really
Didn't like it. Listen what he says here. This is he's he's he's quote tweeting Dwight McKissick Quote tweeting
Mike Dickens. He says thankfully most black pastors in the SPC are not this stupid Shoot most pastors in general are not this stupid people flew off the handle about this tweet
You know why because he used the word stupid That says it's not decent to use the word stupid
Dwight McKissick's is saying here if resolution 9 is rescinded then he is gonna never go to the SPC convention again
Who cares who cares Dwight McKissick does not add any value to that that that convention? He he the only thing he offers is is is is is egalitarianism.
I'm not an egalitarian. Yes you are and And all this critical theory social justice and mess and that's this is it's a net negative net negative so Joel Askell Yeah, it's stupid.
Yeah use the vote. So we're gonna come so I'm gonna quit I'm gonna take my ball and go home. That's stupid people freaked out about it then and he's refused to recant now
Joel He actually penned it to draw more attention to it. I agree now Joel is a nice guy
Joel Askell is a real nice guy. In fact one time he saw me tweet something. This is with the
It when Jasmine Holmes had that whole thing about going to Target or whatever and seeing some racist mother and all that kind of thing
And I tweeted about a little bit and Joel reached out to me directly. He said in the DMS He said, you know, you gotta take those stuff down.
That's not what happened You shouldn't you shouldn't assume this about about Jasmine and I I thought about it.
He was right. He was absolutely right I had gone too far. And so I don't remember if I deleted the tweets.
I don't think I'd oh It was about a video so I deleted the video And I said and I reached out to Jasmine myself and apologized and all this kind of stuff and it all happened because Joel Very level -headed a very nice guy
Reached out to me and said dude, you went too far this time. You went too far. I like you, but you went too far Keep people like this.
You should keep in your life man people like this. You should keep in your life They're obviously for you, but they obviously also don't have any problem reaching out to you directly
Telling you dude this time, you know, I like you but this time you messed up you messed up These people are very valuable.
And so thank you Joel for that. So Joel obviously is a nice guy He thinks about these things as well. And here he is doubling down on calling
Dwight McKissick Stupid which he is. There's just no question about Dwight McKissick is stupid Anyway, so here's the problem
You want you know why Dwight Joel's calling Dwight because it's very uncharacteristic of Joel Askell at least online
You know why he's calling him stupid? Because Dwight McKissick is stupid. He's among the time He's among the group that calls his
Joel's father racist for producing that documentary hates women White supremacist all this kind of stuff.
This is the kind of people that have been attacking his father again No, again, no evidence, but because they've embraced critical theory, that's okay
It's okay to call someone a white supremacist racist all that kind of stuff Someone call me white privilege once someone call me white privilege was even though I'm not white
It just makes no sense at all. But anyway, and that's all that stuff is okay This is why Big Eva is full of it
Big Eva is full of it Because they can sit by let people get called racist white supremacist bigots
Hate women all this kind of stuff with no evidence whatsoever. But the minute you say hey, that's stupid stop.
They're like Oh Could a follower of Christ use the
F word Here we've got Scroll down a little bit here for a second.
Here. We've got Joel Askell. I guess Beth Moore You know reached out to him to take this tweet down.
How dare you? I'm gonna call your manager, you know Joel have decency here and delete that we can all disagreeing debate
But we surely know that personal insults are across the line for followers of Christ and here's some quote tweeting her
When she says to glee in dehumanizing any person is so utterly Antichrist. It reeks of the vomit of hell and You see this is the thing where their rhetoric is vicious
But there's what difference between the rhetoric of the social justice warrior liberal Southern Baptists and and others
You know, not all Southern Baptists not just Southern Baptists, but the liberal side of Christianity There's a difference between their harsh rhetoric and our harsh rhetoric
Their harsh rhetoric is always slanderous because they never have any
Cajones to actually call someone out by name. It's always slanderous There's never have any evidence of it and they always don't call people by name
So theirs is their vicious rhetoric is always reserved for the secret places is always gossipy
Our harsh rhetoric is look you said this this this and this these things are stupid. You're stupid
You see what I'm saying? Like there's a difference when I when I when I when I rip Jamar Tisby, which I do don't get me wrong
I rip Jamar Tisby. I always say X. He said X Y Z put these together.
You get a false gospel that there you go That's my argument for why he is an unbeliever
But for these guys they say well Anyone who would dehumanize see they all it's all weasel words weasel words as far as the eye can see you dehumanize
What does that mean dehumanize? What does that mean that I think there should be immigration laws, oh, yeah.
Yeah. Okay. Sure. Whatever The founders notes is a racist documentary. How is it racist? Oh, because there's black people in it and they they criticize their word seat.
It's all weasel words See to the left. They they use harsh rhetoric. It's the same exact rhetoric
Sometimes even worse but same exact rhetoric. Let's just say give them some credit But they never have any evidence to back it up.
They have never have any actual substance to it It's just all assumptions. Oh, you're a white supremacist. You're a what you've got white privilege you you know this and that and it's just all nonsense but they what they cannot have is
Anyone contradicting them? That's it. And so so here's where we're at. This is where we're at Big Eva, no, and that's all there is to it
No, we are not going to lay our weapons down and that's that Here's the reality you want us to really think about what we say you want us to really think about our qualifications for a minute
You want us to think about if are we being argumentative? Are we being going over the line or being too aggressive?
Guess what Big Eva we already think about that. We already think about that Every single day we think about that.
I Was in a comm box and I'm not gonna name the person I was in a comm box with somebody And this is somebody who's a good man, he's a good man
He's a well -respected man. He's a good man. Just Man, is there someone that I don't know him very well
But just based on the things that I see and the things that I've heard if there's someone I would would emulate that's you know kind of a
You know, I don't know what kind of list celebrity he is, but you know Unknown Christian, let's just say that way if there's someone that I would want to emulate be this guy.
It's not Doug Wilson it's not James White someone else and We were talking about this whole mess and this is the kind of guy that Big Eva has tried to destroy
It's so interesting this video. They think we're stupid, but we don't play by your rules anymore I did this after the founders ministry had dropped but before They tried to destroy founders ministry
And I predicted in this video that even as I speak there are people trying to plot and plan
How can we destroy founders and and and and so that kind of thing happens all the time?
This is the kind of man that the one I'm talking about. It's the kind of man that has been they've been attempting to destroy
Big Eva is vicious and they use underhanded tactics. It's vile It's disgusting and I hate it with all my heart the tactics that they used to try to destroy people
But here it is. Here it is. I Think about this first. I was talking this man and he quoted this verse to me.
He said It's true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry But others out of goodwill
The latter do so out of love knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel the former preached Christ out of selfish
Ambition not sincerely supposing they could stir up trouble for me while I'm in chains But what does it matter the important thing?
Is that in every way whether from false motives or true Christ is preached and because of this I rejoice
Yes, and I will continue to rejoice this man whose life has been like they've attempted to destroy this man
As he boldly stands up for the truth and he says and I and I I I told him
I said Dude, I think about that verse almost every single day And this man who's who's gone through worse than I have way worse
He said yeah me too Me too big
Eva. I know this isn't gonna convince you and I don't care but this kind of this kind of Self -righteous article this kind of nonsense that you don't apply to yourselves
But of course, we're supposed to apply it to ourselves. Guess what? We already do this we think about this all the time and we we
It hurts us when we have a video where we see Matt Chandler proposing that everyone follow his
Wicked partiality in hiring practices when we see that kind of stuff It hurts us because we know how much value we've gotten from Matt Chandler in the past And we think man, how can
I be like Paul and rejoice that he still does preach the gospel even though he does it In an incomplete way in a way we don't agree with in a way that there's also some selfish ambition there as well
We think about this every day and So I reject your article because it doesn't come from a place that that I respect anymore
The gospel coalition is not a place I respect anymore Because you guys post this kind of stuff at the same time where you put call again 40 % of 45 % of the nation white supremacists with no evidence whatsoever
The same place where you post all kinds of economic envy between the races the same place where use yourselves stir up trouble
The fight has come to us and so we're fighting with everything We've got don't you dare try to stop us and even if you do we're not going to We're not going to stop
Because we're not fighting to get respectability in your circles. We're not fighting so that you would invite us to your conferences
We're not fighting. So you'll give us book deals We're fighting because we believe this is true and it's danger the church in the
United States And so we're going to fight until there is no more fight and that's that So you can try to put post more articles like this
So try to tell us how to do these things and how you're so wise and you've done it this way And then we should read really reconsider.
No We've already considered this stuff and we will continue to consider this stuff not because you said it but because we know it's right
But we're not gonna let lay our weapons down. I guess you can keep trying this tactic, but it's not gonna work
Anyway, this is kind of rambling and I definitely got a little emotional here but but I just see so many people out there like Joel Askew and And some of my
John Harris man, John Paris has been through the ringer He's opposing all this stuff too. And you know what they call him white supremacist racist all the usual stuff, right?
All these are trying to destroy John Harris. I See all my friends out there man. I got hardly anything to lose and so it's for me.
It's a little easier I see a lot of people out there that have a lot to lose still fighting
Then they have to deal with this kind of sanctimonious nonsense where we know what you're doing You're telling us to stop fighting the anointed class and the answer is no
So I'll stand out here and I'll take some cover fire I'll provide some cover fire for some of my friends out there, but I want to encourage you guys
Tom Askew John Harris James white all you all these guys.
You don't need my cover fire, but but let me just encourage you. I Appreciate so much what you're doing and I appreciate so much the the the the willingness you have to stick your necks out there
And and and and while there's some good advice in this article Don't lay your weapons down Don't lay your weapons down because the big
Eva machine asks you to Anyway, I hope this is helpful Will this strategy work will this will this be the thing that that that that that that turns the tide will it
I don't know I can't see the future But I'll tell you what's not working We all know what's not working
Speaking about resolution 9 days after it's already passed when it's irrelevant. That's not working
Never speaking about James Cone being taught in your seminary. That's not working Allowing women to preach and teach at your conferences and at your churches, that's not working.
Oh Man that's definitely not working. And so look You think we're stupid by this pushback.
Oh, it's the Christ of Tomes. Oh, oh, it's I don't like this. Oh, I don't like that Not stupid
We know you let it slide when the liberals are running roughshod on things and the minute Conservative people people more conservative than you are pointed out all of a sudden you want to distance yourselves.
I'm not a fundamentalist I'm not a fundamentalist. Well, guess what? You're not gonna give us your platforms.
You're not gonna give us the power You're not gonna broker power to us and we don't want it We don't want that kind of power because that kind of power has failed us at this moment
That kind of power has done nothing While the liberals are taking control of the
Southern Baptist Convention and the Presbyterian Church of America I've got windows into the political maneuverings of both of these at organizations and I know what's happening and We are losing these battles
Our teeth are getting kicked in and so excuse us if we have a different method for dealing with this going forward