A Trip Through Protestia's Gab Feed

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All right, well, let's get started.
Another week in the books. I hope it was a good week for you. It was a great week over here at the 80
Robles studio. Thank you guys. I know a lot of you guys have been praying for me and just my business and stuff like that.
And the last two weeks have gone really, really well. So thank you for your prayers. They've meant a lot to me.
And after like a month of failure, we've had a couple of weeks in a row of really solid returns and all that kind of stuff.
So thank you very much. One of those things where that weight is off your shoulders, you're like, I'm not,
I'm not the worst business person in the world. You know what I mean? Like, that's the roller coaster thing. You always feel like you're the worst when things aren't going well.
You always feel like you're the best when things are going great. And the ideal situation is to sort of, you know, mediate, mediate that a little bit.
So you're never as good as you think you are. You're never as bad as you think you are. You just got to keep things consistent, right?
You got to have this consistent inputs and effort and all that kind of stuff. Anyway, thank you so much for the prayers again.
I thought we'd just take a little trip on Protestia. Is it Protestia or Protestia?
I don't know. This is the website. This is that evil discernment blog that everyone's talking about.
And I just thought we'd take a look at their most recent posts because there's some interesting stuff here.
Here's the first one. This is Willow Creek Pastor refuses to teach to mostly white churches.
Quote, it's casting pearls before swine. And I have to say, I for one think it's about time.
I'm very grateful for this. Thank you for not spreading your nonsense. Look at him. He looks very serious.
I don't know about you, but he looks serious to me. He doesn't want to teach to all white churches because white people are swine.
Yeah, that's right. White people, just don't cast your pearls before swine. I'm sure this guy has tons of pearls of wisdom for you.
Yeah, you know, he looks very serious. He kind of looks like that dude from the Green Mile.
You remember the dude from the John Coffee? He looked like John Coffee. You know what I mean? Anyway, but I guess he's pledged he will no longer.
Let's just read it. Let's just read it. He says this. This is Ollie tells
William. Ollie tells... No, I don't know who this is. Maybe I should have researched this a little bit before I did it.
Ed Ollie. Ed Ollie Jr. Talking to Sean Williams. They're both pastors at Willow Creek Community Church.
Well, thank goodness is all I can say. Here's what Ollie Jr. says. I think
Willow Creek is this really unique and weird place in that we are aspiring to be something that is extremely difficult, and it's fraught with all kinds of misunderstandings and pain.
Because even in this room, as we sit, we have Asian, African, American, white, and when you start to look at that, you start to look at the reality of what's happening in the kingdom.
Let's get to the good stuff here. Let's get to the good stuff. I don't have time for this nonsense. And I think what happened in the
George Floyd was there was an eye -opening moment that happened for all our culture, Sean. What happened is people stopped apologizing.
And I don't know where this is all going to go, but people of color, particularly who are evangelical, said, quote, we aren't coming to your events anymore.
We don't need your validation of our voice. We're not going to take that. Yeah, they don't need your validation of your voice, but they definitely need your cash.
So we don't need you to validate us, to let us know that our voice means something, but we definitely need them reparations.
So go ahead and write the checkout to the first black person you see. Write a big checkout.
Actually, I'll take some of that cash, too, by the way, adrobles .com. You can find me on Patreon as well. I'm 20 %
Nigerian. Did you know that? I'm 20 % Nigerian. And then I'm also 20 % native
Latino Islander. Is that something? Latino Islander? I don't know. But yeah, so write me a check, too, because I'm oppressed.
I don't need your approval, but I definitely need your cash. Ali, thank you so much. Anyway, let's see this.
This is really nice. Okay, here. We're not coming to your events anymore. We don't need your validation of our voice. We're not going to take that anymore.
So there's a new level of awareness that has hit, and I don't think we fully got to the bottom of where that's going to go. So Ali, I guess
Ali is just, he's a self -made man, sort of, because he's sort of riding on the coattails of a white guy, if you know what
I mean, because in Willow Creek Church, what's his face? That guy who wrote The Purpose Driven Life, right? So I guess he doesn't need your approval, but he needs your platforms, and he needs your money,
I guess, is how this works. I don't know. I mean, this is all nonsense anyway, so whatever.
Let's go back to the ProtestiaGab feed. Here's the next one. SBC leader says, reluctance over COVID vaccine is the result of misinformation and disinformation.
Let's take a look. Well, there we go. We've got Eddie Munster himself here looking just as delightful as ever, and we can see it's good, because this is the leader of the
Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission, and, you know, there's a church in North America and up in Canada, our neighbors to the north, that has been seized by the government so that they will not do the evil deed of worshiping
God on Sunday as God has prescribed, and you would think that the leader of Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission would have a lot to say about that, even if it's in Canada.
Of course, you know, what happens in Canada affects what happens in the United States. You would think it would be an issue of primary concern, but you would be wrong, because the real ethics and religious liberty issues of our time are you need to stick your arm with experimental chemicals and gene therapies, otherwise you hate your neighbor.
This is what Russell Moore is concerned with. He's concerned with making sure that you have a steady diet of propaganda, even at church, about sticking your arm with the needle of chemicals you don't know the first thing about.
That's very important to Russell Moore, you see. You see, Russell Moore wants you to know that, yeah, don't worry about what's going on in Calgary.
In fact, you shouldn't be at church if the government says so, but you should definitely stick your arm with experimental chemicals if the government says so, because religion.
Yeah, it's a religion thing. That's the thing. Oh, and by the way, mosques totally defend a mosque.
Mosques definitely have all the religious liberties, but churches, just stick your arm with experimental chemicals, shut up and like it, and stop spreading disinformation.
Oh, by the way, the Capitol breach was like the worst insurrection in history as well. Whatever the narrative is, whatever
Joe Scarborough is saying, you can be sure that this guy will also be saying. He's a very, very courageous person, as you know.
He stands up against the forces of the church all day long. So, yeah, you know,
I'm not going to really read this. I don't really care. Oh, look, here we go. Let's go. This is good. Okay, this is good.
Quote. Oh, no, I'm not going to Twitter. Oh, I clicked Twitter on accident. Oh, man, I gave them a click.
That really upsets me. That ruined my day. I clicked
Twitter. Man, now they're probably tracking me now and everything. Alexa, are they tracking me? I got that CIA listening post right here.
Listen, I figure if the CIA is listening, at least they're going to get some gospel. You know what I mean? Alexa, stop.
All right. I know a lot of people look down on me for having an Alexa, but, you know, I get it anyway. So here's what
Dr. Moore says. He says, quote, a vaccination is not only something that's acceptable for Christians.
It's something we ought to thank God that we have the technology for, because it's going to get us back to doing the things that we need to do quicker.
End quote. Well, I got news for you, Dr. Russell Moore. I'm already doing everything that I need to do.
Everything. I go to the post office when I need some stamps or if I need to check my PO box or if I need to mail a package.
I go to the store when I need some food or I need some items or things like that. I go on walks.
I go to church. I do everything that I normally do. And I am never, ever, ever going to get the vaccine because it's totally unnecessary.
And while I do thank God for vaccines in general, this one is completely unnecessary. And that's the bottom line.
So, you know, a guy like Russell Moore, he thinks he needs Joe Scarborough's permission to do something.
And as long as he has Joe Scarborough's permission, then he'll do it. This guy is a I'm going to move on, protest you back to the gab profile.
Here we go. This is what I thought was really good. This one is really good. So Kyle Howard, he's he's talking about the bounty that's on his head again.
So, of course, Protestia is increasing the bounty. Now, I do not condone bounties in any capacity, but this one is particularly hilarious because it isn't a bounty, of course.
So apparently Kyle Howard on Twitter was saying that his mom was crying because he's got a bounty on his head.
And anyone who knows what he's talking about, like a bounty is on your head like, you know, like, you know, either like you bring him into jail or you kill him or something like that.
But obviously that's not correct. Right. And you would think that a good son would be like, hey, mom, don't worry about it.
This is just Internet nonsense. And it's not a real bounty. They just think that I wasn't in a gang. They just think that I wasn't in a gang.
But I you know, and so they're trying to find out if I really was and they're going to pay someone for that information. And that's what that's what a good son would say.
But I don't know. Not Kyle Howard. Kyle Howard had to increase the drama and he was like, mom, I know it's just so horrible.
I fear for my life every day because of this bounty that's on my head. He's lying about this. Obviously it's not that kind of a bounty.
It'd be very easy to to to disavow your mother of that fact.
But man, like it's just it's just crazy. This is just crazy. And it's a hilarious bounty, by the way, that the non bounty bounty, because he claims that he was in the
Crips. Or was it the Bloods? I can't remember. These are the Crips over here. You could tell because they're all wearing blue. I don't remember if he claims he was in the
Crips or the Bloods. But here he is looking really thuggish, ruggish. You know what I mean? And but if you know anything about Kyle Howard, there's just no way he was in a gang.
Maybe he was. I don't know. I guess he could have been harder back then. Right. I mean, I guess he could have become like a child later in life.
I suppose that is a possibility. But if you know anything about Kyle, how are you looking at him the wrong way?
And he falls. He melts. He falls apart. He's scared of James White. Dr. James White. You know, like like like the
Dr. James White, who's really into Star Trek and he's a biker and stuff like that.
Like like Kyle Howard is deathly afraid of that man. And like I can't think of another another easier way to just prove beyond all that.
He was never in the Crips. Maybe he was in the Crips, though. You know what I think? Because, you know, like every group of friends has that one friend that they kind of pick on all the time.
You know what I mean? And they're kind of there for their amusement. I'm not saying this is right, by the way. I'm just saying this is just a dynamic that works itself out.
When I was an unbeliever, we had a friend like this that we sort of we sort of kept around.
He was he was a nice guy and we kind of picked on him a little bit. We kind of we kind of dared him to do stupid stuff and he would do them and he was entertaining to us.
I'm not I'll get I'm not saying that's right. I'm not saying that's right. But maybe Kyle Howard was in the
Crips in that way. Like he was that guy where they're just like, hey, Kyle, just jump, jump up and down in front of this guy.
And they're just all laughing at him and stuff like that. Pull your pants down, Kyle. You know, that kind of thing. Like I don't know.
Maybe he was in the Crips and then someone will actually collect this thirty five hundred dollars. In fact, this would be great because if he was in the
Crips, you know, his mom should collect this thirty five hundred dollars. I think I think Kyle Howard's story, though, this is what makes it so positive.
I think Kyle Howard's story is that he was in the Crips, but nobody knew. Like nobody knew he was in the
Crips like like his mom didn't know and nobody knew. Like there's no evidence of it because he was actually doing really well in school.
Like like he was a battle rapper in the Crips, but he was also really good at Latin, which is possible.
Rappers can be good at Latin, right? I'm not saying that's impossible, but the point is that's like me saying, yeah,
I used to be a baseball player and I was a professional baseball player, but there's no evidence of it. Nobody ever knew about it because it was like in Korea and they stopped.
They didn't keep track of stats until, you know, you know, after I was done playing baseball like I could. I was totally in it.
But there's no evidence of it, of course. And it was like a double life. I was leaving the double life. So you never you can never tell.
So anyway, I don't really talk about Kyle Howard anymore. He's more of a tragic figure to me. It's very funny when he when he when he gets all crazy.
But he's more of a tragic figure to me. You know, somebody needs to tell this guy that it's time to grow up.
But he never will. He never will. Because as soon as you tell him to grow up, then he's like, well, you're oppressing me. So anyway, that's all
I have today. Maybe we'll do another video. Maybe we won't. We'll see what happens. There's always good stuff on Gab to talk about.
But I hope you had a great week. I hope you have a good weekend coming up and especially a good
Lord's Day. If you're in Canada, worship on the Lord's Day with your church. Gather together with the saints.
Sing songs, hymns and spiritual songs, psalms, hymns and spiritual songs unto the
Lord. Take the excuse me, take the Lord's Supper, I should say, and listen to the preached word of God on Sunday with your brethren.
And you know, whatever happens, happens and pray to the God to protect you and all of that kind of thing.
This is the time to stand up to this nonsense. I hope you found this video helpful.