FBC Daily Devotional – October 22, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Good Friday morning to you. Here we are end of the week already and looking forward to the weekend I hope you are looking forward to the
Lord's Day and gathering together With with God's people we worship and serve him on Sunday.
And of course, we're meeting at 934 adult Bible study looking at one of the last chapters or lessons that we'll be doing on the whole series when studying on holiness and And that's in the
Sunday school hour in the morning service or in the book of Judges and And then Sunday evening evening service at six o 'clock in the gospel of Mark So all these going on in person on Sunday and also
We live stream these different services. So one way or the other. I hope you can join in on the
Lord's Day But today I want to focus on a few verses in the hundred and nineteen
Psalms a wonderful Psalm Psalm 119 is it's a song. It's a psalm about the word about God's Word and Over and over again every section of the psalm 119 there's some there's some
Discussion about God's Word and its benefits and its power and so on and so forth but what
I wanted to zero in on is In today's reading we have three different references to the word affliction and you know,
I I've never enjoyed affliction Duh, right who who does who enjoys it?
but one of the marks of spiritual maturity, I believe is Coming to the place where we can
Appreciate it again. I didn't say enjoy it. I didn't say like it. I'm not talking about some kind of You know masochistic desire for pain or anger or anything like that But we we can appreciate it and here's here's what
I'm talking about David makes three points about affliction For if we look at the end of it, but three main ideas that he expresses regarding affliction.
One of them is He sees the value of affliction in teaching him teaching us to stay on the right path
So for example in verse 67, he says before I was afflicted I went astray
But now I keep your word What's the point that the affliction?
Before the affliction I'd gone astray but then you brought affliction in my life to bring me back on the right path and one of the values of Affliction is that it teaches me to stay on the right path when
I hurt when I go off that path It's never fun, you know sin hurts transgressions painful and It is a form of affliction so what affliction does is it teaches me stay on that right path and And you can avoid a lot of affliction not all of it.
Not all of it But you can avoid the affliction that comes as a result of straying of erring from the right path another point of affliction benefit of affliction verse 71
He says it is good for me that I have been afflicted that I may learn your statutes so here he's
He's making the point that affliction Directs us to the Lord to the
Lord. It directs us to his word to God's Word To learn what delights the
Lord? okay, so How how should I handle affliction?
How would you have me handle affliction? So this past Sunday in our adult
Sunday school class We talked about that very thing and there's a chapter in the book. We've been using for adult
Sunday school The book is entitled a radical and comprehensive call to holiness and this one particular chapter
Talks about the whole chapters on handling affliction as Christ would have us handle it in a
Christ like way and We have to go to the word To figure that out to find out.
How should I handle affliction as a believer a follower of Christ? How should I handle it? What would be a response to affliction that would please my
Heavenly Father that would glorify? my Savior Affliction sends me to the word to find out how
I ought to respond and then another thing to realize That a mature believer will realize is
That you know, God is sovereign over all of life so if I am enduring affliction
Then I'm enduring that affliction because God has seen fit to send it and The psalmist puts it this way in verse 75.
He says I know O Lord That your judgments are right and that in faithfulness
You have afflicted me What's he getting at here? he's acknowledging he's realizing and Admitting that God is a sovereign
God. He is a just God. He always does what is right and He is faithful to his word.
He's faithful to his promises. He's faithful to his covenant so if the sovereign
God who loves me cares for me has entered into covenant with me has made promises to me
If that sovereign God has brought me into a place of affliction Then it is for my own good and for his own glory in other words,
I Realize that this affliction comes from the hand of my righteous and faithful God He always does what is right and he always does
What is best? This is a statement of faith that a measure of spiritual maturity and growth brings us to even in a time of affliction and then the last thing
I want to bring out is in the next verse verse 76 and It's the point that in my affliction.
I am comforted by the steadfast love of the Lord is Faithfulness to his covenant so verse 76 says let
I pray your merciful kindness that is God's loving kindness his hesed is the
Hebrew word. It's a word that means his Covenant loyalty. He says let
I pray your covenant loyalty be for my comfort according to your word to your servant
So he's he's acknowledging in this time of affliction that where I'm going to find comfort is in counting upon the steadfast love of the
Lord the covenant loyalty of my God The word of promises the words of promise that he has made to his servant to me
So I trust that if you're going through a time of affliction right now and you are God's child that You will ponder over these thoughts here in Psalm 119 and come to that place of rest in the affliction trust in the affliction trusting in The sovereign hand of your good
God who is faithful to his covenant So father I pray that you would help us to have this kind of an attitude and Understanding and response to afflictions as they come our way.
It is not always easy and we certainly would fail But I pray in the follow -up and then looking back over our times of affliction
We would learn from them and we would grow through them to respond in a way that is more
Christlike More glorifying to you and this we pray in Jesus name. Amen All right, well have a good rest of your