Ruslan Samples The Choicest Doo Doo

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All right, well, the chickens have started squawking, which means it's time to record another episode.
I might just rename my channel the 80 Robles Roast Ruslan channel because I feel like I've been doing this for like the last month.
But we're almost done and I think we're just too far to stop now, so we're gonna continue this. If you remember,
Ruslan yesterday was, he was falling into his own trap, the definition game.
He was saying he can't be a socialist because he believes in developing useful skills and finding a good wife and all that kind of stuff.
And you know, if I was Ruslan, I would say, is that how socialists would define socialism?
See, it's a stupid game to play like that. It's really annoying and very weaselly. It's what Ruslan is expert and playing that definition game.
I don't do that. That's not my style. But hey, you know, let's continue and and see if he continues falling into his own trap.
Look, man, I think government schools are Marxist, so anyone that supports it, that's that. Well, then you change the definition of Marxism, but you have to.
So let's see what we got to do. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Let me let me say this. You change the definition of socialism, man.
If you're if you're if you're going to be upset that people change the definition of racism and they say racism isn't just an impartiality, it's no.
This is a real B &H customer story. Jack and Barbara, professional wildlife photographers and B &H is a good
B &H is a good it's it's power and prejudice. And I don't like that because that's because that's what we hear a lot.
We can't then turn around and say you changing the definition of Marxism on everybody. And now it's this all encompassing junk junk drawer term of and that's not fair, bro.
Nor is it. No, I'm not. Well, I'm saying that you call me a Marxist. You literally call me a Marxist. I come from Communist Soviet Union, bro.
I've seen communism firsthand. It's not it's not what you're describing. I think. Right, right, right.
So Ruslan thinks because he comes from the Soviet Union that he's an expert on these things.
And what Ruslan's problem is, is that he doesn't really think about these things too deeply. So, sure, in the
Soviet Union, we were way further along on the road to serfdom than we are right now.
But we're on that road. That's the point. Like, yes, of course, we're not as bad as communist Soviet Russia yet.
We get it. But we're taking small little steps down that road every single day. And nobody else, nobody, no
Christian wants to do that because we know where that road leads. We know where the road of rebelling against God in the law, in the church, in the individual, in the family, no matter where you do it, whatever sphere of authority it is, when you rebel against God, it doesn't lead anywhere good.
And we don't want to do that anymore. So it's great that you came from the Soviet Union.
It's too bad, though, that you haven't thought about these things deeply enough to see that we're on a very similar path to them.
I think you can, you can, I think you can. Can you acknowledge my point?
Can you? Can I acknowledge? I acknowledge your point. You're reaching with that. Then I acknowledge your point, but I think you can adhere to positions.
This is where I think, like, this is where this sort of stuff comes in. Like, you can have these sort of Marxist tendencies or whatever.
And like you, like government schools is a Marxist idea. That is the idea of the government running education and indoctrinating children.
That is a Marxist idea. Like, OK, where did public schools come from? Have you, like, gone down that rabbit hole of where public schools come from and how it all started and where?
Are you talking about, like, prior to, like, Marx and those guys? Yeah. Like, like the early
Puritans. In America. Well, he's so reasonable, right? He's just such a charitable guy.
Like, yeah, duh. But, you know, this is again, I think, listen,
I public schools are a very central tenet of Marxism, but they obviously weren't.
There are other groups besides Marxists. It's not it's not totally exclusive to Marxism.
Right. There are other groups besides Marxists that want to have public schools. We get that.
We understand that. And, you know, Ruslan thinks he has him here. And again, this is this is the trap that he set.
And he's very pleased with himself that he sprung the trap. The early American ones, I think
America was wrong for doing the early American, even the government schools in early America.
I think America has been Marxist from the beginning. Oh, well, rap sprung. America has been
Marxist from the beginning. Well, it's definitely been influenced by the French Revolution from the beginning, for sure.
OK, so so a lot of that is is of the same. I like I wouldn't say that America is like a completely
Christian nation. I think there's a lot of Christian influence, but there's a lot of influence from the French Revolution as well. So so but but yeah,
I would I would say that anyway, that's what I would say. Yeah. And we all have these like tendencies, like like just a few years ago, you were
UBI. A few years ago, a few years ago, you were a universal. Yes. And I changed my mind on it.
My mind changed. That's right. So I think what I'm saying, like worse. But again, let's let's revisit this.
Yeah, I'm glad he's got an open enough mind to change when he's wrong. But he doesn't even know why he was wrong.
Like like that's the point. Like his mind changed because this guy, this guy is going to be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, whatever sounds nice.
His mind changed because he realized that pragmatically it didn't work this time. It wouldn't work because he remember the thing with the sushi, try to get some sushi and nobody was working because they made too much money on the universal basic income that we're paying right now.
So like that's great and all that you learned your lesson. But we have to learn why.
Like because the next time this is the problem with people like Ruslan, the next time another charlatan named
Andrew Yang or somebody else comes up with another wacky idea, you need to know before you try it whether it's going to be good or not, whether it's the right thing to do.
You need to have some kind of a standard to say that's the wrong thing to do. This is the right thing to do without trying it right.
Like we don't have to try every piece of doo doo to make sure they all taste disgusting. Like we can say,
OK, this is a piece of doo doo. I'm not supposed to eat it, so I'm not going to try any of them.
And I know full well that I'm not supposed to eat it because it's a piece of doo doo. Like like that's the problem.
Ruslan has to try each piece of doo doo to see if this is still doo doo. That's the problem with Ruslan when it comes to his political opinions.
It's great that he changed his mind. I'm glad that's that's a good thing. But let's try to get some tools.
Let's try to build those useful skills when it comes to our politics. We've got a standard we can that we can we can we can look at and say, hmm, this is not really a good idea.
And I can prove it based on this, this, this in the scripture. So far removed from what a biblical government looks like that we don't know what is
Marxism, what is socialism, what is like we don't like we don't even know. And we're like,
I know, I know, it's radical to say. I'm saying I know what communism is. I've seen it first. Yeah, I believe you do.
I think we see examples of communism right now. I believe you do. But my point is just saying that, like, we're so far removed from what does the
Bible say about government schools? Like, amen, that's the fact that if you say
I'm going to shut down, that's the point. That's the point. Marcus should have been driving from the beginning. What does the Bible say about public schools?
It doesn't matter if it's Marxist or socialist or something else. It doesn't matter where it came from.
We know it didn't come from the scripture. It didn't come from God. It's not a good idea to steal money from people in order to school other people.
That is not a good idea. We understand that that goes against the law of the laws of nature and the law of God, which is the same thing, essentially.
Obviously, we understand God made nature. So he put laws into nature anyway. But this is the point, like, like, that's the question.
That's the only question when you get a piece of legislation. Can I can
I can I find this in the scripture either explicitly or according to the good and necessary consequence of God's law and the case law?
And and, of course, we can talk about the natural law as well and all of that.
But but the point is, like, you don't have to try the doo doo first to make sure it tastes like doo doo.
Let's shut down government schools. Let's let the church come in and do, you know, let's shut down government health care, Medicaid, Medicaid, like let's let's get charity hospitals like the
Catholic hospitals like that's why they were started. Right. Because there wasn't Medicaid and Medicare. So like we're so far removed from that idea now that it's like it like we don't even know what a biblical government is.
So so I'm not disagreeing with you, Mark. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not going to sit here and say
I know what a biblical government is and I know how it's played out in scripture and how it needs to be applied today. I'm not saying
I'm not sitting here as an authority on these topics. All I'm saying is, hey, man, that's a very broad definition.
And I wouldn't be mad at Eric Mason for saying that black people can't be racist, which
I don't agree with. I wouldn't be mad at him for saying black people can't be racist. If you think anyone that's that's cool with government schools is a
Marxist, that you were changing the goalposts. Both sides are now changing the goalposts. And there's very little charity.
That's why I'm a charity, bro. Well, you've been very charitable with me, but coming on here and having this discussion,
I like your ideas. I like to put a little bit on your Christian. Yeah, I like it.
I think some of the definitions I'm not I'm not a big I'm not a big fan of. And I'm also not I'm just not a fan of otherizing people and dismissing people.
Like, I think I think you don't like the label that I'm sorry. Then you've got you've got to go to God with that one.
You've got to go to God with that one, because in the scripture, it tells us how to treat people and how to how to conceive of people that claim the name of Christ, but cause divisions, right?
Claim the name of Christ and then get on a stage in front of a pulpit or behind a pulpit and start talking about them angloids on the inside.
Like, like it gives us tools and what to do and how to treat them. And it says things like make them as a as a
Gentile to you and and have nothing more to do with them and stuff like that. And so I'm sorry if you don't like otherizing and dismissing people that have these kinds of tendencies and these kinds of practices and they don't repent.
You know, you call them to repentance. You ask for a private conversation and you warn them once, you warn them twice.
And what does the Bible say after that? Have nothing more to do with them. So if you don't like that,
I'm sorry. You don't, that's not my problem. That's your problem. And you need to go to God with that.
And the thing is like, you know, people always say, well, how could you say he walked away from the faith? He's been serving the
Lord for 30 years. And it's like, yeah, you know, you can serve the Lord, you know, according to other people, like you could look like you're doing all the right things and saying all the right things and all that, and then, and That's possible.
That's possible to do. And so we need to be ready for that kind of apostasy. And we need to have tools to deal with that.
We need to understand how to think of that. Like, yes, I understand that he seemed to have a track record of ministry, but now he's preaching racism from the pulpit and calling it good.
And we need to have a way to deal with that. And it's not just deal with it however you want.
And if you want to have charity, then you don't have to do nothing to him. No, no, no, no. There are ways to deal with someone who's sinning in that way.
The Bible tells us what to do. And the whole theme of this is just, it just go to the Bible, go to the scripture, go to God, and he'll tell you how to handle these situations.
That's, that's always what you're, what the suggestion should be when it comes to how to deal with things in the church.
Full of libertarian. You guys might like that Augustine quote, and it might be a good quote. I heard it's a fake Augustine quote and all that, but it's not scripture.
See, that's the point. Ruslan will pull out anything as long as it's not scripture.
He was like, oh yeah, Augustine charity and all things. That's not what the scripture says when it comes to dealing with a divisive person.
See, this is the point when a person makes a distinction between white and black and say, there's only one skin color that's capable of this sin.
And it's white. That's a divisive person. You warn him once, you warn him twice. You have nothing more to do with him.
It does not say in second Augustine chapter three, charity and all things for a brother that's dividing up the body of Christ like a pizza.
And it pisses me off because this is, this is, this is the nonsense that people think, oh, that sounds so nice.
Because between me and Ruslan, they're going to say Ruslan sounds like a nicer guy. I don't care. I don't care because he's quoting
Augustine like it's scripture. When it comes to dealing with a divisive person, who's dividing the body of Christ intentionally like a pizza.
And I'm sick of it. For obvious reasons, I don't like some of these labels. I think if I'm following the
Bible, I'm like, oh, man, you gave me a really good verse. I'm going to go, I got to go freshen up on Exodus chapter 18. This is really interesting.
Give me some new information. Right. Dope. But I think I'm, I'm, I'm coming from the position of, hey, let's have dialogue and be charitable.
That's, that's all I'm saying. And I've seen these dudes repeatedly dismissed and not treated well.
And these are guys that outside of this, you probably aligned with Dr. Eric Mason on way more than you disagree with him on.
And that makes no difference when you're denying Christ in these areas, because the
Bible doesn't say, again, this is, this is the point you got to go to the Bible, Ruslan, because your heart is leading you in the wrong direction, because here's what your heart says, man.
Like they do so much good. Like 80 % of what they believe is good. Yeah, I know they're dividing up the body of Christ according to skin color.
I, yeah, I know that they're saying that there are certain skin colors that are the only ones allowed to commit a certain skin, a sin.
I know, but like they do so much good. And that's not what the, that's not how, that's not how the scripture tells us to, to, to act in these situations.
And so you, what you need to do is you need to find the courage and you need to find the obedience to do what
God says to do in these situations. The reason these people is reject, are rejected is not because of a small theological disagreement.
Because there are so many theological disagreements that I have with people on my side of this issue that I don't reject as brothers in Christ.
You know, people, you know, often are, are, are, are, are interested to find out that I'm a
Presbyterian by confession. So, uh, they're weirded out by that because they're Baptist, right?
And that's a, that's a major theological disagreement, but we consider each other brothers, right? We consider each other brothers.
We're not dividing up the body of Christ according to skin color and pretending like it's good. We're not preaching a heresy and racism from the pulpit and pretending it's good.
Like, like we're not divisive in that way. It's not, see, that's the thing he wants. He wants to meet you to think like just fundamentalist.
They think everything's a crucial issue. No, that's not it because we have divisions amongst ourselves and yet we still understand that we're brothers, right?
We get that. So it's not fundamentalism. It's these issues because righteousness, like, like Rick Caldwell said, righteousness and justice are the foundation of Yahweh's throne.
That's what it says in the Psalms, right? The foundation of Yahweh's throne. This is not a tiny little issue here.
This is not small. This is a major issue. Outside of your definition of Marxism, his definition of racism, we would sit here and have a conversation and probably agree on 95 % of all the other doctrines, him probably more than me and you.
Yeah, the Judaizers agreed on a lot of doctrine too, right? They weren't denying Christ. They were just saying Christ plus also this other stuff.
And now we've got Mason and Jim R. Tisby and all these guys saying, yeah, yeah, Christ, but also anti -racism.
Also all this other stuff. This is the same sin that they were doing back in the days with the
Judaizers, right? We all understand that. And so the Judaizers, oh yeah, sure. They agreed on 80 % of doctrine.
But they just had the small little thing and it was, you know what I mean? Like, like that's that it sounds reasonable, but it's not reasonable what he's saying here.
If we're talking Calvinism, if we're talking post -millennialism, if we're talking all these different things, and it's a bummer that then we lead with these other things and we say, no,
Marxism up there, essential, really important. I'm like, dude, I just, I don't know, man.
I don't, I don't, um, I don't, I just don't see it that way. I don't, I don't see it as that pernient. I don't think
America is going to get destroyed. I think God is King. Jesus is King. Jesus is on the throne. Well, I think it's going to,
I think, I think America can be destroyed. I'm okay with it. I think it can be destroyed.
I'm not saying I'm saying any of this stuff that's happening right now. They told us that gay marriage was going to destroy
America. 12 years ago, 13 years ago, Paul Washer was saying this stuff. It's it's we haven't fell apart yet.
You know what I mean? Do you, do you, do you hear this man? He doesn't even, he doesn't believe in the wrath of God.
He doesn't believe in these things. He doesn't think that God acts that way anymore. Like they told me gay marriage is going to destroy
America, but we're still here. This is, this is, this is arrogance. This is arrogance.
I'm glad we're still here too, but I'm wondering why, you know what I mean? Like, cause
I read the scripture and I know that God's not mocked. And I know how God reacts when nations just completely reject him.
And Russell's over here is like, yeah, we haven't been destroyed yet. So, you know, maybe we should have a little charity and try this stuff out.
Maybe, maybe, maybe I try this piece of doo doo over here. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe we should do the, the, the, the,
I'm not saying he says this, but maybe we should try the pronoun hospitality and try this piece of doo doo over here. Because we haven't been destroyed yet.
And it's like, no, no, no, no, no. We need to repent immediately and do everything God says from here forward.
We have to do that. We got to stop these experiments with this sin. We got to stop because he's going to destroy us.
And I've just, because he hasn't just, he's been patient with us and we haven't repented. Like he's been patient.
He's relented from, from disaster upon us. And we're just like, yeah, let's just keep trying. Like, I got a great idea.
Let's, let's, uh, let's, uh, let's, let's elect a, a transsexual, uh, to the governor of California.
That's a great, we haven't been destroyed yet. Let's try this piece of doo doo over here. Like, it's like, you don't have to try doo doo to know it's doo doo.
This is, this is the point. Like, like this is, this is, this, the end of this video is very disturbing to me because I, I, I, I know that there's an army of Ruslan's that think in this exact way,
Oh, Jerry Follett was wrong about, about the gay marriage thing. We have, God's not going to destroy us for that. That's, this is, this is, this is terrifying in the sense of,
I'm not, I'm not scared because I'm covered. My, my, my journey has been vouchsafe, right? Um, doesn't mean I won't suffer, but, but I'm, I'm okay.
But I know there's a gaggle of people like this out there that think in this way and it's terrified by the grace of God.
I think God's ultimately on the throne. Yeah. And so, uh, Canada is going through it, man.
Like I like the stuff that's going on there. And I will be honest with you, by the way, they are meeting indoors.
Um, both churches I fellowship with indoors. One church, a little less, uh, no masks at all.
It makes me a little uncomfortable. If I'm going to be all the way honest with you, that's neither here nor there. Uh, this is why I'm against governor
Newsom. This is figures, figures. By the way, I got hassled for the first time in a while.
And it was ridiculous. I was, I ordered some pizza from Domino's and, uh, we had people coming over.
And, uh, so I, I picked it up. Uh, normally we get it delivered, but this time I don't even know why we didn't get delivered, but whatever.
Uh, we had a bunch of kids at our house and we were watching a bunch, like with seven kids, and so I ordered this pizza and I went into Domino's, you know, like I normally do with no mask.
And the lady behind the counter was like, sorry, you have to wear a mask. And I was like, I'm just picking up pizza.
It's like, you have to wear a mask. And if, if, if I was in a situation, in another situation where I didn't have a mask on me,
I don't even carry it on me anymore. Um, if I was in another situation, I wasn't trying to feed seven kids.
I would have just walked out and demanded a refund of course. So I went like this, I said, how about now?
And she said, okay. And she gave me my pizza. It was so, it was humiliating to be honest. But, um, but yeah,
I, I think, uh, I think I'm done buying pizza from Domino's and they're going to hear about that. They're going to, I'm going to talk to their manager.
I'm going to go Karen on them, you know? But anyway, but yeah, figures he's a, he's a pro masker.
Is why I've, I've repeatedly said we need to repeal him, even though they're going to dismiss it as always, just a
Trumpism trying to, Oh no, there's Democrats, there's Republicans, there's independents, people want that dude out of here because we're seeing what happened in Canada and we're going,
Holy smokes, that's freaking scary. We don't want that to happen in, in, in America. Let me recommend stop trying pieces of doo doo.
You know, maybe just, maybe just a bit. How about just obedience? That's a good thing. California and California has all kinds of issues.
And I go back to this idea of wisdom will be proven right by her children. If these ideas are terrible, it'll fall apart.
It's falling apart in Los Angeles. It doesn't work. He's just going to stay trying pieces of doo doo.
You know what I mean? Wisdom. Well, okay. That's a good, that's a good thing, right? Okay. We get it. But the thing is like, we've got a standard here.
We've got a cheat sheet. Like we know the difference between a steak and doo doo.
Right. We got, God gave us this big book of law. And again, you know, we're not Israel, so we don't put it one to one.
We get the general equity of the law of God. We get the principles. We can look at the, the natural law and all that.
We get, we get that. We have this cheat sheet, this filet mignon dinner.
Actually, I like ribeye better. We've got this ribeye. And we don't, but, but, but so many of us are like, yeah,
I don't know. Let's try this over here. And it's a, it's a pile of doo doo. And we're like, let's try it because let's see if wisdom, uh, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll make sure you see if this idea is okay.
Like, like maybe it'll hash out. This will be better than this steak over here. I'm going to try it because I got to try everything.
I got to keep an open mind on this. Right. Got to try everything to see, to me, see if there might be something better than this ribeye. And that's, that's a stupid strategy.
And, uh, Rusan, I doubt you watch these videos, but, but if you do, um, stop doing that, you don't have to do that.
We don't need to eat the crumbs. We don't need to try the pieces of doo doo. We've got a steak dinner, you know, and God has given it to us graciously.
He's revealed to us how to do this. Let's just do what he says. How about that? Let's give that a try.
How about that for one? Let's just do what God says and call it a day. Anyway, I think
I've said doo doo a little bit too much today. So I'm going to go now. I hope you found this video helpful.