Lets Play a Game! - Evil Bigot or Loving SJW? - Can You Spot Them?

AD Robles iconAD Robles


20,000 views is a modest accomplishment for YouTube, but I want to celebrate with a game. Can you spot the Christian social justice warrior quotes vs the raging white supremacist bigot quotes? I have changed some of the words to make it harder. How good are you at spotting the racist attitudes? Disclaimer: I do not endorse any of these quotes in any way. Thanks for all the views!


Well, good morning. I woke up this morning and I saw on my YouTube channel that We hit 20 ,000 views
Some point yesterday, which is crazy. I can't believe you crazy people would like to see
Me talk about race pretty much exclusively and a little bit of Star Wars as well 20 ,000 times that doesn't make any sense to me
I also saw that the average view time is about six minutes, which means that you know, most of my videos are under six minutes
They've got a bunch that are over as well, which means people are watching them, which I have to this
Thank you for so I'm glad that this message is resonating with people I will have to say as well that the overwhelming amount of people who contact me after they see a video is
Extremely positive they don't necessarily agree with everything I say But you know, they're they're happy with me saying it and actually was not expecting that I was expecting a lot more pushback than I've been getting
There of course are if you if you go on the videos and look at the comment section There are a lot of irrational comments as well.
I've been called names. I've been told that I'm stupid I was expecting that and and that's okay, but I didn't get as much as I was expecting so so thank you for watching thank you for subscribing and Please do
Share this if you find it helpful Of course I also do take requests if you have an issue that you think that I should address or maybe a video you'd like me to See I definitely watch them.
I have a little bit of a backlog right now So I might not get to it right away But I certainly plan to so so please keep sending those suggestions over and we'll see what we can do
I can't promise I'll make a video on everything, but I definitely will at least take a look at it But again, thank you for subscribing.
Thank you for watching It's a Real blessing to me that this this message is resonating with people and I think it's it's resonating because it's biblical it's it's you know, the social justice movement is
Unfortunately a perversion of biblical justice and so I think we're gonna see that in today's video today's video is a little different I decided to invent a little game that we could all play in honor of the 20 ,000 subscriber mark being hit
Not subscriber. I'm sorry 20 ,000 view mark and being hit and what this game is gonna be is
I'm going to read you a bunch of quotes there's gonna be six quotes and you're gonna have to decide if the person who said the quote is a raging white supremacist racist or a loving social justice warrior
Christian It's not gonna be quite as easy as it sounds because what I've done is
I've made every one of the quotes I've Replaced maybe I have maybe
I haven't I've replaced the word white and black and so you're going to get all of these quotes You're gonna say that white people
Are either bad or good But You're not gonna know if I've replaced the word white and black unless you're really really good at this
So we'll see how this goes. I don't know if this will be that difficult Maybe it will maybe it won't and I'm not gonna tell you what the combination is
There's some combination of these six quotes that were said by evil bigoted white people and loving
Versus loving social justice warrior Christians. So you're gonna have to decide how many of each and which ones they are
So let's go ahead and get started I'll give you some time in between to make your selection and Keep track.
So see how good you can do at finding out if this is a loving quote or a hateful quote The first quote
I've got my got my sheet right here with all the answers here's the first quote White people are impossible to live with it has never happened anywhere in the world
Where these people lived peaceably with other members of the human race now Remember it could it could say black people are impossible to live with but I've read it as white people are impossible to live with and you've got to decide whether or not a racist bigot said this or If this is a loving
Christian now this one a little bit easier than most go ahead and make your decision All right.
That's all the time you get the next quote It goes as follows If a doctrine is compatible with or enhances the drive for white power
Then it is the gospel of Jesus Christ if the doctrine is against or indifferent to the essence of whiteness as expressed in white power
Then it is the work of the Antichrist That's all the time you get
Here's the third quote Yes, this movie looks absolutely nothing like the black complementarianism we have often discussed
It should shame it. This is a euro centric movie. And so my comment was euro centric
The movie is 100 % white excellence Go ahead and decide if this is an evil bigot or a loving
Christian. Here's the fourth quote
Too many white folks who don't ideologically represent the white community Believe they can speak on behalf of the white community by the simple virtue of their whiteness
The people who feel this way are typically those most disconnected from the white community's collective mindset
It's a good one. All right fifth quote
Is as follows I'm tired of seeing black evangelical leaders post pictures of praying with President Barack Obama, but not posting pictures of them praying with President Donald Trump Evil bigot or loving
Christian Here's the final quote
When we hear any professional black support this or that social program We sense in our guts that the policy prescriptions are rationalizations for white identity politics
He might say more X is good. But what he means is the Anglos are finished evil bigot or loving
Christian so that was the final quote and Remember that I've ripped these quotes out of context on purpose and I may or may not have changed around white and black
You know that Donald Trump Barack Obama. I might have changed some of that stuff around to make it harder to identify
But let's see how you did. Hope you hopefully mark down your answers and you can see how many of these were evil bigots who spoke them and how many of these were
You know loving Christian social justice warriors not as easy as it's as it sounds at least I don't think so Maybe you're really good at this and then you can identify which is which
Let me know your answers in the comments below and then we'll play a game
Actually, what I'll probably do is I'll attach the answers to the end of this video So I'll give you a few moments here to sort of gather your thoughts and I'll let you know, which is which
All right, you ready for the answers Here are the answers Every single one of those quotes was a loving social justice warrior
Christian except the very last one The very last one was an alt -right leader essentially
If you thought that all of those were evil bigots I'm not gonna say you're I'm not gonna say that you're naive or wrong or something like that because they all are pretty bad
And I'll put if you want the the quotations and where they come from and who said them
I'd be glad to send them to you I'm not gonna put it in this video just for a few reasons But anyway,
I hope that was interesting for you I hope it was enlightening for you and really goes to show just how far this movement is willing to go
To accomplish their identity politics goals. Once again, thank you for subscribing.