Review of Cultural Events


Took a look at some of the expressions of hatred toward God’s law and God’s people being expressed in Western culture post-Obamacoronation, noted that he is planning on acting on his promises to immediately rescind executive orders Bush put in place to prohibit federal funds from being used in other countries to kill unborn children (as well as that restricting the funding of embryonic stem cell research), etc. Also took a few minutes to comment on the further false accusations leveled at me relating to erronious or unbalanced definitions of Calvinism.

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Webcasting around the world from the desert metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona. This is the dividing line
The Apostle Peter commanded Christians to be ready to give a defense for the hope that is within us Yet to give that answer with gentleness and reverence
Our host is dr. James white director of Alpha Omega ministries and an elder at the Phoenix reformed
Baptist Church This is a live program and we invite your participation. If you'd like to talk with dr.
White call now at 602 973 460 to or toll -free across the
United States. It's 1 877 7 5 3 3 3 4 1 And now with today's topic here is
James white And welcome to the dividing line Whatever time it is wherever you are
It is pitch black outside here in the environs of London, England That's where I'm coming to you from via Skype once again
Obviously those who followed the dividing line know that's this is the time for Our debates here in London.
I have a debate tomorrow evening even at this point in time We will be right in the middle of my debate with Adnan Rashid on the subject does belief in the
Trinity necessitate shirk and Then Thursday evening. I'll be debating
Sami Zaatari on the subject of the deity of Christ was Jesus Amir of Azul a
Prophet and Apostle or was he the divine Son of God and then next
Monday a Week from tonight. I'll be debating should barely twice the first debate on the subject of where whether Mohammed Whether Jesus is prophesied in the
Tanakh and the Old Testament and Then the second half of the debate being whether Mohammed is prophesied in the
Bible specifically we will be I'm sure looking at Deuteronomy 1818 and the Song of Solomon and the paraclete and John and so on and so forth and So that's what we are doing here in England and flying back to the
United States, but not home to North Carolina Where I will then be debating
Zulfikar Ali Shah having a discussion with Ali Shah on the
Quran the Bible and then speaking at the battle for the truth battle of the truth conference
So that's what's coming up So far today here in London was a very windy rainy and cool day
And I loved it. If I had been in Phoenix, it would have been Christmas time but there are no lights up here, so that really didn't work out so well and so It's beautiful here beautiful environment to be in the roads are crazy
All the cars are small everyone drives really close to each other making it through a roundabout during rush hour traffic is a life -changing experience and Seeing one of those lorries coming at you
When you are stopped in a little tiny car, I don't know I Think they have to keep a stiff upper lip around here or they'd be in a lot of trouble anyway
Number of things queued up here notice queued up that's another
British term queued up here to discuss and But of course we can try to take your phone calls as well at 8 7 7 7 5 3 3 3 4 1 or at least that's the number
I remember 8 7 7 7 5 3 3 3 4 1 is the phone number
I have a number of things on my screen here, but don't let that keep you from picking up the phone and dialing now just In passing
I am looking at my youtube channel and I would imagine most everyone who listens to the dividing line heard the
Video that I rather quickly posted on Wednesday morning,
November 5th, I did so Because like most
Christians I wanted to say something Concerning the elections concerning the
Defeat of Pretty much every pro -life Initiative that had been on ballots around the
United States even in light of the passing of amendment 8 in California and Proposition 102 in Arizona Which defines marriage as one man and one woman as I've been seeing in the news
Homosexuals are taking to the streets and there are those who support them and Protesting and so on and so forth this reaffirmation of traditional family values the hatred being expressed toward Christians for continuing to believe what
Christians have believed for well the entire time period of their existence is
Truly an amazing thing to observe that 18 over 18 minute video.
It's a fairly lengthy video for YouTube that's 18 minute video has taken on a life of its own
Since it was posted And that's of course. We're looking at five days now and Still has about 48 hours to go before it has been up an entire week.
It has been viewed 18 thousand five hundred times
That makes it my second most popular video. The only video that has been viewed more often than this was a video
I put up I think over a year ago There was a 55 second clip of The identification of Calvinism as a heresy by Jerry Falwell and the only reason it's been viewed that many times
Of course is because people were looking for Falwell's name as far as a video that I have produced
Obviously it is by far the runaway number one and that in only five days and I think
I hope that the reason for that is that after the elections and of course now as we're reading the news and we we see that there are already promises being made that executive orders made in the
Bush administration in regards to such things as Funds not being given to other nations to be used for abortion
Funds being used for embryonic stem cell research which involve the destruction of human embryos
That those will immediately be rescinded by President Barack Obama.
He will immediately seek to continue The pro -abortion policies the the the culture of death
That he has defended throughout his political career And so as we see this happening and when we consider the ramifications of these things
I think the the video spoke to that and I think that's why it has received so many views now, of course
I can I Can tell you one thing I've gotten some very
Interesting YouTube emails in regards to that particular video.
I Honestly, it's not new to me there have been times for example, I've been involved in a debate or I've given a presentation preached a certain whatever it might be and someone will come up to me after Maybe when
I'm standing at the door reading people or just talking with people afterwards, whatever the context might be and When they repeat back to me
What they heard I am truly left wondering What sermon debate or presentation they heard it couldn't have been mine
Because I never said anything even remotely similar to what they are reporting to me and I Got an email like that someone listens to Who knows they even listen to all of it come to think of it
But they listened to this and watch this particular video and dropped me a line and talk about just my how crazy
I am and then when I started, you know, they didn't say anything specific in the first email. So In an unusual move.
I generally do not respond to YouTube emails once in a blue moon I will but generally I do not
I Respond to this person said could you give me some specifics, please? And when this person started repeating back to me what
I had said, I Was left once again going what do people hear because it had nothing to do
I the things he mentioned I hadn't even hadn't even thought of let alone said It is truly amazing the level of self -deception
That can take place and we can hear things that just have nothing to do with what is actually being said
So that certainly is the the case with with this video, but for those who have ears to hear
I'm very thankful that a very large number of people have written and have been very encouraging and thankful along those lines in a somewhat related
Issue I was sitting over here in London working hard on my presentations working in keynotes adding things in and tweaking this and making sure that works and that looks right and Etc, etc.
And in our chat channel, and I'm watching that right now a
URL was posted to a Christian woman who was speaking about her young daughter and Her young daughter's desire for conversion
Evidently there are atheists who I Don't know. Maybe they don't work.
Maybe there's independently wealthy Maybe they come home from work and they just sit around because there's such miserable people anyways and do nothing but sit behind a keyboard
I don't know But it does seem to me that atheists many atheists live just Wretched and miserable lives and that there is a cadre of them they evidently have some sort of communication network and when one of them finds a blog a
Combox on a web board maybe even in my case. I still continued to get
A Hate mail from atheists regarding the one singular Video I put up over a year ago on Richard Dawkins and So they find something like that and they they spread the word
Go here and spew your hatred about God Here's someone that you can insult.
Here's someone you can attack and So since this Christian woman Made reference to her daughter
Recognizing her need of a savior and her being a sinner. Oh My here come the atheists with this constant drumbeat of child abuse child abuse child abuse just just incredible Nastiness being
Expressed I even took the time after reading some of this foolishness In fact right before my own comments there was anonymous he's really brave folks
Anonymous wrote the truth that this is blatant child abuse and has been reported to the authorities
I am so sorry that people out there are so mentally ill that they would actually Cheer up on the mental emotional abuse of small children in the name of God this attitude being expressed by obviously
Someone who doesn't believe that children should be told about sin. I Left a comment and I'm gonna read it for you here.
Just briefly. I Don't normally do this either but I thought it was so worthwhile doing so after Listening or reading a number of these comments.
I Said I am truly left wondering at the atheist Internet Network Do people truly live their lives in such a fashion as to sit around behind keyboards waiting to be told where to run so as To spew their hatred of God on this blog or that comm box.
Is this life? My how utterly sad and yet how utterly instructive the mindset of atheism and secularism
Notice the refrain child abuse. I will tell you what child abuse is When you do not discipline your children and it's child abuse
When you rob your children the dignity of being made an image of God that is child abuse when you tell your children
They are the chance result of the toss of the cosmic dice animals with no purpose. No transcendent value.
That is child abuse When you do not model for them the true roles of father and mother man and woman related properly
Acknowledging God's rulership and all of life that is child abuse When you do not call sin evil and give confused definitions of what is good honorable just and beautiful That is child abuse.
I was a similar age when I came to know what sin was that God was just and that Jesus took my Place, I firmly believe
I was changed that age born again and to this day I am thankful the teaching of my parents and their proclamation to me of truth but get used to the kind of harangues one sees in this thread as Western culture comes more and more under God's wrath and as he lifts his hand of restraint
We will see more clearly than ever the truth the total depravity of the human race May God make us strong in the face of such hatred
And so there was my comment it just truly strikes me that With the election of Barack Obama there has been even a further remove removal of restraint and those who
Hate the Christian faith and who hate God's law have been emboldened even more in light of that and so it is interesting to note another item here and Again, I encourage your your phone calls at eight seven seven seven five three three, three, four one eight seven seven seven five three three three four one
This is from the religion blog and This is titled about 100 protests at First Baptist, Dallas Over why gay is not okay sermon and that this was posted yesterday from what
I can see here It says colleague Wendy Hundley has filed the following report
We'll have a longer story in tomorrow's paper about 100 people Stood outside the
First Baptist Church in downtown Dallas Sunday morning to protest Robert Jeffries sermon Why gay is not okay?
Dr. Jeffries sermon delivered at three services examined biblical admonitions cited as being against homosexuality protesters holding signs bearing the words
Christ taught love not hate and Gay and saved lined both sides of San Jacinto Street in front of the church
Most of the people here are Christians and they're taking offense at the Baptist Church Trying to say how
Christ's love should be interpreted protester Patrick Hancock said now of course
One is not overly surprised that Homosexuals as Homosexuals do not think with clarity
Given the Confusion that exists in their own life the amount of energy it must take to suppress the knowledge of God in that conscience
It is it is Understandable, but look at these look at these signs
Christ taught love not hate What logically does that have to do with the fact that he affirmed the entirety of God's law?
That he said that anyone who would teach anyone else To ignore even the the least of those commandments would be called least in the kingdom of heaven
What about the fact that not one jot not one tittle of the law would fail until all things were fulfilled?
Well, what about those things? what about the fact that he affirmed the moral element of God's law constantly and And just how is it that it is love to ignore the entirety of Christ's message
When did it become loving to edit Christ's message as if somehow that?
presents a more loving Christ Well, obviously postmodernists don't have much of a concern for what
Christ actually intended words are simply Tools in our hands to be used as we see fit to be used in such a fashion as to Form the world in our own image shall we say?
So yes Christ taught love for God and for his law and Christ taught hatred of sin and that which is destructive to human life as homosexuality most assuredly is
Destructive to human life Then gay and saved
See here is of course the the element of religious hypocrisy that is a part of the quote -unquote
Christian gay movement is this Absolute necessity
To be able to claim one is right with God at the same time knowing that one is suppressing the
Entirety of one's conscience in that in that matter They want to be able to say they're saved but they cannot be
Clear and they can't even give a meaningful answer to what they're saved from Because they can no longer define sin in any meaningful fashion.
How were they saved? They still believe in atonement the necessity of the cross Well, of course not you start to deal with these kinds of assertions on the part of these alleged
Christian homosexuals and You discover very quickly that they have abandoned the authority of Scripture and they did so a long long time ago.
I Truly appreciate the folks in channel who are speculating About whether it is even legal for me to be saying these things in the
United Kingdom, so Someone has started the bail doc from the London Jail Fund.
I very much appreciate that you can make donations at someplace on the web, but anyway, and so we have
Individuals. Yes, it'll mean org. Yes, man Place Place your donations at a omen org for the get get that quiet out of out of jail fun.
Anyway The only reason that's funny is because there's far too much truth in it that then we would actually like to be there but having homosexuals
Protesting out in front of churches When we are speaking the truth, how long will it be until The the people that they elect that they give money to will
Give them what they want the identification of the proclamation of the gospel as a hate crime in Western culture
They they know they cannot engage in dialogue they cannot engage in debate they they know they have no position
They only want a monologue. They have to shut out the other side and man's hatred of God's law and hatred of the gospel is
So extreme that if God continues to withdraw his hand of restraint we
Will need to count the cost we will be put in the position of at first being
Impoverished Through the use of civil suits and eventually if we do not desist and many of course will at that level
Becoming a part of the prison population religious political prisoners within Western culture
There are people who want it. There are people who will argue for its appropriateness and And of course it is likewise quite disturbing to think about The growing concept of the state in the
United States certainly already a part of things in Europe Where the state gets to determine what is morality and what can be taught to children even within the confines?
of the home Once that state has become very clearly opposed
To God's law and God's purposes Well We will find ourselves right back in the position that the early
Christians found themselves in and having to say If it is better to obey
Men or God for me it is better to obey God and The results that will come from that now, of course, obviously
God will judge any nation any culture That spits upon his law in his face that takes his blessings and uses them as a curse against his people
Justice will be done. We have to keep that in mind but we must realize that that's
Others may well indeed suffer before we see that justice being done in in the future.
And so Interesting things that there there was one other here. Let me see if I can find it.
Oh, yes Speaking of of our ever so rational atheists
There was another interesting quotation from the rational responders website that I was directed to a little while ago
And it reads as follows Presuppers that's
Presuppositional Yours truly who fall for the argument ransom dental arguments the existence of it are the most illogical of all
Christians the Quad advise and people when trying to help theists overcome their delusions
While it's a noble effort to try to help a presupposition list. It's likely a waste of time, please
Feel free to post quotes that show how illogical these arguments are in this thread One truly does chuckle at the fulfillment of Romans chapter 1 in these individuals specifically in reference
To The claim that's professing to be wise
They became fools and I think that's exactly what is the case with this kind of presentation, it's a shame that These individuals clearly do not under even understand what the issues are in regards to Presuppositional ism in regards to their own
Presuppositions and Having run into a brick wall there. They've just decided that they're not going to talk any longer to those who are presuppositional is why?
Because they're too dumb to talk to Yes, so obviously
Individuals such as dr. Greg Bonson and Cornelius van Tille were just too stupid to to talk to them, so An amazing thing eight seven seven seven five three three three four one
I have not seen any evidence that anyone has called in I recognize of course that by changing the time we have
Made it a little bit more difficult for someone who might wish to call in to do so And I apologize for that.
There isn't much that I can do about that We're just trying to make things work so that Rich's context and my context can fit together and when there's a seven hour time difference between the two
And I don't want to be up at 11 o 'clock at night doing the dividing line Then we just have to do what we need to do in that particular context eight seven seven seven five three three three four or one maybe during the breaks and folks will
Get online and will join us with your comments on The cultural situation that we face the fact that so much of what we see taking place in Western culture
Has direct impact and direct relevance to our theology. I Think we will once again see a fundamental difference in how evangelicals respond to the
Situation developing in the United States the major whiplash to the left that is going to be experienced in the selections that Barack Obama is going to make in the leadership of the fact that Those on the left now control basically all branches of government and as people begin to see the ramifications of that It certainly seemed to me in this last election that people's bottom line
The the bank account was far more important than issues of morality worldview and things like that and As people see the results, of course, we could hope we could like to think
That that is going to mean that there is going to be a turnaround But obviously
I only believe that there can be a turnaround when God changes hearts when
God changes the Takes out those hearts of stone and gives a heart of flesh.
And yes, I do believe that a Regenerate heart will impact how one views society
I think there are clearly biblical guidelines to ethics and morality And when the
Lord changes a person's heart Then he makes them obedient to the Word of God and therefore those standards begin to impact how we view the
The culture. All right, eight seven seven seven five three three three four one We used to what we would do in situations like this when we weren't getting any phone calls.
We would threaten That Warren Smith would begin to sing Elvis songs
But Warren's not with me here in London And so I think there is an even better way to get people to call
That is I am in London and I am around people who speak with a
British accent And so if we don't get phone calls Then I'm just simply going to have to do the rest of the program in my best
British accent and so If you don't want that to happen If if you don't want that to happen then eight seven seven seven five three three three four one is the phone number
Someone just suggested I should sing some songs in a British accent and that'd be very interesting
We'll be right back. It's not an easy way It's a journey
Hey The Trinity is a basic teaching of the
Christian faith it defines God's essence and describes how he relates to us James White's book
The Forgotten Trinity is a concise understandable explanation of what the Trinity is and why it matters It refutes cultic distortions of God as well as showing how a grasp of the significant teaching
Leads to renewed worship and deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian and Admit today's emphasis on the renewing work of the
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Christmas morning with your family You can find this beautiful music that celebrates the birth of our Lord in the bookstore at a omen org
You Hello everyone, this is
Rich Pierce In a day and age where the gospel is being twisted into a man -centered self -help program
The need for a no -nonsense presentation of the gospel has never been greater I am convinced that a great many go to church every
Sunday yet. They have never been confronted with their sin Alpha Omega Ministries is dedicated to presenting the gospel in a clear and concise manner making no excuses
Man is sinful and God is holy That sinful man is in need of a perfect Savior and Jesus Christ is that perfect Savior?
We are to come before the Holy God with an empty hand of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Alpha and Omega takes that message to every group that we deal with while equipping the body of Christ as well
Support Alpha and Omega Ministries and help us to reach even more with the pure message of God's glorious grace.
Thank you Under the guise of tolerance modern culture grants alternative lifestyle status to homosexuality
Even more disturbing some within the church attempt to revise and distort Christian teaching on this behavior in their book
The same -sex controversy James White and Jeff Neal write for all who want to better understand the
Bible's teaching on the subject Explaining and defending the foundational Bible passages that deal with homosexuality including
Genesis Leviticus and Romans Expanding on these scriptures they refute the revisionist arguments including the claim that Christians today need not adhere to the law in a straightforward and loving manner
They appeal to those caught up in a homosexual lifestyle to repent and to return to God's plan for his people the same -sex controversy defending and clarifying the
Bible's message about homosexuality Get your copy in the bookstore at a omin org
And Welcome back to the dividing line. My name is James White I was listening to the commercials there if that's what they're called during the break and realized that it's a long way from London to Phoenix and that means
I'm probably breaking up a little bit as They were on my end. So But we will do our best to Continue on I realized that once in a while I sound like a robot or Max Headroom or whatever that guy's name was, but that's what voiceover
IP is all about. So We will survive with that. I understand we do have one caller, but before we go to that Turretin fan and channel directed me to a an article a blog interestingly enough called a contend earnestly by Evidently from what
I'm reading since I don't know this gentleman Seth McBee. I don't know who Seth McBee is but he is commenting on some of the material that was posted on my blog this week and The relevant paragraph says there is much more this argument very easy to show that God does indeed desire for all men to be saved
Plastic Calvinism would definitely agree with this as well The problem here is that Phil Johnson has clearly laid out this definition of hyper
Calvinism here Hyperlink and James White clearly denies the free offer in God's desire here after reading the two
It is clear that James White falls into the historic definition of hyper Calvinist, but we find
Phil Johnson defending his friend He here I understand why defend a friend but this really is out of bounds to leave all definitions of what it means to be a hyper
Calvinist and Defend someone because you like them and have seen them in action I don't think any of us are saying that James White doesn't go out and evangelize and defend the faith.
That isn't the question here Yeah, is it the question what I do? It's just a matter of yeah And the question and definitions are solely from a theological understanding and the free offer and desire of God on this
James White is solely in error yet Phil Johnson defends this error for only the reason of a friend being caught up in it
This is disheartening for sure what I hope happens behind closed doors is for Phil and James White has some good discussions on the free offer
And desire of God and for James White to be corrected in his error But I will tell you that James White response whites responses allegation is immature and laughable
Instead of arguing from a scripture like he tells all of his opponents to do He merely tries to draw up straw man and argue from practice by belittling his opponents.
Dr White just because you happen to be defending the faith and the weekend of this conference was going on Doesn't mean that this clears your name as a proponent of the historical claims of the gospel
At least be honest and respond the ways that you desire your opponents your poem Honest to respond because if they would have made the same claims that you did in your response
You'd have laughed at them and undercut them the first chance you got well Seth It's a little bit of a problem here young man.
And that is I Have written numerous books on this subject.
I have debated on this subject I have made my position clear on this subject not once not twice
Not a dozen times, but multiple dozens of times and you sir are guilty of bearing false witness
It is interesting that at the top of this very blog you have under Let's see here blog list
They got the power of maniacs. You've got links and interesting answering Islam That's a lot of famous confessions the 1689
Baptist Confession of Faith I'm an elder in a 1689 Baptist Confession Church If you would like to demonstrate that what
I have published or set is in any way shape or form Contrary to the 1689
London Baptist Confession of Faith, then you are under responsibility sir to do so But the fact the matter is
I stand firmly with that confession in what it says I Am NOT a hyper
Calvinist and it was not immature of me to point out that those who are
Hyper -Calvinists who do not believe in the proclamation of the gospel do not believe that you can say that people are responsible for believing the gospel
They aren't out doing what I do. That was the whole point and I'm sorry that you missed it
That I wasn't mocking these individuals I certainly do not have a lot of respect For the very individuals who gathered in Georgia who will not debate these things.
They do not want a dialogue They do not want both sides to be heard. Believe me. I know how that works, too
And I don't have a whole lot of respect for someone who will hide away in that context
And snipe at people, but they will not engage in direct Argumentation, there's no question about that.
But as I explained in the follow -up article, I Said that I was going to provide a brief response because I had just flown to England from Phoenix I'm sorry, sir
If I did not write enough having traveled for 20 hours between going to airports layovers and the flights
To satisfy your theological desires Even though you did not bother to read the books that I've written on the subject or deal with the many
Articles that I've already written on the subject and published over the years I'm sorry that I did not live up to your expectations at that point now obviously
It does get very tiring for me as someone who just this just yesterday morning here in London preached the gospel and Called people to bow the knee before Jesus Christ.
I did not say anything about well if you're elect No Hyper -Calvinists do not believe in the duty to proclaim the gospel and to call men to repentance and faith and if the free offer there the gospel isn't to tell people that If any person believes in Jesus Christ, they will find him to be a propitious and perfect Savior then what is it?
Why do you attach the idea of free offer the idea? I have to believe that God is somehow going to be disappointed for eternity
Because he decided he wanted to do something. He couldn't do that's not the free offer the gospel, sir and If you've attached that to your understanding that I believe that you're in error and there's nothing in the 1689
London Confession that forces you to do that let alone in inspired scripture and So yes,
I do of course take it just a little bit personally when these individuals Will take potshots like this
From behind the anonymity of a keyboard, but these are the very same individuals that would never
Face me personally and directly and say these things. There's a whole cadre of them out there
But I I do find it difficult To have a lot of respect for that kind of approach so You can find that at contend earnestly blogspot .com
If you would like to find what I was just looking at 877 -753 -3341 is the phone number and so we are going to try to go to Jamin on the phone.
Hi Jamin. All right, James. How you doing? Doing pretty good. You just could not possibly stand to hear me speaking in in the in the
King's English Is that the whole idea? Yeah, pretty much. I'm not gonna let that happen again ever
There's about a four second lag so we might interrupt each other but anyway, I was just wondering
I mean you make it pretty clear that The environment and where you are is pretty much dominant by at least atheists it sounds and Muslims certainly
And so I was just wondering you had mentioned this this person who had been kind of harassed by these atheists and I'm just wondering if you've seen any interaction between Muslims and atheists
In in Europe. Oh, yeah. Oh well, actually It's very interesting to me
That in looking at the Muslim apologists that I deal with They are very regularly writing in defense of bare theism and it's fascinating to me to know that they are not able to use the kind of argumentation that That I do and I know that you would in defense of the
Christian God primarily because their theology precludes them from so doing
They they really cannot use a transcendental proof of God's existence because Allah is is
Shall we say hyper transcendent? in in the sense of the whole concept of revelations certainly of incarnation
Incarnation, of course rejected right out of hand but the idea of Personal involvement and creation redemption all these things.
It's just not there. And so they argue as strict evidentialists and Basically are stuck with various forms the cosmological argument and much lesser
Telling forms of argumentation that I have heard as well. But yeah, they They most definitely seek to try to interact with atheists, but I Really have been
I've not sat down and made out a catalog of the various argumentations used but I have really been
Underwhelmed shall we say with that It's interesting. I'm having dialogues with some some
Muslims on cultural issues right now, and I sense some
Not discontent some Disconnectedness they they're surprised with how much they agree with me because I talk about God's law
God's morality and Many Muslim apologists argue that Christians have no concept of God's law that they that the
New Testament gives us No guidelines for living and I remember listening to Shadid Lewis back in March in Norfolk convert to Islam from quote -unquote
Christianity and He was saying, you know, one of the great things is that now I had guidance now
I could now I knew how to live and so on and so forth and and I was just sitting there going
How sad that he was involved in a system like that and in churches like that that gave no direction
So once again the theology matters, but yes, they do engage the atheists. So like do they
Do the atheists give as much harassment to converts to Islam too,
I mean And is is it in the in the academic setting? I don't know how much you've done like in institutions there, but Are there there certainly probably are more
Muslims than being Christians, right? well as far as again, remember we're in the
United Kingdom and What is called Christianity here the the
Church of England of course is headed by a man who is considerably more comfortable around paganism than he is around Christianity and That in and of itself
Has led to an extremely diluted definition of what that means. So yeah, obviously when you combine the truth claims of Islam with the post -modernism of Modern England and then throw in a massive amount of super liberal compromising quote -unquote
Christianity The voice of believers is very rarely heard
It is is a sad situation to see in the very places where where Spurgeon and and others
Preached with such power and authority That their numbers are now
Very small there are still those faithful men preaching. There's no question about that but as far as the
Overall population is concerned and certainly the media That voice is very very small indeed
All right. Well, thanks James. I'm gonna hang up now and you're not gonna use a British accent, but All right, thanks a lot
God bless Bye -bye, eight seven seven seven five three three three four one
Yes, I am actually sort of thankful that I am in the room that I'm in which is in the very top of the building
So I do actually have the windows open to let the cool air in but hopefully there isn't anyone standing outside getting ready to File some sort of human rights complaint or something like that, but no it
Especially when I came over here the first time each time. I think this is my fifth trip now. I am able to See again and again just The truth of the fact and I mentioned this in my sermon
Sunday morning The Christian faith is not passed on genetically and when you think that it is
And when they when the majority viewpoint becomes that it is the church in that culture in that land is in grave danger and as we look at Europe and we see the institutionalized
Church The church that has in essence Died on the vine it has become an empty shell when we see churches boarded up Being used for other things.
I I mentioned last year when I went to Edinburgh to see these gorgeous cathedrals there in Edinburgh and One of them that's very prominent as you walk up High Street toward the castle
Is now a place for? wedding Receptions and dances it is not
It is not in any way shape or form a place of worship any longer and the pastor that took me there he and I were looking at the
Place where Knox preached in the church and We're almost run over by the vicar that was getting ready to speak the woman vicar
It was getting ready to speak and We both made comments about the rumbling sound was
Knox Spinning in his grave at what was going on in Edinburgh. He would have
Well, you can imagine what Knox would have done But yes, that is that is what we see and and it is it does remind us.
Let's face it. There is a portion of evangelicalism that Identifies God's people with a particular nation and that simply is a foolish thing to do
God's people exist in every nation but they are not defined by the nation that they are in and We need to recognize that we are first and foremost called to be citizens of The kingdom of heaven that we have been given very clear revelation as to how we are to live what standards we are to have and It may well be very good for the true believing church in the
United States To have to stand apart and suffer as a result fight for our rights
Proclaim the truth in the face of the hatred of the society. Yeah, I know
There's all sorts of people in what calls itself Christianity that are very happy about the trends that are taking place
And they're the ones that abandoned the Bible's Word of God long ago and let's let's let's face it
There are many people in the society Who will recognize
Only by the way, we live the differences between those false Christians and those who truly do cling to Jesus Christ and who bowed the knee to his
Lordship and It's not one of the greatest problems that we have had over the past decades is it not the confusion that comes from all the many voices that call themselves
Christian and And when those voices finally admit they're really not
Christian or they stop speaking in that way and We are the only ones left. Will that not be a in essence in a sense a blessing?
I would suggest to you that most definitely it it will be but it'll be a blessing that comes with a cost with the cost and so I Didn't go looking for those particular
Articles today it just so happened that in the conversations in the in the channel
In looking through my RSS feeds and stuff this stuff came up and there was a there was a theme the unrestrained expression of hatred for the existence of God and the part of atheists combined with their inherent irrationality
And then seemingly the encouragement that they and others like them have received in recent days and all of that again emphasizing for us as believers
That we must be very focused upon what we believe why we believe it and it must be precious to us because if it is not
Then it'll be very easy for us to choose the easy way out the way of compromise the way of silence the way of retreat into A way from the culture away from calling the culture to repentance
That is the easy way, but that is not the way that is truly an option for us
So as we wrap up the program today Just again a reminder of what's going on here so you can pray appropriately
Tomorrow evening. I'll be debating Adnan Rashid on a subject that I have never heard debated before It will give an opportunity for me to clarify
The fact that the doctrine of the Trinity is absolutely monotheistic and that there is no violation
There is no association with God of any created being of any other gods in the doctrine of the
Trinity That'll be tomorrow night at Half 7 this material is on the blog
If you want to take a look at it There is something going on Wednesday, I would appreciate your prayer for it, but I'm not going to mention what it is
I Can't even guarantee that I will mention it Afterwards, I will see if I can it's just a ministry opportunity a wonderful ministry opportunity
Laura's given to me but for reasons of wisdom That is not something that I would think would be best to to mention
Thursday is the unbelievable radio program where I will be discussing again the doctrine of God with Lord willing
Abdullah al -yusufi and the Abdullah of London that you've seen me doing video responses to Thursday evening the debate with Sami Zaatari at Trinity Road Chapel on the deity of Christ on Saturday and Sunday I will also be speaking at the same church speaking with the men's group and then speaking in the morning and evening services and then of course on Monday the two debates or one debate with two houses.
However, you want to figure it out with Shabir Ali on the issue of is
Jesus prophesied in the Bible and is Muhammad prophesied in the Bible obviously
Jesus prophesied in the Old Testament asking Jesus is prophesied in the New Testament is just a little bit odd and Then fly back to the
United States, but I don't get to go home I'll be going to Durham and there on Thursday at Duke University with Zulfiqar Ali Shah the
Quran and the Bible a comparison of discussion of those issues and Then the battle for the truth conference on Friday and Saturday and then returning home after that So it will be a tremendous time.
Obviously, I'm doing everything I can to make sure that these things are recorded I'm dragging my little
Casio camera around and Will be recharging the battery repeatedly having it as a backup so these things recorded but the debates themselves are supposed to be professionally recorded and Hopefully will be available in the not too distant future it obviously as you have seen
On the blog and there are more queued up ready to go Emails from people in places like Indonesia the
Philippines where they are Getting better internet connections and hence they can access the website they can watch the videos and they are using what they're seeing there to Preach the gospel to others.
They're being encouraged that way. That's what we have to do That's that's why we need your support to continue doing this because especially these kinds of debates we need
Christians to purchase these debates So that we can also make them available
Freely in the form of YouTube and things like that to get into those countries that we cannot get into.
Otherwise this is what we need to be doing and when you Purchase these items from us.
You are assisting us in doing that. You're literally helping to send that same information
All around the world and especially to those people who need that information most so Please stand with us during this time as we are not only looking at these debates
But also the debate with Bart Ehrman coming up in January as well I realize how important that is going to be for so many people
So we thank you for joining us on the dividing line. We are going to try to work out Wednesday For another dividing line because I can give you a report on tomorrow evening's debate at that time but We thank you for joining us on the on the program and we will see you
Lord willing on Wednesday I'll blog the time that will be on. Thanks for listening. God bless
It's The dividing line has been brought to you by Alpha and Omega ministries
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