Social Justice & The Social Gospel

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In episode # 18 of the Testing the Spirits podcast we look at the question what is Social Justice and what is the Social Gospel? Are organizations like BLM helping or are they hurting? What does the Bible teach concerning justice, would it surprise you to find out the same word for justice is also translated as righteousness? Are social justice warriors fighting for righteousness or are they instead looking to push their Leftist political agen


Hello, in this podcast
I'm going to be answering the question, what is social justice? We all have some idea of what justice looks like, and many would think of that picture of Lady Justice who stands blindfolded with a scale in her hands.
But social justice, basically it's when Lady Justice takes the blindfold off. If I can put it in the most basic of terms, when you think of social justice, just think of socialism, because that's what the social justice types want.
They want the government to step in, take control. And my friends, when the government gets involved, yes, they can get things done, but the question is how well of a job do they do and how efficient are they?
We all know that there are injustices in the world, but the solution is the gospel of Jesus Christ, not social justice or even the social gospel.
More on that in a moment. Because it might interest you to know that in the Bible, the word for justice, it's the same exact word that is used for righteousness.
Look it up in the Greek, justice and righteousness, it's the same exact thing, biblically. And the social justice warriors, you have to ask, at the local
BLM riot, the local Black Lives Matter protest, are those people really fighting for righteousness?
Obviously not. When people put a word in front of justice, like social justice, they're changing the meaning, just like when they put the word social in front of the gospel, the social gospel is not the real gospel.
So social justice is not real justice. Again, it's like lady justice taking the blindfold off.
And you know, I think you've seen this on the news, when there's say a police shooting, they don't really look at the facts and the details of the case.
The first thing they want to know, okay, what skin color are the people? Okay, is the cop white? Oh, he's guilty.
That's how this works. If the person shot was black and the cop was white, it's automatically motivated by racism.
It gets national attention and the social justice protesters come out. And of course, if it's a white guy who gets shot, nobody cares.
So that's the way the movement works. And here's the tragedy.
The people in power, the people on top, because there might be some low level people who in their mind, they mean well, they're against racism and they think this is helping.
It's not helping. But the tragedy is the people at the top, the people in power, pulling the strings, organizing all of this, they are doing this to exploit people.
They use these tragedies to push their left wing socialist agenda.
It's like that political advisor. He said, don't ever let a good crisis go to waste.
So it's really sickening what they're doing. Let's face it.
People have suffered oppression, but people will seek to capitalize on that oppression.
The oppression is bad, but the people trying to exploit it, that's bad too. So any group, here's how it works.
Any group that has suffered oppression, the social justice types, they want to whip up people's emotions, get people all angry and ultimately get them to vote or support their political causes.
And again, the people at the top of the pyramid, they're doing this on purpose in order to enrich themselves and to acquire more power.
And it's not just the black versus white issue. It's now male versus female, right?
During the 2016 election, you heard the term, uh, believe all women. And there was the me too movement.
Believe all women. Okay. Just think about that in reverse for a second. If all women must be believed, that must mean that all men must not be believed.
I mean, that's not just true justice. Here's the thing in the Bible, God's word, true justice seeks to look at the facts, what happened.
And if you're going to make an accusation, there must be two or three witnesses.
Jesus confirms this in Matthew 18 verse 16. So it was back in 2016, 2017, you had the me too movement and let's face it.
Sometimes women tell the truth and they should be believed. Sometimes they don't tell the truth. Sometimes white people are guilty.
Sometimes white people are innocent. You cannot determine that simply by looking at gender or skin color, but that's what social justice does.
Again, lady, lady justice is taking off her blindfold. So it's really injustice.
And that's what the devil does. He always calls good evil and evil good and exchanges bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Here's another thing you will hear. Social justice warriors say that, you know, straight white
Christian males have been running things for too long. We need to get them out of there. And then what did they do? They went and voted for Joe Biden, a straight white man who says he's
Catholic. I mean, go figure. But you see, again, the facts don't matter. Facts don't matter.
All that matters is the narrative. And people know if they don't go along with the narrative, especially if you're in college or in the corporate world, if you don't go along with the narrative, if you step out of line, then you're going to get branded or racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic,
Islamophobic, deplorable bigot, right? That's the scam. And it's a pretty good scam. The social justice people have going, and it's easy for them to run this because they control
Hollywood, the universities, the local school system. So be aware when you send your kids to the public schools, guess what?
They are subtly taught all of these things as early as kindergarten and first grade.
The older they get, the less subtle it becomes. So that by the time they're in college, the propaganda is so thick.
I mean, you have professors openly admitting that they're sympathetic to communism. And communism, by the way, is a godless ideology.
All of this is under the banner of Marxism. So there's Marxism on top, communism and socialism, different categories below that.
So this is a godless system. Karl Marx hated Christianity. His goal was to see the destruction of the
Christian church. And just in the 20th century alone, communism is responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people.
And yet their sympathizers will still say, you know, it's just never been tried properly.
So we need to give it another go. My friends, this is totally against the teachings of scripture, but the social justice warriors are smart.
So they are trying to use the Christian church, basically the institutional churches, the big denominations.
They now have infiltrated the churches to spread their message of social justice or the social gospel.
More on that in a moment. But hopefully you get the point. And again, while there have been people who have been oppressed and we're not downplaying that,
American slavery was terrible. Just about everybody agrees with that. Segregation, you know, thank
God it ended. That was sinful. Absolutely. But social justice is not the solution.
The solution is the gospel of Jesus Christ, because that's the only thing that can really change hearts.
The movement of social justice is not helping. It just seeks to make things worse.
Why? Because it stirs up bitterness and envy. Because really socialism, you have to remember, it's a form of Marxism.
And this is the whole Marxist strategy in taking over a nation. Karl Marx wanted to pit the rich against the poor, create chaos so that there would be an uprising.
And then when society starts to break down, their plan was for the Marxists to come in, swoop in and fill the void.
Today, the Marxists, they're not just pitting rich versus poor. They pit black versus white, male versus female, gay versus straight.
And now the new thing is transgender versus cisgender. So if they can come up with a new way to divide people, they will do it.
Why? Because it works. I think we all recognize that since this movement of social justice has kicked into overdrive, since 2020,
America has gotten much worse. So that's the bad news. But the good news, number one, is that more and more people are waking up to all of this.
And number two, better news than that, is the gospel of Jesus Christ, that God became a man.
Jesus walked among us. He kept God's perfect standard of justice for us.
We couldn't do it. He did it in our place. 2 Corinthians 5 .21 says, for he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him.
Remember, justice and righteousness is the same word. So what's that verse saying? That God made
Christ who knew no sin to be sin for us. Jesus, when he died on the cross, he became sin.
He died for our sin, taking it upon himself. And on the third day, he rose from the grave.
And because he lives, we can live also. So if a person would simply put their trust in Christ, having faith in the gospel message,
God's righteousness, or his justice, if you will, is imputed to our account.
Jesus is both the just and the justifier. So we can be right with God and receive eternal life through Christ.
And that is good news. And of course, that's what gospel means. It means good news.
But here's what the institutional churches are doing. The mainline denominations, and even the
Roman Catholic Church is now doing this with their new Pope, Pope Francis. What they want to do is, what they're trying to do is, they're swapping the true gospel for the social gospel.
Or at the very least, they're blending the true gospel with what they call the social gospel.
What is the social gospel? Again, think of socialism. It's trying to improve society through entitlements and welfare and open borders and all the rest.
It's really a political movement that seeks to co -op the church. So instead of preaching about Christ crucified and risen, they turn
Jesus into some long -haired hippie who supports all these left -wing causes. Their version of Jesus is really more like John Lennon than the
Christ of Scripture. They teach that Jesus didn't come into the world to save sinners. They find that message offensive.
They teach that Jesus came to reform society, hence the term social gospel.
Most of the churches in New England, where I am, are like this, right? The Methodist, the
Episcopalians, the Congregationalists, UCC. And when you see the rainbow flag flying outside,
I mean, that's a sure sign. Or even the local Baptist church, you know, if they're posting the rainbow on Facebook.
I mean, you just know that church has been co -opted by social justice warriors. Now, before I bring this podcast to a close,
I am noticing, speaking of justice and injustice and discrimination, right?
I am noticing that there is a lot of discrimination out there because the social justice warriors, right?
That's what they're concerned about, supposedly. They stand against discrimination.
Yeah, because they'll say you can't discriminate against this group or this group or this group. But have you ever noticed they don't mind discriminating against Bible -believing
Christians? Oh, no. See, that's different. And of course, you've picked up on this, that the people who claim to be the most tolerant, they in fact are some of the least tolerant people, but the facts don't matter.
Remember, all that matters is what? The narrative. So they just keep repeating this, even though it's totally bogus.
Oh, we're so tolerant. We're so compassionate. We're so loving as they flip you off and curse you out, right?
Oh, they tolerate all sorts of things, especially lies and immorality. But the one thing they have no tolerance for is the word of God.
Why? Because it gives us the truth. It gives us God's true standard of justice.
And they hate that. They know that Bible -believing Christians in the United States are the ones who are standing in their way of their
Marxist socialist utopia. Of course, if they get their utopia, it won't be a utopia.
It'll be more like a hellhole since the system will eventually collapse. As Margaret Thatcher once said, the trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.
And we are running out of money. I mean, the national debt is through the roof. We are funneling billions to Ukraine.
And you can just bet the politicians who support that war are getting rich off that with kickbacks and everything else.
And we keep printing more and more money and all the stuff with COVID. We keep just printing more money, which causes sky high inflation.
And the end result is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And then they try to blame that on capitalism, the system that gave us this high standard of living that most of us enjoy.
But what did Jesus say in Matthew 26, verse 11? Jesus said, the poor you have with you always.
See, poverty is not an issue the government can fix. It's the result of us living in a fallen world.
We can help the poor and we should help the poor. We should not enable the poor.
The Bible says, if a man will not work, he shouldn't eat. So we have to balance that out.
But poverty will always be a problem. You can't fix it. And certainly the government can't fix it. We've seen, you know, since the 1960s with, was it
Lyndon Johnson, his program, The Great Society, things have gotten so much worse.
And injustice, there is injustice in the world. It is a problem, but the government can't fix it.
I would question whether or not they really want to fix it. But either way, the things that they're doing, it's making matters worse.
The scripture says that all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. The best thing we can do is this, and I'll end the podcast here.
The best thing we can do as people, as a people, as a nation is repent of our sin and turn back to the
Lord and uphold his standard of justice. This country has never been perfect, far from it.
But we were predominantly Christian. On Sunday, churches used to be full.
Go back far enough, the gospel was preached weekly. And all of these different denominations that have now gone bad.
And because of that, we're still living off the past, really. That's why things are still good, because of our past.
But because of our past, our Christian heritage, God blessed this nation, and we became the wealthiest and most powerful nation the earth has ever seen.
That was no coincidence. It was because of our trust in the Lord. Psalm 33, verse 12 says,
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. And Proverbs 14, 34 says,
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.
And remember, the Bible, the word justice, it's the same exact word for righteousness.
So let me leave you with this challenge. Make a conscious effort in seeking the
Lord. Whether it's Bible reading, church attendance, giving or prayer. Maybe it's sharing the gospel with a friend.
Or if you know someone who is being persuaded by this social justice movement, or they attend one of these social gospel churches, consider sending them this video.
And pray for them. Psalm 106, verse 3 says, Blessed are those who keep justice, and he who does righteousness at all times.