The False Confidence of Spiritual Pride (Part 2)

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Philippians 3:1-7 Pastor Rob Kimsey May 14, 2023


Alright, please open your Bibles to Philippians Philippians chapter 3 will be continuing our study from last week
We are finishing up this two -part series on spiritual pride and what
Paul has to say about this topic Some very helpful words for us this morning the false confidence of spiritual pride
And the passages we want to look at our our is chapter 3 verses 1 through 7 and So let's read read these verses this morning and put the
Word of God before us Philippians chapter 3 verses 1 through 7
Finally my brothers rejoice in the Lord To write the same things again is no trouble to me and it is a safeguard for you beware of the dogs
Beware of the evil workers beware of the mutilation For we are the circumcision who worship in the
Spirit of God and boast in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh
Although I myself might have confidence even in the flesh If anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh
I far more Circumcised the eighth day of the nation of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin a
Hebrew of Hebrews as to the law a Pharisee as to zeal a persecutor of the church as To the righteousness which is in the law found blameless
But whatever things were gained to me those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ The false confidence of spiritual pride
The passage before us is about spiritual pride spiritual pride causes blindness a blindness that leads to death
It's possible to be so spiritually proud and have a false confidence in obedience
That you are blind to the fact that you are in danger of spiritual death How serious it is to have a false confidence in spiritual pride that blinds you to the reality of how much danger your soul actually is in in Verse 1 we saw
Paul come to his main point He issued a command to rejoice
He let the Philippians know his gospel reminders were not tedious or burdensome
Paul said his gospel reminders were a means of safety for the Philippian believers in verse 2
He gave a stark warning that false teachers are animals with ravenous desires they are infamous and evil in their desire for vomiting out doctrinal error and heresy as if it were the truth in Verse 3
Paul made it clear that true believers worship God in the spirit True worshipers
Glory in the life death and resurrection of Jesus and put zero confidence in their own works
Paul's point in verses 1 through 3 is that obedience to the law does not produce righteousness it never has and it never will a legalistic
Religious obedience devoid of a heart motive of glorifying God produces a false confidence of spiritual pride
Philippians was written by the Apostle Paul to the believers in Philippi to communicate his
Thanksgiving and rejoicing in their partnership of the gospel to exhort them to walk in unity and Christlikeness in the way they conducted their lives as Well as to remain loyal to the gospel while defending it against opponents of the faith
We are in the area of the letter that includes the exhortations of Paul the
Apostle warned of the church in Philippi against legalism and lawlessness
Chapter 3 can be broken up with the exhortations against legalism and lawlessness
Regarding legalism in chapter 3 verses 1 through 11 Paul warned not to put any emphasis on deriving righteousness through the law
He reminded the Philippians that righteousness with God only comes through faith in Christ in verses 12 through 16 he challenged them to live their lives in a manner that looked beyond worldly pursuits and past mistakes and to press on toward the upward call of Christ by pursuing a godly standard in Verses 17 through 21
Paul. So Paul also warned against lawlessness when he stated that their citizenship in heaven should be manifested in personal holiness in a model of godly pursuits and he told them to live in a way that would anticipate the return of the
Lord Jesus in verses 1 through 7 Paul makes two critical observations about Spiritual pride so that you can avoid succumbing to false teaching that promotes legalism as a means of salvation
In an article titled What is legalism and why is it dangerous to your faith by an author named
Ashley Hooker? She discussed this issue of legalism and she defines legalism in the article
This is what she said She says a term Christians use to describe a doctrinal position emphasizing a system of rules and regulating the achievement of salvation and spiritual growth legalism she pointed out there are three kinds of Legalism that affect the church today three kinds of legalism that affect the church today.
The first is traditions Traditions every church has certain traditions that would incite heresy if it were altered in any way examples come in many forms including
Maybe even a communion that is always done on the same Sunday or at a certain time
The same Sunday of each month or or always having a Christmas play each time of year
The idea behind these traditions is not to hinder but to worship The problem is when a church or believer feels that they cannot worship with another form of the tradition
One of the most common problems with traditions is they lose their value It becomes a situation where a statement is like this is made.
That's the way we've always done it It becomes a hindrance to worship and the ability to praise
God in those sacred moments The second form of legalism is personal preferences personal preferences or convictions
This happens when a pastor or individual Enforces their personal convictions as a requirement for salvation and spiritual growth the action of enforcing personal preferences
Usually comes comes without a clear answer from the Bible This is a personal preference this variety of legalism rears its head in the personal lives of believers
Examples include reading only the King James Version of the Bible required requiring families to homeschool
Not having specific instruments like a guitar or drums in service or forbidding the use of alcohol
The list could go on and on What believers must understand is that these are personal?
Preferences not law We cannot use our personal convictions to set a standard for all believers
Christ has already set the standard and laid out the way we should live in our faith
The third form of legalism is personal views of believers Personal views they have a personal set of standards and they believe all
Christians should live up to it Writer Fritz Cherry explains this as a mechanic type faith in Essence we should pray at a certain time and Sunday at a certain time
Sunday worship at noon or The only way to learn the Bible is through memorization of verses
Some believers even say one should not shop at certain stores because of donations made to non
Christian foundations or the sale of alcohol After reviewing these three types we can see that having a personal preference or Choosing to read a certain version of the
Bible is not bad It becomes a problem When one begins to believe that their way is the only way for spiritual growth or to gain salvation
David Wilkerson sums it up nicely with this statement at its heart Legalism is a desire to appear holy.
It is trying to be justified before men and not God two critical observations
About spiritual pride we saw last week obedience to the law does not produce righteousness two critical observations about spiritual pride number two human achievement human achievement
Paul says although I myself might have confidence even in the flesh if Anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh.
I far more Paul is now going to transition to list what the false teachers are promoting themselves to be
He says if they want to talk about having confidence in the flesh, then let's lay out our accomplishments
They think they have a reason to have confidence in the flesh look at my reasons and they fall short in Verse 4
Paul is saying I have reasons, but I don't use them Paul is trying to make the point that if human accomplishment means righteousness
Then he has nothing to worry about he can check the boxes This verse is a challenge by Paul if anyone thinks they're good with God I have even more reasons one commentator noted here of verses 4 through 7 to counteract the
Judaizers claim that certain ceremonies and rituals of Judaism were necessary for salvation
Paul described his own lofty attainments as a Jew which were greater than those his opponents could claim
But were of no benefit for salvation Remember the context of the letter in Paul encouraging the
Philippians to defend the gospel against opponents of the faith one could wrongly interpret this section as Paul boasting about his achievements in the context of Verses 7 through 11.
We see he's actually doing the opposite Let's read on from our passage this morning, but whatever things were gained to me
Those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ more than that I count all things to be lost because of the surpassing value of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord For whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them
But rubbish so that I may gain Christ and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own
Which is from the law but that which is through faith in Christ the Righteousness which is from God upon faith that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his
Sufferings being conformed to his death in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead
Paul is demonstrating that human achievements will never earn a personal salvation nor eternal life with God No matter how impressive
Paul did have impressive credentials. Did he not? I mean, let's review his resume.
He had the upbringing the nationality He had the family background inheritance check
Orthodoxy check he excelled in religious activity and certainly he could point to standards of morality in his living
Here's the thing his conversion to faith in Christ was not based on what he had done
His salvation was based on what God had done Specifically on God's grace
Paul is saying he did not depend on his deeds to please God Paul is saying he did not depend on these human achievements.
That's what a false teacher would say That's what false teachers say today Paul said no
Even his most impressive credentials fall short of God's holy standards
So let me ask you this morning And I don't see any young kids in here
I see a few But I want to think about this in the in the big term
So for the couple younger folks we have in here This matters to you.
This matters to you Let me put it like this are you depending on Christian parents to make you right with God That's an important thing to think about Are you depending on other people on their relationship with God to make you right with God?
Or how about for all of us? Are you depending on church affiliation to make you right with God?
Are you depending on being good to make you right with God? Amazing credentials human accomplishments or a moral reputation cannot earn salvation
Salvation comes only through faith in Christ alone not faith in Christ plus obedience
Look at verse 5 He says circumcised the eighth day of the nation of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin a
Hebrew of Hebrews as to the law a Pharisee Paul discussed heart circumcision early in verse 3
He is now referring to the physical act of circumcision in obedience to what God had commanded through the covenant he made with Abraham Genesis 17 11 and 12 you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins
And it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you he who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised
Paul says not just circumcised but on the eighth day He says
I'm an Israelite and the first to bring it all the way back to the beginning He's going to reference the
Mosaic Law, but he starts here and he says I go back to the beginning Circumcised and on the eighth day.
He says I'm a child of Abraham and and my observance Predates the
Mosaic Law. I mean look at what he's saying here This is a reference that he was not circumcised later as a
Jewish convert He was a Jew from birth and from the tribe of Benjamin Paul is a born descendant of Benjamin the second son born of Rachel Not the maidservant the tribes of Benjamin and Judah were part of the southern kingdom and they remained loyal to the
Davidic dynasty He is saying I can boast in my pure Jewish blood and Loyalty to the lineage of the king of Israel He is a
Hebrew of Hebrews meaning neither one of his parents were Gentiles and he retained the original language of his forefathers
Even though he was from Tarsus a Greek city he calls himself a
Hebrew and as to the law a Pharisee a strict obedience in legal status of obedience to the law
Paul can rightfully boast of his legal precision in the law and high status of zeal for the law he makes it clear if Opponents of the true
Christian faith want to bring an arguments of obedience to the law Then they can't stand next to him.
No one has more reason to have confidence in the flesh than Paul Paul's days as a
Pharisee Paul explained his association with the Pharisees in his defense before King Agrippa in the historical
Account in the Acts of the Apostles He says my manner of life from my youth
Spent from the beginning among my own nation and in Jerusalem is known by all all the Jews They have known for a long time if they are willing to testify that according to the strictest party of our religion
I have lived as a Pharisee Acts 26 as Paul points out he belongs to the tribe of Benjamin this was very important for bragging rights because heritage in the tribe of Benjamin was
Greatly esteemed among the Jews a couple of reasons in addition to the loyalty to the
Davidic line Israel's first King Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin Also the tribes of Benjamin and Judah were the only two tribes to return to Israel after the exile of the
Jews Paul explained that his Jewish credentials were impeccable Not only was he a
Benjaminite, but he was also a Pharisee Paul was part of the very devout
Jewish sect that kept to the laws of Moses and its own numerous rules in addition to the laws of Moses and He'll continue in verse 6
He says as to zeal a persecutor of the church as to the righteousness, which is in the law found blameless
When Paul explains his zeal for the law as a Pharisee, he's talking about an intense positive interest in something mainly the law and the traditions of Judaism Paul had a twisted zeal for God that put the main interest in the traditions of Judaism Not an intimate relationship with the father
Here's a supporting scripture thinking about Paul's zeal Paul explains this zeal and his persecution in Galatians chapter 1
For you have heard of my former life in Judaism how I persecuted the
Church of God violently and tried to destroy it and I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people so Extremely zealous was
I for the traditions of my father's? Yeah, he wasn't zealous for God or his relationship with with Yahweh as a
Jew He was zealous for the religion He was zealous for the traditions that men had stacked on top of the tradition the tradition and tradition and they were just making up rules and they were adding it to the
Mosaic Law and they were Following it down to the letter and it produced in them a false confidence in spiritual pride
He was a persecutor of the church someone who harasses others
Especially because of their beliefs. He was an harasser of God's people
Paul says if possible he attained righteousness under the law Remember Paul is not saying he actually attained righteousness
We need to remind ourselves Paul is Lowering himself to the low standards in false confidence of spiritual pride of the
Judaizers They were the ones that were Jewish converts who were demanding people adhere to the
Restrictions of the Old Testament the right of circumcision and if you didn't you cannot be saved
Paul is lowering himself to them to give them this challenge The Judaizers are deceived in promoting righteousness through obedience
He is saying if they want to play that game I can play it better if they want to play the obedience to the law game
I win no in the immediate context Paul makes his point to the Philippians that his
Righteousness is found in Christ. Look again at verses 8 and 9
More than that I count all things to be lost because of the surpassing value of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and Count them but rubbish so that I may gain
Christ and be found in him Not having a righteousness of my own which is from the law
But that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness which is from God upon faith
But in verse 6 he's pointing out how foolish the opponents of the Gospels grace really are they put confidence in their works and It is a false confidence
Paul says if righteousness and the law were possible then he would have it He is referring to the quality or characteristic of upright behavior uprightness or righteousness specifically uprightness as determined by divine legal standards
Imagine the false spiritual pride of false teachers who add obedience to justification and salvation they promote human attainment of divine righteousness by living up to God's legal standards of uprightness as If they are blameless or faultless under the
Mosaic law Paul says if it were possible like these dogs claim then
I would leave them in the dust But Paul says no He says it's all a loss in verse 7
John MacArthur is helpful here MacArthur writes this To counteract the Judaizers claim that certain ceremonies and rituals of Judaism were necessary for salvation
Paul described his own lofty attainments as a Jew which were greater than those his opponents could claim
But were of no benefit for salvation to the Jew Zeal was the highest single virtue of religion
It combines love and hate because Paul loved Judaism He hated whatever might threaten it
Paul refers to the standard of righteous living advocated by God's law Paul outwardly kept this so that no one could accuse him of violation
Obviously his heart was sinful and self -righteous. He was not an Old Testament believer
But a proud and lost legalist Because Paul was a devout
Jewish leader He had persecuted the church He agreed with the leaders of the religious establishment of the day
Because of his false confidence in spiritual pride Paul had thought that Christianity was heretical and blasphemous
Jesus did not meet Paul's expectation of what the Messiah should be like Like many other
Spiritually dead religious leaders Paul had assumed that Jesus's claims were false Like many of his pharisaical counterparts.
He accused Jesus and his disciples of wickedness Like many of the religious authorities and their unquenchable thirst for power
He had seen Christianity as a political nuisance The Pharisees thought Jesus threatened to disrupt the tenuous balance between the
Roman government and the Jewish rulers and Then Paul continues in verse 7
But whatever things were gained to me Those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ Paul says the gain is a loss
Because it did not come from Christ He now renounces every human achievement of obedience that he just listed in verses 4 through 6
Christ spoke about the cost of discipleship in Luke 14 when he said so therefore anyone of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple and In this immediate context the
Lord is referring to physical possessions So let's keep it in the context physical possessions
But there's something else going on here think about this as an example the false pride of human achievement
In the same section Jesus said this in Luke 14 He says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple
For which of you desiring to build a tower does not first sit down and count the cost whether he has enough to complete it
Otherwise when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish all who see it begin to mock him saying this man began to build and was not able to finish or What King going out to encounter another king in war will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with?
10 ,000 to meet him who comes against him with 20 ,000 and If not while the other is yet a great way off.
He sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace So therefore any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple
There is a strong implication in this passage that holding on to possessions or earthly accomplishments produces pride as one commentator notes on Luke 14 common sense teaches men not to begin any costly work without first seeing that they have
Wherewithal to finish and he who does otherwise exposes himself to general ridicule Nor will any wise ruler enter on a war with any hostile power without first seeing to it that despite formidable odds two to one
He may be able to stand his ground And if he has no hope of this he will feel that nothing remains for him
But to make the best terms he can in this simple sense of the parable two things are taught number one
Better not begin than begin and not finish and number two Though the contest for salvation be on our part an awfully unequal one the human will in the exercise of that faith
With which overcomes the world and nerved by power from above which out of weakness makes it strong Becomes heroical and will come off more than conqueror but without Absolute surrender of self the contest is
Hopeless and that's what Paul is talking about here He counts all his earthly accomplishments as a loss
Paul is saying I Absolutely surrender myself to Christ.
This is the opposite of false confidence in spiritual pride surrendering yourself to Christ and Renouncing all that you have attained produces true confidence a true confidence that is devoid of spiritual pride in one's own achievements a true confidence that boasts only in Christ's achievements a true confidence because it because it is based on the
Gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ Paul says here I once thought these things were valuable
But now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done
It's clear from verse 7 that when Paul spoke of those things he was referring to his credentials
Whatever gain he had meaning credits and successes Paul wanted to show that he could beat the
Judaizers in their confidence in the flesh They were proud of who they were and what they had done
Paul listed his own achievements to show how ridiculous that is He warned the
Philippians and this warning stands for all of us this morning Be careful of considering your past achievements
So important that they get in the way of your relationship with Christ Two critical observations about spiritual pride obedience to the law does not produce righteousness and number two human achievement is nothing compared to the glories of Christ human achievement is nothing compared to the glories of Christ One way to think about this.
I once heard a man preach that Described his own false confidence in spiritual pride and one of the things that's dangerous here for us as believers
Is that it can hurt our testimony to unbelievers? and so I was at Chapel at the
Master's Seminary and a speaker had come to preach to us that morning and This person was a well -known theologian.
He was a elder at Grace Community Church He was a professor at the seminary he had a lot of degrees and credentials and He was relaying this as he was preaching his sermon and he told this story to all of us men who were training to be
Pastors and this is the story that he told he was going off to preach at a conference being a theologian
Often there are invited to speak at conferences So he was going out of town to go speak at this conference a prestigious conference
And so he lands at the airport gets in the car. He's gonna go straight to the conference He's all dressed up in his suit, you know, this guy is an established
You know trained seasoned vet essentially bachelors of theology master of divinity
THM masters in theology Demon doctor in ministry Dean of students director of grace advance all of these, you know titles and things
And so as he's getting in the car to go to the conference The driver asks him.
Oh who you know, who are you and what why where are you going? And so he starts telling him all about who he is.
I'm this I do this I'm this position. This is what I'm all about.
I'm going here. I've been invited to speak here and then he's Delivered to the place he gets out of the car.
Thanks the driver very cordial exchange and he's telling us this story So here's this preacher and he said that when he was walking up to the event he was suddenly gripped
With like a terror. He was deeply deeply just deeply convicted by the
Holy Spirit and he had realized in that exchange That he had communicated his credentials and what he was there to do
But he had not asked the person if he knew Christ he had not shared the gospel and As he was telling us this story was overwhelmed with emotion and tears were in his eyes
And he says all the credentials the demon the THN and this and that he said it's all a farce
So I didn't even share the gospel I even asked him about Christ I didn't even bring up my
Lord Jesus and I'm going to a Bible conference to go talk about Jesus I can't even the
Lord basically gave him this opportunity It's like a slow -pitch softball.
It's like t -ball. He just it's all he has to do is hit it he didn't even add he didn't even talk about the gospel with the guy a
False confidence in spiritual pride based on human achievement robs Christ of his glory and it hurts our our witness as believers
We must not put our hope in our own works That produces a false confidence in spiritual pride
We must put our hope in the Lord Jesus Christ a true confidence that is devoid of pride a
True confidence devoid of pride is based on the gospel and as believers.
We need to remember these truths every day True confidence is based on the gospel
Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses Let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely and let us run with endurance the race
That is set before us looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith
Who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and he's seated at the right hand of the throne of God the
Lamb will conquer for he is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings and those with him are called and chosen and faithful But as for you flee sin pursue righteousness godliness faith love steadfastness gentleness
Fight the good fight of the faith Take hold of the eternal life to which you are called
Until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ Which God will display at the proper time?
He who is blessed and only sovereign the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords to him be honor and eternal dominion
Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard Lest we drift away from it for since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable and every
Transgression or disobedience received a just retribution. How shall we escape if we neglect such a great?
Salvation it was declared at first by the Lord and it was attested to us by the gospel writers
While God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by the gifts of the
Holy Spirit Distributed according to his will the founder of salvation
For it was not to angels that God subjected the world to come of which we are speaking
Now in putting everything in subjection to him he left nothing outside of his control at present
We do not yet see everything in subjection to him But we see him for a little while was made lower than the angels namely
Jesus crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of Death so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone
For it was fitting that he for whom and by whom all things exist in Bringing many sons to glory should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering
For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood he himself likewise partook of the same things that through death
He might destroy the one who has the power of death. That is the devil And deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery
For surely it is not the angels that he helps, but he helps all believers
Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect So that he might become a merciful and faithful High priest in the service of God to make a legally accepted down payment for the sins of the people
That's the gospel That's what we need to put our confidence in not human achievement in verse verses 1 through 7
Paul makes two critical observations about spiritual pride so that you can Avoid succumbing to false teaching about legalism and and legalism as a means of salvation or spiritual growth obedience to the law does not produce righteousness and Human achievement is nothing compared to the glories of Christ At the conclusion of the article what is legalism and why is it dangerous to your faith the author says this
The Pharisees and scribes had begun to see themselves as more important Than they actually were their actions became a show and not an expression of their heart
Just like every decision we make has consequences. So does the choice to become legalistic?
Unfortunately, the negative consequences far outweigh the good for churches This train of thought could lead to a shrinking fellowship and even the splitting of the church when we begin to impose our personal preferences on others, we walk a fine line as Humans, we are not going to agree on everything
Non -essential doctrines and rules can cause some to leave a church running What I believe to be the most tragic consequence of legalism is that churches and individuals fail to accomplish
God's purpose There is an outward expression, but no inward change
Our hearts are not turned to God and his will for our lives Tully and chavitian the grandson of Billy and Ruth Graham says this
Legalism says God will love us if we change The gospel says
God will change us because he loves us God will change our hearts and the hearts of others we can't impose our rules and expect one's heart to turn for God as Paul exhorts in verse 3
May we worship in the Spirit of God and put no confidence in the flesh
Let's pray Heavenly Father.
We are grateful God for our salvation We acknowledge that it is from you
God we ask for your help this morning as we consider these very convicting exhortations from Paul May we not be those that have a false confidence in spiritual pride?
God in heaven we praise your name. We give you all glory and honor. We praise you in the in the highest heaven.
I Reminder that we put no confidence in our fleshly accomplishments and that we can boast in your work of salvation
We can boast in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We can glory in Christ and glory in the gospel
That our hope isn't based on any confidence in the flesh But as Paul says that we worship by the
Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus And we put no confidence in the flesh God, thank you so much for this passage this morning
Thank you God for helping us to remember the wonderful truths of the gospel message That we were not saved or justified before you by adding anything to your free gift of grace
That we would have faith in the Son in your only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ God that we are saved by faith alone in Christ alone not by adding anything to the cross of Christ lest we add to his works
So thank you God for this teaching this morning. I pray that you help us put it into our hearts help us to recognize
False teachers as those that reveal themselves to have a distorted version of the gospel
Where they would claim that obedience and the faith is necessary for justification And we don't have salvation unless we add good works to your act of justification
I pray that in your perfect timing you would reveal these false teachers in our contemporary setting and that you would reveal that to your people
I Pray that you use these verses in The sermon and the preaching of your word this morning to reveal to anyone that is here this morning if they are under the influence
Of a false teacher someone who is popular and charismatic who says many of the right things But God who is false in their heart and is in error in their teaching about the true gospel
I thank you for Paul's example that he puts no confidence in the flesh Despite having an amazing pedigree and God even compared to the false teachers having a reason to have confidence in the flesh
But Paul says that those things and whatever he considered gain in his human achievement He counted as nothing that they were worthless compared to the work of Christ that he counted it all is lost for the sake of Jesus Christ God we love you and we give you thanks and praises this morning help us father to live our lives as an act of worship
To you and help us to put our trust in Jesus Christ alone and not in any of our human achievements
For your glory and the good of your people I pray in the mighty and awesome name that is above every name the Lord Jesus Christ.