Did I Help Kill Her Baby?

Apologia Utah iconApologia Utah

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Dusty Marshall from Apologia Utah gives a brief explanation of being an accomplice to murder. Have you ever driven someone to an Abortion Mill? Do you think that it is okay to do that? Please watch this brief video to find out.


Consider this, you get a call one morning from your friend asking you if you'd drive him to commit a bank robbery.
You wanting to be a good friend and needing some extra money decide why not. So you drive him to the bank, they commit the robbery, they come out and as soon as they come out the police swarm, they arrest you and them.
Because you're the driver, you knew exactly what was going on, you're just as culpable as they are. Now let's apply this to abortion.
Consider your friend calls you one morning saying, I need you to give me a ride to the abortion mill. You wanting to be a good friend comply and you give your friend a ride to the abortion mill to kill her baby.
Afterwards, you both drive away, you fully knowing what has happened. And guess what?
One day you're going to have to stand before the eternal judge, almighty God, and give an account for your actions.
And because you knew, you are just as culpable as they are because guess what? God knows your heart and he must hold us accountable, all who commit murder.