FBC Morning Light (1/4/2025)


A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Speaker: Mike Gottemoller Music: “Awaken the Dawn” by Stanton Lanier https://www.stantonlanier.com CCLI #1760549


Good Saturday morning, people of faith.
This weekend we are reading Genesis 7 -10, and that, if you're familiar with Genesis 7 -10, deals with Noah and the flood and his sons and their wives and what happens after the flood and God's promise to never again flood the earth.
We're going to look at Genesis chapter 7 and then we're going to talk about some scientific evidence regarding to that.
So today's devotional will be a little bit different than what we normally do, but that's okay.
Chapter 7 and verse 17 begins, Now the flood was on the earth forty days.
The waters increased and lifted up the ark, and it rose high above the earth.
The waters prevailed and greatly increased on the earth, and the ark moved about on the surface of the waters.
And the waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth, and all the high hills under the whole heaven were covered.
The waters prevailed fifteen cubits upward, and the mountains were covered, and all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds and cattle and beasts and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth and every man, all in whose nostrils was the breath of the
Spirit of life. All that was on the dry land died. So he destroyed all living things which were on the face of the ground, both man and cattle, creeping thing and bird of the air.
They were destroyed from the earth. Only Noah and those who were with him in the ark remained alive.
And the waters prevailed on the earth one hundred and fifty days. Now if you were to go to a secular university and study this story from the secular university's perspective, they would try and convince you that this was a regional flood.
Maybe over a couple hundred miles where there was a deluge. And yet this flood was over all the earth, according to Scripture.
It's one area in which the world will try to chisel away at the foundation of our faith, which is the
Word of God. So what I wanted to talk about here for the next couple of minutes is just a couple of reasons why we should look at the flood as being a global flood.
First of all, God says that it's a global flood, and that really is enough and all that we need to believe that.
But we should also be able to look and say, if it were a global flood, what in fact would the geological evidence look like?
Now what I'm about to present is not a proof that the
Bible is true. That's not needed. The Bible is true, and since it is true, this is how things should look.
And then we can say, oh yeah, that is how things look. It matches up.
And it's a subtle but important distinction. All right, so first of all, on every continent that we have, all seven of them, there are very large, hundreds of feet thick deposits of sedimentary stone.
That means stone that was laid down through like sand or mud or different creatures, depositing things on the earth.
And so for example, there's the Tapeats Sandstone is the bottom layer of this sedimentary level in the
Grand Canyon, just above the Igneous Rock, which means it comes from the volcanoes.
All right, now this Tapeats Sandstone is called different things in different areas, but it covers much, if not most, or almost all of North America.
How could it be that you would get a sedimentary layer hundreds of feet thick over an entire continent unless the entire continent was covered in water, right?
And these types of things are true on every single continent. Now within that Tapeats Sandstone, that sandstone is, if you look closely at the grains of sand within it, they are sharp.
What difference would that make? Well, if you've ever been to the beach and gone beachcombing and you've picked up a piece of sea glass, a piece of glass that's been in the ocean for a little while, you don't ever have to worry about cutting yourself on that piece of glass.
Why? Because the edges have been smoothed out and rounded out and there's essentially no way you could cut yourself on a piece of sea glass unless you broke it fresh and did it.
Well, the sandstone, the little particles of sand within the sandstone in the
Tapeats Sandstone is sharp. What does that mean? It means it didn't spend a lot of time under the water getting rolled around and rustled around to be smoothed out, right?
And so this was a transcontinental deposit that was laid down very quickly as if there were a flood.
Of course, there is a flood or there was a flood. Now, if you go to the
Grand Canyon, there will be signs that will tell you as you go down, this rock is this many hundreds of thousands or millions of years old, yet within the different rock layers, there's one thing you don't generally ever find between the rock layers and that's an erosion or where a plant has grown into the ground and laid its roots down into a different rock layer.
Well, why? How could that be? Well, it would be that way if all of those layers were laid down in a relatively short amount of time where the where plants were not allowed to, did not have time to grow from one layer into the next, where things like worms weren't able to tunnel down into the rock, right?
That's exactly what you would expect to see if, in fact, there were a flood.
And I am saying to you that the Word of God says the flood was global and we should have confidence therefore, not because the science says so, but because the
Word of God says so. And as we look at science objectively, it matches what the
Word of God says. And that's a very important distinction. Let's take a moment and let's pray and thank
God for the evidence He's given of what He has done.
Lord, as we look back at your Word and how things were done according to your
Word, it's very clear that there was a flood that covered all of the earth as you have said that it has been done.
Help us to place our trust not in the science that shows the Word of God to be true, but rather in the
Word of God that allows us to have the foundation for science in order for the science to be effective in our lives.
Lord, thank you for all that you've done, including sending your Son to die in our place.
It's in your Son's precious name that we pray. Amen. Have an excellent day, people of faith.