Hebrews 2:14-18 | The Purpose of the Incarnation | Hypostatic Union | Overcoming Temptation


June 20, 2021 sermon at Covenant Reformed Baptist Church in Tullahoma, TN, Pastor Jeff Rice Hebrews sermons playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8sIrq0gsadTndjGu3dBznMGKYtIAWjyd


You have your Bibles We're going to be in Hebrews chapter 2 verses 14 through 18
Hebrews chapter 2 verses 14 through 18 pray with me father. Oh Lord my
God I stand before you today Coming to you by faith in Jesus Christ asking for your spirit
Lord you have filled me with your spirit and I ask you now to stir that spirit calls me to To speak as your man
Lord Preaching is theology on fire
Lord help me to to teach your word today Lord to to speak forth your truth and Not in just a way of stating facts
Well, but by the power of your Holy Spirit, I love you
I'm among people who love you Lord, please Forgive us of our sins and help us to To take in what you have for us this day in Christ's name
Amen All right, everybody turn to your neighbor and say no, I'm just playing don't ever do that.
Okay, don't ever do that So the context from last week
So last week we looked at Hebrews Chapter 2 we considered verses 10 through 13 and we saw the the theme was the covenant of redemption and we looked at that the the outline was
Trinitarian and we saw that point number one point number two and point number three had to do with The the work of God in Trinity So we had the the first point was the work of the father and we saw that Through the covenant of redemption the work of the father was that God in times past in eternity past Had planned to send his son into time so God planned in time to send his son and the work of the son was to be made perfect through suffering that his son was to be to be born of a virgin a son was to come into the world that the
Creator would enter the creation and That he would suffer and in doing so he would bring many sons to glory that he would accomplish the plan of the father and the the third point was the confirmation of the
Spirit and in this I showed how the Spirit through the writer of Hebrews was pointing back to Psalm 22 and also in Isaiah 8
Confirming that it was Jesus speaking through the psalmist and through Isaiah and this week our theme is the purpose of the incarnation our timeless truth for this day is that is this the
Incarnation listen, the incarnation is the greatest thing that has ever happened to humanity
The incarnation is the greatest thing that has ever Happened to humanity whether you accept it or not
Heaven has sent to us its champion Heaven has sent to us its champion.
Heaven has nothing else to offer us Think about it if heaven if if heaven was to open up and send us something else
It would not compare to what has already sent us Jesus Christ Born of a virgin suffered under the hands of Pontius Pilate lived a life
We could not live died the death that we deserve to die Was raised from the dead on the third day who was ascended into the heavens who is seated at the right hand of the father
Who is making intercessory and prayer? It has nothing else to offer us.
It has sent to us its champion So I pose a question Why should you listen to me?
My answer is this because after today's message You will know the power of the gospel and the mercy of God in your life this portion of text is going to show you the power of God and the mercy of God in Your life read with me, please our text
Hebrews 2 14 through 18 better start that since therefore the children share in flesh and blood
He himself likewise part took in the same things That through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the devil and Deliver all those who through fear of death were subjected to lifelong slavery
For surely it's not angels that he helps But he helps the offspring of Abraham therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God to make
Propitiation for the sins of the people For because he himself has suffered when tempted he is able to help those who are being tempted
In our outline today, we will see the purpose and the benefits behind the incarnation the purpose and the benefits
Point number one we will look at how he destroyed the devil So point number one to destroy the devil
He came to destroy the devil point number two to deliver from death and lifelong slavery
Point number three to satisfy the justice of God and point number four to give the ability to overcome
Temptation and to point number four. We should all say has given us the ability to overcome temptation now as we transition one more time before we leave chapter two
I want to just just kind of hone in on on the hot on the incarnation Which is the theological term for this is called the hypostatic
Union the hypostatic Union It's it's basically that Jesus is the
Christ the Son of the Living God So the hypostatic Union is so we looked last week for a for a minute at the doctrine of the
Trinity We talked about how there's one God and then this one God is one being the what?
The what is one God one being with the three who's is the three persons Father Son and Holy Spirit.
So in this one God in this one being of God They all share in the same essence nature and name
Yahweh They father son and Holy Spirit. The father is
Theos. The father is Yahweh The son is Yahweh the Holy Spirit is Yahweh, but yet they are three in person three in person one in nature
Three in person. This is what we God who we worship And so when you look at the incarnation you have the one person who is
Jesus Christ, but in this one person Jesus Christ there is two natures
The humanity and the divinity so in this one person
Jesus Christ He is fully human and yet he is fully
God he is fully divine So we have one person
Two natures that is Jesus Christ the hypostatic Union the Jesus is the
Christ He is the Son of the Living God. He is God himself
God has revealed to us who he is through the person of Jesus Christ Yet he was born of a virgin
He was an infinite one time the
Creator entered creation infinite became finite So that's when we're over here discussing the incarnation the hypostatic
Union. This is what we're talking about This is why we gather together and celebrate Christmas. We celebrate the incarnation
God becoming man The way your hand fills a glove imagine your hand going into a glove the way your hand fills a glove
God filled a human body In the person of Jesus Christ, so our first point today is a purpose
So the first point is to destroy the devil he came with a purpose to destroy the devil look with me
Hebrews 2 14 Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood he himself
Likewise partook in the same things that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the devil
I Don't care what translation you read that in and I don't care if you bring out the
Greek that's what it says This is there's no hidden meaning here The incarnation of Jesus his death barrel resurrection was to destroy the devil
It's where it says since therefore the children we went through this last week.
How does one become a children a child of God? Answer if you know, how does one become a child of God by faith?
by faith John chapter 1 verses 11 through 12 talks about Jesus when he came into the world
He came to his own speaking of the Jeeves, but his own did not receive him But to all who did receive them to them.
He gave the right to become Children of God even to his own people the way that way that they had to receive him was by faith by faith
So the only way that you can become a child of God is by receiving
Jesus Christ by faith and again This points to the covenant of redemption
God sending his son to save a people The people are to be the children of God these people will be those
Who believe in Jesus Christ It's it's really simple, isn't it in order to accomplish this purpose of salvation
God the son likewise partook in the same things meaning flesh and blood meaning
Jesus had to take on another nature See he's always been the son of God He is eternal
God He is eternal deity. He had to take on humanity
But in him taking on humanity It wasn't a mixed so the two did not get together and mix like if you pour water and soda and they mix together
He was fully God fully human and the two natures do not mix
He is not half God and half human. This is not a demigod. He is fully
God and Now in our text it reveals to us the first purpose
That through his death he might destroy the one who has the power of death
That is the devil. I turn you turn your attention with me real quick to the gospel of John chapter 12
So here we have the triumphant entry Jesus is is declaring who he is.
He's a he's about to go to the cross and He speaks about the
Son of Man must be lifted up If you look at verse 27, we're going to read to verse 36
John chapter 12 verse 27 Jesus says now my soul troubled
And what shall I say father save me from this hour But for this purpose
I have come to this hour speaking of the crucifixion father glorify your name
Then a voice came from heaven I have glorified it and I will glorify it again
The crowd that stood there heard and said that it had thundered others said an angel has spoken to him
Jesus answered the voice that came was for your sake not mine Now judgment has come now the judgment of the world
Now is the judgment of the world, excuse me now the ruler of this world be cast out and I when
I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to myself And he said this to show by what kind of death he was to die read verse 21 but 31 women again.
He says now is the judgment of the world Jesus then On his way to go into the cross.
He's about he's a week away from being crucified He says now is the judgment of the world now then 27 30
AD now then 30 AD The ruler of this world will be cast out and I when
I am lifted up from the earth Speaking of his crucifixion, I will draw all people to myself.
He says that he will draw all people to himself We have here we have the
Creator being made a little lower than the angels Suffered in death and was made perfect therein
He was crowned with glory and honor was given the world to put it into subjection to hypotossil it
It was through the death that he was to die that would that would bring judgment upon the world and It was at the cross.
It was the cross that was the catapult that cast out Satan and all this is pointing us back to Genesis chapter 3 verse 15, the the the promise that God gave to the serpent the promise that God gave to Satan that one was going to come from the offspring of the woman and with his heel
He would bruise his head and while doing so he would only bruise his heel So Genesis is referring to us that this crucifixion that would take place of Christ was nothing more than a bruised heel for the
Messiah It's speaking of Jesus being lifted up on that cross lifted up from the earth
That the devil had power over the world to keep the world from coming to God but through this one sacrificial act
Jesus being lifted up. He was going to draw all men to himself point number two is a
Benefit this is what you get from this Point number two to deliver up to deliver from death and lifelong slavery verse 15 and to deliver all those
Who through fear of death? Were subjected to lifelong slavery now this text also reveals a purpose, but the purpose is a benefit and In fact it is pointed to like it's connected to the first one
Let me see if I can knit this together for you So if you look back at verse 14 the one who has the power of death the the the power of death
I believe So in my study in my rack in my brain am
I going through the scriptures I believe the power of death is temptation The power of death is temptation now if you look at James chapter 1
James chapter 1 verses 13 through 15 it says this Let no one say when he is tempted.
I am being tempted by God For God cannot be tempted with evil and he himself
Tempts no one but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed listen by his own evil desires then desires when is conceives gives birth to sin and Sin when it is fully grown brings forth death
So whenever you're tempted you're tempted by your own evil desires
You might not be tempted by my evil desires because we're two different people Your evil desire might not tempt me at all.
You're tempted by your own evil desires So whatever it is that you desire this evil desire that is in you that tempts you if you give in to it
It's sin. That's what it's saying. It's seeing and if you live in that sin it
Produces death and it says that he came to deliver us from the power of death
The power of death, so I believe that it's temptation we hit we have here we have
The devil uses our desires when he tempts us If you remember 1st
John chapter 2 1st John chapter 2 introduces us to the three ways that each and every part each and every one of us are tempted so so Satan has
Three tools in his tool belt and it's the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life lust of the flesh lust of the eyes and the pride of life
So we have like if you go back to Adam, let's just go back to Adam real quick So we have Adam sin first lust of the flesh this this fruit, whatever it was
Was good for the eyes. I mean it was good for the flesh You know if you eat it it feeds your flesh it's good for the flesh, right
So we have the lust of the flesh and then we have the lust of the eyes this fruit Whatever it was was pleasing to their eyes like they look at it and they desired it
Then we have the pride of life and we go back to Genesis chapter 3 and we can see that this fruit
Satan tells them that if you eat it, it will make you like God It would make you wise which enters into the pride of life
And so we have this one sin that Adam fell into that brought death
That brought forth death. So Romans 5 verse 12 says this therefore
Just as Jesus came into the world through I mean just as sin came into the world through one man talking about Adam and death through sin
So death spread to all men because all have sinned
Alex when you and I were born brother, we were born dead in our trespasses and sins, right?
And listen, so is every one of you So is my sweet little baby that was just born back there along with his brother along with a sister and along with your children
Because of what Adam did You and I are born separated from God We're born in sin
The Bible is clear. We Are trespasses and sins have
Enslaved us it has hypotosoled us. It has subjected us
We are enslaved to this nature that we're born with And as we read and study scripture we see the
Bible is clear that the soul that sins that you and I will die Is that the fountain
Ezekiel 18? We see in Romans chapter 6 verse 23. It says that the wages of sin is death
The wages of sin is death if you ever wonder why you die, let me tell you
Because the wages of sin is death I'm gonna die and when
I die God's gonna give me my paycheck for my sinning He's gonna say here paid in full
Your death that is your wages for your sin Each and every one of us we earn our wages.
We're gonna earn our death We are working our way to our death how my sinning
Even as a Christian If you say you have no sin
You make God out to be a liar and the truth is not in you first John chapter 2
I mean first John chapter 1 verse 11 13
You make him out to be a liar We're sinful, but that verse goes on to say but the free gift of God is eternal life
You do not earn eternal life, but you have earned your death sentence So yes, every one of us will die, but Jesus listen to this.
He came to remove the fear of death He came to remove the fear of death
Jesus whenever we have Lazarus dying and John chapter 11 and So we have
Lazarus Has died he's waited four days and he comes and before he raises
Lazarus Lazarus sister Martha approaches him and asking him, you know, you know
Talking about she believed in the resurrection of the life. They believed in him She wished that he was here earlier to help
Lazarus. Jesus says to her verse 25 So verses 25 through 26.
He says Jesus said to her I am speaking of himself. I Am the resurrection and the life
Whoever believes in me though. He died Yet shall he live and everyone who believes in me
Shall never die. Do you believe this? So we have here if you believe in Christ you shall never die now is this talking about physical death
No But it's talking about a spiritual death and an eternal death those who believe in Christ those who have their faith in Christ if I right now was to fall over and die
I wish I hope I get to finish the sermon first if you have what's happened if I was to fall over and die Before my body hits the ground my
I will be dancing where angels tread I'll be in the presence of a holy holy holy
God and Listen as much as my children would want me back once I got into the presence of God.
I would not want to come back I would not want to be back here Because it is if I'm like I've never died we gained something great
Look at 1st Corinthians 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 54 through 57
This right here is speaking about the resurrection of the day. Remember as when I was reading earlier
I said we believe in the resurrection of the dead This is when the perishable puts on Imperishable and the mortal puts on Immortality then shall come to pass the saying that is written death.
Where is your victory? Oh Death, where is your victory? Oh death
Where is your sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law
But thanks be to God Who gives us who's he talking about here?
Who's the us those who have their faith in Christ who gives us the victory through our
Lord? Jesus Christ as we transition
If you are in Christ, listen to me death It's not something you should fear
You should not fear death Now you should not fear death brother. You should not fear death
But what you should fear is not living your life for him If you're in Christ, you should fear not living your life for him not dying
If you tie you're gonna be in his presence You should fear not living your life for him now.
That's what you should fear. That's what I fear You know, I hear people all the time talking, you know telling me all the things that I've done my man you don't know me
Enough I want to live for this
Jesus who gave his life for me I won't when
I die for my children to say, you know, he wasn't You know, he might not have been the best day
He might not been the best this but he lived for God He truly believed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and he lived for God That could be that's the greatest thing that can ever be said of me
By my children who see me all the time who knows my flaws My wife who knows my flaws
Yeah, he might not rub my head I'm talking as if I'm her he might not have patted me on my head every time
I cry But he lived for Jesus Christ He repented his faith was in Christ Point number three is a purpose
Another purpose why Christ came was to satisfy the justice of God Hebrews 2 16 through 17
Says for surely it is not angels that he helps right
God did not become an angel to die for angels, but he came a man and he died for a man But surely it is not angels that he helps but he helps the offspring of Abraham therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect so that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest and the service of God to make propitiation for the sins of the people
So trick question Who are the children of Abraham is
It the Israelites those is it the Israelites physical is
Hebrew Israelites or is it those who have received Jesus Christ by faith?
answer Yes Yes, it's both the children of Abraham it's both there's no other way around it it's both
And I'm gonna prove both real quick so Galatians chapter 3
Verse 5 through 9 if I can find it
Galatians 3 verse 5 through 9 Does he who supply the
Spirit to you and work miracles among you do so by works of the law?
or by hearing with faith Just as Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness know then that it is those of faith who are the children who are sons of Abraham and The Scriptures foreseeing that God would justify the
Gentiles. That's me and you by faith He preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham saying all the nations
In you shall all the nations be blessed so then Those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham the man of faith
Listen, you go back to Genesis chapter 12 Genesis chapter 12 you have God preaching to Abraham the gospel.
Why did God preach to Abraham the gospel? Because the Gentiles are going to come to faith because I mean you
Me and you why did he preach to him then? foreseeing that the
Gentiles will receive him by faith. He preaches the gospel to Abraham We are not a byproduct.
We are not an afterthought a plan B. Oh his people rejected him Let's figure this out
We're not dispensational This is not a plan
B. It would say purpose So it's clear those who are of faith are children of Abraham But also in this letter it is this letter that we're reading
Hebrews is written to the Hebrews The actual title for this book originally was to the
Hebrews Not to Gentiles to the
Hebrews Jesus came from the tribe of Judah of the line of King David So we cannot let this truth go missing whatever we do
We cannot forget. This is truth. The answer is yes both those who have faith in Christ and the natural descendant
Israelite Hebrews are children of Abraham one by faith one by birth
Jesus addresses them still speaking of the of the Hebrews. He addresses them as children and His brothers in verses 12 13 and 14, but listen not because of the fact that they're
Hebrews So right here in verse 12 chapter 2 verse 12 13 and 14
He addresses them as children and brothers not on the fact the basis of them being
Hebrews But on the basis of them having faith in Jesus Christ But in verse 17 that we're at right now verse 17 where it says
Like his brothers he had to be made like his brothers this is speaking of the of the fact of Jesus Christ coming as an
Israelite as a Hebrew with the purpose of becoming a merciful high priest and to make propitiation verse 17 again
Therefore he had to be made like his brothers. This is speaking physical Israelite a
Hebrew in every respect so that he might become a merciful high priest
In order to be a high priest you had to be a what an Israelite He had to become an
Israelite. He had to be a Hebrew in order to become a merciful high priest and the service of God to so the purpose was to be a high -priest the benefit was to make propitiation to make propitiation for our sins
So again, he had to be made lower Then he had to be made like his brothers a little lower than the angels for two reasons
And as we've been in chapter 2, I don't know if you've noticed this but it keeps on giving us two reasons
Like every time I've preached it's given us two reasons why this has had this has had to happen
Just to do a little review verses 9 versus 6 and 9 It was to subject the world to come and to taste death for everyone verses 10 and 13 it was to make the founder of our salvation perfect through suffering and To sanctify the children of God his brothers verses 14 and 15 to destroy the devil and to deliver from death and lifelong slavery
And in verse 17, he is to satisfy the justice of God and he does so by becoming a high priest and making propitiation
Notice this Each one of this is a purpose and a benefit
The purpose I'm gonna list the purpose first the purpose to subject the world to come to make the founder of our salvation
Perfect through suffering to destroy the devil to satisfy the justice of God Every one of these is dealing with his crucifixion the benefits
To taste death for everyone to make to satisfy the to sanctify the children of God and his brothers to deliver from from death and slavery and to deliver from death and lifelong slavery, but by becoming the high priest and making propitiation
It's still each one of them pointing to the cross of Christ but the cross of Christ had two purposes it was to destroy the
The works of the devil who was enslaving us who kept us from coming to Christ and by him doing so His act of obedience now causes all people you and I to be made to be set free
He has tasted death for us. He he has sanctified the children of God those who believe in him
He has destroyed death The he has destroyed death the temptation of death and the lifelong slavery and he has done so by becoming a high priest
It just it all comes together so the cross has its purpose but it also gives the benefit in our
Old Testament the primary purpose of the high priest was to serve as a representative and Mediate between people in Yahweh So the people could not be in the presence of Yahweh So the high priest once a year would go into the
Holy of Holies. He would sacrifice for unintentional sins of himself and he would sacrifice for unintentional sins of his brothers and he would go into the
Holy of Holies and He would meet with God. He would make the sacrifice He was our mediator he was our
Representative he is what brought people and Yahweh together so the high priest would go into the tent of meetings and he would meet with God a second
Timothy you don't have to turn there, but listen to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verses 5 and 6
This is dealing with the work of the high priest saying for there is only one God and there is one
Mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all
Which is the testimony given at the proper time? This is saying there's no longer any need for it earthly high priest
You don't need someone Sacrificing a lamb and going into the Holy of Holies and sprinkling blood on the
Ark of the Covenant Why because Jesus is our mediator There's only one mediator not the high priest the the physical descendants of Aaron who are the
Levitical priesthood not them, but Jesus Christ and listen Catholics not
Mary Listen Mormons not Joseph Smith listen Jehovah's Witnesses not
Charles Taze Russell Listen Seventh -day Adventist not Ellen J.
White Jesus Christ alone is the mediator between God and man
We don't need anything else. All we need. It's Christ There's one mediator between God and man the man
Jesus Christ So the service of the high priest was to make propitiation You remember
I think it was two weeks ago I explained in layman's turn what propitiation is and I said something like imagine if Trinity Was to kick her soccer ball into a neighbor's window and that window cost is 80 bucks
Trinity does not have 80 bucks So I reach into my pocket Pull out 80 bucks and pay
Her fine pay what she owes. She does not have 80 bucks that 80 bucks is the propitiation for her sin for her wrongdoing so I supplied the propitiation the people pitiation is just a payment for wrongdoing a
Payment for wrongdoing the high priest would go and make the payment for wrongdoing
Turn to Hebrews chapter 9 real quick verse 6 and 7 These which
I've already kind of touched on I just want you to sit in the scriptures these Preparations haven't been made
The priests would regularly go into the first section. So it's speaking of the holy place
Perform performing their ritual duties But into the second speaking of the
Holy of Holies only the high priest goes and he but once a year the
Day of Atonement and Not without taking blood which he offers for himself and for the unintentional sins of the people so this when he would go into the the
The Holy of Holies the Ark of the Covenant the payment was blood so they would sacrifice a lamb and they would spill this lambs blood and the
Holy of Holies on what's called the the Ark of the Covenant that blood was the
Propitiation it was the payment for their wrongdoing the priest had to slaughter the lamb and put the blood on There as we transition the purpose and the benefit of the incarnation
Jesus being born of a woman under the law so that he as high priest the mediator between God and man can make propitiation his his him being the mediator him being the high priest he is both the sacrifice and The one who sacrifices
Jesus gave himself up for us. He became sin He who knew no sin became sin
He goes into the the Holy of Holies in heaven and he offers the sacrifice
So what we see on earth, you know through the Gospels we see on earth
Christ being crucified But if you read the book of Revelations, it has a lamb being slaughtered
Jesus is the lamb that was slaughtered. He is our propitiation, but the Bible calls him the high priest and he's the sacrifice
He's both His a mediation work deals with him being the high priest and the sacrifice
He's not only the one who supplies the the propitiation. He is the propitiation.
He is the payment Benefit Last point is the
To give the ability to overcome sin. Listen, this is a benefit
Hebrews 2 18 for because He himself has suffered when tempted he is able to help those who are being tempted
So we have Jesus as God the second person of the
Trinity cannot die Jesus as God the second person of the Trinity cannot die
Jesus as God the second person of the Trinity cannot be tempted He cannot be tempted Jesus as God second person of the
Trinity cannot be tempted That's according to James chapter 1 verse 13.
God cannot be tempted but Jesus as The one person who took on another nature
Jesus as the incarnation Jesus as the Christ the Son of the Living God Who has two natures humanity and divinity did die and Was tempted by dying he makes atonement for our sins and by living he undergoes
Temptation and by by undergoing temptation he is able to help those who are tempted
Just real quick if you turn to Matthew chapter 4 I'm almost out of time
Matthew chapter 4 Matthew chapter 4 gives us the temptation
Jesus in As he's being tempted It says Jesus was led by the Spirit to go into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil
After fasting 40 days and 40 nights He was hungry and the tempter speaking of Jesus came to him and said if you are the
Son of God Command these stones to become bread Command these stones to become loaves of bread.
What is that? lust of the flesh Lust of the flesh. He's hungry.
He wants to eat. There's nothing wrong with him eating But it's the lust of the flesh he tempts him with the lust of the flesh where Adam failed
Christ didn't But he answered it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God then the devil took him to the holy place and he said him in the pinnacle of the temple and he said to him if you are the
Son of God throw yourself down as For it is written.
He will command his angels concerning you and their hands they will Bear you up least you strike your foot against the stone
Which one is that? We have the lust of flesh lust of the eyes and the pride of life.
It's the pride of life He tempts him with the pride of life Listen what Jesus says
Jesus said to him it is written You should not put the Lord to the test And again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world
And their glory and he said to him all these I will give you if you fall down and worship me
And Jesus said to him be gone Satan for it is written. You shall love the Lord your God and worship Him and only worship
Him Which one was that? We have the lust of the eye
Lust of the flesh lust the eyes and pride of life. So this has to be the lust of the eyes. He saw the kingdoms
Jesus came for the kingdoms He was tempted with the kingdoms
He came for the kingdoms. There's nothing wrong with him having the kingdoms He is
That's why it talks about him undergoing every sin that we've Undergo it's because there's only three tools in the tool belt of Satan.
There's only three Lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life
Christ was successful where Adam failed the Genesis of the fall is where Adam fell
The Genesis of the new birth the new creation is where Christ was successful Remember if you go back to the
Lord supper I mean the Lord's Prayer Matthew 6 verse 13 says this and lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil This deliver us from evil can be interpreted two ways
It can be said the evil one kind of pointing towards Satan or the evil that's inside of us
Remember, you're only tempted by your own evil desires Satan uses what's in us what it is that we desire to tempt us and if we fall into that temptation
It brings sin and if we live in that sin, it produces death the power of the devil
Well, let me say this the devil has lost his power The devil has lost the power of temptation against Christians against those who are in Christ We have been made new creations.
He has given to us the ordinary means of grace By which we grow in holiness remember we talked about in Sunday school that for those who have entered the covenant by faith alone
They are to be baptized They are baptized members of the church are to partake in the
Lord's Supper Right. We are to partake in the Lord's Supper we are to gather together under the teachings of the
Apostles that a man would stand behind a pulpit and Explain to you the Word of God And that we gather and we fellowship.
We love each other and we pray And by doing so we grow in holiness and we're able by doing this we're able to defeat the devil's temptations
Whenever he brings us entices us with our own temptations like man. I've been down there
I've been down there. I have something else.
I have something else If you are in Christ, you can overcome temptation listen, and it's not because you're strong But it's because Jesus is our
High Priest He has made propitiation He's at the right hand of the
Father and he's praying for those that draw near to him by faith I'll close with this verse
James 4 7 says this Submit yourselves therefore to God Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
If you're not in Christ, you cannot resist the devil You can't resist the devil.
He is not going to flee Those that are in Christ can resist the devil and he'll flee from you
Christ died according to the scriptures. He was buried and on the third day he rose again
It's because of his act of obedience what he has done He's lived a life that we could not live and he has died the death that I deserve to die.
I Needed to be nailed hands and foot to a Roman cross with a crown of thorns on my head Beaten with a cat of nine tails and stabbed in the side with a spear mocked that spit at beard ripped off that needed to happen to me
But he stood in my stead. He took my place. He stood in your stead He took your place because it needed to happen to you
That's the gospel. He has lived a life He could not live and died the death that you should die and he has called all people everywhere to do two things
And that's to repent turn from your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ And the moment you do that you will have eternal life
I'm available for anyone who wants to talk if you have any need whether it be today or Throughout this week.
I'd love nothing more than to Walk through this with you to pray for you. If you're sick in body.
I'd love nothing more than to ask God To heal you. Please pray with me father.
Thank you Well, we thank you for your word we pray that you prepare our hearts as we enter into chapter 3 next week but also as we are about to enter in to take part of the
Lord's Supper as it is a representation of the gospel war That it shows us why we come together
We come together to remember what you have done for us through your death burial and resurrection