Nebuchadnezzar Knew


First 35 minutes was based on Daniel 4 and what Nebuchadnezzar learned from his animal experience. God is God, we are His creatures, and that is one of the most important truths we can know and live by. Then we looked at the push-back against Pastor Williamson and his church in the UK for daring to believe what Jesus taught. Then we ran through some crazy video clips from some ladies who really should not be teaching anyone (anywhere), then we looked at some Covid numbers as well. Managed to get it all into one hour today! Visit the store Visit the store at

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Some of the most important lessons we often learn from sources that we did not expect to be learning from at all and One of those biblically is found in Daniel chapter 4.
You probably know the story it is the story of Nebuchadnezzar a
Global leader in those days global and a powerful powerful man
Who experiences what many powerful men experience? I could think of at least
One such powerful man today who reminds me in many many ways many ways of Nebuchadnezzar He is looking at his domain
He is looking at what He convinces himself he has built
By his wisdom and his might and his power Obviously, he's not the one that did it but he people can convince themselves
Self -deception is a reality and When you have a lot of people around you
Bowing and scraping to you and telling you how great you are Self -deception can become a daily a daily thing so Nebuchadnezzar is looking at his realm and He starts talking about how he has done all these things and it's all focused upon him and you remember the story
God decides Not as if God decide right then. Oh, I never I never saw this coming.
Let's let's respond to this God Punishes Nebuchadnezzar by taking away from him
The very things That should be the first means by which a person recognizes their creatureliness
Because he's ignored the testimony of his reason
Any reasonable person would recognize how? Frail our life is how dependent we were as children and young people upon others
How dependent we are even at this point in time? Upon our food and even the most powerful man in the world.
I was I was at DFW a few weeks ago not gonna be doing that much in the future but I was there stuck there for hours on end and It was late in the evening and It was during another interminable flight delay and all of a sudden
There's this I see this movement out of the corner of my eye and this crash and I thought somebody in one of the restaurants had like lost a cart or something down some stairs or something but as I was walking by later the maintenance guys are there and I asked him what happened and part of the roof fell in a big old second not old but a big section of Roofing because there was a lot of rain and wind and everything else
I don't know if that had to do with it or it just happened to happen But this big old thing comes crashing down to the floor
I was in one of the I was in D and if you know the D terminal at DFW The roof is way up there.
It's multiple stories. There's it's probably three three stories taller So what if you're walking by the most powerful person in the world
Can't avoid everything we're all Mortal and we should know that and Nebuchadnezzar should have known that but we're also capable of self -delusion and self -deception and so God takes away from him that which he has been ignoring and He becomes like the beasts and he can no longer groom himself and his hair grows out and he
He he is removed from the human realm for a period of time
But then at the end of that period of time he
Lifts up his eyes toward heaven and his reason Returned to him and it says and I blessed the
Most High and praised and honored him who lives forever now Before when he had his quote -unquote reason
He had been an idolater Somehow some way we there's so many questions that could be asked and the vast majority of Skeptical or unbelieving biblical scholarship will dismiss this story.
It's it's a pious fraud. It never happened You don't have any evidence of this outside of Daniel, which of course
Yeah, like I'm very sure that his contemporaries are gonna be recording this But the idea being well look
This man what he says Couldn't have happened
Because we're naturalists. We're materialists There's there can't be anything supernatural going on. But let's say
God wanted to actually humble a world leader So he takes his reason from him and then in the process of that time period when
He is reduced to this status Reveals himself to Nebuchadnezzar Now that he is not distracted by all of the self -deceptive elements of property and possession
Having people following him around and telling him how great he is and everything else And So I blessed the most high and praised and honored him who lives forever.
So all of a sudden he knows That there is one who lives forever and it's not him That's part of the returning of his reason to him is that it's not him
For his dominion is an everlasting dominion. Not mine. I thought mine was
I was an idiot. I was self -deceived My reason has returned and so I've turned my eyes away from my stuff and The stuff of this world toward heaven.
That's what the reasonable person does the reasonable person recognizes the brevity of one's life one's dependence upon God a
Reasonable person Recognizes his own mortality and the massive limitation of the amount of knowledge that anyone can have
You know, I I've talked about how many times many times I've talked about Jason Lyle smartest guy
I've ever met Really is I mean just the highest IQ genius level guy
Around but the nice thing is Jason's a fellow heir of grace.
And so Jason will tell you what I know of of the created universe is minuscule. It's it's tiny.
I Only know I can only know we know now and what we know now we've forgotten some of the stuff we used to know and we certainly know a lot more than we have in the past in some areas and but I still only know a portion of that and That's nothing in comparison to what
God knows That's what the reasonable person does the reasonable person recognizes human limitation the brevity of our life
Even if you have a voracious unending desire to learn that knowledge
Dies with you unless you pass it on to others and that knowledge remains extremely partial and limited in comparison to what
God knows So Nebuchadnezzar his dominion is an everlasting dominion and his kingdom endures from generation to generation and I don't
I don't This is the lesson that he has learned the brevity of life the limitedness of mankind
The creatureliness remember what was he reduced to like a beast in the field?
like a beast in the field But the beast in the field had learned what the beast in the field should know and What Nebuchadnezzar didn't know when he was strutting about in his fine clothes?
up on his palace wall He had learned it's
God's kingdom that endures forever and therefore he says and this is totally
Different than what the religions that he would have been raised in would say
All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing All the inhabitants see he would have been raised in in religious beliefs that would have
Taught him that the rich and the powerful the noble the royal
They aren't counted as nothing They're next to the gods But now he knows all the inhabitants of the earth or account is nothing
This is a phrase found elsewhere in Scripture Remember in Isaiah All of the inhabitants like sand on the on the scale just you know, just little grains of sand, you know
They they can't They can't accomplish anything in and of themselves all the inhabitants of the earth our account is nothing but but He does according to his will in The host of heaven now, there's a lot of folks.
I have a quote somewhere in God's Sovereign Grace from Charles Hatton Spurgeon, that's not much of a trick
About every book published these days has a quote somewhere from Charles Hatton Spurgeon but this particular quotation is about how
Mankind is most happy to have God busily active in heaven dispensing gifts to men and taking care of natural wonders and the weather and things like this, but Men gnash their teeth when you proclaim the idea that God is sovereign in the affairs of men
So it's one thing. Oh, he does according to his will in the host of heaven. Sure. Yeah up there in the heavenly realm
We'll let God be in charge up there It's interesting. I I sort of go well, you know if you're so all -fired concerned about mankind's
Autonomous well, why aren't you concerned about the will of heavenly creatures for example if it is
Dehumanizing for us to be the creatures of God under his sovereign decree.
Why isn't it? Wrong that the heavenly creatures who have so much power and live so much longer
Shouldn't that even be a greater concern? But we don't think about things like that So it's one thing he does according to his will in the host of heaven
So even those mighty creatures their wills cannot thwart God's intentions
He does according to his will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth
There's what Nebuchadnezzar had learned Nebuchadnezzar had learned What many people today simply refused to confess?
That God's sovereignty in heaven is Just as real upon earth
He does according to his will among the inhabitants of the earth well
That's just a sort of a general thing That's that's not that's not specific
That's not what Nebuchadnezzar said he says no one can ward off his hand
No one can ward off his hand. I saw a video just for the program started
Somebody posted to Twitter Spanish police were arresting a woman for not wearing a mask and So the crowd around them ripped off their masks and rescued the woman and grabbed her and pulled her back from the cops and there are only four cops and there is probably 30 people and Once they started chanting
The cops are like, okay, I think we're gonna we're gonna back off her. That's called warding off someone's hand
They put hands on her to arrest her for not wearing a mask They warded off their hands the hands of the police that's what they did and Nebuchadnezzar says no one can ward off his hand now
What that means is? God is active amongst the inhabitants of the earth
His hand is stretched forth in power and no one can slap it away
So this isn't just some benevolent General he keeps the creation running sovereignty
He is sovereign amongst the inhabitants of the earth. No one can ward off his hand or say to him.
What have you done? What have you done? but is that not the very essence of Mankind's constant response
To God's decree what have you done Now think about the foolishness
And it is foolishness think about the foolishness that must fill the heart of an individual to say to God What have you done?
You say no, we're we're creating God's image is a good thing for us to do that nothing to think for a moment
What lies at the heart of this? What lies at the heart of someone saying to God you need to give an answer to me?
For what you have done in my experience or just generally in all of history
Here's a man who has been reduced to the status of a beast He's had his reason removed from him and in the process when his reason returns he has seen and come to understand who he is as a mere creature and that he has no right to no basis
For daring to try to put God in the dock to use the
English phraseology to bring God before the court and Demand an answer from him you think maybe
Paul might have had this story Somewhat in the back of his mind in Romans 9. Yeah, I think he did.
I think he did Who can say to him? What have you done? the
Rhetorical question is Intended to remind us that no one
Can say that you and I know people who do it every single day But the point is it shows foolishness on their part to do so Because if you know the one true
God Before whom all the inhabitants of the earth are account is nothing The one true
God who's the maker and sustainer of all things then, you know, he has a purpose He has a reason for what he does and he doesn't have to reveal that purpose or reason
But very often he does what he has revealed is his actions will be in accordance
With his own nature with his own goodness, not some external Stuff rules that he has to somehow
Obey That come from outside of him But he is perfectly self -consistent because he is all good but we as his creatures are
Never in a position in this life to have enough information To be able to bring judgment against him no matter how dark and dreary things may look we have the promise that God's working all things according to the counsel of his will and so here is a pagan
An idolater And God has dealings with him and when he comes to his reason
He's a Calvinist How did that happen? Hey now this now we aren't told if there's a time -lapse
Between the return of his reason and when he said these things But I sort of like to have the idea that Probably for political reasons the insiders
Have kept his condition quiet so they can have power and authority and maintain stability
Economically politically militarily, etc, etc So they've got him in a particular place
Where he can do his grazing and everything else and his fingernails have grown out and his hair is
Can you imagine what you would look like after said we were all talking about what we look like after a couple of months of?
Covid lockdown. I mean, can you imagine Nancy Pelosi? Okay. I mean, we know she's been sneaking in to the you know
To the salons, but what if what if she had actually followed her own rules? What would she look like by now?
So extend that period of time out a good bit and old
Nebby baby is looking He's scary looking. Okay, you know big old claw type thing
Hair hasn't been combed in Forever. It's just grown out and a beard that would that would make any of the guys at Apologia Just look like oh wow.
Okay, so we're talking Maine here, you know So you're the first? You're the first palace servant
That sees him coming through the door standing on his own two feet And you think oh great.
He got out of his pen But actually he starts speaking. Was this the first thing he said?
We aren't we aren't told but can you imagine the impact it would have had if he looked like this?
When he said these things We're not told don't know I like to think about things like this
I'd like to go I Wonder you know, did he what was it? What was it? Like when he first?
Comes to in essence and stands up and smells himself and Realizes what has happened and did he know the passage of time?
Did he know how much time had passed? And what was the response of the people who've been enjoying their super -duper power for a while Don't know but did he wait until he was all cleaned up and in his right mind and and Showered, I guess it wouldn't be showered bathed
Back in his royal clothes Um Eating human food got a good pedicure a manicure
Boy that that hair that haircut must have been rough you know the whole nine yards and then does he come in before his nobles and Does he say to them these words?
I Don't know We're not told All we are told is that when you read when you are a reasonable human being
You will believe that God is not like you and me The gods completely other that God has a purpose that God is sovereign.
You will recognize your creatureliness When you are a truly reasonable human being now,
I say all this because there's so much in Scripture That speaks of God's sovereignty over human affairs
We have psalm 115 3 and 135 6 and these these these basic statements of God does what he will in heaven and upon earth
This is this is the god that we worship and then that becomes the extended discussion and foundation of of the trial of false gods in isaiah 40 through 48 and and it underlies the whole message of the prophets and it comes into the new testament as well and It's foundational to what we are to understand about God and his nature and his therefore everything he does including his
Self -glorification in the gospel In and through Jesus Christ is this fundamental reality of his sovereignty um last night
I saw a I didn't did not listen to all of it didn't have time to listen to all of it, but There was
I had a horrible day yesterday um, I tried to do something mechanical and oh that just all was really
Not good. I was trying to I got some things repaired but no, anyway
You never ever ever have the tools you actually need to do And be very very afraid of anything that says you do not need tools to do this
There will be a very special tool that you will need to actually accomplish this Um, and this had to do with my bike and um that tool thankfully was available from amazon overnight
So hopefully I can I can finish stuff up. Um this evening sometime but uh, the wife will appreciate having the living room back from all the stuff that's spread out a little bit but Anyways in the midst of all that while I was getting all the oil and stuff off of my hands
Uh repeatedly because I was working with chains um I saw this video
Uh that chris date had done now, I didn't know this until last night But chris date now works for the same seminary that Layton flowers teaches for And so I hadn't seen that I hadn't made that connection
Um but Here is a video that chris date put out where he
Went through video after video after video after video of layton flowers with layton using his constant regular
Argument on the basis of the term arbitrary God arbitrarily does this god arbitrarily does that in calvinism?
And that what he means by arbitrarily is on a whim Without a reason without a purpose
In a completely unconstrained manner Now I learned from watching this first because as soon as I saw the tweet and I started watching this
I was going If I ever did this it would take me weeks I mean you're talking two three hour videos
And you're pulling out specific sections that have One particular how do you do this?
And he said well, I I had volunteers that helped me and the transcript feature on youtube
And i'm like the transcript feature on youtube and so I Clicked on it and oh
Look at that And I I actually played around a little bit you can just select it and copy it and Then you can do searches on it and stuff like that.
Now. I don't know how accurate it is I I can't imagine that The lower the sound quality goes
That it would be overly accurate but wow, uh still it was extremely impressive because He just went on for quite some time.
And so here's this date and man An easy half of the videos easy half the videos
Are about me. It's just I don't think Layton really recognizes just how imbalanced he is.
I mean, he only deals with one subject. It's just Like I said, um evidently this is how you do evangelism in texas for texas baptist is you respond to calvinism
That's that's called evangelism in texas um anyway But he's just going through Video after video after video just and here's at such and such a time index
And and it's just this constant repetitious thing on dr.
Flower's part to talk about How in calvinism god is arbitrary?
But then when he uses other language he defines that as doing things on a whim
For no reason You see now it's understandable why this is and in fact, by the way that video went on to cite about 472.
Um English dictionaries prior to the death of prior to and contemporaneous the death of jonathan edwards just to make one point.
It's like Okay, we get that point. Yeah, anyway, um uh It was fascinating to see the change in the meaning
Of the term arbitrary over time jonathan when jonathan edwards talked about god's will as being arbitrary. He didn't mean what we mean today as a whimsical
Flighty No guiding principle type activity i was talking about but the term really when we use sovereignty kingship kingly rule ability to act without reference to external
Uh sources of authority or rules right power in and of oneself anyway
I was thinking about Because you just keep hearing latent flowers repeating himself over and over and all these different contexts
And going this is This is exactly what you would expect
From synergists, this is this is the synergistic urge. I am thankful for synergists who fight it
But then there are other synergists who are absolutely consumed by it It is the synergistic urge
What what does synergism do synergism recognizes the necessity of the divine action
But limits the power of the divine action to accomplish anything to what mankind will allow by Mankind's input whether it's a lot of input or just simply a faith input and everything in between But this is the essence of being nebuchadnezzar on the rooftop
Not nebuchadnezzar Coming into the palace Having his reason return to him
This is the essence of having a fundamental fear of a god
Who is actually accomplishing his own purpose? In everyone's lives
In all that takes place there there is a
There is a point of recognition Where we come to realize that not only does the world not revolve around us.
We're born thinking the world revolves around us We cry and our parents show up A few years later, we fall down skin our knee and we cry and our parents show up And we we learn to behave in such a way as to to get it to get help get assistance
Get things get attention It's all about us Because Maturity is supposed to be when we start realizing
That it's not all about us. That's been lost in our society in general But that's when that's what's supposed to be happening when you grow up anyways and it's supposed to lead to the fundamental recognition of just how mortal we are how
Brief our lifespan is Which is why scripture says it's far better to spend a day in the house of mourning than the house of feasting
The house of feasting you're not thinking about the future and house of mourning you're faced with it You're faced with who you are and who god is so the synergistic impulse
Is meant to keep us away from the god Who is accomplishing his own will and there comes a time by grace where we really realize
That god is god and we are not god and that god can do with us as he wills and as he pleases As he pleases he did not have to save us
He could have done with us what he did with pharaoh For his own glory
Could have done that and I just think there's a lot of people who are absolutely terrified to trust
The god who reveals himself in scripture, that's why when you see people going off to the left What's one of the first things they do?
What's one of them? What's one of the first? And almost universal things that people do
They dismiss the old testament scriptures as having any true validity historical validity.
Oh, he didn't do any of those things Why because the god of the old testament is so amazingly sovereign
As is the god of the new testament but when you take the old testament story away, then you can massage
The the new testament to make it Fit a little bit better in essence
So as I listened to Dr. Flowers over and over again talking about arbitrary arbitrary
I've said many many times The true god of scripture cannot be arbitrary in in the modern sense
In the modern developed sense of that term the way that that layton's using it god doesn't do anything on a whim
He has a decree And it's interesting the same
Terminology that's used for example in isaiah 40 48 comes into the new testament ephesians chapter 1 where Everything god does is according to the kind intention of his will his good desire
When god acts it's based upon His ultimate power and purpose and goodness
Elect according to the kind intention of his will That is the that is the greatest answer that could ever be given
To to want something other than that to say that we should be elect based upon our behavior and our attitudes
Which is exactly what provisionism says Why does god give why does god the father give anybody to the son?
Because they've already believed in god because they've already obeyed god because they've already learned from god It's all man's prior actions
Because your choice mates The choice meats are given to the son And and no matter how often
You point that out Unless given ear is to hear It's it's going to be ignored it's going to be ignored but There can be no
Diminishment of the reality That I can certainly remember When it first truly struck me
When I was first really faced With the fact that I had always used my traditions
To tame the god of scripture to make him much less than he really is much less threatening
Much less fearful. I remember that I I don't want to forget that That's a that's a gift of god's grace
But it's right there in front of us any scripture we look at We're gonna see it it's right there
Well, I went a lot longer and I thought I was going to go to there. Um, but I hope that is um, That is useful to you.
Uh Shifting gears real quick here. Please pray for uh, pastor josh williamson, um
New quay baptist church in cornwall in the uk used to be down in australia
Um was one of the guys that had me down there at one point Um Police tell this is uh
From christian concern .com police tell pastor not to offend gay pride as mob threatens to burn down his church
This is this is the united kingdom. This is the the the england of the westminster assembly and Spurgeon and you just start going down the line
When when the light goes out it gets dark indeed And so please tell pastor not to offend gay pride as mob threatened to burn down his church
And so, uh josh had Well on august 13 2020 pastor williamson responded to an article on a local news outlet's facebook page which reported that this year's cornwall pride
Would be canceled now if you've ever watched pride parades And you're a christian you're thankful that that kind of public display of rebellion against god is canceled
Even if it's canceled for a bad reason the covid panic He simply posted wonderful news wonderful news
Asked by an online user why the news was wonderful. He responds saying because I don't think sin should be celebrated
Answering further questions on his views. He quoted from the book of john james and first corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 through 11 ho
We all know what that says On his personal facebook page pastor williamson then shared the news article and commented.
Hallelujah We prayed at our prayer meeting on tuesday night that this event would be canceled We also prayed that the lord would save the organizers one prayer answered now.
We wait for the second prayer to be answered Well Organizers of cornwall pride
Searched his personal page took a screenshot of the post and then tagged newquay baptist church And posted along with negative comments made by other users about gay pride
By blocking out the names of each comment and mentioning newquay baptist church. It appeared they had all been made by pastor williamson
Don't worry about anyone being honest on that side online threats Online threats followed against the pastor's wife and his head was superimposed onto an image of homosexual pornography
Which was then shared online. Yes That's people that we're dealing with then this should sound familiar cornwall pride then called on as many supporters as possible
To report the pastor to the police for hate speech and hate crime
LGBT sympathizers threatened that they would protest at his sunday services Would seek to have the church's charity status revoked and have pastor williamson deported to his native australia
Following these threats pastor williamson was invited to a meeting by a transgender member of the community
Pastor williamson accepted the invitation in effort to share his actual beliefs and met for an hour with two members
Of cornwall pride to discuss matters at the meeting pastor williamson reiterated his stance and christian beliefs and welcomed members the lgbt community to attend his church
Hoping to help them understand his position beliefs pastor williamson ended the meeting by sharing a leaflet with permission
On what the bible says about homosexuality Images of the leaflet were then shared throughout the lgbt community creating a perception of pastor williamson was distributing them widely, which he was not
Which further with further calls for police to investigate pastor williamson for a hate crime A post in an lgbt group called for nuquay baptist church, which often houses families to be burnt down Another user agreed responding.
Let's burn a church. Let's burn a church well uh
Pray for josh williamson and the work there in nuquay Josh had talked to me about coming down there at some point and this was back
When I was going to london So often that you know, I was after I was paying taxes eventually um, that's probably not probable in the future, but anyway
I pray for their ability to Uh continue to testify to the truth the safety of their facilities, of course because these people will do this type of thing um
And it's just a a modern example of What we're up against in a society that is in love with its own rebellion and sin
In love with its own rebellion and sin speaking of being in love with rebellion and sin um
What was this one? Oh, oh, okay. Yeah, um
Got a couple rebellious sinful folks here um
This uh video popped up on my feed. I was tagged with it and Well I get the feeling just by looks and the rainbow
Bracelet she's wearing I I The super liberal lutherans look like this
So that's that's sort of my guess Is it's probably a ultra liberal lutheran female minister person
Um, but how would you respond to this? Here's uh, here's Well, i'll just play it for you
Teach them to carry out everything. I have commanded you And know that I am with you always
Even unto the end of the world Here ends the reading not according to the anonymous gospel storyteller, which we call matthew.
No, no You can't get out of first year New testament classes and not learn that the vast majority of new testament scholars agree
That this particular ending Of this anonymous gospel was added much later
And the reality is that jesus in all likelihood never actually said these words
Let me be clear the so -called great commission Was added to the gospel by the christian community sometime around the year 325
To bring this gospel into line with the brand spanking new creed, which the church had just written
Which we know as the nicene creed now whether or not you agree with the preponderance of evidence unearthed by New testament scholars about the very real possibility that jesus never actually issued the great commission
You still must begin to understand that these words Whether jesus said them or not these words became the justification for the doctrine of discovery so i'm thinking that that uh, that um iPhone watch thing iWatch or whatever they call it
She's wearing is probably about to explode from the amount of false information that she just spewed out there.
I don't know. Um Oh 325 is everything. Yeah people people wonder why when
I teach church history I make sure everybody knows when the council and I see it was well, that's that's one of the reasons right there
Uh, the the poor little flowers on the right should probably wilt and everything else. Um, So I actually had a little discussion because uh, peter gurry saw that and he said she must be talking about mark
She must just confuse mark and matthew because she must be talking about the long writing mark. No, I don't think so. Um, the the you know, quote unquote forum criticism uh quote unquote higher scholarship, um
Now I don't know I don't even know of any those people that are radical enough to say that the actual ending of the gospel of matthew
Did not take the form that has it today until the fourth century. That's a silly we have Uh, not only do you have?
Manuscripts sinai has a vaticanus now. We don't have papyri Endings and beginnings of books
Uh are frequently Not found in our papyri just simply because of how books are transmitted
Last first and last pages are the first ones to get lost um, so if you look at p66 in the gospel of john the last portions are extremely fragmentary and some stuff's missing like john 2028 and Uh, you have the page, but it's badly damaged um
So that that's not unusual, but we we have the great fourth century manuscripts around that time period which evidently just must have magically gotten it uh right in time for printing
I guess but clearly these words were Known from the beginning.
They're quoted by numerous sources in the time period prior to Uh 325 we have no manuscript evidence whatsoever
Substantiate this type of stuff. So when these people talk about evidence that's been unearthed what they're talking about Is sort of like when shabir ali and I think today's shabir ali's birthday.
Happy birthday shabir um, I think it's like when shabir ali and we debated, um the identity of muhammad as the comforter
He utilized ultra leftist christian sources that theorize about various forms of the gospel of john and versions of the gospel of john that may have contained different portions of john 14 and 16 because if you if you actually read john 14 15 16 together
It's very plain that muhammad is not being referred to there So we had to try to break that up now. We have no manuscripts to substantiate any of that but the idea is
You know places like union theological seminary. This is unearthing evidence Which means the wild fancies of people who have absolutely no manuscript evidence to back up anything they're saying and are ignoring
The manuscript evidence that's already in existence and that's what you've got. But this is the kind of thing the you know
Imagine if this is all you ever heard Imagine if if this was all you ever heard this was all you were ever raised with Um how weird it would be to hear someone like me um, you know, uh
You you'd you'd go that guy can't be right that guy can't be right. Well, there you go.
Um That's next what I need to warn you about. Um, some of you have seen it some of you haven't um
But you need to know what your tax dollars are paying for these days Um This is uh, what's going on in our society in um
If you had stayed at the company that you worked for uh, Mr.
Pierce you would have you would have had to you would have You would have run into this you would have run into this my my wife was my wife was running into it before Oh, yeah,
I know I know I I know your your prescottonian blood would have yeah, I I get it um
This is a woman that i've seen before um Interestingly enough.
She actually puts up here her uh, go fund me stuff but um
I don't even know what to say to stuff like this I I don't I don't know what to say to anyone who would appear in public like this to be perfectly honest with you
I don't know what to say to someone who can be this uh blatantly wildly
Racist Um and do it with a smile I But this is this is the end of woke ideology.
This is what critical race theory and intersectionality Which all of a sudden last week
No one knows what those things are anymore Um, we've been talking about them for years, but no one knows they are anymore.
Uh, everything everything shifted but Can you I I commented this morning when
I posted it I said Um, would I have sat in this room?
To be told the things this woman was saying Where she's saying that that white people are not born as humans
That they're all racists that you're just born as a racist And i'm here to teach you how to become a human because you're born below that level
Um, and I said yes for research purposes To know how to expose this kind of racist tripe
That is being paid for um And this is this is the kind of stuff that president trump was saying we shall not spend taxpayer money to do this anymore and people are like Just freaking out and they call this they call literally they this is
This is anti -racist training. This is what it means to be an anti -racist You're either a racist or an anti -racist but to be an anti -racist
Is to believe that all whites are racists that The the world has lost its ever -loving mind logic reason rationality out the window
Because you can't have debate. You can't have back and forth. It's all just one narrative and Believe me uh, even though president trump says no money to Do this in the future that all ends in january one way or the other depending on whether there's still a
What happens with all this stuff and mail -in voter fraud and everything else who knows anyway um but one way or the other executive orders
Are only as good as long as the executive is still the executive a little bit like like the old high priest, you know limited time period um
And if uh, kamala harris is president and not even the other guy he's he is so far gone
He is so much not there anymore. That is simply referred to the future harris presidency if that's what was to happen uh
This stuff will be not only here, but this lady will be in kindergarten classes uh, this will be everywhere
Uh that that's just that's just what it'll be Now she'll be the secretary of education that's that's rich's rich's prediction is she will be the secretary of education
So, uh, i'm warning you ahead of time um visually um
I don't even know what to say and uh, but yeah, so here's well, uh
I'll just play it All white people are racist So I put this up because I really want any white person in the room to know
Up front that this is what we're dealing with that. It's not going to be this coddling of white tears
And what that looks like we're not going to discuss. Oh, maybe some of us will work it out No, you're always going to be racist actually.
So even when you're on your path to trying to figure out how to be a better human being um, because I believe that white people are born into not being human like that actually instead of People of color and black folks being dehumanized that actually everyone is dehumanized off rip within white supremacy
That y 'all are born into a life to not be human and that's what y 'all are taught to do to be demons
So in this particular way white people are all racist. So I just want y 'all to know that up front
So that's ashley shackleford is her name ashley shackleford. And so she I just cannot imagine what it would be like to be sitting there
And so we're going to start off You're a racist And that's where we're starting from and it doesn't matter
What you've done in your life doesn't matter what fills your heart This is identity politics.
This is intersectionality. This is critical race theory This is marxism.
This is how you divide and destroy cultures And we're paying for it
And it is the most racist stuff you're ever going to see but there you go
Now a couple things This popped up, uh yesterday
This is great. This is wonderful. This is from our future blue -helmeted overlords
Notice they're using the blue -helmeted color there Uh, they'll be marching through our streets for long um
And so the uh, the united nations thing down there at the bottom says this is the time to rebuild more equal
Inclusive and resilient societies 31st august 2020 un secretary general
Antonio Gutierrez And uh that is retweeted
Uh with the comment the covid19 pandemic is demonstrating what we all know.
See we all know this This is this is to be given. This is a given now millennia of patriarchy
Have resulted in a male -dominated world with a male -dominated culture
Which damages everyone women men girls and boys now My first thought was wait a minute um
That's the gender binary Intersectionality destroys itself it eats itself up because it's it's it's battery acid
It's it's it can't build anything. It can only destroy everything and that's what it does. But Here you have the patriarchy um uh and The covid19
Pandemic is demonstrating what we all know millennia of patriarchy results in a male -dominated world
What does the faux panic of the covid19 stuff have to do with any of this?
It's all politics It's all politics It's all bringing about what's called the great reset
It's where you get rid of borders. You get rid of nations You establish a global technocracy
Based on marxist principles And you usher in the marxist panacea
And you you everyone's there's only one song on the radio constantly. It's john lennon's imagine
That's that's all it is And in fact, I got into my car and that's the song that was on On the 70s station was was imagined
When I was listening to it, you know, no religion No, no, no hell below us.
No heaven above us. Just the sky and etc, etc. And I thought He was murdered, right?
He was shot dead by a crazy person Isn't that the the clearest repudiation?
Of the fact that the entirety of that song was based upon a rejection Of the biblical teaching that man's heart is evil.
Yeah exactly I I mean Wow, but hey
People keep trying because that's how you suppress the knowledge of god. That's Gotta hold it down.
Gotta hold it down. Here's the un holding it down uh and getting rid of the patriarchy in uh
In the process I did get one of these how many of you have gotten one of these? Um Little notices recently false information found in your post um
Independent fact checkers. It's science feedback blah blah blah blah say information Your post is partly false to stop the spread of false news.
We've added a notice to your post And it has something to do with masks So if you you know uh, so wherever you are in the world spain australia wherever You have to wear your sign of submission
And if you're if you are cursed to be able to read medical papers
And know something about virology and Know that this is one big fat stinking joke um
And that a virus is going to virus then You're in trouble and we will put notices on your post and tell people you're a bad bad person
So that they don't see things like this now, this is fascinating I Want to see more about this.
This is this says sweden total covid19 deaths versus direct cause
Now I have not been able to find yet and I want to find and I was one of my immediate responses
Um So you can see the blue is total covid19 deaths and then red is direct cause
I want to know how they broke those that those two matrices out how what is the consistent methodology
Is there is was there for example, was there a standard that said this patient Was not terminal from the comorbidity factors that they had
Um and would have lived How long one year two year five year?
Because the vast majority of covid deaths Are with people with 2 .6 2 .5
2 .6 comorbidity factors and so I want to know what the standard being used because i'd love to see this
Being applied globally But that issue aside what you see with the blue are the total covid deaths
And then the red are the total direct cause covid deaths that covid was
By this methodology, and that's what i'm wanting to find out about the covid was the primary cause of death
Versus something else and we're not even talking here about the funny stuff that we've heard about in regards to Well, it's not funny
Um, but the absurd stuff that we've heard about regarding a motorcyclist that dies in a motorcycle accident
They test his dead body uh, and they find a covid virus in there, which
Again, unless it manifests itself. Maybe everybody has a covid virus hiding in there someplace um
But not we're not even talking about that um, we're we're talking about um,
A different thing and you'll you'll notice Less than 1 000 over the entire period of time from the beginning
To the current day is is what this graph is showing in sweden and maybe because sweden did things differently
Maybe that's why they have that information Maybe because they weren't trying to pad numbers
Because in sweden because they did it the way they did it You didn't have the monetary impetus to pad your numbers
So these numbers may be the most valuable for the whole world because everywhere else we're all going Oh the more covid deaths you got the more money you get from the government because we all shut down.
Well sweden didn't So you don't have that impetus But it's real obvious, isn't it?
What what's going on here? And when you really start seeing the numbers you start going how many
Trillions of dollars representing the effort and work of people
From all over the world from africa to australia to south america to russia to china to everywhere
Has been wasted on a political
Reset you start seeing the numbers and the numbers go wow, look at that Look at that So let's take that down because that's my whole screen there
Just move slowly, huh? Okay. Anyway He's getting older.
He's getting older folks. You know, I mean, uh, his birthday is coming up and it's just it You know,
I remember back in the olden days when he was just fast as lightning but now it just did you hear about the the uh,
The baseball fan at the park the other day It got hit by a foul ball and it's it totally took out the cardboard head
And they could not revive it it was pronounced dead of covet 19 of covet 19, that's right.
That's right. Thank you that's I think the hesitation in getting that down was he was trying to remember the whole joke and make sure that he had because you never want to tell one of those dad jokes and then
Forget the important part in the middle because i've done that many times and it's it's really bad
You don't still want to do that. So anyway All right, folks. Thanks for watching the dividing line listening to the dividing line do whatever you did today
I hope it was useful to you lord willing. We will be back later in the week. We'll see you then.