Jesus Came To Save to The Uttermost: Part 1



Unity Through Humility: Part 2

Unity Through Humility: Part 2

What I'd like to do is speak to you and do a two -part series on These wonderful verses and just two verses we're going to look at I'd like to speak to you about Jesus came to save to the uttermost
Came to save to the uttermost aren't you glad? He's a great Savior as we sung this morning
It's all focused on his death his person his life his death his burial his resurrection
Ascension and soon he's to come back again So we continue our study through the gospel of John And by the help of God we have worked our way
Up to this point John chapter 3 So, please turn with me if you have your
Bibles to John chapter 3 Our text is actually verse 17 and 18.
We're just looking at two verses because there's a lot here But what I would like to do is begin
To read at verse start beginning with verse 14 to read to verse 21
Because that is within that paragraph and that section that our
Lord is addressing Nicodemus a very religious man and And There's much truth here that is given within the context of these two verses of what we're going to be looking at So since these verses are in the major heading of what our
Lord is teaching Nicodemus let us Look at that here
God's living word this morning Chapter 3 of John beginning with verse 14 and as Moses Lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the
Son of Man be lifted up That whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son That whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world But that the world through him might be saved
He who believes in him is not condemned but He who does not believe is condemned already
Because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God and This is the condemnation
That the light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than the light
Because their deeds were evil For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light
Lest his deeds should be exposed But he who does the truth comes to the light
That his deeds may be clearly seen and that they have been done in God Let's stop right there at the this part and please bow with me in a moment of prayer as we seek our
Lord's blessing in his face as We look into this wonderful Text this morning our
Father and our great God Lord of heaven Lord of Earth We do thank you for your holy word first and foremost
This is the revelation from heaven This is the truth
That your word contains to save us For it has the power to do so to the uttermost it has the power to sanctify us and and continue to sanctify us and keep us and Preserve us to the end of our journey here on this earth until we are ushered into glory
Lord, I pray that you guide us and lead us and teach us As we look into this text help me
Lord to to speak your words of truth in love. I Pray knowing that all we need for salvation
And sanctification is Jesus Christ alone. He is sufficient. He is a sufficient
Savior For in your one and only Son there is victory over sin even in our failings
There's victory over death hell in the grave in which the Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished through his death burial and resurrection
For in him is our only hope he is our living hope of eternal life So father
I pray open each one of our eyes Take the scales off our eyes that we would see
Jesus only and Open our ears That we would only hear
Jesus Open our hearts that we may be Changed more into the his loveliness and likeness and Father we would be careful to give you the honor and the glory and we ask this in your son's name the
Lord Jesus Christ Amen, although God in his great love has graciously offered up and has given his son and Given to the world salvation through the person of Christ John 3 16 as we looked at Lord's last
Lord's day and a wonderful verse that just burns brightly It's like a burning bush a golden text we called it for God so loved the world that he gave us one and only son his only begotten son that Whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life
This great salvation Is not appropriated except by penitent
Believing an Active faith in which the Holy Spirit gives unto us
And it's all in Christ alone and no one else Jesus Christ in him alone
The laws are already condemned Because they have not believed in and literally the
Greek puts that believed in to Just not in but in to The name of the only begotten
Son of God Now let me first give you on the whole set here in this introduction the backdrop of what makes the gospel so sweet and beautiful and It's really the bad news because it's but it's the truth and God never withholds the truth
But this is exactly what the scriptures give to us To make the good news so sweet and make the good news the good news
While the final sentencing of judgment of those who reject Jesus Christ is still future tense
John chapter 5 You don't have to turn there, but I read it to you beginning with verse 26 to 29 the
Lord Jesus Christ says this concerning judgment For as the father has life in himself
So he has granted the son to have life in himself and Has given him
Authority to execute judgment also Because he is the son of man
And then Jesus says this do not marvel don't be surprised at this For the hour
Is coming the hours come Let me put a footnote here this will happen at the second coming of Jesus Christ, this is yet to come in Which all now hear that not some all who are in the graves will hear his voice and come forth
Those who have done good to the resurrection of life is speaking of actually those who are believers
Will be judged according to their works in him and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation
This is the words of our Lord Jesus Christ concerning judgment this judgment is yet to come and it's a judgment of Unbelievers that they the believers will be judged at the great resurrection morning according to their works in Christ We will be all judged and brought before the bar of God and for the point of conversion of all that we have done
The good works the bad works no matter what it is will be brought there was no condemnation to the believer because there's no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, so We do not have to as a believer in Jesus Christ does not have to Fear the condemnation or the frown or the wrath of God But yet the believer will have this to fear
Because the believer will stand as you read in Revelation chapter 20 19 and 20 specifically to 19
There is the great white throne judgment that all unbelievers and that means every single person that is a rejected
Jesus Christ Will stand before the great white throne judgment and give an account of every single deed that they have ever done
From the point of their birth until all the way to the point of their death now some of you might be thinking
What about babies? Well, we know that babies Are ushered right into heaven
God takes them on But to those who reach to the moment the time of accountability, which
I personally don't know I don't think any of us knows only but God Some would say in somewhere in the teenage years where they come to a point of reason maybe earlier
Where children understand the gospel only God knows this But from that time all unbelievers at the judge at the judgment will caught well via there will be a consummation of What is already really begun now and saying that?
Let me ask you a question. Do you know when the verdict has made for your life? Is it future tense even though there is a future good judgment?
But do you really know when the verdict was made for your life? Do you really know when the hammer of God's gavel fell down And pronounced guilty the question is it that that's the question
But the answer is this when you and I arrived on planet Earth to that point of accountability
But yet we're born even a bait is born with a sin nature in a bent to rebel against God because of Adam's fall
You and I have arrived on this planet as unbelievers Not believing in Jesus Christ the gavel fell
The verdict was already rendered and this sentence was already passed and it's already been passed There's no one counting your record to see if you're good outweighs your bad deeds
Even though God will bring that to account on the Day of Judgment But oh, yes
God knows everything because he's all -knowing all wise gods and everything about you nothing gets by the eye of God and He's well aware of the record of our crimes your crimes
Against him and the laws that we have broken and the rebellions that we have caused against him
But that is absolutely nothing has nothing to do with the verdict because the verdict has already really been passed
It's already been passed The divine judgment is already
Governed the judgment. He's ruled it the gavel has already come down and You and I have been condemned and sentenced to hell already
You don't hear a lot of that in churches today. You don't even hear it very Very very often it or is or at all but Jesus spoke more outside of the kingdom of God about the doctrine of hell than any other doctor and we believe in Preaching the whole council of God here.
So you will hear that now Another footnote now, this is the truth
That our Lord Jesus Christ is actually teaching this religious man Nicodemus a man of the
Pharisees who came to Jesus by night in this context What Jesus is teaching here in verse?
17 and 18 and All the way down through the verse 21 is he's contrasting light and darkness.
There's a contrast He's contrasting true belief and unbelief he's contrasting salvation not condemnation to the believer and Condemnation not salvation to the non -believer now what we see in these two verses in verse 17 and 18 is
This great and glorious truth. First of all is that we are told the reason why
God sent his only one and only Son verse 16
Has emphasized that It's a great implication But yet verse 17 is a carryover of what is being said
So second we are also told that each person can receive eternal salvation through Jesus Christ And what
Jesus has accomplished for us in his death his burial and his resurrection So let's look at the first point
Let us look at the reason Jesus came the reason Jesus came is found in verse 17
It tells us why God sent forth his son for God did not
Send his son into the world to condemn the world to judge the world But that the world through him might be saved
It's incredible that our Lord Jesus Brings this to our attention Because the good news is really what this is what his mission is all about.
He comes to say to the uttermost Jesus explains to Nicodemus this very very religious man in this context that he was sent not to condemn the world but to save He's a
Savior. That's his nature. That's God's nature and God is unchanging in that the father sent him to die
That was why he was born He was born to die on the cross as the sacrifice the
Lamb of God on behalf of sinful men 2nd Corinthians 521 we love this verse so much and you'll hear it quoted quite often here
He made him He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf
Says the Apostle Paul so that we might become the righteousness of God in him So by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh
Now notice that very carefully that doesn't mean he was sinful it says in the likeness of Sinful flesh we we are sinful flesh
Jesus comes as a man as fully man and fully
God and Yet he was without sin And he is the only person that has ever lived that lived a completely totally perfect life without sin whatsoever not one thought of Evil not one thought of bad not one bad motive
All of his motive was holy love Every his whole entire life was one perfect life
So God sent his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh as an offering for spores in God condemned sin in the flesh, you know, if you think about that for a second it shows you how much
God hates sin He hates it and folks we cannot comprehend this
That the second person of the Trinity one God three persons the Father the
Son and the Holy Spirit The second person of the Trinity had a mission and this was all planned the plan of salvation as we sung about this morning was drew up in the eons of Eternity past and a covenant between the
Father and the Son That the Son would go to this world in which he knew already
That it would fall he knew this beforehand the plan was already drawn up So the plan of salvation was drawn, but Jesus and all by the way in the in creation and redemption
Three persons of the one triune God is part of creation the
Father the Son the Spirit so therefore in salvation the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit all play a tremendous apart and Accomplishing salvation
Romans 8 3 and just as Super is a supreme proof of Abraham's love for God Was his willingness to sacrifice?
His son Isaac In Genesis 22
But on the far far grander scale the father's offering Abraham the father of our faith
Offered up Offered up his son, but see on the far far grander scale the father offered up his own son
Those of us brother Ben mentioned. There's tights and shadows and but now the reality is
Jesus Christ and Jesus is that unspeakable gift his one and only son
The supreme manifestation of his great and his infinite love for lost sinners
It's really incomprehensible to us but This is why Jesus came to be a savior for sinners.
He came to seek and save the lost and call them to repentance Jesus Christ who being in the form of God Paul says and Philippians 2 did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation taking the form of a bond slave and coming in lightness of men and Being in found in appearance as a man
Appearance as a man. He humbled himself. He humbled himself and Became obedient to the point of death even the death of a cross
This was his great condescension This was his great humiliation from the point and we're going coming into the
Christmas season very soon but we'll be focused on the The virgin birth of the
Lord Jesus Christ that he came into the world when he came and entered and was born into the feeding trough
Could you imagine see people would think that the Messiah the the Son of God?
The King was going to come but he did not come and was not born in Kings palaces he was born in a feeding trough a
Feeding trough with animals surrounding them a lonely place cold place
Cold and dark this is how Christ entered into the world and that was the point of Humiliation his humiliation and all through his life
He said the foxes have hosed us the birds have nest but the Son of Man does not have a place to lay his head He lived as a homeless lonely
Person but yet as the Messiah and the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords incarnate and the
Son of Man And he goes to the point of his ultimate humiliation to the point of death to the death of a cross
Folks the crucifixion was the cruelest in that time period that was
Actually the Romans if I'm not mistaken here the Romans Patterned it from the Syrians And it was cruel as barbaric.
It was inhumane they hung people on a cross and total shame and nakedness and It was the most excruciating
Most shameful death most degrading most humiliating death that was ever devised by depraved men
It was a slow death the slowest death that you can imagine until they would suffer for hours until the heart burst it and They died and breathed their last but they did it and they hung that person and that criminal on a cross for rightly so because of the deeds that they committed and as you well know
Jesus hung in the middle between that day between two thieves and Those two things represent all of mankind by the way
One if you notice the story one rejects Christ mocks Christ Does not fear
God The other comes to him says Lord remember me when you come into that kingdom and Jesus said this day
You will be with me in paradise It was at a long long confession of all of his sins
He came and basically what he was saying Lord had mercy upon me That's what he was saying
So the death of a cross was the most cruelest of all deaths and here God the Father and God the
Son had planned this in eternity past folks before the foundation of the world
That was even before the world was created before things set in motion before the stars were created
This was already planned in the great mind of God Ephesians 1 4 through 6 says this just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world
Before the foundation of the world that we should be holy see your sanctification has already been ordained of God Your perseverance to those who truly believe will persevere and then he says this and you will be without blame before him in love having predestined
That means he has marked you out to be his his son and daughter
To the adoption, that's how we know that because we are adopted as sons by Jesus Christ to himself.
He's reconciled us according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace and Paul just burst out to the praise of The glory of his grace and he's worshiping
God because of God's plan of salvation By which he made us it's accepted
Listen to those wonderful words. He has made us accepted in the beloved
Nothing we have done again Edwards said it right.
There's nothing you and I contribute to our salvation except for the sin that made it necessary There's absolutely nothing there we can glory of nothing
Because all the glory belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ because we cannot earn salvation we cannot gain salvation
We cannot gain eternal life within ourselves because there's nothing within ourselves.
That's good. It's outside of ourselves It's all in Jesus Christ it is the sovereign grace of God that brings salvation to sinners
It's it's his great love by his Holy Spirit through his
Holy Spirit and through the mediation of his son That has reconciled us to the father first Timothy 115 this is a faithful saying
Paul says And worthy of all acceptance that Christ Jesus came listen to that.
He came into the world to Save sinners and listen to what
Paul says here the Apostle Paul Whom I am chief He says
I'm the chiefest of sinners And yet God set his heart on him that was a terrorist persecuting the
Church of God Stopped him in his tracks. He wasn't looking for God. He wasn't seeking God matter of fact he thought he was the most religious man on that on the face of the earth at that time and He thought what he was doing was
God's service and killing Christians. He really thought like a lot of the terrorists today It's for a holy cause they think but they are deceived and Paul was at that time
Saul of Tarsus was deceived Until Jesus Christ knocked him off his horse and he came to his face and he saw the brightness of his glory and he was blinded and The first thing he said
Lord When he came and he says who are you and Jesus responded
I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecute You get that he was persecuting the church
That means he was persecuting Christ Because the body of Christ is one with the head
Jesus Christ came into this into the world to save sinners and that wonderful It came to save us
To deliver us we're gonna look into that What the Word of God says about that?
It's more than just a ticket salvation folks. It's more it by the way it's far far more than fire insurance and It's a salvation ticket
He saves to the uttermost and let's look at it Look first Timothy 2 5 through 6 another great verse for there is one
God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus What did you do who gave again and again we see
God gave God gave Who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time
That follows up with Titus 3 4 through 7, but when the kindness and the love of God our
Savior Notice that Savior. He's our Savior toward man appeared not only
By works of righteousness which he we have done but according to the mercy the compassion that he saved us through the washing and the regeneration of the renewing of the
Holy Spirit Whom he has poured out on us abundantly through Christ Jesus our
Savior that haven't been justified by his grace We should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life
Then the Apostle John in 1st John 4 14 and we have seen and testified that the
Father sent the Son as the Savior of the world Acts 4 12 nor is there salvation in any other?
No other salvation folks Jesus is it there's not two saviors, there's only one
Savior and Christ is it and then he says this for there is no other name
No other name under heaven Given among men by which we must be saved
We must be saved as Jesus says you must be born again that mighty and glorious name of Jesus Matthew 121 and she speaking of Mary will bring forth a son and you shall call his name
Jesus, you know, Jesus means Jehovah saves Joshua Jehovah saves
For he will save his people from their sins. That's what he came to do
I'd like to ask people if you saved what do you say from? What do you say from are you saved from yourself your your your self -life
See Jesus sales and saves us from our self -life Jesus says to follow him you must deny yourself and take up your cross and Follow me.
That's the gospel He come to save his people from their sins from their sins and also let me make a footnote here
Not in their sins from their sins It makes me cringe beloved in this old world we live in and I know people to pray
But it still hurts me and Craig cringes at me and I did it once myself, too So I'm not without fault on this
But using the name of the Lord in vain How many times we hear not only
God this and God that and God this but we hear Jesus Christ's name spoken in an unworthy manner of disdain and flippancy
I'd say something in that person would say the Lord's name and they're in vain using the name of Jesus and I'm thinking that's the only name under heaven whereby you must be saved and You take it in vain we've all done it haven't we but now we we know as God is
Giving us a new heart. That name is precious to us. It's like precious ointment It's a precious name and no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved and knowing that this is the only name under heaven given among men
We must be saved. Oh beloved salvation is given through that name It's through that name we call on God through that name it ushers at us into the presence of God and I I would commend you and and and Suggest to you if you hear someone say that name in a flippant way lovingly
Say let's pause here for a second. Do you realize what you've said? I told this guy years ago
Let me give you a small illustration. He would go around and say the Lord's name like that I was he's my boss by the way in the grocery store and We look we called him stompy.
He would go around and stomp his foot like this. I Mean constantly stomping he was like he was all the time
Just just frivolously moving about and he was doing his job and he was in a sense
He was very active in doing his job, but under his breath all the time Using God's name
God's name God's name finally. I I came to him I said boss, can I speak to you just a few minutes about this?
Now I know with him. I said I can't change this man's heart We can't be the Holy Spirit right, but we can testify to the grace of God in a loving way
And I said I said I'd like to challenge you boss You know you use
God's name quite often and it's not in the right way Matter of fact, it's it's done in such a vain flippant way
I said, did you ever think about just take God's name the Living God by the way out of what you're saying?
And just put Buddha's name there or Confucius or another false. God. I said that's fine
But don't put the name of the Holy Living God and sure enough
One day I saw him after I talked to him a few days after that and here comes stompy Just stomping and he got mad.
He was mad about something and he said Oh Buddha. Oh Buddha. Oh Buddha well, anyway,
I Just I know I can't change the man's heart, but at least you know,
I pray there was a small impact there So may you know, you're you're a light and didn't Jesus say that you are the light of the world
Shine in the dark dark place where you are shine and Jesus to shine through us.
It's not about us. It's about Jesus. It's about it That's what Jesus is talking about. You just don't confess him to come to an altar and say a sinner's prayer
He says you confess me before man I'll confess you before the fall that confession is all through our life and that means evangelism folks
We're to evangelize and tell people the good news of the gospel Well, that was it in my notes, but I thought
I'd swing that in there Romans 10 13 for whoever calls on the name of the
Lord shall be Saved that's a promise of God Well, but we also need to realize what it means to call on the name of the
God of God that calling on God is repenting Because the Lord Jesus says repent and believe the gospel repent or you will all likewise perish
John the Baptist preached repent for the kingdom of God is at hand Jesus preached repent for the kingdom of God is at hand
We need to tell people lovingly look you must repent or you will likewise perishing folks.
I understand Everything what you're how difficult that is because people don't want to hear that.
That's a very hard word and it will offend them Absolutely, it's offensive, isn't it?
But we must do it in the love of God and care for their souls And if we have a hard time caring for their souls just read the scriptures get on your face before God and ask
God to give you a burden and he will and By the way, he'll give you his burden
We'll call the call The call upon the name of the Lord is to repent and believe the gospel.
So God the Father sent Jesus The greatest gift he had his own son His one and unique only son to justifies to redeem us
God sent him to live a perfect life To fulfill the law so that we would be the righteousness of God in him that would be clothed in his righteousness
To live a life of Victor a victory over the world the flesh and the devil Not perfectly but yet with the remaining sin
We continue to practice righteousness and not the practice sinning
Jesus is our substitute the Lamb of God to pay a debt that we could never pay That's what the word ransom means to redeem us from the slave market of sin and purchase us as his very own people to adopt us in the kingdom of God and the kingdom of his own dear son to cleanse us from our sins to wash us from our sins and To continue in him to abide in him to love him to love each other to live for him and holiness and love
And they're wonderful he's translated us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light So the father sent his son
Jesus Christ into the world And again for what purpose for what purpose well
We've seen first of all in Matthew 1 21 to save his people from their sins. I think that's a great purpose, isn't it?
He saves us from our sin, but he also saves us from the wrath to come God's wrath
People say yeah, but doesn't he save us from hell that's actually what hell is folks. It is the wrath of God That will be poured out on people's souls throughout all eternity to those who reject
Jesus Christ This is what Jesus took when he died on the cross in those three hours of darkness
When he cried out to the father and said my god my god. Why have you forsaken me?
He leans upon Psalm 22 there and he's quoting scripture and Yet he's taken to hell the wrath of God We cannot comprehend folks a lot what
G Campbell Morgan said He said I can't I actually have some of his writings and books and he was a great preacher.
He was the preacher that Actually preceded was before Martin Lloyd -Jones and that wonderful Church in England and I Came to that verse and I looked at the commentary that Jesus was quoting that on the cross from Psalm 22
And I love probably the best commentary I've ever read On that verse was
G Campbell Morgan Because he had such reverence for the Word of God and the Bible says we're to fear
God and tremble before his word and you see G Campbell Morgan knew how to do that He had the heart and by the way, he was a convert of Dio Moody Moody that was one of Moody's Men that he converted to Christ.
He won him Jesus saved him but Moody went after him and Jesus of course went after him before Moody, but Moody was
But this is what G Campbell Morgan said about that verse. He said, you know He said how can I say anything because anything that I say is not going to come up To what is really meant in this verse he says so therefore
I take off the shoes of My heart and I worship right here
Because it's so deep. It's too deep. All I can do is worship. All I can do is worship
For God so loved the world For God did not send his son into the world notice verse 17 begins the way verse 16 began
For God For God verse 17 verse 16 for God so loved the world so loved the world
Then in verse 17 for God sent his son into the world not to judge the world
But the world that the world through him might be saved. So in the first advent Jesus Christ comes to be our
Savior At the second advent he will come as the judge of all the earth Have you ever thought of this there's only one planet earth and there is there's a lot of people trying to say there's life on Other planets and they're giving more time
Wasting all this time trying to find life on other planets But this planet earth is what
God has honed in on and this is one planet earth There's only one humanity
Right here on this earth and there's only one Savior One God one father of all and three persons the
Father Son and the Holy Ghost and has determined to send his love on this world and He now think of this.
He did not choose angels Well, why not bring up angels here because angels are in a important part of the gospel and Being messengers.
They're messengers. They sent their fiery ministers Ministers of fire and they bring they they're chosen if you notice
Michael comes to Mary and he comes to Zechariah and the temple and Throughout the
Old Testament you see messengers are sent to do God's bidding They're servants of God, but there are a portion of angels that fell
As brother Keith mentioned about this morning a Lucifer fell like lightning and there was a third of the angels that followed
God cast them out of heaven and that where do you think they went? Well, some of them here on this earth and they're fallen angels.
That's where the demon spirits come from. That's right. They're real but there's also Some that God did chosen his sovereignty to lock up in chains into darkness of perdition
And by the way, there's no plan of salvation for them They're finished
They have got the judgment they have got what has come to them in perdition and never known
God's holy Love since their rebellion, but God chose to love the world that he gave his only
Son and God chose his love and common grace and the gospel invitation now the general call is
Telling people the good news of the gospel That all is invited.
No one is excluded You could come to this feast receive
Christ and repent and believe the gospel, but there's also that's the general call that there is a special love a special grace
That God has for his own people in the world And that's the elect of God the beloved of God the believers those that are adopted children in Jesus Christ now,
I know that you that's been in Southern Baptist circles for a while.
You won't hear a lot of this. You only hear one side of it kind of like Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins
But you never hear much about double imputation that he also not only forgives us of our sins and he clears the guilt
But he also Dresses us and the righteousness of Jesus Christ and gives us the power to live
Victorious as children of God that doesn't mean perfect victory, but you know what
I'm saying there We have the righteousness of Christ, but also in a sense of salvation
There is the general call the general love of God to the whole world That you're invited to come whosoever will we believe that because it's in the
Bible But the whosoever will is to all but it's only to those who believe are
God's elect that come within the household of faith It's those that God has appointed
Believe the gospel So it's believers by faith that come in and that is called the effectual call
Theologians call that because why you think they call it effectual Because it's effective
Isn't it? It's irresistible in other words, there's a scripture that Jesus says,
I believe it's in John And it goes like this All that the
Father gives me Jesus is speaking will come to me Get that they will come and then he says this and he that comes to me.
I will in no wise cast him out It's like you see the sovereignty of God there and man's responsibility there.
It runs parallel We can't figure this out folks, but it runs parallel and they do not contradict each other
It's affection. It's an effectual call and it's effective The call is effective and these are
God's chosen in him before the foundation of the world and they believe the gospel Now only
God knows who believes, you know Spurgeon said this I wish he said well I don't I don't when I go evangelize.
I don't see a mark of God's elect on people's back He said I don't see that So therefore we must tell the gospel to the whole that's why
Jesus go preach the gospel everywhere to everyone And God always brings his person in always
These are the ones that come to Jesus. They repent and they believe they hear his voice my sheep
Hear my voice Jesus says in John 10. They follow me They love me.
He says they obeyed me They obeyed the gospel They just don't sit on it and think about it and know it in their head that they were transformed with their hearts
Because they're a new creation Old things have passed away behold. All things have become new because they're in Christ Well, let's get to my next point here.
I have to hurry Next we see the believer is first In verse 18 a he who believes
Jesus says in him is not condemned is not judged now Again, there's only two kinds of people here there's believers and Nonbelievers or unbelievers
Nothing in between you're dead in sin or You have died
With Christ, he's taken your sin and you're in Christ you're in Christ or outside of Christ.
There's no in -between that's what we must see Jesus said there's a straight gate a
Narrow way that leads to life and there's a broad road a broad gate that leads to what destruction
There's heaven. There's hell There's nothing in between. There's no purgatory And believe me there's not one verse in the
Bible that can prove purgatory Only heaven and hell Christ or hell
As Spurgeon says Repent believe the gospel or perish. It's repent or perish.
I heard a sermon years ago holiness or hell and by the way, it's
Christ is holiness not ours and It says Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no one will say the
Lord Jesus said blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God You got the unbeliever you got the the believer
Jesus points out the believer first Which one describes you this morning
But Jesus talks about the believer God sent his son into the world not to condemn the world
But that the world through him might be saved we see first part of this verse that One that truly believes in Jesus Christ are not condemned.
So what does that mean? It basically means the one who is Lean with all of his weight with his heart
Has trusted Christ alone as Lord and Savior by the way
Christ is not divided He's just not Savior he's Lord as well
The one who has placed all their trust and faith in Christ and his person and his works and all that he is and what he's accomplished on the cross and All that he says that he is the
Christ the Messiah the Son of the Living God He and his perfect works and his righteousness by faith and faith alone are saved to the uttermost
They're saved from the wrath of God and they're saved from their sins Go with me very quickly to Luke chapter 5.
I like to look draw your attention to this wonderful text Luke chapter 5
Look at verse 27 to 32. I Love this
It says this Beginning with verse 27 chapter 5 after these things he went out
Jesus And he saw a tax collector, you know tax collector didn't have too good of a reputation like today
They were often crooks and swindled people His name was
Levi guess who Levi is it's Matthew He's Matthew Sitting at the top tax office there he is in his office
He swindled people he did he would he hadn't hardly probably no friends
You could see why right? He said to him Jesus said two words
Follow me Follow me, how did he respond?
So he left all He rose up Don't you love that?
He left all He rose up and Followed he obeyed
And then Levi then what did Levi did he rejoices? And this is it shows you that he must have done something about the person of Christ Because after this he gave
That's what the Christian does After he's saved he gives he doesn't take
He gives out You know you say there's only two kinds of people in this world to givers and takers
Well a Christian is the greatest giver because God loves a cheerful giver Levi gave him a great feast
He gave a great feast in his own house. He gives a party and There were a great number of tax collectors
Wow other tax collectors came to the party And others who sat down with them and get this the
Scribes and the Pharisees saw this What did they do one translation said they grumbled?
They complained Against his disciples now. I find this interesting that they were grumbling against the disciples of Christ and This is what they asked why do you eat and drink with these tax collectors and sinners you can almost hear the sneer, right?
Why do you do that? You should not participate with these filthy lowdown scums of the earth the tax collectors are sinners
They're all scholars. They're the rejects. They're the losers Verse 21 it's interesting the master answers for the disciples
He's the master and I think he's got the right words to say and notice what he says in verse 31 Jesus answered said to them.
I Love the way the Lord comes Those who are well
Listen to this have no need of a physician But those who are sick
It gives an illustration here. He says You know the person that really needs the physician or those that realize that they're sick they know that they're very sick and What he's saying is that these?
People that was in that mist these sinners Had a realization of their own sin in a sense and they realized that they was sin sick and they wanted to follow
Jesus Here are the religious people saying oh you got to be separated. You got a you got to be separated from them
But Jesus says no, there's no separation. There's a separation from the world. Don't get that. Okay.
I mean get that There is a separation that means holy but the Pharisees took it to another level they took it to the level of self righteousness
And it wasn't true holiness We are to be holy but Jesus teaches us what true holiness is
Jesus makes his point crystal clear and then he says this I have come to call I'm sorry.
I have not come called to call the righteous but sinners to what? repentance
No compromise. He ate with sinners and he was the sinner's best friend, but he called to repent of their sin
He answers Well Luke 19 10 for the Son of Man has come
To seek and to save notice. He's the seeker and he's the Savior you hear this all the time
I gave Jesus my heart That's not in Scripture It wasn't us that would aid the given it was
God that did to give him. That's what saves us To save to the uttermost to say that which was lost.
He did not come to judge the world He came to save the world from eternal death
Look at the third point Unbeliever Unbeliever 18 B But he who but there's the but he who does not believe is condemned
Oh say you're a believer or you're a non -believer. There's no other category in between that That is condemnation
He's judged because he he's already judged because he has not Believed in the name of the only begotten
Son of God because beloved at this point of so much so much of importance This is incredibly important This is the most serious matter because it's a matter of eternal life or death whether you are a believer in Christ or a non -believer and Listen very carefully.
He who does not believe has been judged already You've already been judged as our already opened up with the introduction and that word already is the key word in the text why because Christ came with great love and Kindness and mercy to save to the uttermost because God is good and the father pours out his mercy and Jesus Christ in his love he sent him to a cross to die and Beloved let me say this you don't need to run to religion.
You don't even need To run to any other person any philosophy or anything else, but run to Jesus If you get anything that I remember anything that I said children
Children you got my attention run to Jesus Run to Jesus I Got smiles now
Amen, that's something to smile about run to Jesus Christ by nature is a
Savior God by nature is a Savior Romans 10 9 through 11 tells us specifically that if we confess if you confess with your mouth
There's confession the Lord Jesus the Lord Jesus You don't make him
Lord. He's already Lord. We submit to his Lordship Believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead
You will be saved with with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth
Confession is made unto salvation For the scripture says whoever believes on him will not be put to shame
Amen, the Bible says you come into the status
That can be defined as this from the Bible. No condemnation full pardon rescued from the curse of the law cleansed from all guilt declared righteous in his name granted eternal life in his name and Never to be removed
You will be persevere and he holds you fast. Amen but on the other hand if you don't believe
You have been judged already because you have not believed in the name of the Son of God the only begotten
Son The Lord Jesus Christ has finished the work of salvation. He's completed it. He shed his precious blood
Heaven wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us Which was contrary to us as Colossians says he
Jesus has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross Having disarmed principalities and powers.
He made a public spectacle of them triumphant over them in it the
Greek word air handwriting referred to the handwritten certificate of debt by which a debtor and knowledge is indebtedness in other words all people
All has come short of the glory of God one God Through Jesus Christ has paid the debt we owe
God an unpayable debt Why? Because we violated his law his law.
We have broken his law. We've rebelled against God We come into this world. Like I said earlier born rebels
Romans 6 23 for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord Paul graphically compares
God's forgiveness of believers sins to wiping ink off a parchment and through Christ's sacrificial death on the cruel cross of Calvary God has totally completely erased our certificate of indebtedness and Made our forgiveness complete all because of Christ's death, but beloved, but you must believe and repent for that to be your own and To be appropriated
There's much more. I like to say here, but let me conclude with this a close and true story how a young man a
Young man, excuse me. Young man was converted to Jesus Christ by the grace of God on January 1850 a snowstorm almost crippled the city of Colchester England a
Teenage boy was unable to get to the church. He usually attended to so He made his way nearby a primitive
Methodist Chapel Where an ill -prepared layman was substituting for the absent preacher
This lane this lay preacher text that day he preached from the text Isaiah 45 22
Which says look unto me and be saved all the ends of the earth and that was it
For many months this young teenager had been miserable and under deep conviction Of the
Holy Spirit of his soul But though he had been reared in a church both his father and grandfather were preachers, by the way
He did not have the assurance of his salvation personally the unprepared
Substitute lay minister did not have much to say he repeated himself Constantly from the text and this is what he said.
He said quote a man need not to go to college to learn to look a
Man not need to go to college to learn to look he shouted
Anyone can look a child can look a child can look but who do we look to?
About that time. He saw the visitor Sitting on one side and he pointed to him and back then they did this
They would call people out and he pointed to that young teenager that was sitting there. So miserable. He said young man You look very very miserable
You look very very miserable Look to Jesus Christ Look to Jesus Christ young man did look by faith, by the way, and it's about faith and that man became
One of the greatest preachers England ever had in the world continues to be blessed by his writings and his name was
Charles Haddon Spurgeon Ain't that wonderful? He was converted to Jesus Christ by a lay minister a
Nobody that did not have much to say But the text looked unto me and be saved all the ends of the earth
Beloved this what I Charge you this morning. Look to Jesus As Jesus said that in John This is why
Jesus said this as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up in What he's basically is the the children of Israel had to look
Those that were bitten by those serpents had to look to that serpent on that bronze serpent on the pole and Jesus said
You look to me You look to the cross Christ crucified you look to him.
We look to him with everything you have and faith
Faith in Jesus Christ in him crucified He died
Lifted up was he to die It is finished was his crime now in heaven exalted high
Hallelujah, what a Savior Look to Jesus, let's pray Our Heavenly Father We thank you for your
Holy Word this morning We thank you for the truth of your salvation that's given to us in your word
It has been accomplished. We thank you. We believe it Lord graciously so graciously come to us now
Thank you for loving us so much through your one and only son for loving sinners
Christ crucified the just for the unjust the right the righteous one for the unrighteous
Thank you father Thank you do Lord for sending your one and only son to save us to the uttermost and we praise you we thank you we exalt
You we glorify you for the great plan of salvation. We thank you for accomplishing it through Jesus Christ father
I pray if there's anyone here today that has not believed in the Lord Jesus Christ Today will be the day of salvation today will be the day of visitation and I pray
Lord that you would show your great mercy and love and regret and grant repentance to the unbeliever
That they will come to you because you said he that comes to me I will know wise cast him out and come to believe and to repent
Father you said through your son we must repent or we like we will all likewise perish
That's the message We thank you for the good news, we praise you for your long -suffering toward us and your mercy and goodness
And we lift up Jesus Christ your son we pray for his sake in Jesus name