Thanksgiving Thoughts, the PWC


Did my usual Thanksgiving thing and pointed out that it should, in fact, be "usual" for Christians to give thanks and to live in a state of thanksgiving. Then we looked at the new "thing" to be all excited about, "The PWC," the post-war consensus. What is it, how do you define it, and how did it become the central issue in just a matter of a few months? Not sure when the next DL will be as I will be pulling out over the weekend, have long driving days, and next Thursday is Thanksgiving (official). Keep an eye on the A&O app for announcements!


Well, greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line. It is Thursday and that means
I'll be heading out this weekend for prior Oklahoma, the only state in the
Union that did not have a single county. Go for Harris.
In fact, it looks sad. When you look at the map, Arizona's got a whole bunch of blue in it.
Believe me, that was not the way it was 50 years ago. Things have changed a lot, but those big blue blobs are the
Indian reservations. So primarily, well, and Tucson, University of Arizona, that's about the only people that live in Tucson.
Anyway, so we'll be heading out to Pryor. So not this coming weekend, but the weekend thereafter, the weekend right after Thanksgiving, we'll be there in Pryor, Grace Life Church with Derek Melton and the folks there will be talking about the atonement and celebrating my second
Thanksgiving. I'll be getting to have my first Thanksgiving this
Saturday. And that also means that last evening the house smelled of nuts and bolts, which is a, it's basically
Czech's party mix, but you make it yourself and oh, the whole house just, and it's really, it,
I don't know why it tastes okay, you know, right when you're making it, but it's not till the next, the second day that it really, really starts getting flavorful.
It's I'm not sure how that works, but oh, it is.
Oh, it is the butter. It's a massive amount of butter. It's, there is nothing even semi -healthy about that, but I'm not sure.
I mean, the butter's got to be there from the start. So I'm not really sure how that works anyways. So I'm going to have a bag of that to take with me on the drive to Pryor and then from Pryor straight up to St.
Charles. And you know, it's still far enough off. I don't really trust a lot of weather forecasts that far down the road, but we could have some interesting, interesting weather while we're, while we're around.
So anyways, yes. That may be the tweet that I was, yeah, that may be it.
Yeah. Anyways, looking for, looking for various resources online and people are sending me stuff.
So then we will be addressing the LGBTQ stuff.
I really need to focus in upon that now that I've been investing so much of my time in other things, but get back to it because let's be honest.
Once again, we're all saying the same thing. We're all saying we've been given, we may have been given a brief reprieve in the last election.
And I, and the reason I say may, it seems to me like the current regime is trying to do everything it can to just basically run out the back door of a burning building and leave it to Trump to put the fire out, specifically world war, possibly thermonuclear war.
And so, you know, normally when you speak of the future, you sort of, you have to as best you can sort of assume the continuation of the current paradigm, but that doesn't always happen.
And so assuming thermonuclear war does not break out, that we've been given four years to do what?
When I think of the LGBTQ issue, I, in many ways, it's paralleling the abortion issue.
And of course, there's reason for that. They're related. They're both life issues. They're both issues related to the culture of death.
And I can't say with any level of confidence that the
Trump administration will, the Biden regime had as its, one of its central tenants, the promotion of the culture of death and hence moved the line way forward.
I don't, maybe in some small ways, there might be a retraction of some of the more egregious violations of creation that the
Biden regime put out there, but I don't see the people who are being selected to administration positions, certainly nothing.
The last thing that Trump's wife, Melania, put out there before the election was pure pro -choice drivel as far as abortion is concerned.
And so, I don't know, it sort of seems to me that we have a lot of work to do in the proclamation of God's truth in regards to the nature of mankind, hence sexuality, marriage, reproduction, children, family.
There's certainly a lot of work to do in the church in regards to the relationship of these institutions of God, state, family, church, the individual, but we can't look at it as a vacation.
It's just hopefully four years of freedom to express the truth doesn't mean we have, it's not a lot of time and there's a lot of work to be done and the educational system is still going to be cranking out secular humanists at an alarming rate.
And so, it's not time to sit back and go, are you tired of winning yet?
Well, we haven't won anything yet. Let's just be honest. I mean, yes, dodged a big
Marxist bullet, but how many of the older people, well, older people, it's sad for me to see how many of my own generation were voting for Marxism.
But hey, we've always had our leftists and they're just, they're still leftists. But anyway, we have this time and speaking the truth concerning what mankind is very, very important.
And that's why the LGBTQ stuff is not going to go away. It's not going away right now with the fight in Washington over a guy who dresses up as a gal and she was from Maine or Massachusetts.
Let's see if you can find, no, no, no, no, no, no, the dude, the transgender dude,
Vermont. Oh, okay. Well, that surprises me a little bit. I thought
Vermont had a few people with common sense in it, but maybe not. Well, Bernie Sanders comes from there, you know.
That's true. That's true. All right. So obviously it's been burned out.
Anyway, um, this is happening. I'm sorry. Yeah.
Um, this stuff is happening right now. And what an amazing thing.
We've become so jaded to all this. I cannot imagine when
I first voted in a presidential election, the insanity of having a discussion over where the people that you're voting for in Washington would use the restroom.
Oh my goodness. Back then, small sexual scandals were enough to derail somebody, but not anymore.
Not anymore. Uh, it's, it's truly amazing. So we, anyway, all of that to say,
I'm going to be speaking on the LGBTQ stuff. And there was a unfortunately, all this other cultural stuff has thrown some other materials that I need to be reading.
And I don't really want to, but maybe I can do it on the way back, um, to try to get to some of the stuff.
Um, this, the stuff that I love to read and that I love to speak about in some way, um, it's just getting pushed farther and farther into the background by all the stuff going on in, in, in the society.
And, um, so anyways, we'll be in a what? Okay. I cannot hear any of that.
Were you there? Oh, there you are. Sorry. Wrong button. Tim McBride is actually from Delaware.
I have to correct. I have to. Yeah. Really? Tim McBride is from Delaware. Oh, Biden.
Yeah. Yeah. So either, you know, right. What do you do? Right. Okay. All right.
So Rich has corrected the record, uh, that the, uh, the dude wearing a dress is from Delaware.
So I just, you know, I look at whatever district that is or something like that.
And I just look at those people and go, what is wrong with you folks? What, how, how can you get a majority of folks to be so disconnected from the creation order?
Um, there you go. Uh, that's how, that's how it works. Um, tremendous amount of, uh, stuff going on.
Um, now this is interesting.
I'm gonna go ahead and, but let's, let's, I'm gonna, I, I, I'm gonna sit here and go,
I should be able to pull this back up. Well, we'll, we'll see.
We'll, we'll hope. We'll hope. Um, I did want to, at least before we get into all of the, um, ultra nastiness in, uh, in, in, uh, in the web right now with, uh, for me,
Thanksgiving coming up this Saturday for everybody else a week from today. Normally each year,
I, I, one of the reasons that each year I spend some time on the program talking about Thanksgiving is because truly when you look at the term and when you look how it's used in the
New Testament, um, first of all, it's Eucharistia from which the term
Eucharist comes from. And as a result, let's be honest, non -Roman
Catholics or East Orthodox too, uh, don't like the term.
It's been stolen from us in a sense. It's been turned into something it never was.
The, the simple Eucharistia, the giving of thanks meal, uh, the
Lord's table was not some elaborate, uh, you know, people in flowing golden gowns and incense and, you know, you go on and on and on and on.
Um, it was a simple meal of remembrance that pictures the unity of the body of Christ giving thanks for the great price that was paid for our redemption.
And so we've, we don't get to use the right word because we're afraid of it.
And when I look at the descriptions of Christian character in the
New Testament, you can't, you can't find a, a term more central in describing what is appropriately how
Christians should think and act than that of Thanksgiving. I mean, I often think of Romans chapter one, that one of the most basic requirements that, that the revelation of God's existence is so clear and, and gets through so well that what
Paul can say, I probably have it here. Uh, yeah. Um, in verse 21 of chapter one, for though they knew
God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him. So the revelation of God is so clear and so compelling that all of mankind, every individual, every tribe, tongue, people, and nation, um, will be held accountable for giving thanks to God for the gift of life, for the provision of breath.
Um, every good gift comes down from the father of lights as, as we know from other passages of scripture.
And so the giving of thanks is basic and foundational to being human. Some of the least human people in history were people who had no concept of being thankful for anything they received.
I mean, think of some of the most reprehensible people in history, would they have ever been described as being thankful?
Oh, he was so thankful for all the Oh, of course not. That is, that is, it goes with evil is a lack of thanks.
So what happens in a secular society, in a society where there is no one to give thanks to, there is no recognition of the beauty of creation as something to give thanks for, the bounty of creation as something to give thanks for, um, the, the great joy that comes from our relationships with others, friendships, marriage, family, fellowship, all these are things that should prompt the giving of thanks.
In a secular world, there's no one to give thanks to. So you have a creature made in the image of God, made in such a way as to desire to give thanks, need to give thanks.
I mean, what's it like to be an atheist who sees that sunset that I took pictures of uh, just a few weeks ago.
Um, what, what happens when you see this?
Now, why? Yeah. Um, what, what happens when you, you see this kind of thing and there's this, there's this desire,
I don't know where that line, that beauty, there was, it was that, I was in the sky. I don't know what created it, but there was this, this, this line.
Um, it was just fantastic. I mean, look at that. I just took picture after picture after picture, tried to get the mountains in there so you could get a little, a little perspective.
Um, this is in Wilcox, Arizona, just a few weeks ago on the last night of my last trip. Uh, when the atheist sees that, they, they feel wonder.
There were a bunch of people, I was in a, I was in an RV park, of course. Uh, everybody's running out with their cameras, you know, taking pictures of this, this incredible site, but they have no way to explain why they find that so beautiful.
Oh, I know there's some, you know, I could come up with some naturalistic explanations, but they're extremely unfulfilling.
And so they live in God's world. They live as God's creature in God's world. What a life, what a, what a, what a horrible thing to live in God's world and refuse to see the beauty that God designed you to see and to give thanks for.
And certainly it, in our society today, the idea of giving thanks for those pictures, the only ones
I showed you there, they, they only had, um, at one point
I had zoomed in on the real orange. There was also like almost purple blue, uh, in, in it as well.
It was just, just fantastic. And you, you look at that and you see that beauty.
And it's sadly, even amongst Christians, if you, if you were to, if we, if we had been sitting around, if there had been some people with me, uh, sitting around looking at what you're looking at there, it would have sounded a little strange for me to say,
Oh, I'm so filled with Thanksgiving at the beauty that I'm seeing right now.
And a lot, and people like Thanksgiving, because we, we think of Thanksgiving as being limited to what
God immediately does for us in giving us great food, or, you know,
I'm so thankful for healing. Okay. Uh, in a physical sense,
God healed me of such and such as such disease, something like that. But we, we don't generally think about giving thanks for the beauty of the world, uh, that God has created and given us the opportunity to, to see and to experience.
So all of that to say that I don't know how you could even get close to a description of Christian character that is pleasing to God if Thanksgiving was not a part of it.
And I think that a lot of the discontent, because believe me, contentment and Thanksgiving hand in hand, and our society is designed around creating discontent.
See, if you're content with what you have, um, you're not going to be working yourself to death to get what you don't have.
And so if you're thankful for what you have, um, that, that our society doesn't reward that.
It wants you discontent so that you are always trying to get the new thing, always trying to beat the
Joneses, you know, bigger house, bigger car, whatever, longer vacation, um, more wild vacation, whatever.
And so contentment and Thanksgiving, they go hand in hand. You cannot describe
Christian character. Patience, um, endurance, all of these things, they're all related together.
And Thanksgiving should be something that is so common and every day in our experience that once we get the
Thanksgiving in the calendar, it's not that it would just become another day, but that we can honestly sit there and say,
I have experienced true Thanksgiving for all that God has given to me the whole year.
This is, this is the summary day. This is a day when we celebrate that. But if we're honest, okay, if I'm honest, um, that's not how it works.
We get to this age, we get to this time of the year. I'm sorry. We get to this time of the year.
And if we're honest, we will think back and there will probably be long, long stretches where we have not given a whole lot of in -depth thought to Thanksgiving.
And in fact, I'll bet this year, especially because if you're like me, a lot of your thought was taken up with politics, election, worldview issues, and those things are all, are all fine.
But you know what? I wonder how much less rancor there would be if we undertook even those necessary discussions, warnings, trying to say to our society, you know,
Marxism is a bad thing. You, you really, you really, no, you don't want to, you don't want to go there.
Marxism is a bad thing. Even in the midst of all that, if we did it in a spirit of Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving for the freedom that we might have to be able to speak and to teach and to even warn, giving thanks for that opportunity.
Everything you do when you do it in a spirit of thankfulness changes.
Every time that you do something out of mere duty, without a recognition that even our duties are gifts from God, you know, it becomes wearisome and toilsome to the body and, you know, that kind of thing.
It just changes everything. You know, people who are, who live a life of giving thanks and they seem so much happier.
And it's, it's, it's always amazed me. I mean, there's a number of places where, you know,
I think of outside Lazarus's tomb and Jesus says, roll the, roll the, roll the stone away.
And you think about Jesus saying, Father, I thank you for having heard me.
Jesus is, he gives thanks at the, at the breaking of bread and giving the cup, giving thanks.
It's something that Jesus did as the incarnate one. There's, there's the example for us right there.
And then we read so often of, you know, the
Apostle Paul gives thanks a number of times in the book of Acts, just simply for food, for God's provision.
The Apostle Paul gives thanks for the faithfulness of the various churches that he's writing to and what God's doing amongst the people.
And there's just so much of this to be found throughout the New Testament that, that it's not surprising when we get down to some of those texts.
You want the peace of Christ? Colossians 3 15, let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you were called in the one body and be thankful.
And it's sort of like, it's just, it's, you want to talk about the peace of Christ, the peace of Christ ruling in your hearts?
We talk about the kingdom of Christ. We talk about Christ ruling in heaven. Okay. How about the peace of Christ ruling in your hearts?
Let me be personal here for a second. I know how we put the proper face on when we're around other
Christians and, you know, speak Christianese and all the rest of that stuff.
Here's a question just for you. Especially over this past six months.
That's not fair. Yeah. Over the past six months, let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.
What has ruled in your heart? What has ruled in my heart? And if you weren't, if someone hadn't quoted
Colossians 3 15 to you and you were to just write down honestly the major influences in your innermost life, your heart, would you have said the peace of Christ?
Now, I hope most Christians would in some way, shape, or form somewhere find a way to make some reference to the rulership of Christ, living so as to glorify him, desiring to be obedient, pleasing to him.
That's another term that's real, we should have a pleasing Thanksgiving too. How to please
God. But honestly, where would the peace of Christ?
My innermost life has been marked by the rulership, not just the presence or the acknowledging, but the rulership of the peace of Christ.
The peace of Christ. Now, that's, hey, I reign et tu
Christu. And is that the peace that comes from Christ?
Is it something he affects within us? Is that its origin and source?
Is it Christ's peace? Is it that's what marks the nature of that peace over against?
I'm not sure what other kind of peace there would be. In fact, I don't think you could have peace outside of Christ, given his centrality.
But to the whole church, to every individual, let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which, unto which indeed you were called, the calling of God, you were called in one body.
Remember, this is Colossians 3, this is the same thing where this is the whole section where no
Jew, no Greek, bond -free, male, female, Scythian, no ethnic type of situation there, no ethnic divisions.
You were called in the one body, in the one body. And having been called to the rulership of the peace of Christ and be thankful ones.
And be thankful in our language is a description of a state of mind, maybe, but it's much more than that.
There's much more to it than that. This is a plural, plural, masculine, nominative term.
Be thankful ones. And so it's meant to be descriptive of who we are and how we act and how we respond, how we think.
And it's one thing this time of year, I think it's really appropriate right before Christmas, which can be certainly a time of Thanksgiving itself.
Thanks for the giving of the sun, the gift of life, everything that comes with that.
But this one time of year where we really focus in upon this, just to me, makes me look at the rest of the year when the busyness of life and all the things that come along with that, and makes me look back over the year and go, how many times did
I miss having the peace of Christ rule in my heart? Because I wasn't thankful. I was enduring, but I was not thankful in the enduring.
And I think that makes a huge difference. We can respect the people who endure great suffering, but man, it's the ones who remain thankful in the midst of the great suffering.
That's where y 'all just go, oh, I wish I could be that kind of person.
And so as you give consideration over the next week, and I hope you will, and again, hopefully all the busyness of getting prepared for Thanksgiving doesn't get in the way of this.
But as you are, hopefully, preparing for a day of doing what only we can do.
I mean, we think about even religious, even people who are religious but are not in Christ, how do they truly give thanks?
I mean, if you're in a religion where, if you're in Islam where Allah is so transcendent, that there is no interaction with his creation and so on and so forth,
Thanksgiving, you can give thanks to Allah every day of your life, and he might still send you to hell just for the fun of it.
Because there's no interaction, there's no accomplishment of his purpose and will in time itself.
But even then, when you consider people that are in false religious groups and the various cults and isms, they may give thanks to a
God that doesn't exist, but that's the problem. The God who doesn't exist, if that God didn't create all things, didn't create you, very different than what we as Christians have.
So, we are the only ones who can truly be thankful because we are in Christ and know
Christ. And hence, it's a great privilege to do these things, to have this opportunity to be a thankful people.
And yet, let's be honest, it's not something you hear a lot about. I bet you hear a lot more about it amongst the people who have the least.
I think the reason you don't hear much about it amongst us is because we're too busy with all of our stuff, for which we're not overly thankful anyways.
That's my guess. Who knows? We might find out sooner or later, one way or the other.
Paul finishes up that section. Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving.
Keeping alert in it with thanksgiving. So much that could be done with the topic of thanksgiving.
So much foundation for it in Scripture. I think we should have a quarterly celebration of thanksgiving.
Because the Lord's Supper is called the Eucharist. It's giving of thanks.
You have giving of thanks and the breaking of the bread, so on and so forth. I guess there are churches that do that once a quarter or once a year and stuff like that.
We don't. We do it every week. And so, it would be fitting to on a more regular basis, give thanks and focus upon it.
That's how important it is to the Christian life.
Just saw something. What is this? I don't know if you're seeing this, but Breaking 911 just scrolled across my screen.
Two ambulances and vehicles carrying secret service just left Mar -a -Lago per pool report.
No word on who's involved. I don't know.
All I know is even back in, when was that big, huge tsunami in Japan? I think it was 2011.
The first thing I heard about it, the first news I heard about it, the first video I saw was on Twitter, which
I had just joined. I mean, just a few weeks or something earlier, as I recall.
So, yeah, I don't know. We will see what comes up here.
I'm not saying that this is what's going on in any way, shape, or form, but it has been written.
It has been recorded that I said back in June, I said,
I hope he lives to November. And if he somehow manages to win this thing, I hope he can live to January to take office.
And, oh, you're just a downer. No, I'm just, there are global powers that want to keep their billions, and he's a threat to a lot of that stuff.
So, oh, okay.
All right, here's a good example. All right, let's switch topics here. As most of you know, yesterday afternoon, the
Antioch Declaration went live. This is a declaration that a group of us put together.
I didn't do major writing. I did some suggestions as to edits.
And the longest suggestion as to edits, I think it was because I didn't provide what
I thought it should read. I said, I'm just concerned about this section. It could be taken this way.
I don't know how to fix it without making it too long. And so, it didn't really get changed much.
I'd expressed concern about it, but it didn't really get changed much. And it's been one of the primary areas of attack that I've seen since then.
And because I was like, I just know where people are going to go with this. And this is exactly how people are going to argue.
And guess what? Believe me, in the conversations amongst the various collaborators that put this together, we predicted to the nth degree how it was going to be responded to, the kind of non -argumentation, the kind of blowing smoke and throwing dust in the air, and all the rest of this kind of stuff.
We had said, this is what's going to happen. It's like, yeah, and there's nothing you can do about that. You're going to have certain people, and they behave in a certain fashion.
And there is a form of, it's not really, we shouldn't call it argumentation, because that assumes that you're actually trying to make an argument.
It's obfuscating behavior, I guess would be. What was the term you want to use?
Propaganda, in a sense, yeah. But we knew exactly what it was going to look like, who was going to do what.
It wasn't all that difficult to do. But there's a guy, I think I did respond to him,
Corey Mahler, who again, the Lutherans are busy doing everything they can to warn about this man.
This is a man who I think today, well, I saw a quote from him today. The one thing that bothers me, like I'm even looking at a quote right now of Corey Mahler.
And the only thing that the screenshot tells me is that when whoever took their screenshot, he had posted it four minutes earlier.
It doesn't tell me date and time. I wish there was some way to always be able to see, always have a timestamp.
I really do. It would help a lot. So I saw a
Corey Mahler tweet today that said, no citizen of America should ever have to see a black,
Hispanic, or Asian person in their country. Okay.
I don't know how much more white supremacist, white racist you can become than Corey Mahler is, but there you go.
I mean, what an astonishing thing to say. And you do wonder at what kind of poison enters into the hearts and minds of people to where they become this evil, but there you have it.
So I had seen another tweet. Yeah. I've got another source saying the same thing about Mar -a -Lago.
Sorry. So I saw another tweet and I use it as an example.
Here's what the Corey Mahler tweet said, because we've never replaced tweet.
You have posts on Facebook. You have posts on Instagram. That means nothing anymore. You have posts on street.
You have posts next to the street. You can run into. Yeah. But see, tweet, you knew where a tweet was and you knew what you were doing.
That's why you shouldn't have changed it. Anyway. And X, seriously, come on.
X. Anyways, here's what Corey Mahler said. You cannot fight the post -war consensus, there it is, or the new global religion unless you are willing to revisit your view of the
German National Socialists, also known as the Nazis. They fought the battle and died for the truth long before you ever noticed the problem.
Okay. So the Nazis fought the battle and died for the truth.
This man is a Nazi. That's the only, he is a white supremacist Nazi.
He represents the SS, the worst of the worst. They live.
And he's saying they fought the battle and died for the truth long before you ever noticed the problem.
Now, of course, once again, as I've been saying all stinking morning, because all these,
I mean, I haven't even, I have not even scratched the surface of the nastiness and the vile language and the canceled culture.
I mean, the woke right and the woke left are very, very, very similar to one another. It's almost like you get so far around the corner, you meet down in the center and it gets a little weird down there.
I have been spending all morning explaining to people that their use of PwC, post -war consensus, is meaningless.
The term consensus has to have a delimiter. Consensus of what?
In what field? By whom? By whom? Otherwise it's just a meaningless, because it is contained in the meaning of the word itself, that there are plural individuals or at least data points involved.
So all that has to be defined, or it is nothing. It's a chimera. It's a mist.
It's a vapor. It can be applied to anything. You can use it to prove anything. And so there are people talking about, you don't hate what am
I supposed to hate? You're not defining anything. It's meaningless. Your lips are moving, but nothing's happening.
And so here's Mahler. And someone had even said, well, you know,
Mahler didn't make that up. I'm like, yeah, I know. Like I've said over and over and over again, post -war consensus is not a new term, but when it's being used rationally, historically, meaningfully, it is in the context of a post -war economic consensus.
Something like that. You've got areas where you can have a large majority view that will frequently try to push out any minority expression.
So in the scientific community, you have the Darwinian consensus.
Now it's wrong, but it would be a consensus. And when you talk about a
Darwinian consensus, you can even break that down to more specific applications, to microrotational evolutionary theory, to forms of natural selection, genetics.
There's lots of places you can get farther and farther down, but there has to be a delimiter or it's a meaningless phrase.
It means nothing. And so 99 .9 % of the uses of PwC have come from people who've read a few books,
Return of the Strong Gods, whatever else it is. And you've picked up the phrase, but you have no other knowledge of what it means.
And I've been alive. I've been understanding historical writing and documentation since, say, about the mid -70s.
That's when I was old enough to, hey, I've got a letter from Nixon.
I wrote Nixon a letter about the Ho Chi Minh trail and got a letter back.
And that was in, oh, goodness, 19...
It was a long time ago. Somewhere in there. So I was fascinated with that stuff in the beginning.
So I certainly had seen the phrase post -war consensus. I just always saw it being used meaningfully. Meaningfully in the sense of having a delimiter, having an object.
And since the war, there has been general agreement that this, in this field, a medical field, a historical field, an ethical field, whatever it might be, that's the only way you can use it.
Anybody who used it without a delimiter is just playing games. And that's 99 % of what's in Twitter right now.
It's just people who've read a certain book here, a certain book there.
And now in less than a year, it has become the mantra.
And so someone said, well, Mahler didn't make that up. I know he didn't make that up. But even right here, you cannot fight the post -war consensus or the new global religion.
Whatever that is. Unless you're willing to revisit your view of the Nazis, who, as I point out, fought the battle and died for the truth long before you ever noticed problems.
So this is what I said. I said, here's a great example. We all know Mahler is an excommunicant racist heretic.
Easier for folks to distance themselves. And it is. It's real easy to, oh, oh no, we're not like him.
But here's my question. And by the way, there are 68 responses to this since this morning.
But here's my question. If you buy into the new PWC is the thing, it is bad, fight the bad thing movement, just how do you fight
Mahler's racist evil? What is your foundation? I say the only true foundation for fighting this kind of insidious animus is the
God -inspired scriptures. And they're teaching about what true unity is and how it is obtained. And those scriptures say explicitly from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
One table, one people, all the old hatreds left behind before the cross.
So if you are doing the, yeah, Mahler is bad, but he's onto something with the
PWC two -step, how are you left with anything but slight differences of opinion and taste?
Because you're left on his ground. You don't have an objective revelation.
You're left playing with this. What do you remember? Oh man,
I'm going to ruin all my, okay. Okay. You won't, this is not something that everyone will remember, but this is just for my fellow
Trekkies. There was an original episode called Obsession where there's this gaseous creature that only seemed to have caught guys wearing red shirts.
Cause you beam down to an alien planet with a strange sound in the background, a red shirt in the original episode, you're doomed.
You're, you're, you're toast. That's all there is to it. I even have a shirt. I wore it once in the program. It says, um,
I'm not sure I'm going to make it. It's a red star Trek shirt. Um, and this thing would cover you and it would suck all the red blood vessel, blood corpuscles out of your body.
You'd turn all white and you know, die fairly quickly. And Kirk as a ensign had encountered this thing on a planet.
He'd always blamed himself that he hadn't fired his phaser fast enough. And so when the enterprise encounters it, you know, they fire phasers, it gets into the ship, uh, all the rest of this kind of stuff.
They eventually blow it up with an ultra mega nuclear weapon and destroy a planet, about half, half the plant in the process.
Anyway, um, here's, here's the point. You couldn't shoot it with a weapon because there was nothing there to hit.
It was amorphous. It would, you know, you might fire there, but it's no longer there when, when the phaser hits or when the photon torpedo hits or whatever else there was, it was a moving target that could not be hit.
And that's what this, the PWC is. It, it's this terrible thing that we all hate.
We all have to fight, but we have no earthly idea what it is because there's no delimiter. There's no, there's no way of defining what this consensus is.
I mean, I've actually heard people saying the PWC is Hitler bad. That's the
PWC. That's the most useless statement on the planet.
What, what is that supposed to mean? Hitler bad. Okay. How about, uh,
Mussolini bad? How about Stalin? How about Mao bad? Are those not
PWCs? Is there more than one PWC? See, it's once you, once you ignore the reality that the term consensus demands a certain, you've got to have something that falls after that.
There are certain infinitives, for example, in the Greek language, they'll always have a certain kind of word following it because it doesn't, to do something.
And so it just automatically follows consensus needs to have a delimiter. So, um, what
I was saying, uh, let's see.
Yeah. If you're doing the, the, uh, yeah, Mahler is bad, but he's onto something with the, with the
PWC two -step. How are you supposed to prove that what he said there was, was evil?
And here's the amazing thing is, um, when was this?
This was at 2 36 PM. So this was 20 minutes, less than 20 minutes ago, a guy named
MAGA Tolkien fan, MAGA Tolkien fan responded to that same
Mahler thing. You cannot fight the post -war consensus, the new global religion, unless you're willing and so on and so forth.
Please elaborate which statement in Corey J. Mahler's tweet is contrary to the word of God. As a minister, your only authority is to condemn what scripture condemns in all of the matters per the 1689
London Baptist confession. God alone is Lord of the consciences. Let it free the doctrines of commandments of men, which are, and this is now being used by the way, because this has, this has flooded into the reformed
Baptist movement. I told you last summer, when I first made comments about this, that in the first 48 hours, the majority of the people that I blocked on Twitter with red background, red backgrounds, blue eyes, the blue laser eyes guys had 1689 in their bio.
And so here's a quotation from London Baptist confession 21 too. All we ask is you to be faithful to your godly oath and only condemn what scripture condemns.
So you can't condemn what Corey Mahler said, which means, of course, you can't put what
Corey Mahler said in Corey Mahler's context, which included a tweet today saying that no
American should ever have to see a black, Asian or Hispanic in their country. Okay.
Corey Mahler with his, his pictures of, of Hitler presenting Hitler as a savior.
No, no, no. You can't, you can't interpret Mahler in that way. You can't let him speak for himself.
You have to take this one tweet. Now I'm going to read Corey Mahler in the context of what Corey Mahler says, which is a rational thing to do.
But once you've bought into the PWC is the bad thing, the holler is to it.
It takes you out of being able to actually make any kind of meaningful argumentation.
What an amazing thing. Let me see here. Yeah. I mean, this is a
Protestant. He says the Protestant reformation is right in his bio.
Okay, great. And so evidently he thinks that London Mass Confession 21 .2
means that there is no application of God's law, God's truth to any thing outside of just specifically biblical topics.
You can't. So, so scripture says every tribe, tongue, people,
Mahler says we should only see white people, but you can't make an application there because that's freedom of conscience.
No, that's stupid. Wake up. My goodness.
How could it, it's, yeah, it's been a little bit of a frustrating day.
So, look, let me just mention, I'm well aware of the fact that right now, lot of nastiness, but it's from a small group.
The vast majority of people are like, what on earth is going on? The problem is it's, you know, areas started small too.
And when you're encountering teachings that can be spread quickly and easily in the fellowship, and normally it's done without the knowledge of the leadership.
It is specifically done in secret, in, you know, by people who use our language, dress the way we dress.
Galatians calls them pseudodelphoi, false brethren. They sound like brethren. And they come in amongst the sheep and they're looking to get other people to jump on board with them.
And this is what the anti -act declaration is about. This is why
I've been focused upon this, despite the fact that I detest it. And I detest the whole area of discussion.
It's because we've always been here to serve the church. We've always been here, you know, initially it was,
Hey, when we founded this ministry, 273 Southern Baptists were becoming
Mormons every week. And the average Southern Baptist church had 274 members. And so the whole idea was, we understand a lot of ministers don't have the information, don't have the resources to really deal with Mormonism.
And so we're going to do the best we can. And then along came Jehovah's witnesses and Roman Catholicism and Islam and atheism and stuff as we grew and as I grew.
But we've always had one concern, the local fellowship, the church, and the danger to the church.
You know, I remember when I wrote the King James Only Controversy, for years I was getting letters. That's how long ago it was.
Letters written in the mail with a stamp and everything. And there was this,
I remember one that said, I just wish your book had come out two years earlier before this destroyed my church.
Destroyed my church. When church is closed, it's gone. And I felt, in a sense,
I felt really badly about that. I wrote it as fast as I could. But that's the idea, is that if this stuff is coming, someone has to, you know, you have to be the watchman on the wall.
You have to give the warning. And it may not be pleasant and you may have to go through,
I mean, you may lose all sorts of support and all sorts of people.
And when people say that, I just go, if you've been supporting us, you haven't been listening to us.
Because the kind of argumentation being used here is the very kind of argumentation we refute all the time from the cults and isms.
If you can grab hold of this nebulous, undefined
PWC, whatever it is, and let someone just fill that.
PWC means this. Who says it means that? You believe, I saw someone say, actually,
I kept a screenshot. I'm keeping a lot of screenshots. Though, I need to find a way.
You know, I bet you Ken could help us with this. You know, what would be super useful for me would be a means to put all my, everything that says screenshot, because then on a
Mac, when you do a, you save something, it names it screenshot something, put all that in one place and have a mechanism for the system to read the text in the screenshot and index it.
So I could find stuff again, because it's one thing to save it, it's another thing to ever find it again.
That's the hard part. I'll bet you there is a way to do it. But anyway, or if I was just smarter,
I would use this little clip program I have that automatically changes whatever you select into text anyways, and just stick it into one file, then it would always be searchable.
That would be even smarter. But that'd be two steps instead of one.
So maybe that's where the issue is. But anyway, if you've been listening to us, and you can buy into this nebulous, undefined, vague, it's the
PwC. Someone said, you're Sola PwC. And I'm like, you've got to be kidding me.
Sola PwC? Sola PwC?
I mean, obviously, I get to define PwC as I see fit. I guess you get to define it as you see fit.
I've been fighting cultural consensuses my entire life.
I've been in the minority and being against them my entire life. So to say that you guys just following along with whatever, you're just the old guys.
We are so smart. We figured it all out. Okay, well, you know what? Here's what's going to happen.
You cut us adrift. Okay, so long. And then you try to start a
Christian church. And you try to be biblically faithful within your anti -PwC context.
Guess what? In a very short time, there's going to be something new. It's no longer going to be
PwC. It's going to be some other three -letter acronym that no one can ever figure out. And it'll be the new thing.
And you might want to go, well, no, that's craziness.
No, that's not going to, that's going against everything we've always thought before. And the next young generations come along and kick you out because they're so wise too.
And they don't realize that 20 years down the road, it's going to happen to them because they don't have an unchanging standard to correct all of the, what was the term?
Oh, somebody used winds of doctrine. The newest thing that comes along.
And you see one of the advantages that you young guys don't have is we've seen all this stuff come along before.
No, not by specific use, but all sorts of these new -fangled ideas.
And people glom onto it, and they get all excited about it for a while. It doesn't last because it's not truly based in scripture.
And that's a problem. So anyways, by the way, Rich, I wanted to mention this to you, and I wanted to do it on the program.
I wore this sweater for the first time yesterday when I went out. I stole this thing off eBay for less than 40 bucks, which it was a good day.
It was a good day. And twice, I went by a
Sonic. I got the truck washed, and then I went and did a quick run at a local store.
And the lady that brought me my food at Sonic said, wow, that's a really pretty sweater.
And then I went to the store, and I'm pushing my cart past somebody, and the lady stops and turns around and says, that's such a pretty sweater.
So I wanted to ask you, when was the last time you were in a store, and you had multiple ladies saying to you, wow, that's really a beautiful sweater you've got on?
Wait a minute, you pulled the microphone up, Rich. You were going to answer my question.
I wasn't going to answer the question. I was saying something to the effect of, you know, Coogie's must be PWC. You know, you should write more on Twitter.
You'd fit right in. See, he had no response.
Because I can assure you, with how Rich dresses, no one has ever come up to him in any store and said, wow, that is really nice.
Except for maybe those red shoes you had. Maybe there might have been somebody. I haven't seen them for a while.
Rich, what happened to them? Dog ate them? The wife absconded with them.
She wears them? No. They went to the place that things go that haven't been worn for six months or more.
Oh, okay. Well, that would mean that you had to stop wearing them first.
Right? That was your choice. Well, I was wearing other things, you know?
Right, right, right. Okay. Anyways, we've gone on long enough with that.
This is going back with me. Those of you in St. Charles, you will see this sweater again. Because especially the first nighttime session,
I always wear a coogee. This isn't a coogee, though. It's a tundra. Most of my favorite coogees are now tundras.
It's a Canadian company. At least they're still being made somewhere other than in China. And that's what's great.
Anyways, all right. So that's the program for today. Hopefully, you will have a great
Thanksgiving. Lord willing, we will have another program before Thanksgiving.
Because Thanksgiving is a Thursday. So I'm not sure if we're going to get... You're going to be busy?
Oh, you're doing the cooking. Well, that's true. Yeah, right. Yeah, because the wife has still got a bum limb there and a wing.
And so I'm doing the cooking. Oh, yeah. So I'm not sure how far after Thanksgiving we're going to be able to have any programs either.
Depends on how long the recovery time is. Too rich is cooking.
So anyways, as I said, the mobile studio moves out this weekend.
So we'll just let you know on the app and get to it as we can.
I do know that I've got a number of programs to do next week while I'm traveling. So it may be hard to fit one in.
But I'm also expecting that Tobias's response will be available next week.
And hence, that will allow me to make some statements that I have not been able to make up until this point in time.
And I'll tell you why. Tobias asked me to hold until he could make his response so that he would not have multiple extra things to be trying to respond to.
So if I respond to stuff, then he's got to take that into consideration in his response.
And so it just keeps getting longer and longer and longer. I get it. I understand it. And hopefully next week that response will be out and I'll have time while driving to listen to it.
And then we can have some commentary from there. So all right.
Thank you so much for watching, listening, doing whatever it is you do. If you don't hear us until Thanksgiving, have a great and fantastic time.