Creator Of “The Chosen” Says That Mormons Are CHRISTIANS!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Dallas Jenkins, the creator and director of the
Christian crowdfunded show, The Chosen, did a podcast with a Mormon organization in 2020.
Now that alone isn't a problem, but in that podcast, he made some statements about Mormonism which are highly suspect and should be deeply concerning to Church members who watch the show,
The Chosen. This video is not being made to rip on Dallas Jenkins, but to warn the Church about his false teaching.
In the podcast, Dallas said this, I recently have gotten into a little bit of trouble in certain circles because I was on another
LDS podcast, LDS of course means Latter Day Saints, the Church of the Mormons, and I said that LDS and evangelicals love the same
Jesus. Apparently, it's a controversial statement. But now that I've been working with my LDS brothers and sisters over the last couple of years and gotten to know them so well,
I've learned quite a bit. So here he says that Mormons and Protestant Christians love the same
Jesus, and he calls Mormons his brothers and sisters in Christ. This is absolute heresy from Dallas Jenkins, and there's no way around that.
Unfortunately, we can't even give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest that he's unfamiliar with Mormon theology, and that's why he's making these unsubstantiated claims.
Because later in this very podcast, he says, There are reasons why I'm an evangelical and not
LDS. I do have things theologically that I disagree with, or things that even just in kind of practice aren't quite my speed in the
LDS faith. So he is well aware of the differences between the two religions, yet he still calls
Mormons his brothers and sisters in Christ, and even says that they worship the same Jesus that we do.
That is blasphemy and false teaching, and let me give you a few reasons why. Number one, Mormons and Christians do not worship the same
Jesus because the Jesus described in the Bible, the one true Jesus, that is, He is God in the flesh.
John 1 .1 says this when it says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God. And John 1 .14 clarifies that the Word being spoken of here is
Jesus himself when it says, And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen
His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
In other words, the Bible makes it abundantly clear that Jesus is God in the flesh.
Mormons, on the other hand, believe that Jesus was a God, but not the one true God. And this alone, biblically, is enough to disqualify them from being
Christians and from being born again into the Body of Christ. Number two, the differences between the true
Jesus of the Bible and the false Jesus of Mormonism are not minor or secondary. Rather, they strike directly at the heart of who
Christ is. Dallas denies this, and he even gives a horrible analogy to defend his heretical perspective on Mormonism.
In the podcast, he says, But I describe it like this. If I'm talking to you about our friend Daryl, and you've actually met
Daryl, you know Daryl a little bit, and I say, Do you know Daryl Eves? He's my partner on the show, and if I said,
Oh yeah, and he's the one who's six foot three. And you went, No, no, no, Daryl's not six foot three. He's probably five foot ten or so.
And I said, No, no, no, he's six foot three. You wouldn't say, Oh, I guess we're talking about two different Daryls. The analogy here is truly horrendous, folks.
Mormons and Christians aren't disagreeing about the height of Jesus or his hair color or what color his tunic was.
These are all examples of small details that have no theological significance. But Christians and Mormons disagree on the actual person and work of Christ.
That's the problem. Christians think that Christ came to save us from our sins. But Mormons believe that Jesus' goal was to help us become gods, just like the
Father was once a man and became God. Taoist is making excuses for Mormons based on improper argumentation and unbiblical beliefs about who our brothers and sisters in Christ are biblically.
Number three, in conclusion, it is clear that Dallas Jenkins, the creator of The Chosen, does not have the theological sophistication or accuracy required to be creating a show like this.
After all, how can we expect a man to accurately represent Jesus when he thinks that those who believe that Jesus isn't
God are worshiping the very same Jesus that he does? This alone has made me skeptical of The Chosen to the extent that I wouldn't even really feel comfortable having myself or my family watch it.
What we believe about Jesus is essential to our faith. And Dallas Jenkins is, at best, an extremely confused believer who is dishonoring
Christ's name through these statements of his, and at worst, he's a rank heretic who is deceiving
Church members into unifying with a dangerous and unbiblical cult group. Either way,
I would say stay far, far away from The Chosen and any other Christian show he might be producing.
If you can read this man's comments about Mormonism and somehow come to the conclusion that he understands Scripture well, then
I think your discernment is probably just as poor as his. Again, I'm not trying to hate on Dallas, I love the guy, and I genuinely hope that he comes to a better understanding of Christ.
But I would still recommend that you stay far away from The Chosen because it's being led by someone who doesn't know how to tell the difference between a cult and true
Christianity. So pray for Dallas that he would repent and understand the Word of God more accurately, and that he would stop deceiving the
Church. And pray that Mormons across the world would leave their sinful belief system and turn to the truth of the
Gospel of Christ. Thank you so much for watching that video. If you want to see more, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another video.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.