Matt Slick Live: December 20, 2024



Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 12-20-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:  Matt Discusses his Debate with a Roman Catholic about Mary’s Role in Heaven/ Why Did Jesus Not Allow Mary to Touch Him After His Resurrection But Later Allowed Thomas to Touch Him?/Question About The Parable of The Laborer’s Pay/ Matt Discusses Biblical Doctrine About Jesus and Compares it to Official RCC Maryan Teachings/ What About Visions of Mary in Recent History?/ How Should We View The Statement Pastors Use such as--Perhaps For Such a Time as This?/ December 20, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey, look, you want to give me a call? Well as usual, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
Now today is Friday. It seems like Thursday to me, it doesn't seem like Friday. But today is
Friday. And if you want to send me an email, you can do that very easily as well.
All you have to do is direct it to info at karm .org, info at karm .org.
And just put in the subject line, radio comments, radio question, and everything you need is right there and I can get it so we can talk about it.
Alright, so, I'm waiting for that to come on, um, I don't know what's going on.
I've got a little problem, oh, I know what happened with Rumble, I didn't do my right stuff on Rumble.
I've got so many things I'm going, let's see if I can fix it while I'm talking. So, uh, last night, last night, there was, um, oh boy, there was a debate.
And let's just say that it didn't go, oh man, it did not go well, it didn't go well at all because the guy was just horrible.
He really was. What I'm going to do, I'm going to fix that Rumble thing during the break, so I can focus here.
Alright, so we're supposed to debate the issue of, um, was, is Marian intercession in heaven?
Is it found in the Bible? And uh, well, the answer is no, it's not.
And I went and, uh, did this debate, okay. So this guy, what he did was, uh, he was in control, uh, there was no moderator, it was on his forum, uh, and I'm like, uh,
I don't like this. And uh, he was the nicest guy until the debate started. Then he just turned into, uh, of a, um, an aggressive, uh,
I don't know how to describe it, aggressive showboating kind of an individual who, uh, then started quoting church fathers and I kept saying, that's not part of the debate, it's one of the
Bible. And uh, and we're going to, we're going to get the emails together and prove this too, that, uh, he didn't stick to the debate parameters.
And so, uh, he, this, I've never had this happen before.
I've done, I don't know, maybe a hundred debates, formal debates, I don't know, a lot.
And when we have, um, uh, cross -examination,
I have never had this happen before, what happened last night with this
Catholic. So he would ask me questions. Of course he couldn't, uh, he failed to refute my arguments about the
Bible and stuff like this. He didn't, he didn't, uh, didn't do well there. He honestly did not. He was pretty bad. And, uh, uh, okay, okay, look at the notes.
And so during the discussion, during the cross -examination, what he's supposed to do is he, he went first, he asked me questions,
I just answered the questions and then he can cross -examine me. So I'm starting to answer the questions, he kept cutting me off.
And I said, well, can I finish answering? And he said, I'm not gonna let you talk like this,
I'm not gonna let you, what? It was ridiculous. And he was very aggressive.
He was very rude. And, uh, he, um, interrupted constantly when
I repeatedly said, please, I just want to finish my sentences. And it went on and on. And he said, when you ask me the questions, then, uh, then you can, you can cross -examine me and then we'll see how it goes then like what?
And so this went on and on and on for 20 minutes. It got to the point where I almost gave up just trying to talk to him because, uh, there
I am trying to answer his questions that he kept cutting me off. And I don't know when it happened, but, uh,
Charlie, a friend of mine, he listened to the debate and he said that this guy muted me several times.
I don't know how many, I don't know for how long, and I don't know what situation, but he said, oh yeah, he's muted him unless it was an issue with Charlie's computer.
Uh, apparently cause this guy was in control. He muted me, uh, several times.
I couldn't answer the way, you know, the way I wanted. And then when we got to, uh, yeah,
Laura says I got muted. Tell me how many times. Uh, check, type in anything you know about that where I'm going to know, cause
I did not know this until today that he was muting me. He said, she says at least three times.
Wow. So, I mean, that's just unheard of. You just don't do that in a debate.
And then when it was my turn to cross examine him, I just was stymied by the atrocious behavior of this guy.
So I would ask him questions and some of them he would answer directly. And then what he would do, and a lot of them is just go off on a tangent and we'd go on and on.
And I said, no, no, no, it's not the question. And he goes, yes, it is. And, uh, I said, no, no, no, it's not. And he said,
I'm not going to let you control this like this. What? That's not the question. And uh, he would go off and off and it got to the point even in that where I had to just give up and just let him go.
And I just, I even said to him, just tell me when you're done talking because he was so incredibly rude.
He was so bad. It was, it was one of the worst I've been in. I've been a lot of lately the past two, three debates
I've had, they've been really bad. The opponents are just horrible. He muttered and told you off per se, wanting you to listen.
Yeah, he did. You guys can call up and you can, um, you can give me your feedback on it too.
We had a caller. We'll get to that a little bit, but this is what happened over and over and over again.
And he made logic errors. He made some bad logic errors.
And uh, I'm going to tell you about this too. Uh, let's see, I'm going to make a note of my, for myself here to tell you about.
And so, you know, he would go to a verse, I'm going to read you one of the verses, okay, that this is the kind of stuff he did and absolutely refused to be corrected.
Absolutely refused. So check this out. Romans five, eight, I mean Romans revelation five, eight.
When he had taken the book, the four living creatures, the 24 elders fell down before the lamb, each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.
He says, see, they can, they can hear your prayers. I said, it doesn't say they can hear our prayers.
I said, this is very symbolic here for living creatures or 24 elders, golden bowls, all this and prayers of the saints.
I said, it doesn't say there that they hear them. He goes, that's what it means. And I said, that's not, is it? He goes, yes, it is.
I said, but that's not logical. It goes, yes, it is. You don't know how to think. You don't know this. You don't know. It was like this. And then
I went into, let's see, revelation eight, let's see if I can find the one where, uh, oh, it says, uh, they were all saying, holy, holy, where I forget what it was.
Maybe it was revelation 16 and he brought this up and I said, I can find it because we went all over the place, um, where he heard a bunch of people saying, holy, holy, uh, holy to the
Lord. Holy, holy, something like that. And they were all singing in one of one voice. He heard them all saying this.
And maybe someone can find me that verse. I don't remember what that was, where it was put it in the, uh, in the text there, but that read it.
So I said, but it's not what it says there. It says, it's a, you, you're requiring what he was doing was requiring a certain reading and only a certain reading.
And it says a great multitude, uh, her, uh, John heard a great multitude saying, uh,
I think it was holy, holy Lord, uh, like that he says, see, they were in different languages and all over.
And they understood it. I said, didn't say that. It just says they were all singing or saying one thing and that they were speaking what they did, the way they did.
Uh, and I said, it's like being in a, a stadium where you are watching a game and everybody is saying the same thing and you, you, you can hear the entire crowd say this one thing like, you know, go team, go whatever it would be.
And I said, this is, this is, you know, this is as good as the explanation for this.
And he refused it and said, I didn't know how to think. I didn't know what logic was anyway. It just points like this and it was really bad.
It really was. And then at one point after the debate was over and he claimed victory, he claimed victory.
Uh, oh man. And then, and then the people in the chat room with him, they were saying some of the worst stuff about me.
And I mean some of the worst calling me from the devil. I'm from Satan. I'm possessed.
Even things I can't even say over the radio. His supporters, Roman Catholic supporters, I mean vitriol and hatred and condemnation.
I even got to the point where I said, uh, the Bible tells us a second Timothy two, 24 to 25.
I said, it says that the Lord's bond servant must not be quarrelsome, but be gentle, uh, able to, uh, with, with gentleness, correcting those who are in opposition.
And I said, that's what you're supposed to be doing. How come none of you are doing that? And it was bad and think, um, what, what
Laura isn't, uh, didn't you get booted or joined and you get booted? Type it out in, uh, what happened to you in the, um, in the private chat here because, uh, so, so, uh, some of the people on my side are going in there and, uh, they timed her out for making comments that weren't in line with what they wanted her to say.
That's what it was. And they timed her. They put her on hold until she couldn't say stuff. This, this group was really bad and it wasn't, he wasn't, he, the opponent
I debated, isn't he the one who's in control because he muted me and they did some timeout stuff. It was just, it was a, it was a farce and he deleted your comments and yet the vitriol, hatred, mockery, and condemnation and personal insults, they were allowed to flow.
Now, this is interesting. It's really interesting to me. It is. It's a cult mind thing.
And, uh, he said, I didn't have a very good Christology, so I actually chuckled because I said, really?
I don't know. I don't have good Christology. Um, and who said, who said this one, uh,
Matt is scum. Not even good enough to be rotten fruit. Stuff like this.
In fact, uh, before we go to the Christology thing, maybe I'll, I'll go over, I enjoy this kind of stuff. I, I, I do.
You know, it's being just, uh, just in this, not that I want attention.
It's just, it's just, man, there's so bad. So let me get to some of these things.
I think Joanne gave me some, uh, some stuff, you know, that was sham,
Sam Shimon who said that, right? About me not being rotten fruit. Uh, Matt is really stupid and desperate to ask such a question.
Don't know what question it was. Uh, what else? Um, let's see. Come on.
What is that one? Uh, don't slip on Matt slick, cross the threshold of hope.
Matt is really desperate. Uh, let's see what some other ones here, which is, I'm just picking some of the ones she sent me a whole bunch and, um, let's see, uh, uh, yeah, that didn't really say much in that one.
I'm just picking some random ones. So, uh, let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Uh, Matt has gone.
The debate proved it from Sam Shimon. Uh, yeah, it's just, these people are just full of hate and it's interesting.
I've noticed more hate groups coming up and more, more just hate filled stuff.
It's pretty amazing. And, uh, I get a kick out of it because it doesn't, uh, doesn't bother me.
Uh, note the idiot just admitted the Deuterochronicles are part of the Septuagint during Christ's in Christ endorsed it.
No, he did not. And they don't understand what I was saying. And in fact, get this, when
I had a debate with Sam Shimon, I don't know, a year or so ago, two years ago, whatever it was, he brought up Colossians 1 .20
to refute women atonement. I'll tell you what happened afterwards and what he said.
It was just amazing how bad it was. Okay. So we'll be right back after these messages, please stay tuned.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody, welcome back to the show. Just want to thank you for listening and making one more adjustment on something.
Let's see, we got that and we have to go for that right there.
And now it should all be working. I messed up today. I got my time all messed up on getting ready for the radio show.
So that's bad on my part. Sorry about that, everybody. So I think
Rumble is working now. Yes, it is. And the sound should all be working now and everything should be working now.
All right. So I'll just say this one thing that's kind of interesting. There's people, there are people who are just vitriolic and full of hate.
I'm seeing more and more of this. Here's some of the things that were said about me in the debate and some of the chat.
And they never repented. They never said, you know, it wasn't showing God in this.
I'm going to explain this. Sam Simone says, Matt, you truly are a low life joke. Matt Slick, that's why you're stupid and dishonest to your
God's decree. Calvinist, pagan, tsk, tsk, don't be mad at what your fake
God decreed for Catholics to do. Mocking the things of God and stuff. Now, okay,
I'm going to show you something here. I'm going to go to Ephesians. Oh, I forgot to tell you this.
So I had a debate with this guy named Sam Simone a while back. He's a well -known apologist in Islam.
He's really good, but he's gone over to the dark side. He's become Roman Catholic, and he's causing others to follow in his vitriolic approach.
It's full of accusation, foulness. It's really bad. And so in our debate, he was trying to refute limited atonement, and he went to Colossians 1 .20,
which says, through him, Jesus reconciled all things to himself. He says, see, reconciled, that means he bore the sin of everybody ever lived.
And in this debate, I asked him, well, reconciled all things, does that include the devil? And he was stumped.
He really was. You could hear the video. He was stumped. He didn't know what to say about it. And literally, in this debate last night, he showed up and said something like,
Matt's so stupid, he even asked me if Jesus atoned for Satan. And it's completely out of context, and it just shocked me.
He should have known better than to say that. But here's the thing. I'm going to go to, this is a lesson for all of us, okay?
And this is what happens when you deal with false doctrines, you know, and the paganism and the idolatry of the
Roman Catholics, which is just all over the place, okay? So it says this in Ephesians, oh,
Galatians, so how am I doing? Galatians 5, here we go. Galatians 5, 18, 19.
Now, the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry.
Now, the Catholic Church promotes idolatry in Mary, because I called, I said last night, she's a functioning goddess, and she is.
She can hear millions of prayers simultaneously spoken and thought all over the world at the same time, you know, and know the intentions of their hearts.
He admitted, this guy admitted she could do that. Well, then how she's not a functioning goddess. That's what goddesses do.
That's what pagan gods do. She's exact, except she's not a goddess, they say.
Well, okay, it's a functioning goddess, is what I said. Also enmities and strife, and this is what was the case with the people who were in the chat rooms last night, and along with the debater.
There was a lot of enmity, a lot of strife, and disputes and dissensions. This guy was full of these.
These are the works of the flesh, okay? They are the works of the flesh, but the fruit of the
Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self -control. Now, a lot of people don't know, but in Greek, the word fruit is in the singular, so it's the one fruit of the
Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and things like that. Not a big deal, it's just some trivia.
So, I actually pointed this out and asked them to, you know, follow the scriptures, and what
I received was mockery and condemnation. All right, now think about this. Jesus said, in fact, let me go here.
I'm going to do this and show you something. Signs of the End Times.
All right, I wrote an article in 2017 on what are some of the signs of the end times.
I'm going to go through and read some of them. I have the scripture references for each one of these, and some of them are very important.
Well, they all are, but some of them are very relevant, I should say, to this discussion last night, and not only in what
I was seeing last night, but also there's a place we go to in our chat room called
Clubhouse, and there are people who are vitriolic against God's sovereignty, predestination, election.
I mean, hate it and condemn it. And Dave, who's on the board of directors, a guy
I've known for decades, he says he's experienced this too, where people are just vitriolic to the sovereignty of God.
Now, what Jesus, what the Bible says are some of the signs of the end times are as follows.
The presence of false Christ and false prophets, war, persecution of the faithful, apostasy.
Now, the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church are clearly apostate. They teach a false gospel, a false
Mary, and a false priesthood. We can get into that sometime. There'd be a lawlessness would increase, love grows cold, earthquakes, famine, plagues, an increase in selfishness, lovers of money and self -pleasure, arrogant, disobedient, ungrateful, and unholy, haters of good, conceited, appearing godly but are not.
Now, that right there is really important. Haters of what is good. What is good is that God predestines us to salvation, that God chooses us for salvation, because without that, we go to hell.
Now, the Bible teaches that God predestines us. This is out of Romans 8, 29 and 30. Those whom he foreknew, he also predestined to become conformed to the image of his
Son. And so, the ones who are foreknown are the same group as the ones who are predestined. Ephesians 1 .8, 1 .4,
he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we'd be holy and blameless. So, this is the control and the sovereignty of God, and it's good, and people hate it.
And also, they appear godly but are not. This is 2 Timothy 3, 2 -5. And so, the
Roman Catholics appear godly in their pagan rituals, their paganism, but they're not, like the paganism of the
Eucharist that they do. And I can go into that, I can teach you about that, why it's so bad, and it really is bad.
And so, there can be false teachings that arise also, and there's other things.
So, I'm seeing this increase over the past few years. It used to be that you could have a difference of opinion, and people would just say, well,
I don't agree with you, and let's discuss why. Okay, I could say to the Catholic, I don't believe your church is teaching the truth.
And they would say, well, okay, why do you say that? Let's talk about it. Just like they might say, my Reformed theology,
I think it's wrong. Okay, well, why do you say that? That's becoming less and less the case, and more and more the case that if you disagree with them, you're evil.
This is leftism. It's the left way, you know, the left is in our culture. And they're just going into the issues in the areas of the flesh and ungodliness.
And this is what I'm seeing more and more and more. These things are happening.
It's shameful. And they call themselves Christians. And then they are vitriolic, full of hate and mockery and condemnation, just as the
Bible says will occur. And so, I see these things on the rise. That's not the big deal.
But I will tell you this, I learned a lot from the past three debates that I've been in. Starting in January, just FYI, I'm going to require that anybody who wants to debate me has to agree to a certain set of rules and parameters.
And they're going to be very specific. And if they don't agree to them all, I'm not interested in talking to them. It's just going to be like that.
We're going to narrow it down. We're going to make sure that they don't behave like this. And then they can actually stick with the topic, instead of going off topic like the guy last night did repeatedly.
Hey, here's another break. We'll be right back after these messages. We'll get to Luke from Washington, DC.
Be right back. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
Everybody, welcome back to the show. It's the bottom of the hour. I just want to let you know that after today, after this show today,
I won't be on the air for the rest of the year. We'll be back on live on January 2nd.
So I'm going to take some time off and do some vacation stuff, you know, and rest and all that kind of thing. And that means the people at the radio station can enjoy themselves without having to listen to me, among others.
But at any rate, so there's that. If you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
And also, December is our matching funds drive. So if you want to keep us on the air or just support the ministry and you like it, then please consider supporting us.
Just go to karm .org, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G forward slash donate.
Everything you need is right there. Let's see if our sound is working right.
Luke from Washington, you're on the air. Hi, Matt. How are you? I'm okay.
Hanging in there, man. Hanging in there. Just reviewing the debate, the debacle last night. The guy, he was so bad.
But yeah. You have a debate with who? Oh, I had a debate with a
Roman Catholic. Yeah. I won the debate.
I mean, because he couldn't, he could not establish from scripture what he asserted. He had to use inference out of analogies and there was nothing concrete whatsoever in the verses he raised.
I refuted and he couldn't answer any of my questions. Well, he did when
I said, did Jesus ever teach praying to Mary? He said, no. Did the apostles ever teach praying to Mary?
No. You know, stuff like this, but it's what it was anyway. So what do you got, buddy?
My question is, why did Jesus tell Mary not to touch him, but allowed
Thomas to touch him? The word there, touch in the Greek carries also the emphasis of clinging and holding onto, just not letting go.
And that would make sense at the resurrection. She'd want to let Jesus go. She wanted to just hold on to him. Don't go, don't go.
And he says, don't cling to me. Don't, don't hold me back. I've got things to do. And that's what he was basically getting at.
Okay. So what about the
Thomas? What about Thomas? Thomas, doubting
Thomas, he allowed him to touch him. Yeah. Well, he allowed her to touch him too.
The issue was don't keep clinging and holding on. So he can't go do his stuff. And in John 20, 25 through 28, we don't know that Thomas actually touched him because, uh, it doesn't say he did.
Jesus just said, put your hand into my side and put your finger into my hand and see and believe where it is me.
So he was challenging Thomas who said, I'm not going to believe unless I can see him and, you know, see the wounds and things like that.
And Jesus said, well, here we go. So, uh, like I said, he had other things he needed to get done and that's what happened.
Okay. Okay. So one more question. Uh, one more question. Yes. Why did the labors in vineyard receive the same reward and what does the murmuring signify, you know, the parable of the labors?
Yes. Uh, they got different. Um, they worked differently and different amounts and then they were each received the same reward and people complained about it.
And what they were complaining about was the graciousness of the land of the owner of the, the provider.
This is related to salvation. You can have someone who's a Christian their whole life and they get the incredible reward of heaven.
And you can find someone who's, who becomes a Christian a day before he dies. And you've been bad his whole life.
And he completely trusts in Christ. His sins are wiped away. He also goes to heaven and people might say, well, that's not fair.
Oh, I don't want fairness from God. I want grace. And so God has the right to do with his creation as he desires.
And he says to them, so you're upset that I'm gracious to them. Did you not agree?
And he says in the parable, did you not agree to work for this amount? And I've given you what you wanted. Isn't that what you agreed to?
Why are you jealous about someone else getting something else too? And this taught me this, this principle taught me something.
If I work for a company, an owner is there talking to me. He has the right to do with the company as he wants. He can pay someone else twice what he wants to pay me.
If I agree to work a certain wage for a certain time, that's what my agreement is. And if someone else is getting twice, that's not my concern.
Praise God is getting twice. I'm there to hold up my end of the bargain and do what's necessary and is required.
It belongs to the owner in this case and does this stuff. And so I don't look to others and covet what their blessings are.
I just worry about my own place with God. Okay. Okay.
So do you know Andrew Farley, another radio show guy, Andrew Farley?
No, I don't. Okay. All right.
Thank you. Sure. Okay. No problem. God bless. Okay. Thank you.
All right. Well, since we're talking about the issue of Roman Catholicism, don't detain me as agreed is acceptable to don't detain, hold, prevent, move, cling to.
That's right. So let me just go over some stuff about Mary.
And I say this, I do, I say this, that the Roman Catholic and the East Orthodox Church, both what they do is they teach a false gospel, a false priesthood and a false
Mary. And it was really interesting is
I'm going to read some stuff about Mary here from their sources. But what's really interesting is how people get so upset if you attack
Mary. Now, if someone were to attack Jesus, they are what I've seen, they're far more gracious.
Well, you need to learn who Jesus really is. You attack Mary. Now you're trouble. Now you can't do that. This is just further evidence of me to me of the evidence and of the depravity of their hearts and the idolatry in their hearts.
So this is what I'll just read some of the stuff they say about Mary. You won't believe this.
It's incredible. The Immaculate Virgin preserved free from all guilt of original sin on the completion of her earthly sojourn.
She's the queen of the universe. Mary is the queen of the universe.
That's how I see it. You see, it's like a superhero. She's the queen of the universe.
That's when you get the music and the light comes out behind the person walking. So she's the queen of the universe.
And it's just that she's not the queen of the universe. She's not the queen of the queen of anything.
So let's see. Let's see. Let's see.
She's called the mother of mercy, most chaste, most pure, undefiled mother of our creator, seat of wisdom, mirror of justice, cause of our joy.
She's the cause of our joy. I thought it was Jesus. Spiritual vessel, vessel of honor, singular vessel of devotion, mystical rose, the tower of David, tower of ivory, the house of gold, the gate of heaven, the morning star, the health of the sick, refuge of sinners.
Mary's the refuge of sinners. Where are they getting this out of the book of second stupidification?
It's just ridiculous. The queen of the patriarchs, queen of prophets, queen of the apostles, queen of martyrs, queen of confessors, queen of virgins, queen of all saints.
It's like, where are they getting this? This is idolatry. It's idolatry.
Let's see. Oh, I've already read so many of the apparitions.
Maybe I'll do that. Maybe I'll read some of the apparitions that they said. It is bad.
It's really bad. Let me do that. So this is because we have no callers coming in right now, and that's how it is sometimes at this time of the year.
But I'm going to just read some quotes from officially approved
Roman Catholic, officially approved apparitions, Guadalupe in 1531 and Fatima in 1917.
I'm going to read. There's six quotes. Now we've got a break coming up. Let's see how far we get into them. I'm going to read six quotes, three from the
Guadalupe and three from Fatima. And what you got to pay attention to is the increase of the idolatry that's through them.
Now, I'll probably wait till after the break to start them. I want you to hear them, but got another minute for the break. But here's the thing.
You got to understand that the Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus. Okay? The Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus.
And that's John 1526. The Father bears witness of Jesus, John 537. Jesus works bear witness of himself,
John 536. Jesus bears witness of himself, John 818. The multitudes bear witness of Jesus, John 1217.
The prophets bear witness of Jesus, Acts 1043. The scriptures bear witness of Jesus, John 539.
So what are we supposed to do? Bear witness of Christ. If any apparition is from anyone truly in heaven, they're going to bear witness of Christ.
And these apparitions, I'm going to show you after the break when I read them, I'm going to show you how utterly evil they really are.
And it's proof that the Roman Catholic Church is not true, because it can't even tell the difference between what is true and what's demonic manifestations.
And yeah, I'm saying they're demonic, because when I read them after the break, which is coming up here, when
I read these demonic manifestations, these demonic teachings, it's proof the
Roman Catholic Church is apostate. It's one of the other proofs I use. It's completely apostate.
And we'll get to that right after the break. Please stay tuned. Drum roll. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome back to the show. We're having fun in the chat, having fun talking about stuff.
Okay. I said I was going to read some stuff that demonstrates the Roman Catholic Church is apostate, because these are the things it says are really, truly merry, and that you should believe them.
Check this out. This is from 1531. The apparition, supposedly
Mary says, know, know for sure, my dearest little and youngest son, that I am the perfect and ever virgin
Holy Mary. So this apparition claims to be Mary. Then later on, it says this, the apparition says, in 1531,
Guadalupe, I am truly your merciful mother, yours and all the people who live united in this land, and of all the other people of different ancestries, my lovers who love me, those who seek me, those who trust in me.
Here, I will hear their weeping, their complaints, and heal all their sorrows, hardships, and sufferings.
So now the apparition is saying that you've got to love the apparition, those who love me, seek me, trust in me.
No, no, no, no. We trust in Christ. We seek Christ. The true
Spirit of God in people will work to bring the truth to who
Jesus really is, the bare witness of Christ. That's what happens. And this is the third apparition statement.
Am I not here, I who am your mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection?
Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, the crossing of my arms?
Do you need anything more? Let nothing else worry you, disturb you.
So the apparition now, this is they say early Mary, okay, that the people, this guy and others, are under her shadow of protection, and that she's the source of their joy.
And in the hollow of her mantle, the crossing of her arms, do you need anything more? Yeah, we need
Jesus. It's just so simple. When anybody's in the presence of Jesus, they don't boast like this.
They don't say, look, come to me. Listen to me. Do you need anything more? Give me a break. But yet they can't even discern that this is demonic because, well, the
Catholic church is just apostate. All right. Now, this is from Fatima.
So I'm going to read three quotes from Fatima. This was in 1917, and three children,
Jacinto Marto, Lucia Santos, and Francisco Marto said in the apparition of Mary appeared to them.
Now, something did happen because there's a lot of witnesses who said that there were people watching something move in the sky, and they all tracked the same area and the same movement.
So something was going on. But nevertheless, here's what, in 1917, the apparition of Mary said, are you willing to offer yourself to God?
One second, one second. There we go. One, two, three. There we go. OK. Are you willing to offer yourselves to God to bear all the sufferings he wants to send you as an act of reparation for the sins by which he's offended and for the conversion of sinners?
Now, check that out. The apparition asked the children, are you willing to bear all the sufferings he wants to send you as an act of reparation for the sins by which he's offended?
So they are then taught by this apparition that their sufferings can make their sins better.
But where's the cross? Jesus is the one who did that. Not these children, not
Mary. This is demonic teaching. It's flat out demonic. And they don't even have the sense to be able to know the difference.
Why? Simple reason. Because they don't trust the authority of God's word. They trust the authority of the church.
It's as simple as that. And because of that, they're not listening to the voice of Christ. They're listening to other these demonic voices that imitate
Mary. Here's another one from 1917, June 13th, actually.
I will take Jacinta and Francisco shortly. And they did die, actually. But you will stay here for some time to come.
Jesus wants to use you to make me known and loved. He wishes to establish the devotion to my immaculate heart throughout the world.
I promise salvation to whoever embraces it. So now the apparition is saying that Jesus himself wants to make
Mary known. And to establish that Jesus wants people to establish devotion to Mary's immaculate heart.
Now, demons. This is demon talking. And this demon says,
I promise salvation to whoever embraces it. The Catholic Church can't even tell. And they said, this is really
Mary. Why? Because they're so entrenched in their own tradition and philosophy of man.
Here, check this one out. This is July 13th, 1917.
Adam, sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say often to Jesus, especially whenever you make a sacrifice.
Oh, Jesus, it is for the love of thee, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the immaculate heart of Mary.
So wait a minute. So now the apparition is saying the sins are committed against Mary and you're going to be sacrifices to take care of the sins against Mary.
So this is idolatry. And the the the apparition is requesting sacrifices to it.
Demons, demons. This is these are fallen angel false manifestations. This is what's going on here.
And what do Catholics do? They go to these sites and they they crawl, they walk, they do whatever they can.
Oh, Mary's appearing. Mary, this Mary, that the Roman Catholic Church and the officials of the
Roman Catholic Church are going to face eternal judgment for this. And this is proof that the
Roman Catholic Church is apostate. And it is. It's proof. OK. All right.
So there you go. I just want to let you know, we've got to take a couple callers here, but I want to let you know that I will not be on the air live after today because it's the
December 20th Friday and I'll be back on the air live on January 2nd.
Just giving you a heads up on that. And also, if you are intrigued by what you hear and you want to keep me on the air, please consider supporting us.
Just go to CARM .org forward slash donate C -A -R -M dot O -R -G forward slash donate.
And this month is double your donation. So whatever you do, it's matching funds drive.
Whatever you donate will be just doubled automatically. So if you put in 10, another 10 will be matched and added.
And it's a great way to to support this ministry. So just given you guys a heads up for that.
Let's let's get to Herb from Raleigh.
I want to hear what he has to say. Herb, go ahead. Hey, Matt. Hey, Matt, your word's sad. Anyway, I want to ask you.
I don't know if I got you back. But I want to ask you back in the
I think the 70s, the old show Unsolved Mysteries. And they once had a story about like I don't think it's in the 30s or 40s when all this happened.
All these people gathered and claiming to see Mary in the clouds of the sky.
Do you know what I'm talking about? I don't. I don't. I mean, there's been all kinds of supposed manifestations all over the world.
Yeah. And the Catholics just in their over eagerness and idolatrous disposition just believe it.
So, yeah, well, there's a ton of people get a ton of people gathered and it was on that old news, that old show on the table,
Watch Unsolved Mysteries, Robert Stack. But it was like a documentary talked about thousands of people who came.
And I just wanted to get your thoughts on it. But you may not be familiar with that. It was something to Mary. I know that.
Yeah, I don't just don't recall. But if people have documentation on that, send it to me because I'm always expanding my file and my my word document on Catholicism is two hundred thirty four pages.
So, yeah. OK, I'll do my best to find that for you. I sure will.
Because I remember that when I was much younger, I'm the same age as you. About a hundred years ago, we were that thirties and forties.
Tell me about it. Everybody else does. OK, no, I know you got to go.
God bless you, man. Y 'all have a great Christmas. God bless your family and everyone.
All right. We're always praying for you, buddy, every day. Thanks. Thank you.
All right. Now we had another caller on Catholicism and he dropped off. I would love to have gotten to that.
Let's get to Alberto from Georgia. Alberto, welcome you on here, buddy. Yes, I'm asking my question is, you know, what's a proper historical context when passage use of the punch line for such a time as this was the proper historical context of that?
I don't know. I mean, that that that might have a great many references historically for such a time as this in quotes is searching for it.
Particular situation moment, Mordecai's plea in the Bible of Esther. That's what it seems to be.
And and most of it comes out of the Bible. So, yeah, it has to do with what a book of Esther, you know, was going with Mordecai and and the king and queen and deception and trying to kill the
Jews and things like that. So, you know, but what it passed, let's use it today.
Every time for such a time that that to quote that phrase all the time. But I don't know.
Yeah, because yeah, it says in Esther 414 and for if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the
Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who and who knows whether you will have not attained royalty for such a time as this?
Well, you know, it's just because the phrase is used, there doesn't mean a pastor can't use it in a different way.
And if he's referencing that and he's executing it and he doing it wrong, that's a problem. But if he's just saying for such a time as this, you know, that we're in, you know, for such a time as we are in in these last days, it could be there, too.
So it's not that big a deal. OK, OK. I just want to I was curious, you know, sometimes people have to be used by the punchline in the
Bible. But I'm trying to take things out of context and not in historical context. Why? Why they said it or what the womb was referring to in the
Jewish nation and not the church age or the time of the. Yeah, it just depends on on how it's how it's being used.
That's all. OK, that's all it is. OK, this depends on what they're doing. OK. OK. All right.
OK. Thank you. All right, brother. God bless. All right. I love that. Happy Merry Christmas.
You too. You too. Thanks. All right. Hey, that's that's it. And we don't have anybody else waiting.
So we've got a couple minutes left on the show. I hope you all have a great Christmas and I hope you have a good
New Year's as well. You know, through all of what we're going through and the change of presidency here in America, the difficulties you might have, the sorrows you might have at this time of year, because, well, things like that happen.
You know, just keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus and remember the gospel message. Remember that God has died to save sinners.
If you put your faith and your trust in him, he will forgive you of all of your sins. Put your faith and trust in Jesus, what he has done.
And look to look to him in this time at the end of the year. Look to him and rejoice in him and have your confidence and your hope in the
Lord Jesus Christ. That's he's where our hope is, is in not a church, not your money, not your bank account, not your family, not your friends, but Jesus.
He's the one. And by God's grace, last night in the debate, I was able to preach the gospel several times, even for those unbelievers and the wicked in that room.
They need to hear that. Everyone needs to hear that gospel. May the Lord bless you and anoint you so that you can preach that gospel, present the gospel to people the rest of this year and next year as well.
I want to thank you for this year. It's been a great year, 2024, and next year, 2025, hopefully we'll be another one blessed by the
Lord God. So have a great Christmas, a great New Year's and by his grace, we're back on the air on January 2nd.