Ruslan KD Accidentally EXPOSES David Platt Lying From the Pulpit

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The 35 page document Ruslans Vid


I just wanted to read to you one of my two most recent comments on the channel, and just wanted to respond to them briefly as well.
Both of these come from the same person. The first one says this, God, why can't you shut up and play the video?
Lover of self, I see! Emphasis is because there's at least eight exclamation points in that comment.
Here's the second one. He says, If you claim to be a Christian, I'm Donald Duck!
You say, who is being good according to order? The question is, who is being a Christian according to the Bible? You have your picture up, but nothing about God.
In the end times, men will be lovers of themselves. Bingo! Now, to you, sir,
I only have one thing to say. Welcome to the channel! All right, so if you guys follow me on Gab, you know that yesterday in the afternoon,
I had quite a situation at my house. If you're new to the channel, I own ten hens, laying hens, and I get eggs from the hens and all that kind of stuff.
And you can sometimes hear them in the background of my videos, because my coop is really close to my house.
But anyway, yesterday there was a black bear in the neighborhood. You can see the picture of it right here. And around dinner time, there was a storm that came in, like a very loud, windy, kind of thundery storm.
And my wife hears a sound outside, and she's like, what's that sound? I was like, I don't worry about it. It's just the thunder and the wind.
Don't worry about it. Well, it wasn't. It was actually this guy entering my chicken coop.
You can see sort of the pictures here. It went through the screen window, pushed it in, and jacked it all up.
You can see where it happened here. And there was, I had just filled the container of feed just a few hours earlier.
And you can see it bit through the top, ripped it off, and then it chucked it out the window and threw it down the hill.
And then it just kind of went away. I mean, I didn't see any of this happen, but all the evidence is here. You can see the teeth marks.
Here's the paw print on the place where it jumped in. You can see that. And also, here's what it left behind, a nice big pile of shit.
Anyway, but so yeah, I got to fix the coop now. Luckily, no chickens were harmed.
So it didn't actually, I don't even think it attempted to get into the place where the chickens were, because I guess bears don't really eat chickens unless they're super hungry.
And you know, it's summertime, so clearly there's a lot of food available, and idiots that leave their feed outside like me, and that kind of thing.
Here's what I think attracted it, by the way. I scaled this guy out in the backyard like maybe an hour before this all happened.
It's just a, you know, seven inch bluegill. You know what I mean? I scaled it, and we fried it up and ate it. The kids loved it.
But I wonder if the smell of the scales, the fish scales flinging this way and that attracted it.
Who knows? But crazy, crazy stuff. A bear attack, if you can believe it. It's good.
It's good. All right. So I wanted to address a Ruslan video.
So Ruslan KD, he's a professed Christian YouTuber, very, very popular amongst all the kids these days, you know.
I like to call him the Christian B -Rabbit, because he's kind of like from that movie Eight Mile, you know, dog, like, we're going to flip the script on you, like, you know, he's like the white, he's like the
Christian Eminem. I almost said the white Eminem. That doesn't make any sense. The Christian Eminem. Anyway, he did a video.
He must have caught wind that the algorithm was liking the Matt, the David Platt McLean Bible Church content.
So he did a video on his take on it. Now, Ruslan KD is a very liberal, progressive kind of Christian, but he kind of, he kind of pretends like he's not.
He's like, you know, he's one of these, one of these YouTubers that's always sitting on the fence, right? He's always like, well, you know,
I could see it both ways, you know, that kind of thing. But he definitely always falls liberal, like pretty much all of those fence -sitter types. They always are actually liberal, but they pretend to be, you know, fence -sitters, whatever.
Anyway, but this video, look, the truth is I had a conversation yesterday with the
McLean Bible Church insider about sort of the year leading up to that whole chaotic scene that many of you watched on my channel.
The video has 100 ,000 views right now, which is pretty crazy. Anyway, so I know some of the backstory here and it is, we're going to do more content about it.
There's no question. I can't do it yet because all of this stuff isn't officially released yet. But suffice it to say that it is actually, the situation at McLean Bible Church with David Platt and the
Southern Baptist Convention and all that, it is 10 times more crazy than you're thinking. I promise you that.
It is 10 times more insane than you're thinking right now. So be on the lookout for that content.
But Ruslan obviously doesn't really know any of that stuff. So he's just going by what the liberals on the argument say.
And so he's siding with David Platt, of course. But let's watch part of this video. We're not going to watch the whole thing, but there's a certain part
I want to get to that I want to respond to right away. Now if you're not used to the channel, we do start and stop.
So I'll include the full video if you for some reason want to watch Ruslan KD. Well, good luck to you if that's you, but if you do want to watch the whole pristine uninterrupted video,
I'll put it in the description. But on this channel, we comment on it because this is a commentary channel, y 'all.
Dream Entertainment. Dream Entertainment. Hold on a second.
Here we go. Ruslan. Ruslan. Did you guys know that every 500 years, there has been a massive, huge church split?
There was the 500 AD split between the Oriental church split.
Orientals, yo, yo, yo, you're not supposed to say Oriental anymore.
It's Asian, dawg. Like that's racist, man. Split around the year 10 ,050, excuse me, 1050.
And then there was the great Protestant Reformation. And around the year 1500.
By the way, he just culturally appropriated me. He said Protestant. That's Puerto Rican, man. And are we seeing another potential great church schism in light of everything that's happening politically, socially, culturally, so on and so forth.
We're going to talk about that a little bit, but basically get into this David Platt story of attempting to have his church taken over by people in and out of the church.
I'm going to react to his statements, some of the misinformation, disinformation going on. So he's going to react to the statements of all the misinformation, disinformation going on.
And his research for this is just a sermon where David Platt claims that certain things are happening.
He's probably done absolutely zero research besides that, but he knows, he knows where the misinformation is.
Now, for my view, look, I often have ideas and inklings on where someone's lying and who's lying and stuff like that.
But I don't regularly say that someone is lying unless I know, unless I know that they're lying.
Right. Even in the video I did about McLean Bible Church, I said, well, depending on what the bylaws say and what they've agreed upon to have these meetings, then we'll know who's in the wrong here.
Like I didn't, I said I hadn't seen the constitution, so I couldn't make a determination. Now it seems to me that David Platt and the leadership were trying to kibosh and throw people out of the meetings.
It seems to me like they're in the wrong, but I wouldn't, I couldn't know until I knew more information. But Ruslan, no, no, no. He knows.
He's going to, we're going to look at it, dawg. Like we're going to, we're going to see, we're going to see David Platt, he'd be, his church be trying to get stolen and stuff, dawg.
And the root cause of this. He doesn't say dawg, though. I don't know why
I say that. The root cause of this insanity. So before we get into that, hey, if you're finding this video valuable, give this a quick thumbs up for the
YouTube algorithm. It really does help when you do that. You tell YouTube you like it, YouTube shoots it to the moon, and it's a win -win because everybody gets to see this video.
As you can see, I've already liked it. You get to see videos like this and get some of the debauchery off your feet. In a sick kind of way.
So I'm going to jump into this David Platt statement from July 4th, basically that we're in the process of swearing in three new elders.
If you don't know who David Platt is, he is a - I want you to hear something here, because what you're about to see is a sermon where David Platt starts ripping members of the church.
And if you think about this for just one second, how preposterous this is that he's doing this.
Because you would think that if you're bringing it to the church, then you've had the one -on -ones, you've brought the elders against these people, and you're bringing it to the church at large, it's because you're going to excommunicate them, right?
But that's not what's happening here. As far as I know, no one's been excommunicated. What he's doing instead is just putting these accusations out there, and as we will see, false accusations.
David Platt is lying from the pulpit here. But Ruslan doesn't know that, and if he does know, he doesn't care.
But it's just so interesting. Have you ever had a pastor that just rips people from the pulpit without following the steps of church discipline?
Matthew 18, where it says go to the person, do this, do that, and the church - that's for the elders to follow. So, let's just continue.
A megachurch pastor in the D .C. area. Very solid guy.
I've been following him for over a decade. He comes from the missions world, being the director of missions at the
Southern Baptist Convention, I believe. By and large, super solid dude. And recently there's been some controversy around him, and I'm going to get exactly into what happened and how it all sparked.
And he pastors, I believe is the speaking pastor at the main campus of McLean Bible Church right in the heart of the
D .C. area. So B -Rabbit here thinks David Platt is solid. David Platt is not solid.
I've been following him for like 10 years as well. And the reality is, if you search on my
YouTube channel, go to my YouTube channel and search David Platt in the little search thing, and you'll find probably,
I don't know, 10, 20 videos maybe of reviews of things that he said, sermons that he's preached, articles that he's written, stuff like that.
And I'll document all the ways that this guy is playing fast and loose with the Bible. There's just no question about it.
He does it all the time. And he does it in service of this social justice woke church movement.
So somebody commented in a YouTube channel, if you're new, you might not have known, but he said, how dare you take just one clip and judge a person based on one clip of a sermon?
Well, I haven't. I mean, I've done many, many, many, many, many videos on David Platt and Matt Chandler and all these guys.
You probably didn't know that, and that's fine, but go ahead and now educate yourself. So now that you know what you said is false, go educate yourself about how
I formed these opinions because I'm very open about how I've formed these opinions. And there became some controversy with them attempting to swear in some elders and some folks within the church and from without the church, from outside the church, started spreading misinformation because they didn't want specific elders to get sworn in.
This is going to connect. Excuse me. This is going to notice the language being used here, misinformation, disinformation.
This is the exact same playbook as CNN, MSNBC, the Democratic Party, Facebook, Twitter.
It's the same playbook. It's like, I don't agree with what you're saying. So it's misinformation.
Well, that's actually for the facts to decide. So whether or not what you're saying is misinformation or not depends on what's true.
It doesn't depend on what those in authority say is true because those in authority lie all the time.
As we will see, David Platt is following this playbook to the T and it's amazing.
But I do want you to draw attention to the fact that the playbook that David Platt and the SBC and in the leadership of McLean Bible Church is using is identical.
I did not mean to do that. You ever see that movie, My Cousin Vinny, identical.
It's identical to the Democratic Party. This is this is they have the same masters. Let's just face it.
They use the same playbook. And by the way, I know a lot about what's happened here. And it's amazing how similar the playbook is to the
Democratic Party. Let's find out. Back to the greater issue of some of the tension we're facing, and I'm going to play his clip here in just a second.
So just bear with me. I'll bear with you, Rusan. I understand it's hard to do live streams. All right. Here we go. Hey, by the way, if you're finding this video valuable, guys, click out of the chat for 2 .3
seconds. Give this video a thumbs up. It really does help with the YouTube. There's 156 of y 'all watching and only 63 likes.
Can we get that up to 100 likes? That would be fantastic. All right. So here is David Platt addressing the lie told to people so they cannot swear in these elders.
And I'm going to get to the real root of it here in just a second. So let's check this out. This is from their
YouTube page, McLean Bible Church. This is as of July 4th, and this is really, really, really, really interesting, the type of lies that were spread from members within and without.
So check this out. He says, as people are coming in, they got people's information. They started telling them about all kinds of wild stuff.
Check this out. Here are some of the lies that people were being told as they entered. Let me slow that down.
This is David Platt angry. He's very, very angry. If you know anything about David Platt, you know when he preaches or speaks, he always sounds like he's about to weep.
He's one of these guys who's just like, like, that's how he preaches.
But right here, he is laser. This guy is focused. He is pissed off. There's no question.
I like listening to stuff fast, by the way. So forgive me. Here are some of the lies that people were being told as they were entering.
The building in that lobby that night, if these elders were affirmed, people were being told we would sell this
Tyson's building. So a vote to affirm these elders was a vote to sell this building.
We had people share with us after the meeting that they voted no on these men because people they trusted had told them as they came into the meeting, they were walking around sharing this while we were singing in worship, that if these elders were affirmed, they would lead us to sell this building.
So those members voted no. And then they came to us later saying they were sorry they'd voted that way, wanted their vote back once they realized the truth.
And they were not just told that. So just people saying, hey, if you guys vote these elders, then they're going to sell this building in a
D .C. area. But it wasn't just that. Listen to what else they told. There's some good backstory there, by the way. That's partially true.
They were told that we would sell this building to Muslims so they could and we could give the proceeds to the
Southern Baptist Convention. Now, you might think it's like you don't like the direction of the church, so what are you going to do?
You're going to blame the Muslims and just make up something. But no, we're going to get to the we're going to get to the root of this.
Notice, notice Ruslan is like adding layers of nonsense to this, like like even even
David Platt didn't say blame the Muslims. He said we would sell it to Muslims, not that the Muslims were going to come in and take over, but that they would sell it to Muslims for a mosque or whatever.
Right. But Ruslan blamed the Muslims because he knows that's what his liberal audience wants to hear.
He wants to hear like the the the you know, Muslims are wrong, everything like he just made he made that up as he's making fun of people for making making things up.
Hilarious. But that's not what I wanted to get to. Let's continue. There is no way people believe that. And I wish
I was making this up, but we have emailed where this isn't entirely being passed around to members in the most inflammatory way possible.
It sounds crazy to even have to say this, but just to be clear, we actually want
Muslims to know the love of Jesus was personally sharing this morning. Do you hear that the way he spun that he's basically saying that these people, you know, these people, these people who are against me, they think that Muslims don't deserve the love of Jesus.
We want them to know it's like nobody said that. They said you were going to sell the building to Muslims.
They didn't say that that Muslims don't deserve the grace of God or anything like that. But that's the impression he wants to give.
Now, this is not even the point I wanted to get to. Let's continue. I got to stop talking. Muslim from Afghanistan, we have explained and have been writing from the
SBC. We're not a member of the Southern Baptist, members of the Southern Baptist Convention.
But the rumor was they were going to sell the building and give the money, sell the building to Muslims, give the money to the
SBC. They're not even members of the SBC. Oh, but it gets. They are, though they are in every way that any church is a member of the
SBC, because the SBC has this thing where it's like we're not really a denomination. We're just a cooperation.
And, you know, you know, you know, like but they are a denomination. Everybody knows it. And so McLean Bible Church is just as much a member of the
SBC as any church is a member of the SBC. But they're playing this semantics game here where we're not really a denomination.
But yes, you are a denomination. But Ruslan's willing to repeat the lie. That's not even what I wanted to talk about.
We're going to talk more about that in a minute, because, of course, we have the receipts that you actually are in the
SBC. You lying little snake. I don't even know who I'm talking to.
Is it David or Ruslan? I think both. I think Ruslan, I think, is just a victim of of of of hero worship.
He doesn't know it's a lie. He knows. David knows that they're in the SBC. He knows beyond all doubt that they're members of the
SBC in every way, that every every church that's in the SBC is in the SBC. Ruslan might not know he's this guy is just he's just trying to do his content, man.
I got I have a little sympathy for Ruslan. It's better, friends. And others. Oh, it does get better.
If we affirm these elders and just hear all the buzzwords and scare tactics.
Listen up. This is why this matters. You guys are what's going on on his end. This is why this matters. Listen up.
NBC would be gone. Down a road of leaving the gospel behind, leaving the
Bible behind, embracing liberal theology and cultural Marxism.
The anti anti racists have struck again, ladies and gentlemen, let's keep watching.
Author of the Communist Manifesto. That's it.
What a freaking weird laugh, huh? What are we? Ruslan thinks he's an expert on communism because when he was a kid, his parents were in communism.
So he thinks that makes him an expert. He's kind of like that dude, that stupid kid who was in one of the school shootings.
And he became somehow because of that, he was an expert on the Second Amendment. So because he was he was in the school that got shot up, supposedly that makes him an expert in the
Second Amendment, which obviously it doesn't. And it's the same with Ruslan. Ruslan doesn't know what he's talking about.
Obviously, that's not even what I wanted to talk about. Author of the Communist Manifesto. So they're going to.
I got to finish that. I got rid of that. This is amazing. This is incredible. Bible behind and cultural
Marxism. You guys been hearing about the cultural Marxism? Yeah. Yeah. Bible behind embracing liberal theology and cultural
Marxism like the author of the Communist Manifesto. Communist, it's the communist guys that we would change our stance on abortion and sexuality, that we would allow critical race theory and Black Lives Matter and defunding the police to drive our agenda as a church.
That's being an inside joke. I don't get it. Still there,
Ruslan? Go on and on with ideas that are unquestionably untrue.
And in many ways, completely unreasonable. The disheartening thing is before God, we have walked through God's word on so many of these issues and had countless face to face meetings with different people clearly showing how these things are totally fabricated.
Yet most almost all of the questions we have heard are less about God's word and more about what this blog or that Facebook post says, as if those sources of information are anywhere close to the authority of this word.
All right, we're going to stop right there now. Now, Ruslan is going to comment on this, of course, just believing everything
David Platt says. But David Platt, let me just say this in as clear a way as possible. He is lying through his teeth and we have the receipts on this.
Here is a document that was posted to Capstone Report yesterday.
Now, let me just let me just say this. So I went through this document and I'm going to talk about one part of it.
Now, I don't agree with every criticism that the people that wrote this document made.
But this is a 35 page document prepared by McLean Bible Church members that oppose
David Platt's nonsense and the SBC leadership currently in the church. And this 35 page document, again,
I don't agree with every biblical case that they make here, but it is all about the
Bible and what the Bible says and what it doesn't say and what David Platt is teaching it says and how it's wrong.
It is all about that. And I went through almost all of this. And I have to say,
I stopped counting how many biblical references it's got to be over 100 when you get down to the bottom.
I stopped counting because there's just so much. And they do reference a blog.
I saw them reference the Statement on Social Justice, which itself references scripture and biblical cases and theology for why certain things are wrong or whatever.
So so I don't know that that counts as a negative like it. Yes, it is a blog, but it is all about the scripture, of course, written by pastors and theologians and stuff like that.
Not just some random dude. So so that this statement where he says it has more to do with blogs that are the people are claiming are like just as authoritative as this
Bible. That is false. This I mean, I'll put the link to this.
This is all about scripture. It's a 35 page document of grievances.
All of them reference scripture, all of them, and not just one scripture.
All of them reference multiple scriptures. Now, again, let me say this. I don't agree with every single case that the authors of this thing make.
But that's not the point. The point is, David Platt said that he's talked to so many people, which is also false.
But he's I've talked to so many people, but they all their questions have to do with blogs and not the
Bible. That is a blatant, malicious, wicked and absolutely self -serving lie from the pulpit, mind you.
And Ruslan, of course, he doesn't care what the facts are. I'm sure he has never read this document or never will read that.
You could probably send it to him. He won't read it. He doesn't care what it actually says. He's got David Platt's back because he knows he's he's solid, man.
He's solid because he knows he just knows already he knows his liberal team. And so he's going to support his liberal team.
David Platt just lied here. And listen to what Ruslan says about it. Less about God's word, more about what this blog or this person or this author said.
Wow. Wow. I'm just going to believe it because I know he's solid, dog. But the facts state otherwise.
This is a thirty five. Look at this. Even this one. It references no less than six scriptures in one sentence.
And the rest of it, the rest of the words are talking about how they interpret the scriptures in those particular cases and why they think their interpretations are wrong.
This is a a this is not what this is all about, by the way. This is part of it. Of course, the social justice insanity of David Platt is part of it, no question, but it's not all of it.
And we're going to get into some of the more, shall we say. Dastardly details, dastardly, that's a good word, but but let me let me actually make give you an example of of what the kind of it's just blog criticism that that David Platt has received and he's claiming to have not received.
Here we go. This is one bullet point, just a random bullet point that from this document, I want you to see what
David Platt is claiming is just blogs and concerns of my blog is more important than the scripture.
Let me just give you an example. This is what they say on page six of the discipleship resource in the section called
Justice. I'm sorry. Justified to do justice, end quote. It says, quote, We realize that our justification before God inevitably leads to works that glorify gods, including efforts to do justice.
And in brackets, it says examples of this are James chapter two, verses 14 through twenty six.
And so the next six or seven paragraphs. Describe sort of why they think that that scripture reference there from James chapter two, calling those things examples of doing justice actually confuses the issue of what justice actually is versus mercy and other ways to obey
God. And I have to agree with them on that one. Let me read to you, James chapter two, because chances are, you know, this passage very well, even without memorizing it.
Here's what it says in the authorized King James version. It says, What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he has faith and have not works?
Can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you says unto them, depart in peace, be warmed and filled.
Notwithstanding, you give them none of those things which are needful to the body. What doeth profit?
Even so, if it hath not works is dead, even though even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead being alone.
You say, Thou has face, I have works. Shew me your faith without thy works and I will show you the the my faith by my works works.
Then it goes in and it talks about how were we justified by faith or works? And it gives examples.
Right. And it says, you know, Abraham proved his faith by offering his son Isaac upon the altar.
Was was Abraham offering his son Isaac upon the altar an example of justice or was it just an example of pretty radical obedience to God?
Yeah, I don't think it was justice. That was just obedience. Right. She also they also talks about Rahab and the spies.
Right. So Rahab trusted God. She had faith in God. So she housed the Israelite spies in her.
This is the harlot. You remember the prostitute housed the spies in her house so that they could spy out the land and figure out what to do.
Was that justice or was that obedience and faith to God? Those were good works. Yes.
But we need to be careful not to say that that's justice like that. That that's giving someone daily food.
Right. You know, essentially giving them charity. You say you see that they don't have clothes. They don't have food. What does Jesus say? He says, if you have food and clothes, share it with someone who doesn't.
Right. That's what Jesus requires of his people to share food with those who don't have. Is that justice or is that mercy?
We need to be careful on how we define that. And so this whole section here is about that distinction.
Right. A biblical distinction saying, hey, this Bible verse that you said talks about justice actually doesn't.
So what are you what's your angle here? Why are you doing that? But David Platt says, well, no, no, no. They they just referenced some blog.
And that's what they said. And they were spreading misinformation. No, you're lying from the pulpit.
And now you're making Ruslan to lie as well by giving him wrong information. And everyone who watched this video has wrong information about the people that oppose you.
You lied about them. David, why would you do that? Why would you?
I know why you would do it, by the way. That's the thing, David. You are going to be exposed. That's right.
Your real agenda here is going to be exposed. We've got the receipts. We've got the information. And we follow the money trail to David.
Yes, we certainly have. We followed it and you're going to be exposed, David. So I would recommend coming clean.
I don't think that's in your personality to come clean, but I would recommend doing it. You lied here. I would repent of this lie where you said that their grievances, this 35 page document, which you have seen,
David. It's just referencing a few blogs, doesn't really have any biblical argumentation in it.
It's just blah, blah, blah. And you're saying that the blogs are more important than the word of God. You're a liar. Repent of your lie.
Anyway, I think that that's enough for today. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. And I'll see you in the next video.