Ethnic Gnosticism and the Gospel


So I had my opportunity to respond to the firestorm of criticism that erupted over the weekend regarding a 545 word, 2 paragraph item I posted on FaceBook last Friday. In this Dividing Line I address the issue of fatherlessness, Planned Parenthood’s genocide of blacks, the sin of rebellion and disrespect for God-ordained authority, and, most importantly, the fact that the Gospel is race-free. I also addressed specific critics, including Joel McDurmon, who chose to join the “pile” for reasons known only to themselves. A straight forward discussion that will surely only make the ethnic gnostics angrier, but one that had to be undertaken.

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You mean the question again, sorry, how are you advocating for change and progress in the black community?
What are some things you would encourage others to do to see change around them? Yeah, a couple of things me personally over the last couple of decades
One of the things people have gotten tired of hearing me talk about is abortion and black genocide
The number one killer of black people by far since 1973 has been abortion
It has killed more black people than all of the other causes of death combined I Don't stop talking about that.
I haven't stopped talking about it for two decades In fact, you know my wife and I got so involved in This issue and so involved in pro -life movement
And so involved in the fact, you know black women make up 12 % of the population but 36 % of the abortions
Margaret Sanger's Negro Project You know Malthusian eugenics and a desire to eliminate the unwanted
Races, you know and especially black people that being carried on even today
Her recruiting of black churches and black pastors and black doctors in order to encourage black people to have abortions and now that being common in our culture and You know, it became so real to us
That we then realized that there was a need on the other side And so the reality of adoption and trying to encourage black families to adopt
And then you know Stepping up and getting real with it, you know, we're telling other people about this.
And so we've adopted seven black children Because of our personal commitment to this particular issue
That's why when I think about this and what's going on Anybody who knows me knows that the issue of fatherlessness
In the black community and fatherlessness as it's growing in this country You know three of my last four books, you know about family family discipleship
Um, you cut those books and they bleed Hit my experience with and passion about turning the corner on this issue of fatherlessness
So adoption Fatherhood encouraging fatherhood
You know, these are things for us That are real and these are ways that we're committed in this in this area in this process
And of course this issue this black genocide of abortion I will not stop talking about this issue.
You know, we can talk about perceived racism all day long you know, we can talk about the things that we feel are
Unjust all day long But Roe vs. Wade is a law It's got a name.
It's got a face. I know where it is. I can go right to it my perception about what people feel about me my
Perception about inequality that doesn't have a face. What is that?
How do you deal with a perception? I'm talking about something that's real something.
That's a fact And so for me, that's something that I'm passionate about That's something that I ache over and it's something that we're doing to our selves
And so for me, those are things that I'm passionate about that. I'm involved in That I'm engaged in and have been age
More Want to do more? Praying that God, you know by his grace will allow us to help people see the connection between adoption and the gospel
You know that in the order salute us. It's not just justification and sanctification and glorification
But it is a justification there's adoption. It's adoption adoption adoption.
That's the gospel And and black families don't adopt and so there are black children who are sitting there
Waiting for families to adopt them and then black people have the audacity to get mad at white people
For adopting the black children that they won't And so that that's an area where I've got both boots on the ground
Okay Daniel Patrick Moynihan in his famous 1965 report entitled the
Negro family the case for national action close quote Longest longish quotation, but it gets to something
I believe Moynihan the fundamental problem is that of family structure the
Negro family in the urban ghettos is Crumbling a middle class has managed to save itself
But for vast numbers of the unskilled and poorly educated the fabric of conventional social relationships has all but disintegrated
So long as this situation persists the cycle of poverty and disadvantage will continue to repeat itself close quote
When Moynihan wrote those words the illegitimacy rate among african -americans was 25 %
Today the illegitimacy rate among white Americans is 36 % Among Hispanics more than 50 % and among african -americans more than 70%.
Yes Aside from throwing up your hands in despair
What what what is to be done? I start off with two videos
Dr. Votie Balcom speaking about fatherlessness and The Planned Parenthood genocide
That is so amazing given the fact that We recently had videos demonstrating what
Planned Parenthood is all about and yet We're now bringing charges against the people that made the videos and so on so forth and Then the
Wall Street Journal interviewing Thomas soul on the subject of the black family.
This was a few years ago and What did you hear there you heard 70 % illegitimacy rate that was few years ago
You heard fatherlessness you heard Planned Parenthood and Evidently if you're
Thomas soul or Votie Balcom you can talk about these things But if you're not and you may have noticed that there's a similarity between Dr.
Balcom and dr. Soul They share something and Evidently that allows them to be passionate and to speak about it.
We're doing this program today because last Friday I Was on my way home
I had Noticed over the years That if you well some of you may recall remember that when a a meteor
Hit in Russia a few years ago Exploded in midair broke windows all sorts of stuff.
I noticed that all the videos of it came from dash cams and then
I noticed that If you want to see a compilation of crazy accidents or near misses they almost always come from Russia and I started
Reading and found out that just simply for insurance laws pretty much everybody in Russia has a dash cam and I thought you know
That's not a bad idea it's not a bad idea so I got one of these little Garmin 20 dash cams
And I just reach up there and turn it on when I get in the car and turn it off when I get where I'm going and you know,
I've seen a few things with it, but I was going home on Friday and I pulled up to the corner of 35th
Avenue and Glendale and I happened to be it was one of those situations where my lane was open
So I was the first car in the not the left -hand turn lane. It's it's a four
It's one left -hand turn lane three lanes going north And as the
I guess there had been some left -hand turns and as This traffic starts
I See a police vehicle it was a police SUV going from my left to my right and Right as He goes by I see a young man,
I would estimate he was about 15 years of age he was a black young man and He was dressed in Such a fashion that the rear of his shorts is down under his butt.
So his derriere is Out there so you can see what underwear he's wearing and I Notice him
You know the cops passed him he didn't openly do it so that sort of like, you know like this
But he flipped him off. He gave him the finger The cop and then he started he finished off a
You know like a Gatorade powerade, you know some type of drink in a plastic bottle thing.
I don't know what it was as He got out of view. I eventually discovered of my camera and Then he just tossed it
He didn't try to he didn't hide it. He was performing He he's right there in front of everybody he wants everybody to see what he's doing and I happen to look over at the ladies in the there were two ladies in the car in the
I Was in the left and they're in the center. So there would there be one more lane over to the right and They're doing the same thing.
I'm doing like you gotta be kidding me And one of them actually saw me looking over and they pulled up a little bit farther so I looked at me like and I'm like,
I Know I know amazing and the light turns and off we go
I Started thinking about that young man now
What did not cross my mind at first at all Was his race.
I Mean I recognized it But unlike the many lies
Falsehoods Cavill's that have been launched my direction over the past four or five days Race is not the first thing
I think of I do not filter my worldview through racial Categories or anything like it?
What I started thinking about was when I was 15 years old and I started thinking about Well, what made me to differ
Why why would it never crossed my mind to perform in public these acts of Dishonoring authority
Dishonoring other people I think walking around with your butt in the air is dishonoring to you and The people around you you're not showing respect for people around you
You don't you are forcing them to see something. They don't want to see It's throwing trash everybody does that no,
I I didn't Why not
I've been accused of being self -righteous for even observing this I was not being self -righteous
I was recognizing that in all probability and I said all probability because this
What I wrote was not about this young man. It was about our culture. Most people missed that But what
I started thinking about was just how thankful I was for the restraints
That I had in my family and Even in my culture that were no longer there
When I think of the music that I listened to as a young person I didn't get into this in the in the article
But I think even the music that I listened to back then it didn't encourage me to engage in that kind of behavior
But I bet the music that young man probably listens to does Encourage him to do that exact thing and I was just thinking about how much has changed and Obviously as I've said many times on the program
I think a lot more about the future today because I have grandchildren and I'm looking more at trends than I ever did before and I just had to think about Do I see anything on the horizon that's gonna
Change these trends. Well when
I got home, I think on the way home all of a sudden I made the connection I said wait a minute. I've got the dash cam
I'm not used to having this. I wonder if I wonder if I could find that grab that I had never actually
Bothered, you know look for videos and stuff like that. So what I did I got home. I found the video and You could very clearly see the young man flipping the cop off and so on and so forth.
I Thought you know I've commented about this is so many different ways the the cultural trends things like that I just put a little thing on Facebook and it was a little thing the article was 545 words 545 words a couple paragraphs
Just just a few paragraphs It was not a thesis It was not meant to be anything more than you know
What's gonna what's gonna change these trends? What's? And I put the video up put it up Moved on to other things didn't really give it much thought on Saturday around noon
I realized that a volcano was erupting and Sadly it was in the middle of I was trying to have a conversation with a
Muslim about some of the things he was saying I'd like I'd like to be able to pick that conversation up Hopefully he'll be able to do so after this had to drop it because people started coming out of the woodwork.
It was unbelievable the the amount of vitriol and nastiness and reading into what
I had said stuff that has no basis in anything I've ever done I've written 24 books. I've done 150 moderated debates
We have I don't know how many thousands of dividing line programs out there I mean if you wanted to try to find some basis in My ministry or my life to say you're a racist.
You've got plenty of stuff but 545 words is All you can come up with amazing absolutely amazing
So Here's what I wrote I'm gonna read the whole thing 545 words
Here's what I wrote. Now. This is what I actually wrote An edited version with vile insertions written by a vile noxious internet troll has been quoted by a number of people and We'll be talking about how
Social media has turned people into the greatest tailbearers and gossips on the planet just willing to retweet
Link to anything without even bothering to read it and go. Oh, whoa. Whoa, what's oh, what's that?
Hadn't seen that we've all done it. We've all done it We have all engaged in the sin of gossip
Slandering others just by not checking your sources. It's way too easy just to hit that little retweet thing.
We've all done it It's happened to me now many times over the course of past couple of days.
Here's what I wrote. I Bought a dashcam recently seems everyone in Russia has one and I thought it'd be pretty good to have to document some of the crazy things that happen while driving
I sort of figured people would probably go So you moved to Russia and that's not really what I meant I didn't bother even editing it
I mean, that's how just Anyways, so I was coming home this evening It happened to be the first car at Glendale 35th
Avenue in Phoenix And as you will see a young black kid looks to be about 15 years or older So was crossing the street now if you watch you will see a police
SUV cross in front of me first going east The kid then comes in the screen and though he sort of hit under his elbow
He plainly flips off the police vehicle Then he is emptying the drink he is consuming as he walks out of the frame
What you can see is that he then simply tossed the bottle into the bush in the corner of the gas station I happen to notice
I Happened to notice the two ladies in the car next to me had seen the same thing We just looked at each other put up our hands and exasperation and shook our heads
As I drove away, I thought about that boy. There is a more than 70 % chance He has never met his father in all probabilities.
He has no guidance has no example He is filled with arrogance and disrespect for authority He lives in a land where he is told lies every day
The lie that he cannot through hard work and discipline get ahead get a good education and succeed at life
He has lied to and told the rest of the world owes him and the result is predictable in his generation
That 70 % number will only rise he may well father a number of children most of which will be murdered in the womb patting the pockets of Planned Parenthood and Those survive will themselves be raised without a natural family without the
God ordained Structure that is so important for teaching respect and true manhood or womanhood
It never crossed my mind to flip off a police car as it passed by Passed me by when
I was his age, of course It never crossed my mind to walk around my butt hang out with my pants either as if the entire world needed to see
What kind of underwear I was sporting that day? I know I would have been mighty guilty had I tossed my drink bottle into a bush and I never would have dreamed of Doing that in front of everyone like this young man did but I had a father and a mother and I was taught to respect
Others and myself and if I had not had those things I still would not have acted as he simply because times have changed and not for the better There was simply more restraint in my day.
It surely makes me wonder what the future holds. Oh, I know. This is nothing there are videos of Online of kids like this shooting guns in the air robbing people and doing carjackings
I know but you need to understand those folks didn't get there without first finding it fun to strut flip toss and live an attitude of disrespect 545 words,
I think it's actually Yeah, it looks like it was exactly two paragraphs Now let me comment on what has gotten everybody angry.
I Said there's more than 70 % chance. He has never met his father that that number was probably exaggerated I know
Wall Street Journal said 70 % and it's a little higher than that now but Saying never met his father so because oh, you don't know that just because you might be a legitimate
He might know who his father was funny thing is that Yesterday I was listening to Vodi talked about his own situation.
He knew who his father was He saw him once in a while, but even Vodi said Since he was not in the home since he was not active.
He was absent He was not if you're not a part of that life on A regular basis.
It's amazing how many articles I found online where people were saying? Oh, if even once a week, well, wow, if it's if once a week, how about Every day, which is what
I was talking about in other words. I even mentioned what's this? God ordained structure that is so important for teaching respect and true manhood or womanhood
That's not something you teach on visitation days only one of the greatest examples
That any father can give his son of being a man is how you treat that young man's mother every day
Every day one of the best examples of womanhood To give to a daughter or to a son to know what kind of woman he should marry is the joy with which
The mother engages in her motherly duties in the fun in the home every day
It's the little things It's the everyday things. It's the
God ordained Structure of the family the greatest gift
That you can give to your kids and to your grandkids is To have them at your 50th anniversary
Because of what that means you've done Because of what that means you've given them.
That's what I was talking about. And so I Don't know this kid people are you you're we're judging him.
I was using him as an example of what's going on in our society and the fact that not on the one end you've got the attack upon the very definition of family
But then on the other You have such rampant fornication
Such rampant sexuality, I'm not the one that made up the phrase baby, daddy
I'm not the one who watches on television as so many women have children by multiple men
There was a day When that was considered shameful because our society still had a
Somewhat agreed -upon set of moral principles and when those moral principles have been abandoned
Well, the family has fallen apart as well But notice I talked about probabilities and People were posting
HuffPo articles. Please don't post HuffPo articles for me HuffPo articles and everything else
But well, it may be not it's not that bad or maybe a bit and and I just sat back going Why are these people trying to defend this behavior?
I had people actually say I've done that done that plenty of times I've flipped off to cops plenty of times and these are people call themselves
Christians and I want to go have you repented of that? When did you start repenting of that? This is is someone gonna make a biblical argument here that what this young man was doing was good for him and And good for anyone else good for his family, let's say theoretically that he has a mom and a dad at home that work hard and he's just a an absolum
He's just he's just in Rampant rebellion.
That's a possibility. I realize that but Is it not far more likely?
That he's acting out on the examples that have been given to him in the place of What God intended us to have in the family unit, so he's looking to these
I'm not gonna name names, but big name artists
Who live and behave in in these ways? Maybe you think that's you think which is more likely
That he's acting out on that Or that he is an absolum type rebel against a really good solid family structure, which do you think is more probable?
It's pretty obvious I've I talked about the lies that he's told and Touching a little bit on political things here, but I'm just gonna be straightforward the people
Who Have the seemingly the biggest impact in what would be probably his community assuming once again
Certain things that well might be different Those individuals are they make their living out of convincing people.
They're all victims and That they're never gonna get ahead get ahead Because of this because of that because of the other thing because of something happened 200 years ago
And let me tell you one of the reasons why you're not gonna hear me Apologize for having posted this
Let me tell you why For me to apologize those are demanding this of me
Would be for me to throw under the bus to show direct
Disrespect to a legion of Black men and women that I have come to know over the years
Who live lives of godliness? Husbands committed to their wives wives committed their husbands committed to raising godly children
Who have endured? Their own people telling them you're not black enough.
You're acting white and They've put it aside why because they know that the gospel is colorblind
They know that there's nothing in the Bible that talks about different standards for races and They've put up with it and they live godly lives and I honor them and I will not dishonor them
By Apologizing for pointing out that that read that behavior that I observed is self -destructive destructive to family destructive to society and eternally destructive because it's sinful
I Will not do it. I Will not bow the knee to the ethnic
Gnostics that demand that we read the certain social studies and Engage the narrative not interested
Not interested. I'm thinking of particular
Christian men. I know right now particular Christian women and I will not dishonor them by buying into a racist
Christianity Not going to do it now
Then and it's funny my critics have been almost silent about this
Silent about this. I then mentioned the warfare
Against the black child in the womb How can you criticize me for what
I wrote without even mentioning that how can you be silent about that now?
Look, I understand. I think a Very large proportion.
I don't know what percentage I haven't even bothered. I mean there's been three or four webcasts posted today
Just today That I'm not I just not gonna listen to him some are on my side some are against me whatever
I Mean, it's the first it's the first time I even had a chance to talk about it since it happened It's amazing number of people that have just you know
Condemned me and put me away even before I even have a chance to talk about it Such as life
But I recognize that the motivations behind some of these people very very very different very different Some people are just piling on Some people are doing this because they really think it's important.
Some people are doing a sheer ignorance I just heard there's a controversy and let's you know, they just run to whatever the you know, the current thing is
I Understand their different motivations, but how can you be silent? About that issue
I raised the issue of fatherlessness the God -ordained family and the plague of abortion and the disrespectful
Attitude toward authority as well. It's all it's all of a of a thing now
I'm not watching much of this but one of my one of the nastiest critics a man who has called me names
Condemn me out of ignorance Has asked a question on Twitter.
I'm gonna go ahead and answer it Please explain he lives in a land where he's told lies every day What lies are black people told and who's telling them the black leadership the people that are telling you you're a victim
That you're held down by something that happened 200 years ago That's what
I'm talking about the Jesse Jackson's of the world they're the ones I'm talking about and the crazed white liberals in the university
The the yahoos that took over Mizzou a while back. It's all part and parcel of the same leftist wacko
Stuff that is just repeated over and over and over again until it becomes a mantra and I get the feeling that young man has probably heard those lies over and over and over again and unless he has a
Father and mother in his life that can correct those things He's probably gonna believe it and it may be that his father and mother believe him, too anyway
So I talked about the natural family the God -ordained structure The teaching of respect we have to teach respect.
It's not something just happens It's something that has to be illustrated and taught and even discipline brought to bear
I happen to believe in something called Let me see total depravity and Total depravity knows no race
How much melanin you have in your skin irrelevant doesn't matter Doesn't matter at all
Has to be taught Has to be inculcated. I listen to the music of the younger generation doesn't matter what the race is here but especially what you find in hip -hop and What do you find the objectification of women?
Rampant vulgarity and profanity Discussion of rape treating women like mere animals
Total disrespect for any form of authority whatsoever. I mean it is as Ungodly as ungodly can be are you condemning that?
My dear critics. Are you consistent in saying this stuff is mind rot and soul rot?
Then how come those people are some of the richest people on the planet? Good question
Then for the self -righteousness charge again
It's one thing if you don't know who I am if you've never watched me stand in front of an audience in a mosque in South Africa and Tell those people that I have no right to stand before them in of myself because myself because I have no
Righteousness outside of Jesus Christ. If you don't know me, that's one thing but those of you who do know me and Know what
I've said about that. How dare you? How dare you I mean
I can understand 545 words man, if that's all you ever know about me If that's all you ever know about me then
You could you could ignore all the rest of my life what
I was doing was recognizing how God's grace Had been manifested in my having a stable family and the restraint
I Wouldn't have talked about that if I hadn't recognized that I could have done the exact same things.
I talked about the restraint upon me and one of the signs and I've been talking about this forever one of the signs of God's judgment upon our culture is what?
The lifting of the hand of restraint the lifting of the hand of restraint It doesn't just happen over here one big thing and over there one big thing it is a cultural thing and That's what we're seeing happen
So as I said at the end
You know, I had seen Was it Oakland? I had seen a video just recently
What the people shooting the guns and yeah, and I think they were Hispanic if I recall correctly that I mean again
That's not the first thing I think of I'm having to think back to it and go I Think they may have been
Hispanic. There may have been some blacks and some Hispanics I don't remember but they were they were shooting their guns. They were throwing stuff at cop cars.
I mean social order Breaking down and that's what I had in mind when I said, yeah,
I know this is most people say this is nothing what I was observing as a grandfather
Was how different? Normative behavior in public is today than it was 40 years ago.
Why would that be? Well, I think I've laid a foundation for explaining that now for those of you who are
Ethnic Gnostics now, what's an ethnic Gnostic? Well The ethnic
Gnostic Gnostic the Gnostic in general believe that salvation came by taking in secret knowledge through You know various ceremonies and so on and so forth.
And so this this You had to have experience
That would put you on a higher plane than just the hoi polloi down here just the regular old old people so an ethnic
Gnostic is a person who basically says That you cannot address
The experience of an ethnic group without walking in their shoes. In other words
Outsiders need not comment You have to have a certain melanin count in your skin melanin is the
What gives us our the tone of our of our skin? it's actually a
Really really cool. God -designed Sunscreen is what it is
I'm not getting into an intelligent design, but it's part of intelligent design anyway Which is why the pasty white skin people of Scandinavia or Northern Ireland Don't have a lot of it because they rarely see that ball in the sky
And the people who live at the equator. I've got a lot of it because they see it every day all day long
It's it's part of how God designed us and it has absolutely positively
Nothing to do with the commandments of God nothing nothing
Show me somewhere in the Bible when Paul wrote to slaves and he said slaves
Be obedient to your masters. This is this glorifies God There are no textual variants in any manuscripts that have a little asterisks
Down at the bottom was a little note That said well Unless your particular ethnic group has experienced this kind of mistreatment and then you don't have to do this and There's no chart that says how bad this has to have been and so if you're in this ethnic group
Then and then this ethnic group and this ethnic group None of that.
There's nothing in Scripture when it talks about duties of husbands to wives
Our duties toward God our duties toward government and authority nowhere anywhere does race
Come in. It's not a biblical construct. It's not a biblical construct the ethnic
Gnostic is In grave theological danger if they claim to be a
Christian now, there are a lot of ethnic Gnostics that are not Christians, obviously, but When they claim to be a
Christian Here's the danger and I saw this over and over and over again
Twitter Facebook blog posts the great danger is when your ethnicity your race your culturalism
Becomes the first primary lens through which you view everything
Else and some people would say there's no way to escape that. Yes, there is Yes, there is the first primary lens must be
The Scriptures the gospel your relationship to God who you are as his creature
That must be the first lens. You must look at everything else including race secondarily only through the gospel if you don't do that, you're not doing it as a
Christian and If you have your culturalism your racism as your primary lens looking at everything else you will end up perverting the truth and So let's just be absolutely positively honest here for a certain portion of you
I Could not have I should not have written that Because I'm MC Melanin challenged,
I'm primarily Scottish British and German That's an interesting mixture
Could cause all sorts of internal conflicts if I lived in light of what happened to my ancestors, but I don't
I Don't know how they did it and This is relevant by the way
But my parents somehow instilled in me long time ago You stand before God on your own two feet
I Don't blame my parents. No one's ever had perfect parents nobody
Jesus didn't even have perfect parents for crying out loud Despite what the Roman Catholics say about Mary They haven't made
Joseph Sinless, so anyway, no one's ever had perfect parents.
I didn't have perfect parents I was not a perfect parent to my children But I was taught somehow very early on and I believe it with all my heart
That I stand before God Responsible for my own decisions. I don't blame my parents and you know what
I can look back at each one of my racial groups Man, the Scots were treated like garbage
They were enslaved I'm not gonna demand reparations. I Don't think it has something to do with me today
Why does anyone think that I don't I don't understand it? It seems absolutely abjectly absurd to me
To go hey, well, you know This happened 150 years ago. So I can live this way or you owe me that It's not a way to live life and it's not biblical.
There's nothing in the Bible. It sells tells you well, you know you should look back at what happened and Live in light of that You know, it does say to the
Jewish people look back at God's faithfulness and live faithfully to his covenant, that's all it says nothing about race
Nothing about living as a lifelong victim Fact if we're new creatures in Christ, how could that be?
Anyways, does that make any sense? anyway so the ethnic
Gnostics, I Just should never have even talked about this. I Would have been
I Really do Some of you're saying yeah, we've been white.
You wouldn't have said anything. Oh, yes, I would have I would have said the exact same things I sort of use different numbers That's all
I would have been just as offended It had nothing to do with that people completely miss that mainly because a lot of people
Think today with their emotions rather than their minds Why didn't like how it made me feel?
Well, okay Okay, so let's get something straight There are times when we have to make a decision as to whether we're gonna honor the gospel
Or bow to our culture and this is one of those situations
Now I have no interest. I have this much interest I've got a bunch of people on Twitter even now inviting themselves onto the dividing line.
We need to have them on they're experts. I Have no interest None I Wasn't trying to get into any kind of World War three
That's not what I've been called to do We're trying to get to South Africa.
We're trying to get to London. We're trying to do stuff with Islam. I Need to get back to doing that stuff.
I haven't done any of that stuff over this weekend. I have no interest in the never ending diatribes of the not of the ethnic
Gnostics no interest Sorry, you're gonna find somebody else But I've learned some other things, but wait a minute before I go there, but make sure that this is clearly understood
There is grave danger when you place as your primary interpretive grid something other than that which is provided by the
Word of God and the Spirit of God first and foremost and I am so thankful for the men and women
That I have met in all sorts of racial minorities, but especially black men and women that I have met who go against the flow and live lives that are honoring to God and Who do not demand that well because of our racial background we get to?
change things No, they read the Word of God the Word of God says be subject to the ruling authorities, so they are
So they are do they get criticized for it
Do people talk down know about it sure do they don't care they want to honor Christ first And I want to honor you wasn't intending to get into this on Friday, but Here it is
I have not had a single person present a single theological or biblical foundation
For saying that what that young man did was excusable Wasn't that bad?
Because you can't and you know you can't and you know in your heart of hearts if he continues down that road
He's probably gonna have a long life is he Not unless God brings repentance to him
Who really loves him the one that will tell him the truth or the one that excuses it That's a question isn't it?
Yeah One of these critics
Again tweeting right now I've already refuted much of what he said he accused me of Trying to hide what
I had said and stuff like that I took the post down because at first I thought man people just must be completely misunderstanding this that was probably the only mistake
I made really and it was a tactical one because an internet troll a vile vicious noxious internet troll that we've talked about before Reposted it and edited he inserted deeply hurtful vile disgusting
Filthy things into it. He enjoys doing that. This is what he is. He that's that's where his mind is
He is he is a troubler of the brethren Anyone who retweets him should be ashamed of ever repeating anything that this man says he is
Filth in the Christian community. There's I don't know anyone who's worse than this individual
Atheist, it doesn't matter all religious groups put together. He puts them all to shame. That's how bad this individual is
We'll be talking about some of the people who treat him But that gave him the opportunity of putting that out there.
That was a tactical mistake on my part, but Before I even had any in exchange this individual who is
Kevin M. Oliver looks like from Atlanta Here's a tweet from mr.
Oliver And it says here is a tweet from mr.
Oliver There we go Yeah Screen captures confirm what he said
James White is a duplicitous smug sob This is example of why
I never liked him since oh seven. So that that's how that's how things started This is the kind of language
It was being directed my way. So here you have someone who basically admits that for nine years he has disliked me and By the way, this man claims to be a minister so as a minister
He is willing to call people duplicitous smug SOB's in Social media
So yesterday I For a while start starting
Friday on Saturday for a while well, I took down my Twitter feed for a while because it was just Every time you'd open it up 60 70 mainly people
I didn't even know and I did not want to be sitting and going blog blog blog blog by it
So I took it down for a while So, oh
I can't work Oh draft well, I must have forgot to bring that one up But we started having a talk yesterday it's not that one and No, not that one either.
Well, we got toward the end of the conversation and I was pushing him To document what he was saying
He said that I denied what I'd said. I'd never denied what I said. I've now read everything I said and will defend it
He was ignorant of the internet troll stuff and so he'd accused me of lying And what
I was saying was there that someone was quoting an edited version Which was the other one that the other guy had put up he was ignorant that so I'm the liar.
I mean this man's prejudiced beyond all Belief as far as me personally, so I Try reasoning with him on Twitter yesterday.
I try talking with him on Twitter And so will you misinform people? Where did
I misinform them? Well, I talked about it on this this podcast or whatever Excuse me.
You're accusing me of being a racist. You're accusing me of these things. You're accusing me of misinformed people Where did
I do it and I kept pushing and he couldn't answer he couldn't give a meaningful response and So I finally
Said so you're just admitting that while you're calling me a liar You will not back up what you're saying and his response was look we're not back.
You're not the plantation owner Jim He knew that I had already taken offense to his familiarity plantation owner now
Isn't that a racist thing to say? Isn't that inserting racism?
rather blatantly I Mean if I said anything like that, oh my goodness but he did and Other people started saying whoa, dude
You just played the race car says you do realize that talking about playing the race card is actually playing the race card
There's no winning the circularity is amazing and so Here's here's one that came later
It says so so dr. Oakley 1689 can spew supremacist in a lengthy diatribe
So, I guess that's what I put up I guess that was supremacy Facebook is supremacy what I wrote that supremacy we all know that's
Obviously ridiculous, but I say plantation everyone loses their mind boy by So at least there's the plantation language and he admits he used it
But now I'm a white supremacist For that 545 word article that I wrote no no rational person believes that but when
I pushed him on this I didn't get rational response back. He can't respond to it.
So the last one here He's got some and I'll even tell you what it is.
He's got some webcast Like I said, we first began you will be featured on pimppreacher .com.
Yeah, that sounds great You have not an ounce of integrity So the guy who started off with this one
James why is duplicitous duplicity duplicitous smug SOB says
I'm the one that doesn't have an ounce of integrity this was the nature of Much of what was going on In social media over the past weekend it was just It's amazing absolutely amazing
Now Leaving the social the the racial Gnostics aside for a moment I need to talk about a couple other things before we wrap up today as I mentioned
There was a there is a Vicious man and if and you say that you call him a troll and he's noxious and vile
All you got to do is take the time to go read Go look at what he does
There is no moral floor for this man There is no attack so personal.
There is nothing that he will not spew and He of course jumped onto this immediately not that he has
And this is one of the things about these anonymous people No one can hold him accountable nobody knows
He doesn't ever they all he does is tear it out. It doesn't do anything positive so no one no one can go listen to sermons and stuff like that and and You know see a life a lifelong consistency or a high there's no pictures of him
Speaking in black churches in Tembizi, South Africa as there are of me
So he can just he can just attack anybody he wants it. There's no accountability so He puts this thing out there and people start quoting
People in the reformed pub on Facebook start posting it people start posting it on Twitter And of course he edited it and he inserted vile stuff into it
And Evidently people didn't bother to read it To be able to know I saw it first.
I think on Saturday night, I think
I Think it was in Saturday night on my phone And I Expect that this man will do anything he there is not an ounce of Reason to to be surprised that anything that he would do at all he is the definition of internet stalker
But it was very troubling when I then saw Thabiti Anyabwili Retweeting his article and saying good points that that was sad and I'm very thankful that Tom Buck Wrote to him and said you do you realize he's a
King James Version only cultist He's an attack dog. He's about as reliable.
Well, he's just he's the most unreliable person you could ever ever ever quote he is a slander libel producing machine and as some of you saw
Thabiti was like, whoa, sorry didn't know didn't realize apologies
Did not mean to do that. I can tell Thabiti doesn't like what I said in the article, but he apologized
Immediately For having retweeted that and I'm very thankful for that Russell Moore One of the leading figures in the
Southern Baps convention responded to Thabiti's tweet and I didn't understand what he said.
It was so short that I couldn't tell What he was saying,
I mean it sort of fairly obvious what he was saying, but I like to I'm believe me this weekend has
Has weakened my commitment to try to think the best of people first. It really has if no
No two ways about it. No two ways about but I Wrote to dr.
Moore now. I do not have the secret bat email For dr. Moore So I just had to use the regular contact stuff and it is quite possible
That dr. Moore never got my email. There were a number of other people on Twitter who challenged him on it and said why are you quoting this individual and stuff like that?
But I've not I've not heard anything back. I Wrote an email. I Asked I identified myself
Asked to you know Talk with dr. Moore About what he meant by his tweet, but I've got gotten no response
I'd like to be able to tell you that dr. Moore did what Thabiti did But so far there's been no response.
I don't know what that means. It could mean he doesn't like me It could mean that he's on a book tour right now and Hasn't had time.
I don't know. I don't know So There were those people who out of Ignorance Like I said to her, you know quite some time ago we've all hit the retweet button
Maybe without looking at what the sources were it's the nature of Social media today to be perfectly honest with you
Doesn't make the retweeting of vile personal attacks any less painful, but it it does
You know explain some of it and Then there were others.
I Learned a lot about who my friends and my enemies are I Want to thank all of you who have written in I?
Want to thank all of you who have sent messages My daughter was telling me just a while ago how many people had wanted her to communicate to me, you know the people were praying for me and stuff like that and they just couldn't believe what was going on and All that kind of stuff.
I'm very very thankful for all of those things and I I do believe that the vast majority of people fully know what
I intended Agree with what I said, even if they don't agree with the way
I said it and are shocked at the
Ridiculous nature of the attacks that have been launched against me But then there were others they were the
Bandwagoners the people who jumped on the bandwagon the dog pilers I Wanted to get in on the on the fun
Who probably have been nursing roots of bitterness for a while and Seemed like a good time
To go after James White. Hey, this is this a hot -button issue, man I mean almost nobody actually thinks about this one.
It's just all emotions. So This is this is a good shot And shortly after this all broke the president of American Vision Joel McDermott posted on Facebook And basically said that I was a racist well that my
Article was racist eventually. It's sort of like well, you know You can say things and not necessarily be things and I saw it come up in my feed
And I very quickly said to him Do you just sit around waiting to stab me in the back or is it something that you practice he deleted that Because I immediately blocked him
Joel McDermott has been an opponent of mine since 2009 He normally does the backstabbing routine you don't even see it coming the only time
I've ever even responded to him is when it would be some kind of a
Educational moment there was some interaction About the Theonomy stuff in the Theonomy debate.
Maybe he's still angry That I judged the debate the way that I did But I even talked with the man just last year stood and spoke with him and Yet he still just has to Toss stuff my direction every little bit.
He just he just can't He can't keep from doing it Just a matter of weeks ago
He posted something about a Baptist who was supposedly preaching on the law of God well, everybody knows what
Baptist that is and Then he said but but never makes any application to society or government and I'm just like What on earth are you listening to and he wrote to me?
Well, if you'd like to show me where you died, I don't want to misrepresent you Oh, I'm supposed to go back through my sermons to provide you with time
Frames time indexes when you allegedly were already listening to them
Didn't even respond and then this and then this Well, lots of people on Facebook jumped all over him rightfully so just so absurd but he held firm and Yesterday I Read through the whole long
PDF of the comments that flowed from that initial Pile on.
Oh, yeah, I was a red if he can't see how that was a racist article blah blah blah blah blah And I came to What we're gonna put on the screen here
To D And by the way, what I was doing is that I was reading through this stuff I I found a lot of folks that thought we're friends.
I thought there were supporters and I just put the name in Facebook and go block
Facebook block Facebook block but here's 2d and Here's his comment
God. I thank thee that I am NOT as the sinners are or even like this young man He litters disrespects authority and even sags his pants.
I on the other hand wear my belt seven days a week Give those an authority the warmest of greetings and take great care to always throw my trash in the appropriate bin
How Pharisees pray see Luke 18 11 through 14? Notice the two immediate people
Joel McDermott perhaps the most brilliant post yet and Bozidar Marinov the most brilliant post yet.
I agree now As I pointed out in a comment not on that thread, but when
I was think posting the announcement about this program Anybody else find this
Amazingly ironic. I mean, do you really think
Joel that you should be throwing around charges of racism? Given some of the company you keep and how often you've had to defend them
Against charges of racism You think that brick -in -the -glass house is a really good idea?
You're a hypocrite sir massively, so There's more hypocrisy here
Major hypocrisy you call yourself a theonomist and you think that's cool. You call yourself a theonomist
What kind of theonomic land? sir Would encourage the behavior that I was talking about Wasn't that young man violating
God's law in numerous ways to his own destruction and for 2d whoever 2d is
I know some people who know 2d actually I Don't um
You missed the point of Luke 18 badly
Luke 18 was not a diatribe Against the Pharisees Keeping the law even when
Jesus talked about their tithing of the mint and the rue and the common and so on and so forth
He says you should have done those things but you missed the weightier matters of the law and the contrast in Luke 18
Was a repentant heart the
Pharisee didn't have a repentant heart the publican did This young man was not repentant.
He was Reveling in his rebellion. He thought this was a good thing. So this is a corruption of Scripture It is a perversion of the intention of Scripture It is creating a false parallel that is absurd on its face to anyone with the slightest honesty in exegesis and Joel McDermott the president of American vision goes
I've tried since 2009. I've tried since 2009 to find some way of going well, you know,
I Have come to a conclusion. This man is my opponent No more offering of my back.
I'm marking you off. This is what you're gonna do. Okay, I'm always gonna keep you in front
I'm not trained in all that hand -to -hand stuff. Is that that's votey man I'm a pan -american champion in jiu -jitsu
That's my son teaches Krav Maga, okay, but one thing I know you don't give your back to your opponent
I Won't be doing that and Not looking forward to you know
We run into each other. I'm gonna how you doing Joel Repented of that stuff yet.
That's that's all I can do But these were the pilers on these are the people who go oh this looks like an opportunity
I'm gonna jump in and I'm like, where's the integrity there? Where's the integrity?
Don't know Can't identify any some people say hey, don't get discouraged man.
Don't get discouraged Got a lot of stuff coming up and I'm gonna remain focused on it.
And I thank all of you for the positive stuff Thank you, but I'm not gonna lie to you.
I'm a human being No human being enjoys being lied about vilified having the entire their life trampled on based upon some twisting of a 545 word article for violating some kind of Unwritten cultural standard that shouldn't even exist in the church
Is that enjoyable? No, it's not. Is it hurtful? Yeah, it is it is it is
So, there you go One of the things that I forgot to mention
Is this Kevin Oliver guy who I'm just about to block. I've got enough of him. I Asked him in our conversation.
I said What have you have you listened to what
Votie Balcom says about fatherlessness and Abortion in the black community.
I Don't need to listen to Votie Balcom. I'm an expert in these things. I know I'm I'm well -informed blah I said
I thought what I was asking I was a I don't need to listen to Votie Balcom. Oh Well, I was just wondering why
Votie Balcom can say these things and and I can't and when
I do I get called names And his response was I call Votie Balcom the same names. I call you. Thank you
That was honest that was straightforward I get it
I get it Pray for the godly leaders in the black community that stand up and Say stop using race as an excuse for sin pray for them because it's not easy for them
It's not easy for them what we're gonna do in the future
When people rise I heard someone say such -and -so Here's the link Here's the link
You know, I Forget when it was something happened a number of months maybe last year and I made a mistake on this program.
I Told something about me personally I told about why it is that this racial thing is just So ridiculous to me
I told the story about my youth and About how I was introduced to race and then my first best friend his dad was
Black as night big black cop. I mean I was Little kid, so he was
Mountain to me and His mom my goodness
Was almost albino, I mean she was so white just Northern Scandinavian, you know hide from the
Sun white and I'd go over to his house and play and he was just my friend and So years later when
I hear someone saying that the races shouldn't mix or something I'm just sort of like Huh?
What don't get it. I understand I was mocked for that. I Was mocked the the the ethnic
Gnostics. Oh, they just Mocked me for that. They can't believe that someone could have that as Their background and hence not have as the primary lens to which everything else is seen
Racialism, I guess we just don't exist. Well, we do there is not a gospel
For one race and a different gospel for another There's one gospel There is one set of standards there is one church there is one spirit
There is one standard of sanctification I Am NOT saying
That each one of us is called to be a clone of the other what
I am saying is That if you think that what I wrote was racist
The only reason I can find for it is that you have a racial lens through which you're looking at everything else and It's perverting what you're seeing that's dangerous and that's improper.