Christian Worldview


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Good evening.
You didn't have to bring... I think it literally is...
But you didn't need to do that. Which I understand you have up here once in a while.
But just as an introduction to those of you who don't know me and that would be very easily understood why people would not know who in the world
I am. Our ministry has always been a fairly small ministry.
Began in 1983 called Alpha Omega Ministries. We were originally focused... We used to every six months go up to the
General Conference of the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City and pass out tracts. And I've done...
One of my favorite memories is a radio debate that I did on KTKK Radio in Salt Lake City.
See if you'd want to do this. You're in Salt Lake City, Utah. The host of the program is a
Mormon attorney. You have two BYU professors versus you in the studio.
And that was quite an interesting experience. The phone calls were a little bit... We started off really with a strong emphasis on Mormonism but then people started asking other questions.
I was in seminary and then moving on beyond their education.
And so we started expanding out what we were doing in apologetics, giving a defense of the faith.
I always felt that it was very important to be very accurate in your representation of what others believe.
I felt that was important if you're representing him who says he is the way, the truth, and the life, to be consistent.
And so we've never tried to be experts on everything there is to be an expert on. I don't think you can be an expert on all things.
It would be somewhat limited. But over time, we ended up working on many, many topics.
Marian Phoenix for many, many...
In 2019, I flew 100... The world changed, as we all know.
Casually, I just drove here. Livingston area.
Fifth wheel... That's my big goal.
Top of the unit. I'm figuring it out.
What we're doing, basically, is if you'd be interested in having us in, you can't cross the borders.
Now, this evening, you may ask a question. So, a lot of debates.
I think debate is wonderful. Debate used to be a normal part, including in mosques in South Africa.
In that situation, everyone was...
They win the ability to sit on the floor for a long...
So I do a lot of things. By the way, I've been married for almost 40 years. Next year is our 40th anniversary.
I've got four grandchildren. Maybe one or two of you in here. Maybe more. Doing the fight against feminism and things like that for many years now.
Stuff about intersectionality. Now, she'll tell you that's because you sow the seed.
And my areas of teaching, at least professionally, have theology, apologetics,
Greek, Greek exegesis, Hebrew, Hebrew exegesis, textual criticism, and church history.
Church history is a first -class thing. So what that means is, you put all that together, having dealt with mass this evening to address something that, to be honest with you, three or four years ago, would have been considered somewhat of a highbrow topic, where, well, it's good to talk about these things once in a while, but it's central to everybody.
Not everybody, really. And so when we talked about a
Christian worldview, that was considered, let's be honest, for most of us, to be somewhat of an advanced topic.
Sort of an elective. Here we are, and I don't care how far away you can be from a massive major city.
What's the population of your state? When I pulled into Missoula, I thought it was there.
You may think, and I have found this mindset, you may think we're too far out to have to worry too much.
The very obvious cultural worldview issues that are being forced upon the majority of American citizens today.
But the reality is, it means you can't keep away from this stuff.
That means your schools are just as subject to the influx of an absolutely foreign understanding of humanity and life that is now taking possession, and has taken possession, pretty much all of the structures of our society as any place else in the
United States. And we're seeing the implications.
The Christian worldview, which was something we used to have seminars about, and you'd go oh,
I'm not an ancient person. You may look at me and go, you certainly look that way. I'm just about to start my 7th decade, which means
I'm not quite 60 yet, and I can tell you that one of the most changing experiences in my life was to become a grandfather.
Marriage, big thing. Big thing. She was 18, and we didn't have a kid for 4 years.
I'm so thankful that we did, because that means I may have a shot at experience.
But getting married changes you. Everybody who has gotten married knows that having your first kid changes you.
Makes you, well that child, of course, as we all know, babies are one selfish black hole.
The world revolves around them, and they suck all of that selfishness right out of you, because you have to meet their needs.
When that diaper explodes at 2am in the morning, there's nobody else that's going to be there doing anything about it but you.
And you grow up, and you learn in the process. Getting your first daughter.
That Disney song, on a videotape.
VHS videotape. All of a sudden you start seeing yourself in the entire connected history of your family and mankind.
You start seeing things that you never really gave thought to.
And for me, what that means in light of what I'm seeing happening in western culture, the complete abandonment of the fundamental foundational assumptions that gave us our system.
Education, an understanding of family. All of these things, we wonder why in such rapid order, these things are being abandoned, and now things that only 10 years ago you thought everybody agreed on, now all of a sudden, if you believe things that everybody believed 10 years ago, you are a hate -filled person.
You're a bigot. You may lose your job. We all know that there are companies you can work for that if you were dared to express what the
President of the United States expressed only 10 years ago, you'd lose your job today.
That's how rapidly things have changed. Why? And for me, what that has done is that has that has made me think, how do
I communicate a Christian worldview that will stand the test of time to my great grandchildren?
How do I do that? In light of what's coming, in light of the difficulties and the challenges, how do
I do that? And should that even be something I care about? Because there are a lot of people like, yeah, you're just, you're polishing brass on a sinking ship.
Well, that's where the fact that I have taught church history down to the ages, down to the ages of my life.
That's where that comes in, because I realize there have been dark, dark times in church history.
If I say 1347, aside from you, does anyone know why
I would even make reference to the year 1347? What is big about 1347?
Anybody? 1347 is when the
Black Plague hit Europe. Between 1347 and 1351, it's hard to do exact math, because it's not like they had computers and things like that.
But there are certain cities in Europe where 70 % of the people who were alive on January 1st, 1347 were dead by the end of 1351.
In other places, it was 50 % and get a little bit more rural, and it was about 35%.
But between a third and a half and maybe a little bit more of the entire population of the landmass of Europe died between 1347 and 1351.
There were some forms of the plague that they actually theorized could be transmitted by looking at someone.
Because there was a certain form of it that could kill you in 12 hours.
12 hours. So the idea was, I just looked at somebody and 12 hours later, you're dead.
So they actually thought that maybe there were some forms that were just literally transmitted in that way.
Now at that particular point in time, if you were writing books about end times, you'd be doing well. Just think about it.
I mean, there is nothing that you could not have convinced folks that we are right at the end and this is it, and this is every plague ever described in the book of Revelation.
It would be pretty easy when half the people around you were dying. But think about what's happened since 1347.
Think about Luther. Think about the Reformation. Think about the Puritans.
Think about some of the McShane and some of the incredible Scottish preachers and the revivals that have taken place.
Edwards and the first and second great awakenings. Just think about the tremendous things that have happened since 1347.
So if I had looked around me in 1347, 1349, I would have come to the wrong conclusions as to what
God's purposes were in this world and everything else. I would have been wrong because I would have been interpreting scripture in light of what was happening in my particular part of the world at that particular point in time.
And so it's really easy for me, I'm Scottish and Scotsmen tend to be I don't think
William Wallace was the most necessarily jovial type guy in the world, if you know what I mean. We tend to be realists and so I look around and go, man there could be some really bad stuff coming and there might be.
But the temptation I have to resist is going yep, okay because I already know that people did that in the year 1000, people did that during the plague during Justinian's years in the 6th century and there's just been so many times during church history where people have figured this was it.
I'm awful glad that they still copied books that they still continue to sow the seed into the next generations and that's what
I want to try to do. Now, when we talk about a world view, the reality is
I don't care whether you know that you have a world view or not, you have one and it determines how you think and it determines the conclusions you come to what you're going to do with information that's presented to you.
Think about right now how people can look at the news and of course it does depend on what news source you're looking at but people can look at the news and you know, you may have some folks in your family and you all sit there and you watch a program and you start talking about it afterwards and it's like they were watching something completely different than you were and you're like how did they come to those conclusions?
It's because we have world views and the more aware you are of the form of your world view and it's foundational principles the more you can examine your own thinking for consistency and truthfulness.
The less aware you are of the guiding presuppositions, the guiding assumptions in your thinking the less you can examine the conclusions you come to and hence be consistent and I believe that as Christians if you're listening to me as a
Christian we are made in the image of God and we are made to think
God's thoughts after him what do
I mean by that? That's what it means to think rationally coherently and logically
God created this world to function in a particular fashion when you wake up in the morning you are thankful that gravity is not just simply something that God turns on and turns off depending on what day of the week it is our universe functions according to particular laws and as such we are invited as his creatures the only creatures that are described as being in the image of God to think his thoughts after him that does not mean that we can know everything that God knows or that God has revealed everything that God knows but what it does mean is that we should be individuals
Christians especially should be individuals who seek to think logically and consistently and truthfully about not just what we consider to be the religious aspect of all of life why all of life?
well, let's think about it this way the Christian message is an amazingly crazy message to the world when you read the new testament you know what the new testament tells us?
the new testament tells us that the Christian message is that the creator of all things all things actually entered into his own creation in the person of Jesus Christ lived in the backwaters of the
Roman Empire never wrote a book, never raised an army never visited Rome and yet he was the creator of all things and died on a
Roman cross as the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians chapter 1 the preaching of the gospel is to them that are perishing we are asking people to believe something that is absolutely insane and yet here we are gathered in a warm room on a
Wednesday night on the other side of the planet from where all these things took place speaking a language that did not exist in that day and yet the reason this building exists, the reason this church exists the reason we're here is because we believe that the events that took place that long ago that far away are actually relevant to our lives when you take seriously what the new testament teaches about Jesus it is amazing
Jesus said something incredible right before these two verses what does
Jesus say all authority has been given to me in heaven and earth incredible and massive implications and that see the therefore the therefore always points back to why it's therefore and so that's a connective right there the reason that we are to go and make disciples of all nations is because all authority has been given to Jesus we live in a society now where there is a massive authority question our founders recognized basic fundamental
Christian principles they may not have all been Christian but they designed a system of government that recognized that man has a tendency toward evil and therefore they diffused power amongst the branches of government and basically the constitution is how you reign in the government so that men can remain free but the assumption was that those free men would then live in accordance with the recognition of the law of God John Adams specifically said the constitution is meant for the governance of a moral and religious people and it is unable to function for any other type of people than that if he's right we got a problem the point is that our founders recognized that there was a central ordering principle in the reality of God's existence that gives meaning to life and that meaning is not given to life by the government it comes from God that's why they used that term inalienable and so like I said not all of them were believers but they were deeply influenced by a world view that goes like this let me back up just a second what kind of world view is being presented in our universities and hence our colleges and hence our high schools and hence our elementary schools think with me if you graphically in your mind view all the various fields of human knowledge and there are so many today we pride ourselves
I mean oh goodness I'm not sure how many thousand times more powerful than the computers that guided more powerful than the computers that they had and so we think that because we can stick something like this that this somehow makes us significantly smarter than the people and certainly much more than the people who went before that we know so much today the reality is folks that there was a day when we considered intelligence to be measured by how there was a day when there were people who had knowledge in pretty much all of the fields of human and today we turn to people who have a deep deep deep slice of knowledge that's that one that isn't even related this far over let alone historically or anything else like that and people like that may be extremely intelligent indeed but their opinions on things are they can't connect anything to history they can't predict them what their actions are going to bring about across a broad spectrum they're actually dangerous and they're the people that we are putting in charge all these fields of knowledge now and in our public education system in a non -theistic system where you don't have the
God who created all things the one thing in the middle that's then connected to all the history and religion and science and medicine and ethics and morality and everything that goes with it all these fields of study what holds it all together it's up to you to relate all of these fields of knowledge and philosophers realized a long time ago that doesn't work none of us can do that and yet is that not central to what we are doing?
is that not central to this new experiment where you get to autonomously determine the very nature of reality itself?
I'm old enough to remember when a man named
Bruce Jenner won the Olympic decathlon that was back when the
Olympics were actually fun to watch and in fact that was back before something called the internet and cable
TV and all the rest of that kind of stuff so there wasn't much else to watch anyways and so everybody watched it and everybody was excited about it.
How many remember watching Bruce Jenner? We live in a day where he is running for the governor of the state of California as a female now how have we gotten to this point?
How have we gotten to the point in a matter literally of a decade of actually thinking that what we used to believe was bigotry and hate and now is a whole new other way well because we've accepted this idea that what happens between here and here determines reality and so we're trying to live out this world view where man is in the center
I think that means that there is an income under the pews and blessing assurance actually
I think that's the ring tone that a friend of mine has when his wife calls so I'm sort of like look out whatever you're doing this is bad timing anyways what was
I talking about so Moses is in the bull rushes so we are trying to live out and make real the idea that we are in the center and we get to determine and to relate all of knowledge and we're big enough to do that because of what's wrong
I've often wondered does he have to give back his gold medal because that was the men's
Olympic decathlon so if he wasn't actually a man and he was a woman then should he get the gold for the women's decathlon and give the gold it's only relevant to right now because he could change his mind tomorrow and we all have to go that's what happens when you put man in the center it all breaks apart there can be no consistency from one generation to the next these days there can't be a consistency from one week to the next that's why things and truth changes so quickly if we have to seriously
I mean you can be removed from social media you can lose your job there are certain states that pass laws that you can be penalized you can be fined because you used the wrong pronouns which is just utter insanity to actually change the language itself and expect you to be memorizing pronouns unbelievable the attack on language by the way very very important to world but I've wondered in light of what's happening right now can
I just simply identify as a vaccinated person if Bruce Jenner under pain of law has to be called
Caitlyn Jenner though we know in reality what the genetic outcome of any examination of his cells would be why can't
I just identify as a vaccinated person I can guarantee you the Biden regime will not allow me to do that because there is no need for consistency without consistency you cannot communicate any meaningful truth to the next generation and any society that falls into that is doomed to its own destruction well what's the alternative the alternative is you have all these fields of knowledge and in the center well put all the fields of knowledge like this and you're in the midst of all these other things from the
Christian perspective right in the center is the triune God Father Son Holy Spirit because though I don't really have time to develop it this evening
I would argue that a bare theism a just nebulous idea of a
God of some kind is insufficient to function here because what happens is okay
I'm down here God's in the center here's all the fields of knowledge as I am related properly to him as I see myself in light of what he has revealed
I am to be which is found in the world around us but in specific detail before the fall he was dependent upon God to tell him don't eat that go ahead and eat that even then so in scripture there is a revelation of who
I am where I stand in history what God's purposes are so as I am related to him and of course in submission to his truth having received forgiveness of my sins by faith in Jesus Christ as I am related to the triune
God then through the triune God I can have accurate knowledge and relationship to all the other fields of knowledge because I see them as his creation and he does not create anything and so I am insufficient if I'm in the center to put all this stuff together it will fly apart into chaos and the chaos we are seeing in our society right now the chaos we are seeing every meaningful good relationship that God has given to us our society what was it last week or the week before last but sometime recently the
AMA the American Medical Association recommended the removal of any gender identification on birth certificate which means
I remember anybody else remember I actually got to be in the delivery room for both of my kids and remember what happened when the birth takes place what does the doctor do it's a boy it's a girl
I'll bet you anything probably already is true in some place like Mass or Oregon I bet it's already considered either considered wrong or illegal for the doctor what is it a human yeah but what is it that's what happens the most basic you can't even any longer define or celebrate what it means to be a husband what it means to be a wife we had a presidential candidate during the democratic primaries he would introduce his husband if you don't feel the the utter disintegration of that which held this nation together and which holds humanity together in that you're missing it you're not listening or you've been listening to the wrong stuff that's what this whole emphasis on intersectionality is all about intersectionality divides everyone from everyone it eats away at everything that used to unite us and says that you are an absolute victimized individual and you need to maximize your victimization points and when you think what the end result of that is it is utter collapse what is the
Christian solution you might say well we already tried that it failed right no no actually it was quite successful in many ways but the reality is even most in the church came to the point where they lost a daily recognition of some of the key truths of the faith and worldliness came in and eroded the emphasis upon what we became embarrassed because of a man named
Charles Darwin we did didn't we everybody in this room knows that if you open your mouth of how mankind came to be mankind you will be mocked and derided
I know because I was public school educated knowing anybody in our circles that was home schooled there were some
Christian schools and so I was public schooled and I was well educated
I was educated back east in Pennsylvania up through 5th grade and one thing I will be very very thankful they taught me to read
I could when I came out to Arizona 6th grade they gave me a test and I was reading college level they had taught me but still
I had to fight the fight as a person who believed all the way through public education never got a
B, never got a M as a result
I was in the advanced biology classes and things like that and so I remember in freshman year sophomore year
I would sit with my biology teacher at lunch eating those horrific horrific lunch burritos we just had some of you, now you're going to lose all respect when
I say this those tacos, the burritos oh those are wonderful I would sit there with my biology teacher and he would bring photocopies in from his college level textbooks and we were arguing neo -Darwinian genetics and the whole nine yards so I started early then
I went to a Christian college and everybody was like, ah, see, they already know I was double major Bible and biology finished all my work and I can tell you intellectual revolution that has been more important in the establishment of a secular world view with man at the center and since each one of us is too small at the center, you know what ends up happening you have to get a conglomeration of men at the center and there will never be any transcendent meaning to life because there is no life after this, because there is no creator without a creator you can put man in the center but he is insufficient to hold it all together and so it just becomes well, we have to do what we can in this life now, that's why we see in our society one of the gravest dangers to any sense of justice the confusion of we used to believe that there was a day of judgment coming we have this saying innocent until proven guilty you know where that came from, folks?
the Bible it doesn't say those specific words but is in the
Christian scriptures and was given to us because God's law says you have to have witnesses well, someone might get away with something get away with anything but they might get away with it in this life yes, they might but this life is great and there will never be anything that anyone gets away with well, guess what?
so now, we have to have justice NOW and if that means you have to throw 20 innocent people in prison to make sure to get the one who did something bad, then you do it deep, deep
Darwin got rid of the one thing that kept human philosophy and human thought flying out into the destructiveness of the creator and therefore there is meaning that is assigned by the creator that we cannot change once you get rid of him we get to define all and that's why communism in the last century killed more than 120 million human beings and so the state gets to determine what life and if you decide that this people this people group here let me ask, how many of you have ever heard of the
Holodomor? Holodomor was the about 3 year period of time 19...
I should have that under Stalin where Stalin purposefully starved to death around somewhere it's hard to...
between 3 and 7 million Ukrainians they lived in a land filled with food but Stalin took it all from them to prop up things elsewhere because it doesn't actually work don't tell that to anybody attending a university today in the
United States they think it's great but it doesn't work he purposely killed them he knew what he was doing it was intentional he hid it from the world the
Ukrainians have not forgotten this was perfectly consistent with a secular world
Stalin doesn't have to worry about when he dies being judged and those particular human beings were in the way of his greater purpose of the socialist utopia in China you have the
Uyghur Muslims you have Christians they are in the way of the greater fulfillment you disappear them you put them in camps and you cause them to sit there and listen to the praise of the state and if they fall asleep you take them out and shoot them in the head that's what's going on right now this very moment in Chinese camps by the way they are concerned about their soldiers while we are decimating our military it's a
Christian answer it's a radical one but it's one that we have been proclaiming remember
I said in the center is the triune God the God who has revealed himself in history the
God who has prophesied the coming of the
Messiah one who would be called what? wonderful counselor or father of eternity and on his shoulders is the government all authority given to him he is actually
Lord and because of his revelation we can have a true knowledge of who
God is, who we are and there is a day of judgment one of the strongest teachings was that because he is who he is he will be the one to judge in fact, a little over a year ago the craziness hit
I was driving back to a church that I have spoken at this is the 20th year in a row I was listening to a lecture
Paul at the Areopagus and when he used the term
Anastasis which in Greek is resurrection, they shut him down because they were dualists not raising his physical body back from the dead they found that to be utter foolishness and so they shut him down and all of a sudden listening to someone else talk about it
I realized when Paul mentioned the resurrection, he said that the resurrection was actually a proof of something,
I thought everything was supposed to be a proof of the resurrection, no he raised Jesus from the dead to demonstrate to all people that he would judge, the day of judgment is what is proved how important is it for us
Christians that there is a day of judgment see how often it appears in a news it's repeated over and over Jesus taught, he gets to judge because he's the
God man, who would be a better judge than one who lived in perfect obedience to the father and yet has knowledge of every man's heart he will judge perfectly, and so when you have an empty tomb out of which came the judge who will judge rightly now you can say to every man young people and nation here is
God's will here is what it means to love God, here is what it means to love neighbor and once you have experienced forgive others, the
Christian message meets all the needs of the actual human heart not the human heart that has been dehumanized isn't it amazing, humanism is the most dehumanizing thing man has ever come up with when you remove from man the fact that he is made in the image of God and has transcendent value and turn him into nothing but a fizzing bag of chemicals that when he dies has no further value, how do you get anyone to accept all that, to change his heart and mind and it places in the center the one triune
God I pray that God will bring a great revival in our land, this nation now
I mentioned that even though it is very warm that we would take a few moments of interaction we can do that or you all may be sitting there going the first question
I would have for you is do they know what the scriptures teach about the subject ok, second question when you say you know what the scriptures teach this is a whole other area it's very much related because the
LGBTQ movement is a fundamental denial to determine who we are it's our saying we get to do that, not you and so the church was caught it's one thing to respond to the fact that there are literally hundreds of books out now that will tell you that the bible says nothing about this subject there's a movie coming out called 1946 it's going to be absurd linguistic errors
I've challenged the people putting it together in the debate but they won't even respond to my emails but there's just all sorts of stuff already on youtube and stuff like that anybody who wants to disbelieve can find something to do that it's one thing to be able to defend what the scriptures say in Leviticus 18 and 20 in Genesis 18 and 19
Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1 10 I've done extensive discussions if you want to really dive into the original languages and the history we're talking
I've done 5, 6 hour long responses but where we were caught short was we generally, these are subjects you didn't talk about in polite company and so a truly biblical positive doctrine of maleness and femaleness and family and Jesus' teaching in Matthew chapter 19 that God made us male and female and that this is good and that being a husband is good and being a mother is good and wife that positive element is frequently what's missing so in approaching family members the first thing you do need to find out is have they been deceived that the scriptures do not in fact warn them that this is a self -destructive behavior because there are entire churches dedicated to deceiving people about that I mean the
Metropolitan Church, the Hawaiian Yards there's all sorts a major quote unquote evangelical figure just came out last week,
Jonathan Merritt now everybody knew that Jonathan Merritt was a homosexual but Big Eva had covered that over because his father was a former president of Southern Mass Convention and so he came out himself last week and said, well yeah, actually
I am and all sorts of people are like yeah, alright, gift of God and such, so there's a lot of that out there and so you have to find out, have they been exposed to that and if they have then you've got to and there's a difference between being gentle and loving and avoiding the tough conversations and in our day people's feelings have been turned into the most important issue well it's an overused illustration but it's a good one if you go to the doctor and you get a blood test and the blood test comes back clearly indicative of the presence of cancer the doctor had better have enough guts to put up with your emotional response to being told you have cancer because you need to know you have cancer and the problem is when it comes to issues like this we invest in the blood test a far higher authority than we invest in what
God has said in His word in the very scriptures that Jesus who rose from the dead said were God speaking and so we are afraid because well that's just your opinion and we've been hit with this so many times that we actually start believing it, that's just your opinion about 4 or 5 years ago don't blame me on transgenderism and during the course of the show
I quoted Matthew chapter 9 the creator made them male and female and well one of Dr.
Drew's sidekicks said well that's just one person's opinion written in an ancient scripture the words that I'm quoting are from a man then he died and rose from the dead and when you can do that then your opinion can be equal to his so that emotional aspect
I understand it we are told that people's emotions are the greatest standard of truth they're not and we love if you haven't seen the same sex controversy
I've done a number of debates on these issues it's funny I can't get any of the leading Americans in two debates with Dr.
Graham Codrington who's a very they were playing the seeds for years before that some people feel that there will be from a
Christian perspective I can tell you what I feel I've been trying to apply
Romans chapter 1 the most insightful text on the behavior and thinking of man that's ever been written in my opinion
I've been trying to apply Romans chapter 1 to what's going on in our land especially over the past as a result over a year ago
I was saying that this was going to be used to fundamentally change our society that we would have vaccine passports and I had people telling me
I needed to buy a tinfoil hat that I was crazy, I was insane nailed it and it's not because I'm some prophet
I'm just simply taking Romans 1 and going once you give people power like this what are they going to do and what is their goal and the fact is
I didn't know this but I had a friend who did know this starting in 2016 a friend of mine his name is
Michael O 'Fallon you can see his stuff, in fact he's been doing some really important stuff with an atheist philosopher and academic
James Lindsay taking apart all this stuff and explaining where it came from academically and all the rest of that stuff look him up, great discourses on YouTube anyway, he started telling me in 2016 that something called the
Great Reset was coming and in 2017 he specifically told me James, they will use a medical emergency and a claim of public safety to utterly undo the
Constitution of the United States 2017, and I'm looking at him going I just don't see it he was right so how did he know these things?
because people have been writing books about it and doing seminars about it since the late 2000s and he ran an organization that did cruises for some of these groups but he was one of the weirdos who actually sat in on the seminars and listened so we heard him talking about it he knew what their plans were and they're doing it and the very people right now in charge of coordinating
Google and Facebook and taking videos down and everything we're seeing happening he knows those people by name he sat in the same room with them
I didn't really believe him at first now why does it feel like we're all sitting around like bumps in a log?
as a Christian I feel like I'm in two different worlds I feel like I'm in two different worlds
I feel schizophrenic I wake up in the morning and I want to continue to do my life
I'm a cyclist I do most of my study on the back of a bike
I'm not talking about a motorcycle I'm talking about the one James Power bike so much so that I have a bike set up in my fifth wheel on a trainer that's one of the reasons
I did this it doesn't matter what the weather is outside I can still get on my bike and I can do my training even if I have to do it indoors
I don't want to give that up I've ridden over 145 ,000 miles and so I still do that part of it is because everybody in my family dies of heart stuff
I figure this is the best thing I can do and so I want to continue going to church and I want to make plans for the next year but at the same time
I'm looking at what's going on and there are literally people in my country that want me thrown a gulag because I won't join a particular global genetic experiment and the people in charge are agreeing and so we feel like we're caught between two worlds we see the possibilities but you get up in the morning and there's no one breaking down your door and so you just go it's going to be alright and part of me has just had to think
I'm going to I don't know if everyone here is a Christian listen, it's amazing to me
I mentioned to you and should have I am a pastor when
God wants to destroy a nation He makes the people content with what they have and they just continue and it just seems to me that most people are far more concerned about the 401k than their great -grandchildren and so it just seems to me
I see so many of my fellow Christians all they are concerned about is me, me, me men who are willing to give it all up than any generation the news just came out that the
United States government knowingly has been using our tax money to harvest with full knowledge of the
United States government even during the Trump years and I just go wow
God owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah and so if God wants to destroy any nation that has blood the best way to do that is just simply so we can see it but we'll never organize or do anything about it if we're still primarily focused
I don't like saying that ok, just one more because it is we've known each other since man, you were knee -high to Grasshopper, weren't you
Matt? It is good actually Matt and I have never current events within the the problem is the briefing is rarely more than 24 minutes long and my dividing line so that's part of it yeah, well even you have to explain what
Al is saying I know
Doug Wilson those are two things that I listen to and I would suggest that Canon Press and Ezra Institute Canon Press and Ezra Institute both would be organizations that are definitely seeking to address those things for example and open disclosure here
I am a newly minted fellow in the Dr. Joseph Boot is the head of the
Ezra Institute up in Canada thankfully hasn't been thrown out he has a book coming out he goes into stuff,
I've heard of transhumanism and Canon Press puts out a lot alright you look so that is the most thankless job because if you do it right, nobody knows you even exist you do one thing wrong and everybody and I ran sound at the
Southern Baptist Church at 20 ,000 members so thank you very very much for having the joy to meet with you as I mentioned,
I'm going up to Moscow and we start at 1
Thursday for safe travels and protection from, there is a cadre of semi -truck drivers that secretly want to drive
NASCAR they really do and they're on the roads and I keep meeting them in construction zones so protection from that thank you very very much and I think
Gene took care of that your website is
James that way because you give enough to tease you into wanting to read more
Lord we thank you for James White being here with us made available to us solely on gives us hope as he mentioned
Lord your church has been through throughout the generations and to remember
Lord as James mentioned, to hear you say well done so thank you again and we pray for James as he travels with his fifth wheel that you would guard him protect him from those crazy truckers that want to be