On Conspiracy Theories - Matthew 28

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Lots of elites are "troubled" and "discouraged" by everyday Christians believing "conspiracy theories." Here are my thoughts.


Hey, well, hope you had a good weekend. I sure did. I had a great weekend and I wanted to start this week with Something that's been on my mind a lot.
But before we begin, let me just say this you may have seen About 500 of you watched a video that I put out on Saturday night.
I put it out late on Saturday night and most of it I would say 80 % of the video was hilarious and quite good and The content was important and all that kind of stuff
I took it down though. I took it down on Sunday morning and We will see if it comes back up.
It might come back up in a different form but about 20 % of it there were problems with and there were problems that I Caused I intentionally caused and so I took it down for just for the time being
Not to hide the evidence or anything like that But I wanted to just be careful about what
I put out there and all that kind of stuff So anyway more to come on that later on in the week that being said
I wanted to talk about conspiracy theories today Conspiracy theories now if you've if you've watched me or listened to me for any amount of time every now and then
I'll bring up Various things that do get labeled conspiracy theory whether it's
UFOs Whether it's the existence of extraterrestrials whether it's government secrets, whether it's you know
Child sex trafficking rings things like that I mentioned that kind of stuff and if you've also if you've watched me for any amount of time one of the things
I hate the most and Seriously, I hate this is when normal people like everyday folks like you and me get sneered at from on high by the elite and One of the ways that they do this
There's a lot of different ways that people do this But one of the ways that they do that is they oh here that's just a conspiracy theory
Oh, it's just such a shame that Christians fall for these conspiracy theories And that's one of the ways that they do this they they they make you feel stupid for buying into the conspiracy theories
Wow, you're such an idiot and what I hate about that is Many times in the past things that have been labeled conspiracy theories
Actually end up being true and and and correct and it comes out in an official manner.
Sometimes the government admits it Sometimes it just comes out in the course of you know in judicial hearings and things like that Sometimes like in the
Epstein case, you know People have been talking about the Epstein pedophile Island for a long long time before it became a media story
And it was a conspiracy theory. How could you believe in a conspiracy theory? And so anyway, what
I want to talk about today is look there are some Wacky conspiracy theories out there if you've ever spent any time
Watching conspiracy videos or reading conspiracy blogs or listening to podcasts or things like that Oftentimes you can tell what is actually a serious thing versus what's insane, right?
and it's not always easy but but oftentimes it is quite easy to tell the difference between the the crazy conspiracy theories that are really kind of stupid and The ones that have some merit to them.
Maybe we don't have all the facts, but there's a lot of merit to them and so the reality is that there's different levels of conspiracy theory now
What I hate though is is just the elite they're just like so concerned so concerned that Christians are falling for these conspiracy theories and Usually there's two arguments that they put forward you people that are anti -conspiracy theory
Usually there's two powerful arguments that they put forward You could probably name them right now.
I bet if I if I asked you what are the two things you hear the most and You know, the first one is
Well, first of all, why how could they get so many people to keep these secrets, right?
How how could they get everyone to lie and that kind of thing? That's that's that's the big one Like this would require too many people
Keeping a secret and people can't keep secrets see people always talk and things like that. I find that one to be
Hilarious number one and so that's the first thing that usually people say the second thing that I think is pretty powerful in general and this one is a little bit more challenging
I think to overcome is This idea that you know, like when you when you bind to these conspiracy theories
It's almost like you're giving the devil too much power Right, like there's two he's got too much of an influence on the course of the world
You're not giving God his due because God has the power in the universe, right? God is the king of Kings the
Lord of Lords and when you're saying that there's these evil forces that have so much power in the
United States and in the world in general the Rothschilds or whatever it is, you know, you're giving the devil too much
Authority too much power. You're not giving God enough credit. It's not it's actually kind of a lack of faith and That that argument actually in my opinion is one of the strongest arguments against the idea of these big
Large, you know kind of worldwide conspiracy theories. I think that that one's powerful especially as a post -millennial guy
But I just wanted to bring a piece of scripture to your attention and I think this is so interesting when you're thinking about Conspiracy theories a lot of times people will ask well, why would somebody do this?
You know things like that Why would somebody lie like this? Why would they try to hide the truth?
You know, how could they do it? How could people keep the secret things like that? I think that's so interesting. But let me read to you
One of the first conspiracy theories ever recorded I don't know if that's true.
But this is a this is a conspiracy kind of a theory. It's sort of a situation, right? So so what
I'm what I'm saying is like this. I don't think this is a conspiracy. I think this is true But people could have easily argued that this was a conspiracy theory at the time
And it's see that one of the things that's so annoying about the charge. Oh, that's a conspiracy theory It's because it doesn't take any discipline to make that charge.
It doesn't take any thought whatsoever All it does is shut down conversation. It's very easy to just say oh, that's a conspiracy theory
And then that's the end of it You know what? I mean like it's just it's it's really dishonest way to argue because it doesn't require any thinking whatsoever any effort whatsoever
It's just way to shut down a conversation a conversation Anyway, let me read this.
This is after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, right? This is from the scripture Matthew chapter 28 after the resurrection
Here's what happens It says in verse 11 while they were going behold some of the guard went into the city and told the chief priests all that had taken place and When they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel they gave a sufficient sum of money to the soldiers and said
Tell people his disciples came by night and stole him away While we were asleep, and if this comes to the governor's ears, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble
So they took the money and did as they were directed and this story has been spread among the
Jews to this day What's interesting about this story is that it's it holds true today like people still believe that today that that his body was stolen his disciples stole his body to make it appear as if he had
Resurrected like there are you could keep find people walking around to this day that will say this is what happened to Jesus Despite all the evidence despite all the the authoritative scriptures that we have despite everything to the contrary
They will say no Jesus didn't resurrect. He didn't come back to life no, no, what happened was his disciples stole his body to make it appear that he resurrected and people still believe this lie to this day because of this conspiracy from These authorities, right and so so the question is well, well, you know again the first objection that most people hear as well
How could they get so many people to lie? Well here it's it's interesting because this is always the answer
They pay them to lie, right? And this is what a lot of conspiracy theorists types today say
Well, what happens is you get paid to lie and sometimes you don't even know that you're lying You just get paid and you have your authorities pay you and you don't want to rock the boat, right?
So so so so money that's a big motivator a lot of the time It's very easy to understand that money motivates people money motivates people
Even the Bible says that that someone's hunger in other words the drive to have food
Drives them to work it drives them forward money motivates people. And so the elders here the
Pharisees the Jews here Bribed people to lie about what happened to Jesus and then they say look we're connected
We're connected so if the governor hears about this and they want to punish you for losing the prisoner don't worry about that We're connected.
We'll let them know what's what and all of that. This is a conspiracy, right? This is a government conspiracy and it's not a theory.
This is authoritative scripture This actually happened and it was so effective that people still believe this exact lie to this day
Now, okay. How can you how can you keep people's mouths shut right? Like okay, they paid them off fine
We can understand how someone would keep their mouth shut for a little while. But you know people People talk right people talk.
So how could you keep their mouths shut for so long? well, what's interesting about this report here is That someone didn't keep their mouth shut
Because if nobody had told the Apostles if nobody told Matthew about what happened here
Matthew wouldn't have known what happened here So obviously someone did talk and that's what's so interesting about that that that that that objection
Oh, well, how could so many people keep their mouths shut? well the reality is because we know about these things that Means that people didn't keep their mouths shut and if you research a lot of the good
Conspiracy theories out there that the elite big even test. Oh, that's a conspiracy theory Well, a lot of them have witnesses people do talk
But the thing is the the hoity -toity, you know kind of elite people say oh, that's just a crazy person
That's a conspiracy theorist and they try to shut them down So people don't just keep their mouths shut lots of people do talk so that's why
I find that objection so preposterous It's like why doesn't anybody talk? Well, they do but then you call them a conspiracy theorist when they do you question their character when they do so so like clearly
This is not an any objection here at all because if you look at the scripture here again Obviously somebody told
Matthew that this happened So not everyone kept their mouths shut even despite them the payments that they were given not everyone kept their mouths shut
I mean so that that's just just the reality. So so what would have prevented someone now from saying
Matthew? Conspiracy theory dude. Well, that's a conspiracy theory. That sounds so crazy what they're gonna pay off the governor
They're gonna pay off the governor. I mean how preposterous is that? They're gonna pay off the guards and the governor and they're gonna all keep their mouths shut.
That's just a conspiracy theory Matthew and it's like Okay, I mean it takes no discipline.
No thought no nothing to to to levy that charge And yet here we have a real
Conspiracy in the Bible that actually happened that was actually so effective that even unbelievers to this day
Believe this theory Okay, so that's the first thing the second thing though is so so so so what you know
Why would people do this right and doesn't it give the devil too much power right like don't isn't it? Demonstrating a lack of faith if you believe in these conspiracy theories and it's like Okay, so let's let's just run this conspiracy through that example right look through that that objection
Couldn't could you not have said the same thing here like like like Matthew like this gives Satan and people too much power right like couldn't
God have have have made it very clear that that That this didn't happen that his disciples didn't
You know take the body at night and things like that and my answer to that is like, you know
I'm a Calvinist right? So like He did make it very clear He did make it very clear and the fact that it providentially he allows people to believe this lie through the means of this conspiracy this conspiracy of the elders and the
The chief priests and the government all that that's a means for him to you know
Some people are reprobate some people are reprobate He darkened some people's minds like I don't think that's giving the devil too much power to think that there are these big global government conspiracies
See, this is all providential. So God is saving some and others. He's not saving and And and so there's this war we understand that there's a conflict in the world between good and evil
Right, and we understand where this conflict is going. God is gonna win this conflict There's nothing there's no lack of faith to say that there still is real evil though Like God is putting all his enemies under his feet, but but the enemies aren't just gonna sit there and do nothing about it
They're gonna rage they're gonna fight that I mean, this is this is the reality They're gonna rage and fight.
What am I one of my favorite Psalms Psalm 2? Why do the nation's rage and the people's plot in vain?
Why do they conspire? Against against Christ against the Lord and against his anointed.
Here's what it says Why do the nation's rage and the people's plot in vain the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together
Against the Lord and against his anoint anointed saying let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us
So it's not it's not a lack of faith to understand that the nations are raging and the people are plotting conspiring in vain
It's not a lack of faith to understand that the kings of the earth the leaders the government the structures and the rulers
Take counsel together against Christ they do it because they hate God. That's why they try to destroy his image bearers
That's why they try to kill children. That's why they have sex pedophile rings That's why they they hide the evidence when they're you know an
ABC and things like that That's why they do it because they hate the Lord They hate the
Lord's anointed and so they want to wipe his image off the face of the earth There's no lack of faith in understanding that reality.
There's no lack of faith in that See it would be a lack of faith though if you thought that maybe the devil can win
See, we don't think that especially as postmillennials, right? We don't think that we think that we have a role to play in all this
We think we need to expose them and fight against the darkness. We understand that so we have a role to play
But we know ultimately the victory is the Lord's because verse 4 of Psalm 2
He who sits in the heaven laughs at their stupid little conspiracies
He holds them in derision those that that that conspire together against the Lord and against his anointed and against his image bearers his church
We know that he will speak to them in his wrath Terrify them in his fury and say to them.
I've set my king on Zion my holy hill We understand that that's see that's where that's no lack of faith in in in exploring a conspiracy theory it only it only demonstrates a lack of faith if you explore these conspiracy theories and it results in despair and it's like man a
BC I mean They were doing what what what the chief priests were doing back in Matthew 28
They were conspiring together paying people off Using powerful people to make things happen and to to hide certain charges and things like that like ABC was doing it
CBS appears to be doing it as well you know and and and and so if it leads to despair, it's like oh
What are we gonna do? Like like this is this is this is this is awful. They might win You know if it leads to despair, yeah, that's a lack of faith but see it doesn't have to lead to despair researching a conspiracy theory and Understanding how evil a lot of the power structures have been over time the evil testing that they've done the evil
Lying that they've done Conspiring hiding evidence all of these things. There's nothing that demonstrates a lack of faith there
Now am I saying that every conspiracy theory out there is real? No, I'm not saying that I'm not saying that Christians ought to be responsible
With with the truth, right? We we we worship a God that is the truth, right?
so we need to be responsible in a way that we really do seek the truth and we seek to Find the truth and speak of the truth and all of these things, but that does not mean that you have to be naive
Right, like at this point if you believe anything that ABC says at this point when they put out the next article
That's bashes Trump for whatever if you believe that without without researching without double -checking it without Questioning it and saying does this make any sense at all?
If you do that, you're a fool at this point. You're a fool So don't do it and the thing is like like like I have in mind people like Russell more right because these are the guys that kind of the
Hoity -toity that that that that look down on all of you peons that that give any kind of conspiracy theory any kind of credence and they say well you what you should do is you
Should get an art. You should get a subscription to the Washington Post If you got a subscription to the Washington Post, that's how you should get your news.
Yeah Sure thing buddy sure thing anyway, so so look the reality is that there's every motivation in the world for the powers that be to Conspire against things to conspire together against the
Lord There's every motivation in the world and they have the means to do it money power things like that I mean this is they've been doing it since Matthew chapter 28 at least
Right, and this is someone back in that day could have easily said Matthew. That's a conspiracy theory
That's a conspiracy theory and yet here it is in authoritative scripture Again, I'm saying be careful.
I'm not saying you believe everything that you hear What I am saying is don't fall for those that would shame you for even looking into it
Right for even questioning it because those that would shame you for doing that are cowards or liars
It's just that simple It's just that simple if they if they would if they would make you feel bad for even considering If MK ultra was a real thing or things like that.
They're either lying or they're a coward don't follow them Anyway, I hope this is helpful.