To Catch a False Doctrine Smuggler (Part 2)


The church could benefit from the theological equivalent of x-rays, gamma rays, drug sniffing dogs and street smart Drug Agents so that false teachers trying to import false doctrine can be spotted.  


The Gospel of God (Part 3)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes, as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
Michael Lee Abendroth here. Don't forget, my brother, Patrick, has a podcast called
The Pactum, I think it's thepactum .org, and that is, I think, a weekly show.
I don't think I've missed any yet. I've appreciated those. You can always write me, Mike, at nocompromiseradio .com.
Somehow on my table here, there are a variety of different books. I see a Machen book,
I see a Beza book, I see a Jerry Bridges book, I see a
Steve Fernandez book, Free Justification, I see a
Book of Common Prayer, I see, oh, here it is,
New St. Joseph's Sunday Missal and Hymnal. This is the official text, it says,
New Revised Liturgy, and it's very interesting.
There's a creed here, and this is, The people of God, together with Christ, worship the
Heavenly Father, authorized by the United States Bishop's Commission on the Liturgical Apostolate.
Did I not read that maybe yesterday, the Pope, or the bishops said that they could give, priests could give
Holy Communion to pro -abortion people, did I just hear that? Well, this is
Catholic Book Publishing, New York, and I just, I don't know how I ended up getting this, but there are very interesting things in here.
Some are very true, right, Trinitarian thoughts are true, and then
I've got things in here like nuptial masses, oh, nuptial, like a prenup!
There you go, absolution and burial, this is interesting.
We implore you, Lord, to grant this mercy to your dead servant, that he who held fast to your will by his intentions may not receive punishment in return for his deeds, so that as the true faith united him with the throng of the faithful on earth, your mercy may unite him with the company of choirs in heaven, through Christ our
Lord, the people say, Amen. I know.
Hi, Cabinet Roth, No Compromise Radio. We're talking on this show recently about the topic of false teachers, and how they smuggle false doctrines into the
Church, and you need to be aware of that. It seems to me that these days, you turn on the radio, you go to Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Kim and I were in the car yesterday, it was her birthday, we were going to the beach, coming back from the beach, and I turned on the regular radio station,
No Compromise Radio used to be on an AM station, but the people that own both the AM and the
FM station, on the FM station there was something called The Narrow Path, I think, that was the name of the show.
I don't know if you listen to The Narrow Path, but I'm thinking, this guy cannot give a right answer. I mean, finally, he,
I think on the fourth answer, he gave the right thing. But even when the person, you know, the question was, and this is why
I don't do call -in radio at the show, I started, but then it just makes me look mean. People don't have questions, they just want to talk.
Then the one question by the lady on The Narrow Path was, she called in and said, you know, what are the three levels of hell?
And then basically the, whoever's the host, I don't know who he is, he, in my opinion, an unqualified host,
I thought, he's probably making a lot of money doing this, and he doesn't even know what he's talking about, in my opinion, what are the three levels of hell?
And he said, well, there's not three levels of hell, and then he said, there are different views of hell, and one's, you know, annihilation, another universalism, and another, you know, real hell, and then he didn't even tell me the real one.
What's the Bible say about it? This is The Narrow Path, certainly universalism doesn't match up with that.
I just was so frustrated, I thought The Narrow Path, I used to have a ministry called The Narrow Gate Ministry, and we would record videos of me preaching a lot of law,
I'm sure, and only law, in a garage, a bunch of Harley parts everywhere, and I remember
I had my OP shorts on behind the pulpit, and then I had my suit, and tie, and all that above the pulpit, you wouldn't know that I had tennis shoes, or flip flops, and OP shorts, remember those corduroy
OP shorts, for those of you that are younger, you will eventually see those again, because they'll come back into style, will they not?
Now it's Hurley shorts, right, board shorts, and by the way, I love the material, I have a pair of slacks that I wear,
I'll wear tomorrow preaching, maybe, that are, it's made out of board short material, stretchy, nice, and then, you know, my ever -changing moods, as Paul Weller would say in the
Style Council, my ever -changing waistline, I can just put it on whatever I want, it's just the stretch -o, this is kind of nice,
I feel like I, the geriatric stuff now. Oh, there's a guy outside riding his bicycle,
I think I should probably do that, that will help with the stretch reverse. If I was going to put an outline together for 2
Peter chapter 2, verses like, oh, 14 to 22, I'm probably just going to call it, no.
If you see this section here, in your Bible, you can write, with pencil, I never write in my Bible with regular ink, pencil only, friends, same thing with books, never write in your books with yellow markers or pens, pencils only, let's not desecrate books, pencil only,
I have a few books that I have highlighted with yellow highlighter, but that was when
I was A, a pagan, and B, a new pagan, that was early 90s.
Write the word no, N -O, N -O, there's lots of no's here, I don't mean
N -O -S -E, but N -O apostrophe S, right, no's, just say no to false teachers.
Spiritual warfare is true, and for you to say yes to Jesus, that we talked about last time, yes to this
Christ, this ascending Christ who sends apostles, to this
Christ who gives faith, who has earned righteousness, who gives grace and peace, who is
God, who is the Savior, who gives sanctifying power, who is the
King, who does know the future, and who is the radiant glory of God himself, because he is
God, then there's going to be an attack on that Jesus and you're going to have to know what's going on with false teachers.
I know you don't want to know, I know you want to put your fingers in your ears sometimes, and just say, I can't keep up with it because it's so crazy, there probably always been this many false teachers in the world, we just didn't know about it because we didn't have access on computers and emails and all the social media platforms, we just didn't know.
But there are false teachers, swarms of them, so I want you to say no to false teachers, because they need to be avoided.
And what I'm going to do for kind of like an outline to say no to false teachers, where are the no men and the no women, there's a lot of yes men,
I want you to be yes men and yes women for the Lord Jesus, the real one, and no to any fakers when they try to come into the church, and smuggled in by probably people that have money, looks, cars, etc.
Maybe they come in scraggly old men, but who knows. Peter does not take false teaching lightly.
I think Peter would even know, okay, I, Peter, know what it's like to be the mouth person of Satan, I've done that before.
Get thee behind me, Satan, Jesus said to Peter, remember? Theology of glory, theology of the cross.
These false teachers are going to get it, it says in 2 Peter 3, their destruction is not asleep.
I mean, it sure seems like it. It sure seems like they're going to get away with it. They're getting away with it, but God's not asleep at the judgment wheel, is he?
Of course not. And therefore, in these crazy times, corrupt times, polluted times, you can trust the
Lord, and you can identify false teachers. It's not unloving to talk about false teachers.
It's not unloving to talk about the judgment of false teachers. It's not unloving to talk about the judgment of God.
Peter did it with Noah. I'd say that was judgment for everybody but those eight in the ark.
He talked about Sodom and Gomorrah. I think that's judgment for everybody except those few who made it out of Sodom and Gomorrah.
God did not spare, and therefore, also when it comes to us, he shouldn't have spared us, but he spared us because Jesus was not spared.
He spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, Romans 8 .32.
He knows how to judge, and he knows how to preserve, right? Noah preserved, and his family,
Lot rescued, and he knows how to rescue you in the midst of all the crazy false teachers.
And I think of the Lord Jesus as the teacher, come from God. These other people didn't come from God.
They weren't sent by God. John 13 .3, Jesus, knowing that the Father had given him all things into his hands and that he had come from God and was going back to God, rose from supper, laid aside his outer garments and taking a towel, tied it around his waist, and of course, then he washed the disciples' feet.
He came from God. He's going back to God. These false teachers, they're not coming from God, therefore, they don't have
God's message, and therefore, you better be careful. God sent his Son into the world, right?
Not to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. He sends his
Son. These people aren't sent. They send themselves, and they're going to say things that are going to be different than Jesus is
Lord, that he's the only begotten Son, that he's begotten of the Father before all worlds, that he's
God of God, that he's light of light, that he's very God of very God, that he's begotten, not made, that he's being in one substance with the
Father by whom all things were made. They're going to contradict these things. They're not going to say, do you know what?
For us in our salvation, he came down from heaven, was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the
Virgin Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate.
They're not going to say that. They're going to say it maybe, but have different vocabulary to mess everything up.
They're not going to say he suffered, was buried, and the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures and ascends to heaven.
They're not going to say that he sits at the right hand of the Father. Here's the main thing they're not going to say in 2
Peter, because 2 Peter's false teachers, they deny the second coming.
They deny judgment. And he shall come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead, whose kingdom shall have no end.
They're not going to say that. They don't want that. Their house of cards is going to collapse if in fact that happened.
God sent forth his Son. He didn't send these other people. And you want to follow them, you're going to go straight to hell.
They don't fear the Lord. They have no sense of real knowledge of salvation. They have no sense of shame.
They revel in the daytime and they are insatiable, they have no satisfaction.
They are bold, they are willful, they are like irrational animals, their wage is going to be suffering wrong, and they have eyes full of adultery and they entice unsteady souls.
Don't be duped by them. It's a crazy chapter. I mean, crazy good, inspired, of course,
God breathed, I'm not saying anything negative about it, but there are negative things in it. Get my drift?
There are negative things in it. Saying no to false teachers.
Avoid false teachers. No. No. No.
Verse 14b to 16, these false teachers, I want you to say no to them because they have no eternal perspective.
Say no to false teachers. Just say no. Some people don't know what that phrase came from, but that's okay.
Mask or casket, they don't know that one either. Today I think is the news where Trader Joe's, Costco, and Walmart, you don't have to wear a mask if you've been vaccinated.
Interesting, interesting days. Are they going to ask you, are you allowed to ask me if I've been vaccinated for MMR?
Flu, shingles, pneumonia, hepatitis, can you ask me?
Can you ask me if I've been vaccinated for COVID? What if I just say, yes, I'm vaccinated?
What if I just said, yes, I'm healthy? What if I just said, I'm not sick? What's going to happen?
Crazy and this chair that I'm on is sinking down. When I was sinking down, sinking down, what are you sinking about?
No eternal perspective. One of the reasons why I don't want you to follow the false teachers is because they aren't thinking about anything except now.
Is that a good way to live? Is that the proper way to live the Christian life? What's in it for me this second?
I won't think about the future. I won't think about heaven. I won't even really think about tomorrow. I won't think about payday one day.
Let's eat. Let's drink and let's be merry.
We're only going to think about today. We're not going to think about the second coming. La, la, la, la, la, la. I don't want to think about any eternal perspective.
Is it good for you to have an eternal perspective or do you want to just think now and now only?
I think you know the answer. They, 2 Peter 2 .14, have eyes or excuse me, hearts trained in greed, accursed children.
Forsaking the right way, they have gone astray. They have followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved gain for wrongdoing, but was rebuked for his own transgression.
A speechless donkey spoke with human voice and restrained the prophet's madness.
They're in it for today. They want everything now.
They don't want to be concerned with any kind of judgment or later or payday one day, divine layaway program, buy now pay later.
They want everything now. Then text says, do you see it in verse 14, they have hearts trained in greed because greed wants everything now.
Greed doesn't say, you know what, we'll save for a rainy day. No, no. I want everything right now.
And what Peter does is he uses this language of the gym. It's actually the word gymnasium, trained.
And they practice. They do lots of reps. They do lots of sets. They do lots of lifting.
They're training. They're at the gym every day learning how to be more greedy.
They're working out. They're working hard at it, dedicated followers. And what
Peter has done is move from a sexual license that the false teachers promote to just grabbing the money.
Now we call that money grubbing, doing not whatever form of licentious living of libertine living sexual money.
It doesn't matter. They are trained. They are, they are, I don't know.
They got their PhDs in greed. They did their doctoral dissertations in greed. And they want everything now.
They want their liturgists now, their mansions now, their compact centers now. The great theologian
Napoleon, everybody's a great theologian, either greatly bad or greatly good. Napoleon once said, quote,
I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world.
And yet they lay hands on everything they can get. Well, if the false teachers are saying there's no second coming, then they want everything now.
And by the way, maybe they even realize there might be a second coming, but they don't want to believe it.
And so if hell's going to be long, I might as well enjoy myself on earth. By the way, isn't that how people think today?
Those that really believe in hell like, well, I still can't believe in a God who would send people to hell.
And so therefore, I'll just live it up now. So sad. Peter says, accursed children, wow, wow.
You're going to get no blessing, no shalom, no peace, no grace, no mercy.
You're going to get accursed, damned. They're going to get it. This is not a benediction.
This is a malediction. This is children of curse. I don't think he's cursing them, but I think he's saying these people get the curse of God.
And in fact, they do. Children, bratty children, that is.
If you're ever around bratty children, just go to the airport and you can run into some bratty children.
I just think to myself always, a child that gets their own way like that, like hits their mom is a shame to their mom.
It's the mom's fault. I mean, the kid's responsible, yeah. But I mean, the mom, come on. Dad's letting a kid hit you in the face and they're three.
We're going to learn a lesson real fast when you hit daddy in the face, because you don't get your way.
This is crazy. Accursed children, they're brats.
They're just living for today. They have no discipline left to themselves.
All they think about is themselves, self -centered. These Hebraic type of statements, like accursed children, children of the curse, children of destruction,
Isaiah 57, children of wrongdoing, Hosea 10, children of wrath, Ephesians 2, children of light,
Ephesians 5, children of obedience, 1 Peter chapter 1. I think
Peter, the pastor, the shepherd is bugged. I don't think he's very happy with these people trying to come in, especially when they're seducing the new believers.
I don't think mature believers really fall for these false teachers, but there are some people that do.
Oh yeah, they say they're Christians, they teach from the Bible, and they are not really
Christians. They're an accursed brood. They're an accursed children. You are to avoid them. No. Verse 15, they forsake the right way.
Instead of following, oops, dropped my phone, following the way, the truth, and the life, they forsake that right way, and they've gone astray.
They don't want to have anything to do with anyone except going a different way. Let's follow
Balaam. If I were to say to you, Balaam word association, you should say greed, greed, getting things from people by doing the wrong thing.
They forsake the right way, and they, what, gone astray.
They've followed the way of Balaam, son of the flesh. It's an interesting, we don't really see that son of Beor anywhere, but I think it's a play on words.
He's just a son of the flesh. He's just fleshly. He loves gain from wrong doing.
He just thinks that's such a great thing to do. Jude 11, a parallel passage. These people abandon themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam's error and perished in Korah's rebellion.
The error of Balaam, greed, forsaking the right way. It's like they knew better, they had been taught, but they don't want to do it because you can't have your best life now if you're thinking of this judgment to come.
They know the narrow way, they know the straight way, they know the way, but they don't want to do it, and they're going to forsake it on purpose, not accidentally, but on purpose.
They're going away from the way of truth, chapter two, verse two. They're going away from the right way with right conduct.
They're going to the crooked way. The way of the wicked is crooked, perverse, iniquitous, who forsake the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness,
Proverbs 2 .13. This Balaam, referring to this man in the
Old Testament, it says in Numbers 31, caused the people of Israel to act treacherously against the
Lord, so the plague came among the congregation of the Lord. I want you to say no to false teachers, because they have no eternal perspective, and you ought to.
That is something that's going to be good for you in terms of eternal perspective, is it not?
You're going to look at the Lord and you're going to think, oh, first John, and when
I think about this great God who's going to return, and I fix my eyes on Him, there's a purifying effect for this gaze and thinking about eternity.
I mean, let's just stop for the next minute and a half and think about this. Dear listener, I'm assuming you're a
Christian. There's eternity. So what do you do today in light of eternity?
Well, today matters. One less day on earth, and therefore, I'm going to meet
God one day. Thankfully, I have a mediator, so I'm not going to have to stand on my own righteousness, but I'd like to please
Him. The Lord is coming back. I'm earnestly waiting for that. I'd like for Him to come back when things are going bad in the world.
We especially want Him to come back. Too bad we don't want Him to come back when things are going great in the world, right?
My daughter's wedding. Oh, if Jesus would come back right now, this would be great. It would be great, but sadly, that's not how
I think all the time. We need to be careful to surround ourselves with people who have eternal perspectives.
You know, bad company corrupts, and that whole thing is about the resurrection. First Corinthians 15, about bad company corrupts.
You hang out people that don't believe in the resurrection of the body? No eternal perspective? You are going to be smoked.
That's what's going to happen. It's crazy. Well, my name is Mike Abendroth, No Compromise Radio.
I'm sorry we only got to the first one, but that's just the way the NOCO ball bounces.
Thepactum .org, February 22nd. If you want to go to Israel, write me, mike at nocompromiseradio .com.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church, firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.